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What went so wrong?

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Thread replies: 219
Thread images: 44

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What went so wrong?
Literal barbarians in every sense of the word. Afghanistan is on par with Hyborian age shit, it's that backwards and savage.

It's also kind of a meme country that didn't exist until 18th century and includes a shitload of tribes, which often leads to tribal conflicts.
Vocal cord parasites
Americans built a big dam
Turns out this drained a basin that became perfect for opium
Communists took over, and a dominant tribe started settling prime real estate (including opiumland) while suppressing everyone else with Russian help
America, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia destabilized the country with a civil war while planting a radical religious seed in a highly tribal and independent region of the country
The Americans tried to come in and run the place, only to empower cronies and target everyone who didn't like these cronies with heavy ordinance

The one mute Hamid fighter who looks a lot like Bin Laden would have been fine
too many fucking tribes
needs to balkanise
Soviets chimped out and bombed it back centuries and Pakistani put there friends in power who still to this day try to undermine any attempt to Afghani Democracy
>soviets and USA bombing anything that resembles society
You want to know how Muhammad's army would've looked like with ak-47s? Go to Afghanistan
They should have left them alone, as stateless and informal, as they pleased.
This. If the Afghans let the Taliban take over then let them be ruled by them. They didn't need Communism or Democracy then and they don't need it now.
Soviet invasion caused a power vacuum which left control in the hands of various warlords who were former Mujahideen. Eventually a group known as the Taliban (meaning "Students") appeared. They were Afghani students whose parents had fled to Pakistan during the invasion and were taught by Pakistan's radical Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam. They arrived with funds, weaponry and young youth who were able to provide key services to the Afghani people, thus garnering support.

They brought, Sharia courts, food, supplies and importantly at that time, safety. This is a similar way to al-Qaeda's efforts in Pakistan's Tribal Area.

So basically state fragmentation under the warlords allowed these students to take parts of Afghanistan step by step with popular support from religious fanatics and external Islamic groups.
>USA, can we get development aid?
>USSR, can we get development aid?
And you know what followed.
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Pakistan tbqh.
>Soviets charge in for communism
>Pakistan: USA pls halp
>USA: Give this cash to the reliable mujahideen
>Pakistan: Ok
>creates Taliban and al-Qaeda
>USA: Shut this fucker down
>Pakistan: Ok
>War in Northwest Pakistan intensifies
>USA kills Bin Laden in Pakistan
>Pakistan: America respect national rights
Worst ally confirmed
>And you know what followed.
t. Nigel Ibn Paki British from mother side
>medieval tribal shithole
>no infrastructure
>drug trade and corruption

Democracy can't work there. It literally can't. The current regime is hanging on a string held up only by the American troops, once they bail, it's Somalia 2.0 or Taliban rule again.
russia invades , everything turned to shit.
The other post are rubbish here.

Americans had the opportunity and the means to avoid it all.
It's one of those places that needs a conquering muslim king who bashes peoples heads in line more than a democratically elected leader.

Kinda like how Saudi Arabia was founded.
>It's one of those places that needs a conquering muslim king who bashes peoples heads in line more than a democratically elected leader.
Didn't that happen several times, and as late as in the mid 1800s?
It should have never been born. The Western Persian speaking half should have gone to Iran, and the British should have absorbed the Pashtun East into the Raj.
Present day Pakistan really doesn't deserve any new territory though, I'd rather see parts of it go to Afghanistan instead.
Sikhs didn't conquer it all
Yes, and each time the region prospered.
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Whoops :')
They edited it in re-release to say something like "The brave people of Afghanistan" or something.
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Yep, "gallant"

I don't understand why people are debating about 9/11 being an inside job, in any case the US government is directly responsible for it
but pakistan is the foremost victim of islamic terrorism that originates from pakistan
Letting the Soviets lose
Tbh, Afghanistan was a shithole before both invasions.
Hard to turn shit into shit.

