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Why is academia still so full of Marxists? We have an entire

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Why is academia still so full of Marxists?

We have an entire century of proof that his ideas don't work, and are even harmful in the large sense.
I have no idea.
It all comes from bullshit disciplines like X studies, political "science," literature, or the lower dregs of philosophy. There evidence doesn't really matter, only feels.
Marxism is an aesthetic movement of bourgeoisie values against aristocratic one, economic results don't matter
Because academia is full of people who withdrew from the real world to focus on beautiful theories.
Marxism is basically the philosophy for the self-wanking intellectual who has no experience with the people they think they're fighting for. Same as SJWs supporting minorities or Christians claiming they're praying for you.
>the lower dregs of philosophy
>implying there is anything less than philosophy
Marxism worked pretty damn well in Russia. Even though communism was never achieved, the Soviet Union was better than what it replaced and what came after, by essentially every possible metric.
>Soviet Russia is better than Tsarists Russia
>Therefore Marxism worked
I dont think so m8
Russia as of right now may not be a beacon of social and economic success, but I'm not seeing people starving and disappearing by the millions.
Yeah I love commieblocks and rationing. Also having the government control my economic life.
>the Soviet Union was always Stalinist
Economists don't respect marx at all.

Sociologists only respect his sociological theories and critiques (though I guess some may wrongly trust his economic theories)

The rest of his academic supporters are probably just wishful thinking on areas they don't know much about, like a lot of us do.
Thinking less than a century of experimentation of a social structure done in a generalized specific autocratic way is "proof" that it doesn't work, you have a very narrow view of reality. The same could be said for any political structure that existed once and no longer exists by your logic, and some nations survived hundreds of years and beyond before dying out. We're in our infancy when it comes to social development, and trying things out that may or may not work is what we have been and will be doing for millennia.
You're right, Marxist goals had nothing to do with Stalin and his actions. Silly me.
most marxists are very understanding of the working class in my experience. they understand that there's certainly no rush to the adoption of marxist ideas, in that capitalism needs to fail first before the working people will be open to alternatives.

capitalism tends to fail fairly often, so the best time for marxists to disseminate their ideology is during economic crises.
>We have an entire century of proof his ideas don't work

We don't.

Collectivization of property was only one of his ideas, the only one the proved wrong. All other ideas, like dialectic materialism, alienation of labor, and his analysis on economic crises have proved as accurate as ever.

Without Marx there wouldn't have been the European social democracies in their nowadays shape or form. Capital: Critique of Political Economy is a masterwork, a must read for every educated person. Marx was a brilliant thinker without doubt.

Stark financial inequality will have an impact on our democracies. We must beware of that. Studying Marx now is very important.
>Economists don't respect marx at all.

Economists have loads of respect for Marx, they just dislike him because he didn't contribute to free market thought - which is what economists usually are about.
Well think about the academic landscape. The ratio of retard positions to real positions are about 3:1 and usually that 3 side are hyper leftists who never ventured outside their field of study and stayed in academia the whole time. But that's mainly from the side of the leadership like professors.

For students it's because of the ever growing polarization between political parties. Marxism sounds good on paper and due to the 2007/2008 financial crisis people went with a version of the no true scottsman philosophy. I've also noticed it's common among my fellow students to, as said before, never study outside their major and when forced to take an economics or sociology class take the 100 flat level which is basically a high school course that they can literally not pay attention to and get an A.

Yeah fuckboy had some points but that shit ain't gonna happen and even if it did I bet these people still would bitch or become like Bryan Griffon from family guy and become a right winger because it's the new cool.
most historian consider his ideas on history deeply flawed.
Because people who take the time to read and think tend to recognize he's right, ignorant people get swayed by right wing propaganda.

Sorry but it's true.

Also, read https://www.reddit.com/r/askphilosophy/comments/4losrq/in_my_very_limited_scope_it_seems_like_marx_is/ for less bullshitty answers.
I bet you think Communism the the sole legacy of Marx.
Historians spend so much time looking backwards they also start thinking backwards
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So when are people going to finally realize that both socialism and capitalism are wrong and that State Capitalism is objectively and without refutation the best economic system?

fucking what dude
Capitalism is bretty good once you have enough liquor factories.
The third position is the future
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>most marxists are very understanding of the working class
>working class people are overrepresented in voting for "far right" parties.
Nigga are you retarted?
This is Nietzsche right?
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Examples of state capitalism:
Post-Deng China
Japan between the Meji restoration and American occupation
Prussia for almost its entire history
Most European countries in WW1, Germany (and arguably America) in WW2
Norway, modern day
Switzerland, depending on how specific you want to define a few things

State capitalism has shown to have a truly amazing track record and the only reason people think otherwise is because of literal memes (muh free market, muh class consciousness)
The working class despise Marxists
We should be a capitalist technocracy.
Marx is seen as a positive mostly for the problems he exposes, not the solutions he presents. Alienation of labor, class struggle, and exploitation are problems within the free market. Does that mean Capitalism is bad? Of course not. I'd rather have some complaints about the free market rather than the endless masturbation of Ancaps/Libertarians over how Capitalism will make anime real.
does the fact that the working class does not widely support marxism necessarily mean that marxists don't understand why the working class thinks the way they do (ie not supporting marxism but instead right wing parties)? no. it doesn't.

most marxists are members of the working class who have put in the time to understand what marxism is and why it is beneficial to them. a majority of working class members do not have the time to study philosophy or discover what marxism is about compared to their preconceptions of it provided by the government and media of capitalist nations.
Not just the media and government, corporate propaganda invades schools, churches, city halls, they stop at nothing to control what lower classes think. Read historical work on it.
You're actually right but not for the reasons you think.

There is no pure communism and pure capitalism as spoken about by adherents. Every successful nation has been a kind of state capitalism, you just have to implement it correctly.

That refers to Britain, Soviet Russia, United States etc.
Based Reddit
Literally the worst of both worlds.
Orthodox economists work

Marxist economists teach
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It's cool kid, don't let it happen again.
>posting a meme bait image
Did you just begin your thesis with a made up ratio?
Why do you come to this board if you don't even do the bare minimum amount of research on topics

what did you seriously expect from an anime forum you sperg
This world ends in some type of socialism might as well pick one
And here comes the obnoxious "intellectual" determined to look down on everyone for being obviously dumber than His Glory
>Marxism is an aesthetic movement of bourgeoisie values against aristocratic one, economic results don't matter
Isn't it the other way around? Communism and utopian socialism was mainly developed by the old arostocracy that lost its status to the bourgouis.
this tendency for people to shout down anyone who asks for some modicum of research as an 'intellectual' who should be ignored is seriously damaging to the education of people in general. so long as you see people who are educated in opposition to you, you'll never be able to actually learn about the shit you're opposed to. you'll be forever ignorant.

i'm sure you'll look at this post with the same disdain as you did for the other one, but at least consider the fact you're doing yourself no favors here. you benefit no one with anti-intellectualism. we should celebrate knowledge, not shun it.
Go and say that in a baltic republic or Poland . The soviet union was an empire that basically monopolized commie manufacturing. When China and the other countries stopped buying the USSR products,the USSR economy went to shit. It is not a tale of commie succes,when you are given basically the monopoly of manufacturing of over 2 billion people
>capitalism tends to fail fairly often
Like when? For the moment only places like Venezuela are going to shit,and they are not capitalistic
>All other ideas, like dialectic materialism, alienation of labor, and his analysis on economic crises have proved as accurate as ever.
No. His theories are obsolete,they were alredy rebutted in his life time.
2008 comes to mind as the most recent economic crash. people losing their jobs, their homes, their wealth.
>His theories are obsolete,they were alredy rebutted in his life time.

