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This is my 13 year old sister's art. She told me that she

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This is my 13 year old sister's art. She told me that she wants to get critiqued on her art, but she doesn't get enough attention on other sites to actually get comments. I'd thought I'd ask you guys.
Tell her to use a different brush for the line. Also tell her to study fundies, the boobs are really off.
Oh, and the right arm is fucking huge.
First and foremost, she needs to get better taste.

Introduce her to leyendecker and mucha. Their stuff is easy for tumblr kids to appreciate
Thanks for replying and I'll be sure to tell her!
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False flag. That's not your sister's work, you just want us to rip into mediocre tumblr art.
So, you sister goes by the name ElysianIvy on DA?
This, it's baitblog anon at it again.
Not really? You don't have any proof that it isn't my sisters art.
Yeah, by she moved to a different account. I think it's SunSwept.


well, your sister is leaving their DA behind so
Pretty good, she should study how 3d objects are held though, the cup looks like a piece of paper in that hand. Also the arms are very different sizes. you should have her pose like the picture and than compare to see how it would look on a real person
>only 12
>this good
What the fuck? This is bullshit.
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>Giving your underage sister's blog out to strangers on 4chan

What kind of retarded fucking aniki are you?
The kind to make a thread on /ic/ asking for critique without even reading the sticky.
I'm aware. Also, sorry if I'm slow with replying not familiar with the site..
I noticed that too! Thanks for taking the time to help out
?? this entire board is dedicated for critique
people can open their threads if they want
She's not good, she developed a nice-looking style, but she doesn't have the necessary foundation, that's why her work is very inconsistent in level and there are errors in anatomy, feeling the form etc. Looking through her accounts I also have to agree with >>3118978, but hey, I had shitty taste when i was 13 too, it's normal and it will pass.
Ya I'd have to agree
what inspiration/style would you recommend though?
Better than i was at that age.
it isn't, but its an ok level for a 12 y/o. Hope she gets much better as she gets older.
Tell her to post fundamental studies.
Same. I got my first tablet at 18.
that's fucking great for a 12 year old honestly, she should be moderately pleased with herself

tell her to do 15 mins a day gesture drawing at http://senshistock.com/sketch/#, or https://www.quickposes.com/ since the latter counts up progress and gives you a certificate which is a nice boost for motivation to study

if there's an animated film she really likes maybe get her the artbook for christmas
why cucumber gotta be better pickle?
Great for 13 years old. She could probably make some decent money from neckbeards if she went nsfw and drew some porn, with that style. Just saying. Better than me at 13
Honestly before you develop a style you should learn the fundamentals. Anatomy and perspective will elevate any art. Kind of like me cooking a steak vs Gordon Ramsay cooking a steak. I can throw some meat on the grill and it will be really good, but no one will pay 50 bucks for it, whereas Gordon has been trained, knows what hes doing, and can make the same cut of meat something really amazing, and make it all his own.
OP, don't listen to what the others are saying.

I was around that skillset at that age but stagnated because I only drew the same animu shit again and again.

She has to focus on her fundies if she really wanted to improve.
>OP, don't listen to what the others are saying.
>repeats what the others are saying
>what inspiration/style would you recommend though?
Mucha and Leyendecker were suggested, they are good, as well as a lot of other artist of that era, like Klimt, Moser, Vrubel. I would also suggest checking out Arthur Rackham, Edmund Dulac, Dali, Harrison Fisher, Herbert Draper, John Bauer, Sargent, Waterhouse, Edwin Austin Abbey, Nathaniel Sichel and Frederic Leighton. This is a pretty eclectic list, some of these artists are very different.
>She's not good
objectively, no. but for a 13 year old it's really fucking good. most of /ic/ is about a decade older and not that far ahead.
Could've phrased better but what I meant was don't get too complacent because you're young and think that you can improve easily just because you have the time. I was referring to people impressed by her skill at that age and hope that OP's sister if she ever sees these to take those praise with a grain of salt... Too much praising can lead to dunning Kruger.
Your sister is somewhat of a raging homo, congratulations
she needs to challenge herself and look for new things that will broaden her horizon. not copy 1000 cubes.
>don't get too complacent because you're young and think that you can improve easily just because you have the time
This hits too close to home, that's exactly what happened to me
I never said to copy 1000 boxes. Once she'll finished with draw a box she has to move on. (And the exercise don't ask you to draw that many boxes either, just to get an idea of how perspective works)

Reading anatomy books help a lot in her case as it isn't evident if she has learnt how to construct. If she's not up for that then redlines are the last solution on which she can lean on.

/ic/ was a wakeup call for me in a sense. I'm quite a sensitive person and I never stood well with critiques, but lurking here for a while made me learn a lot and I feel that I have to give something back. I'm grateful that in the midst of toxic people there was still some good people... Else I wouldn't have came back.
that's all /ic/ is good for. desensitizing you to critique, trolls, and insults.
how do you feel knowing that your 12 year old sister is drawing what amounts to hentai?
I'm really surprised that this kid drew naked tits at 13. I got nervous/ embarrassed when I drew a guy wearing boxer shorts without a shirt on at that age.
sounds like you're just a prude, anon.
You must be christian too
I drew naked tits a lot at that age. Though didn't show it to anyone except friends of course.
Hahajahaa yeah christins dumb xD
So you're gay?
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Already drawing lewds, and at such a young age.
This kid is going places.
I wonder if she used herself as a model. Love the hormones they're putting in milk. Hope your sister becomes an instawhore model
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I wonder if she's a lesbian.

Well, at least she isn't a brocon. That'd be pretty weird for OP
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>dat brown

my actual dick
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>you will never be a sexually repressed and confused girl with the only form of describing your intimate feelings for other girls is to express them on canvas with a delicious elven skin tone in an anime-esque style with heart symbols on their tits.

Seriously. Why even fucking live.
Get her off of tumblr.
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i think we'd all have drawn lewds if we had the skills at 12
>tfw classmate caught me attempting to draw a chick spread open
nearly all female artists like to draw boobs, you don't have to wonder if it's because they're lesbians.
Had you never seen a larper in your life?
Don't know why you wrote that, but I just realized that no, I actually haven't.
That's actually really impressive how she designed the shapes. Look at the eyes, ears, shoulders. Everything is designed in a neat manner. I can't do shit like that and I am more than twice her age.
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