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Modern Art

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Thread replies: 351
Thread images: 78

>three stripes of color made in 34 seconds
>92 million dollars
Have you ever noticed how none of the people who complain about modern art ever seem to know anything about pre-modern art either?
Is this supposed to be what passes for a defense of Mark Rothko?


Yeah, I have.

>art must conform to what I think art is or art should be

Every thread.
By that retarded definition of art, everything is art. This post is art.

You just want to define art away into nothingness while pretending you're enlightened for doing so.

What is your point here?
Is the problem with the three stripes, or the 92 millions ?

Because Rothko is not responsible for the rich fucks who use his art as a tax haven.
Now if you had posted something by Damien Hirst, it would be different.
That there's nothing erudite or intellectual about the desire to turn concepts into meaningless magical entities.

It's voodoo logic, and only idiots think it's clever.
everything artificial is art. it's just a question of whether it's good art or not. rothko painting are art

So you are saying art can only be what you say it is? Okay. Why are you even talking about it if you don't understand it?
accidentally hit enter.

rothko paintings are art but they didn't take a lot of skill to make and aren't interesting to look at so they're not good art.
If everything man made is art, then art is a useless term. Also, we're clearly talking about the culture surrounding Mark Rothko and others like him that allows his uninteresting works to be put up in museums and galleries and sold for millions.

What are you talking about? I'm creating art. Every post I make is art, faggot.
I took a college course in art history, I was upset that we skipped over a lot of peices I wanted to learn about but once we hit modern art I could just feel the pretentiousness the artists put into them.
Most abstract art is just terrible. That one group just made it to say"Fuck you dad!" too that French Academy. The rest decided that they didn't need to learn through years of disipline and training to throw paint at a board and demand cash.
>If everything man made is art, then art is a useless term.
it's not a useless term. art basically just means skill. obviously anything man made requires some degree of skill, but when people use the term art or say something is artfully made, they usually mean something made with a high degree of skill.
Well, you just changed the definition from everything man made to everything man made with a high degree of skill.

I think the latter definition is more to the point, and more what is colloquially considered to be art, and why most people innately reject Rothko and a lot of what is called modern art.
>made in 34 seconds
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
>Well, you just changed the definition from everything man made to everything man made with a high degree of skill.
it's both. bad art is art that didn't require a high degree of skill and good art is art that did.
Fine it took some hours to dry.

So 4 hours and 34 seconds. Happy?
>He thinks there's only one layer of paint
Sure is uneducated in here.
It's just another way for rich people to launder money
That canvas looks as though it was done less professionally than the walls of my house were.
Several layers of paint culminate into that ugly painting?

Damn, it's like you're asking for modern art to be even more laughed at.
What did he mean by this?
Meanwhile capitalists make billions of dollars having 10 year old Chinese kids sow sneakers; but your outrage is towards rich people making valuable things for each other.
Color field paintings are extremely popular. They add color to and brighten up areas where they're put, and look especially nice with modern furnishings. I see them in most houses I visit.
Peopple also like them because they're pretty unpretentious and aren't huge conversation pieces, unlike hanging classical artwork

.So yeah, people would pay a lot of money to obtain an original Rothko, since he with others started a hugely popular trend in art and design.
I don't care what idiotic mental masturbation fools engage in. It fills me with glee that a retard gave 92 million of his dollars for that garbage.
The retard is intending to sell it for 150 millions in ten years, and will likely be able to do so.

Did you think millionaires buy this stuff because they really like it ?

>art must conform to what I think art is or art
should be

That's literally the whole point of the "modern-art" crowd. Chasing artists who want to do different things away, to other industries like movies.
>rich people making valuable things for each other
maybe that is how they launder their sweatshop profits
But why buy an original then if you can get an exact replica for $15? The colors are all the same, why pay millions for it?
Why buy a $15 dollar replica when you can get the exact same result from asking your kid to paint it in art class with the available supplies?
Art is subjective.
Then why do we hace standards?
>exact replica for $15
What do you mean by this? You could get a reduced size paper print of a Rothko for $15, sure. But cost of materials alone, a reproduction would cost a couple hundred. One of the things about Rothkos that makes them valuable is how they look in person, how the light hits the paint, their texture and so forth. It's not something you can really see from looking at a picture on the internet, or on a print. I'm not going to claim that other artists can't replicate the effect very effectively, but it's a very cool thing to see in person.

>Why buy an original?
Same reason why anyone would buy any other piece of original artwork, very expensive wine, a very expensive car, a first-pressing Thelonious Monk album, a suit of 16th century armor, a lock of my nostril hair, a Montagnana cello, etc., even though reasonable reproductions of these things exist. They have value because of their history, scarcity and/or because they were close to a famous person.

$95 million is a lot to spend on anything, admittedly, but I guess if you got the money...
Laughs were had.
you could say the same of any painting. why buy any original when you could get a cheap perfect replica from Dafen Village?
Standards are also subjective.

Standards for art is simply you applying your subjective notions on what constitutes good art.
rothko is all about the brush strokes. there's real lyricism there.
Wow that piece of shit is tasteless.
No, there's a reason my son's thanksgiving fingerpaint art is not on par with The starry night. Saying everything is subjective is the first way to spot someone who knows jack shit but still tries to sound smart. The existannce of a universal standard is very different from acknowledging certain objectivity in the medium.
There is this thing called money laundering. The largest criminal organizations use art as their device to turn drug money into spendable money because "you can't put a price on it".
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>mass-produced picture book shat out of a printer in 10 minutes
>3.2 million dollars
I don't think anyone is claiming that old comics are high art, but a popular thing that a lot of autists like to collect.
>implying there aren't autists in the art world
hush, you. there is an le message deep within xD
But it's celebrated within the art community to be an autist.
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So how did we go from this to that? Are details too ableist against people who can't paint or something?
Wow, it's almost like there are free and ccomprehensive art history resources online that you can read and not have to ask idiotic and hostile questions about things you know nothing about.

It's not art. It's pseudo-intellectual bullshit. It's a sign of how decadent and perverse a society has become.
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>the purpose of art is not to constantly revolutionize its own meaning and reflect the culture of its time, but to achieve photorealism
>reflect the culture of its time

"Ayy homeboy, how am I meant to portray the confusing times we are experiencing, in which the notions of government, supranationality, the right to self-governance, clash of cultures are being challenged? Surely this is material for a rich painting".

"Tell you what, make the painting have three colors xD. Confusing eh?"

