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Occultism & Magick: Library Update 48

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 370
Thread images: 72

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Hey guys. Been a minute. Last thread I hosted here was to announce the Tantraloka, scanned in full for the first time in English online. It's the core text of the Uttara Kaula Trika and the magnum opus of Abhinavagupta. I've made a few more updates since then but figured I should alert you guys that my cache of Enochian manuscripts is now complete, and my Sloane MSS folder is fuller. Pretty sure this is the first time all of these Sloane MSS have appeared together under the same digital roof.

John Dee was an English mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted his life to the study of alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.

Dee straddled the worlds of science and magic as they were becoming distinguishable. One of the most learned men of his age, he had been invited to lecture on the geometry of Euclid at the University of Paris while still in his twenties. Dee was an promoter of mathematics and a respected astronomer, and leading expert in navigation, training many of those who would conduct England's voyages of discovery.

Some other goodies below but first the usual links then the new materials:

/sum/ pastebin:


>Sloane MSS
Sloane 3198
Sloane 3191
Sloane 3188
Cotton Appendix XLVI, pt 1
Cotton Appendix XLVI, pt 2

Also are copied into the Enochian folder. I think this is the first time ever this many of the core manuscripts have been under the same digital roof.

Ancient Philosophy of Religion
Occult Powers and Hypotheses: Cartesian Natural Philosophy under Louis XVI

The Teabo Manuscript, which is an interesting little document, a Late Mayan manuscript in which the people of the Feathered Serpent attempt to make some vague sense of Christism, and the start of what COULD have been a Mayan-Christian syncretic faith.

I'll bump with some pics from the Enochian manuscripts.
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Background on Dee:

Background on his magickal system:
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An interesting image; it implies that the numbering of the angels of the Sigillum was calibrated differently or transmitted as differently altogether.

Thanks for the bump, mate.
Hey Ape, do you have the Maya rituals of Chilam Balam books?
Notes on the Archangels.
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>Maya rituals of Chilam Balam books
Nope but I should grab 'em and have tinkered with Mayan rites before, trying to reconstruct the Smoke Serpent rite using modern Christianized pottery burning ceremonies as a starting point.

I'll stick 'em on the acquisition list.

The Reformed Table (second transmission, what most folks work through).
A cosmological configuration for the Great Table.
Take it to /x/, retard.

Yet another, with the Tablets as pillars that support the earthly realm and act as something of a barrier between here and the Heavenly Chambers.

I mean, these are historically important documents from a major figure in Western scientific and spiritual thought presented with their other materials that served to FOUND THE BRITISH MUSEUM, which I'd say is pretty much completely on topic for the board.

Not to mention the occult aspects of early Caretsian thought and manuscripts from Mayans trying to grok Christianity.
Doodle of a flaming sword in the margins.
It's pretty relevant to history and humanities. Better than the majority of shitposts on this board anyway.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Four concentric circles.
Four worlds?
Four tablets?
My money's on Kabbalistic Worlds.
Peterson, in all his scholarship, fudged the transcription of the table in pic related.

THIS is why it's important to go to the source manuscripts.
More transcription strangeness.
Variant summoning circle from the Sloane MSS.
More elaboration on the Sigillum (iirc).
No, the Lamen, w/e. It's clearly in the image and also now in the library so you don't need me to spoonfeed questionable interpretations.
The museum called me in to work tomorrow ( O_o)
Keys in their original form.
It's in the air, mate.
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Ape dude
>Golden Dawn's cell attributions
No thanks.


Pic related is the original of >>2627155
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Is there anything like the chastity cage in the occult? Maybe some weird sex cult type stuff.
Wow you put so much more effort into these threads than the ones on /x/

Hello old friend
Still can't get much traction here.

Thanks bud.
I'll jump in...I didn't know you even posted these over here til today...
I was the guy in the other thread with the issues with the incense and oil of Abramelin. I'm looking on amazon, and they have a pretty choice selection of essential oils, but a really disorganized collection of resins/woods/roots/gums. Is there another website that's reliable that you use? Or do you have a shop to get it from?
I've been using the board off and on since it opened.

It's only about half the time I get many replies, tho. It's pretty much Orthodox territory.

First few months were great tho.

I guess it largely depends on the topic.
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>Is there another website that's reliable that you use?
Not really.
I snag Galangal root whole and put chunks of it to soak in my oil.
Thanks. Do you make the oil with essential oils other than the galangal, or do you mix dry ingredients with olive oil? Also, can you please point me to a reliable translation of the ingredients for Abremelin Incense? Everything online seems to be different.
I don't notice much difference.
I do it my way because each liquid prep seems 'weak' compared to the fragrance and quality of ground/whole soaked galangal.

Wikipedia gives you a good historical breakdown.

Just be fuckin' CAREFUL if you're gonna go Biblical and start handling calamus. Shit's toxic. Don't rub it in wounds or put it in your mouth/food. That means ritual anointment only; no cakes of light, no initiations.

I will say that whole cinnamon sucks; no burn.
Thanks...so is the incense just solid versions of the oil ingredients, then?
They're just rough approximations of fragrance.
I wouldn't trust them too terribly much.

Ask more questions. We need to break up all these /pol/ threads on the front page.
Yes we damn well do friend. Cheers to that!
((I also feel the need to justify myself and cite more on a board like this, even if others don't. Given the largely secular and Chistist environment here there's already a degree of hostility))
What the coolest thing you can do with sex magick?
OK so what do *you* use for Abramelin incense? I've finally decided to just bust out the c.c. and buy this shit all in one place, instead of going around to various stores in my area and paying exorbitant prices for them to custom order shit for me. Man, you should have seen the way my local religious shop treated me when I told them I was looking to buy incense for personal ritual work...they couldn't get rid of me fast enough!
What is your opinion on the Marseilles tarot and which do you think is the "truest" tarot, i.e. the symbolism corresponding to reality. A subjective question, I know, but I'm interested anyways.
Make an egregore if you're talking purely pragmatic effects, but then that just puts me back in the nasty spiral of the /x/ thread.

If you don't mind some 'inner' work mixed in there's a lot of sexual evokatory methods you can use to facilitate yogic states and interaction with both higher and lower order entities.
I don't use Abramelin incense.

I like Nag Champa but it's a SON OF A BITCH finding any that Saibaba doesn't have his dead grubby little kiddy fiddling hands all over.

In any case 777 gives your lists of Kabbalistic correlations for incense. When in doubt, look it up in the tables. To that end, most any preparation will do; it's not doing the same things that oil is.

Marseilles is probably the "truest" Tarot. Crowley's Thoth deck is inherently an elaboration thereon.

Depends on what you actually want. HOGD's Tarot in black and white is nice. It's not wrong but its hard to upack; less difficult than Thoth at least.

But if you're wanting to reach into the historical spot where the game and divination tool diverged into separate spheres of adumbration, Marseilles is the way to go.
Ok, thanks for the advice. When Crowley says the magician should partake in a form of eucharist every day, does this mean the Cakes of Light particularly? Either way, what's the best way to go about consecrating said eucharist? Thaks for answering all this!
Also, who is Saibaba and why should I be worried about his dickskinners?
I should also mention Complete Magician's Tables. It's more comprehensive, and in a lot of cases I agree with Skinner's reattributions, particularly as they relate to illegal narcotics.

I should also mention that all the pics ITT highlight some of the major unsolved problems in the Enochian system.

If the thread needs some bumps I can pull out the essay I posted the last time I did a thread here.
>sexual evocatively methods
Where can I learn more about this?
Oh Gods.
Read this and remember it the next time you see a nice blue box of Champa with the silver borders and black tape with fucknut's face on it.


