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Community Study Thread: Anatomy Edition

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Thread replies: 71
Thread images: 7

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The purpose of this thread is to allow the community to learn together and provide accountability for interested Anons. We will go through lessons and books together to provide us with some structure. Through these experiences we will find how we compare to our peers; which will hopefully drive us to improve and add credibility to critiques. Artists of all levels can join. For those that are not interested, you don't have to join.

>Drawabox: Lesson 1
>Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson
>Figure Drawing: Design and Invention by Michael Hampton
>Optional -> Analytical Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton (video course that goes along with the book)
>Optional -> Proko's videos
>Vilppu Head Construction and Anatomy videos (these will come later)

>Finish Drawabox Lesson 1: Circles and Ellipses (boxes not due yet)
>Read Keys to Drawing and do one exercise every other day. You should have the pepper exercise done by Monday.
>Read up to page 29 of Hampton and do 20 gesture drawings, applying what you have learned.
>Optional -> Week 1 of Analytical Figure Drawing

Note for newfags: Books and Vilppu videos are in the Artbook Thread. Proko is on Youtube, and Hampton's video course is on cgpeers, a private torrent tracker for graphics tutorials, etc. (registration is open but not for long, hurry up and make an account if you don't have one!)

Disclamer: I am not the OP of the other community study thread, I made this one based off of the same concept but with more focus on anatomy, so we can learn to draw cute anime girls together. I am also super /beg/, so feel free to make suggestions if the you think the curriculum or assignments need improvement.

I hope this thread takes off and will be helpful to you. Thank you very much Anons! Also thanks to the creator of the other thread for giving me the idea for this one.
Forgot to mention, requirements should be done by Monday 8/9.
disregard that, it says you're /beg/ and it's mere coincidence
No, I just used a tripcode to distinguish myself as OP so I don't have to say "OP here", etc. I have never used a tripcode on this board before.
How much of a problem is it if I don't have anything to upload to cgpeers?

Not a problem. Freeleech has never been removed in years so you can take and never have to seed.

and OP if this takes off I'll upload my 1 hour Q & A's from CGMA for hampton's class for you guys so it can feel like a class almost...
Ahh thank you, I really hope it does.

We should really establish a google hangouts or discord or something, it would make it even more of a class environment (but there are too many discords already..)
>Finish Drawabox Lesson 1: Circles and Ellipses (boxes not due yet)
>Read Keys to Drawing and do one exercise every other day. You should have the pepper exercise done by Monday.
Is this really the average study level of this board?
(OP here, changing my name so it's not the same as the guy from las)

I try to take into account that some people have work, uni, etc. which takes up quite a bit of their time. Also, I'm not sure whether you left out the hampton and gesture drawings on purpose or just didn't see them. If you have any materials that you would like to study by yourself, feel free to do so. You can also suggest an alternative assignment plan. Hell, if you're not a beginner then you should probably ditch this curriculum (at least for now). I will state the fact that this thread is mostly for beginners next time in the OP post, sorry about that
Where do we submit the homework?
You can post your assignments right here. There is currently no checking system for who did their homework and who didn't, but we can probably incorporate that somehow if you need to feel motivated.
>tfw had LAS played out differently this would've been a LAS Community Challenge with hundreds of users participating
That sounds really nice.
Also, what happened to LAS? I was never a participant, but I'm hearing all this stuff about las being dead or something.
>LAS challenges rarely got more than 30 participants
>most lassies are don't want to use their usernames in the thread
Don't lie to yourself
I'm down to try anon. Do you want us to post what we have as we go or wait until monday?
You can post as you go, just make sure everything is done before monday. However, as I said before, there's no way to track if specific people are finishing all of the assignments or not, unless we all use tripcodes or something. (It would be good to have a website like las but I don't know how to make one)
I actually did draw a box lesson one a little bit ago. I didn't really know what I was doing/ how I was supposed to do it at first, but I think I eventually got into the routine.
>straight lines on line paper
>Superimposing Lines. This one's pretty straightforward. You draw a line to use as a template. It's probably best to do this with a straight edge, to make sure it's perfectly straight. Then, you draw directly on top of that line, freehand, eight times.
I think it's just to get used to the idea of freehanding perfectly straight lines. The lines are already on the paper, why not use them?
(double post)
When I did these, I did them too fast, I hadn't known that until I read the self crit
Nah, there was a time when LAS averaged 90-100 users, and community challenges were just starting, it would've been much different to what you see now had it gone uphill, instead of downhill.

