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So you're a history major, but what do you do for a living?

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So you're a history major, but what do you do for a living?
>Natalie dormer if she didn't have fas
Raid and plunder.
What? I just said I'm an econometrics major, pay attention. I live of student loans obviously

This is a legit question. History is a degree for rich ids who don't have to worry about finding a job.
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Emergency room registrar
history graduate here.

a history degree by itself is pretty useless, better seen as a stepping stone to becoming a teacher/professor or a lawyer as your two more lucrative options.

I personally chose neither and became a paralegal, which only requires a 1 year certificate program in my state, but it pays enough for the apartment and bills with some left over at the end of the month.

you certainly can get a job with a history degree, it just mostly requires graduate school if you're looking for 6 figures and more, but if you're looking to support yourself, you'll be fine looking around for legal research jobs.
Sounds like a shit existence.

That's a philosophy major's job path.
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Well, I graduated in history, but am currently unemployed due to elite overproduction.
Historian Peter Turchin explains it in his book "Secular Cycles".
>you go to a uni to study a specific subject you find interesting
>You pay money for this
University is not a craft school, it's just for knowledge. Do with it whatever you want.
Just because you only go to school as preparation for a job, that doesn't mean I do.
I can read books for cheaper at home. The only thing you might have over me are rare primary sources I can't read because I don't speak the language.

T. Accounting BA degree
Going to school to become a history teacher.

Tis my calling.
Also at least in NC history teaching and history are two separate majors. You take both to be a teacher. Dunno how this usually works.

I wouldn't take history as a degree if there were no viable jobs.
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Trade steel. Going to law school next year though.
Pilot. There's really no requirements for what degree you have, as long as you have a BS or BA and flying experience.
>it's just for knowledge.
Desu, it is bad knowledge. I self-study, which is flawed in its own way, and often I am taught stuff that is discredited or no longer used.
I even asked r/askscience about it to be sure, and they confirmed it.
Same here

it's cool cause i get to put my headphones in and listen to Great Courses all fucking day
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im poor and not very good at math or science so i'm just getting my associates to just sort of have it.

i was thinking of becoming a welder, i had a couple classes in high school and liked it.

also i ive often though of how cool it would be to be a cop.

truth is i'm only majoring in history because it's all i was ever good at. in reality I might end up working a blue collar job just like my dad.
I married a rich girl.
Are you me?
Foreign service exam.

Autist tier history knowledge is needed actually.
Teacher. Going for FSL, Senior Maths and Principal 1 & 2 AQ's. Slowly moving up.
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they just don't understand the struggle of working class history buffs
>I can read books
Because this is all history majors learn how to do, right?
How are you going grade wise in uni? I originally didn't know what I wanted to do and spent 6 months lounging about before choosing a history/ teaching double degree. It's very easy, haven't applied myself and all my marks have been distinctions.
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Fuck. You guys are me.
i'm doing fine, it's just my math classes the fucking kill me. i failed one and i think i might fail the one i'm in now, but in English classes i do ok and i get straight A's in history.

i love learning and telling other people about history but i don't want to be a teacher, i don't really know what i want to be.

my family has been nothing but farmers for generations and being the only son, the pressure to make something of myself is ridiculous.

i can't see myself behind a desk, but i don't want to work myself to death like my dad, and his dad, and his dad...........
we'll get our shit done, and what comes, comes.
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>be STEM
>Come on /his/ to read the pseudo historic ramblings of people who will never have jobs
i teach youth groups coordinated, inspirational dance routines
I've had a job..... in a distribution warehouse.
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I don't want to be a teacher either, I just love history. I don't think I wanna work at all, spending 9-5 working just to make money for other people. I just want an adventure like the ones in the movies, one where I discover an ancient city or ancient treasure.
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>I just want an adventure like the ones in the movies, one where I discover an ancient city or ancient treasure.
But we all know that's never going to happen Anon. The best we can hope for is working at a starbucks and becoming assistant manager.

I always wanted to be a planetary scientist, but my parents talked me out of it since I'm no good at math.