[citation needed]
>Because people who take the time to read and think tend to recognize he's right
Only pseudointellectuals takes Marx meme theories seriously.
There's a person with knowledge and then there's an intellectual. Knowledge is fine, but intellectuals like you usually wank over how much wiser you are than the common man and will instantly attack anyone you disagree with as doing no research without any context.
I am curious about this. Switzerland is very Cantonal and with very few regulations,and as far as I know,none state owned companies.
Feel free to correct me
Good point
Do you take some kind of pride in being misinformed?

Anything to avoid being seen as 'obnoxious' right?
Recessions happen in every economic system from feudalism to socialism. Recessions prove nothing. The system didnt crash in 2008,unlikes Venezuela's
>Minor post ricardian

Muh economists are free market shills. Economists say markets are generally good with a disclaimer ( not always good), politicians take the rhetoric but don't actually listen to the disclaimer, and forget about the regulations that really need to be scrapped.
Aside from the oil industry Norway isn't state run.
Central planning is only good for a war effort, dreadful at meeting consumer demands.
Marx went wrong when he turned what should have been a purely deconstructive form of critique into a costructive ideology (I.e. communism)

By writing the Manifesto Marx created yet another form of the thing he was trying to defeat
kys fgt
How do I start with Marx?
You mean mixed economy?
Capitalism does not mean only pure anarchocapitalism.
>Good for the working class
I've seen that graph posted a lot recently.
He is making it up
Marxism is a method of analysis.
>soviet dictatorship and puppet states are gommunism

Soviet Russia and satellite states were as communist as the HRE was
german ideology
Central planning is decent at trying to play catch-up when you have a roadmap and a clear destination ahead of you.
When I stop playing Vicky 2 and deal with reality.

...Which one is real, however?

One of the few not stupid posts itt
>over how Capitalism will make anime real.
Better than state-enforced collectivization of waifu.
Any actual socialism where the means of social ownership is enforced by state ownership by definition necessitates an effective democratic government in which society at large controls the state which owns the capital.

Which the Supreme Soviet was obviously not. The Supreme Soviet eventually became a rubber stamp that provided legitimacy by formally declaring the consent of the governed.

The Soviet system just created an oligarchy/dictatorship run by the Party, where control over capital was restricted to a small elite class of Party members. Similar to the "state capitalism" people refer to China as today.
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>free market
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.
What exactly is wrong with his analysis of capitalism?
Go ahead, since you're an expert, enlighten us.
Keep in mind, ANALYSIS, not ideas on how to proceed.
>inb4 misconstruing ltv
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>Another thread on Marxism.
>Over half the thread as usual is nothing but kids who don't even know what Marxism is.
>The other half are "Marxists" trying to school the kids on how little they understand about Marxism for that sweet Anon Karma.
>At the end of the thread, the kids will still be retards who think the USSR was the epitome of Communism and will come back tomorrow and make the same shit posts they did before again and again.
>This cycle will never end.
>my perfect definition of "free market" has never been realized
It hasn't though.
That's how arguments on the Internet in general work like

>one idiot argues with another idiot
>one idiot gains the upper hand
>other idiot stops arguing, later googles something to reaffirm his original belief
At best, attempts at socialism turn into social democracy with more labor camps and mass executions.

At worst they implode and everyone starves while infrastructure collapses and then some opportunists swoop in, buy everything up dirt cheap, and we're back to square one.
Can we say the same thing about socialism then?
How would one "buy" "capital" when "capital" can not be "private"??
I'm telling you that you don't even know what a free market is.
Those are ideas on what to do.
Marx however was primarily an analyst. And his analysis is very often correct. Please read at least basics and you'll understand.
I'm not a communist. I simply acknowledge that Marx can teach you about capitalism. It's not a religion (even though it was treated as such, sadly), it's a theory.
90% of critiques of Marx actually criticize socialist states that appeared, not the theory of Marx.
I mean after the socialist government collapses, like what happened in the former USSR and the Yugoslav republics.
Or they attack LTV when they misunderstand what Marx was trying to say about LTV, or even worse they make up a definition of LTV Marx never used.
Do you know how socialism collapsed here?
Neoliberal "shock therapy". That's the direct cause of chaos, not socialist system.
I'm not arguing socialism worked great, on the contrary, but using collapse which was caused by neoliberal ideas as a way to criticize socialism is simply awful.
You think the USSR collapsing was natural? It didn't implode by itself. It was the result of a cold war.

If you want to argue that capitalism gave the west the upper hand, you can try. But one can try to claim capitalism gave America the upper hand against fascist Germany, when the realty is different.

By the way, I hate Soviet Russia and I'm not a Soviet apologist. There's other reasons for the collapse of the USSR besides gommunismlel
The USSR had almost a monopoly in manufacturing in the commie block. It was strong because of this,not because its socialistic policies worked wonders. When China started to trade with the US,the USSR started to tremble.
>socialistic policies
It's policies were not "socialistic". Socialism does not mean anti-market.
>It's policies were not "socialistic".
Colectivizing the means of production is socialistic. If you want to go and say thar without direct democracy there is no socialism,be my guest,but that would be pushing autism to its fullest extend. Is like those libertarians that claim the not true free market crap.
Said no one. Ever.
Collectivization only happened in agriculture, and you'll be hard pressed to find many, small single-family sustenance farms in the United States. Collectivization of agriculture is little different than corporatization of agriculture.

A large corporation using eminent domain to buy out farm plots for almost nothing is not "socialistic" but it's basically what happened.

It's filled with sour grapes
Go away Naomi Klein, stop blaming neoliberalism for the world's problems.
Because capitalism is disliked by people for various reasons, and Marx is quite coherent and systematic in his critique of capitalism.
>Why is academia still so full of Marxists?
Because it's the only place where Marxist """""intellectuals""""" can find a job.


and the non-pinkos in academia went and got real jobs after studying
Offer some fucking insight instead of perpetuating the shitposting then, retard.

No sense in acting superior when all you're doing is being a useless, spiteful autist.
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We do not.

We have a century of proof that Lenin's ideas are dubious. But Marx's ideas? Don't think they've ever been applied for a long period of time, m8.
>just brushing off the mountains of overlapping sentiments between Marx and Lenin on the basis that the latter's greater influence ended up causing more evil

Not gonna work pal
Because it requires little to no understanding of economics. The perfect system for leftist professors who are concerned with the state of society.
What happens if the state provides public companies hiring poor people so they can afford the same goods and services they produce but there's also private capitalism providing normal goods and services but also luxury goods?
Your question assumes that people in hackademia are disinterested, honest individuals looking for the truth and open to reevaluate their ideas if proven wrong. They aren't. "Intellectuals", specially in the humanities, know that they'll have to work for the government in one form or another and that minimal government implies they'll have less job options, if one at all. Hence they support theories that advocate for more government. It's simple as that.
Only instead of saying "more government = more advantages for me" they say "more advantages for the poor, etc."
>Most marxists are members of the working class
The working class doesnt exist anymore and if it did those are not marxists
>Most marxists are members of the working class
University students =/= working class.
>Why is academia still so full of Marxists?