>does this mean the Cakes of Light particularly
In most cases, yes.

But, the Eucharist, just like in regular Christism, is just a vehicle. You COULD go straight to the source of the Light but would probably need a more active libido than most.

That's actually tied up into the Fifth Degree and is another one of the few Order secrets I'm not privy to.

>You COULD go straight to the source of the Light but would probably need a more active libido than most.

One time a homeless guy told me that if I ate my cum every time I jerked off I could live forever. Is this what he was talking about?
A few places.

I have a Sexual Magick folder.

For Eastern stuff you may wanna start off with Kiss of the Yogini, which explains the sexual evokatory history of a few strains of Tantra.

In the case of the West, until recently full elaborations of the Thelemic sexual rites were few and far between outside Order grade papers themselves. These days we've been lucky enough to have a publication explosion in the small circulation market. One of the more interesting texts to crop up is Ararita: Elaborations on the Star Sapphire, which breaks down the ritual of the Star Sapphire, or Liber 36, one of Crowley's rewrites to the Hexagram ritual that appeared in Liber 333, the Book of Lies, and is probably one of the chapters that made the OTO hand him a VERY high degree on the spot.
Idk i'm using the Jororowsky one but it's pretty clear half of his "restorations" were his own design. Nothing necessarily bad and he doesn't deviate from the original, but aside from explaining the numerological structure of the deck I have a hard time taking him seriously. Good director tho.

Also I've been meaning to give divination a shot, as I usually only use the Tarot as a contemplative tool bc skepticism. I've done a few readings on div general with polarized results, but the "techniques" I see online seem hogwashy. Any tips?

Also also why christism...
>Is this what he was talking about?
I mean, sorta.
I wouldn't use the male aspect exclusively unless there were special reason to or I was lacking a ritual partner for the production of Kala. It should REALLY be an admixture of comingled sexual fluids.

Obsessive/purely homosexual practices don't create Sapphos and Crowleys.

There must be balance.

See: >>2628555

So, a charlatan, con-artist, manipulator by means of cult tactics...am I missing anything?
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>I have a Sexual Magick folder
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>an admixture of comingled sexual fluids.

Go away /b/ shoo
When you talk about needing to have a more active libido than most...I'm assuming this implies creation of the elixir itself on a daily basis? Also, if I took something to artificially enhance my libido, could this be bad? I'm 25, and I can pretty much have sex as much or as little as is asked of me, but I'm not particularly the one initiating it very frequently.
>the "techniques" I see online seem hogwashy
I'd need to know which techniques.

>Also also why christism...
Because these people aren't True Christians like me, but rather Christ-ists. They Idolize the image of the Lord in death, in the case of Catholics. In the case of Proddies it's the Word of God, in English.

Both of these are in stasis. The Catholic Church, to its credit, put a Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur on Mirror of Simple Souls.

I still think they're inferior to Orthodoxy which is itself inferior to the Non-Chalcadonian Oriental churches.

>production of Kala
Are there straightforward instructions on how to do this anywhere? All the texts on your mega are full of flowery metaphors but lack direct instruction, which I assume would usually come from a guru or superior
It's pretty easy to hide threads if you don't like what's in them. We're talking historical accuracy of the preparation of an elixir here, it's not exactly off-topic.
>True Christians

What does that mean to you? I'm curious
>True Christians like me
Now that's something I did not expect.
So, was Christ a real man or is he just a symbol?
Yeah, it's a good collection of introductory material. It's got Motta's Equinox 5:4, Sex and Religion, with an annotated and commented edition of Ida Craddock's Heavenly Bridegrooms and Psychic Wedlock, the only reproduction for decades before and after, until we got up to modern times.

It should have the rest of the materials I mentioned.

I mean, if you can give me a good citation that admixed sexual fluids aren't the ideal ingredient of the Cake of Light once contextualized with the grade papers 7-10 of the OTO and with an understanding of Vamacara Tantra, I'll listen.

>I'm assuming this implies creation of the elixir itself on a daily basis?
Hence the use of Cakes of Light. It preserves the essential residuum of the act of production, which itself should be highly ritualized.

>could this be bad
Depends on the compound. I'd say, generally, yes. The male and female components are incredibly susceptible to picking up trace amounts of ingested material. This is actually the purpose of sexual tantric praxes if you buy the endocrine model, which is hard to argue with at the purely physiological level....chakra activation implies endocrine activation which then implies a different chemical makeup for secretions.
>In the case of Proddies it's the Word of God, in English.

Stick to your devil worship stuff; you suck at real spiritualism.

Revelation 19:13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.
The book of Lies (ch 36 or 69 I believe) and Star Sapphire explain it fairly well...then there's a piece entitled 'ARARITA: Elaborations on the Star Sapphire' in the Library
I must have missed that Pokemon episode; none of those things sound familiar.
>I'd need to know which techniques.
Simple gnosis before beginning, focusing only on the question etc. My technique at this point is to just clear my mind except for the rhythmic sound of the cards being drawn drawing and to pick one on impulse.

>Because these people aren't True Christians like me, but rather Christ-ists.
I mean you're advocating summoning succubi so I can't take that 100% seriously

> In the case of Proddies it's the Word of God, in English.
Yeah literalism is weird. Like I don't expect most people to have the proper knowledge or free time to interpret the bible correctly, and the catholic clergy dropped the ball on teaching them, but to claim that true christians believe the earth is 6000 years old when Origin established the stupidity of this naught a century after Jesus's death is hard to excuse.

>They Idolize the image of the Lord in death, in the case of Catholics.
His death, among other things, is the ultimate affirmation of the proper path to God. You reject everything worldly and bear the iniquities of the world, sacrificing your mortal self for a divine self. Powerlessness is a vaccum for God's will.

Define Logos without googling it.
I guess so. go back and watch them all beginning with season one.
I just quoted it.
>So, was Christ a real man or is he just a symbol?
Christ was an apparition of Light.

A LOT. Simon Magus did nothing wrong. St. Cyprian proved it. Miaphysitism is the only thing that makes sense to my mind given the Christian corpus. One physis, and one alone, of both man and God. A single physis electing to manifest different facets of itself is the only reconciliation to the insanity that was Chalcedon, but they rejected it.
They never appealed to me. I think they were for small children, such as yourself.
Yes well HAH you really got me! Man, I bet you feel like an adult! Be sure to go tell your friends you just burned some poor sucker on the internet, now.
>Simon Magus did nothing wrong.

As usual, either the bible is right, or you are right.

Acts 8
But Peter said to him, “May your money be destroyed along with you, because you thought you could buy the [free] gift of God with money! You have no part or share in this matter, because your heart (motive, purpose) is not right before God. So repent of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that, if possible, this thought of your heart may be forgiven you. For I see that you are provoked by bitterness and bound by sin.”

> For I see that you are provoked by bitterness and bound by sin.”
That's you, too.
Can someone explain the formula of ON? I see it popping up all the time in magickal circles (heh) but I've never seen a straightforward explanation
The famed cum snot pus blood elixer of charlatans?
I'm sure nobody cares.

Spirit Cooking 101
Damn dude we *almost* had a better thread going this round. It can still be rescued, I trust.
>Psychic Wedlock

Autism speaks. Its time to listen

Since when do autistic wiccan threads equal "good"?
>He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.
Pic related, here's your reply.

If you want Kala production, you should probably start with Kiss of the Yogini, then move on to Shri Yantra and the Sidereal Astrology for ritual timing, then Kularnava Tantra and Tantraloka.

