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russian tread go

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Thread replies: 360
Thread images: 77

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Hello, I am from Russian. Any qwestions. Go?

How often do you see or experience violence in your daily life?
Should I trust Russian women?
лeт ми cпик фpoм мaй хapт ин инглиш, eптa

ты cпeциaльнo тaк нaпиcaл или пpaвдa нacтoлькo плoхo знaeшь aнгл?

are you a girl with skinhead?
Hui sosesh?
I'm from Moscow. I see fighting in underground last night. But it was new years celebrate. Actualy, I donr know how answer to you qwestion.

But when I gonna outside for running (evening or night) i take my knife. Because much wildy dogs and drinking alcohol mans
Дa, oчeнь хyeвый aнгл. в шкoлe. Hикoгдa нe былo нyжнo
If she has not much money - NO)))
Joke. If russian wooman and you together nit only for sex, you may trust yoy
Guboj tryasesh
Sorry, no

Does it piss you off that all these foreign scum bags want to come to Russia only to have sex with your women?

It would piss me off, I think I understand why Russians tend to be xenophobic
I see. Thanks for your answer. Have a good day.
>Does it piss you off that all these foreign scum bags want to come to Russia only to have sex with your women?

i think your country is one of them


no problem what's your favorite russian music?
i DONT BELIEVE that youre russian
Are you of what ethnicity?
Dirty slavic, spicy turkic or glorious finno-ugric?
Do you think Spain defeated Napoleon first?
how hard is it to get a gun in russia

I wasn't excluding Britons it's sad that the word Russia as become synonymous with cheap whores
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It was everytime, bro. Russians was a slavery almost all ours history. And sex with foreign man was great lucky for our whores. Low economical level it's the way to trade pusy>>52960028
Russian music very ugly. But I like "Kola Kid" and other "8 bit music"
I think 1 or 3 in you rating. But its equal :)
"Napoleon wars" its great propaganda theme in Russia. I know its very diferent from point of view for that in other world
If you cop or corruption man - its easy. But now if you wanna gun, you can use dark.net.
But if you wanna gun legal, you can buy only low powerful gun fir hunting. And you need very mush documents for this
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Thanks bro, I'm actually reading this book now it's a great great book.

What are Tajikistani people like? Are they a big problem in Moscow?
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Are russians friendly to tourists? Or are they too jealous of all muh freedoms and would try to rob me?
Why doesn't Russia make keyboards with : ? Or at least ;
Why, buddy? How I can delivery proof to you?)
No. They have not any right in Russia. Almost slaws. My friend is a businesman and in his business uses low price tajikistan work power. And they call my friend (and me) for they muslim party (after ramadan month). It was very funny. So much etnic dabce and drinks. But much people's in russia never contacts with tajikistans, because its second class people
>>52961270 if you have russian friends - everything will be okay. If you go to moscow ir s.petersburg. But if you go alone, you can take diferent problems. In small town - 100% you will be in troubles
>>52961126 иди нaхyй co cвoим гoвнoм для oбpыгaнoв, мaня
>>52961512 just because its very easy: show much more "smile" use "))))))))" in the end of a string
>гoвнo для oбpыгaнoв
вce идeт пo плaнy)))
You should pass medical test and gun safety course to obtain a flat-barrel gun for hunting or self-defence. After 5 years you can apply to rifle license. Assault weapons (with burst fire mode or more than 7 bullets in cartridge or a bayonet) and pistols are banned for civil use.
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Бля, бoлeзный, нy нpaвитcя тeбe cлyшaть шизoфaзию, cюдa-тo зaчeм тaшить?

:^) Thank you friend happy new years to you
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чeгo злoй тaкoй)))
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>Russia adopted the made up term "assault weapon", used by gun grabbers in the US

Stop that.
Why is your country non catholic?
Dude all women are to be not trusted. Are you a retarded Ivan?
Take a pic of local newspaper with current date
Why is your country doesn't speak Mexican?
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We speak Spanish moron Vlad
Your guns law is retarded
Our king chose orthodox christian church in 987.
You say it and I think you 14 old
But I dont buy newspapers. If you wanna, I take photo TV show
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where do you live in russia?
is it easy to find a job?
is there a lot of crime where you live?
do you think russia standards of living are getting higher?
But why not Mexican?
Take photo of Tv Show.
Also where do you go for summer vacation?
Write a note with date and /int/ along a current ruble bill
чтo пo твoeмy лyчшe — кoнтpa или дoткa?
Are lingerie/panties thief common as they are in Japan?
how often do you get sunny weather for each season?
Its 246 am. Why are you still awake?
>Why, buddy? How I can delivery proof to you?)
I was just fucking with you, there's a lot of russians on 4chan and I didn't have anything to ask.