"You are of genius!"
Photorealism is not really the point.
It's literally three fucking stripes. Any meaning you can attach to it is a product of your own imagination, which could potentially be rich, but going by that logic a detached branch from a tree is art too.
As I said, it's pseudo-intellectual bullshit, and I can't help it but laugh at people who pretend it means anything, and admire ''artists'' who make mad money from try-hard pseudo-intellectuals.
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>i cant appreciate the beauty of pure color and shape: the thread
jesus faggots, this type of art was born out of the idea that you need not know about grand historical events, famous people, etc. in order to enjoy art, that even a peasant in a farm or a kid in an african tribe could have appreciation for somethig as simple as shapes and color

there's barely any sociopolitical meaning in these types of abstract art (not referring to the stuff like "beat the whites with the red wedge") and people telling you that its a critique of capitalism or some other dog shit is lying. its just color and shape. that simple. why cant you appreciate something as simple as color and shape? or are you too high on your pseudointellectual high horse?
Isn't modern art just another example of Jewish subversion?

>make shit art
>use influence in media to advertise it as high art to the Gentiles
>make money and subvert gentile society by twisting their ideas about art at the same time

Rothko was a Jew, wasn't he?

That's different, okay its mass produced and the art isn't great but that comic book marks the first appearance of an american cultural icon. Nearly 80 years later there almost isn't a person alive in the western world who doesn't know who Superman is or what he looks like so it's value lies in it's cultural significance as arguably the first "superhero" story rather than it's quality. I can't create a character who has that kind of mysticism and appeal, but I can damn sure paint three crude rectangles on a canvas.
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This art is way more inaccessible to the rural farmer or African child than other genres. The rural farmer of African child wouldn't even consider this art, they would just think it's unremarkable shapes and colors. Show those same individuals an exciting scene and they will appreciate it.
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Modern art: 1900-1939

""""""Modern art"""""""": 1945-1980

((("Modern" """"""art"""""))): 1980-

pic related: modern art
Art is a money laundering scam.
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>I'm not a pleb, evry1 els is just stopid
It's about intent, but could an unknown artist have made this and sold it for the same amount?
I studied history if art at university. (I know).

I've also studied drawing and painting.

I don't hate modernism at all. There are a lot of great contemporary artists and illustrators. It's conceptual art which is complete trash IMO.
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>such depth
>much meaning
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> three stripes of color made in 34 seconds
Are you seriously implying that picture so big could be painted in 34 seconds? I would pay you 92$ if you would be able to do that. But you wouldn't even if I would pay you full 92000000$, because you are retard who doesn't even know how painting looks IRL.
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Daily reminder that:
early 20th century art>post-1945 "art"
in order to fully appreciate that work the person must know greek myth, the concept of rape, why rape is bad, what gold is, that the white people in the work are actually humans, and so on.

in order to enjoy malevich you simply need a concept of space and color which all humans with eyes have regardless of knowledge of the world
That's doesn't even look like Hector and Andromache.
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Is selling art for large amounts of money inherently counter revolutionary?

What is proletarian art?

>inb4 gommie
You can appreciate that image to a high degree by looking at it without knowing the myth, a lot more than the two shapes. Hell, the farmer and African child might even learn something interesting about mythology if they ask the curator what the piece means or maybe they will invent an exciting, vivid story to explain the scene on their own.
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Maybe cultural engineering by the CIA and money laundering are art, they reflect human nature.

Though I wish modern art was more like an offshoot of art deco rather than just a ton of random bullshit.
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Nah, the purpose should be to create shapes and forms which instill emotions that make it worth to have created the shapes in the first place I would say.
Critical theory the post.

Hang youself fag
Good to laundry money!

Would you pay 92 million dollars for this? Or even 9 cents? Doubtful, but then that isnt the point either.

Art isnt something whose worth and enjoyment can be measured by monetary value. Stop caring so much about what dumb rich people do with their money.
Art for the people would be art that wouldn't try to alienate the subject from his cultural milieu by promoting globalist ideologies such as consumerism or socialism.

i am talking about fully appreciating the work and not simply appreciating it to a high degree. there is no doubt that you can appreciate rembrandt's painting without knowing myth. however, compare these two paintings with regards to fully (keyword) appreciating them. malevich simply requires you to have eyes and the ability to process visual information while rembrandt requires knowledge of myth. adding figures from antiquity was quite literally the norm in academies that taught painting then as it gave the impression of the patron being knowledgeable about worldly things. see poussin's writings on historical painting about this point
Well, three stripes of color made in 34 seconds that was sold for 92 million dollars certainly can instill some very strong emotions into people as we can see in action here.
Let a fool be robbed of his money and a smart NEET become a millionaire. I see no problem. One less socialist (that is frustrated and envious) "artist/intellectual" in the world.
But were the 34seconds worth to instill this emotion?
Im getting the impression modern art is a giant trolljob.
i like this article explaining how suprematism is art for the proletarians: http://www.e-flux.com/journal/becoming-revolutionary-on-kazimir-malevich/
>the artists made monumentally scaled works that stood as reflections of their individual psyches—and in doing so, attempted to tap into universal inner sources

Fuck this particular form of faggotry. I hate when artists think they can pull off the work of philosophers or prophets
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I should also point out
>attempted to tap into universal inner sources

The easy answer to all this bullshit is that they failed. They incredibly quirky and retarded method of "tapping into the universal" failed
the culture of our time is three sloppily painted boxes of varying colour and size?

really makes you think
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I'd rather an artist try and fail than see more cartoons and random bullshit.

Besides, it is an ordeal finding decent artwork post ww2 thanks to all this.
>modern art
>anything other than a money laundering scheme

top jej
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Post art that took some actual talent to produce
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>What is proletarian art?

dank memes bro

art curators are the biggest faggots in the world. jesus stop trying to sound continental you don't even have a shred of their intelligence
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Best painting coming through
You don't get it. The entire point is that it isn't intellectual. Hanging some classical painting on your wall makes you look like a pretentious fag, but modern art is just nice decoration. It's the basic appeal of colours and shapes.

People who complain about modern art being "pseudo-intellectual" are always projecting to be honest.
While I will unironically defend modern art on every platform except its criminal element, that's gotta be my all time fave.
Can someone explain?
> Basically cossacks inventing shit posting.
Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!

O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil excretes, and your army eats. You will not, you son of a bitch, make subjects of Christian sons; we've no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother.

You Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw your own mother!

So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!
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Art History minor, is that qualified enough to call out Rothko for being shit tier?

Fucking faggots trying to defend a million dollar painting because the only good aspect of a painting is the impasto and lighting in person.

>its justified because it looks better in person
>it fits in better with modern interior design

Is this a fucking meme now? Acting like how the painting is meant to be viewed in person is revolutionary or some bullshit?

You could say the same shit about Impressionist painters, and it would have more justification. At least the aim of their movement was about lighting and achieving impasto effects.
Why did le million dollar painting need a defending? It isn't a crime to be sold for a high price.

