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Enoch Powell

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Was it rascism?
This quote makes me think it wasn't:
> "When a young Brahmin drew alongside me and after some conversation in Urdu between us, pointed to his home some hundred yards from the road and suggested I go there with him for a drink of water. While my hosts used a brass vessel, I drank from a rough earthen tumbler, which, on thanking them and taking my leave, I smashed on the ground to show that I knew it could not anyhow be used again. 'He is a Hindu,' they said to one another with a smile. There is a sense in which it had been true: the British were married to India, as Venice was married to the sea."
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Enoch was amazing. One of the youngest ever professors of classics, read ancient Greek, Urdu, and a few others. He learnt Welsh in a weekend!

All of his predictions came true, he reckoned that non whites would become about 1/8 of the population by 2000. He was right. He warned us that non-whites would have the "whip hand" (political power) over the white man. He was right: A Muslim is the mayor of London.

Man...... Reading his St. George speech again:

"Backward travels our gaze, beyond the grenadiers and the philosophers of the 18th century, beyond the pikemen and the preachers of the 17th, back through the brash adventurous days of the first Elizabeth and the hard materialism of the Tudors and there at last we find them, or seem to find them, in many a village church, beneath the tall tracery of a perpendicular East window and the coffered ceiling of the chantry chapel.

From brass and stone, from line and effigy, their eyes look out at us, and we gaze into them, as if we would win some answer from their silence."Tell us what it is that binds us together; show us the clue that leads through a thousand years; whisper to us the secret of this charmed life of England, that we in our time may know how to hold it fast.

"What would they say"?

They would speak to us in our own English tongue, the tongue made for telling truth in, tuned already to songs that haunt the hearer like the sadness of spring. They would tell us of that marvellous land, so sweetly mixed of opposites in climate that all the seasons of the year appear there in their greatest perfection; of the fields amid which they built their halls, their cottages, their churches, and where the same blackthorn showered its petals upon them as upon us; they would tell us, surely of the rivers the hills and of the island coasts of England."

He was a poet, soldier, scholar, and he had a heart that was brave and true. God! Why didn't they listen?
He had a point people weren't willing to make after various movements post-WW2. He had huge popular support, and was a brilliant academic. He was very principled, and very had a very clear conception of what Britain was, at a time when people were confused about what it should become in post-imperial times.

Not a racist, certainly not in the sense of being a supremacist, just someone that was willing to really spell out the feelings about race of the common person in the most visceral terms, and instead of saying "this is not acceptable, they need to change", he said "this is the reality, we must come to terms with it"
Eric Clapton pls go
>I smashed on the ground to show that I knew it could not anyhow be used again
Pretty rude.
Strikes me as a very interesting man. Wasn't he one of the few politicians to support gay marriage (or something gay-related) back in the sixties? Or have I made that up?
Not only based, but 100% correct
I used to be into dope, now I'm into racism. It's much heavier, man. Fucking wogs, man. Fucking Saudis taking over London. Bastard wogs. Britain is becoming overcrowded and Enoch will stop it and send them all back. The black wogs and coons and Arabs and fucking Jamaicans and fucking [indecipherable] don't belong here, we don't want them here. This is England, this is a white country, we don't want any black wogs and coons living here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. England is for white people, man. We are a white country. I don't want fucking wogs living next to me with their standards. This is Great Britain, a white country, what is happening to us, for fuck's sake? We need to vote for Enoch Powell, he's a great man, speaking truth. Vote for Enoch, he's our man, he's on our side, he'll look after us. I want all of you here to vote for Enoch, support him, he's on our side. Enoch for Prime Minister! Throw the wogs out! Keep Britain white!
My father worked with Enoch during his time in Northern Ireland as an MP for South Down. From the stories I've heard of him, he comes across as the most genuine and caring man that ever graced British politics. The "he's a racist" rhetoric is spewed by people who simply ignore the fact most of his rivers of blood speech was him quoting a member of his constituency.
That's custom in India, it's not rude there.
Tell me about the meaning and name behind this custom.
He did support homosexual law reform and he opposed the death penalty. He learnt Greek at the age of five.
I'm not sure about the meaning but: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/9385244.stm
A fellow Ulsterman! I find it strange he went to northern Ireland. Your father was a lucky man to have met him.
Enoch didn't see northern ireland as simply the British part of Ireland, he really believed it was simply a part of the UK, to be treated the exact same as Scotland, Wales and England. He truly was a selfless man.

It wasn't racism per se.

It was ethnocentrism and nationalism. These can stem from or lead to xenophobia and racism.

But they are secondary to the focus on a cultural and national identity.

Essentially he wanted Britain to remain a nation of ethnic Britains. He also felt a nation with multiple ethnic components would change the culture of the nation and it's national interests.

He had been proven correct on every point...However many believe he was wrong to place importance on these points, or or disagree that his points being proven right is a bad thing.
He wasn't a racist in the sense that he despised non whites, he was just completely misguided and arrived at completely the wrong conclusions about immigration. It's a shame that he was such an idiot about it because he had shown incredible wisdom and foresight in other respects (pulling the military away from its old imperial commitments, his Hola massacre speech etc). Because he was very well educated and an exceptionally intelligent man, people often have trouble accepting that he could actually be wrong about something. For example, he said in his speech that "The sense of being a persecuted minority which is growing among ordinary English people in the areas of the country which are affected is something that those without direct experience can hardly imagine." In truth, it was not white people that were attacked in the days after the speech, but minorities across the country.

