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World War 2 stories

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ITT: Post WW2 stories you heard from your relatives, who've experienced it (mention who as, what and where did they serve, if they did so; have they been wounded, etc.). Greentext preferably - I'll start.

>Be my grandfather, mid-thirties
>Have nothing to do with warfare for your whole life
>Despise both USSR and The Third Reich and their ideologies
>USSR pushes The Third Reich back to the Baltic region
>Get drafted to the Waffen SS to hold USSR back
>Go through basic training that takes a few weeks
>Instantly become an officer - get to hold a whole company.
>Go to war
>MP 40
>Get to your enemy as close as 5-10 meters once
>Get your shin pierced by a shell splinter once
>Fight until Berlin capitulation
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>Be a kid in Ukrainian village
>Soviets come back
>"Mobilize" absolutely every male of age
>Put them in front of the troops as a meat shield
>Don't give enough weapons
>No training either
>Everyone dies


>In the Solomons
>I think 1943, but I'm not 100% sure.
>Lots of jungle fighting, some of it quite literally hand to hand, with bayonet and rifle butt.
>His group captures a man, they weren't Japanese Japanese troops, but auxiliaries from I think Korea, work crews that were given rifles and told to go fight.
>Still hostile, but not quite the "fanatic" level of Japanese from Japan.
>Trying to get him to talk, rough him up.
>Grandpa eventually gets him to open up by bribing him with a chocolate bar.
>be Jew in Germany in 1937
>get yanked off the street and put in line for concentration camp
>cop who you just happen to be best buds with sees you
>grabs you out of line, says he's taking you for 'questioning'
>leads you down a side street, then tells you that everything is going to shit, and it's time to take your family and go
>you escape to England and then to Burgerland

Sometimes you just get really, really fucking lucky.


Pretty sure foreigners at least were volunteers. "Volksdeutsch" were drafted but they went through normal selection processes for their units. That's why you had units full of poles, Czechs, French and balts with German surnames in Heer units.
>My grandpa, 26 years old
>Family of soldiers, pretty much Lt. Dan's family but everybody lived and was well decorated
>DDay paratrooper
>Later, Battle of the Bulge or something
>he jumps into a narrow deep foxhole
>German fallschirmjager already in there
>he comes tries to get my grandpa with his Kar98 bayonet
>knicks my grandfather pretty badly up the right arm
>grandfather grabs his Browning pistol
>shots the German in the belly, the bullet ricochets off of his big belt buckle and goes up into his heart, killing him instantly
>grandpa feels bad
>grandpa keeps the belt buckle, with a dent in the top
>my dad and uncle both said they saw it themselves, and he definitely had a scar on his arm
>served all 6 years of the war, went from Private to Master Sergeant
Wish I met him.
>Be brit
>Talking to grandmother about an American guy I was dating.
>Grandmother assures me that American men have bigger dicks than British men.
>Knows this because back during the war, she slept with several bomber crewmembers, thus forming a standard of comparison.
>Tfw she was born in 1929, so would have been about 15 if this happened in '44.
I bet your grandmother hates your faggot ass.
I mean, I'm pretty sure anon is a woman, but just alluded to it due to the inevitable shitposting that would have resulted from stating it directly. But if anon is homosex, then you're probably right, old people hate the gays at a higher rate than most.

Then you know the rules, bitch. Tits or GTFO.
I want this meme to stay on the yellow boards.
How so? Aren't Bongs and Yanks ethnically identical?
Bongs are english.
Yanks are from literally everywhere.
even generally pureblooded Americans tend to have these 3% irish 3% polish 3% welsh 3% czech 3% [whatever] bits going on.
So if I'm Welsh, I'm not a Bong?
I didn't think you all did much but breed with sheep.
Whether I observe a proud Welsh tradition or not isn't relevant to the question. Am I, or am I not(by your definition), a Bong?
I would say yes in the same way the North Irish are Bongs. They chose to adopt English culture, or don't have enough distinctions due to centuries of joint partnership.

>all six years

But... America wasn't... involved...

