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What would a imageboard for art and artists look like? What

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

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What would a imageboard for art and artists look like?

What boards would you expect to see on there?
Oekaki by default for every post.
In fact, weren't there purely-Oekaki imageboards with special software which allowed users to replay the drawing at any speed and watch how it was originally drawn?
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Just bought a awesome domain name from GoDaddy that would be great for a art imageboard but I'll reveal it later today. Here are the board ideas. Add on to them. You will be the mod for whatever you suggest if you show proof of experience. Thanks! Make suggestions where needed as I am a selfadmitted dummy!

/noob/ - For Beginner Artists
/pro/ - For Accomplished Artists
/doodle/ - For Bored Artists
/museum/ - Art Analysis
/sugg/ - Suggestions

/3D/ - 3D Art
/paint/ - Painting
/sketch/ - Sketching
/photo/ - Photoshopping
/ani/ - Animation

>Porn Art
/babes/ - Women
/dudes/ - Men
/girls/ - Lolicon
/boys/ - Shota
/traps/ - Dickgirls
/paws/ - Furry
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An attempt wasn't even made here, but here you go

I don't think I've fleshed it out as much as I'd like

Whats the matter with GoDaddy? They just sell domains and offer protection of the site right?

Also i'd like to add some more boards too my list

/pixel/ - Pixel Art
/paper/ - Paperchild Art
What you want is a website from FreeVirtualServers, which offers a free web-based file manager and perfect customization

Maybe add a board for sculpture/papercraft et. al?
Hundreds of boards like this have been made and abandoned over time. No one ever goes to these. This is 4chan, one of the most popular domains on the entire Internet that has millions of views a day, and we can barely get lively discussion on THIS site. Your little boards will be set up and forgotten in a manner of days or hours. Trust me, many of us have done this in the past. Enjoy experimenting with web development though.
P.S can you say the name of the domain name you bought?

If anyone doesnt know what Paperchild is its https://www.google.com/search?q=paperchild&client=ms-android-sprint-us&prmd=insv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiMq9HQq-LQAhUE3GMKHYI9AqUQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=560

The 3D Art board would be stuff like https://www.google.com/search?q=paperchild&client=ms-android-sprint-us&prmd=insv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiMq9HQq-LQAhUE3GMKHYI9AqUQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=560#tbm=isch&q=3d+sfw+art
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoDaddy#Backing_of_SOPA_and_resultant_boycott to name one.

Just you want either namecheap.com or (even better) namesilo.com, transfer while you can.

I'll reveal the domain after we set up the front page I promise. I want a good first impression
well if it's for art in general I would expect it to include things like handcrafts like sculpture and such.
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There is literally nothing wrong with setting an imageboard up on GoDaddy

Debate me.
Slightly more dead than this shithole is.
No, do it, I have nothing to gain by enlightening you.
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In my experience with very small chans the best thing is to start with one or two boards and expand according to community needs.
If I were to do I'll start with a serious art/crit board and a board for doodling/shitposting
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I'd rather you take his bait and enlighten me on why I shouldnt go with GoDaddy so my imageboard isnt shit. This isnt for me its for /ic/ since you guys have been my only friend in mentor in tough times artwise. I wont post a sob story but I want you guys to have a imageboard you can call home when not on 4chan.

So please tell me GoDaddy is shit and if you could possibly suggest domain hosters that would be okay with lewd art boards too as well as my SFW ones. Thanks and god bless you all I do appreciate the help.
This will never happen. No one is going to leave 4chan to go to your board. Everything everyone wants is right here. What are you trying to accomplish?
I'm quite looking forward to seeing it! I wish you the best of luck at the development stage
>What are you trying to accomplish

An imageboard dedicated to art, not tied to 4chan of all things which is not even allowed to be accessed at my university. Luckilly Im posting from home. 4chan is rooted in trolling, and racism. Why not a imageboard free of all the negative looks? Clean looks.
because hugboxes suck
>/girls/ - Lolicon
>/boys/ - Shota

guess I won't be needing /ic/ anymore

this board gives """""advice""""" as shitty as dumblr, but in reverse.

>Jelly faggots

It's a shitbox full of /pol/tards. But still better than a hugbox full of tumblrinas simply because the draw/beg/alt threads keep this board alive.

