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My fetish is ruining my art/life.

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Hello /ic/. I wanted to know something. How do you guys deal with strong sexual fetishes while drawing? I personally have a MASSIVE foot fetish, and whenever I try to draw something all I can think about is drawing the best looking feet I can so that I can fap to them. I'm absolutely fucking disgusted and sick of this. I just hate that I can't draw what I like without somehow sneaking in my fetish. It's actually ruining what I want to accomplish in art. Does anyone else share this problem? I know some of you might recommend I just "work with it", but I really don't want to be a fetishist artist. It sucks because I do enjoy drawing feet, but It seriously does affect my ability to focus and draw other things, which is important when I someday want to become professional. Also, if for some reason can't tame this fetish of mine, how could I fit it into my artwork without making it blatantly obvious that I have a foot fetish? If every piece I drew had at least ONE barefoot girl, I feel like people would catch on. If any one could give me some advice, I'd appreciate it. Pic related is not my art (of course) but sort of related.
Just fap before drawing.

you are a fucking weirdo brah. nonetheless, can you try to explain foot fetishism to me? i want to understand it.
I've tried that. I still get the urge even after fapping.
For how long has this been hapenning? I also feel like the urge to draw sexy stuffs, but once I'm into it I forget about it fast and just ends up fully focused on drawing.
Idk, I just really love feet. There is something extremely arousing about how they look and move. I love how expressive they are, and I love the sort of candid taboo of a girl being barefoot in public. I don't really see how a foot fetish is weird, it's a pretty popular fetish, if not one of the MOST popular fetishes.
For a while now. If I even think about feet, I just go nuts. My brain immediately gets clouded by the thought of my own fetish. That's why I become obsessed with trying to draw it. But in the process of drawing it, I will try to make it look as good as I can, or draw for as long as I can until the urge is just too much and I succumb to my fetish.
This thread is a good reminder to all of you out there that you should take an active role in your child's life instead of leaving them on the ground all day so they don't become footfags
I like how people with no real issues in their life make up new ones to fill the void
There's absolutely nothing sexual or alluring about feet. It's a dirty fucking deformed hand attached to the bottom of your leg so you don't fall over. They're not 'expressive' or 'taboo', you're delusional.
>I really don't want to be a fetishist artist
Quentin Tarantino is a massive foot fetishist too and nobody gives him shit for it. As long as you try to be subtle about it, who the fuck cares? Just focus on your subject matter and that should be the end of it.

IIRC in some men the part of the brain that identifies genitalia as genitalia also identifies feet as erotic parts. It's a pretty common fetish and unlike the uppity /pol/tards ITT seem to believe its completely natural.
this painting looks like the ref is obviously from a porn photo. It still just looks like shes on the ground.
wow that foot is fucking broken.
I dont understand foot fetishism at all but I can sort of understand this issue in the context of my own situation which is drawing shota. I wish I had more of a desire to draw other stuff but im trapped in the pitts of perverted hell. I don't know what to tell you my dude. Maybe we just gotta get out more, meditate, or take some kind of sexual suppression drugs. Maybe regular psychedelic drugs could work but they doesn't seem to of helped R Crumb. Theres a good chance that the ownly solution is self control or just living like this forever.
Wow. True words.
Have you tried maturing a bit? Restraint, willpower, these ring any bells? No, I guess not.

You sound like a faggot.
Why do people think foot fetish is weird? It's the most common fetish on Earth but people act like you're on the same level as pedos if you like feet.
Because footfags tend to be creepy as shit.

I'm not a footfag per say, but I can definitely tell the difference between an 'attractive' foot and an 'unattractive' foot. Basically, feet that are generally aesthetically pleasing, can be cute to me, but so can hands, necks, legs, breasts, everything else. I guess what I'm saying is that nice feet can make a girl more attractive and not nice feet can make a girl less attractive, everything else being equal.
I agree, i'm not footfag but i can definitely say that if you can suck a vagina why not the feet? (clean feet obviously)
footfags are hilarious
Everyone has some wierd sexual proclivities. The problem is you're retarded and suck at art.

