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/éire/ - Clone Army Edition

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Thread replies: 244
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Welcome to /éire/, the general for discussing Irish culture, current affairs and what parts of Connaught your great great grandfather allegedly owned.
My Dad almost got beat up in belfast once by two drunk irishmen who thought he was english, but they weren't sure because of his hard accent.

When they realised he was german they bought him a beer.

>Irish people are great.
If they are catholic and want to beat up englishmen they sound rather irish to me.

Wouldn't you say it takes dedication/stuborness to stay irish in that environment?
>Wouldn't you say it takes dedication/stuborness to stay irish in that environment?
Probably easier desu. More fighting between the two sides up there only further cements extremist nationalism. No one down here cares about the english that much.
What about muh potato famine and stolen Land?

>We lose so much Land and the english just keep their immora gains.

>Dr. Kenobi I'm Clone Trooper
>muh famine
Most people regard it as a natural tragedy that didn't involve England starving us.

>stolen land
We can't get the north back unless they vote to join, which is hard because most are used to life under Britain and don't want to risk anything. Of course people in the republic want a united Ireland but most live comfy first world lives and don't care that much about it. The UK's also our biggest trading partner and we're allied in the EU so the government isn't likely to take it back by force.

Is religion still a hot button issue? By that I mean Catholic and Protestant.

I'm going to take a guess that younger generations probably don't really care, but that is one of those Irish things I've always heard about.
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>I'm going to take a guess that younger generations probably don't really care
Pretty much this. Most Irish under 50 see the church as an outdated relic. Officially most people identify as Catholic but don't go to mass outside holidays (if even that) or Communions and the like. Plus the whole "raped kids" and "dumped tons of dead babies down a septic tank" kind of sour people's view on the church.

>Catholic and Protestant
I only know one guy from a protestant family and he's a massive atheist.

Well that is refreshing to hear.

And also how many people view the Catholic Church over here. Older folks are the only ones who really give a damn, maybe the odd younger one that is normally an ugly cock servant.

I grew up Catholic, but never really cared for it. I only go when a family member has something going on. Fuck going on religious holidays and such.
Only people I know who take Catholicism seriously are Polish immigrants.
>Most people regard it as a natural tragedy that didn't involve England starving us.
No they don't. People don't particularly care now but there is strong association of England with the famine in racial memory.
>Most people regard it as a natural tragedy that didn't involve England starving us
No idea where you're getting these from.
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IT HAS turned out fortunate for me to-day that destiny appointed Braunau-on-the-Inn
to be my birthplace. For that little town is situated just on the frontier between those
two States the reunion of which seems, at least to us of the younger generation, a task to
which we should devote our lives and in the pursuit of which every possible means
should be employed.
German-Austria must be restored to the great German Motherland. And not indeed on
any grounds of economic calculation whatsoever. No, no. Even if the union were a
matter of economic indifference, and even if it were to be disadvantageous from the
economic standpoint, still it ought to take place. People of the same blood should be in
the same REICH. The German people will have no right to engage in a colonial policy
until they shall have brought all their children together in the one State. When the
territory of the REICH embraces all the Germans and finds itself unable to assure them
a livelihood, only then can the moral right arise, from the need of the people to acquire
foreign territory. The plough is then the sword; and the tears of war will produce the
daily bread for the generations to come.
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And so this little frontier town appeared to me as the symbol of a great task. But in
another regard also it points to a lesson that is applicable to our day. Over a hundred
years ago this sequestered spot was the scene of a tragic calamity which affected the
whole German nation and will be remembered for ever, at least in the annals of German
history. At the time of our Fatherland's deepest humiliation a bookseller, Johannes
Palm, uncompromising nationalist and enemy of the French, was put to death here
because he had the misfortune to have loved Germany well. He obstinately refused to
disclose the names of his associates, or rather the principals who were chiefly
responsible for the affair. Just as it happened with Leo Schlageter. The former, like the
latter, was denounced to the French by a Government agent. It was a director of police
from Augsburg who won an ignoble renown on that occasion and set the example
which was to be copied at a later date by the neo-German officials of the REICH under
Herr Severing's regime.

