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/carib/ - It's mostly dutch now edition

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Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 62

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-Guyana-is-a-shithole Canadian

not invited:
Now it is.
>tfw qt guyanese DESIGNATED coworker
is this /prox/??
yes, she said she was a beta
Why is /carib/ dead?
normies are out with their friends
because Domis
I wish I didn't live in the most Normie country on Earth
Puerto Ricans = Dominicans = Jamaicans = Guyanese = Trinidadians = niggers.
that's not how you spell American, silly americlap
/carib/ will never die.

>not at the bottom
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THe people who made it alive left.
I miss these threads.
Are Guyanese people real?
Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana are the only countries in my continent most people in Brazil know nothing about or ever talk about. It's hard to even think they exist.

the guyanas are shitholes
Surinamese are stuck up jungle niggers.
you border them, cant you just drive there on the weekend
I live in the south end of the country, they border us to the North, and Brazil is huge as fuck.
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Are Bajan diaspora welcome here?
>Sao Paulo borders the Guyanas
>driving through a rainforest is easy
american "education"
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but youre an american, paco
>no highways
>no bridges
>more than 3000km travel
>bumps and craters
>risk of getting killed
>risk of falling of a cliff
I'm better getting a kayak and rowing by the shore if you ask me.
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What about that is bait?
Why don't we have a thread for all the islands, not just the ones in the Caribbean?
Oceania can come, not NZ or AUS though
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>female beta loser
>ends up like other 4channers instead of being a tumblr autist like the other beta girls
>doesn't even fall for the temptation of using her oppression points as a woman of color to gain more status in SJW circles
I'm starting to think you're just a guy with feminine hands from when you posted a timestamp.
thoughts on bahamas? thinking of relocating when shillary is elected, i lived there for a time in middle school and have fond memories
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i really love the caribean desu.h
why the curazaense told me the other day that if i go there i will die in a car accident?
why caribbean countries have the best flags?
which is the prettier caribbean country?
which is the caribbean country with most white people?
is the arubense girl a qtpi?
I dont think aruba is girl, people that grow out their pinky nail are often male.
Antillianen, we hebben u nodig om Nederlands schijtpalen groots te maken.
I know a few people from French Guiana and/or who have been there. It's mostly forest & swamps, a village here and there and some space center.
Well my voting center has not opened yet due to "problems" with the machines.

I´ll have to go later, fuck this shit so bad.
Tumblr and anything related to it is cringe. Posted two more pictures that weren't my hand.

Because the traffic there is dangerous and the roads are in need of serious repair.

From your point of view.

Up for debate.

St. Barts?


Geloof wat je wil.

Keep us updated if you can.
I´ll try bby.

show your pics again, i wanna see some qt to motivate me ;-;
Guyana is shit m8, though they usually have top
CXC marks.

That hat,I want it

She is a trap in my mind

>why caribbean countries have the best flags?
>which is the prettier caribbean country?
>which is the caribbean country with most white people?
USVI I would assume
>is the arubense girl a qtpi?
Dunno,don't really care
Motivate yourself with the idea that today the 'revolution' might end.

Morning, bro.
buts its not going to "end" just yet.
lmfao that picture
Baby steps.

Which city are you in?

Sunday music.
Well shit.

How's the atmosphere today over there?

Pretty tense, some places have reported problems, and criminals have breaked into some of the places to steal the military weapons and ending in shootouts, so now the army is even more deployed on the streets.

a friend in another center got scared because the goverment simpatizers are going around in bikes with chavez flags shouting shit.

I´d wish the military would just shoot them or arrest them since this is illegal, but oh well.
Here is one of the news, in spanish of course.

Jesus....ours is on Wednesday,I expect riots


What...I...I don't understand
I just stopped giving a fuck, if shit hits the fan Im gonna get in it head on, why even live in this shithole if its not going to change.
Damn. I cannot see things ending well today, whoever wins.

