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You love, you lose.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 151

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Test your strength.
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welp I already lost
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yep im out. who is dis?

Brasilian men are the hottest.
Brazil loves you
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ryan crouser

highly recommend shot put players to anyone that likes musclechub

That was easy
Who is Pete?

Is this Pete?
name of this semen demon?
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Guy on the left. That hair, those facial aesthetics, that body...
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Y'all lost.
Justice Joslin
rest in pieces bitches
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More about him.
He bi and now single
oh man i used to have a boyfriend like that. he was a year younger (i was 19 he was 18) and super shy but really smart and nerdy and a total bottom that loved cuddles. he was really short too so i could pick him up. loved that.
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That describes him almost exactly
Lost immediately FUCK you guys

love you too man

hence my
>rest in pieces bitches
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What's the deal with fatties in this thread ? You can't lose to a fatty.
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good luck everybody else
Well, I lost in a nanosecond.
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lost. long curly hair is my achilles' heel
Isn't this the boston bomber?
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'nother pic

Yes, you idiot.

Also, he got the death sentence for some stupid barbaric reason.
Lost bad... but not sure to which one
Can't wait for it to happen
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Ikr, that's so barbaric of them to execute that guy that's totally a menace to society, a mass murderer and danger to those around him. They should just let him suck up taxes and get free housing, food and gym membership. #BLM #BomberLivesMatter
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He's going to burn in hell in the afterlife. And he's not cute, he has the ugliest set of eyebrows I have seen besides people with unibrows.
His brother was hotter tho.. but you know what happened to him lol
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He did literally nothing wrong
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Well, it seems like I've lost even though the topic was full of unactractive people
I haven't lost yet because I'm not attracted to bears lmao
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That's just disgusting.
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>tfw not attracted to white guys or beards

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I'm happy to lose this game
who dis?
Facial hair is gross.
kiss my hairy ass
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This is absolute perfection, no one can beat him.
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Cole Doman.jpg
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Rafael Moretti.jpg
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rip in peace
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Lost on the above.
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that ugly af haircut.
Man: Resisted
Kitten: Resisted

Get triggered
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Charlie Matthews.jpg
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Attempt with 1/2 pic.

And who the fuck cares?
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>A Jew
No, thanks. Now, if it was a good Christian man...
>You laugh, you lose
I guess I lost, his neck is as thick as his head
>on /hm/ looking for good Christian men
tell me who this spunk hunk is
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brazilian gymnast

Im weak af
Lost hard
Only one I found even remotely attractive. I guess I half-lost?
This Picture makes me feel things.
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Source on the pic?
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I believe this angel deserves a place on this thread.
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I lost... damn hoe life.

Damn I lost again, f u guys.
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there's a guy at my college who looks a lot like him, fingers are crossed
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>ywn be that dog ;__;
Fukken Lost

He reminds me of my brother lol
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LOST fuck what a qt
I bet he fucks the dog or if the dog is male I bet he takes the knot.
gonna need to see the wanker to call this a loss
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Lol even math finds him attractive
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Sorry i have no real contribution but i think dis guy is an exception
yeah he is back in tel a viv with dzkohar
like, but not love
u fukcing cunt that's cr1tikal
you need a wake up call
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Good god, his face is perfect, who is he?
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Charlie Cox. He was in Stardust and is now playing Daredevil on Netflix.
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What happens when you lose twice? Also are these guys brothers or twins?
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Okay NOW I've lost.
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Sorry, you guys already lost.
Lost again.

Anime guys shouldn't count but I will always lose to Priapus.

His eyes freak me out for some reason. Otherwise I might lose.
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Posting some guys of my own.
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>yankees homer
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Lost. Took me a lot longer than usual.
tfw he will never be in love with u ;__;

small benis

This. :(
All these guys either look like they're pushing 40, pushing 16, or look like a 90s pop star.

instead of bitching, post what you consider sexy.
Nigga at least let me get into the thread before you make me lose. I lost this shit in the catalog
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Apparently you've never heard of for-profit prisons
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Doubt he could post a mirror large enough.
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Yay mentaiko's dirty mind <3
apparently that dog lost
Hahaha, I'm weak. Def Iost after the 2nd pic for sure.
only guy i insta-lose to in these threads
I'd like to see what the rest of his body is like
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please dont post homeless guys here
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Lost again.