>manual dexterity is a meme

kys tbqh

it is when they're literally using it to clean dirty money
its being circlejerked as a good painting to death at this point. thus, its a meme
Because the price is so high not because people actually enjoy it but because there's a huge demand for it
you're retarded

Its not the price, but the justification of calling it a movement.

Its separatist bullshit that does not differentiate from each other. Try to reason out why Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism are different.

Its the semantics of a barely differentiating art movement. Its as stale as any old art movement school that hasn't changed for centuries. Yet it constantly feels the need to reinvent itself because its modern.
Based Cossacks
Why don't you fedoras just go look at photographs if realism and non-symbolism is so important? Or better yet - stare at nature and just go outside. Oh wait-
I have always thought this is the best example of modern art;
Cleverly Packaged Crap
It's a good way of tax free money exchange.
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>he likes figurative, representative painting

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ill giv u $92 2 succ my rothcock
No one has posted this, really?
This guy is so salty about his inability to appreciate art that he's started to take pride in it.
Is video gayme modern art?

no buy vidyakino is the greatest artform of the 21st century
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Murals ordered by our Glorious Leaders displayed on the Culture House tovarich.
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pepe edit when
it's a defence of art in general. you don't need to pick sides
>a single moment in art history that existed for about a decade in one particular cultural context
>modern art

>know greek myth

Didn't even know it was greek myth, thought it was Celtic or Slavic

>concept of rape

Such a foreign concept

>why rape is bad

Not at all necessary

>what gold is

Are we talking about rural farmers or deaf blind mutes?

>that the white people in the work are actually humans

Don't know how this is required.
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This is why stuff like this blows shit like op's pic the fuck out.

There is no need for the artist or the curator to explain the meaning of the pic, or what it symbolizes.

A man need only to look at it and realize the point the artist wanted to make.
I like this guy a lot.
your post had nothing to do with the one you were replying to. i know you had to get that argument off your chest but pick the right moment

maybe its meaningless was the point. it's supposed to be an object not some magic window

they're not interesting to look at as a 260x447 jpg but part of american abstraction is actually seeing the materiality of the work. the paint as it has seeped into the canvas, etc. it's about surface, which is something a digital image can't really capture. also you don't know anything about the skill or the process in making the work

you should get a refund

skill isn't artness

yeah this

provenance. the 'aura' of the original

i don't know what this means

your son is about 100 years too late to be in on the expressionist post-impressionism thing. sorry

there isn't but that doesn't make it bad

there was no way to render the human form more accurately or produce the same scenes in any new, innovative way. the path from that to colour field is interesting but often ignored when people complain about modern art

rothko isn't trying to portray the times but his art is a consequence of them i.e. the proliferation of material wealth. art has always been design

this is pretty good but i wouldn't call post-1980 'modern'. that stops around 68

conceptual art is great

at least someone can differentiate between different styles in modern art

>instill emotions

what did he mean by this?

rothko isn't really our time though. formalism is a historical form of analysis in art history now, not a current one

every time

>Art History minor, is that qualified enough to call out Rothko for being shit tier?

art history major -- no

minimalism is a response and a rejection of abstract expression. also it is sculpture
no one has to explain a rothko. it just is. it's even more free of narrative than the pic you posted
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>Ilya Repin

every fucking time lmao
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>this autist who thinks anyone gives this much of shit about his opinion
art historical lit isn't really my opinions but no i don't think people care any more than you think i care about your post
Yes, it just is.

But it's shit.

Art isn't supposed to just be, that's pure laziness. Art is meant to invigorate and inspire the imagination of the viewer, to make him think outside his bubble.

You can do this with modern art, true. Take, for example, Zdzisław Beksiński or Lucian Freud, who painted gruesome shit that still inspired the mind,

But Rothko and Pollock were just lazy degenerates that wanted to make quick buck off of easily impressed pseudo intellectual snobs
All me btw
Yeah but he didn't write a fucking article
>But it's shit.

it fulfills its purpose. i don't know what else you expect of a work or why you do, for that matter

>Art is meant to invigorate and inspire the imagination of the viewer, to make him think outside his bubble.

is that the law?
next time when i talk about art in a thread about art i'll make sure to reply to each post separately, just so you feel more comfortable in sharing the thread
My point was that you're wasting time on a chinese poetry imageboard, replying to idiots who'll skip your reply
i don't care about them. i care about the people interested in art. if you're not one of them then i don't know why you're here replying to me
But truly, what is its purpose? Earn some money? I suppose that is an admirable goal, in its own manner, and if Rothko admitted this I'd admire him more.

If the purpose of art is just to exist then everything everywhere is art
He's right. Too much stupid shit gets pushed and circulated on /his/. Some of it creeps its way in the back of our minds only to serve as a creaky foundation for future thoughts, if we aren't careful.

It's important to have a voice out if you think it's a worthwhile voice to be heard. Its absence will not be missed, but its presence is important for that very reason.
its purpose is to be an arrangement of paint on a canvas, hung on a wall. it's honest about what it is and is free from being subordinate to literature. it's not pretending to be something it isn't and maybe that offends people who still believe in the transcendence of art and don't see it for what is has always been; design and craft for decoration and status
you're dabbling too much on the specifics anon. i just gave those as a supplement to my major argument that abstract art requires little to no sensory experience to be fully appreciated

i literally am just espousing malevich's words so go read him as im surely not giving his argument justice
>>art must conform to what we think art is or art should be
ftfy and yes absolutely.
He has some good points though. If you can't clearly explain what is good about a piece, it probably isn't good. And falling back on buzzwords doesn't count as explaining.
this is a protest against modern art actually

there's no actual shit inside
Lord is this guy insufferable
You can't really explain what's good about any piece. Sure, you can point out how technically impressive the skill it took to make it is but that doesn't necessarily make it artistically enjoyable.

And that really is what "Objective standards" amounts to, quantifying art based on the skill and labour it took to make it (basically LTV, which is ironic since PJW is a hardcore libertarian). Really the quality of art is only apparent in how it appears to the observer ultimately making it subjective. It's very hard to be convinced that a piece of art is good, you can only assess the quality of it by seeing it and once you've done that you can't really be convinced of it's quality or dissauded from enjoying it. Through the course of your life you might change your mind, but your sudden appreciation or distaste for the art wouldn't make a difference to your younger self if you could tell them.

Likewise some people just happen to like art that makes them feel intellectually-superior. The fact that it instills that emotion alone gives it meaning to them, even if they may never explicitly put it like that.
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>the existence of a universal standard
I think you misspelled "non-existence", bro.
>caring so much that someone paid millions of dollars for something they enjoyed

How autistic do you have to be?
>sound continental
Goddamn, this is pure bourgeois philistinism. No one of intelligence gives a damn for your abstractist bric a brac
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Because that money could've been spent on something that improves humanity as a whole
So could the money you're spending on internet right now.
truly, collectivist scum are the worst

hey, what the fuck are you doing wasting time on 4chan when you could be doing something that could beenfit the rest of the world???