Ohh wow. The ̶C̶I̶A̶ Criminals over there are seriously out control.

If you think things have the potential to seriously explode into conflict, don't think twice about fleeing the country.
Que vas a hacer si gana Maduro denuevo?

>implicando que no va a ganar
Maduro no es parte de las elecciones. Estas son parlamentarias.

if he wins I hope we actually starve, because if we starve the poor assholes that keep voting him will surely die off first of all, and they deserve it.
Me neither, but you know what? I dont care if shit hits the fan, we need that so maybe people gets their head wrapped around the fact were dealing with a bunch of assholes and fascists.
/Florida Keys/ reporting in.
>if he wins I hope we actually starve, because if we starve the poor assholes that keep voting him will surely die off first of all, and they deserve it.

You should have more sympy for those people. They keep voting for them becuse they think it's what's best for them. When they finally realize that it isn't (ie, when they are starving) you will see how they will immediately turn agaisnt them.

A que hora cierran las urnas?

What's news?
It's another rigged election, it seems. That won't be the only death.

Can you get out when shit hits the fan?
I have no sympathy for the ones that voted with a conscience for the misery we are living trough, they stabbed themselves in the foot and blame the others because of what they did, fuck that, you dont get to regret all the fuck ups in life at the very end and then just hop on the other team like nothing happened.

Las urnas "deberian" estar abiertas hasta que ningun otro votante este en el centro, asi sean las 10 PM, pero eso nunca pasa por que al anochecer se despliegan los del gobierno a armar problemas y asustar votantes, igual que siempre.

>can you get out?

Yes and no, I have several places to crash, but I would have to take a massive trip into brazil, or panama, planes are out of the picture.

And Im not going to leave my mother here alone, I´d rather die killing those assholes first.
Same here,but it's not as bad I guess
At least these places don't have school shootings.
they just dont show up on the news.
No. Just higher crime rates.
i need a trinidad and tobago.
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So what does /crib/ want for Xmas?
because we all immigrated to the US
Guyana is best /carib/ desu
Was on /pol/ yesterday.

A cat.

Swamp people are not best carib. Try again plox.
best /carib/ is Iceland
no desu

Hope you get your kot. I had one that lived for 19 years with us. After he died, I never got another one since kots don't mix well with chickens.
Kots are wonderful things. Idk how to make blini.
Had a dog. She was very friendly. Until some Dominican cunt called the police and lied about how she bit her dog. They took her away.
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How can people hate dogs enough to do that?? Worse than ISIS desu
I have a hat from there

>Dog bites someone
>The owner told you to stay away
>you have no body to blame but yourself
>carry on

Unless the dog got outside your yard,nothing will be done
hey lads
Hey girl hey
Pls gib another colombian expo the last one we
has was so much fun.
She's a bitter old hag.

She only wandered in the neighbourhood. She was never aggressive. Her being taken and put to sleep is a result of having godawful neighbours.

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>Until some Dominican cunt called the police and lied about how she bit her dog. They took her away.

legit triggered right now. How can people be such selfish cunts?

What's news over there? You guys bracing yourself in case Venezuela goes (furthest) into shit?
Reading the news today. There's a cat killer going around using poison.
I wish my countrymen cared more about animals.
I'm jumping ship to Canada or the NZ soon. Colombia is doing well despite having North Korea as neighbour but still don't feel comfy here
post ass
Ew are you gay?
Kot is love. Kot is life.

We were part of a kingdom,them we got all uppety
now I have to pay 5X the price for University.
gift me CS:GO pls....
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>Idk how to make blini

Lever je paspoort in. Nu.
we /carib/ now

You have weird sunny islands with cute flags too?
Saint-Barthélemy used to be ours
why dont you just buy it poorfag
Thanks for the flags lads
Gib free education pls, I'll be good I promise
isn't blini just a crêpe? crêpes are easy
yes, we /carib/ now
where's the virgin islands at?
communism doesnt let me have USD to pay for it, pls no bully. I was just a child when this started, i couldnt vote ;-;
lovar du?
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Crepes are even thinner, almost crispy.. Blini are a bit thicker and more fluffy. I think.
>lovar du?