Benis doesn't matter. The prostate isn't far in my boipucci that his won't reach. ;)
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Burgess Bros.jpg
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Ja or na
More of him?
Who is this?
he died :(
That guy is american...
I am defeated.
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Game over.
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Lost, here's some daddy
>everyone in this thread looks like they are between 16 and 40

wow, amazing observation.
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Ja all the way

Poor guys. They'd just have to fuck me all the time, wouldn't have time for anything else.
too much photoshop, doesnt even look human
You have a bad eye for photoshop. Maybe the photo has had the hue changed to bring out the eyes but thats about it.
every time i see this pic the dude gets bigger, its been retouched like 10 times
you just went full retard
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This looks like Matt Bomer + Jake Gyllenhaal. A dream combo desu
Wow spot on description
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are you the guy who catfishes people as this guy(who has one arm)
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>mrw i was going to post Danny Amendola beforeI even saw this post
>find a flaw
He plays for the Patriots.
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chuck matthews.jpg
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>his only flaw is a compliment

Almost lost because of the nipples.




I think I lost. Probably the only person who looks like he's genuinely smiling without a stupid pose, pout, eyebrow expression, or showing off his body.
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Go back to /pol/
>if the dog is male
Are you viewing this site in braille or something?
No, he's Brazilian.
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This looks like all of the Disney villains rolled into a fat guy.
you lost
Hes so meh, especially when you put him in a movie next to Dylan o'brien and others
ok but just picture Dylan O'Brien fucking him tho. No way he's a top
no way dylan o'brien is a top either
or at least that's what I choose to believe
who dis? lost
unf. lost.
Why is there a facehugger from Alien on him
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lel idk if subtle troll but it's pretty well-established that executing prisoners cost tons more than keeping them alive.

the death penalty is fucking dumb, desu, free will clearly doesnt exist and the justice system should obviously be reformative.

barring that, even if you want to make the bomber suffer, painless lethal injection obviously isnt the way to go. decades of effective solitary confinement (where people are only allowed out of their cell for like 2 hours)in a high security prison where vengeful guards have tons of authority will be far more degrading and unpleasant.

Also, the money spent on all the legal fees for appeal after appeal could go to the parts of society that end up making the people who get on death row in the first place. poor single parents, children whose mothers took drugs while pregnant with them, etc.

the decision to execute was obvs to appease the angry public.
I'm sorry... first guy has no lips... I imagine kissing him would feel like eating out an asshole.
Try not to
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Hes transexual but his body is hot
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Fucking hot
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lost at 3rd one, damn
boys like this kill me
>facial hair
>cute smile
>cute nose
>beautiful eyes
more importantly hes actually fucking reachable in real life.
kill yourself
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I lost until I realised if he shaved he would look like the Stay PuftMarshmallow Man.
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Is he gay?


This gif... every fucking time.
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charlie m.jpg
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alex griesbach.jpg
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Off Instagram idk his name but those eyes
OH my god Ive never lost so hard in one of these threads
Colton Haynes used to be my favorite model until he became a big "personality." Charlie Matthews is definitely superior.
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I got bored
Previous guy also no lips.
>I just find it interesting how some people are attracted to something that is manipulated to look even more attractive
>people seem to be more attracted to things that are more attractive
Why should that be surprising at all? Also proof you're model or I don't believe it. That's way too easy to just say on the internet.
So you're not a model then. Although you have the brain of one obviously, I understood your first statement perfectly, it wasn't that complicated of a concept.
Meme aren't actually organic internet entities, usually when they appear it's because someone posted them, so yes, you were responding to me, but I can see this is already a moot point.
Apparently you're new to 4chan, you can't sit around criticizing anything without expecting to get shit. Don't take it personally.
>trying desperately to sound smart
Stop while you're behind.
Sounds like you should do more photoshop on your pics, maybe you'd get more work. Also work on your English before you start useless debates online in English.
Jesus are you gonna delete and edit every single comment you write? I thought you were so in tune with what model agencies were looking for, this displays a supreme lack of confidence.
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>Sounds like you should do more photoshop on your pics, maybe you'd get more work
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Lol backpeddling out the conversation and saying "I was just troleing lol xD i got u so hard." Truly embarrassing man, everything you've said so far really. "I'm a model I know about everything advertisers look for so im gonna post shitty, non accurate photos criticizing attractive people who I feel have been photoshopped because im unsatisifed with my own 'modelling' career".

Yech, throw yourself off a bridge.
Yeah I make at least double what you make without having to whore myself out, eg: trading, keep trying that tact though, cringe factory. Or pathological liar, either one really.
>I am Your angst is a funny though.

Just. Wow. Holy shit. Can you walk on two legs? Or are you too stupid for that too?

