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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 110

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Norling edition

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises.
Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make your mom proud.

AVOID asking unrelated questions, there is a question thread for that.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new sticky in town! You can see it at:


>Thread study: Try to draw/paint the opening or any other following images.
Feel free to post your original works as well if you're trash.

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

Old thread: >>2587956
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draw without fapping
Why would I fap to female Guy Fieri?
I'd let her take me to flavortown.
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Some figure study shit involving torso anatomy.
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Also, pen gesture I did on a whim. It's fun, should do more of these
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conte? or what?
Forgot the name but it's always right besides the contes in my store. Maybe it is?

The end of the pencil is gray with a white stripe on it. You see Vilppu actually using it throughout his lectures.
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Trying to work on proportions and general body structure i guess. Any feedback appreciated
you suck lol
Best feedback i've heard in years, thank you so much
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fight scene kick and punch 2.gif
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i actually really like that, that's actually the model i'm trying to go for in my animations
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You should had a neck for your characters
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Hi, so, I'm actually new to this shit (and here comes the trolls, yaaaaay. I love them and their clubs and big noses) and some friends told me this would be a good place to get some feedback on my figure drawing practice, as well as any other drawings I do. So for now, I'm just gonna drop one of the better pictures from my last session, but was hoping if it would be ok for me to just have massive art dumps here to get people's opinion on where I am going and what I should be doing. Anyhoo, here we go! (because of the 1000X1000 requirement, it looks squashed. if anyone actually cares, I can post the original size too.)
You should start by studying simple anatomy, don't go too fast by drawing such poses
((I legitimately am new to this site so if that thing doesn't work, then yeaaaa))Yeah, that actually does sound like something that should be more my level. Whats happening there is that im using a site called http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing/ , which has a nice little timer thing where it gives you reference images to draw from and you draw them within a certain amount of time. That one I posted just happened to be a 5 minute allowance drawing, and the poses I get are random. I would like to keep going with pixelovely since it gives me a reason to practice everyday instead of just drawing whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like it, but I should probably do something else to help further my studies.
Read the sticky too please. But other than that, go visit the art book thread and read a figuring drawing book.
The point with quick-drawing some randoms poses is to keep what's important, it's something very helpful but you should keep that for later. Start with this (see the pic)
take name off

you're not important enough
thanks for the pic, Saved it for later since its super late and I'm heading to bed. But yea, I'm really liking this, I'll take a closer look at the sticky when I'm more awake. I am really happy I did this, thank you. :3
there is a references thread out there, go check it out, and practice simple anatomy.
And read this >>2590703
i'm sure this isn't that helpful for learning but i've been doing a lot of stuff like this recently
Where is the best place to pick up a set of elipse templates and a distance divider? I don't really want to spend literally hundreds on these tools if possible. Anything on Ali Express?
I know this is 4chan and all but do you really need to type like you actually have autism?

Practice your figure drawing a lot more, read a book or two. There are too many flaws in this image to even start.
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No need to be rude, at least he tried
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a little bit too stocky, i see
At this stage in his learning, it's better to be blunt than to coddle him.
Your lines cut in too deep at the elbows.
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waddup brehs
Draw what you see. His elbow is tilting slightly to the right, his torso is rotated more to the left, his chin is pressed against his deltoid (no space between neck and arm), his left leg is extended at a higher angle, his right leg is straighter.
rotate ur shit
Try to do it again anon. Without the scribbling lines. Use your whole arm, not just your wrist, try to draw out longer lines in one go. Do them lightly, it will take some practice to get the control to do it this way. Once you get it down right, do that line again, darker.

Basically try to avoid the chicken scratch.
You won't learn him anything nor encourage him by telling those rude words
If you want encouragement go talk to your friends, if you want criticism post here. If you can't handle rude words you really shouldn't be on 4chan.
It's okay to be an asshole here
> There are too many flaws in this image to even start.
> Criticism
It do not have to be 1000x1000 it could be less, like 920x1000 so you will keep the propotions.
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what am I doing wrong? it looks so scratchy, and shitty
smudge it with baby oil or something then
change paper, or pencil
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Posting this again, didn't got any replies
>Model has no hair
>Adds hair
Allow me to practice hair too
Also I'm always trying to tweak things, in general I make butts bigger
The model's neck is thinner.
and apparently smaller tits and thicker necks
and moving the hands
and giving her mouth like joker has
and making her face look like a burn victim
also you didnt make her butt bigger you made her thighs bigger
you probably meant to reply to some other image because im sure as hell thats not what youve used as a reference
god damn these poses are just fucking my shit up
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Ever had those days when it feels like your just wandering around, not feeling that what you practice is on the right path?