What country are you, again?
>be me (great gramps)
>be in marines
>island hopping, burning japs out of hidey holes
>way better than nam will be
>tfw career soldier family
>just got done razing the latest island
>finished looting
>have a jar of pills from NCO bunker
>kinda curious
>be asking squids what they are
>shipmate says he'll try them with a friend for a cigarette each
>get really high
>so what are they?
>"about 40 years in prison"
>overboard pills.webm

>be other grandpa
>be in Italy
>stumble across German artillery division
>local Italian villages banded up, made militias
>one of them gets taken prisoner by the Germans too
>end up helping him escape despite neither knowing how to talk with eachother
>comes back with his posse and helps us wreck those Nazi faggots (i.e. We were tied up and they did all the killing)
>get reinforced, going through rail depot turned base camp
>looting intensifies
>find a big ass fucking train with a gigantic gun on the back
>Brits come a few days later, take the fucker for themselves
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forgot pic
Probably Britfat

Are you actually thinking that some slutty 15 year old girl's assessment of dick sizes is scientifically accurate?

A slut would know all about it. Why doubt?
There was an urban legend in France during WW2 my grandad told me about.
I don't know if it has real basis or whatever but it sounded more like an urban legends related to rationing and blackmarket.

People used to tell this story about a girl who was stopped by a random old man in the street. The old man said he was trying to get a letter somewhere, he was old and weak and asked the girl if she could help him. The girl accepts and take the letter so she can bring it where it was supposed to go. But the girl was very curious, and she decided to see what was in the letter. It was written "Here is the meat shipment for today".
>join at 18 when Canada enters war
>be a navigator in the RCAF
>fly over 30 missions in a 5 month period
>get awarded the distinguished flying cross
>back civi side tell kids being up in a plane once you drop your payload the sound of the Germans opening up on you was like putting a handful of ball bearings in a washer machine
>kept a cool journal that was pretty neat
You retard I (>>855420) am not (>>854729).
>>Grandpa eventually gets him to open up by bribing him with a chocolate bar.
love it
>swedish uncle
>german nazi trains pass through the village
>gang of kids throw stones at invaders
>suddenly train halts
>rigid nazis get out and arrest the kids
>give them chocolate bars
>tell them to keep up the fighting spirit but to save it for the soviets
>swedish uncle love the nazis
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>Grandfather, 18 y/o, 1945
>RCAF navigator in a Lancaster, because GOAT at math
>Flying sorties over Berlin all the time
>Get a night off from getting shot to shit by flak, go to a pub to get drunk
>Go to the bathroom to take a piss, there's a bunch of American pilots in it
>Finish and about to walk back out
>American pilot there says "You know, in the American air force, they teach you to wash your hands after pissing"
>Respond back "Yeah? In the Canadian air force, they teach us not to piss on our hands."
>Nearly get the shit kicked out of me, but get saved by my friends

He's still alive now, gave me his RCAF cap a while back (pic related), but he doesn't really talk much about the war besides from that story and a few others.
>Served all six years
Implies but does not claim that he fought through the entire war. More like he was in the military for all 6 years of the war. Then again, 6 years doesn't usually get you to senior enlisted rank
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Fucking zoomies.
>Be great grand father (Father's side)
>Be 19 years old
>Japanese use glorious nippon steal to wreck pearl harbor
>Enlist as infantry because fuck japan
>Becomes Airborne with the 509th PIR
>Gets sent to northern Africa
>The plane misses the drop zone so his company has to march to Oran
>His PIR eventually captures Youks-les-Bains Airfield
>Gets taken as apart of a 46 volunteer jump into Ventotene
>Watched his CO bluff an SS Officer that they had a llarger force coming and it would be paramount for the survival of his men to surrender
>Laughed about it till he died in 2006
>Hears about a large operation going down in Europe soon and is requested to transfer to help train with new paras for the Operation.
>Gets transferred to the 508th PIR
>June 6th his regiment jumps into Normandy to capture Sainte-Mère-Église
>Gets stuck in a tree and knocked out
>Wakes up still in the tree as some Americans help him out
>Fights the Germans till July 7th
>Company gets orders about Montgomery's new bold vision to end the war by chrismas
>oh boy guys
>Jumps into Netherlands
>Stuck in another fucking tree
>Links up with company
>ends up taking sever shrapnel damage in the leg and shoulder while helping to hold a bridge
>didn't want to leave his unit so he told the medic to throw some whiskey on it and patch it up
>Moves to Hürtgen Forest
>takes a bullet to the same shoulder
>CO forces him to take medical evac
>Transferred to a rear detachment in Paris while he recovers
>Meets a young 20 year old nurse
>Decides to stay in Paris
>1946 leaves army and returns to the US now married to the Nurse.
funny story from him in 2004

>Goes to France to be apart of the ceremony in remembering Operation Overlord
>Get's off plane to head through French Customs
>Struggles to find his passport in his bag
>French Customs Officer starts giving him shit for taking his time in getting his passport out
>"Huh, last time I was here I didn't need one"
>French Customs Officer gets extremely pissed "You American's are so arrogant" blah blah blah
>Pulls out his passport and his WWII Veteran hat "I also remember the French being a lot nicer too. I guess when you guys don't need someone to save your ass, you guys are such pricks."

