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what hentai finally ruined you?

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Thread replies: 281
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Mine was Black Shell. I was never the same after that.
I was once reading a Hentai, about a School of young girls.
The bus with the girls has been taken by some rapists, and then, months after months, they raped all the girls, and sent videos to the family of the victims.
And the brother of one of the girl, to get more videos of her sister, had to sent his mother in a box, so they can rape her too, and he did so he could keep watching his sister being raped.

I never found it again, and I don't want, that's fucked up hahaha...
I really want to read this now
I really don't under what name you could find it. I think there is "slave" in the title, but I'm not even sure of it...
calles Fleshness
your welcome
by same artist that does the victim girls series
It's gotta be Bondage Game, that shit was fucked yo. I rememeber they stretch a girls clit out to be a dick and stitched two more on. Though, I'll trying to find something worse than that. Haven't yet.
bump for interest
Yeah, I feel you. Saw the preview pics where girls were making out and it got me interested. Boy what a cold shower that hentai was...
Forcing shit down a woman's troat...So messed up.

It's even worse than the fucked up vore fetish that dominates d:/
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Bondage Game ..the lolicon, dismemberment, feces, and vomit were all ridiculous.
I don't think there's anything sicker than this that is animated atm..

Shitai wo Arau is a close second due to the necrophilia and guro.
If they ever animated Mai-Chan's Daily Life.. ugh
"I Can".

That one fucked me up really bad.

I'm a vanilla sort of guy. So song that one really sucked. My brother also watched it before I did. I made jokes about it all the time to make him uncomfortable, lol.
So weird that they abducted them for their pussy juices which are "wroth their weight in gold"
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>best girl in Dark Shell is in OP's pic
>she gets raped while trying to piss
>gets shot by a sniper immediately after
Asanagi has great art, fucked up stories/fetishes.

Why does hentai have to be this way?
I was ruined as a teen by Urotsukidoji. Been ruined since.

It doesn't. There are plenty of good ones out there that are devoid of all of that type of shit. It's just that some people enjoy the shock factor of it and it gets play because people start talking about it and how graphic it is depicting certain acts.
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kowaku no toki ep 4
Amputee is now one of my many fetish
only in cute 2d girl
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The scat scene came out from nowhere.
For some reason, i love euphoria, i like the main character and nemu. I found kowaku no toki worse, dont whatch it
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I love how the posts are slowly sliding towards /d/ territory.
Well, I'm trying to pinpoint exactly where things got crazy, but it's one big blur between the /d/ and /h/.
I'm fairly sure Nabu Rina 1 & 2 is where a taste for loli rape slavery and bondage torture started becoming standard fare, but the cross dressing straight shota femdom from Cu-little2 is a strong contender.
It's also hard to place where I got interested in Xrations work too and if her early sets were /d/ as well, or just good ol' rape and impregnation.
No joke. It was actually Boku No Pico

The second episode of Euphoria was really good I've always though - particularly when they get the room to themselves and she becomes a full on insatiable cumdumpster and he's holding onto her hips for dear life while he pumps everything he's got into her. The fact that her nice, plump ass is well animated helps as well I guess.
There was a hentai posted on /b/ once.
It was set in some kind of gym.
It was this huge orgy where everyone would be killed at some point.
They took some sort of drug so they did not feel any pain.

There are two scenes which burned in my mind:

One is where a girl puts her boyfriend's decapitated head on his ejaculating dick so she can kiss him while none of his seed gets wasted.
The other is where a girl and a boy hang themselves and they fuck while getting suffocated.

Never find it again. Maybe it is for the best. But I would like to know at least the name of it.
Not a hentai, but I felt kinda sick after playing through Discipline and even more sick after playing through Lewdness (I can read moon). It really makes me mad since Sei Shoujo has such boner-inducing art.

On the plus side, now I know I'm super not-into BDSM, especially femdom!
Otome Dori really fucked me up. I hate NTR so goddamn much that just thinking about it makes me both angrier and sad.
I demand sauce on this. I want this.
I've read that thing before too.
I think it was a school graduation where the ritual of the town was the kids commit suicide after they graduate.

It was fucking retarded.