I will be the best biochemist/biotechnologist you will ever have
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come here and claim you're a Syrian refugee
But....I'm black,will they fall for the ruse?
of course, otherwise it'd be racist!
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Fuck you. We don't eat pannenkoeken. I'll just give my future kot some croquette.

Even cücks are welcome.

Pic related is better.

Ayy, Caribbean Vikings.

how fast/reliable is /carib/ internet?
you've closed the borders temporarily, and yet you still refuse to throw out economic migrants, yet alone examine people who lie about their age to gain even more benefits.

besides, they'd just sail from Germany and directly over sundet via Bornholm (in which case it becomes my problem and I'd have to get my rifle just in case)

tell them you're from Eritrea
Syria was a diverse, multicultural country before the cis white ISIS shitlords ruined everything. Syrians come in all colors, shapes, and genders!
Fastest residential is 100 up and 15 down for 1050 SEK

I just want to do cool science shit
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ok, so me again

what is the most popular sport in the caribe?
how do you pend the time there?
is the market open or proteccionist mostly?
can you get drug? what kind?
dont your get bored of the beach?
is the climate humid or dry?
do you like the simpsons?
why do the OP hate Argentina?
what do you knew about argentina after find /int/?
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>1050 SEK
kek thats expensive as shit
I can get like 300/300 for 680DKK/m + it includes "small" channel package

>cool science
What sort? Also do you have a high school diploma?

Sleeping or drinking.

Open economy that relies heavily on tourism.

Yes. Weed, coke, x, etc.


Dry and windy.

It doesn't air here.

OP is always a faggot.

I know that it's the whitest country on earth. :^)
Foot ball
I play video games
Free market I think
Drugs yes,Weed mostly
dry for 6 months humid for 6 months
It used to be good
You fought the brits for some islands that don't want you

Biotech and Biochem mostly on plants though
>high school diploma
A BSc has become the equivalent of one so yea I have three
Soo uh di unda bo ta? Na e manera cu bo ta spell sierto palabra nan mi lo asumi cu bo ta di mane savaneta
Hend'i Playa mi ta.
woahh there is no translation from papiamento in google, do you realize you speak in some kind of crypto language right?
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>three BSc
Why didn't you just say so, faggot?
It should be fairly easy if you can get the right applications in with your desired institution.
These sites can give you more information on studying in Denmark.
That is if you don't mind the vomit speech, weird food, high tolerance to banter and racism and heavy beer consumption required to be assimilated into our culture, or just not come off as a soft cunt nobody likes.
>inb4 wall of text
Well min expect esei, mi tawata biba basta serca eibanda. Dus good chance bo ta hende di placa anto
Brazilians can kind of understand, so not that crypto of a language
>high tolerance
high amounts*
lurking Sverigetråden turns you into a faggot

Placa? No. Cos ta hodido, pero no styl'i Cas di Pueblo tampoco.
thanks for Daniel O'Leary m8
>three BSc
Actually I was including my actual high school diploma I only
have two BSc's

>do pure sciences
>every one wants Business management or Tourism degrees
Fuck all of them!!