Decided to go with this one

One of those 4 doesn't mix with the other three.

It's understandable that you want to make an all-inclusive site, but realize that there's a reason some of those topics aren't allowed in most general art communities.

If your site is modeled after 4chan, with anonymous posting and such, you'll be especially vulnerable to being flooded by furfags and the like, who are always on the lookout for places where they can act freely. Even with their containment boards, this can drive away anyone who isn't in on the fetish, and instead of an art imageboard, you'll be left with a furry/loli/shota imageboard.

Do what you will, but realize that people in your position before made the decision to not do what you're doing, and for good reason.

Good luck!
>4chan is rooted in trolling, and racism.
grow up
Traps aren't dickgirls bruh, some people might get ornery over that. I'd say call the board /trans/ or some other umbrella term like that.
nah furry is fine
most fur fag posters on /ic/ are pretty chill about it
How about /traps/ - Futa ?
Traps and futa/dickgirls are pretty distinct fetishes, I don't think you would post futa/dickgirls under a board called /trap/ and you wouldn't post traps under a board called /futa/.

futas/dickgirls have boobs and sometimes a vagina, traps never have either. pretty big difference to some people.

How about /degen/ - Degeneracy which encompasses all that?

Could even put furry in there
This, with all those boards the content will become spread out thinly as fuck.
Sure, why the fuck not.
I have no Idea how those groups would react, but experience tells me it will end in containment boards.
No furry, not now not ever

Domainfag here, this is a way better idea thanks

Lets start small. Art/Critique board, Doodle/Shitdrawing board, and Porn board (containment threads for loli, shota, traps/futa, and Furry)

If people ask for more or their own boards that will be okay, we will expand as much as the Suggestions board asks
board for refferences amd artbooks qould be nice also
what would it have that this board doesn't?

Thanks, it will have /refs/ and /books/


This board has everything, but none of my fellow artists IRL would step foot in this place if I recommended it to them (which i have subtley). 4chan has a bad rep
>This board has everything, but none of my fellow artists IRL would step foot in this place if I recommended it to them (which i have subtley). 4chan has a bad rep
but anon this is what makes ic the best all the normies with "deep" drawings they draw once a month always fuck off after one thread, this is no hugbox and if your drawing has flaws you will get shit on. after that you lose your pathetic illusions about your art and try to actually get better or give up drawing at all. 4chan having abed rep only attracts idiots who never go out of /b/, if your irl artists are such pussies that they are afraid to even check out a imageboard because of its bad reputation, than they can stay on facebook and instagram where everyone praises them and your studies get removed because for some reason humans have tits
he just wants to be able to ban anyone who talks shit to him or his friends. everyone makes a booru eventually, and they all fail. no one is going to his board.

and op if you want to make a community of your friends just make a yahoo group or something.
>he just wants to be able to ban anyone who talks shit to him or his friends

The projection is real
Come one now, let's be honest, too many artists do this online. Anon isn't projecting.

If they do thats a fucking shame. Screenshot this post and post it in the future to call me out on some hypocritical bullshit. I may wish for a imageboard where artists are judged on their art and not race or beliefs but I sure a hell wouldnt want a hugbox. Screencap this post because anyone who wants to call a piece of art shit will be allowed, long as if the artist asks the anon to explain why the negative comment then the anon will respond with some constructive criticism.
nigga its impossible to know somebodys race here, just post your work and it will be judged
Hey, I only judge people on their beliefs if they're wrong.

This should be a banner
im a noob so i should have the noob thread
Make it so
A decade of heavy moderation and disillusionment with the furry 'community' will do that. The only reason it's tolerated as much as it is here is that it makes money and anons keep themselves in line so they don't lose their shitposting privileges.

Ill add it to the shorter list of boards you guys helped me put together. If you ever want more there will be the /sugg/estions board to recommend more

/usual/ - Basic Art & Critique
/doodle/ - Shitdrawing
/lewd/ - Adult Drawing
/refs/ - References
/read/ - Art Books
/noob/ - Beginners
/sugg/ - Suggestions

Anything else?
I dont want to share a board with yuricucks. Make one for straight the other one for weird fetishes.