It didn't make sense either since the parents were there. Why did they get omitted from the ritual school suicide?
Graduation and beheading ceremony by Juan Gotoh.
Hana Hook.
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For me it had to be Night Shift Nurse: Yagami Yu and Taimanin Asagi, before hand I was never into the "forced sex" genre.
Oh lord, I thought I was among the VERY few that has seen that.
Eh. That rape cabal/whatever was kinda boring with the 'Nyahahaha! We cannot be stopped!'
Bondage Game was more comical than anything else imo
Time of the rapture holy shit that shit is fucked up
I thought that sounded like his work
It was Otome Dori who fucked me up. I also hated NTR, but after that I started to like it to the point I even have a NTR folder full of stuff in my PC.

Currently playing Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei, one of the most NTR games out there.
funny that you would mention that, i think the victim girls series did me in.

The episode that has the tutoring bj scene, followed by the train scene, followed by the house scene.
What'chu mean ruined? Like "Embrace the dark side of the force!" and now I like some freaky ass shit? Or "OH GOD! I CAN SEE FOREVER!!!" ruined, where you took irreparable SAN damage?

Cause the first one would be....kinda nuthin' since if I see something that makes me "Nope" it get's turned off instantly, and for the 2nd one...damn, I guess the same thing lol. I'll put up examples tomorrow if I think of them, but right now I'm blanking.
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midnight milk party

Didn't ruin me, but it was literally the first hentai I downloaded off kazaa.(And I was around 12-13).Waited 4 days for that to download, and it was worth it.
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Taimanin Asagi and other Murakami stuff. Pretty sure every ep came with a mile long waiver of psychological side effects, but I can't read Japanese.
I can't remember the name, but it involved girls being taken from orphanages and become sex slaves. The girls thought they were going to become part of some dance or was it a circus act and they ended up being raped until they died. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Sounds like Bradherley's Coach by Hiroaki Samura. And it was a theater troupe.
What exactly was it about Black Shell that ruined you?
There were 2. Nymphs of the Stratosphere, which is just plain cruelty. And another one which may only be enjoyed by true sociopaths, whose name I no longer remember.
Could it be sex slave chronicles? where sex slavery is a completely normal thing and theres a sex slave academy to get a licence, etc, etc?
There's this one hentai where a girl gets fucked by a wooden triangle and then after that gets fucked with a horse cock. I've been trying to find it but no results yet
why the fuck would anybody go to university to be a sex slave?
Your fantasy is gay and stupid and you should feel gay and stupid.
turns out it was episode 1 of kowaku no toki
Except for one where some muscle bound asshole gets his just desserts, Nymphs was pretty much just anal sex and rimming.
Princess of Darkness. The whole scene where the main girl is forced to fuck a dog because she somehow pissed off his master felt plain wrong.

That did it in for me.
>Graduation and beheading ceremony by Juan Gotoh

Yes, it's that. Thank you, anon!
Himekishi Lilia

I don't know if this was my first hentai or the one that destroyed me the most, but it's the one that I remember the most vividly and it fuckin set me the fuck off. I do know that after see Lilia I started an endless quest of downloading every decent hentai ever and looking for large insertion / gokkun hentai on Sad Panda.
I'm sry... I forgot Night Shirt Nurse..... Wow that was the one..... Yep..
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>that bed scene in EP 3

that was some 10/10 shit right there

>goodnight keita
>goodnight yumi

Jesus fucking christ, my tears are crying.
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Mine was Gieger Counter. I thought it would be funny, but it was instead an uber realistic portrayal of rape, and it was much more disturbing than anticipated.
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Every time I fap to it I feel really bad, yet I find myself back from time to time.
Wasn't a hentai but it was a seinen manga called "Wolf Guy: Wolfen Crest."

[spoiler]In the final act, the villain kidnaps the female main and has her raped, videotaped, and humiliated when the villain reveals her face on a video hosting site so millions of people know who she is.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]It wouldn't even have been so bad if we didn't see other characters reacting so realistically to the whole thing, especially the male teacher's reaction, jesus fucking christ.[/spoiler]

Ever since then, I feel uncomfortable whenever rape or anything featuring violence against innocent women is shown.
and than EP 4 was litteraly shit except when he fuck the teacher fingering her reverse-nipples
i need more of this.. im on a quest to see what my limit is weird and fucked up hentai.. so far im still good.. keep em coming!!
Decapitation ceremony.
I don't know why exactly, I guess it's the conflict of our 2 strongest primal urges. Perhaps the mixup of the 2 chemicals in our brain creates this new, well. Felling, i suppose.
I'm desensitized to it for about a week, but if I glance at one of the thumbnails it hits me like a truck.
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>mfw my crush wants to cosplay as Saya
I don't remember the name, but it was a non-sexual gore comic, where a girl had to watch as her mom was slowly dissected piece by piece while alive, having to stand the pain of being ripped apart in order for her daughter to live. I still remember the moment when the surgeons cut into her head, and tell the daughter not to worry because her mother has been numbed to the moment of death by drugs. At the end they give her the remains of her mother and tell her she might get something for it at a butcher shop. She walks out into the snow and buries her.