Because Marxism is the religion of the intellectuals. It has a prophet, it has a holy book, it has an absolute division between good and evil, it has a day of judgement in which heaven on earth is finally created and it even has a God in the form of the historic dialectic, which basically turns history into an omnipotent being that moves the world towards utopia.

Marxism is basically Judeo-Christianity with every aspect renamed and relabeled
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it's not and it's obvious you have never been to college

go back to /pol/ Jar Jar
They do have overlapping sentiments.

However so does Marx and Keynes, this does not mean Marxism is a roaring success because Keynes accepted a lot of the Marxist criticism of capitalism.
The problem with Marx is that he was determined not to be viewed as a Jonny Come Lately. The revolutions if 1848 started, so he rushed out the manifesto to give the college kids something to shout from their soap boxes. Had he put more time and effort into the piece, maybe his solutions wouldn't be so half assed
>The system didnt crash in 2008
>idk shit about 08
08 was saved through very very artificial and uncaptialistic means and with the benefit of hindsight, only going to get worse
Because academia is full of Jews, jews are Marxism, jews teach it to the elitist socially isolated goyim and we have a vicious feedback that turns the whole world to shit
>political science
I have come across a few commies, but generally political science does not promote or attract marxists in any major way.

That or american universities are shit at political science.
islam is better
When did goverment intervention became an alien thing to capitalism retard? Just watching a youtube documentary doesnt make you an enlighted intelectual. 2008 didnt crash the system. Unlike 1991 did with the meme of the communism.
>Inb4 not true communism,while every single form of capitalism is the same.
>anyone who isn't a marxist is ignorant and swayed by right wing propaganda
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Truth tbqh.

Capitalism is basically shit and Marx knew what's up.
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>yfw employment and real wages were higher under Allende
>yfw you realize robo-communism would have solved everything.
>yfw the US openly declared they were going to fuck Chile's economy up.
Explain how the USSR was communist.
Comunism is the last stage of marxism. The USSR was a proletarian dictatorship,what Marx described as a necessary middle step. So yeah the USSR was following Marx little dumb guide to stablish his meme system.
Okay, how was the USSR a dictatorship of the proletariat? Be aware that he used the Paris Commune as an example of such a system and described it as follows

>The Commune was formed of the municipal councilors, chosen by universal suffrage in the various wards of the town, responsible, and revocable at short terms. The majority of its members were naturally workers, or acknowledged representatives of the working class. The Commune was to be a working, not a parliamentary body, executive, and legislative at the same time
Soviets as workers assemblies. The Paris commune on fucking Russia wouldn't work,so they adapted it.
Explain how water is wet.
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.t I have never read a book.
>Soviets as workers assemblies
Which got castrated very shortly into the creation of the USSR and became dictated by the central committee and more or less unaccountable nor directly democratic.

>The Paris commune on fucking Russia wouldn't work,so they adapted it.
Obviously, Marx could have told you that since communism is essentially an evolution of advanced capitalism and as such third-world tier nations like Russia wouldn't be ready for it so had to go back to being capitalist as a state-capitalist society.

Which explains why your arguments may as well come from the mouth of Deng Xiaoping.
>Obviously, Marx could have told you that since communism is essentially an evolution of advanced capitalism and as such third-world tier nations like Russia wouldn't be ready for it so had to go back to being capitalist as a state-capitalist society.
Then why first world tier countries like czechoslovakia,were totally destroyed when their brand of communism came?

Because no first world country had a successful revolution, Czechoslovakia was conquered by the Soviets who by that point had failed at achieving socialism.

Now if the German revolution had succeeded on the other hand...
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Czechoslovakia actually came closer to communism in the Prague spring than the USSR ever did in their entire history. It actually was developed enough to handle socialism and unlike East Germany didn't gear their entire economy on being the front line of WW3. But of course Soviet stooges had to shut it down in the name of imperialist flexing.

And as anon said the German revolution was probably the best shot at achieving socialism we've had in the 20th century.
Go away from academia if you are a criminal or an individual with a criminal history.
>Le capitalism is shit meme.
>Who was Keynes?
Which parts did Keynes accept?

The reason you get shit on is because rather than actually providing an educated opinion you bitch and moan about everyone's lack of an educated opinion.
You try to get all the benefits of being informed on a topic without actually displaying any knowledge on the topic whatsoever. Save acting superior for when you've actually provided any evidence whatsoever that you know what you're talking about.

You'll find people think you're intolerable for this sort of stupid fucking behavior.

From Platon and Rousseau to Marx and Lenin history draws a red line which marks geometric order thinking from romantic utopists, like a counter melody to individualisation that has slept for millenia to come in the intellectual history of the European continent. As a total solution, their collectivist comprehension of state and society have obsessional thoughts and must be understood as symbols of an aberratio mentalis on a huge scale, emitting a sense of danger.

Especially young people, who have not yet bent their minds towards reality by virtue of never having been in contact with it, want to overcome it idealistically and are barely protected against the infection by this menacing mental virus. Ideals and ideological model are one and the same for them, their pure minds not being able to distinguish, which is why it isn't so hard for modern, seemingly-intellectual agitprop to capture the young people in its grasp.

Now, I've witnessed this countless of times at the campus here. Now mind you, there ARE some really diehard fascist groups in this country, but their numbers are dwindling, so they can't really return these diffuse aggressions by the left. A legal history professor had multiple of his lectures spoiled by socialists/greens/communists/feminists who stormed the auditorium and, for instance, started to chant the Internationale. Newspapers forcing the narratives dictated by these future academics just transform education, information and even entertainment, giving reason to genuine concerns about the future order of our society.
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>This man's ideas are awful because societies implemented them incorrectly in a way that was sabotaged by better-established nations.



I like it
Business cycles were basically invented by Marx as an economic concept and one of the main pillers of Keynesian economics is how to rectify this.

Capital accumulation is another major Marxist criticism that Keynes would go on to accept.
>Implying there have only ever been 4 brands of communism
>Implying these are actually brands of communism
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As someone who's fairly marxist in terms of how I think things "ought to be," it's true.

Working class people despise Marxism, Communism, and Socialism. They can't even properly distinguish between the three.

Working class people are poorly-educated, temporarily-embarassed millionaires indoctrinated by advertisment and capitalists to believe that licking boots = wage raise and wage raise = merit.

They ignore the four horsement of cronyism, nepotism inheritance, and lobbyism that makes true merit-based capitalism impossible, while at the same time using these things to their own advantage for pathetic gains in power at their local supermarket job.
Hey now even though it didn't work out Lenin was legit.
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Academia full of Marxists? From my perspective, Academia is full of revisionist libertarian dunderheads.
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If I say "Everyone should share," people call it "Anonism" and then everyone proceeds to beat each other up in the name of "Anonism." it does not mean sharing is bad. It just means people are largely unwilling or incapable to implement "Anonism" properly.

Your dank meme only proves my point correct.

Communism's economic failures are largely due to its constant need to defend itself from other ideologies that want it to fail, through use of war, trade blockades, etc.

I believe many (not all) ideologies are actually perfectly fine if implemented properly, but there's always an incentive to sabotage/corrupt the ideology for some party with different interests.
Modern Marxists in academia in the West are only self-identified Marxists.
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>self-identified Marxists

or SIMs, for short.
What did he mean by that?
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The incentive to automate all possible labor, intellectual or manual, will eventually result in Capitalism morphing into Communism before our very eyes, as a perfectly natural process.
>hiring my cousin even though I make less money
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The key is to make both idiots realize this cycle.
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I didn't say the four horsemen were capitalism.