Every single thing that you do is another step on the path, regardless of how small.
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vkDOTcomSLASHdoc4043932_344855287 basically crosshatching practicing of your style with master study (kind of)
PS: if it looks like someone spilled coffee on it, don't worry. It renders like that. It should look normal after a while.
ups, meant to reply to >>2591131
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Art is more like a widely branching skill tree than a linear path.
While wandering around at random isn't the fastest path to any given goal-point, picking up various bits and bobs of technique is still valuable.
>im sure as hell thats not what youve used as a reference
wut? why?
don't mind him, he's on his period
Is that a skill tree for a game?
Not quite sure how my typing translates to autism, or maybe its because im being overly nice since I'm new here. Either way, it doesn't pertain to this forum so I'm gonna ignore it and focus on the actual advice given to me here. Anyways, I tried that Picasso Stravinsky test in the sticky, and at first I thought "Wow, I'm actually doing pretty decently." Then reality sets in and im complete shite. It looks like I drew Butthead if he was some sort of psychologist.
Yeah, it's Path of Exile's passive skill tree.
Where do I start when I want to draw that ?
I could do it by eyes, but the perspective would be wrong;
I don't have this kind of problem in front figures and more classic, less complex poses
yes fuck that guy its just some random hater
keep drawing poorly my man and dont forget to ignore the reference family =^.^=
This might be completely wrong, but if you're asking where to start drawing, with this one maybe breaking the body down to shapes to get a general idea of how its formed is a good idea. Like, the back looks sorta like a rectangle, the butt is OBVIOUSLY a nice elliptic cricle, the thights are pretty cylinder-ish, e.t.c. Again, I can be COMPLETELY wrong.
Yeah you are right. Seeing that improving at art is not linear is a bit frustrating for someone like me who likes to see improvement right away, but I guess accepting this just makes the journey more fun. I just want to get to drawing comics traditionally as soon as possible.

I'd love to see this, but the link says its back to its owner or something and I can't see it.
Almost forgot, yeah I want to be good at different inking tools such as tech pens to nibs to brushes, so I guess I should play around with each every so often.
She got a back vagina
Start out by getting all the extremes in the right place on your blank canvas. The head, the feet, the hands, the shoulders, the butt, and the basic line of action. After that you can worry about the details.
try this: vkDOTcomSLASHdoc4043932_344855287?hash=9a43ddae07b8634198
Well, break your art goals down into their components. "getting good at art for comics" isn't a straight line of improvement, but "getting good at cross-hatching" or "getting good at facial construction" or "getting good at hair" are all pretty straightforward progressions.
Thanks mate, just did some digging in the archives and found the link. I've been using Pen & Ink Drawing: A Simple Guide for my practices. Still recommend it, but its best not to stick to one resources when learning so I'll be giving this a read for sure.

That's kinda what I've been doing, practicing value scales with strokes and then gradation. Maybe I need to set an amount of them to work on before moving on. Also should check and do some of the exercises from DrawABox, at least for lines and ellipses.
I have been only working with my sketch pencils and my tablet, should I be finding other tools to work with??
I think the best way to actually understand form is by learning perspective.

Just drawing 3d shapes without any understanding to them doesn't really do much.
It's by no means a necessity to master a lot of tools.
If there's a specific tool you want to experiment with, or if there's a particular style you want to emulate, sure, go ahead.

But outside of color*, there's very little you can't learn with just a pencil, and digital art is nearly limitless in its variety.

*Don't try to get into colors just yet if the stuff you've posted in this thread is representative of your level. Play around with it for fun if you like, but there's plenty of basic stuff for you to learn in the world of monochrome before you'd really benefit from getting into it.
Will Perspective Made Easy help remedy that?
Honestly, the stuff I have posted is probably the best I am capable of right now. Without a reference, Im kinda hopeless unless im drawing something completely out there. Which actually brings me to my next question: Im obviously a beginner, I hoped I was slightly higher but no, im bottom tier. I practice everyday with the gesture drawings and now with /ic/'s sticky thread, but I also like to just draw what I want, draw for fun, like cartoon characters and junk. Should I stop "Drawing for fun" now, and only draw to practice, like drawing reference images for anatomy or doing practice like linework? I just wanna know incase drawing for fun is tainting my experience and making things harder for me in the long run.
it was the part I got trouble with. How do I place them right ?
They are not on the same plane
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Any tips?
Never ever ever ever ever ever ever stop drawing for fun.

Try to make the things you draw for fun educational(for instance, if you like to draw superheroes punching each other but you're studying perspective, try finding ways to make the perspective enhance the punch), and don't think just drawing for fun will make you improve as fast as studying things you suck at, but having fun with your art is also really important. It's a big part of what motivates any artist, and if you cut it out most people are gonna burn out really fast.

Well, just measure it. For instance, her shoulder is about one eighth of the image's height down from the top, and about one sixth of the width in from the right. Her hand is about one third of the height from the bottom, a little bit to the left.
If it seems daunting to do it by eye, draw a grid. It's how you train your eyes.

I can see you're putting a lot of work into your shadows but virtually none into your highlights. Don't be afraid to start experimenting in drawing in hair too.
It's pretty asymmetric.
Try regularly flipping your drawings upside down or turning them around in front of a back light to make it easier to catch stuff like that.
I used to draw those models on paper of different format and with eyes only.
A grid would makes things easier, I will try
hmmm, I see. you mention studying perspective, though perspective is something thats a bit above my level right now I think, though practicing isn't out of the question. Thats something I wonder: I know there is no clear cut method, but is there a way to tell where I am? like with
there are different levels of mastery, and I just don't know where I honestly stand beyond "A ton of people are better than me."
when should I beginner finish his work
and also what does it mean when beginners "polish turds"
It's very hard still. I've been trying with drawing fruit but it's dull so I find it difficult to practise shadows. I'll try some hair today, thanks for the advice.
Do you think I should stick with portrait drawing or just continue with basic shapes? Thanks for the advice
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When you're more experienced, you'll be able to eyeball complex poses like that without having to spend time drawing a grid, but in my experience, it's a great set of artistic training wheels.