These are drawabox exercises from a while ago, I didn't think it was necessary to redo the whole thing for the purpose of this thread, so this is just an example. Also, I realize my ellipses were really messy here, I wasn't used to drawing with the shoulder at the time.

These are pretty good anon, you're doing everything the way it's supposed to be done, some of your ellipses are even cleaner than mine.
Yup, it helps that exercise.
>up to page 29 of Hampton and do 20 gesture drawings

how much time should I invest in each pose?
1 to 2 minutes

CGMA instructor once said don't worry about time for the gestures if you're just starting. I'd take his advice.
True, just make sure you don't end up making it a 30 minute long study by accident like I did once
There's no Hampton's course on cgpeers
Look up "Analytical Figure Drawing". The person who uploaded it didn't include Hampton's name.
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Looking back at this, if it's "anatomy edition" then remove DoB and KtD and leave that for the 1sts community study thread. Make the focus on 1 tutorial or you'll overwhelm the lazies here.

>Read up to page 29 of Hampton and do 20 gesture drawings, applying what you have learned

100 gestures. 20 isn't much. No one will see any kind of gain with 20. /ic/ is lazy, too. To be on the same page as everyone you might want to include the references so everyone draws from the same refs and can compare with each other.

not everyone has access to peers. Upload 1 lecture at a time to mega.

I wouldn't touch vilppu until finishing hampton although his manual is good reading for when on the toilet. Again more unnecessary clutter; focus on 1 thing at a time.

Don't make the same mistake I did. I really want this to take off but it has to be done right with the idiots in mind here.
Oh also about the longevity worry of the thread. If you just focus it on a "community study anatomy edition thread" then it works itself out. So if the whole thread is on week 4 and someone just wants to jump in right now then, well, tough luck for him/her if they want the "class feeling".


When the 8 weeks are over you just start it up again and save everyones submissions on a public drive so those newcomers can see the progress of other /ic/ users. It builds itself up that way. Have a 1 week window registration period before starting.
...forgot again...

no need for everyone to have a nametag. Just dump every file under "weeks" on the drive and label the entire folder what session (ex spring, summer, fall, winter; generally that's how long it takes to finish this anyway).

okay I'll shut up now
I agree
We should all do week 1-8 together. It'll also be easier for everyone involved.
So wait are you saying I should learn Hampton's before Vilppu? And why

I'll try to be brief hopefully but it's my own philosophy from failing over the years.

Vilppu has 2 main sections (not counting the older VHS tapes series) the anatomy portion and the figure drawing portion. He starts of on gesture and as an utter beginner I remember trying to learn gesture the way he teaches it being very confusing and misleading. He would say in his old dying voice "this is impooortant you must know this before you can do thi- (dies and wakes up) you can do this!" so I would spend the longest time drawing many gestures. I did indeed get better at it but then you watch the next set of tapes and then he goes "this is important, actually everything is important lol..".

In my opinion he is not a very good beginner friendly teacher to convey concepts in a logical way that can be applied immediately and make sense. He is very abstract and you have to pay attention, rewatch his video many times, take notes, up the volume 200% just to dissect what the old man means--and even then you won't truly get everything until years of practice HOW and WHEN to use the "tools" he mentions. Keyword is tools here.
Vilppu is a master at this and I really recommend him for this after hampton because hampton is vague in his set of tools (unless you take a class with him where he can explain further). A self learner does not have hampton to explain further on the "tools" but vilppu can. Anyway....