Now, if you don't wanna go back through all that laborious work, you can go to the Western materials I and others have already cited like Ararita: Elaborations on the Star Sapphire.
What do you by "apparition of light" in like a physical and material sense? Do you think there have been others like Christ?

They really cannot expect to actually experience wedlock, so, yeah, this is all they got....
>no pic
Damn, dude, you must have collected them all by now! You are truly Poke Master!
Ayyyy how much syphylus ichor do I put into the 'great' Babylon working?

I want my metaphysical harlot to be just as Grandmaster Sperg directed. Also, th semen I collect to pass out to my autistic friends keep concealing is there a way to keep semen liquid while still pleasing Thoth and Ra????
>trip doesn't slow him down one bit

Everything is the light.

--Nikola Tesla

You already have the ground tiger penis, yes?
I heard if you put earwax into your lover's anus it summons Lilith and Persephone
>I don't watch shows like poke-ee-mon they r 4 kidz
>Can't stop talking about poke-ee-mon
You just identified who the Logos is, not what he is. And my point with that was that Word of God does not equate The Bible but the Logos, at least when in reference to Jesus. I assume you don't take the KJV as the literal Word of God, yes?
Poke poke! Pikka pikka!
>Kiss of the Yogini

I'll check it out. I have a partner I do sex magick with but it's always kind of... awkward. It's hard to balance the disciplined mindset that magick requires and the rewheeling ravenousness of carnal lust. I guess there's nothing to it but to do it
I can assure you that does not work.
I just used an alley cat I found outside.

Tiger penis is prohibitive these days

I quoted it.

If you want to get someone to say they worship their book, talk to muslims.
Simon's sin was lust of money, not the mode of practice.

Again, that's literally the ONLY distinction between he and St. Cyprian.

You cannot deny that a practicing ritual occultist has been Canonized.

ON: The Sun. Derived from Onnophris. Keyword of the Minerval degree OTO.

"You can say this is all bullshit but only if you have performed the experiment yourself and found it to be wanting".
~t. T. McKenna.
As long as he had stripes, I think you're okay.
No, it was a lust for power. The power of God.

You know, the power you seek.
Whoah that's not what Crowley said in his 'Mumblings of an Ancient Con Artist'

I wonder if the Liber Autis is available on pdf
"You can say jumping out of an airplane at 35,000 feet completely naked won't kill you, but only if you have performed the experiment yourself and found it to be wanting."

t. Someone Dumb
L. Ron Hubbard robbed Jack Parsons, stole his boat and his girl and created a larger following than Crowley ever dreamed.

He died a syphilitic hermit screaming at phantoms in Scotland.
I have had to take a shit for 2 hours. I've been prairie dogging this whole time.

And what will eventually explode out of my ass is less offensive than this wiccan bullshit. Is this not an 18+ site?
I guess it's not if they're letting you post childish shit like this.
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Should a been here, caught up in typing replies.
It's from Liber 418, The Vision and the Voice.

You probably don't actually need much sex for the Babalon Working. It can probably be worked within 90 days of conception. If you don't want an incarnation, probably not at all.


One Aethyr lower? Bring some lube.

>like a physical and material sense
Yes. Hence "One physis".

>Do you think there have been others like Christ?
At least Seven plus one who was Naught. And probably more.

Do more yoga.
Isn't there a spell for constipation?

>collect a virgins tears

So just cry into a cup anon
The fact that God worked through Peter in order to supersede his powers is proof enough that God willed against Simon and considered his spirituality charlatanism.

Fair enough, but a prottie insulting an occultist for poor spirituality is a bad look. I don't doubt your faith, but I also don't doubt your disrespect towards his ideas, even if they technically are satanic, because disrespecting them is an excuse to them disrespecting you and Christ.
Yes, we all know you're extremely well versed, and that' a top-notch academic criticism. EVERYBODY! EVERYBODY, get in here and give this guy the recognition he so severely craves for his serious efforts in...whatever it is he's claiming!
Team Illuminati? Is that you?

I wouldn't call 75k staffers floundering in their Idle Orgs "Larger than Crowley ever dreamed".

>Jack came out of it with a better woman than Sara Northrup.

Just the usual fuckposting. Be back in a few.
>No response to St. Cyprian's avowed necromancy.
I'll wait.
You won't believe me but I was reading Crowley at 11 years old and grew out of him by 13.

So prostrate yourself for the self-aggrandizing edge-lord all you wish.

>grrrrrr I'm so wicked haha look at how wicked I am. Imma fukken BEAST

What a try hard. And his acolytes don't dare to really debase social norms. They just LARP about it with their overweight friends
Reading up on the formula of ON. It's a shame that public initiatory organizations pussyfoot around the sex stuff. The Minerval OTO initiation could be a lot more... interesting

>You probably don't actually need much sex for the Babalon Working. It can probably be worked within 90 days of conception

I know what I'm doing this summer
>It's a shame that public initiatory organizations pussyfoot around the sex stuff

See? Nerds with an edgy fetish. Nothing more
>What a try hard. And his acolytes don't dare to really debase social norms. They just LARP about it with their overweight friends

This is a very valid criticism of Thelema but I still think you should kill yourself
Yes, I'm sure you were very well able to understand what he was talking about. Let me guess-you think White Stains was autobiographical. DoaDF was meant to encourage drug use, and Loveday died from drinking cat's blood...am I missing anything?
allah is the greatest of the deceivers
the devil is the greatest of the deceivers
allah is the devil

again, if you want to attack people for worshiping a book, attack the people who will kill you if you burn their book.
Are you under the illusion that I operate under the delusion that speaking of the gospel of Jesus Christ is inoffensive?
Can't. Not until I figure our a way to break my bargain and get my soul back.

Hey, you wouldn't be interested in selling your soul for a fair market price would you?

I know JUST the bastard...

Only 999 to go ;_;
And I'm not a fan of how many overweight people are apparently part of this organization...I mean, somebody's not doing their yoga, amirite?
Sounds like you didn't get too far into his corpus. The A.'.A.'. has a grown adult only take one Class A text and then all Class B for serious study in one year, and most can't make that hurdle.

I've been reading Crowley about that long myself, fwiw.

>The Minerval OTO initiation could be a lot more... interesting
BS, it's a great story and introductory initiation to the Order. I'd somewhat agree with you that it could use pushing forward in the initiatory structure, particularly around 5th with the Hellbroth since you're given the NOX formula anyhow.

>doing [things]
Be careful. I don't wanna be a negative nancy but I doubt you're ready for that shit.
>teaching Magick in an organzied, standardized ciruculumn

Haha holy shit it's pre-school for magi
Are you a chaote?
Prayer is better than sleep, anon.

Top zozzle.


My local body's nice and fit.

Sorry yours sucks. Mine does too but not because uggos.
No and we don't proselytize.

The books are closed. Protip of all profits: if there is a wiki section on your workings they are just creative smokescreens.

Real magicians are still hunted and killed.
I mean, my big question is, how are there overweight members, ESPECIALLY in the priesthood, when you're supposed to be doing all this /fit/ type stuff concurrently with studies and workings and everything else?
>BS, it's a great story and introductory initiation to the Order.

Yeah it is pretty fun. I just don't like how in group out group oriented organizations like the OTO are. I don't want to wait until my balls are wrinkly before I do the fun stuff. I wish I lived in a group home with a bunch of sexy young occultists

>Be careful

Literally everything I've ever done of value has been a result of pushing myself into something I'm not ready for. Besides I'm acquainted with Our Lady.
Haha sorry idk why it says >bottom
>Real magicians are still hunted and killed.

This should be at the top of every one of these threads
Y'all would have much more luck trying A.M.O.R.C. to be honest.