Personally I don't think it's ever really too early to start learning basic perspective because of how fundamental it is.

As for your level, well, you're clearly a beginner and you're still struggling with drawing what you see, rather than what you think you see. I honestly can't give you any better advice than to follow the three steps for beginners in the sticky. Learn to see more objectively, learn to construct basic shapes, and learn some perspective.

I can't tell you how long you should spend on a drawing.
"polishing a turd" is when you focus on unimportant details when the image has much bigger issues. Like worrying about getting the texture of the skin right while you've accidentally given your subject two left feet.

How are you constructing the portraits? Those two things aren't separate.
Is there a place where random pictures pop up on a screen with a timer for figure sketching?
Thats for figures and gestures. The site also has hands, animals, and faces.
What's the difference between looking at a photo of a 3D object and looking at a 3D object in person from one angle?
the photo is already flat and you are just drawing another flat version of it. The real thing as actual dimension and weight to it in terms of shading and highlights and such. (read that from the sticky)
read more of the sticky, there is alot to take in. I'm gonna just...go for now, try and do something...
so i just decided to get a tablet and i've been working in photoshop, doing mostly weeb stuff. i'm having two problems in the learning process with this new tablet.

1) i can't seem to get straight lines for the life of me and getting decent curves and circles is even harder. is this a practice thing? anything else?

2) im working in photoshop and most of my stuff comes out looking super unpolished and even messy. are there any good videos or articles out there for various coloring/shading techniques for digital art? i'm sort of pleased with my line work, but i can't make it come together.
Oh look we scared away a lot of potential artists from posting by acting like raging lunatics about file size.

Also the tutorial in the OP isn't helpful
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I feel like I should stop trying to make sense of anime facial anatomy.
You should stop using anime cancer to try to study anatomy
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study real faces not fucking anime
May I ask what exactly you mean? Like the arms at the elbows are too thin?
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I am in no way a pro at this.
The features should be aligned upon the face, right? Am I seeing her nose wrong?
Maybe I just don't get shit at all but aren't her facial features not aligned?
I thought that even in good anime, they follow these basic rules. Yet, I don't hate this art.
Learn how the various face structures work especially at different angles. Every single one of these pathetic green lines has completely missed their mark.
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Why are you trying to start off studying manga? You know all accomplished manga artists began studying fine art and the fundamentals, through which they then poured their anatomical knowledge into stylisation. You need to go back to the start and try drawing an actual human.
How the fuck do I know the gender? Looks like a chick. lmao
Also, I was attempting to align the features not the structure of the skull. Then again, it's pretty much the same thing.
Don't you worry though. I'm a noob beginner so i'm not offended at all. I can't draw worth shit yet.
Also, if you don't mind, could you show the proper box around this characters head along with the features on lines?
I would appreciate it. I want to learn. :(
stop namefagging first :)
thats not even anime
Click the checkbox next to the name and there's a "delete" button at the bottom of the page.
no fakk u
i fakk ur mum
how 2 delete????
>software developer that wants to make video games but need to be able to art
>started lurking /ic/ and doing drawabox.com exercises literally yesterday
A-a journey of a thousand miles..
thanks honey ^.^
at least someone is nice here :)
i dont understand why so many people here are so mean to me ; ;
I'm not trying to study manga for the fundamentals.
I just thought the nose looked off and the eyes looked skewed.
But on second look, it's not that much off. Also, it's anime proportions big eyes etc.
It's stylized, I get that. (nep nep nep nep nep)
oh lord please forgive this newfag for he know not what he spew
are you me 7 months ago?
pro tip: 7 months is not enough
not that guy but
>tfw you are me
h-hold me bro
I assume it will be even harder, longer, and take more dedication to learn how to art well enough to indie game dev than it did to learn how to program.

Pic related, sadly.
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Who are you?
Also, not really sure why having a name is such a big deal, but I guess its because everyone decides to be anon and im breaking the status quo.

Anyways, lets try this again: http://drawabox.com/lesson/1, part 1 exercise.
Aw damn, fucked up the quote. I'm a literal mess these days.

Aaaaaay, someone in the same boat as me. I hope to see you around more often, its nice to have someone similar to me. I need to get one of those pens, I had to do mine in pencil. Im heading out today to get some.
Who am i?
You don't need a high degree of mechanical skill for coding, so... well, yes.
Sorry, sorry. I meant to quote the guy pretending to be me and ask, "Who are you", but I screwed that up. You're cool, assuming you're the same anon that answered me.
Thats ok. I don't have anything better to do. Besides my job and all the freelance development work. But I can art and code at the same time if i just cut out all other things from my life for the next 5 years.

Hermit mode activate.
just like engines do everything for you same can be done with art
unless you want some old timey hand animated game
just like people smudge and blur photos to make it look like painting same way you can make textures
/3/ has some easy tutorials in their sticky
I dont use engines anon. Besides, it's a skill I've always wanted. I just put learning it on hold while i focused on programing. I'll check /3/ out though.
Gib tips or something.
Fuck, forgot to resize
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>it's summer - the post
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from the last thread
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all dem newfigs
thanks for the yous
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
every time
h-how do i quote guize????
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You didn't even read the mother post...
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thank you!