Afghanistan was better in 2000 than it is today.
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Afghanistan was fine before the Soviet invasions. Not great, but on the same level as the other -Stans, which is to say.. Okay.
Blatantly false. The Americans basically dropped bombs of money there, the Taliban was.. not defeated but kicked out of the governmet at least. Pic related.
Tribalism, multiple ethnic groups and languages, Islam, opium etc.
>Implying anything was right to begin with
Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kingdoms failed to thoroughly hellenize the region.

No kingdom kingdom or empire held the region long enough to break the tribalism.

Heroin addicts in the U.S. would say nothing is wrong. Heroin is still cheaper than Cocaine throughout much (if not most) of the country and has been for a decade. Opium production is one of the things working quite well in Afghanistan.
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>implying you can turn mountainous tribesmen into citizens
Whats with that little strip of land that connects China to Afghanistan? Was that intentional so they can trade with the Chinks?
Wakhan Corridor. Yes that is intentional so that Afghanistan isnt cucked off trade with China.

China closed it anyway.
Why are you so stupid you dont understand its that way because of the wars not that the wars and shithole is because of the people

Afghanistan is a country that has been stomped on every time it gets going
It never got going, ever. If ypu refer to the early 70s, it was just a handful of midde and upper class city dwellers who cosplayed as westerners while the average man kept living a tribal life.
Watch Bitter Lake.
Genocide of kalash and other hindu minorities was sad tho and could at least have warranted the need for safezones in afghanistan.
Why didn't it last though? Are brits to blame?

the only time that hole ever got going was when it was ruled by assorted turk dynasties
>Are brits to blame?
Of course, white people are the sole cause of everything wrong in this world. If it weren't for white people, the peaceful and prosperous people of afghanistan would already be colonizing Mars.
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Communism fucked it up like always.
See >>1109701

This is precisely what I meant. A bunch of people in Kabul acting like westerners while 99% of the country still fucked goats.
*Islam and tribalism
The brits were an exceptional villain in world history, though, and they fucked with Afghanistan throughout the whole 19th century.

the opposite is true, the old adage of 'if you find yourselves under the yoke of an empire you had better hope that it is a british or American one' rings true
If you've ever traveled to a third world country you will see what you expect. Until you get to the core of some cities and you see the tiny minority of middle class citizens exist and that they're very similar to people elsewhere in developed countries.

Pic related. It's Afghanistan today.
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Here's the picture.
Fuck off you pig fucking shitskin
Actually people on your pic were supportive to communist government.

Opium farmers who used literal slave labour and islamic fanatics weren't.
Soviet invasion.

Kingdom of Afghanistan was supposedly a nice place to visit. Europeans with cash went there on vacation in the 50s and 60s.
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>What went so wrong?




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>it was just a handful of midde and upper class city dwellers who cosplayed as westerners while the average man kept living a tribal life.

Except that's how 3rd wold shit holes get their act together and eventually join the rest of the modern world.

Kabul wasn't built in a day, you know.
london just elected a muslim mayor
I had no idea his entire platform was "I am a Muslim", surely that's why he was voted in.
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Why are they so diverse in looks and culture?
Afghanistan is a big fucking country with a lot of mountains and climate zones.
Central Asian nomads get around.

The Eurasian steppe is one big-ass superhighway from Korea to Hungary, with genes travelling every which way.
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because afghanistan is a non-nation, pic related
I deserved this more than you. An hero.
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The digits have spoken.
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das it senpai
9/111111 never for/get/
>muh evil soviets!!!11
Stop pls
septs is truth

Multiculturalism is an awful meme. You might be able to convince 1 or 2 plebs to share the same outlook as the cosmopolitan middle classes in your gated community, but it doesn't work like that with millions of people.
But separation of internally similar groups breeds resentment and unrest if the separation results in better terms for one group over the other. Especially when you consider intra-ethnic cooperation and similar concepts

People are shitty and multiculturalism is something we can't have a globalized world with out. And if you really didn't want to be connected with the rest of the world, you wouldn't be posting here.

