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Were the Romans really white? The Aeneid says that they came

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Were the Romans really white? The Aeneid says that they came from Troy (Asia Minor) so IMO they were Asian. Plus there was the Byzantine obsession with effeminate court rituals, as noted by Gibbon. And Byzantium/Constantinople is in Asia.
Romans were native to the Italian peninsula. The supposed Trojan origin was just a foundational myth. Early Roman history is filled with myths and allegories not to be taken seriously, like the one regarding Romulus and Remus being raised by wolves. For fuck's sake, even a man like Caesar claimed with a straight face that he was descended from the goddess Venus.
yes,they mostly were, even if they weren't it's not that big of a deal apart from the "muh nord mastur race"
Next you'll tell me that the Donation of Constantine was a forgery!
>IMO they were Asian
And this man is an African. These terms mean nothing as far as ethnicity is concerned.
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>ecce homo... -_-
The Trojans were Indo Europeans

asia is a continet/geographical term it doesn't neccessarily mean non-white. To answer your question, yes romans were white and so were trojans, trojans were a greek people.

so am I writing in an indian language right now?

Aren't they partially descended from visigoths and berbers who migrated from north africa?
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8 brb gotta masturb8 to kek check em
How did the visigoths cross the Sahara, are you sure you don't mean the Carthaginians as they got to Niger

The Aeneid was a fucking fantasy book back in its day

Do you use lord of the rings to reconstruct modern Scandinavia?
>I use it to reconstruct Britain before the Islamic invasion
Asia minor was Greek for a long time.

>Gook Going We Wuz

I expected better from Gooks. You aren't Niggers. You actually did civilization.
Why did you assume he was Korean?

Gooks have beeen going We Wuz for awhile. Look up Gavin Menzies.
North Africa and Asia Minor used to be inhabited by whiter toned people until the Arabs and Turks invaded
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>first century BC
>cities is 700-800 years older
>how do I source criticism

Also Gibbon was great. When his book came out. Over 200 years ago.
Pro tip: no historian cares about stuff like Roman skin color

It's a gook going We Wuz. No better than New Worlder Niggers and Whiteys saying they Wuz Egyptians and Hebrews despite the lack of evidence.
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>Were the Romans really white?

>Are Italians really white?

Your question is stupid
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This spam again.
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They probably looked like today's southern italians for the most part desu.
>Are Italians white?
The answer is obviously 'no.' The mediterranean has always been a multikulti hellhole.
>not white means "multikulti hellhole"
Nice binary
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This isn't pol.
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Because the aenids just used that part of the greek mythology as their origin myth? It was common practice for the greek colonies/outposts during the archaic age to do so. That usually was centered around the "oikist" (the founder of the new household) and would marry truth with mythology. You gotta realise that until classical greece in 480BC, ancient struggled with scarcity of the region BIGLY (the 'statis' period). Colonisation efforts really were a form of population control; less mouths to feed and hopefully successful trades in return. Also the various Polis were still forming and lacked that common city-state identity. So you had "multi-ethnic" greeks living together AND being sent on colonial expeditions, sometimes they were even polyglot (various early greek dialects - remember that was before the phoenician alphabet was adopted in 750BC and cemented greek language unilaterally across the region). Plus they came across said phoenicians like in pithecoussae in Italy or Al-Mina in the levant. Therefore there was a need for a NEW common culture or source of identity to rally the new colony around. Think of the argos with all the various heroes from all other greece, they didn't all come from the same village. Also in many ways the Odyssey echoes a lot about that period of greek history, like how Ulysses lamented how the cyclops lived without 'agora' (the marketplace/the gathering place) and in poverty even though there was an untouched island off the coast with bountiful game and wild fruits. The oikists had two main functions, finding a prosperous outpost and giving it unity.

For example in syracuse, although the first outpost was technically naxos it collapsed quickly (seapeople piratry?) and the earliest origin myth of the sicilian region became that of Tauromenion who claimed he was a surviving naxian who was aided by Apollo and who helped him found Taermina. Obviously not all oikists were as original as the aenid backstory but you get the gist.


They are "white".

Just because they did not fit with /pol/ definition of white like "muh blonde and blue eyes" doesn't mean they are not
Thread reminder that the oldest example of the closest thing to a city within Europe was formed in Southern Europe and not Western Europe.
>The universe isn't just the phenomenal mode of a series of conflicts between binary opposites of dueling principles
You fucking retard, Greece would have never peaked and become the birthplace of Western civilization if it didn't engage with the near east. You know that coinage, language &alphabet, administration models, military tech, etc were all heavily borrowed from the other earlier civilizations, right? Nothing happens in a vacuum you fucking stormcuck
>Classical Athens and the Byzantine Empire are the same thing
If it weren't for the nonwhite invasion of Greece by the post-Trojan Asiatic hordes occupying Italy, there would have been a decentralized Greek, white Empire stretching across the planet. Instead we got mudshit Roman imperialism across just the Mediterranean and backwater Europe.

