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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 85

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Guam edition
>Guam edition
i need gains not boys
One comes with the other.
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watch some shows + 4chan
shower again
games + 4chan
games + 4chan

I've got a full day ahead of me
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sounds good
americans are all basically just dumb fat niggers
Anyone know what happened to /vg/? It looks unusually small

more work+4chan
come home
vidya until gf gets home
>shower again

bit superfluous
any of you guys into fart boxing at all?
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All the Jeb voters report here!

Another war won
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I'm disappointed by his performance. I did like him but he seems weak and whiny. And he seems to suck the corporations dicks which is sad, because it seems like they tread you like shit.
All I know is he is getting bullied hard by trump
vice is sensationalist nonsense and anything the put out should be ignored
I like him because he's the most conservative candidate.
>voting for a cuck who will let mexico fuck america

Yeah and he can't bring a good comeback most of the time. This "I have a lot of cool stuff to do" story was kind of awkward, too.


I can't say much about him. I have respect for his brother though.
This which candidate fits you test said Marco Rubio would be the one that comes the closest to my positions. But I don't like that he's not as strict concerning the muslims.
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I just called in sick to work.
seriously? no one?
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My face is swollen like you wouldnt believe
Can hardly see
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what happened lad?
Here you go lad.
bad post
anna kendrick for real
good post
thank you

Reminds me of Michelle Trachtenberger
Holy fuck boys, I tried going for a run today because I haven't in ages. I'm so out of shape. I came back and had to take a hit from my inhaler to stop wheezing.

I'm not gonna make it

Should I run every day or every other?
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How do I get a southern gf öike this?
Give back Guam
she's eternal anglo, be wary t b h

every other unless you are a really light runner. Moderate-to-strenuous running everyday can take a toll on everything from your joints to your immune system. Make sure you have good shoes as well, or you'll eventually fuck up your feet, shins, or knees.

My pace is 3-5 miles every 2-3 days. I'm about 150 and move moderately quickly and I find it works best for me, but everyone has their own rhythm
Go to the south
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Not usually a fan of emo, but I dig that guitar
Yeah I weigh much more than you. If I do like 1.2 miles 3 days a week I'll be proud of myself and not look like porky the pig at graduation

Michelle Trachtenberger is jewish and I like her better anyways. With jews you never lose.
Excellent taste.
Making curry. Little worried about the bamboo shoots I'm using though.

They aren't the best I've ever had.
I started running as an overweight asthmatic as well. Started off with short distances like you did, then when my lungs adjusted I did 10-20 miles every other day to lose weight, and now I've leveled off at my current schedule.

It's hard for us asthmatics at first, but your heart and lungs will expand capacity and function, and you'll find yourself with greater stamina. Keep it up!

Yeah, jewish/white women are awesome.
quality post
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>wake up feeling like shit and pissed
>now i just feel fucking awful and on the verge of crying

what the fucks happening to me
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Fully agreed Red Cross.
carry me
welcome to my every day

hopefully it's temporary for you
How much do you weigh?

Have you felt this way before?
too much to be easily lifted

I'll also accept being dragged
Do any of you guys personally know a successful scrawny lanklet?
As in a skinny person without much muscle?

Yes, I do.
Yeah a few times

jap skramz
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>You will never come home from work to this
>They will never dominate you and then bake cookies afterwards
Are you a girl?
>visit California
>it rains the whole time

Okay deal, I'll drag you.
thank you my digital friend
whats wrong anon
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every time I stand up I feel lightheaded and my vision disappears for a few seconds

Maybe it's just a depressive phase. I have this shit quite often. Prepare yourself as good as you can. If it's a false alarm, it doesn't matter.
I run around three miles everyday
this used to happen to me for about a year, and twice I fainted

then it stopped. I should have probably went to a doctor about it. Getting dizzy when you stand up is sometimes a low blood pressure thing though.
This used to happen to me too. I've also fainted because of it like >>53190239
Why does the rest of the world hate peanut butter?
>Battletoads is coming up in under an hour on AGDQ

Similar, it's because you have low blood pressure. I run about as much, it's because you move blood throughout your body with such ease, your heart doesn't have to work hard, it's healthy. Fat people have high blood pressure, because their heart struggles to Noice blood.
I've collapsed to the floor unconscious, only to immediately regain it. We're cases of the bad side effects of being healthy.
They're jelly
They do?