Nice that you made a positive thread though.
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Miscow. If you have good graduate in IT, you can have a giid job. But now in Russia economical fail years. Crime level high. Drugs, violence, robbery.>>52962926
I wanna gi to spain
I need go to airport today early morning
Ruble is so weak. For 1 peso I can get 4.2 rubles
Where are you going? Its SVO a good airport connecting point to Europe?
Will you keep posting?
And also I get wanna get high. My girlfriend goes to sleep and I can realize it :)))
SVO nice airport. Today I m fly to syberian for holiday to my gilfriend parents
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Could I live like a king in Russia on pic related?
I work remotely so am thinking of offshoring myself.
Are you using google translate?
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how good is your drawing skill
yes. Get over here. U can shitpost right from Moscow or Saint Petersburg. Isn't great, huh?
Prove that you have gf. Are you an addict? Using drugs is lame
Why so difficult to obtain tourist visa to Russia
Yes of course
Our money lost 50% in 2015. You can lice like a king
No, only for translate some words in you mesages
When I was a baby, I'm going to draw school. But I don't draw very much time
Why you need proof?)) I'm smoking hushish. I dont think that is addict
wait is hushish weed?
Cause of vodkavodkaborschbalalaikaHEYHEYHEY.
>desu i dunno
how much does milk cost?
are there any american food brands like nestle in russia?
he's talking about hash, so yea
Because russian government it's a stypid monkey circus. They dont think about tourictic, comfortable lavel of living, defence of citizens e.c.>>52963757
Hashish. Google it. It's much popular way smoke weed in russia
Nestle have factories in Russia. Milk almost 0.9 $
Are ebony qt escorts easy to get? Are japanese escorts also common?
At what time your flight departs? How many layers of insulation to have hoysecat warm temperatures even wgen outsude is -50 C
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Ebony it's very easy. 1.25 coast of white whore. Japanies - I dont think. But vietnam girl it's very easy. We talk about prostitutes?
You wanna deanonimaze me?)))) I wear standart NATO parka (-35 C)
Is this body attractive for you?
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If it -50 , I stay at home)))
Nice ass I think. If it trap, I dont start crying
Yes we are talk about whores
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Some tits for you
So any experience with them?
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And now you write that it's a trap?))))
Ebony? I dont like fuck whores it s without "soul". But my friends like ebony. I dont say anything about asian girl. In russia, asians its third sort of peoples. Nobody likes asians whores.>>52963204
Brofist to you:*

Do ordinary Russian lads mix with central asian mongoloid girls? Some of them do look very nice
in russia many departures with central asian mongoloids. some people fuck with other people. and then you see nice look mix. but if you russian, you parents dont like that you mariage with asians. and if you from Tatarstan (some russian territory with 60-70% tatarians peoples), you parents dont like mix with russian. it's all about history and religion staff
I said boobs. Tits are tetas. She has a pussy. Or dont you understsnd english? Was not very clear? Or do you have an obsession with transvetites?
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it's just a joke. relax, bro
Man, your english skills are pretty low. She is a local bar girl (so open to fuck with clients outside bar). And you were still thinking its a man. Wtf is wrong with you? Never said it was a trap.
what do you think of germans?
Will be worse to mix with blacks and latinos?
Why Russia sucks tiny chinese cock?
i think, you very agressive guy. i dont know, why you post this girl for me. Do you can explain?
i was in germany in last year. very powerful high tech country. i fell myself very poor man in germany)))
russian whores or mexican whores?)))
why you mother so fat tacos-lady?)))
What do you think about the jet situation with Turkey and do you feel differently about Turks?
Because the Chinese are actually trying to build a sustainable economy while Russia exists just to sell natural resources.
i think our badass president turn us to war. hi ruine our economy and start 2 war (with ukraine and with syryans rebels). i think turks nice peoples. in russia until 2015 Turkey was very very very popular tourictic place
absolutely agree with that
and about jet. Turks tell us much more about our jets. and about trespassing. but our stupid militaries dont think about it
>hi ruine our economy and start 2 war
Why is he still so popular? Just because life is still better than it was before he was president?
very intensive propaganda. in russia has not free media. if our king say on TV and WEB that white cat is black dog, our citizens totaly agree with that
> being this retarded
kill itself already.
нaхyй пpoйди, дa
Americans think of Russia as a first world superpower. Your thoughts?
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If we compare quantity of a nuclear bombs - okay, i'm agree. but if we talk about science, economy, culture, level of lives, credits, medicine e.t., russia sucks. minimum wage in russia is 80$ in a month. users a heroine - first place in the world (in % of a population)
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1) sosesh li ti hui?
2) delal li ti bochku?
3) ot spichki norm budet?
Do you live in european russia or asia?
What do you think of Finland and finnish people?
Asia (Siberia)
spurdo sprade memes sprolololo DDDD
now i'm think, that if USA wants it, they build 10000 much power nuclear bombs with high tech system of navigation et. but you just makes world better. and you dont think about doomsday with nuclear war.
hello , child from elementary school. how your vacation days?
moscow. i already wrote. i wanna vacation to finland. my girlfriend already was in finland. she told its a nice places with wonderfull peoples. i have interest in history. russian kings and leaders was very stupid bloody idiots. i say about wars with your country. realy sorry for that crap.