>They are "white".
>Just because they did not fit with /pol/ definition of white
Every definition of white is retarded and a sign of either a /pol/ tier bait or a burgerclap poster. "Whiteness" and the "white race", like all other "races" are American meme terms of citizen categorisation and as broad and unscientific as it gets. It shows little knowledge on population genetics. It's just racebaiting for 15 year olds.
the fact that you think 'Asian' only means 'East Asian' speaks volumes about your lack of intelligence. Rome was a Semitic Arab state, get over it.
>missing the point this hard
The troad region got absolutely btfo not only by the trojan war, but also by the bronze age collapse. Did you read my 2000char post above? Those were foundation myths. Chances are really high that the aenids weren't trojans at all. BUT even if they were, the ioneans were still greeks. The minoeans and myceneans travelled all across the aegean sea and interacted/practiced admixture with one another. Your "white" greece or rome only exists in your head. Those are mediterranean populations, none of them were as white as your vikangz. But they were still european. History isn't black or white you stupid faggot.
>hurr it's a m1th so 1t`s n0t tr00
I remember my first Dawkins YouTube video
The earliest "arabs" didn't enter the fray until 900BC as chaldaeans/arameans and were mostly centered around mesopotamia at the very least until 600-500BC, and they were bowing gown to big persian cock from there onwards. Those who controlled anatolia until that point were the lydians and before that the phregians and before that the hittites. You literally know nothing but memes.
>Rome was a Semitic Arab state
Not all Indo-Europeans are white
It is a myth you faggot. It was the central greece early city states sending out expeditions between 900BC and 600BC, not the ioneans. We have literal archeological evidence of this at sites like pithecoussae and almina where those greeks settled outposts and traded with others. The pottery and jewelry is from mainland greece. The exact same style we find around sites like heroon leftkandii. How can trojans be setlling in rome and be "arabs" if their stuff is literally mainland greek OC?
There is no such thing as race, so who cares?
They've been in SA for longer than the Bantu blacks have. Ironically the Bantus forced the actual natives into Namibia and Botswana

>Going We Wuz
>We have literal archeological evidence
Yeah, they discovered Troy, full of the bones of ancient Semites.
>there is no such thing as adaptations developed for one's environment
>The Aeneid says that they came from Troy (Asia Minor) so IMO they were Asian
"Troy" wasn't real and the Aeneid is wrong
Your opinion is also wrong

And yet you can't show the Aeneied happaned.
They have nothing from typical Asian's features. They were white as snow.
>Whiteness" and the "white race", like all other "races" are American meme terms

Definition of races existed since ancient times, ya nigger

They have archeological evidence of greek settlers in italy by finding mainland geometric art pottery and jewelry. That was the specialty of mainland greece during the archaic period. Therefore if you mostly find geometric art in italy in those archeological sites what the fuck do you think it means?
>believing anything in the Aeneid
They are Dutch who lived in Africa long enough to develop a seperate dialect, and feel they are africans, hence the term "Afrikaner".
mongrel subhuman detected
Not in the 19th century sense (the /pol/ sense) of the term,
and the argument "the idea is old, therefore it's true" is bad anyways.
>and allegories
I don't think so
Trojan war probably did happen. We have hittite tablets speaking of revolts and conflicts happening around Wilusa (hittite name for troad region) around 1200BC. The west anatolian region was always known to be troublesome (assuwa league rebellions, etc). And there is evidence of burning/destruction in the ionean sites. But of course the greek dark age will forever make it hard to discern what exactly happened and on what scale. Theory is that the trojans developed a trade monopoly over the aegean sea fue to ideal geolocation+ sea currents of the marmara sea coming into the aegean sea, making it highly defensible against fleets.

Ever considered the Aeneid is wrong and in fact they're native Italians? And plus I'm pretty sure the Trojans were Mediterraneans.
Of course the overwhelming majority were italians, the debate here is over the greek settlers who "brought" the aeneid myth and culture that inspired and united the italian tribes under what would eventually become the roman banner.

Greeks aren't noticeably distinct from Italians in genetics.

In human beings, there isn't. Scientists agree that race is not a scientific concept.
Yes, and ethnicity and variety in populations was recognised albeit very unscientifically instead of modern versions like "hurr whyte powerr, lets lump everyone under colours durr" ya mongo.
There is no race, but there is adaptation
Greeks are Turks
Adaptation produces differentiation and differentiation is race
Only if said differentation goes beyond a certain threshold. Minor genetic variations in pigmentation or auto-immunities do not constitute a new "race".
Why not?
Are coastal Germans a different race from hill Germans?
Are river French a different race from coastal French?
Are the Swedes that had to suffer from famines in the 19th century a different race from the Swedes of the 19th century that didn't have to suffer from famines?
Asia minor is anatolia you moron

Does constitute a difference though.
Because of the necessary threshold to be classified as different races or sub-species.