Not ideal but much higher than the Ordo. And at least there are succulent columbes to defile.
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Jesus responded to that before it was even an issue. It isn't a question of occultism in general, Jesus and the Apostles were master magicians, rather it's a question of the source of authority. Simon placed it in himself while Paul placed it in God, and he clearly didn't understand the source of his power because he thought it could be bought instead of given. There's a catholic tradition stating that Simon was able to levitate above a crowd yet Paul was able to pull him down. Non-canonocal, yet it affirms the interpretation.

>You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God.
This is because miracles, as opposed to other forms of magic, require a union with God. Yes he was greedy, but greed in this instance is greed for the power and authority of the Apostles

>Are you under the illusion that I operate under the delusion that speaking of the gospel of Jesus Christ is inoffensive?
No I'm calling YOU offensive because you thought your BEST shot at converting him was calling him a satanist right off the bat ya dingus.
>no and we don't proselytize
>or have any functional hierarchy
>or any organization
>or have any distinguishable curriculum

Sounds like a hell of an outfit, anon.
In some countries, maybe. Then again albinos and niggers are hunted and killed to this day, and slavery still exists.
They have a center in my city but it's Spanish language only, which is whack
The most amazing thing about your generation is you truly believe that you have access to anything real.

That's not how any of this works.
Ape what's better for a censer: one with a handle, or just a basic one with a stand? At this point I don't see myself needing the handle, but I would hate to have to buy yet another one down the road.
Until you show proof that you're truly a part of the Nameless order I'm just gonna assume you're LARPing
Too bad, corrupting the doves of the Rose has been a passion of mine.

We managed to chase their leadership all the way back to France haha. And they never even knew they were under attack.
>Real magicians are still hunted and killed.
Bring it. Even if you think I'm "fake". I need a new skull.

Officiating priests aren't in the militant band of the degrees. You'll actually be hard pressed to find many seriously unfit SGIGs. I've been in rooms full of 'em.

I think Grant was on to something with Astral Lodges. If only he bothered to actually be serious about it.

>Besides I'm acquainted with Our Lady.
Suit yourself.

I have an admittedly hostile outlook on Paul and also feel it's a shame the Oriental churches were marginalized. While it's not a retraction of my assumption, I do think it's a bit odd you guys took the "did nothing wrong" meme quite so seriously.
Really, You don't get access to more and more info as you move along initiations? That REALLY must be a hell of an outfit you belong to. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting amigo, ye shall know them by their fruits.
AMORC sucks.

Depends, like all things.
Gonna move it? Handle.
Not gonna move it? Stand.
SO for most historical rites a stand is going to suit you but a lot of modernish stuff since maybe 1910 and growing more common through today is gonna need movement.
If Google knows you then the world has power over you.

Slipping through a myriad of hosts we pass unnoticed and unseen. And yet we surround you all. We see through your eyes and your ears belong to us.

Like a flicker at the corner of your vision.
>AMORC sucks.
Quads confirm truth

>Astral Lodge
I'd join your Lodge anytime bb

I'm curious what the magicians tables say about correspondes between psychotropic drugs and the Sephirot across the Abyss. I definitely feel like I've taken some Binah drugs in my time.
That sounds cool and mysterious but doesn't actually say anything
We have created a terrible Egregore and it has consumed us all.

We cannot stop it, not now, for it has spread too far.

24/7 castings and actualizations world wide.

And none can escape once joined. I could remove myself from all I know and segregate myself in a land of languages I don't know for years.

And the egregore would find me there.
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>If Google knows you then the world has power over you.
Boy am I glad I'm sitting on a locked file cabinet full of unpublished and non public materials. Guess that makes me part of the cool kids club too.

But cooler than you because I throw bones to the plebs.
Seconding this.
OMG he's a fucking /pol/smoker. Christ on Dr. Hoffman's bike!
And we fucking love you for it, mang.
Pearls before swine doesn't make you magnanimous
>I have an admittedly hostile outlook on Paul and also feel it's a shame the Oriental churches were marginalized.
He's a man, and I give him credit for taking Christ out of the desert and into the forum, but yeah he only gets so much credit because he's in the Bible. Anyone who tells you Paul did nothing wrong skimmed over his whole genocide part, along with all of the other Apostle's iniquities, but it's impossible to make that point in scripture. The best I can say is that Paul's work was an exegisis, and that it corresponds more with Jesus's word than most think, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to make that call.

In essence though, magic in the church is only acceptable if in accord with God's will and deriving it through his authority, i.e. a miracle.

Also if you don't mind can you give me some Tarot advice ala >>2628661

See this? They love you for it Ape. Hahaha!
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>tfw our Lady of Hosts bestows me with Good Boy Points
>magicians tables say about correspondes between psychotropic drugs and the Sephirot across the Abyss
Go read it.
I've been expanding the lists too, iirc. I MAY have that posting archived somewhere or in an ancient note file. Gimmie a few.

Can I have your bones?
I need them to build a spirit house at the edge of Made-From-Bone's bottomless cosmic pit to survive the cleansing of the world and reform it from the power of the sacred flutes.

Otherwise I'm just gonna fuck off to the Blood Rivers of Lord Macaw already.
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>our Lady of Hosts

Wew this is worse than I thought. Might as well practice your phrenology chart
Yes, we appreciate his contributions. Not love him personally, I don't even know the fucking guy. For all I know he has a closet full of skeletons...literal skeletons!
Gather to him like so many macaws anxious for an overlooked nut to fall
If that's what rustles your jimmies to fantasize about, why not! Do what thou wilt, and all that.
Yes that's a good thing to work. "Gnosis" is a vague term but you need it for divination. Yi King can develop that gnostic divinatory concentration because it takes like ten to twenty minutes, sometimes longer, to do a proper stick throw.

I do much the same you do for draws. I riffle through and pick one card at random. Generally I'll use any number of structures; lately I've gotten a kick out of "six six six", one card for six days out, six weeks out, and six months out. It's fun.

Do the Cross thingy. It has some minor history. Crowley's Book of Thoth has a lot of complex spreads when you think your'e ready.

It's a good feel.
Be back in a few, again.
Everything I am and will ever be is owned and sold.

All parts are spoken for, for like the natives of this land we use all parts of the buffalo.
Ape have you ever read/seen August Wilson's play Gem of the Ocean?

It's an impressive study of West African spirituality and the City of Bones cosmology
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>Gather to him like so many macaws anxious for an overlooked nut to fall
>Otherwise I'm just gonna fuck off to the Blood Rivers of Lord Macaw already.
Aw yes.
You weren't kidding about that guy being all over nag champa. holy hell.
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>It's an impressive study of West African spirituality and the City of Bones cosmology
I, uh, was actually talking about the Ye'kuana.

I should probably add the book about Made From Bone to the library if you'll read it, and I can actually find a copy. I'll hunt when I get back from that thing I said I'd do.
I'm half and half on it for obvious reasons, but I'm only leaning towards them because I get great meditational tools. Most decks are bastardizations of the Tarot of Marsaille, which was born of and profound mix of Abrahamic occultism in the Renaissance. Read Meditations on the Tarot if you want to learn more, it got a seal of approval from one of the Church's most influential cardinals.

I personally like Event, Reaction, suggested Action, and potential Conclusion as a reflection of the Divine Name, but I tend to ignore the last because I reject divination of the future outright.
An interesting coincidence. If one was prone to believe in randomly coinciding events.
Oh my mistake, I would probably read it eventually but I already have a long reading list from your library as I'm trying to get into DBoE

>that initiation ceremony

God people in first world countries are weak.
>as a reflection of the Divine Name, but I tend to ignore the last because I reject divination of the future outright.
DUDE WHY the Kabbalistic Tarot was literally built for that shit. Four Courts on IHVH. Four worlds. Four elements. C'mon, mate.