I don't like peanutbutter in general. Sweet peanutbutter is strange, we eat peanuts in a lot of salty versions, like flips etc.
Friends won't even go out for dinner with me on my birthday. Why even bother.
It's probably just not a common thing they ate and grew up with.
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Why does the Apple Store suck so much
At least you still have some people who you can call friends. Did you try rescheduling to hang out on a non-Birthday day but celebrate? If they don't even want to do that they're kind of shitty.
because it's a store that sells shitty products marketed and designed specifically for idiots who will buy anything because brand name
I should reschedule my birthday to better suit their needs?
You're not a child anymore so yes. Adults have schedules and it's autistic of you to expect people to bend their lives around yours because of a mostly irrelevant date and number.
But they are just smoking pot tonight, that is it. Dinner takes an hour. Besides, being an adult, they all said, "nah man". So why even bother.
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Long story
I guess this is what it feels like to be Asian
Not a fan
Looks photoshopped desu.

What did you dooo
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they must not be your friends then
>At least you still have some people who you can call friends
no he doesn't
Who do you support in Germany?
It seems all the parties want refugees.
Don't reply to my posts please
how could that possibly take more than two sentences to explain
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we told you about the ass bro
we told you
Thread theme
I should have listened

I support the AfD. But currently they have problems with hardcore rights fucking up their reputation. They are a relatively young party. They are conservative as the CDU used to be once. Often people call them populists, but they have a lot of former CDU members and they at least had capable people. I'd never say this openly here though because this equals social suicide. Only my closest friends know this.
>tfw you filter every flag but America and /int/'s quality improves 10000%
Can mosquitos bit cats?

I saw them filming this music video, I was in that area to see a Wilco concert and was wondering what it was. Didn't realize the guy was Bob Dylan
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>fell asleep listening to Goodnight, Travel Well by the Killers
>had a dream that my grandpa died
I've got nothing but time

T.work cuck
a wet dream right?
sick or got punched in the face?

Feels strange.
>tfw it hurts listening to this song because muh autistic obsession

Battletoads SOON friends.
With what?
idk for me I'm just gonna go play weeb cards with my friends because my family is busy

The state Nevada
>obsessed with Nevada
Why? Tell me about this. I feel like this could be interesting somehow.
Why do you like Nevada so much? It's much better to live in a neighboring state and just commute there if you want to see the nature and stuff
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Literal Semen Demon
Don't worry, desert people are coming to a German town near you
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Really fucking hungover lads
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tear that shit down
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pretty shitty feeling. i will still go out by myself, take a selfie and then go to hang out with these people to smoke some dope and lie as i gloat about how based my birthday dinner was just to go home alone at the end of the night and fall asleep thinking of an excuse to tell my boss why i wont work till after the weekend and spend it all alone. why? because its easier being self loathing then telling these people how ungrateful they are and to stand up for myself
>white civs declines in power
>asian civs rise in power
>they are prejudice to blacks all the same

If this sign was made 1000 years ago, it would probably be complaining about Arab men enslaving everyone north and south of them

:^| truth hurts man.


Muh open space, wild west feeling, open carry, ghost towns conservative government. Also they were anti syrians like most states. The people were nice and I really liked Carson City. I still want to travel to Reno. Also gambling is nice. I don't care a lot about prostitution, it's prohibited in Washoe county anyways. The nature is also interesting.
I guess I could have this in other states too, but it's difficult to explain.
It's like you fell in love with a girl that everyone warns you about, and you know she'll probably make you feel bad, but you still want to be close to her.
>History has proven you incapable of wise leadership

History proves nothing of the sort
Well if you have the skillz I'm sure our main man ICE will let you into the country.