In this little town on the Inn, haloed by the memory of a German martyr, a town that
was Bavarian by blood but under the rule of the Austrian State, my parents were
domiciled towards the end of the last century. My father was a civil servant who
fulfilled his duties very conscientiously. My mother looked after the household and
lovingly devoted herself to the care of her children. From that period I have not retained
very much in my memory; because after a few years my father had to leave that frontier
town which I had come to love so much and take up a new post farther down the Inn
valley, at Passau, therefore actually in Germany itself.
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In those days it was the usual lot of an Austrian civil servant to be transferred
periodically from one post to another. Not long after coming to Passau my father was
transferred to Linz, and while there he retired finally to live on his pension. But this did
not mean that the old gentleman would now rest from his labours.
He was the son of a poor cottager, and while still a boy he grew restless and left home.
When he was barely thirteen years old he buckled on his satchel and set forth from his
native woodland parish. Despite the dissuasion of villagers who could speak from
'experience,' he went to Vienna to learn a trade there. This was in the fiftieth year of the
last century. It was a sore trial, that of deciding to leave home and face the unknown,
with three gulden in his pocket. By when the boy of thirteen was a lad of seventeen and
had passed his apprenticeship examination as a craftsman he was not content. Quite the
contrary. The persistent economic depression of that period and the constant want and
misery strengthened his resolution to give up working at a trade and strive for
'something higher.' As a boy it had seemed to him that the position of the parish priest
in his native village was the highest in the scale of human attainment; but now that the
big city had enlarged his outlook the young man looked up to the dignity of a State
official as the highest of all. With the tenacity of one whom misery and trouble had
already made old when only half-way through his youth the young man of seventeen
obstinately set out on his new project and stuck to it until he won through. He became a
civil servant. He was about twenty-three years old, I think, when he succeeded in
making himself what he had resolved to become. Thus he was able to fulfil the promise
he had made as a poor boy not to return to his native village until he was 'somebody.'
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He had gained his end. But in the village there was nobody who had remembered him
as a little boy, and the village itself had become strange to him.
Now at last, when he was fifty-six years old, he gave up his active career; but he could
not bear to be idle for a single day. On the outskirts of the small market town of
Lambach in Upper Austria he bought a farm and tilled it himself. Thus, at the end of a
long and hard-working career, he came back to the life which his father had led.
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It was at this period that I first began to have ideals of my own. I spent a good deal of
time scampering about in the open, on the long road from school, and mixing up with
some of the roughest of the boys, which caused my mother many anxious moments. All
this tended to make me something quite the reverse of a stay-at-home. I gave scarcely
any serious thought to the question of choosing a vocation in life; but I was certainly
quite out of sympathy with the kind of career which my father had followed. I think
that an inborn talent for speaking now began to develop and take shape during the
more or less strenuous arguments which I used to have with my comrades. I had
become a juvenile ringleader who learned well and easily at school but was rather
difficult to manage. In my freetime I practised singing in the choir of the monastery
church at Lambach, and thus it happened that I was placed in a very favourable
position to be emotionally impressed again and again by the magnificent splendour of
ecclesiastical ceremonial. What could be more natural for me than to look upon the
Abbot as representing the highest human ideal worth striving for, just as the position of
the humble village priest had appeared to my father in his own boyhood days? At least,
that was my idea for a while. But the juvenile disputes I had with my father did not lead
him to appreciate his son's oratorical gifts in such a way as to see in them a favourable
promise for such a career, and so he naturally could not understand the boyish ideas I
had in my head at that time. This contradiction in my character made him feel
somewhat anxious.
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As a matter of fact, that transitory yearning after such a vocation soon gave way to
hopes that were better suited to my temperament. Browsing through my father's books,
I chanced to come across some publications that dealt with military subjects. One of
these publications was a popular history of the Franco-German War of 1870-71. It
consisted of two volumes of an illustrated periodical dating from those years. These
became my favourite reading. In a little while that great and heroic conflict began to
take first place in my mind. And from that time onwards I became more and more
enthusiastic about everything that was in any way connected with war or military
But this story of the Franco-German War had a special significance for me on other
grounds also. For the first time, and as yet only in quite a vague way, the question
began to present itself: Is there a difference--and if there be, what is it--between the
Germans who fought that war and the other Germans? Why did not Austria also take
part in it? Why did not my father and all the others fight in that struggle? Are we not
the same as the other Germans? Do we not all belong together?
That was the first time that this problem began to agitate my small brain. And from the
replies that were given to the questions which I asked very tentatively, I was forced to
accept the fact, though with a secret envy, that not all Germans had the good luck to
belong to Bismarck's Empire. This was something that I could not understand.
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It was decided that I should study. Considering my character as a whole, and especially
my temperament, my father decided that the classical subjects studied at the Lyceum
were not suited to my natural talents. He thought that the REALSCHULE
would suit me better. My obvious talent for drawing confirmed him in that view; for in
his opinion drawing was a subject too much neglected in the Austrian GYMNASIUM.
Probably also the memory of the hard road which he himself had travelled contributed
to make him look upon classical studies as unpractical and accordingly to set little value
on them. At the back of his mind he had the idea that his son also should become an
official of the Government. Indeed he had decided on that career for me. The difficulties
through which he had to struggle in making his own career led him to overestimate
what he had achieved, because this was exclusively the result of his own indefatigable
industry and energy. The characteristic pride of the self-made man urged him towards
the idea that his son should follow the same calling and if possible rise to a higher
position in it. Moreover, this idea was strengthened by the consideration that the results
of his own life's industry had placed him in a position to facilitate his son's
advancement in the same career.