Yeah that shit's hardcore.
And when I first sought instruction I was chased away with many blows.

And when I crawled back on my hands and my knees like a beast I was chased away with rods and lashes.

And when I crawled back on my belly like a lizard of the desert I was poisoned and lay dormant.

And when I awoke I was no more and perished from the earth. And a flame was handed down so that I may walk in peace through the land of the dead. The land which I will walk for the rest of time.
>I'm trying to get into DBoE
Are you the one I was emailing?
Are you ready for the next bits?
>DUDE WHY the Kabbalistic Tarot was literally built for that shit. Four Courts on IHVH. Four worlds. Four elements. C'mon, mate.
Because I don't believe in it. I can feel that I have to take a shit, I can know that I have to take a shit, I can take the shit, but before I take the shit I can't know what the shit looks like.
Yes. You last emailed me in March. The material you sent was extremely helpful. I actually got to initiate someone else for once which was cool.
You are a strange little practitioner.
You're the guy I was bitching back and forth with in the last thread, yes?

Don't listen to me. I'm a reprobate. Much of my further responses are too heretical to even merit consideration on your end. Work what works for you.
>"Love, and do what thou wilt."
>t. Augustine

You could if you asked the cards...kinda defeats the purpose of divination if you ask me, unless you're using it in ritual work, which would still pertain to the future
>which was cool

Niggas. I'm in a conundrum.
I want to believe. Everytime I get in a tough situation (they seem to be getting worse and worse) I keep coming back to magick and it always seem to work. Soon after the "critical" situation is solved. I lose my drive and "power" and everything seems to be cold and mechanical again.
W...wait, did they actually go through the Probation period or did you just hand it out like water?

I was just gonna send the main portion of my notes but we may need to have a little chat.

I'm not here to convince you of anything or give you existential validation.

Work the systems. Or not.
That which is freely given has no value. It is a trifle gift from the giver and an unearned bauble to the recipient.

Apprenticide is more often necessary than not.
>You're the guy I was bitching back and forth with in the last thread, yes?

Ty for the help though, it's nice that this place has a resident wizard who's willing to guide newbies, even if he has a cup of abominations in his hand. Also Stoned Meadow is life.
>hand it out like water
I would consider the person in question to be my equal and we've practiced together for years. I should probably clairify that it wasn't like a pyramidos style initiation it was a recreation of the equinox ritual. My use of the term "Initiation" was probably stupid
>Also Stoned Meadow is life.

>pyramidos style initiation it was a recreation of the equinox ritual
Ceremony of the Equinox opens and closes with Pyramidos.

In any case that's fine if they're blindfolded as we discussed.
>You could if you asked the cards...kinda defeats the purpose of divination if you ask me, unless you're using it in ritual work, which would still pertain to the future
Aside from what a has been revealed in Revalations, which is far more useful as a contemplative text and is about as historically accurate as Genisis, I don't believe you can know the future because that is an indicator of predestination. I do like it as a POTENTIAL solution, because our personal predictions of the future can and frequently do give us hell, but the Tarot isn't concrete enough to give me an accurate prediction of anything anyways so why bother.
Do you also use celtic paganism as a ready snare?

Some of our finest women have come to us from that path.
Here I'll shoot you an email.
It's gonna contain my....30 pages of notes that span from Hieros Gamos to KU-LA.

Once you get a handle on that I'll send you my ritual records.

I don't 'snare'.
>Ceremony of the Equinox opens and closes with Pyramidos

You are of course correct. The ritual was Goshen. I understand your suspicion but I'm not out here selling the Grand Arcanum to every Susie and Sally. Apologies if I'm tripping over my words a bit
Ape, what is Zion in both a literal and metaphorical sense?
I'm not asking for convincing. I'm asking for help. Thread is a long and very hard to figure out exactly what's going on tbqwhu.
I've currently read "Instant magick" by Christopher Penczak and "Advanced Magick" for Beginners by Alan Chapman. Also Quantum Touch 2.0: The New Human (which imo is applying magick strictly to health issues).
I'm mostly of the idea that rituals are not needed into and of themselves just the feeling that they evoke.
I see magick as seeing the end result and connecting it to a strong emotion of love/appreciation/gratitude.
I also connected the above to the quote by Jesus
>Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
>And when you stand to pray, if you hold anything against another, forgive it, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your trespasses as well.”
I see God as the energy that allows these to happen and that personifying the energy is just a practical tool. Yet I sometimes find myself talking to it (I know that's not how it works).

What direction would you suggest I go from here?
>I don't 'snare

Haha as you wish, with acolytes present after all.
Cool, I'm starting to use One Note as my primary form of record keeping. Would you be open to me sending you some of my notes from time to time so you can track my progress?
>Tarot isn't concrete enough to give me an accurate prediction of anything anyways so why bother.
You should try the Yi King.
Pick up a copy of Karcher's Concordance and Ye Eldritch Wilhelm/Baynes edition.
I don't think it's an indicator of predestination per se, but ok. I've been able to get very specific predictions using the Tarot in combination with 777. There's a lot of symbolism, correspondences, and so forth that seem to make potential outcomes infinite, until you start narrowing them down.
>instant magick
>Advanced Magick" for Beginners

Oh no, it's retarded ;_;
>777. There's a lot of symbolism,

What did He mean by this?
A mountain and, um, that gets complex.
Binah, technically, is Zion. So it's an ideal. And not necessarily of Israeli Lukkud flavored Nationalism.

We "descend" from the Tree.
We "descend" (Yeridah) from Zion.

Read better stuff.
All of that stuff you cited is fairly weak, with the exception of Chapman, who only gets weak after Adepthood. I still don't like that book tho.

If you're looking toward God, you should know some Yoga. See: Hathayoga, Rajayoga, and Shiva Samhita.

I'm serious, I don't.
You'll understand when you work Al-Tanin in the Stellar Transvokation.

If you're that dedicated and I'm not fuckbusy, sure.

777 is an index of Kabbalistic correspondences used by the Golden Dawn and reproduced from memory by Crowley.
>If you're that dedicated and I'm not fuckbusy

wonderful. I already have a fuck huge list of unanswered questions about chapter 6 of Sepher Yetzirah. I try to avoid asking you specific things because you always reee about Normies
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I'm too in love with the Tarot at the moment to switch over and it's in part because it isn't concrete. It gives me a forces at play and an icon to meditate on them yet I have to do the thinking myself.

I need to see that myself before I believe it, which is why I don't cut out the 4th card (that and respect for the Divine Name).

Ok I'm bored so first one to respond with their name gets a reading. I don't want details of the problem before the reading but please don't respond if you aren't willing to discuss the reading afterwards. Dis da deck btw, Jodorowsky's Marseilles
>Read better stuff.
What would you suggest exactly?
I'm mostly interested in health/money atm. I know it's selfish but I guess every human drive is selfish in one way or another.
What do you think about "By the Rite of Inversion, Darkness becomes day" as a grade motto?


I'll talk to you here about Saturn just don't give me that black cube shit.
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>dismissing the black cube

Why of all things?
Thanks friend
>How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Apophis
top lel. Time to order some pizza and get cracking
You need to be thinking in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, mate. Or Hindi.

Anything with a system of correspondence.

That's a GREAT motto IDEAL, but you need to actualize it in language that has a numerical-mystical system.