Just very, very slowly
fuck off we're full
so who is emigrating to krautchan ?

That's the problem. I don't know if I have the skills. Some question to gain the citizenship are easy like name the last three presidents.
I'm also split in between leaving and staying at the university. My life is a chaos at the moment. I still hope I manage to get my shit together and get a degree so I can become a usefull member of the community.
>tfw occasionally getting range banned on /v/
what's with with all the euro flags in /cum/ lately
nation of immigrants, poor huddled masses, land of opportunity, etc

There's an other german here lately.
I'm almost always here. Than there's this girl who moved to sweden but is canadian or something.

*Then not than
Fucking hell.
>come to work ready to get shit done
>get shit done
>send work to boss, other writer for review
>no one replies
>now shitposting and watching speedruns

I tried /cum/

Keep calm. Have you wrote them that you want them to answer you? How long have you been waiting for a reply?

Come and play faggots, don't fuck up
I'm a copywriter for a state institution, everything we write needs to be reviewed multiple times to please everybody.

I've been waiting since 11am
>tfw grandparents died when young or didn't keep in contact
>all had pretty horrible deaths
what's it like having grand parents as an adult? I'm sad I barely got to know mine as a child.
Hi, AGDQ, do you have battletoads? :3

I don't know which state your in, so I also don't know what's the time at your place but that's strange. Have you tried to contact them again? Or is it not that important?
I refugee with the Russians when 4chan is down.
I just checked my schedule app and my boss and my project manager have meetings all day today.

Also, forgot that the other writer did reply, but she can't send her revisions until later (she's mother who works from home part-time)
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Do you not?
The flag of Guam is showing us what It'd be like to be born in Guam

I see. Does your state pay you well? I'd like to work for the government, too, if I get the opportunity and if I am qualified enough.
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Got back from the gym just as the Battletoads run is finishing

most government jobs don't have super high salaries but they give really good benefits
It pays well, plus benefits/vacation/sick days and shit. I just got my own office as well.

It's my first real job too, but I do want to move into the private sector in the next few years
He tried to do the bike section blindfolded.

Sorry buffalo.
/deutsch/ is only ever talking about refugees, how this country is getting cucked and being ironically leftist to confuse government workers monitoring what we post. I also might want to move to the US in the not so distant future, so there's that.
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Make me
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>being ironically leftist to confuse government workers monitoring what we post
At least the next runs is are 2 of my fav SNES games.
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>being ironically leftist
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I don't know if this anon is here, but I wanted to thank him.

A week or two ago I was complaining about my wifi being terrible, and some Anon recommended me this adapter that would pretty much let me plug it in using the wall.

Anyway, It got here today and my speeds have pretty much doubled, and my connection isnt constantly dropping. If you didnt tell me about this, id probably have to buy a new adapter that would fail anyway. So thanks.

Also, post internet speeds so this isnt just my personal blog
Same. But the interviews and HR departments look hard to get through.

That's good to know. I forgot you have this special prices for military members etc.
We don't have that, so the salaries are probably a little higher here.
Ted Cruz running for president
Canadians exerting their influence on us
Americans saying thank you in record numbers
he's joking, right?
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>Ted Cruz

It's true though.
Not the other german.
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Nice, glad to hear your speeds improved.
I pay $125/mo. for this, bleh.
It's probably like the Swedish thread where it's mostly trolling.
No. You lost it fair and square in that ass whooping.
I hate their whole "No cashiers" thing they have. If you want to check out you have to wander around looking for someone who isnt busy, which is impossible because retards flock to this place and not buy anything, just harass the employees. Every time I go there I regret it
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What do you guys typically keep in your bathroom snack drawer?