>Afghanistan hasn't been disbanded after fate itself has spoken

Shame on you you Pashtung bastards
Hey I want to be connected but I also want to preserve my heritage and identity. Maybe you're a cosmopolitan middle class kid who has no identity except of the globalist one, so you can't understand that.

Also, there is a way to have a globalized world without multiculturalism. It's called confederalism. Look at Switzerland for example of this on a smaller scale.
>tfw Afghan

That's cool, as an American I really have no reason to push any sort of regional or local identity. Our interaction with multiculturalism is nuanced in a bit of a different way than say, Eurasia's, which I'm guessing is where you're from.

Will check out confederalism though.
post face so I can add it to my collection of 4.5k photos of Afghans
>as an American I really have no reason to push any sort of regional or local identity
Utah and Texas have one due to historical reasons, and Appalachia and New England are two regions that certainly have their own specific identity too, at least outside big cities — both had very specific immigration patterns.

But yes it's a bit different, first because it's a big country where it's easy to move, and second because a lot of Americans are relatively recent immigrants that don't have a regional identity yet.
And move I did. My family moved while they were raising my sister and I until we actually settled in Austin, TX.So if anything, an identity that can be taken would be that of a Cosmopolitan Austinite, as stupid as it sounds. And there are some things to take pride in.

Like how the city recently challenged big startups by standing up to UBER in a legal battle. If we hadn't, that would mean that UBER would be much freer to regulate(read:deregulate) the safety precautions they'd have to take.

Appalachia is definitely a hell of an interesting case study on American regional identity. They're regularly shit on by almost every facet of American culture other than their own, anyways.
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>3rd wold shit holes get their act together and eventually join the rest of the modern world.

I fail to see the path dependancy. Maybe you westerners with a saviour complex start to treat the rest of the world like adults and hold them somewhat accountable for the situations in their countries.
That's what we do with western countries even if their crimes are long past and not commited by the current generation. The discrepancy in accountability is quite astonishing.
I'm not a pure Afghan la, I'm only part Afghan so I'd ruin your collection
You don't think that western decision-making had any sort of negative influence on these countries?

Whether it did or not is no excuse to infinetely fuck up. This is neither a reasonable nor a helpful assumption.
Everything influenced something some time in history including these evil western nations, that doesn't mean that there was no choice but to end up where you are now as a society.
Does Greek language or culture or identity persist anywhere in Afghanistan aside from pederasty?
I'm not saying that anyone is 100% to blame, or not. And neither are you it seems. I just mistook you for somebody rather polarized because of your ebin meme to the left of the post.

You're saying that if we were to hold certain countries responsible for their actions, that they are more likely to develop and prosper than if they were considered guiltless. Is this correct?
If you speak Afghanistanian that sould do.
No, not really. Even pederasty was not introduced by the Greeks but by the Turks up north, pederasty was seen as normal among the Central Asian elite (e.g. Babur).

The second biggest city in Afghanistan was probably founded by Alexander - Kandahar (you can hear it from the name).

There are some shared words I noticed but those most probably are IE cognates rather than loanwords from Greek.
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Independent, not separated.

Russians don't hate Finns or Estonians for being wealthier than them. Bolivia doesn't hate Chile. Turkmenistanis don't have a problem with Kazakhstanis.

Clear dividing lines to limit arguments. Don't bring bacon into Pashtunistan.

>if you really didn't want to be connected with the rest of the world, you wouldn't be posting here
I eat chop suey because it stands on its merits, not because I believe in memes.
>Bolivia doesn't hate Chile
>You're saying that if we were to hold certain countries responsible for their actions, that they are more likely to develop and prosper than if they were considered guiltless. Is this correct?