He was simply incapable of imagining that I might reject what had meant everything in
life to him. My father's decision was simple, definite, clear and, in his eyes, it was
something to be taken for granted. A man of such a nature who had become an autocrat
by reason of his own hard struggle for existence, could not think of allowing
'inexperienced' and irresponsible young fellows to choose their own careers. To act in
such a way, where the future of his own son was concerned, would have been a grave
and reprehensible weakness in the exercise of parental authority and responsibility,
something utterly incompatible with his characteristic sense of duty.

And yet it had to be otherwise.
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For the first time in my life--I was then eleven years old--I felt myself forced into open
opposition. No matter how hard and determined my father might be about putting his
own plans and opinions into action, his son was no less obstinate in refusing to accept
ideas on which he set little or no value.
I would not become a civil servant.
No amount of persuasion and no amount of 'grave' warnings could break down that
opposition. I would not become a State official, not on any account. All the attempts
which my father made to arouse in me a love or liking for that profession, by picturing
his own career for me, had only the opposite effect. It nauseated me to think that one
day I might be fettered to an office stool, that I could not dispose of my own time but
would be forced to spend the whole of my life filling out forms.
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One can imagine what kind of thoughts such a prospect awakened in the mind of a
young fellow who was by no means what is called a 'good boy' in the current sense of
that term. The ridiculously easy school tasks which we were given made it possible for
me to spend far more time in the open air than at home. To-day, when my political
opponents pry into my life with diligent scrutiny, as far back as the days of my
boyhood, so as finally to be able to prove what disreputable tricks this Hitler was
accustomed to in his young days, I thank heaven that I can look back to those happy
days and find the memory of them helpful. The fields and the woods were then the
terrain on which all disputes were fought out.