I currently have ketchup chips and swedish fish in mine
>out to b day family with dinner
>opening triangle shaped presents
>Open them
>the presents are all traffic cones
>what the fuck
>mom tells me it's because I'm a wreck
>whole family laughs
>Little brother places the cones around me and pulls out a hand held siren
>Whee whoo whee whoo
>everyone in the restaraunt is confused as fuck
funny meme

now what do you keep in your bathroom snack drawer, senpai?
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yeah but why would you want to buy something at the crapple store?
A poo poo platter
i suggest emancipation
I've tried, but I can't do that at 37.
I have to get back to my normal sleeping schedule.

Good night all of you.
>No cashiers
haha what?

making it difficult to buy things seems counterproductive. I went to a Microsoft store and they had cashiers but the employees were also waiting on me hand and foot. They were so helpful it kind of freaked me out.
Where's Guam?
night Germanon
Good night, anon.
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seriously guys, I'm curious what everyone else keeps in their BSD
My fridge is my snackdrawer, anon.
I keep food in the kitchen.
I went to get my grandma and sister gifts. They both love apple stuff.

Yeah, its retarded. Basically they have employees stand around, with credit card scanners attached to their phones, and the cashiere boxes with the money built under the displays.

So when you want to check out you have to wait for a free employee, and sometimes they just redirect you to another.
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i'm talking about for snacking when you poop
Crab legs. It was hard to fit my anvil in the bathroom though
just shit in your kitchen sink you degenerate
Tubes of uncooked sausage
ok you guys are clearly trying to troll me, i was just curious and you guys have to make it silly

>want to discuss things with foreigners, the purpose of /int/
>just get lame troll posts in reply

fuck these gay threads
You could pack up and git out of town if possible
I only stare at the wall when I poop, no reading, no games, no phone.

Zen poops are the best
You could beat the shit out of them lmao
>eating while pooping
>not immediately refueling so your tum tum will never feel empty
"Don't shit where you eat"
I do, nightly.
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I think he might hr autistic
Fantastic post
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what the fuck
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A car? what will that brilliant scientist think of next!!!
who is that and why does his father hate him
is this real? the fuck
>all this rain
someone post in my thread

California bro?
Someone watching AGDQ explain this save/kill the animals thing please.

It only made sense in the metroid game that actually had some animals.
Get comfy and ride it out
>in Seattle
>sunny as fuck
It's for metroid you dumb fuck there were two runs this year
I'm guessing either kill or save the animals you ride in DKC
Send lifeboats please.
giv back guam
No shit. I just said it only made sense in metroid. But they keep talking about it. Metroid is done. Thus I wonder.
We have multiple drains blocked in my area so streets are starting to flood. El nino has finally made it the lazy bastard.
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How's everyone feeling today? I love you all 2bh.
Look at the schedule for the second to last run
As you wish great khan.
How's Anchorage?
Is it depressing like in that Nic Cage movie?

Doing awright.
How are you?
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Holy shit, you're dumb.
I want to die as usual.
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Shitty. Fell asleep during my all nighter attempt and got food poisoning so I skipped class to sleep it off.
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the super metroid run
on the last day i think
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sad 2bh
Ah, my bad. I thought all the metroid stuff was done.
love you too.
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Pretty good. Going home in a few minutes to smoke a bowl and play some Bloodborne
Where at anon? Bakersfield is lookin like it might flood
I've been to anchorage during summer. It's a pretty nice place and the surrounding area is beautiful.
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My heart hurts but It'll be alright, it'll turn out alright.
How's Sweden looking today? Got any fun plans?

ktfb. Hang in there, you're a lovely flower and sometimes it takes a bit of sunshine for your petals to come out in the open, y'know?

Food poisoning blows. Hope you feel better m8. Stay hydrated, it'll help you not ache as much.

:DDD Breddy... Good.. :DDD

why anon?


I love both of those things, uber jelly 2bh. How's bloodbourne coming? Personally I only just got to Old Yharnam (fuck the hunters on top of the belltowers, they're so fast and that machine gun makes things SO annoying.)
sandy eggo
Not that anon but bay area reporting in.