Yes, correct.
The muslim world -or vice versa the west- bought so much into we dindu nuffin meme, that they are completely unable for any self criticism and to change structures. I just object to this monocausal explanation that US involvement -albeit possibly harmful- is the sole reason for the state of the region.
If it was like this we wouldn't have a modern Japan, Germany, South Korea or relatively modern China.
The CIA armed, trained, and supported Pakistani Mujahiden in this country both before and after Soviet intervention.


The intervention was not the one thing that threw off Afghanistan's somewhat promising progress. That is a childish notion. The same legitimate government that asked the USSR for help was the same one overseeing this steady progress in peace time- the president of Afghanistan was hanged along with his brother SEVEN years after the communists left, four years after they dissolved.

This same secular government oversaw the Afghan high point of history for women's rights. Heroin production and addiction and boy-fucking were at their lowest. Tens of thousands received education in the USSR and schools and railroads were laid in the country itself.

If you study this countrys early role in the cold war before major civil unrest, it is obvious that western-supported factions weren't exactly innocent angels or lost their influence for no fault of their own. Compare this proxy state with Nixon and India... delivering a neutral state to the eastern bloc entirely on its own.

Hopefully the US can do some good for it now. But how much are you really getting for your dollar? for the soldiers coming back in coffins? Is it worth it?
This. If you feel the need to bring every people into your global scheme, you're not a liberator, you're not even an oppressor, this is some Beast of Revelations shit.
Underrated post.
>tfw you'll never get to go to a real Westworld
To that I would say, I mostly agree. But I think it's very complicated, and I hope you'll tolerate a more contemporary example as to why.

So how is this accountability held? America has led sanctions on Iran for a while now. Understandably, it was justified with the international community's horror at Iran's nuclear proliferation. So the international community moved to exclude Iran from the benefits they enjoy, for the threat Iran poses in doing this.

But that hasn't stopped Iran from pursuing nuclear proliferation. Iran is in a situation where they are surrounded with interventionist action. And so understandably, their leadership feels that to remain sovereign and legitimate, they will have to exert regional influence. In many ways, this is not just an act of agression, but an act of assertion in the face of foreign powers operating nearby.

Most recently, American leadership has been torn. One side, with Obama at their head, feels that this situation is inconsolable, and that compromise is necessary to avoid the situation escalating. Whether or not this is right, I will make no claim. But it certainly is complicated.

If we really are to hold nations like Iran accountable for their crimes and abuses, how? And what should we hold them accountable? What is a genuine mistake worth scrutiny and what is an unfortunate effect of interventionism? Who are the right people to hold accountable? And in what way can we avoid causing further tensions and strife with this hegemonic policy?
In addition, I'd like to add that Iran risks angering any anti-american proponents of their citizenry in siding with the united states. Any anti-west sentiment in these countries makes it more difficult for these countries to cooperate with us in building more humanistic societies. They will move, as the insurgents to in bombing hospitals and schools, to stop this progress. And their insurgency is incredibly hard to remove.
Bolivians aren't suicide bombing Chile over the pacific war.
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I don't think the Taliban were just, but they were getting rid of all the gay pedophiles and warlords, and trying to organize the country. If they want communism,or regime that's the choice of the people, not America. The US Government only cared about such an irrelevant country once they heard the word communism and then when 9/11 happened.
Afghanistan BTFO
I really want to see Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan join together.

Its because of the Taliban, you dumb faggot. Have you seen what Afghanistan was like before they took power?
>I really want to see Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan join together.
>Have you seen what Afghanistan was like before they took power?
A shithole.