I didn't sleep that night.
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Mine was Black Widow, I never saw the bug scene.
What the fuck was the ending about?
I don't understand if it really happened in the end or if that was just an "what-if" scenario told by the snipergirl. And if yes, then it's a complete asspull.

Jesus fucking christ!

What possesses people to do shit like this.

This is not okay.
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This on VHS from Blockbuster. I was like 13 or something. It did a pretty good job letting me know that the boundaries were DEFINITELY not the same as Disney's.
for me, I belive people create this stuff just for the perverse feeling on writting something like that, you know is bad, you know is sick, and there is little way to enjoy it, but that is what make it "enjoyable", thanks God that many of those author are that, authors, and know the difference withing fiction and reality, because the world would be really a terrible place if all the people that write creepy pastas, horror story/movies/comic etc. decide to make all that shit reality.
For good measure
This one got me for a bit a while ago. Now I just look back and scoff.
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I'm taking the nope train out. I never lost a boner faster. I don't enjoy being a sub human that enjoys the pain of others. Feels good to be normal.
Is it true that in Shitai wo Arau, there's a scene where someone gets their face burned and has cum shoot out of their burned face when having sex with the main character?
Because humans are capable of the most fucked up shit and would do this if laws were not around. In short people are truly a parasite
that feels no remorse. I'm glad i am better then humans.
Think about it some more, you'll start to come across some fucking dark possibilities.
Having trouble finding these, could you list them individually? I'm confused as fuck right now.
im not OP but I agree with him. it's funny how he picked that specific scene cuz it's why it fucked me up. i love girls with short hair. in the next scene she gets killed. hate it when cute girls get killed
i believe the first hentai i ever watched was onichichi. it's what made me fall in love with lolis and rape. to this god damn day i feel guilty about fapping to shit like that. i almost got cured when i watched "if I call your name". i couldnt handle seeing such a cute, petite, short haired girl getting raped everyday... i eventually got over it and now im back to square one...
How has this not been sauced yet?
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"This Piece of Meat is Talking" in the Anthology "Hell Season" by Uziga Waita.

For me personally on what "ruined" me; it's hard to say as I had a tentacle fetish for as long as I can remember. Hell, I remember sneaking about in Suncoast to make my sister think I went elsewhere in the mall so I could double back and look at the LaBlueGirl and Twin Angels VHS covers in that back corner.

I guess if anything really forever changed me it'd be the Nightmare of My Goddess doujins which helped ease me into my love of giant breasts. Before that series I would get annoyed when a doujin didn't properly represent the character's breast size.

Or the Takitate Oh My Goddess doujins which got me into some of the darker themed stuff.


Thanks for making me feel old.

Suncoast was a video store chain that went under in the really early 2000s. Had a very extensive anime selection including hentai mixed right in.
Well I guess I'll see you guys later. My fap has been killed.
Are you an alium?
Some anthology by Uziga Waita. I don't even want to reminisce about it. I couldn't sleep for few nights afterwards.

That scene also had a strong impact. I love girls with short hair.

Also Silky Whip Extreme. I read it 8 years ago, and that night met a girl online that friendzoned me to this day (Silky Whip was our first topic). At least I lost my virginity to her.
Nightmare of my Goddess was hot with the NTR but it went on for just too damn long, last few issues had me go. 'Another gang-bang? Just put this thing to sleep already.'
Dude, This Hentai is my fav! the girl with the short brown hair is such a slut!
Same from blockbuster, Saw it as a child laying there, almost what would it be ? 15 years later? it was at the thriftshop! the same copy!
Bondage game.

Posting to help out:

> I wanna know where I can find this sort of thing in bulk

Try /d/ because thats where your posts belong.
I once read one with a girl having dryed out shit or something stuck in her ass and she couldnt poop and it was too embarrasing to go to the doctor. Soon maggots started living on it and her sis wanted to help her so she om-nom-nomed away at the poo, this soon lead to fire crackers in the butt to make way for the poop needing to come out. Her butt cracked and split i remember.