My current A.'.A.'. motto is
DLQ = "To Burn" = 134
ThChH = "Inner space" = 22
156, which = Babalon.

Dude I know.

Too memey.

none of you actually buy into this shit right?
i can get having an interest in it for creative purposes or just for entertainment
>actualize it in language that has a numerical-mystical system

If Crowley had done what he was told I wouldn't have to, but I digress
I guess ill start with Greek or Latin because those are languages I actually know. Someday I'm gonna learn sanskrit so I can actually get to the heart of all this nonsense
>My current A.'.A.'. motto is

While punching yourself in the dick can be invigorating, it's not always wise
>too memey

The tefillin is hardly a meme

The seven wrappings, to bind and weaken our negative desire and ego.

Isaac must be bound. Abraham binds his son as Saturn consumed his own.
What was he supposed to do that he didn't? In this case I mean?
What you don't know fills every space you have never been and every conversation you have never read.

Every man you have never met and every miracle you have never seen.

What you don't know dwarfs your known as a microbe to Sol.
Establish a functional English Qabalah.
He was never a good apprentice.

Too consumed by his ego. To aflame with love of self.
Well, I wish he would have too, but not for the sake of personal convenience
It's not attached to anything and I've been under an entirely different handle for a while, which I'm not particularly afraid to indulge either.

Hey, you.
You need to know the Mark of the Beast.

I do. That's my skull in the OP pic.
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Circle with an 'X'.
Not the public Mark with the sexual connotation.
Not "666"
But the circle with the X at the top of the Seal of Babalon of the A.'.A.'.

Moreover, you need to know the form of the A.'.A.'. Temple.

You should use it any time you need to initiate.

Now that you are armed with these signs, you will understand the Signs of the Alchemical Crossroads in the Black Sun/Black Moon rite.
Soo...what'l up with the page in Liber L MSS that has a labelled grid with a diagonal line? Been trying to work this out for a little while but some of the handwriting is so difficult to read...
The Draconian current sure has an interesting... shape. I've also never contacted an egrogore that was so Wary of me.

This is just an initial reaction but I think the Stellar Transvocation is where the meat of this practice lies
I'm actually not the black cube anon but I think they have a good point.

This shit is why I was namefagging in the other thread
>This is just an initial reaction but I think the Stellar Transvocation is where the meat of this practice lies
It is.

Wait until it throws you on the Behenian ecliptic.

Also, watch yourself. Azhdeha has claws. This shit's very seriously not for the faint of heart. I've almost had panic attacks working Black Earth, and I'm not particularly a panic attack type person.

What's much more interesting is what's on the title page of the manuscript.
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That's the one.
Damn IDK if mine has the title page. It's just the paperback edition with ms at back. You mean the one with all the drawings on it?
I'm sort of confused about where to "start" on the Draconian praxis, it feels reminiscent of trying to jump on a moving carousel. I've been doing dream work with it but I don't see any "Resh" sort of thing that eases you into a daily praxis
Ah interesting. I'm gonna have to print out a full sized version and throw it in my copy.
The symbol of transformation or mark of Nodens?

17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
>I don't see any "Resh" sort of thing that eases you into a daily praxis
More like a moving train but w/e.
The current is swift.
You have two (2) opportunities to onboard each ritual year. Midsummer, and Midwinter. Both require a month of prep. Midwinter is easier, as the Midsummer rites are apeshit.

As for reshlike stuff it's called Stellar Transvokation and the Hallowing pt 1.

Start by reading my notes. Then the book itself.

see >>2629174
Another initial reaction:
You talk a lot about Ezra in your notes in regards to "angelic transformation" but I'm confused about why you dont mention Enoch's transformation into Metatron. Men becoming angels is an established part of scripture
>why you dont mention Enoch's transformation into Metatron
Because that's incredibly obvious.
I talk about Azra's transformation because you're literally evoking Az'ra'il.
Hey I'll see y'all tomorrow, thanks for the insight and shitposting, as always.
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True or false

John Dee was patronized by the Queen Elizabeth to find escape from Earth

They say that Earth is a prison planet and that humans cannot leave it for it is surrounded by an impenetrable barrier. We call this barrier after Van Allen.

Some speculate that the British Monarchy had long aspired to explore the heavens above and knew of this barrier in antiquity.
May you awake more enlightened than you find yourself now
ohhhh now I feel dumb

ill keep my mouth shut until I come up with a smarter question
>They say that Earth is a prison planet and that humans cannot leave it for it is surrounded by an impenetrable barrier. We call this barrier after Van Allen.
Is that that black iron shit Phillip Dick was on? God, wasn't he a kook.
>John Dee was patronized by the Queen Elizabeth

>to find escape from Earth
Not really.

>Prayer is better than sleep, anons.
They say that Dee was charged with contacting the Enochian angels in order to discern how to circumvent this barrier so that the Tudors may find a home among the corporeal heavens because their place in the real heavens was forever denied.
>Phillip Dick was on? God, wasn't he a kook.
I mean, you ever read Exegesis?

>They say
Because that sounds like it's more Frederick V the Elector Palatine territory.
>I mean, you ever read Exegesis?
No but I vaguely remember VALIS. Have you? Because from what I've heard it's 10,000 pages of one tenth of a huge ball of schizophrenia.
Oh just the mumblings of old dead men.

Theories unexplored. Let me ask, when your Ordo accepts neophytes are they charged with caretaking the elder and dying members too?

I would recommend the practice. You will never arrive if you're not sure where you are going.
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The Prayer of the Seeker seems like a good place to start, right? I find having statements of intent is always useful
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I've read what's been put into book form which is a few hundred pages.

Most of that is his Yi King notes which I desperately wanna read.

>Oh just the mumblings of old dead men.
Until you tell me which dead men I'm not gonna reply. further.

>Prayer of the Seeker
It's literally *the* place to start.
But you don't need to until Oct/Nov.
Remember, every time you recite that you need to orgasm and deposit the fluid into you Marriage Vessel.
Cool, I'm acquainted with the Mountain, at the very least. Getting back there has been the problem, but I'm familiar with the flight.
>Remember, every time you recite that you need to orgasm and deposit the fluid into you Marriage Vessel.

I love it when you talk dirty to me. Do you have a Quadriga yet? I love how spiritual authority works in his system. Everything the Draconian Gnosis touches is so temporal and liminal
That would be telling. I didn't spend 4 years in Qom to name names.

The dead can speak for themselves.
>Mayans trying to grok Christianity.
>The Teabo Manuscript, which is an interesting little document, a Late Mayan manuscript in which the people of the Feathered Serpent attempt to make some vague sense of Christism, and the start of what COULD have been a Mayan-Christian syncretic faith.

oh that is too cool
>implying anyone in a hundred mile radius of me is qualified to practice this shit.
Good thing I'm not in [redacted]. Not that I'm qualified but me and giving fucks don't mesh very well.
You would think a current this potent would be more popular, with festivals and shitty articles written in a magazine called "The Column" or something. The barrier to entry is pretty high, I suppose
Hey Ape, what's your opinion on Urantia book?
The Cauldron died with Mike Howard.
You have to have some serious dedication not to get thrown off reading the first 5 pages. assuming you're like me and have a hedge wizard's level of *relevant* knowledge, and a death wish to make it to the second month.
>deposit the fluid into you Marriage Vessel
is this something you're theoretically supposed to practice with your Quadriga? Andrew Chumbley is notably cagey about sexual openness in his work
Logos in the greek, doesn't mean what you think it means, check the platonists
>is this something you're theoretically supposed to practice with your Quadriga
Maybe read the passage(s).
You're supposed to do it alone and then meet when the Vessel has been filled for the Fire Sacrifice(s).
You crank it into a jar. In the Azoetia, you make use of a stone dick for purposes and also have the coven fuck someone to the point of exhaustion so they can go have an experience. I'm cagey about sex and even I see that there's no way to do it metaphorically.
>exhaustion so they can go have an experience
The empowerment granted in this Mysterium creates an initiatory bond- a compact which
serves to align the informing currents from the many magical traditions and spiritual lineages
of the world within the single heart of the Magical Quintessence. By vertu of their return unto the very source of magical power the many ways are revivified and transformed in unique realisations of their inmost nature.