See here. >>2769489 Most threads will be normal most likely but porn niches like lolicon, furry, and gay will be contained in their own threads
add a sketchbook board so people can post their sketches up there daily in their own threads and not muck up the critique board
Just do an exact copy of circa 2008 conceptart.org and you're good.

/usual/ - Basic Art & Critique
/doodle/ - Shitdrawing
/lewd/ - Adult Drawing
/refs/ - References
/read/ - Art Books
/noob/ - Beginners
/sugg/ - Suggestions
/sketch/ - Sketchbooks

This looks like a solid list. Should I go with what I have? Also should there be a split in the porn boards?

>Lewd section
/adult/ Porn Drawing (+18)
/young/ Porn Drawing (-18)
/deg/ Porn Drawing (degenerate)
Unless you have a disaffected community who is going to flock there, you only need like 4 boards. You underestimate how slow a small chan is.
How about some "resources" board?
For books, video courses, process videos, steps by steps, brushes, textures, tutorials, gumroads, maybe hi-res pics of top artists. All materials to learn from or to use in work.

Good idea. Instead of /read/ I may as well just add all that other stuff together for one board. /reso/ - Resources it is then. But the /refs/ board should still exist on its own since there could be many topics such as Horror/Deep Sea/Cyberpunk/50s
Yeah, I was thinking about make one board for refs and other stuff but realized there can be a lot of refs. That's why references not in my list.
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>Anything else?
Yes. Aside from artist-specific platforms, you need artist-specific features that encourage the sharing and posting of art, both OC and not OC.

It goes without saying that some kind of oekaki web app that's integrated with the imageboard software will be necessary, keep it simple though. It should just be a way to quickly place redlines and draw diagrams or do drawing demos.

Saucing functionality that can return handy links to more work by the author of attached images would be great.

There should also be an explicit way to specify a title, medium, author and date when anons want to post art.

Also consider allowing anons to upload file formats like .psd, .sai, .clip, .kra, etc. There might be some security risks of doing this though.

Don't forget to explore how other imageboards are implemented, like 8ch, lainchan, krautchan, etc

On a final note, include a meta board that lists threads from all the other boards. Most of the site will no doubt be a ghost town.

Great advice. Hopefully there arent ghost town boards. Should it need to get any bigger than this?

SFW Boards
/usual/ - Art & Critique
/sketch/ - Sketchbooks
/noob/ - Beginners
/reso/ - Resources
/ref/ - References
/sug/ - Suggestions

NSFW Boards
/shit/ - Shit Drawing
/adult/ Porn Drawing (+18)
/young/ Porn Drawing (-18)
/deg/ Porn Drawing (degenerate)
/off/ - Offtopic Shitposting

Nah there's 4chan for that. Besides we will already have a /shit/ Drawing board anyway. I'm not trying to make the next big imageboard I just want a learning haven for artists accustomed to the imageboard format. However I do think there should be /pol/, /co/, and /v/ related draw threads on /shit/ so there are threads involving other cultures but with our artists drawing stuff of them

Either you cut down all porn or cut all other boards to

/ic/ - Fine arts and critique.
/a/ - Weebs.
/crafts/ - For non- drawing.
/deg/ - Degeneracy.

You don't want a small community even more split. Your board will be deader than hotwheels /ic/.
A general purpose board goes a long way and you don't get a choice in what people post and respond to, mootykins. It can still be vaguely art related.

I'd consider doing what this anon suggests >>2769544 and maybe throwing in refs and resources. It's going to be slow and only big fish looking for a small pond will migrate from here, unfortunately. If you were responding to a schism in an existing community, it would be different.
Splitting a small community like this...

Just make one big board and add a tag system. It's almost 2017 ffs, get with the times.

These two may work great.

You can add a menu to hide all posts tagged with certain stuff at the top of the page, so you don't trigger someone by mistake.
only correct answer


Posters actually getting banned for starting threads to gossip.
It needs a beginners' section, because I just fucked up my life by going to an art school and I need all the help I can get.
For peices of art created under the influence.
This, or at least issue warnings for cheeky low effort threads to set visible examples.

Just set fucking ids.
So what's this awesome domain you got? postyourwork.com?
Some of these boards are going to be seriously dead. There are very little 3d artists, animators or traditional painters. Maybe have a /trad/ Traditional board for traditional art.
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