Because 100 dollars or so is exactly the same as 92 million dollars
100 dollars more for the benefit of humanity as a whole.
The fact that I'm a hypocritical shithead that wastes his money has nothing to do with what a waste of money buying the painting is.

And please, 100 dollars is literally nothing
$100 is a lot of soup cans for the homeless.
Perhaps not, but you must ask yourself why you choose to spend money on luxuries rather than for humanitarian purposes?

To same reasons apply to people who spend millions on paintings, they want to enjoy themselves.
The way I see it, art should be judged by two standards. The exoteric aesthetic value rendered by skill which serves as a common denominator and the symbolic esoteric value which adds depth to the piece for the enjoyment and intellectual stimulation of the elite.

The exoteric layer being a prerequisite for the value of the esoteric layer.
Anyone could make anything to be an art, anyone could justice art is he wants. If you can appreciate technical skill that is good, I could care less about author skill, personal life, how much time or efforts he spared on picture and so on.
>There was no other way to render the human form any more accurately.

If that's all you think there is to representational/figurative art then I'm a bit dismayed. There's so much more to it than just representing something realistically. God, what an uneducated opinion. Are you sure you studied Art?
Art should in my opinion be a mixture of craft (using compositional techniques for example to achieve a desired effect on the viewer) and something intellectually stimulating.

Too much of the former and you have illustration or a traditional craft of some kind. Too much of the latter and your have pure intellectual navel gazing.

Can someone show me an example of interesting conceptual art? I genuinely would like to be enthused by it but I can't help but think it's an opportunity for talentless self promoters to make a shit load of money. E.g. Tracey emin.
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I should respect the opinion of someone so uneducated he thinks 'Kunst' is a dirty German word? Lol.
this post is art lol, u r making a statement on autism
Art has to be thought provoking and must ellicit questions in the mind of the beholder.

In the case of Rothko, the seasoned art lover will be faced with the deepest questionning of all: "how do I even know if this shit isn't hung upside down?"
It makes you ask the question "What is art?", therefore it fulfilled its purpose.

It's interesting that totalitarian regimes couldn't tolerate abstract art. Like there's something in it that provoked them.
Agreed, i was kidding.
However I feel like a lot of contemporary abstract feels somewhat redundant, but that might just be me.
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Pretentious retards WILL defend this
>Child labor is bad meme
Just wanted to say this is a truly beautiful painting. Thank you for sharing.
>implying all modern art is shit
artfag here. In my opinion, art should have some actual value, with that I mean it should contain some work and emotion, a passion in it. With modern art, they say that the reaction to it is more of the art work rather than, a literal piece of shit in the middle of the gallery, for egsample. But in most cases, people just pretend to have some deep thought into it, they actually make some random shit first, and when force themselves to generate some pseudo-philosophy revolving around the work.
Because the perception of skill is there
I'm a capitalist and I will defend it too.
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A lot of modern shit is just postmodern creative bankruptcy nonsense.

Though every now and then, people like Bob Ross paint something that's nice
Try examining the sense of redundancy more closely, or in a different light next time. The most important, concrete part of art IMO is your interaction with it. Artist be damned.
The symptom of decline in creative power is the fact that to produce something round and complete the artist now requires to be emancipated from form and proportion. Its most obvious though not its most significant, manifestation is the taste for the gigantic. Here size is not, as in the Gothic and the Pyramid styles, the expression of inward greatness, but the dissimulation of its absence. This swaggering in specious dimensions is common to all nascent Civilizations--we find it in the Zeus altar of Pergamum, the Helios of Chares called the "Colossus of Rhodes," the architecture of the Roman Imperial Age, the New Empire work in Egypt, and American skyscraper of today. ....

Between Wagner and Manet there is a deep relationship, which is not, indeed obvious to everyone but which Baudelaire with his unerring flair for the decadent detected at once. For the Impressionists, the end and the culmination of art was the conjuring up of a world in space out of strokes and patches of colour, and this was just what Wagner achieved in three bars. A whole world of soul could crowd into these three bars. ... Here the contrast of Western music with greek plastic has reached its maximum. Everything merges in bodiless infinity, o longer even does a linear melody wrestle itself clear of the vague tone-masses that in strange surgings challenge an imaginary space. The motive comes up out of dark terrible deeps. It is flooded for an instant by a flash of hard bright sun. then, suddenly, it is so close upon us that we shrink...
All that Nietzsche says of Wagner is applicable, also, to Manet. Ostensibly a return to the elemental, to Nature, as against contemplation-painting and abstract music, their art really signifies a concession to the barbarism of the Megalopolis, the beginning of dissolution sensibly manifested in a mixture of brutality and refinement. As a step, it is necessarily the last step. An artificial art has no further organic future, it is the mark of the end.

And the bitter conclusion is that it is all irretrievably over with the arts of form of the West. The crisis of the nineteenth century was the death-struggle. Like the Apollinian, the Egyptian and every other, the Faustian art dies of senility, having actualized its inward possibilities and fulfilled its mission within the course of its Culture
Damn, those are some happy little trees.

I saw this one being made in that /tv/ marathon a while ago, it's amazing how simple he makes it all look.
What is practiced as art today--be it music after Wagner or painting after Manet, Cézanne, Leible and Menzel-- is impotence and falsehood. One thing is quite certain, that today every single art-school could be shut down without art being affected in the slightest. We can learn all we wish to know about the art-clamour which a megalopolis sets up in order to forget that its art is dead form the Alexandria of the year 200. There, as here in our world-cities, we find a pursuit of illusions of artistic progress, of personal peculiarity, of "the new style," of "unsuspected possibilities," theoretical babble, pretentious fashionable artists, weight-lifters with cardboard dumb-bells--the "Literary Man" in the Poet's place, the unabashed farce of Expressionism, which the art-trade has organized as a "phase of art-history," thinking and felling and forming as industrial art. Alexandria, too, had problem-dramatists and box-office artists whom it preferred to Sophocles and painters who invented new tendencies and successfully bluffed their public. The final result is that endless industrious repetition of a stock of fixed forms which we see today in Indian Chinese and Arabian-persian art. Pictures and fabrics, verses and vessels, furniture, dramas and musical compositions--all is pattern-work. We cease to be able to date anything within centuries, let alone decades, by the language of its ornamentation. So it has been in the Last Act of all Cultures.
modern art =/= contemporary art. huuuuuuge distinction anon
>recreate scene
>take a photo
There now you know why modern art isn't about talent
Painters aren't human photocopiers your fool. A painter thinks about details to include and not include. A painter has to be aware of how he wants the viewer to see and interpret his brushstrokes across his painting. He uses negative space and texture to facilitate this. there is so much more to painting than composition. A painter is more of an illusionist than a camera.
>Most good music is in tune, has melody, the musicians can play their instruments.
>Good contemporary dance, the performers can dance.
>Good theatre is written be people who can write and it is performed by actors who can act.
>Good film is made by filmmakers who can compose and shoot a scene.
>Good visual art is whatever you want. Technical knowledge not required. You can be a professor of drawing at the Royal Academy if you want.