I miss my great grandpa.
You're telling me that your great grandfather is the origin of that copypasta?
hahaha holy kek, that's even better
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My Great Grandfather died in World War one
He died in New Zealand. He had a car crash while delivering the mail

I'm not sure if that's better or worse than dying on the front lines
>operation market garden was bound up in the hedgerows of France
>my gandfather Fredrick W Ross was leading a armored column when his tank was struck
>column continued to move while the sherman began to engulf itself in flames
>grandfather crawls out of the bottom hatch and is instantly pelted with mp40 fire
>column stops and fires on the mg nests, two more tanks are hit from the opposite side
>entire column goes berserk and unloads into the feild to the right and woods to the left
>grandad looks back for his gunner, he could barely be heard screaming as the sherman burned
>crawling on his belly he went back and pulled his gunner out alive
>his legs were gone
>another shell hits the sherman, grandad goes deaf for life from the boom
>his buddy Frank lived and grandad got a congressional silver star

This man was death incarnate.
He had a look.in his eyes that I have yet to see again.

>grandfather on dad's side
>Korean war is in full swing
>he is head of a six man .105 crew
>one night he is tasked for a fire mission
>he has to crawl along a woodline and get the location of the nork camp back to his artillery
>he succeeds, a half hour later the entire nork.camp was shelled from over fourty .105's
>he lays there until dawn then goes back to fire base

I should have been a soldier.
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My Great Grandad got an MBE for services to flight training in 1940. Basically founded the flying schools in Wellington, New Zealand. I'm gonna try get his MBE off my grandma when she passes away.

This is him when he was young, I have two framed photos of him in my room as well, and I have his aviator glasses in my room. He died 3 years before I was born.
holy shit senpai
did cop bro live through?
>Grandad served in Royal New Zealand engineers
>Stationed In Japan after the nukes (Didn't sound like he had it too bad, helping to rebuild and all that).
>Rejoined for the Korean war (He doesn't say that much about it, but it was a much worse experience than Japan)
>Tried to bring back a Chinese machine gun to NZ but had it confiscated.

He gave me an M8 bayonet he traded from an American and a British No.9 Mk-1 Bayonet.
Gradpa was around 8 when Germans captured my hometown.
>just chilling on his way to school
>some random German comander just standing on his way talking to some soldiers
>grandpa just passes them and says guten tag
>officer bitchslaps him so hard that he falls on the ground
>reason was he didn't bow an take his hat off
Memes aside, your great grandpa sounds like a man who really lived.
>grandad 10 y/o
>lives in Yugoslavija
>playing around the village
>german company comes everyone scared shitless
>the officer grabs my grandad and orders him to fill the canister with water
>do so and return to him
>the officer cries so much and grabs my grandad and hugs him for like 10 minutes
>the dude had a necklace with his son's picture, he looked exactly like my grandad
>he then gave the village supplies and left it but before leaving he told my grandad something on german but he didnt speak german
My great uncle who I've never met was a British commando who apparently killed a lot of Nazis. Whenever I ask my dad for more details he tells me "it's too gory" and doesn't want to tell the story.
I can't provide a detailed story as my great grandfather could barely communicate after this:

>be middleaged peasant farmer in russian far east siberia
>join army to provide extra rubles to peasant farmer family
>all good for a while, nice promotion to gefreitor
>surprise Russo-Japanese war
>sent off to bumfuck-nowhere manchuria to fight yellowfaced devils
>ground assaults going pretty swell
>hear news of new assault next morning
>thinking this will go just as well as earlier combat
>Fuck No.

Not much information available from long gone great grandfather about his final battle. My grandmother tells that he came back home on a wagon with a single medal pinned to his tunic. One of his legs were mangled, the majority of his fingers on his left hand were gone, he had two bullet wounds, one in his other leg and one in his throat, a bayonet wound somewhere in his lower torso, and permanent deafness in one ear and severe damage in the other. Along with the official telegram which came with my great grandfather which simply stated that he was discharged or something, came an unofficial letter from some medical officer who's medical detachment was responsible for searching for and caring for any survivors, saying that out of the entire division/battalion/whatever which fought to defend a hill, my great grandfather was one of the few survivors found.