>inb4 im trolling so hard lol got u
No you didn't, nobody could care less about you and your 'inside model info' (lmao, btw), I just really enjoy shitting on you, it's fun, it's easy and it gets out any aggression I have for the rest of the day.
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Guy looks like Detective Gumshoe from Phoenix Wright
>Maybe my responses were only trying to provoke you because I am bored?
Already been addressed, illiterate liar. Keep up.
Oh no you're angry at someone over the internet!
Man I hope you're actually a model and don't have to do anything involved with using your brain because if so you're totally fucked.
That's a nice way to speak to someone from Europe. Get out much? Other people speak different languages lol.
lol provoked
It's not your grammar that makes me think you're stupid, it's your thoughts and what you're saying. Keep using the "not native language" excuse though, it only reinforces how stupid you actually are.
You're angry at someone on a board. Please keep responding to me.

Can I mention again I was only trying to provoke anger?
Oh my god, I actually feel bad for you rn, this is a new low. Do you not remember me addressing this already? "l33t trole" Lmaooo...
I'll give you a few moments to delete your comment in embarrassment.
Why are you such a defensive person? Can't get love? :(

Already stated why I deleted my comments.
>Why are you such a defensive person?
How many times must I copy the same response before you understand? I get you're dumb 'model' and this is your second language and all that, but really, is reading that last line too hard? If this is all too much to handle feel free to leave and we can take pride in the fact that we have raised the board average IQ by probably 10 points once you go.
wtf is happening in this thread. you sound like a pretty sad person if you keep responding to him.
>pretending to be someone else
We've hit a new low here folks. Nobody not involved in this convo would be surprised or care as to why an argument is going on to address it, there's one in just about every thread. And in about every thread, the losing herp derp tries to pretend to be other people to get people on his side. Sorry, you're too dumb for that to work.
>now pretending to be a third person, same IP
The cringe well runs so deep. Let's see how far it goes with his next response. I wonder if he'll try to be someone else again.
If I have a distinct IP from the guy you're grilling, can I tell you to shut up?
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74KB, 296x324px
Those two weren't even me sadly enough.

I made you some fan art to depart you with. I attempted to make you beautiful.
Hilarious, what a sense of humor.
>all the posts are perfectly timed so it couldn't be different people but w/e

Stick to being a model, and if you're not one, you have some serious work cut out for you in life because my god you're so painfully stupid and unfunny.
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70KB, 540x540px
Can we please just stop arguing and be productive for the thread?
Don't post such garbage and you won't get shit, lesson 1.
He's looking better there. Less filter, great beard and nice facial gesture. I like his haircut too.
>wow such model insight
Please give reviews for every other guy in the thread, you clearly know what you're talking about.
Why do you come across as such a defensive and repulsive human-being? I'm going to go now haha.
I still have 1 more pict of the guy, too bad image thread is limited... and the thread is going to die soon, gonna try post all 3 of him if another YLYL if there's another one shows up, till then Anon
>I'm going to go now haha.
Oh my god thank you, please never come back.

We did it guys.
Some people just can't take the sweet bitterness of these threads, I suppose.
I made a new thread for you to post in. Due to that guy ruining thread with his anger.
>still pretending to be other people
I'm literally Loling now, thank you man, you've made my day. This is like a great social experiment, seeing what people attempt when they think they're anonymous, the results are actually quite disturbing.
Why? Because I post again before I left?

As I said, you are defensive and repulsive.
You're unbearably stupid and every attempt at humor you've made has left me feeling like the humor has died inside of me. Even if I was the person I am on here, I'm not like this to everyone, only dickheads on 4chan, I'd feel totally comfortable with what's been said. But keep copy pasting that comment, you must feel good about it because you haven't deleted it yet.
lol ok
Just ignore him, ignorance is a bliss if he's still Lolling
>when you've totally run out of steam
It's ok to be dumb and un-creative in conversation, just don't force it on the poor people who still use this board. Stay quiet for the betterment of the brains of everyone who has to read your drivel.
>white knighting
You've not even worth addressing, your kind is reviled by literally everyone in existence. This comment alone feels like a waste of internet bandwidth your type is so useless.
>"This comment alone feels like a waste of internet bandwidth"
>Rages over the internet
oh the irony....
Whatever... I'm just going to see other threads.
Bye, weird anon
This is like the 9th time you've said goodbye now, can you actually please leave? These dramatic queens...
Went through this thread just now. You're absolutely insane and in no doubt deserving of being fucked with.
Oh my god dude please stop. Look at other arguments in other threads, you'll see how obvious your same-fagging is, it's almost as sad as your desperate need to get the last word in a conversation you've said many times you don't want to be a part of. You're actually pathetic. "Model". Sad.
I'm a lurker and not even that poster. Learn to 4chan.

Holy shit dude, the irony. The poster count has remained the same you know... 'lurker'. Please keep going, I'm developing a cringe fetish because of this.
It's a Face blend of them both. lmao
Beautiful people make you guys insecure.
Thread posts: 316
Thread images: 151

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