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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 148

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Previous Thread >>2396552

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others!

Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

>General resources :

>fellowBro's books :

>Figure Drawing Tool:

>Photoshop Brushes
This is one of my first pieces that I used heavy pastels on, what do you think?
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oh you.

repost this I guess. Didn't know the other thread was deaders. Cross between rachel from blade runner and audrey hepburn
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Neat! I like it!
Working on something abstract and need my shit kicked in.
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How do I color a greyscale painting without losing all of my values in photoshop?

(Can't post my work since it is furry, so substituting with a greyscale rabbit)

This is really good. You are a good artist.

Really cool, although I am not personally a fan of all of those colors together.

This is shit.


Very nice.
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Illya Repin.jpg
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not a drawing but i want to show off
it looks like a photoshop filter

I've seen the original. I hope you're happy tarnishing my memory of it.
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anime is the best.png
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I am inspired by your art, so I completely repainted my own version from scratch. Enjoy!
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Need crit on composition.
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it needs a focus point. literally anything will make it more interesting
I agree with this. I honestly like painting boring-ass landscapes more than anything, but having something to focus on really does make it better. I would put it more middle-left though.
I like how it feels on its own without a focal point. It feels so vast and free.
focal point can also be color (for example) and not A Thing. it just needs some kind of contrast. it doesn't help that you have everything neatly enclosed and roughly symmetrical.
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Good point, think the lion fixed it.

Thanks. Hope I didn’t lose that!

I thought enclosing with foreground elements was a good thing? Ah, tried to get rid of the boring symmetry, mostly applied your advice to the second one.
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post link in the old thread you shit
holy shit that looks good. i have no idea how you fuckers do this vanishing point shit.

nice work.

try "How to draw" by Scott Robertson
ill check it out, thanks for the pointer :)
i havent drawn in a half year and have very clearly forgotten how muscles work.

would anyone be so kind to ravage my asshole with a (hunched) redline?
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Roll and post
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Set the layer mode for the colors to "Color". It pays attention to hue while ignoring value, I believe.
Seems fine to me.
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I usually do bulk updates every month
I had the same fear, I always felt that perspective is something that's very difficult, reading posts with lots of long words and terms. It's actually not that hard. One of the harder parts of studying from a book or by yourself is less courage and the possibility of postponing it. I didn't try learning perspecitve out of fear, but when I started my architecture prework, my teacher made me do 2 point perspective, and holy shit it's easy at the basic level. Not that hard even when you get more complex. Don't be afraid of it, perspective really isnt that hard. The harder part would be knowing which sort of perspective and where to use it.
huh, really? it feels so off to me, there was a clear feeling of my hand and brain not really working in sync. its also a kind of flat pose, so maybe thats whats bothering me. i'll be reworking it anyway
Looking at it again, his biceps come down way too far; he wouldn't be able to bend his arms. If you're concerned about the pose, I think making his front foot come toward us a bit would help. Mako is stiff but I figured that's what you're going for.
Replied to you in the other threat before seeing the new one:

"It reads more as Audrey Hepburn, maybe Rachels hairstyle would've worked better?
Anyway, love your stuff, keep going"
the arms were my largest point of irritance (the torso would be too if i didnt cover up the whole thing har har) so i'm glad its not just me. as for mako, shes always kind of lacked a sense of spacial presence in the show due to her jumping around all the time, but it might also come off as a crutch kinda deal, i might just fix her as well. thanksss
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Tried to make the forms read better while still keeping it loose
enclosing is a good thing, esp when you're enclosing around a focal point so you can lead the viewer's eye to it (wink) but you had every element in the pic (rocks, mountains, clouds) going from outside to in. and having everything lead to the center is generally hard to pull off without feeling stale. that said, I really like the changes you've made and I think both versions are much better for it.
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skull and head practise.
what do you think?
I'd really like to see you push the value a bit. Maybe even just the background. I feel like everything is playing in the mid range and you need some contrast somewhere.
nice rabbit

