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Sketchbook Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 179

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What do your sketchbook pages look like, /ic/? Show us.
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it looks like this !
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Usually something like this.
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bigger sketchbook
smaller one

These are cool as fuck. Blog?
excellent taste anon Heart of Darkness is an wonderful novel.
something tells me you are a girl, am I right?
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nah, i am not. why
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How do you keep your sketchbook pages from smearing? Do you use fixative?
>Haven't had a sketchbook since I was a kid
>recently got one and hardly anything in it
>too busy doing digital + companion so no real need to take sketchbook

I really want to draw in my sketchbook but I can't come up with a good reason to do so else than tradition and sketchbooks are cool.
what are you drawing with? even soft graphite has never smeared for me, but charcoal/conte/etc are a bad idea
Maybe he's using a spiralbound sketchbook? Those always smudge everything to shit in my experience. I only use hardbound now.
Yeah same here. I really want to get back in to traditional art in general
i'm the other way around, i can't seem to find motivation to make finished pieces, but my sketchbooks are filling up like there's no tomorrow
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First time here
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god this is my favorite kinda thread
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I make my own sketchbooks so I don't need to care about anything I make. Love how serious some try to be with sketching, those youtube videos makes it painful.
Is that a Kassan reference I see?
jep, i think the old man.
you know there is some benefit in caring about what you're drawing.. like if you consistently don't give a shit and are just doodling and not figuring out how to refine you won't improve as fast as you could
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messy as fuck
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his foot is really small, your foot is generally a bit shorter than the distance between elbow and wrist, that's how big it is
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Yea I know I fucked up the foot I just got lazy thanks for the tip
It looks like some kind of horrible insect. I love it.
I like yo shit, do you post anywhere?
woah !
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Be honest guys
Kim pls
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Somebody once told me
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How many sketchbooks have you guys finished?
I like penises
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I use a binder clip if I'm using spiral bound. I prefer hardbound as it avoids this issue generally speaking
so far this year 5.
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finished this earlier
So? some people like to think more seriously with there work everyone has prefs mang personally its a mix of both for me
14 and a shit load of printer paper
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I recognize your stuff from the eyes alone haha.

All mine, all filled up with drawings, all from when I was 15 to 19 (now)
I hate fat people, and stupid people
I hate me too
But this shows clear black and white state of mind. Not caring isn't synonym for not figuring out and improving isn't linear value that depends on your sketches line quality. Sketchbook is the right place to do mistakes and something to laugh at yourself. If you are so obsessed with improving, try traveling and collect some experiences, meet people and see things you shouldn't.
What I mean by not caring is just pages worth of exploring, mistakes and intuitive drawing without any specific goal. I find it easier to do, if you make your own sketchbooks that have no value.
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Great stuff! Any of you got blogs?
yes, but i would never share it here. I'll post some random stuff, but never my blog/website.
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I usually just draw on random pieces of paper
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Holy shit lel
Here you go famalam
Post work.
That's fantastic stuff mate! Truly inspiring work. Do you post your stuff anywhere?
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I do daily double-page spread drawings in my sketchbook and color them in photoshop.
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More (B&W) Work
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And some scanned pages I coloured
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Well you definitely got the shape of the breast right
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So, I wanted to start drawing with a pen, not a pencil because I've got that habit of constantly erasing stuff if I don't like it (which is most of the time) and ending up not doing much progress at all. So this is my first try. How is it?
Not bad. Cranium on the dude is looking a little narrow. I'd like to see if you could incorporate some contouring into your hatching to better express the curved nature of the forms you are shading .
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very nice, blog?
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I think there is something black growing under my skin. I can feel it deep in my guts and in my head and can feel it flowing through my veins. I can feel it breathe and it presses up against my lungs until I can’t breathe and it breathes for me. It feels like a writhing black hole inside of my stomach. Maybe if I prod it enough or if my skin cracks open or if I vibrate too hard I might shatter and collapse into it. Sometimes I worry that my peers can feel it. I worry that they can see it oozing out of every orifice and pore and that they can smell it like tar and that when they get close they can hear the sound of barking dogs in my head. It makes my jaws open when it’s mad or scared but it doesn’t ever scream or talk it just makes me gag over and over and over. Sometimes when I cry it calls me stupid and foolish and it’s all my fault and always has been and there’s no changing anything. I can’t help but think that it’s growing bigger and I don’t know if I should be scared or relieved because it might grow so big that it pops through my skin and leaves me be and all that I’ll be is flesh and bones and clear light.
Really liking these 2
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All advise welcome
The mix of text and sketches is always so fucking rad. Mind paraphrasing what it's all about?