I said they sabotage any effort at capitalism.

I'm saying true, merit-based capitalism has "never been tried."

It gets corrupted by various forms of cronyism, nepotism, inheritance (which is really just nepotism again) and lobbyism, which is the race between competitors to corrupt regulatory legislative bodies (governments) to their own advantage.

With regards to lobbyism, some say the solution is to get rid of regulatory bodies altogether, but then you essentially have anything-goes Neofeudalism where each corporation is limited only by its own sense of morality.
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>he thinks the plebs will own the machines
Capitalism isn't shit, the world is shit, capitalism is the rooster that climbs the pile of shit to crow.
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I never said that.

And the post in the image simply argues that it is advantageous to both the "owners" and the "plebs" to not penalize and disenfranchise the "plebs" for the coming wave of inevitable unemployment, as that will result in massive violence. Of course someone will still "own the machines." and use them to acquire mostly automatic wealth (minus repair, which can be solved by self-repairing maintenance AI).

I am saying that there will always be ambitious people who are richer than others, but that it will eventually become unnecessary in a post-scarcity world to use that power to keep others down. There will be enough for *nearly* everyone to have a sustainable, mostly labor-free life for a while.

But if we continue to have this idea of "unemployment = lazy and deserving of poverty" we're in for a rude luddite awakening once automation really starts to eat up the remaining jobs.
communist subversion
Your specific, perfect, infallible brand of communism has never been tried?
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Ideologies corrupt each other through sabotage, making true implementation of ideology impossible to perform.

The key is creating an ideology immune to sabotage that also has the best interests of humanity in mind.

Good luck.
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And of course the thread's fucking dead because God forbid anyone actually refute these points.
>pinko scum buttblasted no one will even bother to give him the time of day
Collusion doesn't necessarily make you less money. It's just anti-competitive, which is the market force that drives prices down to equilibrium prices.
Ownership of capital itself is a merit unto itself.

Ownership of capital is not even necessary in managing capital. CEOs can manage a public company fine without owning a company. Financial institutions get bailed out anyways, and obviously the well paid worker level bankers don't actually own capital, they're glorified laborers.
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Why don't you fucking refute my points about ideologies corrupting each other and making implementation impossible? Because you can't. These threads die every time I make those points because no one has anything to say. Their inherent hatred for ideologies they don't like motivates them more than any real care for humankind.

This is why corruption, sabotage, and short term GAINZ always end up motivating socities more than long-lasting sustainability, regardless of ideology.


My points aren't even Communist points. I'm asking how can we make it so that we can implement Capitalism OR Communism (I don't even care which) without opponents trying to sabotage genuine efforts.
I like the jewstars on his hat
She had it coming to her.
How do we fix the lobbyist problem of private interests racing to bribe and corrupt public regulatory bodies?

How do we fix the problem of removing regulatory bodies resulting in unregulated, cutthroat practices, disregard for safety, and exploitation of disabled, underage, elderly etc.?
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Is this all you have to say for yourself, young man?
I didn't say that those other things aren't problems.

The answer is always more checks and balances. The problem is the system rewards men for being unethical, and punishes good people for doing the right thing. It's only natural men of low integrity rise to the top and good men stay at the bottom. If you want the population in of itself to be a regulatory body that serves as a check and a balance, it must be robust and not easily corrupted.
>They ignore the four horsement of cronyism, nepotism inheritance, and lobbyism that makes true merit-based capitalism impossible

And you think "true communism" is going to be achieved by magically overlooking these problems?
A system with a lot of success with some failures is much better than a system with some successes with a lot of failures.
Who are the good men?

If people didn't like the unethical actions of one company, they would buy from another.
Inb4 it's all monopolies.
>Who are the good men?
Men who are naturally inclined to do go things all the time. You do realize there's a huge amount of people in between total dicks and saints, right? These people will try to make decisions based on their environments. With the right environment you can even motivate a total dick to do the right thing for the wrong reason.

>If people didn't like the unethical actions of one company, they would buy from another.
No they wouldn't unless they banded together for collective bargaining power. That's the entire reason why people call for organized boycotts. Otherwise it becomes like one of those game theory plots because you can't count on other people. Decisions are ultimately made with a crude and human cost-benefit analysis.The vote with your dollar theory is awful and full of holes.
>why is academia full of useless intellectuals

probably because it's the only place that useless intellectuals can earn a living
Because you do your best to hide the fact that your company is extremely unethical to prevent consumers from making fully informed decisions and behaving like ideal free-market-robots
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>give us free stuff or there will be massive violence
You are unlikely to achieve anything resembling "post-scarcity" if power resides with the best at violence.

The elite will use welfare to create the illusion of "post-scarcity" while they prepare to undermine democracy behind the scenes.

People need to be connected to reality and the best way to ensure this through individualism and autonomy, which means you have to do some of the work yourself instead of rely on machines. The alternative is waiting for the elite or maybe some rogue AI to become powerful and create scarcity by warring with you and driving up the cost of security exponentially.
One could also be an Austrian "intellectual" which is about equally without merit, if not moreso, the only difference is your academic institution is a corporate funded think-tank, and you're "useful" in creating propaganda for the corporatists that fund you.
I never understood the people who claim you don't need revolution because eventual advancements in post-scarcity industry will elevate society to communism.

If the capitalists own everything, why the fuck would they share their post-scarcity with you? There's no reason not to you say, well there's no reason for them to either.

What if you put post-scarcity industry in the hands of say, scientology, and they created a scientologist welfare state that only shares post-scarcity goods with converted scientologist peons or something equally retarded?

If you want some of that post-post scarcity goodness, you're going to have to cater to the whims of he who controls the robots, and humans and dominion over them will still be a resource with relative scarcity unless the human's right's are removed and reduced to a slave. You can count on never ever seeing any form of control over the robots.

In exchange for your freedom you get to live a life of scientoligistic comfort. They only need to provide you with more comfort that you could otherwise obtain with non-post-scarcity industry. If non-post-scarcity-industry becomes stagnated, say because the supply lines for making microwaves withers away, this becomes easier and easier over time, lowering the cost which must be met.
Whilst it's very sad it's comforting that the Bolsheviks slaughtered the Romanovs so reactionaries on the internet can be asshurt too.
You don't need to be a reeactionary to view it as unjust, his children lived in a bubble and did not deserve to be executed under any reasonable system of ethics.
>I'm asking how can we make it so that we can implement Capitalism OR Communism (I don't even care which) without opponents trying to sabotage genuine efforts.

it seems clear to say that the powers that be today both oppose an attempt at true capitalism (a stateless society where those who succeed succeed based on the merit of their ability to produce goods, an ancapism with protections against your four horsement of captalism) and true communism (probably doesn't need much explanation) because the powers that be benefit greatly from the four horsemen you listed and certainly want to avoid their wealth being expropriated by the working class.

so in order to implement true capitalism or communism you have to overpower the powers that be. you have to match their military strength or surpass it, and you have to organize enough people around your ideas such that they will march along side you. a revolution is necessary, because it is obvious that true capitalism or communism will not come about without a large amount of human action.

and this human action needs to be international. it is not enough for one country to overthrow their government. every government must be overthrown (or at least a majority of them) so that the governments cannot overpower the revolutionaries with their own military strength.