looks like autism


in the photo her head reads as a ball, and you made her face super horselike long, with a skinny jaw, but the skinny jaw isn't there in the photo to be exaggerated. What should be exaggerated is how round her face is, with huge eyes and minuscule mouth, her nose should be kept normal size in contrast maybe. This creepy girl is how anime would look in real life.
only flaw i see is hands have no palms and that ear, really good desu
here I roll
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honestly just fuck faces in general
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Not my own, but for a friend. What can I tell him to help him improve?
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Struggling with the eyes : Is the reflections seem natural? And what about the size of the iris, wich one is too big or too small ? And finally the braid looks pretty flat, I don't know how to correct that.
Left iris looks a bit small but also it looks like the angles of the eyes, nose and mouth don't match.
so qt. post some tits photo reference
The biggest problem with this is you are compressing the torso. You are drawing the shoulders and then you shorten the stomach and draw the hips. Look at how the girl's shoulders align with her hips instead of her bellybutton. I feel like this is a common mistake, as I have the same bad habit, and I would suggest you do some 8 heads anatomy exercises to correct this.
There is a bunch of stuff to work on, this is pretty bad and would require a lot of pointers, but if your friend doesn't want to post here, why should we critique it? He will just dismiss what you say to him.
Can some draw me a person sitting in a car, but from the perspective of someone standing in a toll booth? I can't seem to visualize or find any examples online.
Yeah, I just talked to him and he's the kind of guy that hears what he wants. He doesn't take advice well.
her chin is unbalanced but the actual facial features look amazing
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shitty phone photo, but meh. i got some new colors and wanted to try them out on this one. emerald green and pthalo blue are friggin awesome. and i got beige. beige is great too.
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Team Sketch 1.jpg
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Complete newfag to drawing here, still in the process of reading Loomis. This is a sketch I made about a month ago, just for the fun of it. Thoughts?
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droopy eye is droopy
Just finished this up.
Love it.
looks like you are thinking too hard about fabric and hands. the feet are covered and you can't see the rest of the body but i'll assume you have a hard time with that stuff too. it doesn't look effortless. just do some hand practice and fabric practice from life

wouldn't be a bad idea to practice drawing your hair too it looks a bit too solid in your picture.
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Sin título-1.png
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Maybe...like this
Are you Nadar?
What do you mean by "it doesn't look effortless"?
its like i said you are thinking too much about what hands faces hair fabric and all that looks. and you won't get more confident by drawing from imagination constantly. gotta get back on the life drawing wagon
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Thanks bruv
Hit close to home
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Sin título-3.png
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I felt ashamed of uploading this shitty sketch the other day, so I decided to make it less shitty
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Something before I go to sleep.
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Have you ever done any studies of emotions? I think it would be very beneficial for you to try and push the expressions drawn in your portraits

doesn't get much more generic than that rene
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ayy lmao
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2/3rds done penciling
Thoughts on these? I feel like I'm doing something wrong that's very obvious but I can't seem to find out what.

The face is kind of strange to me. The mouth stands out in particular, I'm not sure exactly what, but it seems off somehow. The expression is really blank and off putting as well. The hands are weird too, for me the fingers are disproportionate and the anatomy is a little wonky. But that's just my opinion. Besides that, really nice!

From a technical standpoint, The composition is OK but it's really dark. The clouds are even black for some reason? And you need to work on the values a little bit. The cathedral should be the focus point, with more detail and brighter lighting, to guide the eye there. Right now the brightest spots I see are on the ground in front of and to the left of the cathedral. And that's where my eye is guided more than anything. From a creative standpoint, it's a little bland and generic right now, but that's completely OK if it's just for practice.

Nice! I like the coat on the right. Her fingers are sausages tho and her face looks like ayylien. Also she has no clavicles. I like the shading though!