Start drawing some basic shapes. If you knew very basic perspective, how to draw a cylinder, how to draw a sphere, and how to wrap a cross-contour line around them, you could've nailed that drawing. As it is it looks shit because you don't understand any of those things.
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how do i draw like u guys
tell me what u did to be like that
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i liked it for some reason.
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i'm diggin this. how long have you been doing art?

also blog?
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on and off again for a decade now.
posted in /p/. been photographing for about a year and wanted to understand perspective and comp more. my 3rd drawing. first 2 were shit. this is too but better
As long as it's at least sold as an an artist's pencil, the graphite should smear far less. Also keep outside pressure low.
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I know, I know. There are enough rose and tribal designs in the world already.
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Vroom vroom
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Mostly weeaboo or otherwise stupid shit.
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>a girl with that level of skill

I'm afraid there is no such thing

nice job btw
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Good job to the person that made the mushroom
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Fart art
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More farting
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This is cool. Is this part of a series?
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Part of a book/comic I'm writing, yeah. Nothing really finished yet
Do you have a social media- Twitter, Tumblr, etc?
These are a bit old but I'm not bothered to scan new pages et.
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Doc Sep 5, 2016, 4-24 PM Page 6.jpg
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Whoops, resized
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Last one
I like your textures man, but varying line weights would help a lot.

I completely agree that drawings look better with varied line weight, but when I'm doodling I don't really mind, I'm just drawing for fun. I really only use it when I want to get serious.
that is a horrific mind set
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I posted them in beginner thread for feedback, but they came from my sketchbook so ill put them up here aswell.
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> you're not allowed to doodle for the sake of doodling
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bit of a giraffe neck going on there.
dude this is realy dope
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Some more pages from yesterday
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I like.
Especially the second one.
Cheap hairspray is a great fixative.
holy shit, that's good imo. is it pencil?
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Old materials from sketchbooks.
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Put some pages together.
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I'm just a begginner
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I made the switch to hardbound sketchbooks and so far no smearing has occured.

Thanks guys!
I love these types of threads
I don't because it just reminds me how shit I am.
blog ?
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Trying to do this more, it's fun
I just draw mushrooms cause I think theyre cute.
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36 if you count the copy paper as the same thickness as the sketch book. Its more like 18 though I guess since I mostly only sketch on one side since smudging.

I think its been about 3-4 years since I started drawing seriously. So about 12 books a year? 1 a month? 60 pages, so 2 pages a day? On average I guess. A little bit of effort everyday all adds up.

I want to get into digital painting/ rendering. (I've barely touched it though). (In terms of digital stuff I have like 90 scraps, 1% of which is me sucking as at rendering and the rest is sketching) I think the most genuine inspiration I have is when I go on walks and listen to music or whatever, or just go outside. I always imagine like a digital painting with like cool perspective and composition and stuff. Too bad I keep making excuses. I guess I'll start after school ends. I've got final exams and stuff, so I've been drawing a lot from porn references recently and feel really shit after I take my wank afterwards.

I feel like my obsession with porn is really fucking up my grades and making me question why I do art.

Hopefully I will make good vibes/ feels art in the future. I just need to commit to learning painting and stuff.

Any of you sketchbookers have any advice on how to get away from just pencil drawings? I'm feeling like no one really likes non coloured stuff.Or do you guys all feel satisfied with just sketching?
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Kind of creepy but I like it.

>old doodle unrelated, fucked up her body and gave up lol
aaaand its upside down. rip
is that markers or pencil? what kind?
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Anatomy will be the death of me
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I love your stuff man, especially the little comics and colours you do.
I like it man, those whales are cute as hell. Blog?
about 30

depends on why you want to get away from pencil. i find myself performing the same pencil sketching process with a pen. really boils down to what youre trying to do. sorry for the shitty answer man
Grind your fundies, spend more time trying to learn the general form and study stuff more, look at it longer and all
Read art books, watch videos, whatever tickles your fancy, just learn from those who are better than you
started doing this thing where i go through my sketchbooks and repair the designs ... i do some more on the pages but mainly fix the old ones ... as much as possible.
yeah i like the mix of script and sketches too, to be honest i dont like negative space , so i just write random stuff. like these i put lyrics of death metal/ slam music. the text is just super fucked up shit haha
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It's a fountain pen and then I use a waterbrush pen with a little bit of ink dabbed on it for value

Great stuff, bro.
Studying feet today.
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yeah this actually works
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Critique my sketchbook pls
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Nnnnnnnng Berserk
I like you, anon.
The penises are not bad drawn and although your picture is not my cup of tea I guess it would be some people's
Get fit while you git gud
not that anon, but may I ask why?
is it for the implications of 4chan?
You look British, of from the UK at least.
How is this style called or this type of stylizing letters and how does one go about learning to do it?
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some of my work, from argentina
wanna be tattoo artist, ed hardy extreme couture lettering.
Very clean, a big fan
Eh, their mindset is sketching isn't where you're trying to improve, and I can get that. No problem with what they're doing.
very cool. what did you use on the top one?
What have you read on shadows? It looks sick, wish what you've done would be discussed
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Fucking phone
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I feel like I've already uploaded all my drawings
>that left arm