Life drawing of a tree. Tried it two ways and failed both. Should I use a more forgiving darkness of pencil?
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Dear god this was hard to read. Remove your name, you don't deserve it.
Also, lurk 4chan more in general, you reek of normalfaggotry of the highest degree.
Also, underage? Read the sticky and don't post until you have something to show.
>> 2591667
No thanks, I think I'll keep my name. :3
And I'm here to get direction on where to go and where I am, so that requires posting. If I could already draw well, I probably wouldn't be here.
I honestly have had hard time learning perspective through books.

I recommend Marshall Vandruff 12 dollar video series that you can get online. He takes you through perspective evry easily.

After that, pick up a book. You should be ready for more advanced shit from Scott Robertson's How to Draw
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only did the outline, i really have trouble with faces.

What do you think about the rest
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Don't use a ballpoint pen for those exercises. the tip will dig into the paper, and make subsequent lines track into them, ruining the point of the exercise. get a fine tip felt pen. sharpie makes alright ones in a pinch, but faber castelle or staedtler are the easiest accessible pens. walmart sales staedtler triplus fine tip felt pens that'd work decently.

Also, crit me because no one did the last thread.
its very faint so its hard for me to give anything but impressions, but one eye looks bigger than the other, and I feel like his head is a bit too square. Again, only opinions/impressions, take em with a grain of salt.
Guess i can spare 12 bucks. Thanks mate.
Too wide shouldered and narrow-hipped You let the lighting trick you into making her thigh too narrow.
You made her hands too big, and you really messed up the tendons in her neck
You made the shoulders and hips more parallel, making the pose more static
Why did you put a gap between her torso and the arm on the right?
I dont think i was using a ball point pen. Im fairly ignorant of tools still, but im pretty sure the pen in my picture is felt tip.
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I tried.
good try man. You need to push your values a bit more and incorporate the areas of pure black and intensify the highlights on her skin.
Thanks for response, will work on it.
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>tfw i don't think this anon will be with us in /beg/ much longer
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I have that pen in question, it's a pilot precise V5/V7. extra fine/fine tipped rollingball pen. It's not gonna help you for those practices, trust me. Get a proper felt tip that's .5mm or close to. The sharpie extra fine tips are about .5 if memory serves.

Posting another image for crit. Up your game, /beg/.
Pose is interesting, feet look screwed up at the soles, and I can barely recognize a neck. The ay its sketched, he looks like he has a weird double chin where one chin points down.

As for Pens, I got a triplus fineliner .3mm staedtler. Is that good?
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fuck off, it's not so incredibly off that it's unrecognizable as the same image
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Triplus is fine as I mentioned here >>2591721.

Don't apply too much weight to it on denser paper though, as it's a bit on the thin side and can still depress the media. I was using some 98lb mixed media paper and noticed I was tracking with it using that very pen.

Hands and feet and most interior design on the guy is just for quick reference when I go to paint him in. I'm not too worried about 100% line accuracy as it's gonna all disappear shortly.
>Pic related
is reference from last thread from someone tellin' me something about 'fundies'
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Okay here's another attempt.
Had a lot to do today so this is as far as I've gotten. Haven't gotten to add the soldier(s) yet either.

Obviously needs refinement, but is this going somewhere now?
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>hm, it's been a while since I've done a study and people have been telling me that I should work on my skin tones
>immediately fuck up and ruin everything by making the head way too small
>spend an hour before I figure out what's wrong even though the original is right fucking there next to it
I'm more out of practice than I thought, it seems.
I guess I might as well move on with colors anyway, right?
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Well, there's lots of room for improvement, but that's for another time. I'm not sure I learned anything, though, except maybe that skin is a whole lot more saturated than I thought.
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I'm having doubts about my art. I can draw decent stuff like this, even in slightly dynamic poses but I never think of any interesting enough unless I'm doing porn. But like, half the time I just draw utter shit and don't feel like I know what I'm doing. Or rather, I feel like my actual output is so much lower than what I can do that it frustrates me. Some of it is the nature of sketching and only using mechanical pencils and not diversifying my horizons, but I feel like it's more than that. Critiques on this, and potentially more if I post my worse stuff?
for fucks sake if you cant be assed to resize then at least rotate

anyway i can see how the way you draw would be appealing to normies or whatever (think of all the likes) but in regards to your question you answered it yourself, just push past your comfort zone and never stop learning and have faith that you'll get better and you will. else you'll end up regretting wasted time

Not him but you should know by now that the 4chan submission form often rotates images on upload. How new are you exactly?
these are great. Are you using some odd reflect tool by the way?
It's actually probably my stupid fucking iPod. God I wish I had bought something not shitty before I got laid off.

I've had a passion for drawing environments (and no not 'omg post-apocalyptic zombie land with hover cars so edgy' or whatever, think more F-Zero and Metroid stuff) but I suck at it because I've never worked up the courage to just learn how to draw those kinds of things? Every time I attempt to draw individual details it looks like shit or my impatience gets to me. I guess I'll just have to grin and bear it and grind references? I really like Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural works but up until like a year ago I was really against using references for some stupid youth-ingrained reason.