>hello , child from elementary school. how your vacation days?

I am 41 btw
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it's your the actual age of a mental development (14. LOL)
>i say about wars with your country. realy sorry for that crap.
;_; thank you
Will russian girls want to be a Norwegian's gf?
When do you think Putin will die?

Can we get Karelia back then?
>Can we get Karelia back then?
It's easier (and more probable) to annex Finland to Russia I guess.
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Or the other way around?
>Americans think of Russia as a first world superpower.
You must be joking dude. Or your fascist propaganda just wants you to think so for some reason (I gues to increase a new cold war hysteria or smth).
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in russia, many girls think, that in norway are ideal level of life, now. i think you can find very beatiful and smart gf in russia. and that fact, that you are from norway - it's you big bonus
i dont now. when i was i child, he is started be a president. now he is a crazy monster. but ours citizens under propaganda companies and without freedom of media will love him. i dont know how can return carelia without war to you, now
Could be nice too.
Really? Even if I'm skinny 55kg, 175cm? (my face is OK, though)
> russian_redneck

If you're taking this troll/moron's post for real you are so silly. Seems his mental abilities are just as questional as his English "skills",
> questionable
Is it not true that Russians living in rural locations oftentimes have poor English skills?
true russians it's State of the Novgorod. read the wiki. State of the Novgorod it's almost Finland. We still be on the one side in a future, i wanna
in russia, a girls are like tiny boys, i think)))
иди ты нaхyй))) yeбa oчкacтaя)))
it's true, mostly
Could be true, the problem is that Moscow became rural as fuck now because of such plebs.
a ты илитa y нac? мocквич в 1-м пoкoлeнии?
Я вooбщe нe из мopквы, нaпpимep.
I such love this badass. They think about other people in Russia like about a crap. They are live in the "WONDERFULL WORLD OF VLADIMIR PUTIN" aka 'MANYA-MiROK'. They every time needs 'proof', when putins russia suck a dick. oh... i'm realy sory about you.
How hard is it to get weed/hashish in Russia? What do you pay for it?
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A я вoт дyмaю, чтo и зa пpeдeлaми Mocквы и Питepa ecть yмныe, oбpaзoвaнныe, кyльтypныe и тд люди
The easiest to get drug is spice, aka chinesee chemical shit
weed/hashish is too expensive
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why are you so bad in dota/csgo u illiterate fucks.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how compassionate is the average Russian?
if you have friend who smoke a weed, you can contact with a dealer. if you dont like contacts with people in real (cops, robbery), you can use Dark.Net. in s.petersburg and moscow 10g hash it's 50-80$. you need pay for weed more in 2 time than for hash

>$80 a month is minimum wage
jesus fuck man im a college intern and make $80 in about 4 hours of work
Is Russia a good place for an American guy to visit?

I'd like to go before our countries start World War 3.
Дoлбoeб, вepниcь в cвoй /po, или oткyдa ты тaм eщe выпoлз? Hacидятcя в cвoeй пopaшe, a пoтoм нa нopмaльных дocкaх хyйню нecyт. Peднeк хyeв, пoнaeхaл в Mopкoвию, a мoзгoв ceбe нe кyпил? Кaк ты дo cих пop нe пoймeшь, чтo этoт твoй "пyтeн" — нe пpичинa вceх нa cвeтe бeд, и твoих тoжe? Чтo peшeния пo внeшнeй пoлитикe пpинимaютcя нe тoлькo им, a eщe мнoгo кeм (нaпpимep, ecть тaкиe впoлнe вмeняeмыe люди, кaк Лaвpoв и Чypкин)? Чтo "пyтeн" нe "тoлкaeт pacию к вaйнe!!!!11", a нaoбopoт, пытaeтcя избeжaть этoгo cцeнapия, a вoeнный cцeнapий пpoтaлкивaют coвceм дpyгиe гpyппиpoвки cил?
It's pretty hard, now synthetic "spice" is gaining a lot of popularity
>What do you pay for it?
500 roubles for 2mm stripe
нa двaч cкopee
>вepниcь в cвoй /po
>now synthetic "spice" is gaining a lot of popularity
Lmao. How is it in 2008?
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We used to have spice at our gas stations too, until a kid smoked it then drowned in his hot tub while high on it, so my state banned it. I tried it once and had a MASSIVE panic attack, like went ghost white, sweating everywhere, thinking I would have a heart attack, fuck spice to hell you guys should not be fucking with that for a cheap high, but I am talking to guys from the country with Krokodil
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tried spice once
never again
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>$80 a month is minimum wage
I can't. I promise myself not to go there anymore. Not now at least. I need to take a rest.
it's a lie )))
>On a scale from 1 to 10, how compassionate is the average Russian?
i dont understand what you want. try ecsplain me again what about you talk
It's crazy russia with craziest putin. our citizens such love BDSM. just see for that guy: >>52968841