It didnt fuck me up, since i was kinda already fucked up by other shit, but it was one of the weirder ones i've rad, and i wanted to share it. If someone has souce, do share, id like to revisit that old memory.
Is that the one with 'How can you say you love her if you can't eat her poop?'
I don't remember the name of the hentai but all I could remember is some girl was getting fucked in a room and i think when they were about to finish, the guy starts fucking again but this time starts to choke her while doing it
There is some compilation about some murders in Japan, there is that case with a girl being abducted and tortured to death.

That killed me a bit inside.

IIRC that's from a hentai OVA, not from a manga.
As another anon said, that line is indeed from an OVA, this manga wasn't that pretty/romantic. I also dont remember much bubbles for dialogue, can't remember if it had any or not.
>Fucked her
You need to stop bitching nigga.
Awww, but I like you guys...
Good men.
>Actually meets people, even if online
>Its an actuall grill
>Actually discuss shared interest
>The topic is hentai
>The topic is a specific hentai
>End up getting laid

He was fucking already put in the friendzone from the first fucking second by the looks of it, and yes stop fucking complaining anon.

What bothered me is how the plot was forgotten a few volumes ago and has been nothing but Bell getting gangbanged and then comforted by Aoshima.

Also how Skuld was dropped after Volume 7. It was so fucking hot how she was basically being raped non-stop to keep her from blowing everyone's cover.
The manga based on the RL story of Junko Furuda.
I saw it posted on /b/ once.
I knew what it was instantly and I still feel awful having looked at it. That was a few months ago.
And now I'm sad.
>Gieger Counter
I'd read a (non hentai) manga that followed the girl after she was raped.
I'm not sure if that's actually real, tbh. I first heard that story years ago but never found any actual sources, and every article on the subject always has the same format and (uncited) information. Not saying that it didn't happen, but compare it to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsutomu_Miyazaki which was from the same year and has a lot more to back it up.
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Can't deal with it
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Why, in the name of all that is considdered holy, would anyone ever have any desire to see this. Seriously who is that broken in the brain that they think this is fapworthy?
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Abandon thread
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>stealing 4 entire school buses full of screaming women
>having to drive them around when school buses are typically more noticeable than most vehicles and have a tag on it
>buses aren't even traveling the normal route
>no leads on where they went

I know its porn but come on.
/d/ doesn't do guro.
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>sends mother in a literal box

This is just silly.
Decapitation is my second biggest fetish but this is so shittily drawn it just looks shitty.

No. Frankly, I consider it more of a horror comic than straight-up porn.
kek i meant to say it just looks funny
That's wife material right there brah.
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Lost my innocence to Shintaro Kago and never looked back.
I thought I was alone in this.
what I hate most, is when a doujinshi is only about guro or torture and someone decide to upload the thing on hentai pages, I mean there is not even rape or some sexual activity, and being naked don't count, yester I saw a decapitation doujinshi of touhous, it was just pure guro, what's the point of that on a porn site?
I have never see it, but just some pic of that really drive me off.
I remember manga I once read here on /h, about a couple and how the girl traveled to paris or some other place, and they comunicated by sending videotapes... anyway, one day she didn't send, and even when he kept sending her she didn't send back. Finally over two months or more, don'r remember, he gets a tape and plays it... and he sees his girlfriend on a sofa with two guys and the they start fucking her and he starts crying vut can't stop watching... and the ways she enjoys the sex and how he masturbates with the video... dunno, was kinda hard for me, even more 'cause my girlfriend traveled to another state looking for a job opportunity, and I was really afraid of having the same end as the manga... it didn't happen, but that really messed me up for a long time

Just finished watching this and it was really confusing. Why did the sniper woman kill the innocent female hostages too? And whats up with that ending? It was like a flashback and a time skip at the same time with her talking about how the war had ended but everyone was alive in it.
C'mon, you people seriously don't find this absolutely ridiculous.
The long haired girls route in yandere ruined me. Fuck that.
Thank you. This was my first exposure to henati. Parents had a black box and left it on when I was 5. Needless to say, it changed me.
I first watched it some days ago. I liked it, even though I was utterly disappointed by the scene with the two boys standing naked and tied with chains in the white room, because it was the perfect occasion for some lovely femdom.
What I can't believe nobody else sees is basically the whole Christian religion is based on this belief.