>vomit speech, weird food, high tolerance to banter and racism
So essentially pretend I'm in the North west region of my country, kewl
Cos ta hodido di berdat? Of bo ta rubiano nan bisa cos ta hodido anto ta cana rond cu iPhone 6 plus nan ki?
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Samsung 4 mi tin ki. iPhone ta kaka.
how did this become a meme?
I understood almost nothing of what you said here >>51753453
But if you spoke to me in that weird language i would probably understand, looking at it written down looks kinda familiar
t. Alberto Barbosa
G ban si, sigur bo no ta un guy? Chicknan nunca lo bisa algo asina.
poortuguese threads
Stop coming to Brazil, please.
Dicon? Paso mi no ta cumpra e laatste model di cellular y pone potret gefiltered riba Insta? Lemaai co'i pendeuw 'ney.
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Congratulations, thanks to your /int/ post Haiti has banned all emigration from their country.
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>USVI I would assume
When the cruse ships are in, yeah.
Are there as many faggots there as I remember? Last time I want was around 07'
Becuase dogs are a shit
Mыши вoдят хopoвoд.
Ha лeжaнкe дp eмлeт кoт.
Tишe, мыши, нe шyмитe,
Кoтa Bacькy нe бyдитe!
Boт пpocнeтcя Bacькa-кoт
Paзoбьeт вaш хopoвoд.
lol, mudcakes
Here, although nothing here is even remotely Danish anymore.
I can't remind speaking to you, you fat fuck.
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pic related is how

>Business management and tourism
ayy lmao
DTU (Danish Technical University) is mainly focused on STEM, but other universities also has courses focused on Biotechnology and Biochemistry (Think its Århus University but idk)

>vomit speech
you could probably find a non-meme example, but I cant bother to link autistic danish youtube videos here without feeling embarrassed.
>weird food
look up brunkål, I had that just the other day
bretty good tbqh fæm

What island are you on fæm? Also do you still have streets with danish names, and that slave castle?
Nah mi ruman muhe ta casi mesun cos cubo pero e nunca nl por switch fe iphone. Btw kiko bo senpai ta?
FML dikon coño eta keda cambia F.A.M. pa senpai?
St Thomas

Street names aren't important, there aren't any signs up anyways. But yeah there's a few areas that bare Danish heritage names, such as Frydenjoh, Lovenlund and Peterborg

Fort Christian is still up, as is Skytsborg Tower
What did Sinterklaas give you?

He gave me some speciaalbiertjes and a couple of books.
Has traffic lights....fancy

I shall look into it
Y-you too?

Hiroshima Nagasaki su forma di troll hende.

Faam di mi ta mucho uncommon pa pone ki riba.
Lol Ami ta safe, muchu hopi Tromp pa nan hania sa ken mi ta
What I got:
Berdad si. Mi bisiña mes ta Tromp.
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Don't worry, you got the greatest gift of all.
Yeah there's a couple in Charlotte-Amalie and Havensight.
Me too what?
that was a pretty long post.
Bo conoce mas rubiano cu ta post kinan?
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No you're not.
Haha good proxy
rare proxy, kanker
Learning from the master. =)
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Dank memes and cats. Nothing else matters.

I don't speak Russian.

Porta un otro 'Rubiano bibando na Hulanda.
It was a nursery rhyme about kot.
Shut up fag it's just a proxy.
>what is the most popular sport in the caribe?
Track and field
>how do you pend the time there?
Video games,basketball, fishing and my fave Spear fishing(make your best spear jokes I'm ready)
>is the market open or proteccionist mostly?
>can you get drug?
what kind?
Low quality weed
>dont your get bored of the beach?
I hardly go there
>is the climate humid or dry?
>do you like the simpsons?
The older seasons only
>why do the OP hate Argentina?
>what do you knew about argentina after find /int/?
Apparently that you guys are as dark skinned as us even though the few guys from Argentina I met had green or blue eyes and blonde hair
So bo ta play any steam games?
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post with a Tajikistan proxy, most flag collectors need that one :^)
>what is the most popular sport in the caribe?
Here it's probably soccer or handegg
>how do you pend the time there?
Vidya, drinking.
>is the market open or proteccionist mostly?
It varies, I'd say it's mostly open
>can you get drug? what kind?
Yes, shit weed and good coke
Doctors here don't really give a shit so you can get a script for just about anything.
>dont your get bored of the beach?
I'm from Florida man, I didn't go to the beach there I probably won't here.
>is the climate humid or dry?
Humid as fuck
>do you like the simpsons?
>why do the OP hate Argentina?
Because Falklands je Britannia
>what do you knew about argentina after find /int/?
That everyone there is a negro of some sort.
No echt.
Post carib women youre the most atractive
I can't because all the pics of qt females I have are my freinds
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>25 yo
>TFW no arubian qt3.14 at your side speaking papiamento
Same here
>tfw no Aruban qt femboy trap
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This anon knows
>tfw living on island where everybody knows everybody
You wouldn't believe me if I told you I know this feel.
But you'd literally not know whether she'd say mean or kind things to you.
Unless you're into that.
The qts I know are friends and it would be super creepy.