if all this seems obvious, that's because it is. the answer to your question is revolution. it is absolutely true that every ideology will sabotage competing ideologies if possible at every instance. thus we need a global revolution in order to instate any new sort of order.
dgaf still making right wing stooges made almost 100 years later.
How to you transfer from an armed military revolutionary force to an ideal government? Do you have to keep trying until you get a Cincinnatus?
True. You have to view Marx as an influential intellectual. He influenced more than just the socialist/marxist countries of the 20th century. Thanks to him a certain social responsibility for the poor started to influence other political groups and even capitalists. Inequality breeds extremism when it becomes too strong.
well, in the USSR there was initially a collection of worker councils post revolution that was shortly removed by lenin and his pals in favor of a centralized state.

i say we try the worker councils thing again and see how it works out. it wasn't really given the proper test run in soviet russia. if the revolution which we use to overthrow the state is popular, it should make sense that our resulting government is one that takes in as many people's opinions as possible, and that's what worker councils can accomplish- local groups of representatives who most ideally represent their constituency debating about what actions should be done next to progress towards our goal.

of course, the above is only applicable to communism. i don't know what form the ideal government in true capitalism would take, or if there would be a government at all there. in both cases though, i imagine any sort of government would be transitionary- existing for the period of time for which its existence is necessary, but then removed after the popular majority decides that government is no longer necessary.
The USSR was supposed to be a transitional government
i agree, it was supposed to be. we've seen how well the central government that claims to be transitional worked out. we should try something different next time.
There is nothing aesthetic about Marxism. Jesus have you read any of his books? They're nearly completely inaccessible outside of lecture.
>That inflation chart
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this tbhq, "what, you don't have a certificate of borrowing yourself into debt in order to get brainwashed by political correctness a k a cultural marxism in universities? get educated!"
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>mfw I took a sociology class to fulfill my Diversity gen Ed & the professor told us he was still $90,000 in debt because of his degree
Why do people do this to themselves? Academia is the new serfdom and it's so fucking obvious. Moldbug was right.
because it would work in a perfect world, too bad people in universities dont realize that gree, couption and people who can abuse the system exist
How would it work in a perfect world? What's a perfect world, anyway?
>it's another "I haven't read Marx, but heres why he's wrong" episode.
RL ain't fucking vic2, dumbfuck.
They ARE as much capitalism as "real socialism" was socialism.

Capitalism is always bound to become Real capitalism just as much as socialism that isn't regulated via a democratically system is bound to become Real Socialism, and like every libertarian anarchy is bound to become rape-trained by every neighboring state that does have a standing and organized army.
Vicky 2 tells you all you gotta know about economics.

Planned economies suck unless you're autistic enough to handle it or it's run by an AI.
Laissez faire is only ever good when you already have enough of an industrial base to let the invisible hand take care of it because you're too lazy to micromanage anymore.
State capitalism is the big dogs biscuit for developing countries.
Working class despise Marxists because they don't give a fuck about your subversive bullshit, they are the ones tilling, toiling and making society work.
>or it's run by an AI.

So why not do this? We could by now, and even track what the people need via online surveys in real time and let the AI adjust the plan accordingly daily.

It even would prevent business failures, since the AI would KNOW what the people want, instead of business owners guessing only and some succeeding and others failing.
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>but who will till the fields?
>the slaves
t. Marxists
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>"Probably the intellectual has more difficulty than the common man in freeing himself from this ideology which, like the State which derives from it, is his especial handiwork. The Soviet government rules in the name of a doctrine elaborated by an intellectual whose life was spent in libraries and interpreted for the past century by countless other intellectuals. Under a Communist régime the intellectuals, sophists rather than philosophers, rule the roost. The examining magistrates who unmask deviations, the writers coerced into socialist realism, the engineers and managers who are supposed to execute the plans and to interpret the ambiguous orders of the central authority—all must be dialecticians. The Secretary-General of the Party, master and arbiter over the lives of millions of men. is also an intellectual: at the end of a triumphal career he offers to the faithful a theory of capitalism and socialism—as though a book represented the highest accomplishment. The emperors of old were often poets or thinkers; for the first time the emperor actually reigns qua dialectician, interpreter of the doctrine and of history."

Raymond Aron, The Opium of the Intellectuals
>Counter-Countersignal Memes for Commie Jews
Allende actually almost did exactly that but Pinochet had to kill the fun.
Why would you ever, in a million years, think that a video game simulating a world-system accurately reflects the dynamics of a global economy?
The technology doesn't exist to perform those calculations.
>kill the fun.
kill the scum*
Because it does.

Victoria 2 is the most visionary economic work of our times.
>Because it does.
[citation needed]
I know that it tries to, I enjoy playing the game, I have yet to see anything demonstrating that what you say is true.
>Victoria 2 is the most visionary economic work of our times.
Are you familiar with all contemporary economic works? Or are you talking out of your ass because you're a Paradox fanboy?
>actually almost did exactly that

>The technology doesn't exist to perform those calculations.
You want to tell me we have the technology to operate the Cern thing, research quantum physics and go to mars, but not let a big af cluster of Supercomputers lead the economy?
>Are you familiar with all contemporary economic works? Or are you talking out of your ass because you're a Paradox fanboy?
No, Paradox is run by Jews that forgot all they mastered of economics in Vicky 2.

>I have yet to see anything demonstrating that what you say is true.
I already said, we can see the economic systems of vicky 2 working exactly as their IRL counterparts.
Yes, I do want to tell you that. The burden of proof is on you and the other commie faggot to show that such a botnet exists. As >>1272446 says, Allendd *almost* had such a system. He also had problems with inflation that were only solved when his regime was terminated.
>Paradox is run by Jews
>we can see the economic systems of vicky 2 working exactly as their IRL counterparts
How about a source, or something other than your repeated assertion?
>How about a source, or something other than your repeated assertion?
It should be obvious that I want a source that isn't meant to guide you in playing the game. How about some article by an economist comparing game mechanics to actual economies?
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> How about some article by an economist comparing game mechanics to actual economies?
Thanks, based comrade.

>The burden of proof is on you and the other commie faggot to show that such a botnet exists.
When we can simulate more complex thing, the ability to simulate lesser ones is a given
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I've got memes, too, you fucking faggot.
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>not an argument
Not an argument.
>When we can simulate more complex thing, the ability to simulate lesser ones is a given
I don't even understand why you think there's parity here. A simulated economy is not the same as a simulation of an economy. A video game is an instance of map & territory being one entity. A simulated economy is an instance of map & territory being separate entities.
Are you uninterested in supporting the claims you've made ITT? If so, keep doing what you're doing. I'm perfectly willing to believe what you're saying if you can show me a couple of scholarly sources backing up your claims. You seem completely uninterested in doing so.
>He wants scholarly sources talking about vidya gaems.
You already know that no such source exists. Nice job shifting the goalposts when I already provided a source btw.
>less than a century
>communist league started 1847
>communist manifesto published 1848
>Nice job shifting the goalposts when I already provided a source btw.
I'm not shifting the goalposts, I expected something other than a guide on how to play the game all along. You're a fucking idiot. You seriously think that that wiki page is evidence that Victoria II runs the kind of software that could be used to perform accurate and effective economic calculations for the purpose of running a centralized and state-planned economy? Come on.
>most marxists are members of the working class

maybe 50-60 years ago this was true, certainly not currently outside of union apparatchiks (who've never been "working class" in their lives, went to university and have never done manual labour)
I'm supposed to be able to read minds now? You serious think I'm supposed to provide an extremely specific and probably non-existent source before I even know you want it? lmao.