Thats why The Bible is so messed up by the end of it you will be like "Yeah, I guess God is justified in killing us all, we kinda deserve it" ell
I watched yesterday after being in this thread. It ruined me. I had to go straight to sleep after that.
What's with idiots like you thinking /d/ is for everything /h/ won't allow? We don't do guro or furries.

Just finished reading it and didnt feel anything because it was typical netorare retardation. Guy has the video tapes of the rapes and doesnt do anything. He just cries all day while masturbating to them just like Otome Dori.
by how he described it you'd think it would be longer than 20 pages.
>Watches hentai

gtfo you faggot
I'm pretty sure it came out of an ass.
it was good. I wanted more tho
They are...
Never finished that manga, it's other name is wolf guy ookami right?
sliding towards /d/

Yup it did
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I was done when i read this. Was expecting femdon and foot fetish shit. I did get that and then SUPRISE PENISES ALL AROUND! I think it was called infinito strega 2 or something. I know it was on fakku.
Because you know deep down inside, you're a pedophile.
the head is realistic but the body flailing and breathing is not because the control centers for that are in the brain stem which comes off with the head. Decapitated chickens run and flail because as far as I can recall they have nodes along their spinal cords that perform motor control.
But who draws this shit and who faps to it, fucking demented
This and i thought ntr and rapefags were bad. Gore is a whole new level of fucked up. People have major mental issues fappign to this.
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my favorite
i don't even have to wank to it
good popcorn flick
then what is this boner doing here?
thank you, i thought i was the only one who didnt get it
i remember this haha, ,good times
I know one gorefag and she draws gore like this and I just can't understand the appeal. I just can't. It's like beyond edgy teen.
From what I hear, it's like the ultimate in bondage or something like that- for the killers, it's the greatest expression of dominance you can have, and for victims, there's nothing more submissive than willingly submitting to execution.
But this person's art is more like they just really like seeing people chopped up. She even commissioned someone to draw a character getting beat up. I see it as just a pain/violence kink or some shit.

Second. that shit couldn't even keep my dick up.

Where's all the Black Lilith posts? there's one where a doctor pumps worms in his maid's ass then fucks the life out of her.
That's Dark Shell not Black Shell. There is no such Hentai as Dark Shell.
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Bondage Game!

The milfy purple haired maid really turned me on to Breast Expansion.

This series was one of a kind! In a way its sad that we will never again see anything produced as outrageous as this two episode h-anime was!
In my case, it was an Oyster manga series about a wife being raped to the point she was not able to feel good with her husband anymore. Up to that point I was a vanilla fag.
can u send a manga from he/she?
Breeding diary

Some guy stalked a elementary school girl, tased her and raped her...i was a kid i was just barely getting into hentai, that was16 years ago
Around 10-15 years ago, discovering uziga waita's deadly joy homepage
(His pen name means something like "teeming with maggots")
I don't fap to this shit but it's mesmerizing when I'm in a black mood.
Also you might be surprised to know that his tamer stories sometimes appear in the hentai magazines in convenience stores here (t. le weeb in japan). There have been a few occasions when I'm reading through a magazine and it's like 'that was technically good artwork but the story and shit was fucked up, who wrote this?' and I go back to the title page and it's uziga fucking waita.
To get his really fucked up shit you have to go to real bookstores that have legit /d/ sections. The circulation isn't big but they actually do have shonen jump sized phonebook manga magazines that are full of guro and loli and shit. Never bought one but I found one one time when I was cleaning out a friend's apartment after he left. I read through it once, then wrapped it in duct tape and threw it in the trash because, what if IRL people see this and think I fap to this shit?
I dont remember which one it was but I remember reaching a point where only hentai could satisfy me anymore
There's one I saw posted, might have been here but most likely on /b/, so there's the main girl who's immortal in the sense that if she gets hurt the people that own her can just throw a turkey or something at her and she's all good.

Then there's this other girl that they keep as a dog or something, a boy who feels pain as pleasure, and main girl and the boy have a baby that's immortal.

I remember in either the last one or near the end one mob boss or something kills the people who run the brothel, rape the main girl, find the baby, rape the baby, and then stick it in a blender.

I can't remember the name but I'm sure one of you fuckers know what I'm talking about
>I remember in either the last one or near the end one mob boss or something kills the people who run the brothel, rape the main girl, find the baby, rape the baby, and then stick it in a blender.