What's your major? What job do you have?
Maybe in Murica, here in Europe it's piss easy to get a job with it
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>I just want an adventure like the ones in the movies, one where I discover an ancient city or ancient treasure.
well we've all got dreams, like mine of wanting to bang ASSR

don't get yourself hurt

well he could be a historic artifacts smuggler, those fuckers make fuck-heaps of money
>historic artifacts smuggler
That's actually not a bad idea. Hell, with the state syria's in right now, you could probably smuggle a whole mesopotamian temple before before anyone even noticed.
>get to put headphones in
I'm guessing you're a just a GL because that's a fucking safety hazard out the ass.
Historic artefacts smuggler eh? That could work. Do you guys believe we've discovered everything there is to discover on this earth.

there's also lots of Mexican ruins that fucking everybody ignores.

i lived close by an archaeological site that had tons of shit just lying at the bottom of a lake.

>Do you guys believe we've discovered everything there is to discover on this ear
no, we haven't not by a long shot.

like whats in those underwater caves in mexico?

or that island in Canada that has viking treasure buried in it but is protected by traps so nobody can get it.

there is shit out there, it's just hard to get to.
>Do you guys believe we've discovered everything there is to discover on this earth.

No, we've yet to discover the origins of the sea peoples
>i lived close by an archaeological site that had tons of shit just lying at the bottom of a lake.
Anon, you wanna hang out? I'll bring my scuba equipment and we can bob for treasure.
They were the Atlantean navy you dumb ass.

So lads, who wants to join me? Your name will be never forgotten and you might receive a finders fee worth a lot of money.
i'd love to but seeing as i'm not in any financial state to be traveling to another nation

one thing about artifact smuggling you should know, you're gonna have to make deals with shady as fuck people. ISIS, cartels, mafias, gangs, and deep web black market shit.

in reality you'd probably be safer selling crank in Chicago
We need to find twelve manlets to accompany us first.
What if many of the artifacts destroyed by ISIS were fakes, and the real ones were taken by artifact hunters who paid ISIS to destroy the fakes so nobody would come after them?

I'm gonna go ahead and guess that the first one, the Imperial Chinese Seal, is in the tomb of Genghis Khan.
>What if many of the artifacts destroyed by ISIS were fakes, and the real ones were taken by artifact hunters who paid ISIS to destroy the fakes so nobody would come after them?
ya see! that's some shady shit.
become a legit archaeologist and steal some shit you find before anyone else sees and then sell it.
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And where is the tomb of Genghis Khan?
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>sell it
It belongs in a museum.
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>be [religious studies] student
>come to /his/ to see autistic retards misinterpreting religious doctrine and practice and blatantly revising history
>when I roll up with Geertz and Lincoln my arguments either get meme'd down or ignored
Actually, many of the artifacts destroyed by ISIS were fakes, the real ones having been evacuated weeks in advance.
Librarian m8
Got a source on that?
>be humanities
>think that engineering is objectively a better career path
>majoring in humanities anyway because I happened to be born with money and I'm willing to take a gamble

Man that made my day
>majoring in history
>no idea what I want to do with my life
>high GPA
>teaching is heavily over saturated in my province
>can't even find a retail job
>considering learning korean out of interest even though it's useless
Should I just apply to co op positions through my university or should I just suck it up and practice for the LSAT?
Autism therapist
You can do just fine with a Master's. Most management programs really only want any four year degree though. With the Master's you can work for research groups or think tanks. There's a shocking number of them, though they're mostly conservative establishments. I'm sure that's not an issue for many of you.
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Learning Mandarin so I have some usefulness. Seriously considering joining the Air Force after college. I've wanted to work in the defense industry and most of the people in that field I have talked with say that you either have to be a super smart STEM major or have served in the military for a few years.
>Learning Mandarin
Why? It takes like 10,000-20,000 learned characters to be able to read a newspaper.
Not him, but it's fun as fuck. I'm learning Mandarin concurrently with Japanese.
37 years as a Maintenance Mechanic. Wife's an MD, with 25 F&SF Novels and 50 short stories sold, so I us it to help in her plot research.
I work at a non-profit institution that used the 19th century portrait of their founder as a shelf to store very heavy items on. Also ladybugs.
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I don't know, tell me what you do besides reason history books and regurgitate your professors opinions. The receptionist at my company is going finishing her history degree, and that's what it sounds like she does.
Once you understand a couple dozen common characters you can get the gist of most things. I've done a lot of communicating with native Chinese speakers as well and since most of them speak English if all else fails you can communicate with them in a mix of Chinese/English.
If I minor in German and speak fluently could I get a job over there?
how old are you gramps
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you need an advanced degree and an assload of experience to realistically have a shot at becoming a FSO, it's not something you can do straight out of college

there's a reason the age limit is 55
do you have a job though?
what about the Amber Room?
I'm not doing it because I think it'll land me a job, I'm doing it because I want to. However even if my degree doesn't get me through the door to a job without one that door wont even be open.