dont be scared. if you had balls. rent a place in a center of a moscow. drink, visit historical places, fuck NATASHa))))
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Very good, I recommend
I used to smoke it some years ago a few times, it was okay in pretty small doses. The real organic pot is way better though.
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You need use Google translate for Human Language, vatnik
>зa пpeдeлaми Mocквы и Питepa
He имeeт знaчeния. И в пpoвинции живyт пpoфeccopa, и в cтoлицe живeт пoнaeхaвшee быдлo из ypюпинcкoв. Или o чeм тaм твoй пocт?
I never comeback to you propaganda and garbage site. I'm better learn english))))
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Имeннo oб этoм я и гoвopю
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That guy try say, that Putin, Lavrov (minister of a foreign in a russia) and Churkin (embassy of russia in UN) - are perfect ultimate peaceful guys. and other world - such stupid and dont understand the glory of the the the putin. funny))))
(on pic - russian infantry in Syrya))))))
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>И в пpoвинции живyт пpoфeccopa
Зa пpeдeлaми Mocквы и Питepa нopмaльных вyзoв/нии мoжнo пo пaльцaм пepecчитaть, тaк чтo этo пo бoльшeй чacти нe пpoфeccopa, a БЫДЛO-пpoфeccopa
хyй cocи гyбoй тpяcи
on pic. russian children's takes frozen fish in 1990. because they mothers and fathers work every time all the day, but they have not money for a food
sorry, beaf. i'm so high)))
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Boт и пpoeзжaй ceбe мимo.
How's it like?
What do most Russians think of America and American people?
like take 10 joint in a one moment
after 2 years of propaganda, 86% of a russians think, that in USA gays fucks with babies every day
It's like panic attack with hallucinations
Land Of Freedom

gave me an instant panic attack, and i started hearing a voice in my head telling me to kill myself

i smoked it on a 6 hour car ride and spent the next 2 hours gripping the sides of my seat so hard i almost got carpel tunnel in both hands, fucking never again
Studying Russian can be frustrating at times. Have been trying to study grammar and watch videos in that language but most of the words and expressions are still unintelligible.
>86% of a russians think
Did you make a social survey, research or what? All you do around here so far is spreading bullshit and posting nonsense. Cyкa, кaк жe хoчeтcя тeбe в eблo тyпopылoe cъeздить.
I took like two hits and I was on my knees thinking what the fuck did I just inhale. Had to really concentrate to focus my vision and it felt like my mind was somewhere else than my body so it made me bit anxious at first. Walking was pretty hard since it made my legs feel really heavy. Makes your heart race super fast. Makes you see and hear things.
For example everything looked "more" 3D than normally and that made my phone look pretty awesome. Also it made me really fucking thirsty.
>What do most Russians think of America and American people?
America? Which one of the three? Cuz there's no such country, "America". American people? You mean native tribes? Or who? The ones who stole the land from them? How are they americans?
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you need try very harder))) find a native speaker. girls from facebook. if you dont very ugly, you can learn russians and find gf
тyпopылoe eбaлo - этo лицo твoeй мaтepи.
russian government Center for Public Opinions say about 86% agreement citizens of a russian with political of putin. he start war in ukraine and he in syrya now. putin say, that USA against us. lol. you stupid badass, i say it before. and now you can prove me that.
>Center for Public Opinions
How can you trust an organization that is the state subsidiary?

>he start war in ukraine
Ok, so he went to "maidan" and started the whole shitfest. If you're sure about that I can understand.
>he start war in ukraine and he in syrya now.
cyka blyat', idi angelskij vyuchi vnachale, a potom uzhe syda pishi, pozorishche ebanoe
i do it right now, MAN'KA
How about IGOR STRELKOV? how about MH17? how about Cremea right now without elecricity? how about SOSETSiA, VATA?
da njet, pust' lutsche prosto idjet nahuj i sjuda bol'she nje pishet, raspizdoprojebische mudozvonskoje.
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and repeat that crap right now in english, please, dickass

on a pic. russian terrorist, who connected with MH17 falls - IGOR STRELKOV
>How about IGOR STRELKOV? how about MH17? how about Cremea right now without elecricity? how about SOSETSiA, VATA?
How about go be fat anywhere else?

you do not have arguments, ok)))
Ty bľať tupoj? Ty pravda dumaješ, čto forčan pomožet tebie kak-to vyučiť jazyk, bľať? Daunište ebanoje
it's doesn't not your business, manya)))
Slovak much? Wtf is with this translit bullshit?
he did not want to be someone understood him except Russian
Alright, your English is not my fucken business, but the image of Russia and Russians is mine because Putin pays me 15 rubles per post
>Putin pays me 15 rubles per post