Also for clarification I am quite new here. Browsed a time or two but that's all. I pretty much get zero opinions or only overt praise elsewhere and I'm fed up with it, so.
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not sure what you mean, i flip my canvas a lot if that's what you are referring to?
I need a drawing/sketch board to clip my shit on, I've literally been drawing on white paper with no clips on my desk desu

What brand should it be? What should the dimensions be? pls give recs
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Samefag as the rotated Quote guy, as you can tell I like to draw androids quite a bit, though from sketches they probably just look like humans with muscles drawn out, but I like the idea of blending flesh with metal/machinery and synthetic muscle tissue, which isn't obvious because I don't know how to texture in black and white tiny sketches and I suck at textures anyway.

The boy here is just a high ranking mage, and while I've spent a good amount of time trying to get him to represent the several aesthetics I'm blending, I'm not sure yet exactly how I'll use him. Tbh, he'll probably wind up in some glorified smut blog with shitty attempts at story.

These are the kinds of things I tend to draw. Anatomy practice sketches, design tests for characters, fan art, shameless fetish art, etc. but I want to delve into more like surrealism/scifi, concept art, general scenery, more "calm" things. Do you think my understanding of anatomy is strong enough that I should stop focusing on getting it right and instead trying to apply it in more interesting ways?

Other comments and critiques welcome. I'll post some less personal stuff in a bit.
TV trays, especially if you find them at goodwill or something, have been nice for me lately. Even not at goodwill, they're like 5 bucks or less at Walmart. Take the legs off if you so desire so you can set it on your lap.

Unless of course you're talking about large paper. I have zero expertise with that.
What do you have that's more dynamic? Can you assemble a scene with multiple characters and proper perspective and composition? Can you do other styles? Can you into color?

Given what you've shown I think you could probably start trying to use what you know to do whatever you want, but I wouldn't say you are done learning or trying to get better.
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I'm done with this girl
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I'm gonna have to post a few to get the point across, but I'd say I can sort of do those things but mostly struggle with details, especially since I hate throwing shit in for the sake of doing it. Usually I have a specific vision I try to emulate when I do art, but I honestly should probably drop that and just do things to see what works and what doesn't. However, it's admittedly quite difficult to illustrate things like trees in semi real illustrations.

Here's a couple things I did tonight. Yoga pose was done from the head, middle one is David's death of Marat, left is a sketch of a frank Lloyd wright house, which I'm kind of astounded by because usually I try so hard to do line art of shit like this and failing, but value sketching just made it a shit ton better.
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One scene is upside down but I'm not making a separate post for it lol. The bottom left is just a scene of coming upon some superstructured android city, although it's hard to tell on this clusterfuck of a page. I want giant mushrooms and pine trees to be a thing, but other than that I don't have many ideas on what to fill the environment with, especially since other than the androids the world is void of anything past fish and trees and maybe insects.

Bottom right is just an attempt at sketching out a scene where this character's paychic/magic starts creating vivid "daydream" states and idk he's melting because ow the edge.

Top one is just an example of where I have problems. How the fuck to I illustrate an ocean without thick utensils or color? I mean it's kinda easy to deduce but not easy enough imo.
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a name when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your name when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a name when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Please don't post things like this. I like being able to filter namefags.
Same. Everybody would have an easier life filtering a namefag instead of bitching about it in the first place.

he just gave a legitimate and helpful criticism you sperglords, if you gave a fuck about this board you'd quit shitposting the beginner threads with non-art gripes.

I'm so sick of people who come here, who don't even draw, that try and have an opinion on how the board "culture" should be.
>I'm so sick of people who come here, who don't even draw, that try and have an opinion on how the board "culture" should be.
You're one of them.
don't bother replying to bait

just hide the post
Yo, I havent anything to post as i have not been drawing in the past week. The reason for this is I have not had the time and i also draw on my phone which has an ~3"x6" screen (Galaxy Note 5). I have a question regarding this, it is that i have been feeling this restriction of space and have been contemplating purchasing a sketchbook. I wanted one in the first place but i am extremely poor right now. Do you think it would be worth it to purchase a sketchbook to break from this tight drawing space, or should i suck it up and keep trying.
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More space is a good thing, but if you're that poor just buy a ream of printer paper and some cheap pens/pencils. Materials are only important insomuch as what they allow you to accomplish.
Looks good.
Because it would have made her arm really big
Thanks, anon. I saw a nice large sketch book at the store that should last me a while and it will be my most prized possession. I will git gud with it and try to post the drawings i think aren't shit (so i wont ever post again).
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Shit has been rotated. Advice?
Please give critique.
Picture is lacking.
Tfw still no tips.
What is there to critique on something so low-effort, and more importantly, so stylized? What exactly are you going for here?

I would refer you to the alt art thread, where they would refer you here, where you would end up confused as to where you should be and it would result in someone telling you to read Keys to Drawing and Loomis.
source? i have a feeling this would be hilarious to watch
Got a reference?
I don't have trouble sticking to practicing. I have trouble knowing how.

Will following the sticky help me?
Allright, thanks. Atleast you replied, I'll go and study my ass off now.
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I'm not sure what my end goal is. I just keep practising with no direction.