I'm currently working as an EMT to pay my way through school and after I graduate I'll probably continue to do that while looking for a civil service position, maybe move over to law enforcement in some capacity.
Right now I'm a bagger at a grocers, but this January I'll be a student teacher for high school social studies.
What ? No way, there's no way
It's a common path for
poli sci normalfags
philosophyfags (logic and critical thinking are needed most for the LSAT)
sociologyfags who are really into family and marriage structure

pretty much any humanities really
You can't do this. Having the girl making the money is like having the girl stuffing your vagina with her penis
>tfw a girl will never peg you
But there are a lot of stuffs in law that you MUST understand. It's like a management student attempting to become an accountant
Someone will, trust me
If you gonna get an associates just to have it, you might as well get a criminal justice degree and become a cop.
>But there are a lot of stuffs in law that you MUST understand
Yeah, that's why they're going to law school.
Yeah no i mean without law school there's no way you can be a lawyer
I should have said that a common path for those majors is law school.
Probably starbucks LMAO
get a job in government

The LSAT is basically a psychology test. "If you have 8 seats at a round table, and Bobby can't sit next to Suzy, etc. etc. etc."
Yeah. After you get into law school. Look, I scored in the top 5% of the LSAT. If I had been smart enough to be a psych major, I would have scored in the top 1%, easily.
Deep unemployment
in what
Lol believe me most native Chinese speakers do not speak English beyond 'hello'
Yeah as a teacher and thats it.
I graduate next year from high school, planning to get economics & political science at uni, since I kind of understand that I'm shooting myself in the foot with a history course. How fucked am I?
I don't remember posting this. When did I post this?
I was thinking the same thing
Both of those are meme degrees. The key is internships and networking, the degree is only relevant if you actually have a specific job you want to pursue.
ayy anon if you're still here I'm in NC and thinking about switching my major from undecided to History with a Social Studies teaching license. Good idea or nah?
I'd like to get into the gubberment, maybe become an economic adviser or something.
>but what do you do for a living
I actually have a job lined up with my state GOP office after I graduated in December, even though I'm not a Republican. Before I got offered the job I had a job lined up in archiving, which I prefer, but it didn't pay as well. To all the fags who say HURR DURR HISTORY IS USELESS, get a job in an archive, state department or library. Turns out research and qualitative analysis are sought after skills in multiple industries.
Do you have a masters? Seems like most research positions require a higher degree than a bachelors. I'm just hoping having experience can get me in the door.
No clue how you could fuck up that joke.

>Lol believe me most native Chinese speakers do not speak English beyond 'herro'
This. In Europe a History degree from a decent university can you get you a lot of jobs in Law, Finance, Administration, Consultancy, Business, Civil Service, Government, NGOs.

I had to do research on the undergraduate degree of Britain's ambassadors and heads of diplomatic missions a few years back. I found that 20 of 80 surveyed had a degree in History. Just an example.
Actually, most assistant librarian/archival technician/records manager jobs only require a BA and many usually also have the benefit of tuition assistance towards an MLS so they can retain you and promote you up the ladder. They also pay a very entry-level wage. Internships at museums and archives WILL help you. If your uni offers archival classes, take them.