Even attendance at the REALSCHULE could not alter my way of spending my time. But
I had now another battle to fight.
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So long as the paternal plan to make a State functionary contradicted my own
inclinations only in the abstract, the conflict was easy to bear. I could be discreet about
expressing my personal views and thus avoid constantly recurrent disputes. My own
resolution not to become a Government official was sufficient for the time being to put
my mind completely at rest. I held on to that resolution inexorably. But the situation
became more difficult once I had a positive plan of my own which I might present to
my father as a counter-suggestion. This happened when I was twelve years old. How it
came about I cannot exactly say now; but one day it became clear to me that I would be
a painter--I mean an artist. That I had an aptitude for drawing was an admitted fact. It
was even one of the reasons why my father had sent me to the REALSCHULE; but he
had never thought of having that talent developed in such a way that I could take up
painting as a professional career. Quite the contrary. When, as a result of my renewed
refusal to adopt his favourite plan, my father asked me for the first time what I myself
really wished to be, the resolution that I had already formed expressed itself almost
automatically. For a while my father was speechless. "A painter? An artist-painter?" he
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He wondered whether I was in a sound state of mind. He thought that he might not
have caught my words rightly, or that he had misunderstood what I meant. But when I
had explained my ideas to him and he saw how seriously I took them, he opposed them
with that full determination which was characteristic of him. His decision was
exceedingly simple and could not be deflected from its course by any consideration of
what my own natural qualifications really were.
"Artist! Not as long as I live, never." As the son had inherited some of the father's
obstinacy, besides having other qualities of his own, my reply was equally energetic.
But it stated something quite the contrary.
At that our struggle became stalemate. The father would not abandon his 'Never', and I
became all the more consolidated in my 'Nevertheless'.
Why is that shitskin bender Vradkar always on the radio? Is he a disc jockey now or what?
Don't think I'm getting enough iron in my diet lads.
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The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf, guild-master
and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in
constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now
hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a
revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin
of the contending classes.

In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a
complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold
gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights,
plebians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals,
guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in almost all of these
classes, again, subordinate gradations.

The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal
society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but
established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of
struggle in place of the old ones.

Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this
distinct feature: it has simplified class antagonisms. Society as a
whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into
two great classes directly facing each other -- bourgeoisie and

From the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang the chartered burghers of the
earliest towns. From these burgesses the first elements of the
bourgeoisie were developed.
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I'm 1/10th Irish.
so that Irish dude who loves Germany still posts on /int/
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The discovery of America, the rounding of the Cape, opened up fresh
ground for the rising bourgeoisie. The East-Indian and Chinese markets,
the colonisation of America, trade with the colonies, the increase in
the means of exchange and in commodities generally, gave to commerce, to
navigation, to industry, an impulse never before known, and thereby, to
the revolutionary element in the tottering feudal society, a rapid

The feudal system of industry, in which industrial production was
monopolized by closed guilds, now no longer suffices for the growing
wants of the new markets. The manufacturing system took its place. The
guild-masters were pushed aside by the manufacturing middle class;
division of labor between the different corporate guilds vanished in the
face of division of labor in each single workshop.

Meantime, the markets kept ever growing, the demand ever rising. Even
manufacturers no longer sufficed. Thereupon, steam and machinery
revolutionized industrial production. The place of manufacture was
taken by the giant, MODERN INDUSTRY; the place of the industrial middle
class by industrial millionaires, the leaders of the whole industrial
armies, the modern bourgeois.

Modern industry has established the world market, for which the
discovery of America paved the way. This market has given an immense
development to commerce, to navigation, to communication by land. This
development has, in turn, reacted on the extension of industry; and in
proportion as industry, commerce, navigation, railways extended, in the
same proportion the bourgeoisie developed, increased its capital, and
pushed into the background every class handed down from the Middle Ages.

We see, therefore, how the modern bourgeoisie is itself the product of a
long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of
production and of exchange.
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where did it all go wrong lads?

get a multivitamin, i use beeline effervescent tablets
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I don't love Germany, I simply respect and admire the attempts of one man to save Europe, and mankind.

Primary school for me.

I take them every morning but I've been getting tired in the middle of the day lately.

>I take them every morning

then you dont have an iron deficiency

summat wrong with brit lad?
Ur mum

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Thanks for the laugh lads
What are we drinking tonight lads?

Raw chicken juice here
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Men can never be free, because they're weak, corrupt, worthless... and restless.
The only person that's free is your mum.
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Are you sure you want to start something?
Please take back your people that came to my country. They are literally cancer.

t. Southerner
>t. Southerner
t. subhuman hun scot
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>t. Southerner
t. worst kind of american
Not really, no.

>worst kind of american
But that's Californian.
Pls, I'll pay you to take them back. Aren't you guys poor or something? I'll give you a free military base too.
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Thats true. The South is nice though. At least it isn't filled with pic related like the Northeast.
Get us the north so at least we could contain them somewhere.