wow so syncretizing religious and spiritual traditions is literally part of the practice? That's dope
It's like none of these faggots have ever had a hot shower or sat in a car with the windows up. You go places. I don't need a ritual for something I do every night.
Ford argues for two methods of attaining sexual exhaustion and ascension: "Via Lilith" and "Via Cain." In the Lilith ritual, the room should be draped in crimson and black; music which inspires dark emotions, contains chanting, or contains horrific sounds should be played; and images of Lilith, Lilitu, and succubi should hang in the room.[12] In the Cain ritual, both the room and ritualist should be adorned with fetishes of the Horned God and symbols of Cain, and Middle Eastern music should be played.[12]

I'm imagining fat people having sex in a room filled with shitty posters while "dark ambient" is playing in the background
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The Master is the Seeker
whose step is at one with the turning of the way,
who hath told the full compass of the fourteen ordeals
and hath passed beyond the count of the Year-and-the Day.
Such as He and such as She are the Living Truth of the Crooked Path
and as such they shall go forth free, unique and alone,
forever to wander ... one path from every path astray!

>The Living Truth
>Double 93s
>It's a shitpost

I really need to go refresh myself on the mystery of the lord and the lady before I go crank it into a jar and practice edgy wytchan stellar caininite gnosis for the next year and a day.
In other words....why do you think I'm so eager to appropriate Amazonian Dark Shamanism and Kogi cosmology?

>I hath beheld the Face of Choronzon guarding the Basalt Pillar. And it was a niggerchan shitpost, howling the Winds of Dispersion.

>mfw this thread
>oh lordy
Ape I can't find the drug correspondences in the Magicians Tables, what sub heading would they be under?
Whoa there, Mammy.
You should listen to Sportin' Life.

You're gonna make me bust it out, ain't ye?

Page 218, vegetable and synthetic drugs.
This thread needs purging from the front page
Let's talk dipsomancy. In the morning when I'm sober.
When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there.
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire
who practices divination or sorcery
Fuck off.

May not be enough posts left ITT.
interprets omens
engages in witchcraft
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>Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire
Literally me.

Also me.

Man, we're three for three here. That blood and wine filled skull in the OP is mine.
or casts spells
or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead
It's okay, I know the address to send message through the dæmons and reach you at the secret college. It's bedtime, tag team psychotherapy and irl shitposting has made me sleepy.
Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord
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Four for four.

Five for five.

That's a stoning, right?

Six for six.
To seek spirituality, knowledge, or power apart from God is idolatry, closely related to witchcraft.
This list is...
very incomplete
Which fucking one? My Lord is pretty chill and down for whatever in addition to being a cute shota.
> apart from God
Impossible. God is omnipresent.
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
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You got a problem with the Craft, faggot?
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I said I was gonna look for my own notes, lemme do that before the thread peters out.

Nigger I literally worship Moloch.
Pic related is the Vessel I used to catch fertilized but cast out eggs from my ritual partner, mingled with my semen, before literally performing a Fire Sacrifice modeled off of the sacrifices at Gia ben Hinom, the Valley of the Sons of Lamentation.

On the left you can see a trumpet made from a human femur.
At the heart of witchcraft is the desire to know the future and control events that are not ours to control.

Those abilities belong only to the Lord.

This desire has its roots in Satan’s first temptation to Eve: “You can be like God”.
>to catch fertilized but cast out eggs

im curious about the practical issues with this, how do you go about doing this exactly?
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These lists are tables of correspondence for the Tree of Life in the Western/Hermetic tradition. The first posted is Crowley's. You'll notice variation between Crowlely and Skinner. I'd even be so bold as to throw a few more out there. I'd add amphetamines to Chokhmah. Substituted cathinones (Bath salts, so-called) should be placed at Gevurah. I'd place LSD and a fair number of the 2-C class around path 13 (Gimel, the priestess), as well as their place around the middle pillar. Finally, I'd place disociatives around Iesod and the Veil of Paroketh. These are from my own researches, both academic and practical.

>And Shemyaza spake unto Qayin who trembled with fear:
>"Blessed is the ground for thy sake. Fruits and medicines shalt it bring forth for thee. And thou shalt smoke of the herb of the field. And in the joy of thy face shalt thou eat bread. Until thou art married unto the ground. For thou wast taken from it, for Love thou art...and unto Love shalt thou return."
Brother....let us go into the field.
I can tell you feel some sort of guilt by these posts. Why?
>>2629548 #
He cums on her period blood and this brings him closer to hell
Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
I think about you when I crank it.
>...sake. In skill and cunning thou shalt eat of it all the days of thy life. Fruits...
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Have you ever done Ketamine?
I've had some pretty serious discussions about what it's kabbalistic correspondences would be. I would argue the 28th path

>Satan seated there
>Savoring the REEK of DESOLATION
>Their dank despair
>Moved his speech to leech the air
>"Behold the Golden Door to Paradise is lost,
>"So praise me as you praised your "Lord" and I shall thaw this GNAWING FROST."

I'd agree.
The album that this is a cover for is fucking amazing.
Where would you put DMT?
I didn't even know it was an album.
I saw it on a google search for one of the myriad of variations on the transliteration "Shemyaza" and just saved it.

Dominus Liminus, so the parts of the four paths leading into Tifaret from Hod, Netzach, Gevurah, and Chessed that are closest to Tifaret.
Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
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See you in the Breeding Pits bud
>can't secure a decent mate
>needs breeding pits to have a chance at sowing seed

How very tragic
>I am Methuselah of the Tribulation
>The Moonchild come to harm.
>A riot of stars shaken from their stations
>Six vices become wrath...

See you at Megiddo big boi.

Fuck yes.
>Dominus Liminus


I really think the Binah correspondences are just flat out wrong except for Belladonna. There are a lot of hallucinatory disassociates
>Not coming to the breeding pits

what are you a square?
Nigga can you mold reality according to will without physical interference or not?
Meet me in Qom on the 26th of May

If you let me I will save your soul. Ask for the Amyr Al' Ahmar
I'd put Khat at Chockmah.
there's a drug I havent heard anyone talk about in a while. I think a better list could be made, especially when you consider that correspondences might change depending on dosage. Microdosing LSD is very different on your brain than eating a strip
Do you Ordo cretins deny yourselves nothing?

Is nothing kept pure and clean in your part of the Garden?

I walk through your world and see bloodfilled skulls bragged about by hedge-wizards. I see orgies and corruption.

Is there a part of your Thelema that you do not profane?
If I went to Iran it would NOT be to get Christcucked, thank you very much.


>correspondences might change depending on dosage
Path of the Moon, mate. Maybe even Aeon. World would be iffy.

The substituted tryptamines (4-aco-met) feel like they're on the path of Teth. There's something lateral to Attainment with the big A about them.
So rebellious
>Is nothing kept pure and clean in your part of the Garden?
Anon, my Garden is renewed by the Blood of Abel, interred therein.

This is the purity of the Blood Acre.