I think I puked in my mouth a little. How is that appealing in any way? Feet are so disgusting.
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That's why everybody thinks ass is better.
When you feel that sexual urge take a break, distract, and come back to your drawing later. Don't fap if you can help it. What you're doing is conditioning yourself to a sexual stimulus. Basically think of pavlov's dog. That's you bruh.
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Find a way to turn your fetish into a turn-off.
Like for example, you could look at male feet and whenever you see female feet just think of how gross feet can be.
can you actually draw well enough to be able to fap to your drawings? (or have low enough standards to be able to fap to mediocre drawings?)

also being aware of the traits that trigger various fetishes can be really helpful, then you can utilize such triggers in any and all of your 'nonsexual' drawings, it wont change how the average viewer percieves the piece, but the people with sais fetish will notice it and love it (like your pic related)
OP here. I think I'm going to atempt to destroy my sexual desires all together. It's brought nothing by shame and regret in my life. I'll probably take >>2352286 and >>2352446
advice. Meditation sounds like it could work, and I really don't get out enough. My overall problem is that I'm addicted to porn, and I need to learn some self control.
if you want feet to turn you off just google image search ballerina feet.
a high dose of antidepressants will kill your sex drive completely.
you can totally ref male feet and make them sexy af
n-nothing wrong with male feet
Pretty sure that's just an example of gross male feet, not just male feet in general.

I've seen some gross af female feet.
Foot fetishism is so mundane these days. Just draw them. Just draw what you need to draw and put the damn feet in it. Don't fight against it, use it. People will figure out you have a foot fetish but who cares? You won't be thought of nearly as weird as well known artists who draw furry shit or way-too-close-to-pedo shit, and at worst they just get a few people cracking jokes about it. They're good at what they do so they still get work. Nobody cares that damn much for you to be stressing it like this.
Turn your weakness into power. Use your passion for feet to become the best god damn foot artist ever. People will see your name and think, "Damn, that's the guy who draws those sweet feet".

Embrace it man.
welcome to the first world, where complaining about stupid shit like manspreading is viable while living a cozy sheltered life

that said, I think fetish addiction or addiction in general is a real issue.
you just need to learn self control. I'm the same way with childbearing hips, so I try to actively draw prepubescent/low estrogen females when I can. maybe make a promise to yourself that for a particular session, the only women you draw will be wearing clogs?

>mfw he starts developing a clog fetish
For people who think feet are gross and dirty you'd be right. I have had a huge foot fetish for as long as i can remember. I would say that probably about 7 out of 10 chicks feet don't appeal to me. Either they are too wide, too bony, alien toes, nasty nails or the chick they are attached to are fat or ugly...and i especially can't stand black chicks feet since they are always thick, flat footed, huge knotted toes with corns on them and their heels jut out backwards for some reason...just an all around turn off. My foot fetish comes into play when these criteria are met.. 1: Is the chick cute/hot. 2: Do her feet have a nice shape with nice toes/arches. If the first 2 are met but it's clear that she doesn't take care of them or the nails are gross/fungus then i do not want.

People have this idea that foot fetishists hound after every single chicks feet. It's just not the case in the same way some pussies are fucking pristine and perfect in just about every way and others look like they were mauled by a dog. I find a sexual beauty in feet much the same way i find sexual beauty in a nice ass or a nice pair of lets or tits. People who condemn foot fetishists while they themselves are into tits is hypocrisy since there's nothing biologically sexual about tits either.
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holy fuck this whole post
>since there's nothing biologically sexual about tits either.
The breasts are secondary sexual features, you idiotic footfag. They're actually connected to some of the same areas in the female brain as other sexual parts.
This is why it's sexually pleasing for many women to be groped and have their nipples stimulated. Hell, some even orgasm via breastfeeding their baby because it can be that stimulating. This doesn't apply nearly as much as male breasts/nipples.

To deny that breasts are biologically sexual is outright wrong.
>that long-ass post about feet and muh preferences and other horseshit
It's no wonder that people think foot fetishes are often obsessive, creepy, and degenerate.
>This doesn't apply nearly as much for male breasts/nipples.
correction, etc. English is a difficult as fugg language.
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>This doesn't apply nearly as much for male breasts/nipples.
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Feetfags are the way they are because their parents leave them on the ground all day in their formative years and only sparingly hold them in their arms, play with them etc. The child becomes attracted to the feet in particular rather than the gestalt of their parents' person because they associate the feet with everything the parent provides for them, their parents' voice and so on.

It is unsurprising in these modern times that so many people have this fetish as we become a society of hopelessly busy nihilists. Feetfags are the way they are because they were raised by a pair of feet and on some level identify as a pair of feet, themselves.
I find it really odd that nobody has yet said - "Just draw". If that is your art, it is really good and it is tasteful enough. You can easily draw a picture book with feet in every picture and have no one think about it as abnormal.
There are at least 2 posts that said that already.
I am so turned on right now
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muscle moobs are GOAT
>black chicks
>flat footed

lol black people are good at running though, can't be flat footed for that

I don't think there is a solid clinical explanation for it.

For me, it's more about the supple and delicate, yet complex structure of the female foot that arouses me - and the initial apprehension make it even better.