His deliberately inflammatory language produced exactly the kind of racial violence he was trying to warn against. His speech stirred up the fear and racial tension that plagued Britain at the time; the only solution he offered was re-emigration n order to prevent "That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic" which simply didn't happen.

He made the point of identifying British ethnicity with British values and other ethnicities with wholly 'other' values. Today there exists a small immigrant population at odds with British principles, no one denies that. But that does not make Powell right. He believed the majority of immigrants were diametrically opposed to those principles and would actively seek to dominate British society. For the vast majority of immigrants that simply isn't true.
Well he did bring up an excellent point on Kenya alongside many others.
See his speech on the hola camp massacre.


just control+f his name

The following is a part of it

> Finally it is argued that this is Africa, that things are different there. Of course they are. The question is whether the difference between things there and here is such that the taking of responsibility there and here should be upon different principles. We claim that it is our object—and this is something which unites both sides of the House—to leave representative institutions behind us wherever we give up our rule. I cannot imagine that it is a way to plant representative institutions to be seen to shirk the acceptance and the assignment of responsibility, which is the very essence of responsible Government.

>Nor can we ourselves pick and choose where and in what parts of the world we shall use this or that kind of standard. We cannot say, "We will have African standards in Africa, Asian standards in Asia and perhaps British standards here at home." We have not that choice to make. We must be consistent with ourselves everywhere. All Government, all influence of man upon man, rests upon opinion. What we can do in Africa, where we still govern and where we no longer govern, depends upon the opinion which is entertained of the way in which this country acts and the way in which Englishmen act. We cannot, we dare not, in Africa of all places, fall below our own highest standards in the acceptance of responsibility.

He was right about this though, it simply hasnt become complete yet. However It seems closer and closer so it will be you, sir, who will be wrong.

The sad part is I wish i could agree with you that Enoch was wrong.
The racial conflict he predicted I simply can't see happening. His speech appealed to the few scared and angry white British people. Unfortunately, it is difficult to argue against someone who is constantly moving the goal posts to justify his own fear. Just like an apocalyptic preacher will change the dates of Armageddon each time it doesn't happen, so too will they say 'it's going to get violent soon' again and again. Powell said it would happen at the end of the 20th century. It didn't. Now I'm sad to see you telling me that it's going to happen soon. It won't, and when it won't there will still be people clinging to this idea of a racial apocalypse, they'll just give it another 10 years, another 20, another 30. Take, for example, the 85 Sharia courts that exist in the UK, fundamentally at odds with British values just as Powell predicted. Do they dominate British society? Hold the whip-hand over them? Hardly. The new counter-extremism bill will in fact attempt to address this problem among other things. Theresa May has already launched an investigation into these courts and the Islamic Sharia Council has even said they would welcome government regulation. London's Mayor is also a Muslim which was brought up earlier in this thread, but if you actually look at him as a person you'll find he's a man with strong moral values, British values (hardly what Powell said immigrants were like). He spent years as a human rights lawyer, supports same sex marriage and has respect for other cultures.
He was right and is being continually to have been so with every passing day. Britain has lost its religion, culture and traditions. It will lose much more in the next few decades barring a Brexit, which in itself won't necessarily fix much.


Not sure if bait or just someone wholly unexposed to parts of the UK with high immigration.
Eric Clapton declared his support for Powell back at the time. Prompted some punk rockers to start Rock Against Racism. According to Wiki, Clapton reaffirmed his support for Powell in 2007.
>Do they dominate British society? Hold the whip-hand over them?

They don't dominate British society, but liberalism has put any opposition to sharia law in a chokehold under the guise of racism and xenophobia. The taboo nature of discussing Muslim dominated neighbourhoods has arguably made it seem like Islam does bear the whip hand over British traditions.

Perhaps the strangest part about this is that it was not Muslims who forced others to accept their incompatible customs, but instead the Labour and Lib Dem voting middle-class populous who were afraid of coming across as backwards, and so pushed for unrestricted immigration.
this is idiotic.
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When my dad was at school he wrote to Enoch and asked him which football team he supported. This was his reply.
and it says?
I forgot niggers can't read cursive.

"Dear Mr ---, In reply to your letter posted 21 November, I take no interest whatever in football of any sort. Yours sincerely, J. Enoch Powell"
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>Do they dominate British society? Hold the whip-hand over them? Hardly
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>The racial conflict he predicted I simply can't see happening.
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>some dude getting mugged = le race war


I agree people have been hesitant to discuss the growing problem of sharia law, but the recent investigation is giving me some hope that the problem will be addressed soon. It will be interesting to see the results and hopefully what legislative action, if any, would be influenced by it. Channel 4 made a good documentary recently about neighbourhoods where 20% or more of the population were Muslim and they found that 86% of those Muslims felt a strong sense of belonging to Britain, higher than that of the non-Muslim control group (which stood at 83%). Also, a minority of 23% supported the introduction of Sharia Law. Another survey by the BBC found that 93% of Muslims nationally feel they should always obey British laws. On some topics such as homosexuality there is also a growing liberalism among Muslim youths that unfortunately is not matched by older generations. Perhaps this might suggest an increasing desire from second and third generation immigrants to integrate more properly into British society?
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> based Slow Hand

He's also pro-gun and a big time collector (and shooter) of shotguns.
Oh please, that is chicken scratch.
There will never be a racial war here though there could be a religious one. By that I mean Islam vs. everyone else.

Islam really has put all of the racial differences into perspective.
thats a poorly done cursive
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