>To avoid making "race" the equivalent of a local population, minimal thresholds of differentiation are imposed. Human "races" are below the thresholds used in other species, so valid traditional subspecies do not exist in humans. A "subspecies" can also be defined as a distinct evolutionary lineage within a species. Genetic surveys and the analyses of DNA haplotype trees show that human "races" are not distinct lineages, and that this is not due to recent admixture; human "races" are not and never were "pure."

Not even the same guy, but if you compare with dogs, for instance, the average genetic variance between races is about twice the genetic variance between the most divergent human races (subsaharan africans and polynesians).
We're talking about differences between Chinamen, Arabs, and Nords, not between Frenchmen and Frenchmen. You're comparing apples to oranges--this is about differences between populations that live thousands or millions of miles from each other, not about sub-ethnicities.
There you have it
What's the problem? Princeton doesn't mean your high academic standards?
>You're comparing apples to oranges-
Whether that is the case was the question in the first place. You're using your conclusion as part of your premises.

>-this is about differences between populations that live thousands or millions of miles from each other, not about sub-ethnicities.
The catch is: There's more human variation within populations than between populations (Li et al., 2008; Rosenberg et al., 2002).
>There's more human variation within populations than between populations
That isn't very important--there are differences between populations, which is the entire point.
The Academy is run by globalists.
>millions of miles away
>earth circumference is 24000miles
top kek, /pol/ makes an ass of itself yet again
>The Academy
academia you mong

>run by globalists
But david duke is reliable, right?
>That isn't very important--
It is very important when someone is trying to defend the conventional 19th century conception of human races.

I doubt that when you say "race" you mean the "race of Italians within a 20 mile radius of Neapolis" and accept that a Northern Pole might have genetically more in common with a certain subsaharan Bantu tribe than with a Breton.

>Greeks are Turks

Not show from genomics.

Don't forget Richard "We Wuz Egyptians" Spencer.
Why the fuck are these threads not being deleted?
People can still be miles apart in that case.
I'm not from Southeast Asia
>david duke
I would never cite that CIA plant.
>It is very important when someone is trying to defend the conventional 19th century conception of human races.
I have not once in this thread referred to phrenology or anything like it, stop putting words in my mouth.
Everyone is everything, there's only one [human] race. xP
Because this is the worst board on 4chan, after /lit/.

>my fee fees outweigh genomics

Hey there tumblrina.
Are you implying that some humans aren't humans?
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The Aeneid myth didn't even rise up until after the Punic Wars. It spawned to post-hoc justify Rome's new Mediterranean empire.

>mfw people still fall for Augustian propaganda TWO THOUSAND YEARS ON
Probably because the shitposters play the &Humanities card to bring over boring retarded racial circlejerking, /pol/ style.
Hence, every teenager can into /his/ by posting a picture of a Pharaoh next to their "Where da anciun Paraohs aryans /HIS/"?
It's honestly not even worth it to argue against them, they brand you a jew/reddit/or leftypol and continue jerking each other off.
I don't even give threads with Egypt related OPs the benefit of the doubt when I see them in the catalog anymore.
I'm sorry that some of us want to discuss Khoisan genocide and you're too caught up in Bantu propaganda to realize that it's even happening
>occurred less than thirty years ago

Back to /pol/ with you. Also seriously, BIDF? Quit being retarded.
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Being white doesn't count for much.
>Jstor lol
please tell me you are fucking joking
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>as noted by Gibbon
250-year-old scholarship is better than moern scholarship, it isn't full of gender ideology
they were Anatolian therefore white
But they weren't ANatolian, either.
most modern scholarship isn't filled with gender ideology. you would know about it if you actually read it.

also gibbon these days reads more like literature than serious scholarship anyways, though it is a good read
"White" was not a term that had any meaning to the Romans.
The only people who came from Troy were the Etruscans, the Sardinians and the Sicilians according to greek historians, coincidentally among the sea peoples we have Sherden, Shekelesh and Tursha
There was no such thing as "white people" in Rome. It's just retard nordicists and Nazi LARPers spewing shit out of their mouths to feel better about themselves.
That's false. The first probable mention of Rome and it's connection to Aeneas is by Hellanicus of Lesbos, who mentions the cities in Italy where claim to descend from Rome, and mentions a "Rhome" as one of them that he found. The funny / ironic part of it? He wrote that Aeneas found it with Odysseus.
but they were from Troy

ergo Anatolia
They weren't from fucking Troy
Vergil was a fucking propagandist, the greatest ever, prior to Goebbels/Bannon
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