Actually, I got hooked line and sinkered into 55k starting for an entry level position over 25-30k.
Nigger you made the joke worse

>Lol believe me most native Chinese speakers do not speak English beyond 'hiwoo'
Well, you're not wrong.
I would say I sort of regret majoring in history but I don't really know what I would have done instead so I'm not very upset about it

I'm nearing the end of grad school in an unrelated field while working an office job that, while not making a ton of money, is enough for me to live comfortably. If I was still living at home (which frankly I have no reason not to) I probably wouldn't have any student debt at all
FAS is what makes Natalie Dormer attractive. She has that fantasy realm look.
Old, but not a Gramps yet. 5 kids 15-35.
>history major
Archaeology undergrad, then department hopped grad departments until settling into public admin. with a museum specialty. I'm in curation, and as of next semester I'll be digitizing all the paper records in our object archive.
>have a job

yea right
>he isn't NEET
Fuck I'd do this if I wasn't so broke. What's the likelihood of the confederate gold still being out there? That's probably closest to me here in the South. I don't even want the money as much as I want the Indy Jones adventure.
In most cases, "missing treasure" is going to mean "long ago sold on the dl".

but philosophy is a hard science
History PhD master race

My job is failing stem faggots who dare to take my class.
patently untrue

I'm not exactly a history major, I major in Public and International Affairs, but ~10% of the kids in my major become a FSO each year right out of school
Hey fuck you i can call you a moodafooka too.
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What is critical thinking.
Please, tell me more about how mature you are.
Ignore that faggot, he's just trying to bring you down.
What about museum guide type of thing? Seems to be right in the middle.
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I'm not sure about doing a Degree. I will not have to pay for it, and will be in no debt as a result of it due to successful parents, but it seems dishonest, wrong even to just have it paid for and spend two years learning something I'm fascinated in with no no proof that I'll ever earn anything from it.
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I had a major in political science but a minor in history. Both are worthless though. I'm a manager at a distribution center. Basically baby sit minorities making sure they steal nothing or slack off.
Your parents want to feel like they are helping you, and they want a kid that has a degree. Do it if you want, it will be good for both of you.
that seems gay
dude i got my associates in CJ and now im about to get my bach in hist. just do both bro if you get the bach you can be a state trooper. At least thats how that works in NJ
>thinking the oak island treasure exists
hmm i wonder what jobs i could get with associate degrees in His, and CJ.

a man can dream...........
does anyone have a bachelors in History? was it hard?
>major in philosophy
>get job as a sophist
top kek

Not really. Depends on the professor. Some want a lot of primary source work, on top of general historiographical course loads, which means you'll spend a fuckton of time doing research and not knowing how to do research properly can make this an uphill battle. Others are lackadaisical hippies that think creative projects actually count as upper division course work. Just depends on your school and your department. In my experience, if you learn how to do proper research early on, it'll be a breeze. If not, there's always that one hardass professor that will give you a trial by fire.
>History Graduate
When will this meme die
>I wouldn't take history as a degree if there were no viable jobs.
Doesn't this apply to all degrees though?
Oh wow, thanks

btw I love doing research and finding sources, it's my favorite part of writing essays
I have a masters degree in Medieval Archaeology of Northwestern Europe which I get to utilize when I volunteer at the local municipal archaeological department.
But I work in IT as a QA engineer for public transport passenger detection and payment devices.
QA testing and archaeology have one thing in common though, either way I'm digging through a lot of dirt...
Are you Tom the YouTuber? If so, congratulations! I have used your Masters disertation for English while studying History
>btw I love doing research and finding sources
That's good, but there's a difference between knowing how to research well and liking research. Some tips since it sounds like you want to bark up the /his/ major tree:

>Secondary source research is the most important thing you will ever do. Trust me. Primary sources are fucking awesome and they will inevitably make or break a paper, but secondary source research lets you know what is out there and even better: what is available to you.

>When doing secondary source research, start with reading the intro and conclusion, and skip the stuff in the middle at first. Many academic writers are really bad about putting the "So What?" in the meat of their paper and wait until the conclusion, so it will help you make sense of what you are reading.

>Read bibliographies. I'm serious. It sounds like tedious bullshit work, but it will tip you off on more sources that may suit your topic better.

>Your three best friends for research: uni archive/library, Worldcat, Google Scholar. University archives usually have tons of shit that no one ever uses because everything is digital. They are almost always available for student research, but run it by your archives manager. Worldcat is nice for finding out about books and even nicer for finding out how to get them without paying for them through Interlibrary Loan or Prospector (assuming your uni offers Prospector). Google Scholar saved my fucking ass in uni. Type in a broad topic, e.g. French colonialism, and you will pull up nearly every journal article out there on the subject, but also secondary sources on Google Books (often you can access the bulk of these for free and payment is required for a minority of the page numbers that are often irrelevant), as well as potential primary source documents on archive.org
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