Southern whites are the best, they save America from being left wing
southern whites are inbred backwards yokels
not all of us are, just most of us
Provide proof of your claims

Specifically the objective claim of them being inbred
Watching 40 year old Virgin

Too many parallels
Don't worry, none of us will live that long.
>The UK's also our biggest trading partner
No it isn't. We trade more with the US.

Britain is on the same level as fucking Belgium (7%).
I'm sourcing my facts from a miniseries set in the 80's that I can't remember very well.
no lol you weirdo
>not connacht
>Most people regard it as a natural tragedy that didn't involve England starving us.
plain untrue
Exports, only a little few billion the us is top

But imports it's the UK The top import origins of Ireland are the United Kingdom ($23.6B), the United States ($6.93B), Germany ($6.36B), the Netherlands ($4.28B) and China ($3.7B).
go away
You are a terrible poster

Fuck off Protestant
no idea
probably right before i moved here
You are my least favourite namefag.
my parents are atheists
fuck off lad
ur mam disagrees with that statement haha lad
Fuck off Yank

That water they have over in America is making you even more retarded
fluoride doesnt do much (still think it should be removed tho)
its hilarious how much of a plastic cunt he is despite having claimed to actually have been born here
how am i plastic?
>no reply
wew lad
Just stop posting and eternally fuck off
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stop ur mum haha lad
cold out
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selling glasses
Of what?
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When I went on vacation in Cork, my buddy told me that the best way to make friends in Ireland is at the pub. So I went to the pub and told the bartender to give everyone a round on the house on me. Next thing I knew, I had 20 new friends and we drank and sang sappy songs all night. Irishman are fun drinking buddies.
how much was that?
>this enraged by the accusation of being plastic
>not plastic af

Next year I'm going to Dublin. How should I introduce myself into a session? I play tin whistle btw.
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doing a poo lads haha
More Irish than Dublin.

Pick one, senpai.
You had your opportunity to have real culture and you gave it up.
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>i'm not from laois
is this shit makeuppable?
wew i never thought i'd have to unironically advise this, but
lurk moar m8
Why won't this namefag fuck off?
>below NZ

We have music, stories, ancient history, legends and architecture to set us apart. What do you have that's not from Norway?
>an argentine plays the same 5 euro instrument as me
wew lad
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>wew i never thought i'd have to unironically advise this, but
>lurk moar m8
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great heathen army.png
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>they both get their smartphones out and "bömp"(bump) them together.
>Actually believing that people would do this.

Anyways, pic related.
iceland didnt even have humans then and i think hes northern irish anyway
i'm sorry but fedora posting is really cancerous my man, just cool down and get a bit more of a feel for how people communicate with each other on this board and then join in.
Galdrastafur, Leifur Eiríksson, The Eddas

And volcanoes
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>i'm sorry but fedora posting is really cancerous my man, just cool down and get a bit more of a feel for how people communicate with each other on this board and then join in.
>Iceland didnt even have humans
Yes that's because our ancestors lived in Norway.

Are Americans really this retarded? brb
About 90 US dollars, but it was worth it.
yes i know you lived in norway
why are you trying to take claim for what the danes did anyway icelad?
>wasting 90 dollars
fuck off rich faggot
I'm actually really poor. I had to live off ramen and spam for the next week to make it
Good post
if you're posting like this you really belong in /brit/
pushed the gf down the stairs
well then youre silly
>paying to hang out with the lads
not really
bad lad
good lad
who are you? Are you the fella that did the marketing degree in GMIT and now lives in NY?
NUIG maybe I forget
nah that's me. my visa ended in september.

good memory.
what tunes can you play on it?
nah, never been to uni or NY
my mam moved here 3 years ago so i live here
one of the worst ideas she ever had tb h
frere jaques and hot cross buns probably haha xD
You're underage fuck off

Better go prep the bull for mammy she moved to NYC for a reason
It's tough to get in with the lads when you're basically a spaghetti explosion waiting to happen. Buying a round seemed like the most fun desu.
Ah right, how are ya getting on?