>This source proves me wrong, better ask for one that doesn't even exist

> You seriously think that that wiki page is evidence that Victoria II runs the kind of software that could be used to perform accurate and effective economic calculations for the purpose of running a centralized and state-planned economy?
When the fuck did I ever say that?
>You serious think I'm supposed to provide an extremely specific and probably non-existent source before I even know you want it? lmao.
When I asked you for proof that this game does what you say it does, I not only expected you to have some reason to believe this yourself, I also expected you to be able to support the claim. Why are you making claims you can't support?
>The source proves me wrong
How does it do that, exactly? It says it's a very deep simulation and one of the best ever, I don't see how that proves me wrong.
>When the fuck did I ever say that?
In >>1272493
>we can see the economic systems of vicky 2 working exactly as their IRL counterparts
It seemed to me that you were advocating for a Cybersyn-style computer system and claiming that such a system already exists. You said Allende almost had one going until his fun was ruined, in >>1272446, a reply to someone who claimed that we could successfully do what Allende wanted to do in >>1272433. >>1272486 simply implies that, because we have some technologies, we have the capacity to run supercomputers capable of performing all our economic calculations for us and maintaining and organizing our economies.
Not a single person ITT has provided a source to support any of these claims other than your Victoria II industrialization guide. That source does not, in fact, support any of these claims. If you disagree with this last point, please show me how I'm wrong.
>simply implies that, because we have some technologies, we have the capacity to run supercomputers capable of performing all our economic calculations for us and maintaining and organizing our economies.
>Not a single person ITT has provided a source to support any of these claims other than your Victoria II industrialization guide. That source does not, in fact, support any of these claims. If you disagree with this last point, please show me how I'm wrong.

I wasn't the vic 2 guy, you dumb faggot. I suggested using actual supercomputers to direct the economy based on real time surveys and the calculations of actual economical monographys, NOT letting paradox run the shit.
>Why are you making claims you can't support?
I did support it, you just got butthurt that you got proven wrong.

>In >>1272493 (You)
I didn't say you could literally apply the AI of victoria 2 to a real planned economy anywhere in that post.

>You said Allende almost had one going until his fun was ruined,
That wasn't me, nor are any of the following posts about Allende.

>That source does not, in fact, support any of these claims. If you disagree with this last point, please show me how I'm wrong.
>I suggested using actual supercomputers to direct the economy based on real time surveys and the calculations of actual economical monographys,
And I say again that you've given no good reason to think that this is possible with currently available technologies, or that it's desirable. Now put up or shut up: Do you have a good reason to believe this, or do you not? If you do, please provide one.
Fun fact: if someone on 4chan is insisting the burden of proof is on everyone else when in multiple arguments they probably have no proof of their own.
>I did support it,
>That wasn't me,
Forgive me for confusing 2 economically illiterate anonymous socialists on 4chan.
>Another wiki link
Top kek
Why did you use Victoria II as an example, then? How about you provide an example of an actual program capable of doing this, instead of referring to a video game?
Fun fact: I didn't make the initial fucking claim. One of you faggots did. I don't need to prove anything, I'm just asking you to support your claims with something other than a strategy guide for a video game.
>Forgive me for confusing 2 economically illiterate anonymous socialists on 4chan.
I'm not a socialist, I just like Vicky 2.
>How about you provide an example of an actual program capable of doing this, instead of referring to a video game?
Capable of doing what?
I want leftypol to go
As I said this doesn't support anything, this only shows you how to play a game.
>I'm not a socialist
You implied that Pinochet ruined the 'fun' that Allende was having with his Cybersyn system, I assumed that this meant you were an advocate of such systems.
>Capable of doing what?
How about you tell me what you're arguing for?
>As I said this doesn't support anything, this only shows you how to play a game.
And explains the functional economics of the game.
>You implied that Pinochet ruined the 'fun' that Allende was having with his Cybersyn system
I never said that.
>How about you tell me what you're arguing for?
I made a one off post about how Vicky 2 tells you everything you gotta know about economics and you pissed your pants for some inexplicable reason and somehow assumed I was saying Paradox's almost decade old AI should run the entire economy.
>And explains the functional economics of the game.
>I never said that
That's why I used the word 'implied.'
>I made a one off post about how Vicky 2 tells you everything you gotta know about economics and you pissed your pants for some inexplicable reason
Maybe it's because you failed to support the claim.
>and somehow assumed I was saying Paradox's almost decade old AI should run the entire economy.
This is not what I have said at all. I said that you seem to think that a system capable of doing this exists and would be a good idea. At the same time I criticized your inability to support your claims about Victoria II's capacity to simulate economies. I even hit the enter key before I mentioned Victoria II in >>1272586.
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>Even though communism was never achieved, the Soviet Union was better than what it replaced and what came after, by essentially every possible metric.

This is a baldfaced lie.
This thread is full of Marxists, what would you expect?
>That's why I used the word 'implied.'
Where exactly?
>Maybe it's because you failed to support the claim.
I did, you just have some inexplicable problem with proof that doesn't support your argument.
>I said that you seem to think that a system capable of doing this exists and would be a good idea
I don't know why you thought that.
>. At the same time I criticized your inability to support your claims about Victoria II's capacity to simulate economies
Criticized? More like shout "PROOF? PROOF? PROOF?" Even when faced with proof.

> I even hit the enter key before I mentioned Victoria II
It isn't, the USSR was superior in every way to the Russian federation.
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Only if your metric is territory held, nukes stockpiled, people enslaved/killed and repression.

Talk to any Russian who grew up under the USSR and isn't a pink-glasses nostalgic 'viva la vida' type and they will tell you that the USSR was a hell hole.
>Where exactly?
>You implied
>proof that doesn't support your argument.
You fucking moron, claiming that Victoria II teaches you all you need to know about economics requires more than a link to what is in fact a guide to how the game works. This is why I asked for a scholarly source.
>I don't know why you thought that.
Maybe it's because this is a Marxism thread and you seemed to like the idea?
So you want me to just believe everything you say without question? Do you expect everyone to do this?
Usually, starting a new paragraph indicates a separation between subjects, to some degree. The paragraph about Victoria II was separate from the paragraph about economic calculations.
[citation needed]
Literally how?
>Homeless rate
>Crime rate

>Talk to any Russian who grew up under the USSR and isn't a pink-glasses nostalgic 'viva la vida' type and they will tell you that the USSR was a hell hole.
Surveys say most Russians miss the USSR. But of course I suppose they're "Pink glasses nostalgic" since they don't support your worldview.
because marxist theory is different than marxism. Reading a given text and looking for ways in which is it either reinforces or rejects the notion that people need to accept that they are subject to the whims of the owners of the means of productions is entirely valid and in many cases far away from political marxism
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I honestly can't tell if this is /leftypol/ being /leftypol/ or trolling

I mean, the USSR literally built a wall to keep people from fleeing its territory and shot people trying to go West. There was no such inverse problem of people fleeing INTO the USSR. I think that's rather telling.