Spot the odd one out.
>If you want
Should be
>If you're famous and rich enough.
/his/ has no idea about art. I vividly remember one guy who insisted that the pre-Raphaelites were actual medieval artists, painting actual medieval scenes, because he thought pre-Raphaelite meant all the artists who came before Raphael.
>>Most good music is in tune, has melody, the musicians can play their instruments.
do you live in a cave or what?
So you enjoy music by people who can't play their own instruments? What kind of retard are you?
Have you ever heard of noise? Musique concrète? Any sort of Avant genre? /his/ has worse autists than /sci/, and yet they still think they are "cultured"


I'll admit you do have a point. However I'm sure the musicians who create this stuff have some technical knowledge which was the main thrust of my green texting. I admit I probably shouldn't have put melody/tune in there as you're right, there are genres which eschew these elements.
However, correct me if I'm wrong but those avant garde genres are by no means as prominent within music as conceptual art is within the art world. It's more niche right?
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hello plebo
people who play in those genres have an immense technical knowledge of music and music theory. they aren't retards who dont know how to play instruments
But if you played some of their music for the average person who doesn't know anything about music that isn't on the top 20 chart and what do you think they would say?

>I could do that
>My kid could do that

Doesn't that sound familiar?
But Tracey emin can't draw and Damien hirst can't paint. That is the point being made here.
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>There was no other way to render the human form any more accurately.
So? If it ain't broke don't fix it. What is it with Post-modernists and their impulse to ruin good things just because they're old, all in the name of "progress?" It's as if the concept of "progressing" and constantly doing new things trumps all, including whether or not the old thing is better than the new thing (Imagine that!) or if the old thing is simply more healthy for society as a whole. It's a constant pattern with post-modernism. "Progress, even at the cost of all else."
You know Starry Night used to be considered the same way you're considering abstract expressionism, right? Back 100 years ago people thought it was a hot mess of "artists just throwing paint everywhere"
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Duchamp started and ended it 100 years ago. Why are artists still beating this dead horse? It's not funny any more.

Pic related
>This kills the art
when is this thread gonna disappear
So you're saying that one day we will look back at this and appreciate it?

Oh so an occasional thread about art is bad? Direct your energies to the far more tedious threads about 'why is Africa shit lol' 'Hitler did nothing wrong' and the classic religious shit flinging threads please

Look at the controversy Christ in the House of His Parents caused.
The controversy to that painting was more due to the unusual and vaguely insulting depiction of Jesus as a young boy, as well as the bizarre dimensions in the paintings and the creepy facial expressions of all involved, especially Jesus.
>So you're saying that one day we will look back at this and appreciate it?
I'm appreciating it right now.
Way to miss his point you absolute retard.
what is john the baptist thinking here

Yet if you show it to people today, most would regard it as a pretty picture.
The criticism had nothing to do with the perception that the painting of Jesus didn't mean anything, or didn't represent anything. You can't equate that painting with two lines on a canvas. It's nonsensical. Yes, the painting had a purpose, yes, it represented something. The criticism came from the insulting depiction of Jesus who looks like a victim of the potato famine, and the extremely weird facial expressions on all the characters, not to mention the god-awful lighting.

Those criticism don't matter when you have a piece of art that is two colored lines sloppily painted on a canvas, you can't make a criticism, it's impossible, all you can do is sputter and stumble in confusion mixed with outrage at the idea that such a thing could be treated with such monumental significance. You can't criticize the lighting or the shades or the depictions of certain things. How the hell are you going to accurately and intellectually criticize lines of color?
Video related.

>canvas with a throwaway movie quote stenciled on with bad kerning

And maybe in 100 years noone will give a shit about lighting or shades or depictions.
They don't give a shit now.
More than that, honestly. Rothkos have been increasing in price pretty quickly over the last few years. He's really experiencing a resurgence.
Add that this particular piece is the start of his color field period, and you're looking at $180m in 2025, imo.
thats because they're ignorant pricks who don't know the skill required for it. plus, if i made some random dude listen to some pierre schaeffer or something he wouldn't say his kid could do that but most likely be dumbfounded
There's probably some money laundering involved.
most early conceptual art was devised specifically to escape the art market and the commodification of art. stuff in the 60s
>If that's all you think there is to representational/figurative art then I'm a bit dismayed.

i'm talking about the artistic response to figurative art not my own knowledge of what figurative art is

This guys already said it. It's obviously just a money laundering scheme.
>Art has to be thought provoking and must ellicit questions in the mind of the beholder.


>Painters aren't human photocopiers your fool.

then i wonder why most anti-mods favour the photorealistic oil painting of the 19th century

>Technical knowledge not required

it doesn't matter though. the mechanics can change but the 'art effect' is still the same


because music is largely commercial

they make sculpture my friend

we're talking about modernism not post-modernism

there was a duchamp revival around the 50s after some retrospective iirc. artists adapted his techniques to more relevant and immediate contexts, so you get neo-dada, pop art, nouveau realisme, the independent group, etc. it seems sculpture/painting now has forgotten the social and political implications of this since the global art market and international biennales are what defines the contemporary period, but most of contemporary art is photography which is strangely absent from these threads
imma post some photography then
bragaglia is so fucking good
You sure? I believe I heard somewhere that some of those cans started leaking a while ago.
lissitzky is goat
What am I looking at here?
Compositional techniques
> their impulse to ruin good things
You understand that nobody ruining everything and people still painting pretty realistic illustrations like all of the time? Of course this wasn't everything so someone should develop a new ways to approach an art and new methods of self-expression.
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>Anti mods favour 19th century realism

That's just one pedo posting the same boring shit.

>The art effect is the same.
I would argue that with conceptual art the effect is really not the same. There are many ways of appreciating modes of artistic expression. There is visual or aesthetic appreciation e.g. composition, form, shape, balance, color. There is also the intellectual side: symbolism, allusion, metaphor, parody etc.