I'm glad to me a normie People on 4chan need to get help.
Not remembering the author or title of this?
Oh yea That's Mai Chan's Daily life.
Incorrect. Humans flail when beheaded too. Not as much as chickens, but they do.
Guillotine victims were tied up to prevent rolling around, not before death, as their head was basically secured, but after.
Yes, I've seen a human body with no head flailing around.
Bible Black was so tryhardly messed up it just came off as silly
This one Is the One!
Milk Money, it was my first hentai when I was 13, after that I was three weeks without masturbating.
Until now, it still is the only hentai I've seen with necrophilia.
I remember that doujin. It certainly was interesting. Art was simple, but loli/shota guro was pretty interesting. maybe you can find it on gurochan.
field trips dude, possibly charter buses being used, because japan, could have staged a driver swap when they pulled it off.
ya, but not to be sent regular post. you can hire people to move it for your privately. Yakuza do white slavery smuggling in japan quite often. That's why american servicemen in japan have a curfew
>Yakuza do white slavery smuggling in japan quite often.
they mainly smuggle SE asian women, maybe Eastern European or russian prostitutes but the involuntary stuff is generally SE Asia or filipinas
>That's why american servicemen in japan have a curfew
american servicemen have a curfew because otherwise they'll get drunk and rape local women or be falsely accused of raping local women. Not because they'll be kidnapped and enslaved, lol.
Source: living in Japan for many years and walking the streets of the big cities late at night and not having been abducted into a life of gay ass-slavery yet.
just fapped to it
La blue girl.

That was so cash back in the days. Schima realm up in this mutherfucker with dragons and shit.
any incest hentai
goddamn it
I can't remember exactly what it was, but it some H game I played when I was 13 that had incest in it.
>Wait, she's calling him "brother"
>She can't really be his sister, right?
>They can't have sex if they're related... right?
Brother/sister is one of my favorite themes now

watched this at a con and oh my god it was pretty bad, 90 percent of the crowd left by the end of the first episode.
For me, it has to be Bible Black. It was all fun and games until I watched some purple haired chick fuck some skinny guy. Mind you, it was the dub. I was never the same after that. Every now and then I'll still jack off to some of those scenes. For some reason, the awful dub just gets me off. And I'll never forget how some guy fucked this chick with a shotgun, then killed her. I was only fourteen years old.
Completely died on the inside but couldn't stop watching.
>Watching hentai smut films
I don't go out of my way to watch trash a edgy 12 year old made for shock value. Fucking people grow up.You are truly the trash and problem this world does not need.
I'm not sure what the point of this thread is. What reaction are you looking for? Have I simply not found a hentai that has broken me?
I've always gotten at least one good fap out of everything I've watched. Only stuff I've ever not liked were the scat scenes in Night Shift Nurses and Euphoria, but even then I just let go of my dick and still watched it for the plot.
>>Watching hentai smut films
>I don't go out of my way to watch trash a edgy 12 year old made for shock value. Fucking people grow up.You are truly the trash and problem this world does not need.
Thus spoke Zarathustra, from a hentai smut forum.
Get back to /v/ where the rest of your kind lurk.
No go back to /b/ shit lord.
This. I loved every second of it but by far it has the worst American voice over I have ever heard.
>shit lord
Go back to tumblr and take your third-wave feminist insults with you. Drowning yourself in the bathroom sink is also an option.
No you first cunt.
well it didnt fucked me up but ive been trying to find the name for years and i guess you guys can help:
it was about 2 otakus that started to kidnap little girls and rape them in a van,the art was super good to
any help?
It's the inclusive "inoffensive to bitches and niggers and kikes and slopes and faggots and fatfucks and everybody we love and want to join our fight against the evil MRAs" insult.

At least have the visceral fortitude to call me a nigger, please.
no shit lord.

Yes it is.
OP here. I didn't think this thread would still be up. To answer a question that has been asked a few times: We all started out the same, right? More or less? Just watching or reading a cartoon male and female do the nasty. Along the way we've picked up fetishes. I wanted to know what particular piece first made you think "I'm fucked up". now I could say that it was for a study to see what "ruins" us most but it was morbid curiosity. Although there does seem to be things to learn here. I thank you for indulging me. If you want you can keep posting and share our fucked up minds with each other.
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>tfw I was laughing for most of the way through that save for the scat scene
I knew the day that I was getting boners for the wrong reasons was the day I knew that I had some serious problems.
This for me as well. My first encounter was that one manga about apartment. I just sort of went downhill after looking the other works by him.
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>Watched ten minutes of this shit while high with my friends at a house party.
>made 1 guy throw up
Nurse Me! was gross. What's with a lot of hentai having gross guys on cute girls?
but this story is secretly wonderful

Great hentai with great animation, and the two main women are some of the best looking I have EVER seen in an animated hentai.

