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Never Gonna Get Good

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So, I went out and got myself a tablet finally. Told the sweet looking chubby chick at the best buy that my art skill was only "hang" on the fridge level and I just needed a tablet good enough for doodles. After she told me she didn't work there (who the fuck goes to best buy in a blue shirt?) I found the drawing tablets and choose the cheapest of the only brand they had; Wacom Intuos Draw ($80).
It came with ArtRage lite or something, didn't like it. I downloaded Autodesk Sketchbook Pro and wasn't about to subscribe to that shit so I bought Mischief and...it's pretty amaze-balls. So the tablet works great, drawing program is on point and I bookmarked the reference sites I spotted in the sticky.
But then, I started watching some porn and jerked off. After that I went to Taco Bell. When I got back home I ended up playing some Paladins on Steam. I eventually pulled myself out of the blackhole and started sketching but while I was looking at my references I ended up looking up porn again after looking through /b/ for some more references. I didn't even beat off, I literally just watched porn, trying to wrap my head around drawing those kind of curves and how cool tight skin looks oiled up.
So, I bought a tablet to look at porn and pretend I'm not a pervert, I think...
Anyone else out of their depths when trying to improve?

Why would you ask any employee anything at Best Buy? None of them are competent and treat the store as their eternal high school.
you don't want to get good, you're only interested in the idea of getting good - don't be ashamed, a lot of people who come to /ic/ are the exact same way

maybe if you're lucky you can resell it for full price -$10 on craigslist or something
You're really sad. I'm going to make sure to distance myself from you so I don't become like you.
someone thought I was the staff at best buy once
I was playing solitaire on their demo laptops while wearing a gray hoodie and jeans, I don't know how the fuck that black lady thought I was staff.
People think any random person is an employee, and people wearing the goddamn uniform with a nametag aren't

The wonders of retail
I stopped at a supermarket after work once and an old dude just walked up and started asking me about random produce while I was picking some cabbage or something.

I work in construction and was wearing safety gear with the logo of the construction company at the time.
People are stupid.
Lol, I can somewhat relate to this, though i've developed much more self control over time. Try practicing from something that wont give you a boner just to develop a habit of drawing regularly( dont know what kin of shit you're into) , anatomy books are good for that
If you have trouble keeping yourself from gaming, uninstall the games until you draw regularly and enjoy it
wacom is a meme for beginners. chink tablets make beginner tablets that are half the price and bigger than the intuos. wacom's prices are marked up through brand recognition, they are like the apple of the tablet world.
Just draw when you want and have fun with it. You don't have to pursue a career in art in order to justify buying a tablet.
I think you're the kind of guy who can benefit from nofap.
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