Correct me with examples if I'm wrong but I feel that conceptual art really only satisfies a few of the second type of appreciation.
> few of the second type of appreciation
Mostly because people doesn't learn to appreciate such things. You can't really blame an art for such problem and there was nothing bad for some art to be fully understood by some minority of people for one or another reason. Artistic language shouldn't be the universal one because than it would miss a more personal themes and subjects.
Does anyone have the screen of anon ranting about his hand carved sculpture being displayed next to a poorly made statue of a guy sucking himself off?
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When asked how long it took him to paint the work, Rothko replied, "40 years."
just the perfect type of hipster fag that would look at a picture like this to find some "meaning"

It's still better than contemporary and pop art. Literally the worst meme arts are the ones you can find in galleries nowadays. There's still some very impressive stuff being made, but it gets overshadowed by the showy shit and exhibitions.

Art before the 1950s as a whole was pretty gr8, atleast rothkos are pleasant on the eyes in person, it's only when people start attributing some inane nonsensical meaning to these canvases that it really blows art out of the water in a bad way.

Just like /lit/erature people don't have foundations anymore, don't go to Italy to study the masters like they used to, don't study under any great masters or mentors, it's like becoming a chef while microwaving everything.

Art is mostly dead as we used to know it but it still exists in some great forms and through certain people.
>thinking modern means contemporary
Just the perfect kind of elitist that would turn their noses at people who want to find meaning in the world.

>buh-but it's not mine!
Please don't be my strawman. Because that's kind of the point.
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what you're referring to is what i called the mechanics. i only half believe what i said about the 'art effect' because i am applying the writing of some lesser-known japanese modernist poet rather than actual art historical lit. but from what i understand of conceptual art, if you are to follow its duchampian roots, it is a deliberate move away from 'optical art' in favour of the intellectual. so criticising art that specifically attacks the idea of visual aesthetics in art really misses the point.

but to add to this with what i think is really just my opinion, is that one of the main reasons for why there was this reaction to aesthetic art is because of the 19th century photorealism and other 19th century art-for-arts-sake like that of the aesthetic movement during this period was ignoring the intellectual side of pre-industrial art. so with the picasso side of modernism you get a 'return to art' that reunites the close study of nature with compositional design that gives us a modern take on what actually made art Art. with duchamp, it's a rejection of that 'one side' which was ignored in favour of the other. either way 19th century art is generally as devoid of substance as modern art but anti-modernists don't really know this

but again this is why i am championing photography because it takes the intellectualism of conceptual art but also applies ideas of composition and aesthetics. not all the time but specifically i'm thinking of deadpan photography, like the dusseldorf school.
Also, pic related is from 2012. I consider it decent at the very least.
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Ron Mueck, the most realistic sculpturer in the history of humanity
Goddam. Thanks for these! They're great!
first one is fan ho anon
>maybe its meaningless was the point
ah yes where have I heard this before
To be fair, any of the sculptures of the classical era look far more human than his works.
so, art for simpletons?

We've moved past that, to new ways of looking at things
Modern art haters are the dadrockers of art.

They'd have better ROI by just buying bitcoin
>lol I shat in a can art has no meaning I'm so smrt postmodernist retardation

''''''''''''modern'''''''''' art
>lol I shat in a post art has no meaning I'm so smrt internet retardation

Contemporary """"people""""
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if someone wants to pay millions of dollars for this, let him pay
what's the problem?

maybe it means something to him?
>Duchamp's fountain.

he was trolling, unfortunately people are too retarded/pretentious to recognize Obvious Trolls.
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IIT: people still not realizing that Joan Cornellá is the only repeatable modern painter
>people that don't give a shit about actual esthetics think they have any legitimacy when saying you can "know" art
Top kek.
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those two get posted every time
kinda indicates that those posters here never saw an Exhibition from the inside
>pic related blew my mind when I saw it in Vienna
why the fuck
I mean its a statue goddamit
Proportions I get but compositional grids ? baka senpai
I bet you thought you were real clever and funny when you made that pic.
are you defending the posting of the painting or are you saying making fun of it isnt any way smarter
>so, art for simpletons?
So wait, is modern art for the everyman, unpretentious and immediately accessible to anyone without education (>>1286897) or is it an escape from the unwashed "simpletons" too unsophisticated to appreciate it?
i cant speak for modern art in general but at least malevich, a hugely influential figure in modern art, thought the former. its no coincidence that the russian avant-garde came at the same time as the october revolution. his goal was to make proletarian art but most dismissed it as emperor's new clothes

for mondrian's thoughts, see this text: https://modernistarchitecture.wordpress.com/2010/10/17/piet-mondrian’s-“a-dialogue-on-neoplasticism”/
dat floor tho
We know for a fact that most of these art pieces are used in smuggling because of the laws surrounding art in customs searches.
Everything is art.
Dude, weed, lmao.
Just read Paulo Coelho.
No, howewer I've noticed that the knowledge of people who are into modern art only spreads so far as Picasso, regarding the arts anciennes. When asked why they don't prefer classical art instead of modern art, their only answer is: "It is boring!".

Yes, a painting depicting something glorious, worked on for days, weeks, months, and years is more boring than random lines and colors and the crayola paintings of a schizophrenic scatophile child.
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>the purpose of art is to constantly revolutionize its own meaning
DUDE WEED LMAO I've got an idea
So listen
Hol up
Hooooooool up.
So we's got dat car thing noamsayin?
Sheiiiit nigga
We shall
I be saying
We shall
*smacks lips*
Revshionalize it ma nigga
Like it should be about using them as bathtubs, maaaane, not about carrying people from one place to another
Now I be puttin my Volvo into my house in place of my bathtub and writing an arctickle bout it
I am an arist now
>it's not just three stripes, silly, it's three stripes on a 200x500 cm canvas
K. Keep me posted
>why cant you appreciate something as simple as color and shape?
Because it's not art, it's called asthetics.
(Which these horrible works still fail at)
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>it's going to be 100 years since the Fountain was made
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wew lad
It's even funnier because it's a parody of the original letter send by the sultan.
>that guy who responds to every fucking post
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I've always been partial to baroque.
I always ignore them t.b.h.
>people will defend shit like OP against this
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when you get so many repeating subjects, especially when the academies open up to allow artists in by almost the thousands, the once-profound moral effect of greco-roman esotericism is a little exhausted and loses its urgency in a secular society
Jokes on you guys, you're actively participating in the art, as Rothko wanted his audience to have such free reign over their emotional response that he didn't even name his paintings

You are having an intense emotional response to this art in the form of anger
you are the ones being played
Why wouldn't a statue have composition?

An expression of the rough geometrical relationship between objects in the sculpture. The eye is drawn across 'lines' whenever you look at something, and finds symmetrical relationships pleasing.
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it's just three zones of colour painted in 34 seconds

more like


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I can understand this but not how paintings like the one in the OP is the solution instead of even more boring.