Try to sketch a little cleaner. Right now it's super chicken-scratch. Regarding the face, he doesn't really have that much of a jawbone, the lighting makes it look like he's puffing out his cheek. The ear is low as well, as a general rule the lobe should start at the same height as the bottom of the nose, and the tip of the ear should be at the same height as the eyebrow.


I know I'm not really that great but I hope my crit helps anyway.
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Elektrix - ThundeRider.jpg
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Birthday gift for a friend.
I just drew his character, some kind of neckless yellow guy...
want to see it when its finished
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this would require a real scanner. Starting to think if I should even continue this sketch, idea itself needs a kick.
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Sketch I did for a friend. Am I doing well for a freshman?
making that duck face
i hope you're talking about college anon
and even then you're lacking in fundamentals (all of them. every single one). take a trip to the sticky & beginner thread pls
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Just did some, thanks

Thank you, I'm quite surprised you liked it despite its flaws

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changed her face a bit
I think the chin is fine
I've seen several photos of people with that angle and the jaw/chin are never truly even
nice, is this an idol? she looks familiar
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>just did some thanks
you obviously didn't study expressions very hard.
Keeping the eyes wide open and the mouth ridiculously petite makes her look like a porcelain doll.
When a person smiles (genuinely), it's not just their mouth that changes by curving upwards.
Their eyes crinkle up, their cheeks get pushed up and their mouth widens.
Sorry, you're right. I guess I got lost in the rendering
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Looks ok to me, but I may be just too close to the picture. Any glaring flaws in this?
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Should I make the vignetted part more defined or should I make the front wrinkles less defined or leave it?
I like it. Is it a study? Looks like Star Wars
you're not pushing your values hard enough. definitely make the wall behind the thing's ass much darker, and I would expect some stronger rimlighting from that window behind them.
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are you using colored pencils? If so, I made this real quick to demonstrate how to achieve a full range of values/saturation, instead of that grainy translucent coloring you have going on.
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You're not taking into account the context, what he's drawing is an impossible ideal of an already idealized standard.
Based on the nose and shape of the eyes he's clearly drawing an Asian female so I think you should draw your comparison to that.

Also it should be clear from the drawing that it's not an ear-to-ear smile, just a small grin which shouldn't curve the mouth that much if at all.

There's even a term for East Asian skin/face which is the "porcelain complexion" which draws a comparison to what a porcelain doll would look like.
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Just realized I didn't optimize the image size at all, sorry.
Thanks anon. I'm just afraid that when I add color to it its going to get really really dark. Also, when I print out anything I digitally paint it ends up being way too dark so I hope that if I avoid the 10th step then it won't get blown out.
although I admit I need to add way more lights
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not sure this was worth the paintover but just to show you how values can be pushed. ur best one yet desu
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Welp, I've never done digital art up until today, when my buddy let me use his ancient cintiq. I'm not entirely sure how to use photoshop, but with research I should be able to figure it out. I'm liking the feel of it so far and the results are better than I expected. Before I go back and continue with it, what are some things to keep in mind? I'm planning to fix the irises, but what else can I do to improve the face?
You should take a screenshot
Nose looks too much to their right
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Ah, didn't realise she was Asian, assumed it was simply the remnants of anime style (like final fantasy) - the green eyes and light colored hair threw me off.
Never heard of that term 'porcelain complexion', but that definitely fits with what he's going with.
Regardless of whether he's going for a wide grin or not, I still think that some of what I mentioned can be applied or hinted at to make the expression look more natural.
This guy is sposed to have lots of eyes but I haven't settled on a configuration yet.