Amano inspired me to the practice but I fear I'll just end up imitating his work.
I just started out with the sticky and so far i just use a pencil and copy paper. Today i wanted to try my hand on something just for fun and do some sort of still life but i was very lost. I tried to see the shadows and higlights and that's fairly easy. But i can't get those half tones down. Is that simply a question of practicing getting different values on the paper or should i switch to charcoal for this kind of stuff? Also, i felt like i was just aimlessly drawing shapes ... This is going to get better with time, r-right?
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When studying figure drawing, should I draw shitty small drawings and spend 2 minutes on them like pic related or spend more time on them and analyze them for mistakes?
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These are the ones I spent more time on and then pointed out mistakes. Ignore the edgy skelet
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how are you supposed to hold your pencil? i've been using 4 fingers my whole life since it feels most natural, but at the same time my drawing and writing is piss poor
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My goal is for people to take me seriously when i talk about art. How long until you guys noticed you were beilng taken seriously?
You "forgot" to resize and rotate...
Why so many people can't read the mother post?
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Forgot the imagine.
How hard is your pencil? If it's too hard, you'll have trouble with values because your value range is really limited, in which case charcoal would indeed make things easier. You might also try getting some white pencils for highlights and drawing on grey paper - having your drawing surrounded by pure white can make it pretty hard to figure out if you're getting the values right.

> Also, i felt like i was just aimlessly drawing shapes ...
Did you think about what shapes? Start out constructing your image out of simple shapes like cylinders and boxes and spheres before you add any detail. If you're having trouble with that step, you might want to try drawing something that has a simpler shape, like a can of soda rather than, say, a pile of laundry.
But yeah, it'll get better with practice.

Both have their place. Rather than "shitty, small" drawings, your fast drawings should focus on capturing the essence of the movement and the overall proportions, rather than getting the details right, while longer studies are good for learning anatomical details like how gravity shapes a lying figure.
I think it might really be too hard. I have some grey paper and white pencils at home. I'll give that a try and else head out to get some charcoal instead.

I didn't mean shapes like cubes, spheres and cylinders. More the shape of the shaded and highlighted areas. I probably just went over my skill-level. I'll stick to the real basics again. Might first need to train my wrists and shoulders to do the movements i want them to do on verx basic stuff.
Thanks so much for your help! It's really aprecciated.
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I tried again on black paper and it really was easier! Thanks for the helpfull ideas, anon.
I drew from life for the very first time. Please don't hold back with constructive critique. I did this mainly to practice to draw what i see and to work with values and shapes more than outlines.
I hope my pic won't be sideways or way too big
This was my life reference
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Forgot pic. Also, something seems off with the proportions/angles of the handle. I couldn't quiet figure out what
Thought it was pretty decent value-wise until I saw the reference and it turned out it wasn't supposed to be a glass object. You made the contrast between highlights and midtones way too stark (when drawing on black paper, you should only leave the paper blank in the absolute darkest spot), and you're missing a big ol' splotch of light on the right side where the sun hits it.
That said, good job!

Shape-wise, it looks like you made the handle too fat, and the lip of the opening is a lot more wobbly than it looks to be in the reference.
Thanks for clearing that up for me man,
Yes, i thought it was way too dark when i uploaded it. I'll try to improve that the next time.
The higlights are different from what i saw whilst painting because i held my phone up to get a pic.
I'll do it again when i'm home and focus on the handle/opening and getting the values more correct
Thanks a lot!
Trying different style
Stick with pencil, and read a book from the sticky and draw what it's teaching you.
When you start finishing your drawings. Not bad so far though.
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I tries to concentrate on shadows in this one. Is there a contradiction in shadows?
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The Milky Way version is on New Masters Academy, but he does a drawing with a girl scout cookie here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ4NsCqZ_T4
As a beginner, I've tackled:
Symbol drawing
Line quality (scratch scratch)
Basic shapes: Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, Box, Pyramid.
Value & Lighting.

Naturally, they are all still at a beginner level and simply churning out random beginner studies isn't helping my progression. Everything still needs improvement, but I'm not sure what I need to do break this barrier.

I'm determined to remain in this learning fundamentals level, but I feel that I'm in a rut in terms of how I'm learning (practicing same techniques without learning something new).

I'm still doing still life studies, breaking down complex objects for construction, attempting to apply what I've learned of perspective etc.
Still, I feel I'm in a beginner rut. What do I do? (I'm NOT ready for bridgman-type books)
should i be concerned about matching Loomis' drawings exactly? with how i've seen others draw i figure these books should just be general guidelines for 3D shapes(i.e. a head is not a circle) and proportion. like i've been making this too hard for myself
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ch-check it
Where do you start when you draw faces? What are the first construction lines you put down?
a circle. not a sphere, a circle.

i'm still working on turning circles into spheres. shit's harder than it looks.
First the general shape of the head (usually a sphere with a jaw attached, but for more cartoonish characters, I vary it up), then a line from one eye to the other, and a line down the center.
Any tips for the jaw? I can draw the sphere and stuff fine but my proportions and overall shape of the jaw always seem to be off.
Study jaws and then draw them.
Sorry man, jaws aren't exactly my strong point.
But try looking up low-poly faces from videogames, those might help you simplify.
i had a similar problem, the issue was that i was oversimplifying the jaw. it's a mandible (draw some skulls) with a fat pad on each side (on the masseter [sp?]) that connects to the upper torso through a whole shitton of muscles (most importantly the sternocleidomastoid which tucks behind the ear from the clavicle)

evolution is an overengineering cunt.
this is a solid tip, but brush up on your understanding first so you can pinpoint exactly which details the artists glossed over