>and why

Hampton's gesture technique (not really HIS technique but whatever) is very logical because it has a basic "rules" and doesn't over-complicate the process. Then as you go along to construction it's easier to understand imo. Both hampton and vilppu is a progressive method of drawing but (to me) vilppu's feely feely method is too renaissance and not for modern art. If you want to draw dying naked ladies with demons scattered all over the page leading the eye to the blood of Mary then his method of gesture is perfect. cont..
But if not you'll be frustrated and confused for a long time starting out. After you understand that then his video on forms and combining forms is gold information. But if you watch vilppu before hampton and you try to build a figure out of, lets say circular forms, then it'll look like play-do shit and you don't know what the fuck you're doing because you don't know anatomy. And vilppu by the mid-way of his teaching utters in a low tone voice "oh the more you know anatomy the better you'll be able to place these spheres". It's a troll mess to start with vilppu but once you have a better command on things then vilppu will up your understanding 10 folds.
Thanks Anon, was just watching Vilppu's figure drawing lessons, will do Hampton's today. Hopefully I can master or have a grasp on gesture by the end of the month.
Why can't I connect to CGpeers, is there something wrong?
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help I read all those books you told me to and now I have eye strain and I'm still shit
Thank you very much for the suggestions!
I was contemplating whether to include DAB and KtD but I included them because DAB is good for improving linework and understanding form, and KtD is to help with our observational drawing skills, and everyone needs those regardless of what they are focusing on. I overlapped DAB, KtD and anatomy assignments because I feel that learning them at the same time would allow us to improve in all of those areas, and would save us a lot of time so we don't have to start anatomy like 2 months later.

I think everyone will benefit from the drawabox and KtD exercises, if many people disagree I will remove them next time I post the curriculum and assignments. For now if anyone sees this, I'll downgrade the KtD assignment to two exercises per week, it should be a better amount of work.

Vilppu is in the curriculum because we are going to learn him stuff eventually, I agree with you that we should study hampton before him, that is why his stuff has not been assigned yet.

I am currently uploadinga folder of all of Hamton's video course to MEGA, will post link when done, sorry about that. When I started this thread cgpeers was still open for registration, so I didn't think to do this before.

Gestures I think we can do 60, since as you said /ic/ is filled with lazies and I don't think they can handle 100, depending on how they are doing gestures. I personally take 2-4 minutes on each one and I tend to draw them larger (can only fit 4 a page), so unfortunately it's not as convenient to do a lot of gestures (at least for me, but I'll try to shrink them).
The first one of Hampton's videos finished uploading, here is the folder link (the rest will be up later)
>Expecting people to waste their time drawing lines and shitty boxes.
I will participate when a real anatomy focused thread comes up, thank you
this thread is mostly targeted towards beginners, sorry I forgot to mention that in OP post. I think everyone needs to do some linework and form exercises, especially in the beginning, that is why I included them. You can always join later when we are finished with drawabox, or you could just ditch those exercises right now and only do the hampton assignment (which is now 60 gestures instead of 20.)
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If anyone here is a seedbox fag or vps or dedicated server fag with a non cuck provider (mine kind of cottoned on and dropped mega connections after I started uploading entire anime BD rips, but strangely torrents and other providers were fine) and decent I/O you can mirror torrent shit to mega with megatools direct from the server on an enormous uplink without using shit tier resident internet.

Easy to use Linoox upload tools
mega free acct limit (50GB) - create infinite accounts with any disposable email

google drive cucked by 15 GB and eventual phone verification if you create too many

transfer.sh easiest shit to use but 14d only

zippyshare links etc from cgpersia are more annoying but you can go with a leecher tool or wget with fake headers or other tools
>I was contemplating whether to include DAB and KtD but I included them because DAB is good for improving linework and understanding form, and KtD is to help with our observational drawing skills, and everyone needs those regardless of what they are focusing on.
Ehh I mean idk hampton's book says you practice forms in the figure as an excuse to practice forms anyway. Having both threads focus on the same thing is a bit redundant but w/e it's your thread.
>Vilppu is in the curriculum because we are going to learn him stuff eventually

That's good. In this way we could have anons who will then have the ability to critique the kouhais on the 2nd round. So the advanced users could be on vilppu.