I'm getting assblasted by the DLC. Haven't even gotten to Ludwig yet, so I've been exploring the Chalice Dungeons for upgrade materials and gems.

There's an alternate path so the hunter on the belltower won't attack you, but it does involve beating another boss
It's winter, there is no sun.

At night the city sky burns orange from pollution mixed with excessive lighting. It's disgusting. Just like this city, it's people, and me.
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Do you think you could live there?

>heart hurts
That's shitty, hope it gets better. It isn't any fun.

Sweden is looking beautiful. Loving the snow and the quiet. My plans for today are escapism and good music.

took this quiz https://www.findyourspot.com
and I am researching my top results
I'm going to be moving to Fairbanks which is more north than anchorage but yes, I would live in anchorage.
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is this true?
Whats it like being a girl
amazing games done quick ;)
nothing to compare it to
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Tfw this might happen again
like being a fag without a penis.
CIA is a dank poster, along with LMM
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>why anon?
thinking 'bout freedom

>My heart hurts but It'll be alright, it'll turn out alright.
What's wrong with your heart m8?

What kind of job will you be doing there?
I still love these shopped putin pics no matter how many times I've seen them
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boring games done at a mediocre speed*
can you treat it like snow and build a fort out of it?
I've heard the DLC is on a whole 'nother level compared to the main game. Are you enjoying it despite the difficulty at least?
Isn't there another hunter you have to fight to go that way though? There's one on the ground near a graveyard iirc and the one on the belltower. Both of them are way faster than any other enemy I've fought so far so it's been hard to adapt and beat them.

It's okay anon, I get where you're coming from. If there's something you want to get off your chest you can, I'll logically listen and not bash you for how you feel, promise.

Good taste

Yeah, heartache is nothing new, part of life and love 2bh.
Sounds like a good plan, what kind of music do you like?

>what's wrong with your heart anon?
I desire a relationship with someone who loves me as much as I love them, but it can't happen. I'm just in the process of moving on and getting over it, which makes my heart almost seem to physically ache because of how bad I want it.
What freedom are you desiring?
dkc2 is fun
Yeah possible now since it's freezing up there at this time
we take it to the next level and build house. It is how the adobe was born.
T.cia or lmm
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That took a long time to fill out, here are my results.
Interesting desu.
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>parents asking me again if I have depression
>sending me a therapy light for SAD

Fuck the winter buds
>Yeah, heartache is nothing new, part of life and love 2bh.
Seems like the theme of today

>Sounds like a good plan, what kind of music do you like?
I thought so too :3.

Usually a metalhead, but at this hour its either Retrowave or something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaKdUXOAiCI
>what kind of job
Its actually for uni.
After that I'll probably go into some buisness or engineering.
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>CIA and LMM boogeyman
>it's not at all possible that people like entertaining posters

frig off
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What did you prioritize?
>population 114

what is stopping it from happening?
Only real problem I see with living in alaska is high prices for shit like milk and stuff.
The website is kinda dumb:

The 2010 Census placed the city's population at 114,297,[7] making it the fifth largest city in Michigan. The population of its Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) was 464,036, while the even larger Combined Statistical Area (CSA) population, which includes Shiawassee County, was 534,684.

Still a nice size.
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They give you money for living there though, so it's probably a wash in the end
>usually a metalhead
Nice, I fucking love Swedish OSDM desu. Pic related is probably my favorite album from your Country.
Good song too, retrowave is fun.

Distance. She lives in NYC, and I can't leave state because I can't afford to live there with her and I'm on schedule to go to school here next year. Shit blows, especially since she used to live here and we had a wonderful relationship that only stopped because she was leaving.
Oh, and I prioritized public transport, and decent property prices.
That's all I can think of, everything else I just mindlessly answered.
Very true, but I heard you have to live there for two years before they start so you can't just abuse their system by doing something like living in Florida during the winter months
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forgot my pic
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The games themselves are fun. It's the runners that make them look boring.

Oh lol. Thought it was weird.