If you look at the preface for Figure Drawing, he says himself you should be trying to understand the mechanisms he's describing, rather than simply reproducing the exact figures, but the proportions of muscles and stuff are important to know.
Thanks. Wasn't as hilarious as I expected.
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You using any ref for this? Pretty decent either way. Your lines are pretty shitty tho. Try using a tilted brush that's what helped me.
Pretty cool. Shadows seem fine.
Even if you copy his work you will gain a lot from that so go for it.
No ref. Will try out a tilted brush, thanks for the hint
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I tried to do a landscape from imagination

turns out I didn't know what the fuck I was doing

had fun though

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I did some hatching.
look a the small thumbnail. not smooth.
Do you have a value scale for each pattern/stroke? Its really helpful when trying to make a smooth transition.
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Am I even on the right track
Not really. Look up the planes of the face.
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too stiff.
fucking hell man, it looks like you drew this in 5 minutes and it looks a million times better than mine.. thank you very much for helping out, but boy oh boy does that make one sad.
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Wasn't he already posed like that, except mirrored?
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It's way off, but I think I'm gonna keep going.
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Botched the expression...shoulders too narrow
better i think...
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So, is it a bad idea to study colors by trying to use the colors of a referenced scene in an image you come up with yourself? Or is it better to try and copy an image directly?
That is EXACTLY what you should be doing. Copying directly mainly makes you good at copying directly. Using imagination + references means you're problem solving; you're working to understand how light and color and texture and everything else are applied to something you invented.
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I tried. There are a couple things wrong with it that I can see but I don't feel like spending another 2 hours trying to correct all of it.
Oh, that's good I guess. I mainly prefer it because it's more interesting.
I guess making those little color spheres to try and figure out the primary and ambient light sources in an image are also a good idea?
how to go from just sketches to line art? my sketches are turning out pretty great but like im having a hard time turning it into anything but a sketch
it's weird how it looks so similar to the ref but at the same time something seems off
You should be attempting to draw not only the parts of the body as they are, but the gaps/empty spaces as they are as well. A lot of the inaccuracy could have been avoided if that little space between the bottom of the ribcage and the upper leg was drawn as it is.
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>Come to /ic/ every few months
>do the first few excersizes of keys to drawing
>it looks fucking awful
>come back in a few months to try again

I hate myself.
join LAS >>2593281 and don't quit
Consider taking a short intro class, even if it's just some dumb school aimed at retiree hobbyists. I had similar issues starting out and it's really just a matter of breaking through your own low confidence. There's a switch in your head that's currently set to "I'm terrible and I can't improve even if I try" but the moment you manage to flip that switch you'll be set. Outside help can make it easier.
Do the first two exercises at drawabox.com, it will teach you confidence in drawing smooth lines.
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I've done that once too. I started right when the guy decided to go on a month vacation, so I lost interest.

I'm 23. I think it's already too late for me to make it. I'm just so far behind.

I'd probably get kicked out cause they think I'm doing low effort stuff. It always looks like a 6 year old drew it, with horrible symbol drawing no matter how hard I try.
>I'm 23. I think it's already too late for me to make it. I'm just so far behind.
nigga don't say shit like that, else when you're 24 you'll regret not starting at 23, then at 25 you'll regret not starting at 24, and so on and so forth, just do it
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Are there even people at my age who ever made it, though? It's not an unfounded assumption.
lmao honestly do everybody a favor and fuck off. The pity shit is just cringey, your defeatist outlook won't get you any pats on the back. Be smart, you KNOW you don't wanna draw so stop wasting your time and take up another hobby.
>I'm 23. I think it's already too late for me to make it. I'm just so far behind.

How do you think it'll feel when you're 28 and realize you spent the last 5 years complaining when you could've been getting good instead?
Van Gogh started in his late 20s. Monet started in his 40s.
The problem is extremely simple but also complex. Different anon here. What this guy is most likely having an issue with isn't just with art, it's him as a person. In other words, he needs to evaluate his life and start making changes. I am certain that this too old meme is just that, meme. To the anon complaining, You think 23 is too old? Look up Brad rigney. To put your situation into words, you're pathetic as a person. Art just happens to be your interest. In Normie talk, grow the fuck up.
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Also, your figure drawing looks 10ft tall please work on proportions.
The other guy was trying to make the point that telling you it looks good even when it doesn't won't help you get better. While I agree with the idea, his edge lord method was just that, edgy and not constructive. Anyways, I won't sugarcoat this either, you're bad, but not past fixing. Try and look at the reference picture more than you look at your own drawing, go over and analyze each detail starting with the largest ones like whole body parts at a time and how they relate to each other, and then break it down into smaller details as you progress. One last thing that Picasso practice thingy, everyone who is new fucks it up so don't feel like you're the worst one here, but do it again in like a week after practicing and pay attention to detail and see how you've improved. Good luck m8
sorry if unrelated but i heard there's an /ic/ skype group and i'd be interested in joining. not sure if that's related to the LAS thread cause i haven't looked into it too much.