Looks kinda cool with no eyes though.
[trypophobia triggered]
Fuck you.
Great idea anon :)
great colours, like the composition
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I shit you not I felt my eyes roll up for a second and feeling light headed and feeling light headed faint just looking at the fucking thumbnail.
the eyes clash so much with the rest its a little funny desu

not triggering my trypophobia, the depth on the holes is too undefined
shouldnt you be pleased about that?
Yeah, just looks like paint splatter

i am, but i'm just trying to be helpful.

although now im sitting here thinking about that hentai comic with the holes and its making my skin itch....
oil on canvas work in progress
Is this better? I was never really going for trypophobia but it's kinda cool actually.
Yeah I just made a bunch of circles n duplicated the layer with a bit of a transformation, took like two seconds.
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needs more SMUG anon
holy shit this legit gave me a tingling sensation
gj anon
now put eyes in the holes.... dooooo it!
Thank you, I couldn't have done it without your irrational fear of small holes.

you're gettin there, im not feeling icky yet, but i don't think my trypophobia is very extreme either
Alright I'm gonna quit spamming the thread with this guy now.
Kim Jaekyung! And thank you.
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Hello mellamo pedro.png
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I'm shit at art.
Hello guys, nice to meet yall
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I'm having a hell of a time finding large clean reference of rachel. Her hair is very unique and most of the ref I find is either a bad angel, too dark, or too small :(
i like this, this is nice. gj
Loomis, gotta read it all!
I was using color pencils and thank you for the tutorial image. I really do hate how weak color pencils tones usually are. With the blending part do you recommend using anything in particular?
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Tfw ignored
these look great, are you using any kind of ref?
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i generally paint over my sketch lines anyways.
thanks, didn't use anything for these
Thank you,that makes sense. Gonna move on the rendering.
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this was fun.
draw more landscapes!
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maybe next spring/summer, not really finding the reason to do now.
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can someone critique my figure drawing?
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next? or this?
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this most likely, if everything goes as planned.
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sorry for dumping, I found this one I did few weeks ago. I think I'm falling again for pencils.
Anatomy is screwed up and you are chicken scratching. How long is this pose? It looks like you wasted time on the face that could have been better spent getting the figure more accurate, assuming this isn't from a photo. Also don't skip gesture and construction, it looks like you just jumped right into drawing contours.
Oh one more thing, to work on chicken scratching, make sure you are using the "overhand" grip on your drawing tool and draw from your shoulder/elbow, focus on staying loose. Take time to think about your marks before you make them, don't be afraid to take it slow.
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That's a good point too, itr was supposed to be a small smile but even so I think it did not works as I had hoped, thanks anyway!

Thanks anon, I will try to take it present, however I have noticed that some of you, compress the range of value and manage the contrast in that range, maybe I'm wrong but I've noticed Catbib does this, his paintings come off as quite low contrasted but his values are still quite effective.

Btw it feels weird that some of you like these more than my tight pieces :S

You know at some point I think I deviated for the worse on that, I just noticed an earlier version which I honestly like better than my latest iteration, either way thanks for the advice
really nice anon
Looks nice! Crop and resize next update anon.
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it's lovely but i would't have used that green, it looks it's kinda too saturated
it was 15 minutes

the studio I go to doesn't do anything longer for drawing poses it's a bit shitty
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Look at the thumbnail, her nose is really high up
Try timing yourself like 5 minutes gesture, 5 minutes construction + anatomy, then 5 minutes on adding tone. Then change around your time allotment based on what you have trouble with. Also when doing any pose under like 20 minutes you can just do a block in of the face and move on, even as little as drawing a vertical line for the center of the face and a horizontal line for the eyes gets the job done. Remember to squint!
thanks. I think i'm pretty ok with gestures but the proportions in the gestures can be a little funky.

with the gesture, should I work on proportion, or leave that for the construction portion?
It's good to keep proportion in mind while doing gesture, but don't be a slave to it. The gesture step is your chance to really push the drawing and get some energy into it, each subsequent step will sap away some of that energy as you refine it so don't be timid.
what anatomy book would you recommend?

I just dl'd bridgman but it's a bit confusing although i'm trying to work through it.