The other side of it, the confidence behind a woman who isn't insecure about her feet and use them to gently dominate or tease - is something that I simply find appealing.
Its fascinating how female feet give me a sexual impression, while male feet remind me of my dog's paws more than anything
Oh? I find male feet to be more intriguing than female feet because of how much veins and ligaments pop, female feet are usually very delicate looking which, honestly, isn't very interesting.
this thread is why we can't have nice things.
Really? This thread? This is the low point of this board for you?
Every time I encounter the footfags I'm so intrigued to find out the mysteries behind this fetish
I can understand so many and much more bizarre fetishes without sharing them but I just don't understand the feet fetish
Embrace it and art the shit out of some feet then.
If you're really going with that argument then the EXACT same thing can be said about a womans feet.

From the same goddamn site...
>that long-ass post about feet and muh preferences and other horseshit

Sorry my explanation was too long for you. I know you choked a bit on it. Breasts are not required for the act of sex, neither are feet, and both could be argued to arouse sexually in a similar way. You try to make a breast fetish sound normal while a foot fetish is abnormal when they are simply different areas on the same body. "Secondary sexual features" is bullshit you just made up. It either is or is not required for sex.
>"Secondary sexual features" is bullshit you just made up. It either is or is not required for sex.
Not him but don't shoot yourself in the foot with your ignorance. Secondary sexual features are features that develop as a result of sexual hormones the body produces beginning at puberty. Let's not forget that sex is just a stage of the reproductive cycle, it's not a standalone biological act. It exists to aid in reproduction, we don't exist just to have sex. The secondary sexual features aid in reproduction, such as breasts developing so they can produce milk to feed the baby that would be born after sex. I'm with your argument but if you're going to ground this in biology at least respect the biology behind it.

That's not a clinical explanation. That's more of a pseudo-freudian speculation.
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>breast fetish

As a footfag, you're fucking delusional.
Not even a footfag, but holy shit, those feet.
lol talk to a therapist you dumbass, how fucking stupid do you have to be to think 4chan has the answer?

If you have mental problems that are causing distress in your life talk to a therapist
If you have mental problems that are causing distress in your life talk to a therapist
If you have mental problems that are causing distress in your life talk to a therapist
If you have mental problems that are causing distress in your life talk to a therapist
I agree with the other guys who say this isn't a big problem.
>I like to draw well drawn feet
>Somehow this is a bad thing
Of course, you should keep the focus of the picture in mind (as in, the focus will not be always the feet), but other than that there's nothing wrong.
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What a fucking autist, Jesus christ!

Footfags are the worst
A high dose of ̶a̶n̶t̶i̶d̶e̶p̶r̶e̶s̶s̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ bullet will kill you r̶e̶ ̶s̶e̶x̶ ̶d̶r̶i̶v̶e̶ completely.

>Footfags are the worst

^ Posts little anime girl.
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Get the fuck outta here
>kid can't draw because he gets too distracted by jerking off.


>weeb trash being judgmental

fucking adorable
So you can understand a scat fetish? Or armpit fetish? Because I can't for the life of me.
Don't worry little one, your sex drive should calm down in a few years.
>"Secondary sexual features" is bullshit you just made up

You're literally some sub 90IQ retard.
Everyone has problems.
Well, when /pol/fags like this anon here:>>2353073 feel the need to shit up this thread, this is definitely a low point.
>raised by a pair of feet
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Just harness the power of your dick and become good at drawing feet like Kyle did. You can probably make some bank drawing footporn since it's literally the most common fetish and not a lot of artists are doing it.
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Just embrace it and go with it basically.
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Yeah those legs are bent too much for a person supposedly being mid-air.
Quentin is also a overrated faggot who made shitty movies.
Being anti-footfag is more of a /tv/ thing than a /pol/ thing.
Is that from the guy who did the Childhood Destruction things with the seven goats?
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Yeah, based turtle.fish.paint
No point in arguing over who has the worst fetishes or whatever. We're all weird in some shape or form, otherwise we wouldn't be on this fucking site. Just like what you like and move on.
Your problem is not your foot fetish, but your sexual obsession. Please go see a therapist, I'm serious, because if you can't stand a few minutes without thinking about sex and it interferes with your life, you have a serious problem. posting it on this shithole won't help you.
By the way, are you over 20? If not, it might be normal, if yes, then you have a problem.
:), you can't tell but I have a wide smile right now
You need psychological help, not art critique. Get a therapist.
"candid taboo"
that's a contradiction in terms, you're an idiot
please go fuck yourself and get a psychiatrist
Feet fall into that category of "I get it".

Not attracted to feet, but I understand the appeal.