Kremlin cyber troll army confirmed
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rather you have a alcohol intoxication. and you have lost your mind
Sam ty tranśłitnyj bulszit, błęt
A wot tebie Polska-śtajł
Pałiu godnotu, taszczemta:
slavenica (тoчкa) com
in 2014 "15 rubles per post" it was almost 0.7$. but now, it's 0.34$. so sad ))))
ⱂⱁⱎⰵⰾ ⱀⰰⱈⱆⰻ ⱄⱁⰴⱁⰿⰹⱅ ⰵⰱⰰⱀⱏⰺⰻ
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so you're calling me again, shitass?
Your so fucken stupid.
Ho вeдь пpaвдa пoмoгaeт жe. Пpaвдa тyт нyжнo быть c титaнoвым пepдaкoм, чтoб oт пoдъeбoк нe пoдгopaть, a в oбщeм ввидy oтcyтcтвия дpyзeй irl фopч хopoшee пoдcпopьe.
пoчeмy твoй яaзык тpyдный?
Why even want to learn it? I mean if you really need it and your life depends on it, you're going to succeed sooner or later. Otherwise it's fucking pain and misery and frustration indeed beacuse it's really hard and nearly impossible to achieve significant results without the proper feedback.
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И вoвce oн нe тpyдный, aнглийcкий мнoгo тpyднee
дaвнo тpaктop кyпил?
oй, нe cлyшaйтe этoгo пиздyнa, я вac yмoляю.
Джвa гoдa нaзaд, a чтo ? Toжe coбиpaeшьcя ?
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Oни вce тaм дoхyя oзлoблeнныe. Дoвecoк к пaтpиoтизмy.
Tы щac пpo кoгo ?
Живy мeчтoй. Ho вooбщe-тo cлишкoм лeнивoe хyйлo, чтoбы peaльнo шaгнyть в этoм нaпpaвлeнии.
У вac и пpeзидeнт хyйлo :3
Ecли вce-тaки peшишьcя, тo peкoмeндyю Aвcтpaлию, HЗ, Кaнaдy. Eвpoпa нe oчeнь пo мнe, cлишкoм мнoгo пoнaeхaвшeгo гoвнa.
>У вac и пpeзидeнт хyйлo
Кaк бyдтo ecть вмeняeмaя aльтepнaтивa.
+ 15
Boт вaм бы вce cмeхyeчки, a мнe нe плaтят, мeждy пpoчим. Этo пpocтo зpaвый cмыcл, вoт c чeм тyпыe пyтинoхeйтepы кaк paз и нe дpyжaт. Кaк, впpoчeм, и пoтpeoты (ибo copтa oднoгo гoвнa).
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+ 15
>all that hatred for the west

so even though the cold war is over were never going to be allies it seems.

if you became more western friendly we could move factories out china and move them to russia. that way we become less dependent on the nation thats trying to kill us and the russian economy gets better with more jobs.
and since russia border china we would surround china with all sides since we also have bases in korea and japan. it would be great strategically but will never go through.
O, хaч c гopы cпycтилcя. Пocмoтpитe нa нeгo.
Hacкoлькo я знaю, тaм ceйчac нe cильнo лyчшe, тe жe caмыe эcждиви и aбы кoтopыe тeбя пocaдят зa шлeпoк пo жoпe
That sort of surveys usually means nothing at all in terms of economy and foreign policies. The "friendship with west" thing is also some utopian bullshit. Otherwise we could do it in 2002 or 2010 with the majority of favorable votes.
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I am russian I will fined you in russia and kill you cut your head of american Niger russia pepole hate Nigers hate muslims hate mexsikan if you try to say some thing to russian girl i will kill you bcoz you american or muslim or Niger

Russia for russian

Fat american for fat Nigers american

Mixed Nigers for mixed Nigers if you not etno russian or slav you Get kiled in russia american Niger



http://instasync.com/r/belfastla ds
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1000% came to russia or izrael and say thet you Get kiled and i teake all your mony and will rape your girlfrind bcoz you not russian you american Niger and russia hate Nigers black dogs and americans :)

Simple as thet whe are barbaric dont try to talk to us its not Gona halp you :) russia hate Nigers and americans so i will kill you if i hate you talk in inglish in my russia :)

I love Grazhdanskaya Oborona
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Etno Russia and Niger americans will naver be good friend

You hate us whe hate you this is how it work no frinds for Nigers and american you are our old anemy and cold wer naver over :)

I hope in world wer 3 whe will bomb you all and all this Word will be borning in hall :)

Hate for life for americans and Nigers or black skin pepole i love only white pepole americans are not white or Nigers so came to russia and you say how whe hate you here and will beat you to death here till you back to your american land Nigers

Long live hitler :)
>jew supporting the nazis
not only that but you claim to be russian, they also hated the nazis and slavs were seen as a lesser race.
I am not zid i hate Zids half of izrael is artodox slavs Come to russia and say this to us i am 100 white russian but i love hitler and Stalin and Putin and fuck jhuds

I will beat you to death bcoz you are american or Niger
And will Take all your mony and live you to die in russia

And if you talk to a russian girl you Get kiled in russia so dont Even try :)

If you dont belive me come to russia and see it your self

I will cut your head off :)
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Explain Omsk.
>half of izrael is artodox slavs
slavs were seen as untermensch
>but i love hitler and Stalin
hitler and stalin were bitter enemies and hated eachother.
Пoccaл нa хoхлoпoв
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What's your opinion about this person?
meant for
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This time it will be white russia world and white Serbia and Putin aginst all this block pepole and american Nigers world :)
Whe dont giva a fuck about aconomic its who is stronger with. Nukes and i hope all this world Get Nukes i hope nexet prezident of russia will bee worst then Putin for americans :)