I tried vilppu but i just made weird blob people (they weren't terrible but he didn't really teach anatomy)

I guess i'm just a bit lost on how/where to start learning/incorporating anatomy into my life studies
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I had trouble finding planes on her face to make way for brighter-lighted areas. Everything is all rounded and flexed with that expression and it looks weird.
Gracias primo!
so don't make that expression
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am i irakli yet?
it has that unsettling trans face

I'll have you know my mother made that face when she had CANCER.

Yeah bet you feel pret-ty shitty right about now.
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Gonna drop this, I feel too constricted to make any substantial changes and was too indecisive when it comes to the actual design.
Would love some feedback still
the symbol drawn in sword didnt help in the slightest
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Im having trouble with the anatomy. Also i cant find good refs of a woman in this angle.
Redlines or references would be very much appreciated <:
Yeah it obviously looks like an afterthought, I used reference though.
>it has that unsettling trans face
What do you think makes it look like that?
different guy but she has only bottom teeth and a waaay too big upper lip
Haha can't unse now.
How did I fuck up so bad man
The teeth are awful but I do like the big upper lip.
Lack of nostrils are unsettling as well. It looks like she has two flat holes under the nose
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Not a fix precisely. I only have a trackpad atm, so I just wanted to toy around.
bump. halp guise
m a l e f a c e

you changed the slightly elevated angle but yeah it's prettier, thanks!

Make the nose smaller
quick question but is your name Dayi? idkk your portrait looks like a friend...
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Why would you destroy her face like that
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please be gentle, this is my 4th project. It isn't finished, but I would like feed back on how I should finish it.
I fucked up that picture. jesus christ. i (obviously) ignored everything that wasn't surrounding him
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hands and faces. ive been lazy these past two days but hopefully tomorrow is more productive
You should get a trip
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Why do you draw yourself so often? It's really good though

seems the exact same as everything else you've posted. Move on.
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c'est un desastre
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holy mary bitch.jpg
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ignore the badly photoshopped in headdress thing its for college project I'll fix it later
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Sorry about file size. Here's his brother in death that I posted a while ago, just feels wrong to post one without the other.
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It isn't cropped but it's all I have at the moment. I've honestly just been working on observing light and shadows, and trying capture it as best as I can to get better lately. This shot is rather...narrow, but I drew as I was looking at the desk and whatever fit, just fit.
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i just finished this! pls r8
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will continue later
need to fix the mouth
Trying to understand butts
forget image

that is fucking sexy dude
Thanks bruv. /s/ is my go-to for female refs.
I'm trying to understand how to draw fatty parts of the body.
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Try to simplify the values a lot more before jumping into fully rendering it
Holy shit is everyone's drivers down?
wtf are you talking about
He said he doesn't go out much so he draws whatever he can which is himself
j'aimerais bien faire des désastres comme ca
Who let you out of the beginner thread m8?
Kinda agree with >>2405092 Try some things you're less comfortable with. Maybe your feet, definitely some gestures of other people (photos if you have to). You can always come back to hands in a while.
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welp... i tried, i guess
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thats not me and most likely not.

Last nights progress, trying to figure out some kind of mashup with Muchas goddesses, cosmonauts, birds and icons.

Could be easily turned into triptych, might even try it.
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Calm down m8, take all the time you need. A week long study might do you a world of good.
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rate my fairy cannon
Myself m8
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Hope it's not too late to get some crit

too much contrast!
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trying to figure out background, maybe something more vague and less detailed?