>being a retard and not reading the thread
You are retarded.
Looks like shit

Also source?
These were the communist supporters
Afghanistan proven to be non-nation
Slightly off topic, but has anyone here learnt to speak Farsi, Dari or Pashto? Which is easier to learn?
The Eternal Russian strikes again
Farsi, Tajik and Dari speaker here. If you speak Farsi, Dari, or Tajik you can understand the other ones well enough. Also Tajik generally uses the cyrillic alphabet. They are all mutually intelligible other than some minor dialectical differences. Pashto is an Eastern Iranian language, and as such is completely different. Pashto has more difficult grammatical structures. The Persian languages are easy. No gender, no cases, just word order and ezafe for the most part breh.
Same language, nigga. Same as Tajik. "Farsi" is just original Persian, Tajiki Persian is Colonial Persian, and Dari is just a regional variant. In all honesty, there's no reason for the three to be classified as separate languages.

There's more difficutly in an Arabic speaker from Egypt understanding another Arabic speaker from Iraq or Oman then the Persian language variants.
thanks m8
Greater Iran dummy
>what is Greece proper
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>m-muh poppy fields

Are you trying to say the Soviets didn't cock up that place in a nearly decade long invasion?
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"o b j e c t i v e" proof of non-nation status

tribal genetic grab-bag territory for eternity

And they deposed the only person that could ever rule this clusterfuck of a country.
get needs more replys
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Well I have a couple of half-Afghans but I'm thinking of deleting them..
>You want to know how Muhammad's army would've looked like with ak-47s? Go to Afghanistan
That might be the gayest thing I've ever read
Holy shit

It has been declared.

UN to dissolve Afghanistan when?
Check it you bastard
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Check those lads
Replying because everybody else is.
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All smiles
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those aren't mere dubs but I'm still gonna ček them
Include me in the cap

having this haplogroup means you and your ancestors possess a strong propensity to squat
no joke, Indians have god-tier squatting skills because most of them still squat to poop

t. visited India and had to squat
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why don't we don't just split this country up like yugoslavia
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Oh fuck, he's right.
>le digit cancer

mods should permaban for this
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goodness me thatsa spicy septs
At this point its less they are our ally and more if we stop giving them money they will nuke India.
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>not one single mention of Amin

Dude literally relied on the Soviets to do everything for him. The Soviets, after sending troop deployment after troop deployment, realized Amin ain't shit so they killed him and took direct control. This caused the US to get its war boner on and alas a group of Islamic fundamentalists were given advanced tech and billions of dollars because "muh gommunism".

Also, everybody likes to forget how Pakistan and China were heavily dicking in this conflict as well.
The real thread about Afghanistan is here: >>1115610

This shit is just people replying to a GET
Afghanistan has always and will always be a barbaric shit hole. In the 19th century the Afghani's fought against civilization from the British, and then the society, and now America. They do this to themselves because they would rather live in a society that lets it's powerful tribal men fuck little boys, rather then have any semblance of civilization.

The soviets built the only highway in Afhanistan. The Afghani's have not even been able to tend to that single fucking road.
*and then the soviets
>fucking boys
>having a shitload of guns
>growing and selling drugs

Literal heaven. I wouldn't give that shit up either.
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A great map and an epic get?
>Fucking this
The West had the Enlightenment under other movements like the Great Awakening in America or the commercial revolution in 17th century Europe.

The ability to criticize society is invaluable.
Underrated post.
seps confirm

suicide is a sin to Catholics

many indigenous natives killed them selves rather than become slaves to the Europeans
AfghanPISSstain BTFO
Well move on citizens, nothing else to do...
>I deserved this more than you. An hero.
>An hero.

No. I'm pretty sure you did not.
good one
kill yourself reddit
lurk moar

or just fucking google it

they catalogue this shit nowadays


Didnt get the pashtun on side keep on lying to them
Afghanistan confirmed non nation

Update the CIA fact book and Wikipedia pages with a link to this post please
>vocal cord parasites
I don't get it.
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The only time Afghanistan actually amounted to anything was the Durrani Empire.