I only know of like 3 Argentines living here. Don't you have a country full of beautiful women?
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what about internet?
show me your speeds

i can understand a little bit if it similar to portuguese


i was watching that, the pronunciation is the same as portuguese

im in my home a sunday at 18:30 on a vietnamese iumageboard, what do you think?
A hopeless case, just like me.

Papiamento can be easy to learn if you're a Spanish or Portuguese speaker.

It's obscure enough to be considered a hipster language lmao

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There aren't any qt's here.
Fucking islands man.
My roommate blew through are bandwidth yesterday so were getting throttled to hell, but we have a little 4G LTE box from Sprint, it's alright when you don't hit the cap.
Rest of December low speeds?
Sounds less sexy than I thought

>data caps
lel, That's some third world shit right there
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>A hopeless case, just like me.
one can always dream dushi

about the languages..
how is the languages ranks?
which is posh and which is low class?
how is spanish speakers seen?

and why is that guy voice so funny lol, i thought it was a joke at the start


i was just realizing that infraestructure in a country like yours is easy as fuck
I live on Bornholm m8, its like a slightly more depressing and more forested version of Ireland, except not as charming.
>us islanders
well a guy died due to an explosion when he was treatening people not to vote with a grenade on his hand.

fucking monkeys.
Yeah, the shitcunt downloaded Fallout 4 so now were stuck with 2Mb/s until January.
They have fiber optic and cable internet on the island, we can't get it because we live way the fuck up on a mountain.
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>well a guy died due to an explosion when he was treatening people not to vote with a grenade on his hand.

>data caps
ive never understood that shit
we have a shitty intrnet but enver datacaps
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Still larger than my island

I know those mountain feels


I do not understand your feels and I do not want to be confronted with these obscene concepts.
yes but now you guys have fallout 4.
1. Dutch
2. Papiamento
3. English
4. Spanish (due to rising tensions between the locals and low class tourists/illegals.)

Jesus Christ.
It's all right, in July we'll both be working at the same resort making way more money then we are now; were going to get a place in Red Hook, which is loaded with bars and is on the fiber optic grid.
He couldn't have blown your data for a shit game at the end of the month?
we carib now yes? i want cute aruben gf
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>tfw no mountains
Maybe, but the majority of the island is fucking farms and everything is sparsely populated lmao
We're almost twice the size of Saint Vincent and yet we only have a population of some 40k.
>pic related average street in one of the many villages (cant even call them towns kek)
>Live in the land of qt traps
The fuck is wrong with you

They get annoying
If I had one, it would be very feminine.
please respond
It's fine, all I every do is play EU4 anywyas, The only limitation is puts on me is that I can't supplement my shit posting with dank meme's.
Right? Christ.
Of course. Your penis is clit sized and you couldn't handle that shame, especially as a (half) black man, so you went full trap mode.
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>feminine penis
this fucking meme

you can literally buy one
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>feminine penis
Don't you dare tease me

All those turns while driving,fucking hell
Wew they sound bad in English.
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>due to rising tensions between the locals and low class tourists/illegals
who are they? Mexicans? dominicans?
if you let them in you are pretty much fucked
Key West a shit. Drunk degenerates everywhere.
What about the Thai ladyboys?