What the fuck were you thinking?!
It's a failed attempt at foreshortening
Yeah oops
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Was this your reference?
I have a super old 1940s ish textbook called frontiers of psychological research you should really look at. It has illustrations I think you'll like, if I find it I'll post some pics.
I want to see that banana closer.
Very good but work on that line quality, and try a different pencil 2b or 3b for quick sketch
Very nice colour choice anon and crisp line work. It reminds me a little of vintage French comic art.
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I haven't read anything really. It's just very simple, minimalistic hatching. I try to limit it because I tend to layer it so much that it's barelly legible
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(I count this one as a sketch because it's more just trying to get a feel of oil painting, rather than a normal artwork.
pls no h8)
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Sadly, I've been neglecting my sketchbook since classes started, but I doodle my classmates in my notes and do some recall as well.
what sketchbook are you using
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Japanese traditional clothing?
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omg u're like picasso
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working on it.png
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so its shit ok . then how about this. its a work in progress so be honest.
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Well I like it, I'm taking it for futures inspirations. Keep up the work. May want to dray face looking at the left side too.
Some good stuff here,
You put some work into faces and chests. But look at the other piece of art here, you need to keep practicing. Try learning how to shade it, or how the lights affect drawings.
Keep it up.
Messy, but I like the style. Please continue.
Nice stuff here, I wonder how it will looks if you put all your energy on one drawing though.
Love the heart (no pun intended),

not the kind of stuff I'm used tobut I guess this must be good practice. Do you plan of doing a whole character one day ? I'd like to see your style.
One nice looking panda !

Hope you're doing other exotic animals too, you're doing good.
Will post more if people are interested.
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old thing.png
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i do it on and off this ones takes while to finish but i show you this one
You a tattoo artist or at least aspiring to be one ? Because the sketchbook of this tattooer buddy of mine is filled with phrases in different styles, like the page you've just shown.
I'm interested. Post something a little higher res too pls. That one's hard to see.
Yeah do it hombre
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Haji Buscemi.png
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Your stuff is nice but that CHEEKI BREEKI's arms are bothering me more than it should. They're way too short. Also
>Stock too square
>Upper receiver not found
>Too thin for an AK mag
>No trigger guard
>Hand guards aren't split
>No fuckhueg safety lever
With love, a /k/ autist.

Sorry don't have any larger pictures on hand. I'll try to take some in a bit.
Good stuff! Love the hatching.
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tried sending it from my phone (4mb limit) had to resize it in the computer.
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yeah i know probably took 10 mins on that guy. i did the 2 girls before and got lazy on him, didnt fix shit.
sorry the preview had it faceup
Stuff from my most recent sketchbook
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what tools do you use?
How do you prevent that amount of (graphite? Charcoal? ) from smudging all over the page in front of it and becoming an unintelligible mess?
A Blick Studios 4B, from this set:


It's become one of my favorite pencils for all-around use, great smooth transfer and it doesn't smudge too badly.
Very fucking nice
But I hope you use some form of fixative, otherwise you might as use a Smudginator 5000

It's a comic book story board ? why making this smalls as fuck ? I can't fucking see anything !
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they're shit
tfw you have small feet, I'm an adult wearing Size 6.5 shoes (u.s shoe size)
oh god, you actually searched
I'm in love
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Talentless abstract schmuck
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dude what the fuck is all this shit
A pen moving in my hand because it feels cathartic
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How is stuff like this made? Does he know exactly where to place every single line? Or does he do construction first with pencil and then erase that? This absolutely baffles me.
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Really cool stuff man. Got a blog?
Learn perspective.

Got a blog? would love to see more of your stuff
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Lol I used to draw old guy heads on dinosaurs. Fuckin aye
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jewish girl.jpg
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Lol sorry. I don't even post my sketches in my blog.
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Normie faces
i bet is because 4chan has the reputation of hacking and raiding so it's understandable
maybe you should ,blog?
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image (1).jpg
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i am not sane
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but its an assumption
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that's really good. I've been too intimidated to try oil paintings, I've never worked with them before
Love these, especially like the devil one just for the concept
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damn that's some great stuff, especially the fantasy stuff is really nice

>pic related is mine
I know I still need a lot of work but I figured I'd contribute. ignore the filter
Just uploaded a massive dump of images.
Here's the link so I don't spam the thread
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recommend me some sketchbooks?
i don't wanna use shitty mart ones anymore
Thread posts: 307
Thread images: 179

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