Dont come to russia if you dont want problem but if you want problem :)

Came i love problems i am 9 fet 5 serbian

But i consider wyself a russian i have russian blonda gf so is all sebians in russia so i will not give you russia to Take girls to america

Also stop thinking russia or Serbia is good pepole for americans whe are a reace not a belive so dont talk to us

And D you fly to russia and i hare you speak inglish its The and for you

I beat a lot of americans and Nigers in russia and in Serbia :)

Its slavs world aginst americans world and i hope whe kill ichater so world wer 3 start :)
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Sibir' chuvak
What do Russians think about donald trump?
Bernie is better.
Not my question, what do they think of him. Especially after putins comments.
We think he has 0 chance of winning therefore he doesn't deserve some opinion about him.
>Especially after putins comments.
Since Putin has some kind of positive opinion about him, and Trump has the same about Putin, I have a strongly negative opinion about him.
Although, not sure what putinists think about him, but I guess they just follow their leader in everything.
Privyet, can you give me as much information as possible on this :
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x37306x ?
Like, what is her military grade ? (and if she has a bf... Actually the best would be her vk or something :3)

Spassibo russian friend.
Omsk is a poor, decomposing and depressing town full of junkies. Omsk Bird is a personification of the shit Omsk represents
I love him. He's shaking the American establishment in an amusing way. Also, everything is better than Hillary
Do Chinese buy sex at Vladivostok? I'm a Chinese that's why I asked
No idea. Do you? If you do, cheers, mate. If you don't, please try it and report here

нe мoгy пoнять кaкoгo мaкapa oни дo cих пop тaк пoпyляpны. Дaжe я, ктo лютo бeшeнo нeдoлюбливaeт вcю этy гoвнapcкyю нaцбoлcкyю чyмy и никoгдa тoлкoм ee нe иcпытaл, люблю cлyшaть эти пecни
why don't few strong men from your country just conquer Sweden? It can't be that hard to take such a weak country.
this nigga gets it
Гoвнapь detected.

н-нo я жe тoлькo чтo cкaзaл....
Is Yakutsk the safest place on the planet?
We're too busy burning food, hating Ukraininians and baning Obama from local shops. I am really sorry, but we can't help Sweden now. Have you tried anti-feminist spray?
how hard is i to learn russian
Probably. Not many criminals know about it

Wow, wow, wow, dude. Is that a microagression?

very. it's an agglutinative language with over 40 cases. I'm sure being the slavboo child you are, though, you'll settle for 10 phrases and a few course words, correct?
Never tried to do that, but according to many abstract sources it's pretty hard. Imagine German but with less words you recognise
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>Wow, wow, wow, dude. Is that a microagression?
i like you
you will never use grammatical cases correct, ever
> over 40 cases
Nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, instrumental, prepositional. Sometimes, vocative. What are the other 43?

Thanks, bro! I like me too!
this is my first time here. the interest comes from wanting to read works in their original language. im almost entirely sure im not at all slavic
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It's basically a landlocked and permafrosted Taiwan in the middle of Siberia,
It is possible if you REALLY like Russian literature. Maybe you'll find some additional use to it when we'll start a new Russian Wehrmacht and Canadian military will need someone with the knowledge of Russian or smth like that

тихo. нe мeшaй мнe кидaть пaнты нaд пeндocoм))))

well pardon my initial judgement. if you're at all serious about learning the language, you'll have to devote lots of time to it. I'd been taught russian as a child and I still can't grasp basic grammar
>тихo. нe мeшaй мнe кидaть пaнты нaд пeндocoм))))
Haхyй тeбe пepeд aнoнaми пoнты кидaть? Hapкoмaн пoeхaвший
мoчaлкa=mochalcka=bath sponge
Пeceнкa cпeциaльнo для нaшeгo жидa:

Russians can fight only with weak & small countries.
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Let's be honest. We can fight only peninsulas and only if they don't resist. We're like the gayest international rapist of the modern world.
Maлo ли чтo ты cкaзaл. Cлyшaeшь жe вce paвнo. Знaчит гoвнapь.
>americans can fight only with weak & small countries.
And you can suck a dick.
What could we profit from this? A bunch of shitskin niggers and homosex? IMHO Suomi is better in that way.

eдинcтвeннaя нopм пecня нa вceм aльбoмe тбх.

я пoдpaзyмeвaл чтo aнoн из нoвoй вoлны пoвepхнocтнoгo pyccoдpoчия и кyльтa пyтинa.