If you ever wanted to be a senpai nows your chance.
Homework is 60 gestures by Monday? (not doing DAB/KTD)
You have a point about the forms being in both DAB and hampton, I'll leave out DAB next time

>If you ever wanted to be a senpai nows your chance
ahaha thanks, I have never imagined myself being good enough to be a senpai but who knows

Yes, if you count today (thursday) you have 15 gestures a day, that's not too much is it?
Since this thread is dying there either does not seem to be a heavy interest in this or this thread needs to be remade with a proper structure.

I'll be willing to remake a better structure but I won't waste my time doing so if /ic/ shows no interest in such a new kind of general.
Damn these gestures are hard. My lines and forms are terribly messy.
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here's my gestures
Focus on one book and give anons a two/three weeks to go through with it. A study group isn't a bad idea. Beginners get a motivation to study and veterans get to revisit the themes and give critique.

One book only because cramming multiple books at once isn't gonna teach anything and isn't very motivating to beginners, most of them who aren't used to drawing even atleast one hour a day.
Is this your first time with hampton? Those are pretty good if that's the case. Maybe let go a little on the wrapping lines (you only need a few) but that's my personal preference.

I'll type up a sticky for the thread. OP is probably dead or playing team fortress or whatever...

If the thread dies I'll eventually make another.
I've worked up to week 6 of analytical figure drawing so I've been practicing gesture for a while. I'll try to ease up on the wrapping.
>Draw a Box = ISIS
I admit that there are flaws with the structure right now, someone should remake it in the op of the next thread without the drawabox and other unnecessary stuff. Also, I've been busy as of late, sorry for abandoning the thread for a few days. It would be probably be best for someone else to take over as OP. I would like there to be some sort of continuation for this thread, since I think a study group would be beneficial to everyone here.

Faggot don't take on the role of a leader if you abandon what you started. Overwatch isn't more important.
Where do I learn about eyes, nose, and mouths? I'm having a hard time at shading too...
Proko has a few videos on facial features, watch them and make some studies. Find head refs (or, if you prefer, just the feature) and draw the face, including eyes, nose, mouth, ears, etc.

Sometimes shit just comes up in your life and you have to deal with it. I don't even play overwatch. Also, if I hadn't started this thread it probably wouldn't exist today, and more beginners would be left directionless (even though that's probably still the case most of the time here anyway).
i think the thread is a good idea . someone should come up with something for sure.
/ic/ needs more threads like this one...
those muscles look a little bit inaccurate, but perhaps they're supposed to be a little bit simple?
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COMMUNITY STUDY WEEK 2 (with updated curriculum and Assignments)

>>Figure Drawing: Design and Invention by Michael Hampton
>>Optional -> Analytical Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton (video course that goes along with the book)
>>Optional -> Proko's videos
>>Vilppu Head Construction and Anatomy videos (these will come later)

>Assignments due Monday 8/14:
>>Read up to page 56 of Hampton and do 25 construction drawings, applying what you have learned.
>>Optional -> Week 2 of Analytical Figure Drawing

Michael Hampton's Analytical Figure Drawing Course:

I dunno, I found it when I googled Michael Hampton.
just someone make a new thread who is competent and without the bs
Whya hammer din du derive from crack skulls because ow my brain huuurrerhyrrhurre
Why don't you do it then? No one else seems to be willing to do that right now. I considered starting a new thread but I feel like if there was a new thread every week it would clutter up the board. This one hasn't even hit 100 replies yet. Plus, it's not that hard to check the current community study thread for new assignments once in a while.
I mean no disrespect but you don't know how to manage things.
anything that actually has to do with drawing pushing rubbish threads off the first page would be a god send, if it were just the draw threads and like 8 of these threads on the first page that'd be a vast improvement.
I know, I'm relatively new to this board and I already said it would be good for someone else to take over but no one's doing that right now, and I don't want these threads to just die out.

Ok, if it's not detrimental in any way then I'll start a new thread.



>I know, I'm relatively new to this board

That does not matter. You can have experience making generals on other boards just fine. The problem is you don't know what the fuck you're doing nor how his community operates and won't take the advice given to improve your thread. So someone (like me) will recreate a better structure.
Thread posts: 71
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