sorry for the rough phone pic, I need to get this scanned when finally done.
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thats not a landscape
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This is my artwork I hope to be able to inspire someone out there.
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lighting value boxes 1.jpg
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precursor to color studies
thank you for this, ive never been so inspired in my life
Ought to link to the reference thread next time
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been slowing down on the drawing and picking up painting a bit more. got inspired by the Giorgio de Chirico thread and decided to do some kinda expressionist surrealist whatever
subtle creepiness
Personally I love it. But I'm not as big of a fan for the small one in the bottom left corner
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Raven RS.jpg
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artichoke hands...
The head/face seem like they're squashed a bit too much
head looks off and hands look like a mess fiz em and itll look better
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aside from the glaring anatomical issues and the clear lack of reference.. what the fuck am I even looking at Is a dude with a box for a head and a deformed hand going to pass this crippled women one of those looking glasses they use at operas? also if I didn't mention it that anatomy is fucked beyond belief. she has no back, it just goes from torso and chest to ass

why post this for anything more then a giggle at your expense?
I'd stick my face between that thigh gap. your line work is really, really messy, the hair is a little unclear and you might be better off in the stylized thread but, hey, raven gave me a leotard fetish as a kid and I would stick my face between those thighs mmmf
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First ever digital drawing (just got wacom intuos tablet) and first drawing in about 4 years... rip me apart. also WIP
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Wellp. Started rendering it. T totally not inspired by Ruan jia. I feel like a deformed retarded version of him.
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Trying to figure out how the fuck metal works
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fukin hair
>dat face
holy shit, anon
Is it very messed up? :/ some things are off still, as is still rough and stuff. Ill try fixing it

I absolutely love her face. Do you have a blog?
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don't shade like dat, also lowered the eye a bit.
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I feel like the angles of the face dont match up
Thank you :)
No i dont. This is my first time posting my art onto the internet.
Some quick still lifes i did through out the day
Yeah I felt that as well
Thank you for the correction!

You should post more then, it's very nice!
>Trying to figure out how the fuck metal works
Then do a study
Get something metal and shine light on it
You seem to have some difficulty with cylindrical forms in perspective.
Try to block in larger areas of colour, looks like you're getting distracted by all the subtle variations before having a solid form down
What does one learn from a still life?
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ditched the rtd prompt, just done this
wtf... are you a swefag, Nile?
in the middle of this.... i know somethings off, tell me what it is would you?
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I was told to go back to greyscale just did a quick "dwarf warrior" what do you think?
Holy fuck how do I keep posting shit sideways I am fully autistic today
3.12 MB for a doodle. Do you think bandwidth grows on trees?
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never mind sideways, you took a picture of your screen...
it happens when I had to go to the bathroom
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antimoon1 insta.png
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my rendering is shit, too scratchy.
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Better picture now c:
My main question, how should his dreads connect? I wan't him bald on top
This picture is such a mess I can barely tell what I'm looking at.
its a head and a beard, honestly I can't see it being that hard to decrypt
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I always use such garish, contrasting colours.
It's gross but I love it.

Oh, if anybody is wondering why my lines are complete shit, I don't own a tablet so I draw in Photoshop using my mouse, but my mouse is also busted and keeps disconnecting/wiggling whilst I'm doing strokes.
I should probably buy a new one.
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i painted a pot. first time trying to paint a pattern rotating around an object. was easier than i expected

Ha, we totally used the same colour scheme.
ye bruh purple girls make better waifus
>i know somethings off, tell me what it is would you?
This won't sound very helpful, but a little of everything. I don't know if I could say that one area is especially weak or if another is especially strong.

What I do know is that you can very likely remake this - many times better - with your current skill level. And the trick to that is to use references. You'll need references for a human skull, whatever animal(?) skull that mask part is, materials, etc. Most importantly is you'll need a reference for the pose and the overall placement of the cloths.

What you need to do here is set up a camera on a timer and photograph yourself striking that pose and other variants. Try out what feels natural - think about the action and the scene - what happened just before this moment and what happens after. Try out different lighting and camera angles too. How does setting the camera on ground level affect the mood compared to a head-level camera? What's useful here is that if you get the pose and camera angle just the way you want it, and you also set up your light sources and use towels and blankets as stand-ins for the cloth, you now have references that solve most of the areas you're unclear about (perspective, pose, proportions, folds, lighting, etc).