When the bolsheviks took over, my grandmother remembers them storming the farm house with the intent of taking all of the food (as if there was any to begin with), and leaving with robbing my great grandfather's medal.

When my dad was young he tried to communicate with him but he found it impossible.

I wish there were resources which I had access to which provide exact information about this battle. I wish I had pictures of this man. I wish I could meet him.

(Pic somewhat related, his brother who also fought)
I doubt my grandfather was the only one who was harassed by french customs. It may be a contributor to the story but probably not the og story.

Holy shit I just realized that this is a WW2 stories thread.

Please excuse my autism.
I doubt people will be a complete sticker about it. /his/ compared to other boards is rather polite and respectable.
Can I post Non-WWII?
He left me his journal when he died. The story of his stay on rear detachment in Paris. It's rather well cute between him and my Grand mother. Like seriously, it's romance movie cute.
Sure, why not.
it's worse
> chilling with grandpa.
> making model Pz IV G
> "Those panzers sure could go fast. anon." he says with a chuckle.
> he goes silent. has that sort of Ive seen shit stare.

On that day i realised pa fought in europe.
i never asked him about it.
he never spoke.
Told by a colleague about his uncle, not really mine. Also, I can't remember all the details like ranks and time.. So apologies.

>Lahore, Pakistan
>Be Sergeant
>Constant threat from India for all out war.
>Placements on Line of Control(LoC)
>Alarms and sightings of Indian troops on border
>Deployed as first line of defence
>first line means death guaranteed
>Indian force largely outnumbers theirs
>everyone knows their gonna die
>soldiers losing their shit and start crying
>Sergeant still keeps hopes up
>doesn't shed a single tear
>people follow his example
>Porter or Batman comes in every 6-7 hours to supply food and water to everyone
>sergeant is pals with everyone in force
>especially porter
>porter disappears for 20-30 mins every few hours everyday
>sergeant focuses on troops and how to engage so doesn't really bother asking.
>three days pass
>troops feel like shit
>weather is shit
>constant sightings but no real attack
>week later called back to post
>problem is solved politically and no real fighting occurs
>30 years pass
>Sergeant now Colonel
>meet same porter
>now as batman for another Colonel

Remembering the war, he asks why he used to disappears momentarily from the first line?

He says that he was so afraid for the Sergeant and his line of defence, knowing that in a few hours he might not be there. So he used to find an empty place and start crying there every few hours.

Colonel rests his head on palms and starts crying like a bitch. Batman confused now, asks what's wrong?

Colonel says he wanted to do the same. He was scared shitless because he knew he would die regardless if they win or lose. But he couldn't. Because he knew if he shed one tear, his soldiers would know and demoralise the entire line of defence.
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I had family members die in WW1 in Belgium, but not sure about WW2, but my girlfriend's grandfather

>be gf's grandfather
>Slovakia occupied by Nazis,
>pro-Nazi government
>be part of 1944 Slovak uprising
>somehow find myself in Aachen, Germany
>walk back home to Presov (which is what, 1,000km??) I did hear this was quite common to walk such distances after the war though.

>get awarded a factory? ...according to my gf this is true, she thinks from some old jew or so.

>lol Russians lmao
>don't have factory anymore
>could have been rich

Interesting fact:
One of the men raising the American flag over Iwo Jima in OP's picture, Michal Strank, was from Slovakia.
On the other hand, I'm glad he didn't die bleeding out in a ditch
On the other hand, It's honestly sort of a pathetic way to go in that historical context
>machinist for torpedoes on subs
>made guns and shot them into boxes full of newspapers for fun every Saturday in the shop
>made telescope
>best friend was a jap
>cried when he retold a story of protecting a nigger from his workmates (can't remember details)

Pretty cool guy, big on books and shit. He left all his astronomy stuff behind for us
>>walk back home to Presov (which is what, 1,000km??) I did hear this was quite common to walk such distances after the war though.
holy shit for real?
>>somehow find myself in Aachen, Germany

that man was a full blown nazi
you dont "somehow" find yourself in the middle of germoney unless your unit was ordered there
Damn man, this gave me chills
Australian here so family didn't do very much in WW2, few served had a great uncle that died in North Africa.
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