See >>2629554
>lateral to attainment


where would you put the Pikal drugs like 2-cb? I've had some revalatory experiences with those
>Hebrew characters appeared on each chalice, and I was given a non-verbal message that the religions needed to make peace and see the True Light and not their chosen color before the world could progress much further. Without being able to read Hebrew, I guessed that the religions were Christianity, Islam, Catholicism, LDS, and another I couldn't name.

tippity toppity kek
Also, I didn't quote the bible at you to christcuck you but to show what they have said about you for 2,017 years with consistency.

It was true then, it's true now no matter the messengers. The world has revolved away from the Lamb and enters the age of the water bearers.
2-CI belongs VERY high on Gimel, so much so that it may be over at Magus.
>a fair number of the 2-C class around path 13
2-CE belongs on the Star.
>t. guy what did stupid huge doses of both.
Found the op

>2-CE belongs on the Star.
this I can see. I saw some things in the sky on a clear night when I was on that drug that I can never unsee
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>what they have said about you for 2,017 years with consistency
>It was true then
>The world has revolved away from the Lamb

Vae Victis.
This has been a pretty good thread despite some derailing. Are you considering moving it here permanently?
>this I can see. I saw some things in the sky on a clear night when I was on that drug that I can never unsee
My Brother.
Oh Lord my Brother.
I walked two miles on a first time heroic dose. It was the most percpetion altering thing I ever experienced. No giggles. No loss of cognition. No real noticeable outward effect...all while an...Entity whispered into my left ear and the trees had seizures, while all streetlights slowly changed colors in the spectrum as the straight road started twisting serpentine.

Shulgin's notes on the compound are VERY apt.

theres celibacy and sublimation of sexual energy
Haha you think you won a victory.

You don't look to the sky no more. Or you would know that the age of the Lamb passes as did the age of the Bull. It's not your Victory but the inevitable procession.

There wouldn't be pleasure of it wasn't for pain.

>There was a strange devil-angel pairing. As I was being told of the ecstatic white-light ascent of my partner into the God-space of an out-of-body experience, I was fighting my way out of a brown ooze. She saw the young Jesus at the bottom of a ladder drifting upwards step by step to some taking-off place, and I saw all the funny gargoyles around the base of the ladder surrounded by picnic bunting. For me it was the 4th of July, rather than Easter!

love that guy. Do you ever dose for your rituals? I have a lot of trouble concentrating so I never do large doses when I do magick
This place has been my secondary home since inception.

What's the consensus on these guys?

>(with 20 mg) The view out of the window was unreal. The garden was painted on the window, and every petal of flower and tuft of grass and leaf of tree was carefully sculptured in fine strokes of oil paint on the surface of the glass. It was not out there; it was right here in front of me. The woman who was watering the plants was completely frozen, immobilized by Vermeer. And when I looked again, she was in a different place, but again frozen. I was destined to become the eternal museum viewer.

>(with 25 mg) I have a picture in my living room that is a stylized German scene with a man on horseback riding through the woods, and a young girl coming out to meet him from the nearby trees. But she was not just 'coming out.' He was not just riding through the woods. The wind was blowing, and his horse was at full gallop, and his cape was flapping in the storm, and she was bearing down upon him at full bore. The action never ceased. I became exhausted.

That horseback thing fucks with me because that captures the drug at +++/++++ perfection. It's the PERFECT perception altering tool.

I only take minuscule microdoses, even for normal stuff like alcohol (so a mouthful); you can be a master navigator and still get tossed sideways. I don't do that shit anymore. Hawaiian Woodrose plus ritual sex was my last deep delve. Didn't like it much. The 2-C class is easy to fuck on. It's got that phenethyl kick.
Great song btw. A unique and unexpected sound from that community

Lots of potential wasted.
Rovelli can't let go of his ego.
It's eating him from the inside out.
He'd stopped being a particularly huge fuckwit for a number of years.
But then started again when his Church began to falter.
>Hawaiian Woodrose plus ritual sex

doesn't that shit make you puke?

I'm considering using MDMA to help me and my ritual partner activate and collect our Kaulas. Empathogens rarely fuck with my concentration
Thoughts on the coming Age of Aquarius?
Saul Williams is pimp, nig.


Tree trips fukken confirm.

Go MDA molly. It's less "excitatory". You don't go halfway to a methbuzz on it.

Even then you gotta worry about the compound collecting your bodily fluids. If you key your rite properly this won't be an issue (hence I guess your line of inquiry).

I'd say 2-CI if you have it. If not, MDA.
This is brilliant. Sass is slightly trippier too so it might make for a more "mystical" experience

The Kaula stuff is confusing but I really wanna make that Elixir
It's why I'm here.
*I* barely have a handle on Kaula; stick to the Western shit, it's advanced enough.
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So let me get this straight.

Thelema is all about making up creative excuses to fuck yer honies

>ayyy baby we gotta get this Transvokation finished let's drop some acid and bang
>awww shit it's the Equinox we gotta 'worship' in this 'ritual' covered in jasmine and rose petals
>for singles haha, say his invocation 6 times when Mars is in retrograde and jerk off onto a hydrangea

I'm beginning to think this is all a sexual health prank gone wrong :/
> stick to the Western shit

so like ararita? That's good stuff but doesn't give me any Elixir
>"To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my Prophet."
~Liber L vel Legis

How doesn't it?
Grant's right; the product of Star Sapphire and other Thelemic rites has the same mystical properties as the Kala. Right down to timeflows and Eucharistic fitness.
Maybe you're right and it is the same. Out of curiosity how would you say rites like the Sapphire are different than what they do in the higher degree OTO? Why does the OTO protect it's sex magick so much?
Nothing's different it's the detail of metatheory.

Because it's powerful.
>Detail of metatheory

what do you mean by that?
>>And Shemyaza spake unto Qayin who trembled with fear:
>>"Blessed is the ground for thy sake. Fruits and medicines shalt it bring forth for thee. And thou shalt smoke of the herb of the field. And in the joy of thy face shalt thou eat bread. Until thou art married unto the ground. For thou wast taken from it, for Love thou art...and unto Love shalt thou return."
This is really gorgeous, did you ever write an inversion of the later curse of Qayin, where he's cursed from the ground and it won't lend him his strength? There's some interesting tensions around the fact that he was the first city builder
But it's also what god promises the faithful
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>Are you a chaote?

Most people in these generals are not.
They don't even practice magick, just reading books and act "academic".

Seriously, it's nice to read about the occult, to learn and grow, but chaos magick can also achieve results.

Academic role-players don't like chaotes, because they actually have a life and do stuff with their magick.
People ITT are like Arch Linux users: they tweek their system 24/7 and act like they're superior, but at the end of the day they achieved nothing and just wasting their time.

Practice chaos magick.
Study, but use your knowledge.
Live magick, don't just read about it.

No one knows all the answers.
People will tell you how you should read Bardon, Crowley or some other guy in order to gain a better understanding in general...
Maybe you should do that. Or maybe not.

I say read Liber Null and do what thou wilt.
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there's more to life than jerking it to your own scribbles than claiming to be a master even when your shit falls flat
Jokes on you, I never did something like that.

Saying "chaotes are all jerking off to sigils" is like Christians who say "atheists are all fedora tippers".
no jokes here mate, just another lazy clod who claims ignorance is virtue
That's a whole lotta words for someone making a short baseless assumption in a thread fifty posts past bump limit.

>Saying "chaotes are all jerking off to sigils" is like Christians who say "atheists are all fedora tippers".
And is also like saying the people ITT don't actually practice, but since you're King Chaos I guess you get a pass.
Another short update; should I post it here?
I'm still paying attention
I'll post the new update when I get back from work.
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