Imagine if Ranjit Singh managed to subdue all of Afghanistan and have them join the Khalsa. Then he annexes Baluchistan so that he has a seacoast and he'd have a god-tier kingdom. A loyal British ally to buttress against Persia and Russia.
Did the international community and/or hippies ever protest or picket against the Soviet War in Afghanistan? Because they were 10 times worse than what the US ever did in South Vietnam. Or they didn't do shit because they were leftist shills and turned a blind eye just like they did in Hungary?
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Nice GET.gif
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Ranjit Singh didn't want to himself, at one point the British urged him to take Kabul but he refused, knowing that he would fail and lose countless men in the process.
Many boycotted the Olympics in the Soviet Union around that time.
Greco-Buddhism didn't work
you are contradicting yourself and you don't even realise it. Multiculturalism does not work because it forces people with different cultures and therefore different outlooks on life to share it with one another. Nations can be formed by a melting pot of cultures, but what results out of it is a new culture different from all the previous ones, not a rainbow of them. Sure inside nations there are differences, there are many cases of this, but their differences are a lot less than the things they have in common.
Good double
graveyard of empires
Americlap tire post, my man.
Well he's not incorrent in anything he said. Not that democracy is desirable there.
fucking checked m8
Opium desu.
When the Eternal Anglo realized the money that could be made in China, opium-rich regions in India and Afghanistan were coerced into devoting more labor to opium production because the profits were so good. Unfortunately, their investment was wasted when the Chinese finally got a grip on the situation and began to enforce bans on opium.
Actually Afghan opium production wasn't that big until 2001. It exploded after Taliban got ousted.
I can die happy

>India and Afghanistan

No, British India didn't include Afghanistan but Pakistan.
Metal Gear reference

wew L A D
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First time I have ever seen septs. Czech em.
The Emirate of Afghanistan ceased to exist. It was the best political structure for the country.
You have finally cured my autism. Thank you good sir.
You are retarded. The Iranians almost had a revolution just six years ago. Don't you remember tanks on Iranian streets and Hezbollah on motorcycles? If the population redirects its anger elsewhere, then everyone else falls in line because they think THAT, not revolution, is the winning move.

It's like the North vs South Caucauses. Except for the 1100s onward, the North was warlike and individualism mattered. But the South had been exposed to dictatorships for at least 3500 years, and individualism when you are just petty kingdoms in genocidal wars doesn't help you any. Same people, but bred differently due to circumstances.

Same with Argentina and the Falklands war. Economy going to shit? Time to rattle everyone up and sirect them toward not the Presidential Palace but the Eternal Anglo and his tens of thousands of sheep in the middle of nowhere. Russia too, China does it differently as a way to liquidate their own forces in costly human wars, Brazil had a NCO-esque rebellion brewing until the USA intervened.

Okay it is a little complicated. But the point is the easiest way to stay in power is to paint someone else as the bad guy.

The right people to hold accountable are 100% of Iranians, too stupid to kill their own leaders but willing to stand in the streets and get shot to death by the enemy in their midst.

Posting in Afghan get thread
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Septs telling the truth with an interesting post. Be blessed, superior being

Opium tripled their GDP growth. If anything opium is the only thing in Afganistan that's actually good.
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No you are wrong. It's a shit hole because of religion and no democracy. But you can not sucess fully implement a democracy in a religiously dominate culture.

Religion has reduced these humans to savages, uneducated, child molesters. It makes them ignorant and they can not evolve with the rest of society because of their religion.

Most religions can accept and tolerate others, non believers, gays what ever. But Muslims in Muslim dominate cultures will not.


multiculturalism confirmed as recipe for failure
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Check my doubles too.
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tbcfwy that was a shitpost I put too much effort into. I intended to shoot for a GET for bonzi buddy and his imageboard. As it happened I put slightly too much effort into finding the map and only when I posted I realized I should probably have called the GET already.
>Stop attacking muh communism!!!!!11111
You're not the only one who can use retarded memes.
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>I just object to this monocausal explanation that US involvement -albeit possibly harmful- is the sole reason for the state of the region.

I'm suddenly reminded about the old saying about when you know just a little about the Civil War.
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