As a general tip, if you plan on including a background, plan that out first using thumbnails. Composition is important, and shouldn't be an afterthought slapped onto an already finished figure. If you don't plan on using a background, use something other than pure white or black so that you can better judge your working values. You can even go up a notch and introduce your background color as an ambient light source to ground the figure on even a blank background.

Ye, except you possess superior skills to me :>
I still don't know how to ditch lines and work off of contrast, tone and shadow. Maybe one day I will not be a lazy piece of shit and bother to learn.
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actual scan would make wonders.
the "all lines in the same direction" thing never does anything for me.
also push values more. everybody likes seeing dark darks. they look better than a drawing full of only midtones and highlights.
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yeah, true. Actually it will be printed through riso, so most of fine details will just vanish. I'm actually looking forward to see it narrowed to two tones.
Okay then. Roll
Here's an ink drawing.
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is there any tricks to not be extremely nervous while people watch you paint? I always fuck up so much. Even in a studio with an AD just hovering over my back i'm like "cmon man just like... come back later ok this is awkward"
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Another...this time pencil.
Don't listen to those other 2 crits. They are just in /ic/ mode and feel like they have to say SOMETHING negative. The light values with harrsh lines is a really cool style. The colors are pretty rad as well.

it does look like you had a hard time getting in the details of the helmet. How large is the original? If anything work on larger paper so you have an easier time getting in those details. I'm talking at least 11x17. It takes longer to render out all those large empty spaces but the outcome looks much much better. Like supersampling a game.
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>"don't listen to crits"
>gives a crit

ok anon

anyways heres my hands from tonight
have you ever actually seen a human hand?

hint, they don't look like that.
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Photo on 2-20-16 at 12.59 AM.jpg
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you're right they look like this
like a faggot?
post your work
>the bottom right hand
ho fuck seek medical attention dude
seriously stop hiding the fact your don't know how hands work with your shit style. All those hands look like they were mashed in with fucking rocks or have horrific tumors.
brian, thats pretty cringe desu
Saved for future reference
dave rapoza's bog witch. You fucking plagurist.
SSRIs, SSNRIs, benzos
that picture is now on the internet for everyone to make fun of. This shit is the new merc_wip
could you at least rotate them 90 degrees and take better photos or get a scanner?
Great form, hatching and lines look confident as well. You might wanna try drawing female hands too.
its really sad when you have to compliment your own art
I usually blend with white, but not always. It depends on the level of saturation/color you're going for. For example, if I wanted to dull down a blue, I might blend with a light orange. If I wanted to brighten up a green, I'd use a yellow. It's kind of like mixing paint. Using white will always give you a smooth, even blend but it'll weaken the saturation of the pigment considerably.

If you practice with them a lot, its something you just get a feel for. Also color theory helps.
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also this, for gestures and all that
Sadder when you do it every single time, even if there are other comments on it already. Dude's got fuckin issues.
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Drawing my way through a breakup. Sigh.
What issues?
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Anyone feel similar?
Ye, and just perspective in general
I'll try that, thank you
A little bit of everything i suppose
Ye, du verkar förvånad haha

Yeah I painted it while watching the tutorial, no bully pls.
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Thanks, agitprop style is something I'm trying to achieve and bit washed out colors suits that. But I have to admit that mid-tone blue is slightly dull for being source for darks. I'm looking forward to turn these two tones into separate grayscales and then search for matching values from studios color chart. So basically I just did colours for myself and to bring the concept together.

What comes to that size, I blew it totally. It's around A5, so even as scanned A3 might be as far as I can go. Good thing is that dpi is relatively low for that printer, so overall impression with rasterised surface will be more or less noticeable.

And yeah, most of the small details became either bit chunky or just messy, that would never happen in a bigger scale. I kinda try to keep in mind that even drawing should have a focus somewhere, but that's not an excuse for that.