Throughout its history the USSR did a few things well, and those things were exporting revolution, suppressing its people, building nukes and being corrupt.
That's not my post.
>>You implied
No, perhaps you inferred. But I didn't imply, you just have shitty reading comprehension if you're gathering massive claims from supposed "Implications".

>You fucking moron, claiming that Victoria II teaches you all you need to know about economics requires more than a link to what is in fact a guide to how the game works. This is why I asked for a scholarly source.
A scholarly source which doesn't exist.

>Maybe it's because this is a Marxism thread and you seemed to like the idea?
Where exactly? Did I "imply" it again?

>So you want me to just believe everything you say without question? Do you expect everyone to do this?
No, I want you to accept when you're beat.

>Usually, starting a new paragraph indicates a separation between subjects, to some degree. The paragraph about Victoria II was separate from the paragraph about economic calculations.
Right. You have autism. Now I understand.
The shitty actions of the Soviet Union were not limited to Stalin. Lenin and Khrushchev both had their own purges/repression.
>That's not my post
You're right, it's mine. I thought you were asking where I used the word 'implied.' The implication is in >>1272446, it's not hard to extract it.
>A scholarly source which doesn't exist.
So stop fucking making the claim, you idiot.
>Where exactly?
In >>1272433. If that isn't you, I repeat, it's hard to keep these things straight in an anonymous conversation. I'm arguing with 2 people here, anyway, so get over yourself.
> I want you to accept when you're beat.
You literally say that no scholarly source exists to support your claim about Victoria II's ability to accurately simulate an economy. You never had a leg to stand on, I don't understand what you think you've won.
We both play Victoria II, we both have autism. And that isn't an argument.
>You're right, it's mine. I thought you were asking where I used the word 'implied.' The implication is in
Which is also not my post.
>So stop fucking making the claim, you idiot.
But the claim's true, it doesn't matter if there's no perfect source that perfectly conforms to your criteria.
>In >>1272433. If that isn't you, I repeat, it's hard to keep these things straight in an anonymous conversation. I'm arguing with 2 people here, anyway, so get over yourself.
Not only is that not me, but it's a reply to my original post.
Am I really replying to myself? Is your reading comprehension really that bad?
>You literally say that no scholarly source exists to support your claim about Victoria II's ability to accurately simulate an economy. You never had a leg to stand on, I don't understand what you think you've won.
Once again I must direct you to the dank meme from earlier.
The sources are there, they just don't conform to your criteria as to what they should. Criteria that you made up after the fact might I add.
Considering we simulate more complex things especially in astrophysics it should be possible.
I say again, it's difficult to keep this shit straight on an anonymous imageboard.
>The sources are there, they just don't conform to your criteria as to what they should. Criteria that you made up after the fact might I add.
Geez, man, you really think that that page backs up your claim? I didn't make up criteria after the fact, you simply failed to support your claim that Victoria II teaches you everything you need to know about economics. Am I correct in thinking that this means that, after playing Victoria II for 4 years, I could go out and claim that I had the equivalent of a degree in economics?
And yet we don't try to organize all planetary motion in the solar system with computers.
>Am I correct in thinking that this means that, after playing Victoria II for 4 years, I could go out and claim that I had the equivalent of a degree in economics?
Yes. There are less reputable places to get a legit degree in economics.
How about you go to an economics department and make this claim? Come back and tell me what the people there say.
literally just go on the wikipedia page for 'socialism' and 'capitalism'

you could've been done by now it will literally take 10 minutes

if you're that lazy I'll explain the basics.

Capitalism and socialism refer to property rights not HURR DURR GOVERNMENT CONTROL

private property: 'factors of production' such as land, capital, enterprises/businesses that are owned privately
public property: the above but owned publicly or socially
personal property: things owned privately that are not 'factors of production' like above

so no you don't have to share your toothbrush

capitalism: yes private property
socialism: no private property

do you know what board you're on
I know I'm on a shitty board full of Marxists who are either lying on purpose or legitimately stupid.
If I went to say, the economics department of the University of American Samoa or something like that I don't think it would be too controversial.
So go do it. I'm not stopping you, I'm actually hoping that you go out and find evidence to support or falsify your hypothesis.
>doesn't even have interest, stocks, or inflation
w e w
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The answer is surprisingly simple
b-but muh wiki
Most Marxists theories in academia are not the same model that Marx put forward.

I'm anti-Marxist myself but if you want to critigue it you need to realize that the academic state of Marxism is not a stramwn. Also you need to realize Marx is really powerful and a ton of his theories that you just accept as "normal" come from him. For instance saying that a society lives or dyes solely by it's ability to produce goods is actually a Marxist concept, anything that prioritizes the material over the cultural in power is semi-Marxist.
Because after the students submit their essays, the academics can go out drinking while Karl Marx!
I laughed, but I'm pretty sure a child somewhere died of cancer because of that post.
None of them were "doing communism" though.
While communism was their long term goal, all of them were doing socialism.

Consider it thus: You want to travel to Atlantis.

Lenin proposes you take a submarine. The submarine won't submerge. Lenin fails.
Stalin proposes you take an aeroplane. Stalin is afraid of flying and won't join you, the plane crashes on takeoff. Stalin fails.
Mao proposes you take a ship. The ship can't dive underwater. Mao fails.
Pol Pot suggests you take an Apollo rocket. You end up orbiting the moon, laughably far from the end goal. Pol Pot fails.

Now, does this mean Atlantis is a detroit tier hellhole? No. Indeed [unintentionally] there's a very easy way to get to Atlantis in our example [a functioning submarine], but even if we were to assume no submarines could go deep enough to reach Atlantis, it doesn't mean Atlantis is broken submarines, plane-crashes, pointless sailing and spaceflight: It means Atlantis is an unreachable goal. The individual problems are with the transport systems, even if the destination is also unreachable.

Similarly, Communism is either unreachable or we've not found the way to reach it: But the problem isn't with communism itself, it's with the revolutionary societies extant in most large scale attempts to implement it. The end conclusion is the same [we shouldn't try to have a revolution and rush into it.] but the means are slightly different.

It's a very pedantic point, but nonetheless important. Also, I wanted to talk about submarines.

Marx is a seminal figure that influenced or established much of the social sciences and humanities. Sociology and historiography are obvious examples. It's a matter of association and the adoption of common methods. Marxists think somewhat like sociologists and vice versa.
>While communism was their long term goal, all of them were doing socialism.
And yet they called themselves Communists, and nobody fucking cares about the rest of your post.

99.99% of Economists know that Marx is complete shit
They called themselves communism, but what they implemented was socialism.

If a marxist travelled even further back, to a feudalism society, and implemented capitalism, he would not be "doing communism" in the way implied just because Marx said that capitalism was a necessary prerequisite: what he was doing was capitalism. he was doing capitalism because he wanted communism to arise from it.
>they called themselves Communists
Calling yourself smart doesn't make it so.
Because they are worthless parasites who make their profit by stealing it from others to provide a service to people who don't want it, which authoritarian commie regimes provide a perfect place for.
>but what they implemented was socialism.
Whatever, man. This distinction is completely meaningless. Communism is an unrealizable ideal. This whole narrative is a push to make people want to implement what was once called Communism in their liberal countries. It's a mirage.
Why not call a spade a spade?
>This whole narrative is a push to make people want to implement what was once called Communism in their liberal countries. It's a mirage.
Most people who call themselves "Socialists" want to retain a capitalist economic system and redistribute income via taxation.