I get most fetishes, except for vore and anything involving body waste.
>anything involving body waste

You have never experienced true intimacy and pleasure, until you have taken a dump on your lovers chest.
Well, to be fair, that probably is a whole other level of love to let someone do that. I could never.
Draw the best fucking feet that you can. Then erase them, or draw shoes over them.

If you want to be good at art, you have to learn to kill your darlings.

If you can't do that, then it's really just an excuse to draw feet--embrace it, if that's the case.
movie 43 a shit
Yeah, just like Michelangelo. He liked drawing big muscular male bodies and tiny dicks and so he did.
it's the most common fetish there is. but I never understood foot fetish
even so, I am more disgusted by them.
but don't worry about that. just draw whatever you like and have fun with it.
I kinda envy you, because in summer you can see so many naked feet.
I like big nipples, that is my fetish and people are weirded out by this.
such pseudo-intellectual blank slate horse shit
Whos the artist? I cant read his fucking scribbly signature and google rev search finds bunch of rnadom LoC pinterest boards
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You can run from the truth, footfag, but you can't hide.
Did you just imply that Quentin Tarantino is subtle about his foot fetish?
There is nothing factual in that article.
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holy jesus shit

dude tiddies are the best
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It's a good thing you don't have a forced feminization, sissy, or AGP fetish, then.
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I don't really understand why people think gyno is a bad thing when you have pecs
I never realized this was something I could be into until this GIF holy shit.
what the actual fucking fuck that pic jesus christ how horrifying

but yea that seems like it could make sense lel

Africans. Not blacks. "blacks" implies African-American. And they ain't good at shit.
That is weird and you're a bad person.
A thing called self control.
When I was going over the neck, my book always told me to "appreciate" the curve of the clavicle, and now I have a collar bone fetish because of that. When I'm drawing clavicles the only thing that comes to mind is "appreciate the curve anon... appreciate it!" And man, do I appreciate those curves.

Here's how I see it: get more fetishes! Hands, legs, ass, face, hair... then you'll draw everything better.
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draw feet to make money like me. I had a big foot fetish when I was in highschool but I got over it. I still appreciate them ofc :)
Did you do that pic?
Any place where is more?
>I have a foot fetish that prevents me from drawing
>that other thread about ego
this board has become a fucking joke
Her feet was the last thing young OP saw before he discovered that women didn't have a penis. This induced a fear of castration in him that was so powerful that he blocked it out, grasping desperately to the feet and fetishizing them.
Draw what you love, motherfucker. Ya wanna do feet then do feet. You know how many fucks out there like feet? Fuckin feetfuls.
>2 people make threads about things that bother them about their art.

Draw feet. Like, draw feet constantly. Draw the sexiest fucking feet, over and over, until feet become so unremarkable that they bore you.

Destroy your fetish. Burn it as fuel.
U know what, link me all ur feet drawings, i will fap to them and anon u are my hero. I love girl's feet
Noooooooo keep drowing feet and FAP to them, my friends know about my fetish, they don't like feet but they don't give a fuck about it. My GF knows too and she like when i masssage, lik them. Sometimes she gives me a footjob.
>butthurt footfag detected
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Just do your own thing, anon.

Everyone has their own skeletons in their closets, everyone has hidden fetishes.

I for one am attracted with chicks with tan lines and short hair.

I can't really talk about it irl because some people think that means that I like dudes. I'm 100% sure I like chicks.

Live and let live, draw inspirations from your kinks, blah, blah, blah.

We're all deviants, even if we don't like to acknowledge that. Just gotta maintain those fetishes and not let it ruin our lives or someshit.

I still think feet are gross, btw.
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>tfw /fit/ has taught me to appreciate a good, muscular body
>tfw I fucking love drawing a strong neck and upper body, especially the traps

I-I'm not gay, I swear.

N-no homo.
>I can't really talk about it irl because some people think that means that I like dudes. I'm 100% sure I like chicks.

Where do you fucking live where the first thing people think when you say you like girls with short hair and tanlines is "he must be gay"?
Has this ever actually happened to you or are you just assuming that's what would happen? Neither of those fetishes are at all risque.
This to be perfectly quite honest fambo
I live in a very traditional country where "women are meant to look like women and, men are meant to look like men."

Also, I know they're not risque at all, but a fetish is a fetish, no mater how small.
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nothing gay about that, anon
I personally like a bit of gyno in the pecs
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/fit/ has also taught me to hate gyno. So no, anon, no gyno.
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>listening to /fit/
go to /hm/ if you are looking for form over function... just... ignore the midget thread...

I wonder how many anons after browsing /ic/ for a few months started to do daily life drawings of sticking out, shaved asses with massive erect cocks and hanging balls.

>"I browse /hm/ only for references"
nothin gay about loving traps bro
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