This belongs on /r9k/.
Also you can't draw.
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Ok, wreck me /ic/

You cant draw and you cant rotate pictures fuck off
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If I had to make any comment I would say that her jawline needs to be corrected and that that the base/base of her head is too flat since we have a small deposit of fat around where the spine meets the skull.
I cant make out face, its so abstract
Is she eating a hamburger?

Why does the woman have symmastia....

My clit becomes diamonds when I see salty little bitch boys posting shit like this and they're dramatically inferior to me in technique.
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I'm pretty sure I fucked up the perspective. Help?
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Slow, slow.
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Dog Painting.png
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Is this worthy of the draw thread?
no wonder she broke up with you.
Use a nonwhite background, use darker values around the eye so it's separated from the fur by more than hue, define the nostrils, and thicken the skin around mouth.
no wonder I broke up with him.
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really like your lines, but the eye on the left in your first picture seems slightly higher than the right one and that looks a little strange

how would i go about improving pic related?
any thoughts?
sorry resize
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art is hard.png
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haven't touched ps in over a month. trying to get back into it. also working on anatomy. there's plenty wrong here aha
im not doing this
put the tongue in one of the holes and out another

and line some of them with teeth
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The sketch is done. Anything I should fix on the coloring stage? Thoughts on improving the composition, maybe via coloring? I've got a thumbnail done but I'm open to suggestions.
Why do you color in red? If it's not a stylistic choice it looks bad. Is this referenced? Where is the full pose?
it's not referenced, i'm practicing anatomy from memory
the red was definitely a stylistic choice, what makes it look bad do u think? does it fair any better in bw or do you think i should just try to use more accurate skin tones?
Red is too close to actual skin color to look good as a stylistic choice, just looks like symbol coloring/misinterpreting skin color. At this point you should draw anatomy from reference I'd say. Make a good solid sketch with a full figure beginning with a consistent gesture and gradually building up on it : skeleton/landmarks, muscles, rendering. Think exactly about what muscles you are drawing and where they should be, put them into perspective. What you're doing right now is kind of counterproductive I feel. This is not to say that, especially at your stage, it is always useful to study skintone in all its subtlety and variation instead of just randomly using red values. The values themselves are pretty dull, not much variation or thought put into value planning according to local value and light. It's not a matter of guessing, these are fundamentals of light. If I was you I'd do something else. Good luck.
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I've just started to learn digital painting by following the Ctrl+Paint tutorials. I think they're worthwhile.
I'm using Clip Studio Paint but the Photoshop techniques from the tutorials are perfectly transferable to Clip.
I'm using a Surface Pro 4, which seems to perform pretty well with Clip Studio. I don't notice any jitter when painting like this, but I'm still getting used to having to press a bit harder for light strokes.
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Some value studies off color photos.

Rendering looks really nice. I think you should use an elliptical tool though if Clip Studio has one, since areas like the opening are noticeably wonky.
cross hatching is your friend

>>2406217 is right
are you french ? I think I know you
Open driver properties and move slider to 'softer' so you wont have to press as hard
I'm bewildered. What's the point of doing value studies from references that are completely and I mean completely uninteresting when it comes to values and light? How about, I don't know, for example, trying to render local light vs sunlight and comprehend their fundamental differences? Seriously. I'm not even going to mention that the whole point of rendering lies in conveying form without having to rely on lines, but that's muh style effect for you I guess. Value "studies", lol right. You only cared about drawing the pretty girls.
Like I've already said what I had to say but I'm only now noticing that an entire half of the face on the right in just one value, VALUE STUDIES
>the whole point of rendering lies in conveying form without having to rely on lines
I like images with subdued lighting, so I chose these to practice on and see how the values work in such lighting.
I could have painted over the lines, but the goal was to see how closely I could interpret the values from a color photo, not how well I could render a face. It has nothing to do with style or whatever else you're babbling about.
>slaps one value on one half of a face and another slightly darker value on the other half
I-it's a study I swear!
Because no one is making a new one:

You have no idea what you're talking about, quit embarrassing yourself.
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tried drawing a goblin
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