Nah. I'm sad to inform you that I a biological female. I menstruate and everything. :(((

There are people who actually believe this.

Venezuelans and Colombians.
Baseball, ignore the non-countries.

Everything is is probably the same.
You seen them niggers cutting them turns going 30 in the rain? It's like, nigger, slow the fuck down. I'm waiting to see someone fly off one of the death falls.
Look up their cover of Rebel Yell, it's comically bad.
i want girl with vagine please contact me on whatsapp
drop your whatsapp below and we talk i rich in thailand
>I menstruate and everything
Pics of fake
Will do tomorrow, already comfy in bed
>I a biological female. I menstruate and everything. :(((
Have you forgotten that it's 2015? Men can MENstruate and everything shitlord. But seriously what do you get out of pretending to be a female on the internet?

Also i have another questions:

>Who is considered the founding father of your countries or national hero?

>who is the most famous person that your country ever produced?
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>There are people who actually believe this.
Reminded me of /a/ actually

get a dashcam fæm
This. Used tampon + timestamp or it didn't happen.
Nothing. I just shitpost.

Betico Croes.

Xander Bogaerts, perhaps?

Don't forget /b/ senpai.
>30 in the rain
Try 60 my friend, it's not a proper ride if you don't hydroplane a

>national hero
Joseph Chatoyer

>most famous person
Skinny Fabulous (Soca singer)
It'd be embarrassing to admit that I once frequented /b/
>tfw Danes mostly shitpost on /b/ and /pol/
How do I sleep properly?

I always sleep for 3-4 hours or 11+
fap and drink a glass of water or two before going to bed
Posting from mobile, somehow broadband is kill all over several parts of the country
Whats happening fæm?
Smoke weed XDDDDD
>Betico Croes.
but Croes lapsed into a coma after an accident on 31 December 1985 (the night of status aparte) and was never conscious to see his accomplishment. He is called the father of the Aruban nation.

pretty fucked up psh,

>where does ppl from caribe go on vacation??

>what kind of music is popular over there?
I dont know, was just on my Pc and internet was kill.

And gommies are apparently winning the elections today
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venezuela is almost at the civil war point
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wew good luck m8
may memes guard your latin ass
but I always do that

When the happening starts this will be your theme

Well I tried, better rely on welfare and pills then
It is.

They go to Florida of all places.

Mainstream trash, reggaeton, Latin pop.

I have a family friend who's stuck in Punto Fijo. Went for medical reasons. She's in her hotel with other guests begging her to help them get into Aruba. Everyone's nervous.
>No dominican dick
>No cuban dick
Fuck off boricua.
beggin who? You´re safe, nothing will happen in punto fijo anyway.

if shit does hit the fan theres a way to cross by boat to the islands, but its expensive, and they only take euros or USD.
>Being gringo
>Get shot
Exercise, desu.

Or just get pills.
thanks, Danes always have the best solutions

I can't, recovering from mono :^(
The family friend. Other Venezuelans are asking her if she can arrange something for them lol.

They will be turned back and deported. There is no such thing as refugee status here.
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Uber Kek.jpg
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>"""""""""greater""""""""" Antilles
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He's Norwegian, might as well take the pills
I'd say "bummer", but that's probably just paid vacation up there.

Would probably suck if you're still un uni.
I'm still in hs ayy

please fund
not enough qts itt
>still in hs
I feel so old
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You could just like search "cute x-women" and find whatever you want
I'm a qt
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you could apply that to any topic on 4chan and then we wouldnt have a place to shitpost anymore
Nuh uh we have real intellectual discussions here.
aruban grill
do you like BBC (big brazilian cock)?
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I've heard of big black cock, but not this.
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your government does that for you, Håkan