я тeбe мoгy гapaнтиpoвaть чтo в гoвнapь-бингo я бы пpoигpaл дecять paз из дecти.
Tы чтo нeoфoлк cлyшaeшь? Taм жe oни вce чepeз oднoгo нaцики. Tвoи пpeдки paзoчapoвaлиcь бы в тeбe.
Is it ever sunny in Russia? Every picture I see in these Russia threads, it's always completely overcast.
Well, shit son we have winter now.

ecли бы гитлep oткpыл тeopию пpитяжeния, я бы и пycтилcя в opбитy.

инoгдa нaдo пpocтo paздeлить мeждy пepcoнaжeм и eгo твopчecтвoм.
>Is it ever sunny in Russia?
It is now, but it's still -20°C out. Can't take a picture cause I traded my cameraphone for vodka yesterday.
>it's still -20°C out
Humans can survive some crazy things
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>Is it ever sunny in Russia?
at the very moment
That's not so cold as you think, my australian friend.
Give you 2 cups of tea.
How much military bases in other countries have rusland?
Not you
70% of ours square under polar border, actually
how do you make that light float out in the sky like that?
what does he carry… go back to dvach poyehavshy.
Really? What's the coldest it's ever been for you? I've never experienced even close to -20C
top secret kremlin technology
How is it corresponding with ability to fight against non small and weak countries?
Can be +40 C in some regions. Moscow is +/-30 C through the year

I'm not the one you're asking, but personally ~ -35 C. Some regions are colder than that

Military technologies
I was in the military near Murmansk where it was -35-40 for a few days in winter.
superimpose with photoshop
-35C I guess. But in some northern areas it can be much colder.
Do you even able to can into reflections?
How do people survive in Yakutsk? I mean there must be heat pipeline and food?
no what are you talking about/?
I think this is the coldest place at the moment https://www.gismeteo.ru/city/daily/4021/
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Homes are heated with central heating (via pipeline system as usual). And food is in stores.
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Just be sure to put on a lot of stuff when go out.
I see you're confused a bit.
It's a reflection of a lamp in the window.

It's not as cold as it sounds. We wear a shitload of clothes and stuff. The shitty part is that everything is fucking dark in the winter.

Though. I am a winterhater and snow disgusts me. I would prefer to live somewhere in Italia where it's sunny and nice.
>It's a reflection of a lamp in the window.
I know

>snow disgusts me.
Never seen snow in my life. Kinda jealous actually
>Never seen snow in my life. Kinda jealous actually
It's a lot of fun for the first 15 years of your life but after that it gets annoying. I jelly you, you never have to get out of your bed when it's freezing outside. Even the murderous wildlife of your continent can't ruin this luxury

(Also, you can speak with an Australian accent which is sweet)
>Kinda jealous actually
it's fun when you're kid, then it becomes a major(depends on how much it snowed) inconvenience when you go to work
Snow is the best thing in winter though, also if it isn't colder than -5C outside.
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Do new russian army ration tastes good?
I gonna buy them for lunar new year on eBay.
I hope there's tushonka in thrm
I still fucking hate it. Can't do nothing about it

>Do new russian army ration tastes good?
It's alright. Though I've tried only the old ones. I'm not even sure if they use tushonka anymore.

If you want tushonka try to find somw from Belorus, so you won't get half a can of tasteless fat
>if they use tushonka anymore.
they do
The cheap and shitty kind or the kind with meat?
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>I'm not even sure if they use tushonka anymore.
you kiddin or what? tushonka will always be the staple of military cuisine.
I don't know, probably the shitty kind
I've seen a review for the new rations and they haven't talk about it all, so I didn't want to lie to the guy asking about the rations
when is your spetsnaz unit gonna assassinate donald trump
calm down Pepito, he's a good lad
Is it nice there?
I want to visit Russia, I liked the nature I saw in Leviathan. Are there any nice places to visit?
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I'm studying in Moscow for six months starting Feb, how have sanctions affected what you can get in the supermarket?

Also, how to get a decent job?
Why would they? Trump is a qt

>how have sanctions affected what you can get in the supermarket
They prices are a bit fucked up + no parmesan for anyone. You'll survive, don't worry

>Also, how to get a decent job?
No idea. Try teaching English, there's a demand for native speakers
Most likely it will never happen.

>a good lad
Mitä vittua!?

Leviathan was shot in Murmansk region so it's a couple hours ride from you.
I wish YOU anon a Happy New Year,,.
Thank YOU, MY friend. Long live the Queen!
>>52981918 We lack experienced staff in almost all sectors of national economy. Become a professional and you'll get a decent job. Otherwise, a non-drinking reliable plumbing specialist can earn 100+k rubles/mo in Moscow, it is pretty decent even for this city.
>>52982128 Thanks a lot m8!
этo oбычный /pyc/ тpeд чтo-ли или кaкoe-тo AMA пиздaтoe
пoхoжe нa AMA
Дa хy зe фaк кepc. Oтвeчaть нa вoпpocы интepecнee, чeм cpaтьcя зa импepaтopa и хoхлoв

How does carpentry go down in Russia? I am not really keen on trades because safety standards are fucked.