I can appreciate innovative artists (by their times standards) like Dali, Matisse, Gaugin or van Gogh. Picasso too although he's not my cup of tea.

Warhol or Rothko are just plainly uninteresting, they barely catch your eye which is precisely why they fit in modern decoration. They may be aesthetically fitting but they have no light that allows them to shine on their own. The very definition of boring.
Modern art is just a Kike money laundering scheme.
has there ever been a jewish painter or sculptor who wasn't a complete fucking meme producing hack?

I realize modern art is just an elaborate money laundering scheme but what the fuck is this bullshit?
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>Warhol or Rothko are just plainly uninteresting, they barely catch your eye which is precisely why they fit in modern decoration. They may be aesthetically fitting but they have no light that allows them to shine on their own.
I know that's exactly the point. The idea is to take a step back from the philosophy of painting that views the painted works as objects to be enjoyed 'on their own'.

The 'fit in with modern decoration' part isn't just blandness on it's part, it's that isolating the image from it is severing the art from it's intended use and space. It would be like taking a painting from the 19th century, slicing it into pieces, and then judging the pieces individually.

An image like this
Is misleading at best, and dishonest at worst. Because that's not the complete work, it's a part of the work, it's just the part that is an individual painting.

A more reasonable example would be something like this. All of this. All of this is the art. But that's not all of the art because...
It's also this.
Please, explain to me why this is worth it. Use the history of pre-modern art as you seem to indicate its importance in understanding this piece.
And it's also this.

It's the collective experience of going in, past the obelisk and sitting in a quiet room with extremely tall, imposing black panels weighing down on you. It's a somber, foreboding experience. It's just not one you can save as a .jpeg

i dont think you know how to use that image

stay mad plem
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Modern Art is all a bunch of meta-bullshit that supposed to make you question the form and medium of art you're examining, by being shocking or incomprehensible or breaking the "rules".

Not only does this not require skill, it's not original either.

It's like putting a ketchup packet on a plate and calling it an important and skillful work of cooking because there's no silverware to eat it with.

None of this garbage is really that inciteful, it just came about in a time of excess money and free time and confused laypeople so it became a meme.
no it's not
if you read up on formalism you may come to understand why it's a non-boring solution. they do have a light on their own -- you can always tell a pollock, a warhol, or a rothko
oh cool, i'm convinced
Bullshit. I've been to an art museum. The modern shit looks exactly the same as it does online or printed out, and they had tons of it. The good stuff really stands out in person though

>there's real lyricism there
Here's the real reason OP. So pretentious d bags can say meaningless words to appear smart.
convince me you're right
>he doesn't know what lyricism means
Are emotions less valid than thoughts?
explain how Rothco demonstrates any nuanced technical competence or understanding of light or color

explain how it's not a bunch of aformalistic shit for the sake of aformalism
I never understand how people don't love rothko.
why would i want to argue that? i may as well argue that rembrandt fails at creating sculpture

convince me that 100 years of modern art is "meta shit" using a wide range of actual examples from the course of its existence
>explain how Rothco demonstrates any nuanced technical competence or understanding of light or color
Just look at this fucking shit
All he fucking uses is light and color. That is literally what he has boiled down his work to.
>All he fucking uses is light and color.

nuance buddy


what's the difference between any of those solid black frames
Autists always thinking modern art is trying to have some meaning other than its aesthetics and its engagement with aesthetic traditions. "Meaning" they say.

That's where you go wrong. Modern art is just art free from narrative. Its pure aesthetics. If you don't understand that, then you don't know wtf you're on about. And it's a good thing too btw. Personally, I only really like abstract art. I appreciate the history of illustrative art, but its completely outdated now. It doesn't have a place. Fuck off with realistic paintings. They're fucking shit.

Expecting abstract art to have some sort of meaning ---> believing people who like it think it has a meaning <--- being a spastic.

Modern art has basically been the idea of taking narrative away from art, and a whole bunch of other stuff. A lot of it pretentious, a lot of it not, but it mostly only appeals to people who really fucking love art.

that's even stupider

you're just intentionally weakening it
communicating less
expressing less
not him but there is nuance between how one artist creates a work of abstract colour and how another does it. formalism had such a strong effect on art making that it was essentially 'exported' to other cities. it became a sophisticated and cosmopolitan style where connoisseurs could attend showings of the latest work and be able to tell who made what just by their style. these paintings can be 'read' but in a different way to narrative paintings. they reward close examination and not literary knowledge that the painting itself cannot provide. this is what people mean when they call abstract art 'autonomous' -- it doesn't rely on non-art sources to supply something it lacks.
no one knows what you're talking about
nobody knows what Rothko was trying to do either

90 million dollar pricetag
>what's the difference between any of those solid black frames
Anon, understand I need you to answer this honestly, if I'm going to explain this to you.

Are you blind, retarded or dishonest?
rothko is formalist though. maybe you mean non-figurative? but then i don't know how you can't just argue that the academies produce figurative works for the sake of producing figurative works. what a non-argument
Nobody knows what Rembrant was trying to do either.

"real art" label.
apparently a lot of people know what rothko was trying to do. they provide more "nuanced" arguments as to why his work is important compared to your arguments against it
But have you considered I DON'T KNO NUFFIN?
I know jack shit about art but can identify an aesthetichaly pleaseant pice, and appreciate the days if not months of work the classics put in their work

Modern art is what my little 2 year old cousin makes with 3 crayons and my living room wall every time I leave her unnatended
>LTV of art
I have a collection of Fat Fetish Pornography that has more effort put into it than most classics put into their work.
In your logic you can find esthetic everywhere in random life, because most of its experience(specially visual) has no prior narrative.
The problem is the overvalue from this kind of work. It has just a lot of money and prestige around it. You could say that paying a bunch of millions for a simple made painting is part of its art, as well the controverse it summons in people, but all this is contraditory. The money being paid and the prestige is the narrative itself and is totally independent of the actual painting, because the essential factors for the value of this kind of art are the name of the artist and the consuments who are ready to put value in this name. So it is totally irrelevant what the artist creates, so long he creates. Therefore the painting itself is irrelevant and it is all about circle jerking.

Tldr; if you make the exact same painting no one would give a shit because you are not Rothko.
fuck you it's art
so my bullshiting in paint can be cataloged as priceless art then? I mean look at your pic, I do that shit in paint in 10 seconds, and If I had a canvas and some painting it'll probably take me an hour and that's just because I'll had to paint the interior of those squares... that shit takes no effort and is not art, someone in art class at kindergarden level do better stuff than that
or you can just say, "That picture looks like it had love and hard work into it, also it looks great and is pleasing to look at, I like it"
go to your local guetto and look at the walls... that's proletariat art
actually young children don't have the capacity to create any sort of compositional work. people often say 'a child could do that' but if you actually compare the art of a child to the abstract work of an adult, the results are immediately obvious.