>tfw you'll never get shitfaced with your hs m8s at the pub every friday again
>tfw you'll never beat up polaks and gypsies with your m8s again
>tfw you will never smoke weed in the summer afternoons with your m8s again
>tfw you will never go fishing with your m8s again
>tfw you will never ever brew homemade beer with your m8s again
>tfw you will NEVER EVER FUCKING EVER get shitfaced on new year's eve and nearly get blasted to death by bootleg fireworks

>tfw some of them have gfs now and are getting on with their lives
I was having a pretty good evening fæm
I have,I blame it on all the shemale porn
Prove it.
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>mfw I don't go to parties
>mfw I spend all my free time sleeping, lurking around town or watching cartoons with my least obnoxious friends
>mfw I've only been to one party in my entire life
>mfw mentally unstable mess

ps date is missing but whaterver
This thread is boring as shit.
Honestly, im surprise people from both the Caribbean and South America have access to the internet.
I know those feels
none of my friends are even in the country
I'm all alone
poor idiots, they have more chances if they just go there and then fly off to the usa desu.
desu if you go to uni somewhere in northern yurop I'll come visit, seems like fun
>implying you're relevant
>Americans can't understand something if it doesn't have loud music and old people yelling
i got mono when i was 17 i'd haven't kissed anyone in months(((
>americans trying into bant
My dreams seam very unlikely at this point
goverment chimps in motorbikes just got kicked out and denied entry on 1 of the 2 voting centers in my area

>people blocked them and shouted anti goverment stuff
>they were actually too many

i feel like were loosing, but its not so bad this time, or at least people is not scared like previous times.

oh god, please gimme a gun, I wanna go there.
There is still hope. Communism can end.
Unless Maduro goes full batshit mode.
>implying he hasn't already
maduro already went full retard, thats why so many people hates him, even old chavez supporters.
what can I do to obtain a norwegian bf?
I know a venezuelan homo living here whos name is Lenin

Idk senpai I ain't homo :^)
>I ain't homo
FF pls

I don't even feel like playing video games anymore
Nah, he was close. Like that time he sent warships into our territorial waters after we arrested a criminal Chavista.

Full retard is when he starts killing his own people in broad daylight like last year.

>I don't even feel like playing video games anymore
Me neither, even wow is getting sort of stale
I wish I was out lurking around town, but my mono will fucking kill me, and it's 2am
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>I know a venezuelan homo
Alberto pls go
Daily reminder that Guyana is a shithole.
he's a gommi
i love you
>t. Venezuelan homo
Daily reminder that if you have a grudge against one of the most irrelevant countries in the world you have no life.
Guyana is basically the world's largest unenclosed zoo. I went to Georgetown once and there was a Guyanese man dangling from a tree branch defecating on a picnic bench. I later learned that he was the country's president.
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>Implying Canada is somewhat relevant
Most people know about Canada, and they know about Canada as one of the nicest countries in the world. It's infinitely better than being the murder capitol of the world.
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>le word filter

I would never deceive you my mainman senpai

When are you hosting the next /carib/con?
I'll bring my fairy costume
My father's from there. I can hold as many grudges against that shithole as I like.
Oi mate duck off, Columbia is bro tier
>It's infinitely better than being the murder capitol of the world.
>next /carib/con?
>I'll bring my fairy costume
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>implying I have any intention of getting shot by a Trini
I made this just for you <3
Thank you based boricua. I'm going to print out hundreds of these and stick them up around town.
Isn't that Caribana?
socialism BTFO
Poor mr. Bus Driver. He looked so shocked.
I Will sleep fine tonight good night m8s
>mfw /carib/ is doing well
It's more popular because of the thirsty fuckboys wanting to talk to the Aruban "girl".
Was she Aruban? Her voice was pretty cute though.
>Her voice
She posted "her" voice? When?
Some /carib/ girl poster her voice in the thread a few days ago. Not sure if it was the same person. But yeah.

We rolling deep in elections now boys
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>I later learned that he was the country's president.
Because of the size of these places. Of course they will show as higher crime rates
>I later learned that he was the country's president
Fuckken hell my sides
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