How old are you then? I dont care if youre underage.
im 18 kiddo
and im in chicago
my mam just went to ireland for a week and left me here to rot in this anglocuck hellhole some more
see above
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grand. moved to london, it's no NY but it'll do for a year or 2 til i'm eligible for a 20 month US visa.

>tfw dry january
how do you like new islamabad? ive got some cousins there. are the memes real?
i cant stand cities personally.
was it a fulfilling experience?
not him but there are actually very few pakistanis in london, relative to other cities.
I remember you saying something about Singapore, is that off the table now?
doesnt it depend on the neighborhood?

tune for tonight
yes but there is only like 1 or 2 pakistani areas, and they're in the outskirts somewhere.
Do you have an accent. A good friend of mine went to Chicago for 2 years and came back with an atrocious accent. Worse than any born and bred american accent.
trashd tb h
i have an irish accent yes. cant tell if its been mongrelized however
gimme somethin to read
isnt london like 50% nonwhite tho
Forgot Longford even existed
i forget anywhere in connacht exists except galway and mayo tb h

i prefer jew york but there's a lot going on in london and the whole 40 minute flight home and money/no need for a visa is great. the museums are great here also.


i think i may have mentioned hong kong, not singapore. that's a possibility but it all depends on the money. basically around september next year i have to choose between going back to NY, or spending 1 year in either HK or Taiwan, or maybe even somewhere else. not spending any longer than 2 years in london anyhow. did you mention that you were thinking of heading off or was that someone else?


i live in one, limehouse in tower hamlets. it's ok.
yes but its a hotchpotch of different races

i mostly see chinese people round where i live.
>tower hamlets
probably bangladeshis 2bh, not pakistanis.
Longfords not in Connacht plastic cunt
limehouse more like limeyhouse haha
fuck off
yes it is
good lad
you're right, i mix them up as they look similar.

not even!
Here you go:
I am a 'legal alien' currently living in the Imperial Homeland.

Ah I see, yeah London isn't a nice place lived there myself for a bit. Yeah that was me, I decided to stay here and started a 4 year B.Sc maybe I will go somewhere after that.
limeyhouse more like pakihouse haha
tfw live just over the river from you.
Excellent taste my friend.
le w40k face
the amount of times ive vocarood my accent
time to have gay sex lads

i work in richmond, it's some trek from limehouse every day. finding somewhere near clapham/wandsworth/richmond/putney etc. around my budget (£600-£700) is really tough. what's your area like?


mature student then assuming you were working in your previous field over in london?
USA Ireland grreatest allies. We will unite your country against their will. I just hope you don't the shape its in when it gets there
Apparently I referenced something? What county are you from?

In my teens I lived in London. But I am 22 doing this degree.

rent is alright because of the auspices under which i'm living in london, when i become a big boy i hope to live out hackney way.
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always get triggered when i hear how that's pronounced on the jubilee line
i thought it was w40k?
i dont know much about it tb h
i cycle 2bh

barely use the tube
Oh hell yeah. I'd drink a pint with any Irishman now.
i have no idea
So whats your story, you still in secondary school or are you NEET?

meant to be pretty dangerous around london, any falls?
last year of HS haha
dunno what then
dont wanna stick around america tho
University isn't on the table no?
yeah its dangerous but i don't love life enough to give a shit or wear a helmet or anything.

never fell or been hit, been nearly hit and had to tell taxi drivers and other cyclists to fuck off a couple times
not really. expensive, full of SJWs and not that useful
maybe apprenticeship
maybe trade school
>full of SJWs and not that useful
You can say that again, especially in the land of the free. I was reading about the whole mizzou controversy. Absolutely mad.
It depends on the degree though if you do something like gender studies sure its going to be a waste. Is there anyway you could get into uni here based on your grades in the US and have the government pay for it seeing as you are a citizen. But if youre going to pursue a trade have at it.
Fuming at the late late show

Talking about 1916

Stupid ulster birch trying to make her shitty state centre of attention FUCK OFF BUILDING BLOCKS UNIONIST CUNTS