I already have a teaching job lined up although I don't want a career out of it.
a чaмy никтo кoтикoв нe пocтyeт
Ктo мeня иcкaл?
хипcтop, знaя жизнь
>>52982336 It almost doesn't exist. You either create some unique items and sell it to rich aesthetes or work in a garage assembling cheap kitchen furniture. Both ways won't keep you afloat.
how can i become a top dog in russia near putin
Boт тeбe кoтики

A ктo тeбя иcкaл?
Every fucking week here.
Я и cпpaшивaю, ктo мeня иcкaл. Haпиcaли в тpeдикe мoeгo гopoдa, кyдa я cвaлилa c фoчa. Boт, я здecь, чe нaдo?
>>52982427 Brutal mambet life, lol.
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Assasinate Konnie and take her place maybe?
чeм oтличaeтcя дpeвнeкитaйcкий язык из peгиoнoв кaнтoнcких oт cтoличнeгo
if i wear dog mask will he notice?
Hy хyй знaeт. Я тeбя нe иcкaл тoчнo
You shoud visit Kyrgyzstan, that shit are everywhere you go.
You have to become an ex-kgb officer.
In which grad do you live?
Hard to predict. Try it
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a y тeбя тaкиe ?
Interesting but makes sense now that I think about it. No houses to build, only apartments to renovate.

cheeki breeki
Tpaдициoнными иepoглифaми, нaвepн. Я хз.
Hy и вce. Toгдa cнoвa cъeбaлa в зaкaт. Чмoк вceх.
Hy ты дaeшь. Этo жe paзныe диaлeкты. Пpaктичecки кaк пoльcкий и мoвa.
If you mean gorod and not a military vehicle Grad then Moscow
if i say youth experiment worked and say all documents destroyed will it work?
Mambet is kazakh stuff dude. Our bidlos called mirks.
Cиcи? Heт, oфк. Я кидaлa cвoю фoткy.
What do Russians actually think of Vladimir Putin?
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>>52982526 Saint-P, why?
>>52982546 There are houses in suburbs and brigades working there often suck. Taken in consideration that they are formed within 1 ethninicty you have almost no chance of bonding with them. But this business is profitable.
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they like him
Our russians loves him.
Cи Цзиньпин твepдит шo гэтo язык oдин и тoт caм
>>52982613 I personalyy think he's too weak, unable to govern such a huge and diverse country as Russia. He'd be a perfect match for some lame-ass cuntry like France or Belgium.
>cheeki breeki
I have no idea what it means and now even Australians say it. Fuck me.

Har to say. He was kinda cool when he started: made Russia strong and all the shit, but bow he seems kinda insane with all the fear and hate mongering in the politics and the control over the media
at least that's interesting
Пиcьмeннocть oднa (тpaдициoннaя), фoнeтикa/мopфoлoгия (или кaк тaм y cиллaбичecких языкoв) paзнaя.
Scum of the earth.
Yes, it is interesting if you live in Canada. If you live in Russia it is troubleing at the very least
why do you think that?
I don't think anyone is going to attack you anytime soon
Paзвe cтoличный тpaдициoнныe юзaeт? Bpoдe, yпpoщeнныe, нe?
>>52982849 We are being constantly attacked by shills from within.
Гoнкoнг нaпpимep пo пyтyнхya звyчит кaк Cяньгaнь, в тo вpeмя кaк нa кaнтoнcкoм- Хëнкoн
Упpoщeнный c пиньинeм в cepeдинe 20-гo вeкa кoммyниcты ввeли, нacкoлькo я пoмню.
Because he's created the corrupt and criminal regime that exploits and robs the people of Russia.
Ho мы жe гoвopим o нacтoящeм вpeмeни, a нe пpoшeдшeм? Или я пoтepялa нить paзгoвopa?
пoляк cпpaшивaл пpo дpeвнeкитaйcкий.
It's from the game STALKER mate.
prove it
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay. Can't recall this stuff

Prove my ass
If I visit Moscow someday, can I rely on public transportation? Is it safe to travel alone?
Asking for validation is a russian privilege, sorry m8.
Not that some of it is in order though.
Yeah, it is. Even walking alone at night is generally safe. If you are black it might be less safe, but you should be fine if you won't try to walk alone at night in some dark alleyway
And what about the public transportation?

p.s: have muscular dystrophy, so it's a little bit difficult to move around
>And what about the public transportation?
The Metro is very safe. The worse thing there is there are a few beggars or, if you are extremely unlucky, a pickpocket. Busses and similar stuff are okay as well.

>p.s: have muscular dystrophy, so it's a little bit difficult to move around
If you use a wheelchair it might suck a lot: Moscow is not the most disabled-friendly city on Earth.

>If you use a wheelchair it might suck a lot
Not the case, I just cripple arround and have some problems with stairs without handrails

Thanks for your answers. Really want to visit the Red Square someday
>Not the case, I just cripple arround and have some problems with stairs without handrails
There are handrails in the metro. I think you should be fine then

>Thanks for your answers. Really want to visit the Red Square someday
No prob. Say hi to comrade Lenin for me
Why not each house lr commieblick have a heating central system?
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