anyways ive been posting here the past few days(mostly on other topics tho) and ive been really negative about myself(which is weird, haven't been like this since like middle school) and i think i want to change that.
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left is first attempt where I drew the body very slowly, right is second where I used sort of a shitty gestural approach

pls give tips
Do it a third time and look at the reference more than you look at the drawing. That or just move on to a different model or form of practice all together. Also what is shading, it looks like you got lazy
i'm kinda /beg/ too so take this with a grain of salt.
dont blend with your fingers.
the heads in both look absolutely nothing like the original picture, the features(the face especially) are symbol drawn and the hair is just scribbled on. even though the hair is spiked up, it isn't flaming scribbles. pay attention to where you're putting the facial features. to me it looks like you spent way more time on the "gesture" one than on the one where you drew it slowly, but that's probably because of all the smudging. if you drew the other one slowly, the lines should probably not be as scratchy at they are. you are trying to pay attention to the shadows and lighting at the expense of the overall anatomy of the drawing. focus on the anatomy and structure, and the shading second- and if i'm not mistaken, isn't gesture drawing meant to emphasize the pose and form rather than the values?
anyone got anything for me
Do you have the rights to your work if you publish it on a site or email it to yourself?
lips and ear seem a bit off, not an adept artist so i cant give ya more than that.
the moment you create something, for example, a painting or illustration, you own the rights to it no matter how its made, 3d, paper, statue, play-doh art, anything. just make sure to sign it or someting similar.
You said it yourself but you need to work on visual measuring. Do not ignore negative space, okay attention to it more. Also, finish every study and include the background. Unless you are studying a specific area on purpose, that is.
thanks for the advice
Would taking a picture and uploading it to cloud count as a timestamp?
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I think i read somewhere to think of hair in ribbons? Also am i at the point where i just need to grind??
Sorry resized/rotated
1) yes anon you are 100% at the point where you need to get miles of paper behind you. you need to be drawing and drawing a lot.

2) the hair looks pretty good compared to everything else you got going on. nice job on that.

3) keep drawing what you want, but make sure you start to set aside some time to study some of the fundamentals. you can find them in the sticky or ask for clarification. do not just study, but make sure you spend some time every day studying. it's a balancing act. good luck
basically what >>2593819 said, but also:
keep in mind the location of features on the face and the size of each feature. the facial features are off center and the mouth is too far to the right.
Okay, I'm tired of this.

You guys NEED to learn what a line is and what a contour is. They are NOT the same thing.

A line is like a wire you are bending around something. A contour is the EDGE of an object in the physical world. So if a chair is in front of a sofa, where the chair ends and the sofa starts, in your immediate view, even though it's two feet in front of it, that is the contour of the chair and the sofa. A line anywhere else is like a wire taped to the wall or to something else.

Remember, lines don't make up objects, values of light is what does. You are attempting to flatten what you see in the third dimension onto a two dimensional piece of parchment. When you touch a cat, it doesn't feel like a bunch of wires, it feels like fur. The only way to represent this accurately, in realism, on a two dimensional surface, is to draw exactly what you see. Values of shade should be your building blocks. Not wires.
It's happens to be 100% accurate.
There are literally zero fundamentals in what you posted.
Yeah I noticed much of what you two pointed out. I just didn't really feel like going back to fix it. But next time I will be more aware during the process, thanks.
I can't help but feel I need to angle my tablet a certain way to make it comfortable to draw with. It's a small Intuos
yes i suppose so



Rotate the canvas/image instead.
Thanks anon
LAS doesn't have skype groups, skype groups are cancerous circlejerks eitherway, similarly with discord and ircs.
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point out my mistakes NOW

pretty please.
the thing i wanna comment on the most is that i have no idea what's happening with the pose. you've got a nice comic style going but it makes it all the most important to make your poses and characters readable. i'd put his hand on his hip for starters, even though that shit is annoying to draw it'll make it look a lot more like a human and less like a puppet ragdolling around

yes, definitely. Just don't make the water too bright. this makes the contrast with the sky too strong, creating a weird hard edge right through the middle.

Next step is to ask yourself where you want to go with this? what do you want to focus on with this piece? composition, values, mood, design? It will help you to deside how precise and how far you want to go with certain details.
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How exactly do I learn to shade?
You don't learn to just "shade". You learn to see different value levels in every object in existence.
Don't lie to him.

You take images and just apply shade to them. Then it is perfect. If there is no shade, everything is the same value.
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unfinished business
Your midline is off. The image curved at the bottom (midline). Proportions are... ok it seems like you really tried to just copy line for line. Keep gradients equal, try doing just one style of pencil stroke to make your gradients not different style for each proportion. Be more patient, paper does not matter, pencil does. If your using one pencil test on a separate piece your darkest dark and lightest light and practice making even gradients. Good luck Anon.
Stupid question, how do i translate the stuff ive learned into a more simplified version? how do i break down realism into cartoonish
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Started reading Keys to Drawing a few days ago so I tried to draw my headphones by following the book's advice about shapes.
I drew it on a whim before going to bed but it turned out better than I expected. As far as I can tell the lines are quite hesitant leading to chicken scratch although the author says "restating" is okay. I don't know shit about textures or shading so I just scribbled over the band but compared to the real thing I think I did a decent job in regard to the proportions.
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