That doesn't change the definition of socialism to "An economic system where the means of production remain in the hands of private individuals, but they have to pay a little bit of tax to fund hospitals."

Independent of this [the "socialists" have no intention to ever implement worker control/ownership of the means of production.],, distinguishing between means and ends is very important.
>Most people who call themselves "Socialists" want to retain a capitalist economic system and redistribute income via taxation.
Which is basically a route to Communism.
>distinguishing between means and ends is very important.
Socialists are just the pawns of Communists, acting within political discourses and structures that Communists want to infiltrate or subvert. Socialism is the actual end, because Communism is impossible. Ergo, the means and the ends are the same in every instance.
>Which is basically a route to Communism.
No it isn't. [Well, it is, in the sense that Marxists believe communism is inevitable. But by that standard, Regan was a fucking Pinko for not taking us back to Feudalism... which inevitably leads to capitalism if you ask a Marxist anyway!]
>Socialists are just the pawns of Communists, acting within political discourses and structures that Communists want to infiltrate or subvert
The UK's anti-communist propoganda unit was founded by their first* socialist government. Which brings up another important thing: A lot of socialists see socialism as a desirable end in itself, ignoring communism.

*Second, due to some parliamentary fuckery, but the first one with a majority in parliament.

>Ergo, the means and the ends are the same in every instance.
A man who throws himself from a building trying to fly is not the same as a man who does so attempting suicide.
>Well, it is, in the sense that Marxists believe communism is inevitable. But by that standard, Regan was a fucking Pinko for not taking us back to Feudalism
Reagan was a centrist. Basically a 'pinko' compared to what the uninformed Left thinks he was.
>A lot of socialists see socialism as a desirable end in itself, ignoring communism.
So what? A lot of Communists see socialism as a stepping stone to their utopia.
>A man who throws himself from a building trying to fly is not the same as a man who does so attempting suicide.
He's killing himself, no matter what's going through his head and no matter what's coming out of his mouth.
>Basically a 'pinko' compared to...
Means nothing. He was not a communist, even if by Marxist standards by merely existing and ruling he was hastening the doom of late capitalism.
>So what? A lot of Communists see socialism as a stepping stone to their utopia.
So, there exists an ideological distinction between those who want to stop the bus at socialism, and those who want to transit socialism for communism. That's the entire point.
>He's killing himself, no matter what's going through his head and no matter what's coming out of his mouth.
And when he survives but breaks his legs?
> We have an entire century of proof that his ideas don't work
He predicted that revolution would happen and they happened, he predicted that they failed and they failed. Marx was right about everything.
Communism is not Marxism.
>He was not a communist,
I've never heard someone insinuate that Reagan was a socialist. I don't even understand the point you're trying to make.
>there exists an ideological distinction between those who want to stop the bus at socialism, and those who want to transit socialism for communism.
An ideological distinction, sure. A meaningful one, no.
>And when he survives but breaks his legs?
He still didn't fly, he still hit the ground, he's still worse off than before he broke his legs. He simply failed to go all the way.
Unless you are in hard science research, Academia is where you go, because you are a failure in the real world.
> I don't even understand the point you're trying to make.
You stated that socialism was "basically a route to communism"
I stated that it's "basically a route to communism" in the same way that capitalism is, using Reagan as an example because of his well known anti-communist stance.
>An ideological distinction, sure. A meaningful one, no.
It often leads to meaningful policy differences. See: UK Labour gave up power peacefully after losing the 1951 election [which they called early in the interests of stability!]. To some degree this is due to not being revolutionary in nature, but these are often intertwined [winning power democratically as a socialist is far easier than doing so as a communist.]
>He simply failed to go all the way.
True building jumping has never been tried!!!!!!!

>not brainwashing people
>/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect.
Just because you don't personally like something doesn't make the people in that field """failures""". There's a lot of hard graft that goes into becoming an academic.

That you don't have an appreciation for historiography for instance says to me that you are just another blow-in memeshitter that wants to colonise the board with some form of shitposting from their home board, whether bargain basement spammed memes or your ideology of choice.
It isn't the fields of study that are wrong. It is the people that fill them.

There is a scene from the 1984 Ghostbusters that sums this up perfectly.

Aykrord and Murray have just been fired and evicted from the University they worked at. Stantz(Aykroyd) says to Venkman(Murray) that Venkman has never been outside of school. that he was in the private sector before. in the private sector they expect results.

in Academia, you don't have to generate results. you just teach the classes in a way that is already established. you have grad students to do your menial work. So long as the majority of the students pass and don't complain about you, you can't get fired. You don't even have to make sure the students know that much. They just have to be knowledgeable enough to not bomb the next higher level of the course.
>in Academia, you don't have to generate results
What's wrong with the guy who said "I don't know" in response to a dumb topic
To be fair, once automation replaces 50% of the living wage jobs, we will need communism or to put all the unemployed people in camps.

Chances are you will be one of the unemployed.
Define "results"
>an entire century of proof that his ideas don't work, and are even harmful in the large sense

I feel like Marxism and communism in general could work rather well if there were no other ideological competition; that is to say, in isolation and uniformly accepted.

Now, that is not to say that capitalism and other opposing ideologies should be eradicated, or even that communism is preferable to other ideologies. But what it is saying is that communism does not thrive when placed in a competitive position, especially against such a widespread and accepted way of life as capitalism is. And I think the reason that capitalism is so widespread is because it CAN thrive in that arena of competition. Capitalism and communism both on their own can function perfectly well, but when placed near each other, the capitalist society will end up being "stronger", and the communist society will either collapse trying to compete or will be overrun by the opposing society.

But to answer your question. Marxism, at least, as an ideology, can still be preferred by some because it does still contain potential for a functional and even comfortable society, but in today's world of democracy and capitalism, it doesn't stand a chance when put into practice.
Poor people have iphones now therefore capitalism is perfect.
How are these three things mutually exclusive at all?
Gonna use my wagecuckery to get some property before that happens, with luck.
>The incentive to automate all possible labor, intellectual or manual, will eventually result in all the poor people getting killed as they are no longer needed
>And the post in the image simply argues that it is advantageous to both the "owners" and the "plebs" to not penalize and disenfranchise the "plebs" for the coming wave of inevitable unemployment, as that will result in massive violence.
And? If they've got the kind of technology where they can automate all human labour I don't think the ol' cash chuckers will be too worried about a little bit of violence, can't beat them drones after all.
>did not deserve to be executed under any reasonable system of ethics.
>any reasonable system of ethics.
You do realize you're arguing with a marxist right?

How can you lefty counter-memers not understand that most simple truth that brevity is the soul of wit? These memes are fucking terrible, more words =/= better memery.
> you are just another blow-in memeshitter that wants to colonise the board
>colonise the board
Holy shit guy stop taking 4chan so fucking seriously, you sound like you have mental problems.
Most things would. The difficulty is in finding one that's both suitable and can empower your society to compete with others, who may be more willing to stoop lower if it means coming out on top. Virtue and competition can't exist together, alone.

You're asking politically charged history nerds to lighten up.
>people still cant differentiate between marxism, socialism, communism and sovietism
It won't be communism, it'll be more like welfare capitalism.
SJWs and Liberals generally accept capitalism [even if they don't realize it and proclaim themselves communist.]

There's a reason SJWs whine "Only 1 in x of the top CEOs are women!" instead of "10 in 10 of the top CEOs are getting rich by exploiting everyone underneath them!"
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