>and appreciate the days if not months of work the classics put in their work

why do you assume abstract works don't take the same amount of time? granted they're not rendering the human form in minute detail but that's not to say it doesn't take an incredible amount of time to create something on the scale as these abstract works are
no, because if you created that work now it would be completely out of a suitable context in which it could be valued as advancing the concerns of painting. malevich had currency and a reason for creating those works 100 years ago but there's no way you could justify creating something like that is a priceless work these days because you're not in early 20th century russia.
>Tldr; if you make the exact same painting no one would give a shit because you are not Rothko.

what's your point? do you think the collecting of works is something new to art?
no videogames are not art per se but some vidyas can be art see pseudo intellectual bullshit like Kojima stuff, or Heavy Rain...

also like >>1288644
Vidyakino is the greatest artform of our time
if a person does not have knowledge of how much of a massive undertaking a rembrandt painting requires then it fails to fill up to your requirements for appreciation. we are, again, assuming a person has nearly zero knowledge and working from that framework as to what that person could appreciate aesthetically
idk and idc desu but narrative heavy pseud video games in an attempt to promote widestream acceptance of games as an artform are the worst. tetris will forever remain the benchmark of perfect game design and strikes me as what any of the great modern artists would make had they been a game developer
Was about to link this.
god, what a great piece. imagine seeing this in a world where superheroes didn't exist. what would you think?

do you think you'd imagine the central character as a hero or villain? the way he's violently smashing the car agains the rock, the terrified faces of the men fleeing, the way the yellow background is like an explosion; even the tire seems to be running away.
your .gif has more intrinsic artistic value and social commentary attached to it.
so the fact that such large amounts of currency value are attached to them kind of render the beautiful simplicity of them moot.

if that's the point then you shouldnt have to buy that art because you can find stuff like it literally all around you all the time.
>not understanding what an exaggeration is

we're in the autumnlands now brothers.
super compelling and transformative.

None of what you say is unique to modern art though. It was and still is true of older art.

And I didn't say that paying millions for an abstract painting isn't stupid. Most people who actually like modern art, legitimately like it, don't enjoy the fact that rich investors who don't even care about the work just buy up everything because it might be valuable. Art's meant to be in public galleries or in museums, or, in the case of decorative art, on people's walls or in a private space for a reasonable price. IMO.

>So it is totally irrelevant what the artist creates, so long he creates. Therefore the painting itself is irrelevant and it is all about circle jerking.

This is reducing all of the contemporary art world to the level of its worst features though. There are plenty of more salt of the earth modern art cliques out there where this isn't the culture.
>Why wouldn't a statue have composition?
Im bothered about the grid since a statue is normaly free standing and forcing it to make sense from the frontal view defeats the purpose of a statue
The difference between contemporary and older art movements is the dependence of prestige and its given value due being a product of a praised artist or circle. There are this kind of art that are aknowleged nearly universally because of a common, natural concept of esthetic in people. Someone who have no clue about art can see such work and still see it as art, no matter if the work is pleasant or not.
And there are this kind of art that needs explanation to become esthetic, like most post modern works.
This happens because a post modern painting gains its value as art exclusively from extern factors and has no esthetic itself.

Of course people can buy what they want and do the movements they want, but sometimes such behaviors conflict against common sense. Its like if a minority of people start to claim that ice cubes are hot. Of course they are free to claim it and temperature is relative, but it is makes no sense, just like claming that rothko has a high esthetic value.
>Of course people can buy what they want and do the movements they want, but sometimes such behaviours conflict against common sense. Its like if a minority of people start to claim that ice cubes are hot. Of course they are free to claim it and temperature is relative, but it is makes no sense, just like claming that rothko has a high esthetic value.

It's nothing alike. Aesthetic value isn't an objective and measurable quality like temperature is. One thing will be hideous or ugly to one person and interesting or beautiful to the next.

>This happens because a post modern painting gains its value as art exclusively from extern factors and has no esthetic itself.

Yes, postmodern media takes its meaning from external, already established cultural images and texts, but it doesn't follow that they don't have their own aesthetic because of that. Any painting has its own aesthetic. Even how it is made up of those external texts is a matter of style/form.
>Someone who have no clue about art can see such work and still see it as art, no matter if the work is pleasant or not.

this isn't true. once art actually started being shown to the public only in the 18th century, the traditionally 'high art' genre of history painting wasn't liked so much as simple genre scenes reflecting the average person's life. art was primarily made for the state (and the church) when it was produced in the academies in accordance with rules that had to be taught to painters from a young age. works weren't produced in some dude's studio because of his genius and then put in galleries where everyone could admire how true the art was in the painting. 'aesthetic' was trained into people and they also found commissions through willing patrons. collections were private until relatively recently, reserved for those who were well-read in issues of taste and art.

the idea of 'universal aesthetic' is bogus
So, nothing lines up to your arbitrary grid. What's the point?
>The difference between contemporary and older art movements is the dependence of prestige and its given value due being a product of a praised artist or circle.

this isn't true either. patrons specifically sought out particular painters because of their skill and prestige since the renaissance.
That assumes the statue was meant to be entirely free standing like, in the front of a room.

Lots of sculptures like this for example, are presented, and therefor sculpted, with a clear sense of how the viewer would be seeing it.
> Aesthetic value isn't an objective and measurable quality like temperature is

Esthetic is not objective measurable, but it's quality can be perceived for sure. Therefore it is possible to judge if something is estheticaly valuable or not by the ability of perceiving and perceiving is a common feature in every human. I believe that due this feature being common it is highly possible that esthetic is somewhat universal(but not fully) in human nature.

> Any painting has its own aesthetic
Ok you are right. But I think i t is an absurd that a simple painting is sold for 90 millions just because it's 'simple sthetic'.

I did't say that old art has no external factors for its value. I said that post modern art is high depedent of these factors while old art is not that much.
porkies poison everything, anon. most people know that the reason these works have high value is due to tax or laundering schemes. i agree with you on your point that these works shouldn't be bought
All postmodernism 'critiques' postmodernism
File: roger-scruton-008.jpg (29KB, 460x276px) Image search: [Google]
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Scruton, folks.

Why Beauty Matters is a 2009 British documentary film directed Louise Lockwood, written and presented by the philosopher Roger Scruton. Scruton argues for the importance and transcendental nature of beauty.

Essentially it's the run-down on postmodernism. Quite moving. Good soundtrack too.

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You wouldn't understand dude, it's all about the Aesthetic
Great film. Everyone in this thread should watch this.

Thanks anon!
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101KB, 736x747px
>an artist didn't use every technique he is capable of in a particular work
>therefore he is incapable of using other techniques
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