Not into hiking or outdoor activities?

Still, Oil money can make me feel like a norweigan.

Those guys are awesome. I saw them live in my neighbourhood. They played at a local music event organized by the nearby community centre.
Hiking enjoyable with a significant other, but other than that I'm not that into it.
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wew lads
My weeb shit finally shipped :3
Yuri time soon
If you want to immigrant and move to anchorage just do it, if it's what you want peruse it.
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Nah, I don't think Anchorage is what I really want in the US. Somewhere in Washington or Oregon would fit me better I think. Maybe Norcal.

I am just doing some prime escapism at the moment.
The Cascade area is also really nice. California as a whole is pretty dry and hot during the summer except some small areas, so if you don't like summer I'd recommend you stay north of the state border.
What kind of stuff did you order?
I just read this book, called the Little Lady of the Big House and it painted a very comfy picture of Norcal. Ranches and hills.

I thought the north of California was a bit more rainy?
It is more rainy but when it isn't it's like the rest of the state.
r8 my results

>What freedom are you desiring?
Any kind of freedom. We don't really have a lot of that here.

What are you going to study?
damn that flag look like...

gynecologist knows this view

Steamboat Springs is really nice, although fairly expensive.

Definitely a nice spot to visit
I'm still working that out. Probably something in their buisness department or engineering. Knowing it's Alaska if I go engineering I'll probably go petroleum or mechanical
god you're stupid
Sounds like a perfect combination desu
Some blu Rays and manga
>blu rays
Good on you for paying for it desu.
I only own 1 anime series (Gundam Seed).
They're just usually SO expensive, doesn't help that I don't have much money either lmao.
California really pampers when it comes to weather almost all year.
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>white kid makes his own nuclear reactor in his backyard, a NUCLEAR REACTOR

>muslim kid puts a clock in a suitcase

His production skills are very meh but goddamn the networking you could do with him.
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What the fuck does this even mean
the USA sucks
I'm so immensely triggered right now
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how does somebody just up and make a nuclear reactor in your backyard?
meany jerkface!
frig off dyke

usa sucks
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The Canadian dollar is really bad.

dude weed lmao
I am a swede tho
n-no! stop it!
farnsworth fusors are stupidly easy to make and there's DIY instructions online, you just need your daddy to buy you the equipment
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who /NFLWildCardWeekend/ here
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The Canadian Dollar is like Canadians.

Weak and getting weaker.
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stop ;___;
i want to buy some clothes but it is so expensive
Sorry i was late to the party
sup man
lately i'm been downloading so much porn. mainly h-games and pictures and doujins. even bought two ona-holes (and lube) despite expensive shipping. and changed my desktop to rotating porn images.

i think somethings wrong with my desu
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Just go naked
fuck off proxy fag
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go where?
pls stop buying oil from people who want to kill you and buy ethical oil from canada
what clothing can't you get in canada that you have to order online?
Want this one, plus it supports my favourite youtube show.


new thread
Pretty shittyfor my birthdy. Everything I wanted to do has been shot down. Went dfor lunch and mother wanted to buy me a coat for my bday. She got distracted and ended up buying me underwear now I have no winter coat. I am just going o stay in my bed alone in my apartment now and just wait. Wait forsomething. I dont know what to do anymore. I hope I dont live past 40
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somewhere with a camera of course!
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time for a tourism
would it be wise to just follow the west coast up to alaska? seems like a pretty cool roadtrip

u need 2 purify urself in the waters of lake minnetonka
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>/cum/ /Balt/ + /AUSNZ/
<he doesn't understand the difference between name and subject

le newfag detected
how about you go to sllep ya little babby i bet youre not even an adult you little kid faggot get bck to LE REDDIT idiot haha or is TUMBLER more fitted to your shit taste oyu liurlw kiddie fucker faggot hahaha america more like dumbmerica
Was Black Friday sale so shit was almost affordable
Does anybody have the GIF where they build the suitcase clock and there is a ISIS flag in the corner?
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