Want to bash Ivan yate head in

Can't believe my TV liscence pays for this shite
im a fuckup grades wise haha
i fuckin hate telly licenses
load of shite
tb h the most american thing about me is my love of guns
Chicago has one of the highest gun violence rates right?
and strict gun control to go with it
one of the places where "assault weapons" (read: meaningless political term) are banned
>im a fuckup grades wise
ye tell you're a bit slow lol
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havin a dinner
im actually not dumb tb h
just lazy af when it comes to schoolwork
Poor Obama and his worthless executive orders. They do next to nothing to stop gun violence in any way.
its like tallaght or limerick or wherever. no one has handguns but ya still get shanked for a phone and a fiver

Molyneux has a great video on it.
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he's really disingenious

You have to admit his videos on current events to do with a race bating narrative are excellent.
About Mizzou? Yeah I watched it Molyneux has some good videos.
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indeed my fellow intellectual
then again i cant talk
i watch varg and filthy frank
dunno i just remember watching his video on some historical thng where he was presenting really distorted facts and telling me to hate my parents.
at least try to be likeable.

yeah his parent stuff can get a little mental


this is his mizzou video, pretty solid.
Oh the whole DEFOOing thing yeah? There is some controversy about that alright.
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>at least try to be likeable
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>live in boston
>live in irish ghetto
>everyone is a an alcoholic
>everyone in my family is a criminal
>the most successful people in my family tree was a conman and a safe cracker
>sold drugs in highschool
>go to ireland to visit family (galway)
>expect to see a bunch of drunken low lifes like boston
>its just a bunch of hipsters and some old people

why is the irish diaspora basically a bunch criminal alcoholics? even fresh off the boat people here are usually criminals and ira supporters. my family has only been here since korea and they have always been poor criminals.
whats this whole mizzo thing youre going on about lads
you have no idea how quickly homesickness sets in and how persistent it is
at least thats it for me
and then you become very hostile to anything anglo in retaliation
you understand this is exclusively a brit gimmick and the lowest common denominator of shitposting
poop swastika and hurt feelings
i have not met an irish person outside my family since i came here
just sayin how i feel
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Hey there! Whats up?

Please dont bring brit memes here, ok?
how will he live?
tb h i cant stop myself fedoraposting
other than that im pretty /brit/ meme free tb h
The Great Heathen Army was a coalition of Danes, Norwegians, and Swedes.

>Burger education
i dont care for saxon history
potato tendies
O.K. then
going to post the songs i'm listening to

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Posting haruka

Derry Martha's vineyard now blue jumper go

nuffin im sleepy, wbu
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same desu finding it hard to get to sleep tho
I'll stomp on your stupid head
Don't you fucking ignore me you sluts
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tfw dont have a leaf on my flag
dank dank dank

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Yaw-eeeah! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwholYaw1Pw
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cold out
oirish weddur
sun is out doe.. hopefully ill warm up abitt
on my way home now from dublin
aye, meself too. sixth time this week. in enfield service station now.gonna see can I get some food
dunno what the rest of the day ill do. just see how it goes.
talk tya again. bye.

But it's night time.
irish wedder tbs
i hate it I HATE IT
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night /éire/
guess ill shitpost more in the mornin haha
Honest question who is in this thread and not irish? If you are not Irish why are you in this thread?
Starting work at the Marco Pierre White steak house on Monday slightly nervous tbqh
Are you actually? Where's that btw?
I live here. ¯\(°_°)/¯
Yeah I am. It is on Dawson St. same side as Hoggis & Figgis
What's the position, waitress?
fry/sauté cook
lads i think im becoming a metalhead again
however, since i still love irish music, im listening to cruacha
My granny says Wexford families harbored downed German pilots during the war.

That true?
I'd be nervous too lad. Working in a kitchen, especially in a restaurant like that would be so much pressure to me. Good luck.
Thank you
fuck this normie general. literally every irish poster has had sex with a woman, many with multiple women. fuck off.
Stop being so insecure. Your sex life is irrelevant.

As if all your women weren't Irish slaves raped by Vikings...

I'm Norn Irish and I haven't....
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