The main female protagonist gets killed off at the end. Like it's just this random last scene added on where a guy walks up and kills her. So fucking weird. If I was curious enough I'd try to find a translated version of the story to find out why it happened, but a the end of the day it's just a hentai.
there was this one guro i saw on /b/ about a year ago. It was about this sticky stuff that started to cover everything and the only way to get out was to cut off whatever was touching it. I dont remember much of the story but i know it was really fucked up, but i was never able to find it again

This sounds very much like a scene from one of de Sade's books.
I saw one about a stripgirl or something, and she was bangraped like the whore she is
it had some many nice details like pupichair in her mouth and in the end they made here a cake out of semen and pubichair
forgot the name unfortunately
What do you mean by "ruined"?
Night Shift Nurses (or something like that, it's been a while)

Was digging having another hentai with animation like Taimanin Asagi and Dark Love. Then the scat scene.

Nope'd out of there and never looked back. Shit and piss is a boner-killer. Luckily the piss scenes in TA and Dark love are really short so they don't bug me so much. The scat scene in Kangoku Senkan, however, I gotta skip over.
>Shitai wo Arau


I've always preferred "battle fucking" to straight out rape. Shame there's so little of it...

Havent even finished the first episode, and i'm scared for the elf soley because she's an elf.
That's a demon.
There was this one hentai manga i was reading and could never find again. It was one where girls were like held in cells and everyday taken to prisoners for them to use and over time they become injured or killed because of what the prisoners are doing to them. It was really pretty sad considering a big thing was how they would comfort each other everyday as they got more fucked up by having eyes gouged out or arms broken. Anyone know what im talking about?
are you me?

Bump for this. I am interested.
it was somethings like bradelies coach( might be wrong, but it should point you in the right direction) it isn't hentai, its actually a manga.
Yep, same. I have grown to be ok with NTR if I self-insert as the guy the girl cheats with but Otome Dori has her fucking her uncle, ugly dudes, and like faceless randos. The whole part with the child and the tape at the end i'm just like fucking nopeee.
seek help
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>Taimanin Asagi
That was the point of no return
Really? I was annoyed more with constant zooming in/out and blur
i guess midnight sleazy train or some slave thingy. A lord and a dominatrix. Anal sex at the end, forgot the Name
doesn't she kill the guy at the end?
I don't think that was hentai
Rape Guy Rapen quest

I swear Rape was the only villanous act the author could think of
i have the dvd. made a friend watch it for the lulz
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I once found a hentai based on the murder of Junko Furuta.
And holy shit the manga was so cruel, more cruel than the usual hentai stuff I come across, from setting fire on her to lighting fireworks in Junko's ass. Everything was detailed. The worst part is that I only found about the real story AFTER I finished reading through the hentai and googled it. I still feel so bad. And so this fucking hentai killed my fetish for rape, snuff and torture.
Okay,I'm into NTR and never had any problems self inserting as the "bad guy". I'm into maledom bondage and slavery stuff, rape, mind control, mindbreak, corruption, etc etc. I read most of Oyster works and even fapped furiously to his "Glory of the Vice" one

...and then one day I was browsing some smut on my free time, checked the cuple of tags I usually search for on my japanese porn fix and oh boy oh boy:
www hbrowse com/13613/c00001/00001

I guess this is how folks who self insert as the whimp who always get his gf stolen on all those NTR smut must feel like. God fucking damnit this shit made me lose my whole day but on the other hand it's pretty nice to know I still have some empathy on me to actually get put off like that by drawings
Just when I thought I was done fapping to it, the bed scene in episode 3 happened. I didn't know turbo boners existed until that night.
You know that one where a guy rapes a baby and then blend it?

Yeah that one
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind hentai made by some artist where she start fucking insects. I'm not even sure it's an hentai
>EP 3

... the only thing I've found is a two-episode OVA. What is this episode 3 you speak of?
Princess Knight Taming Part 3 really fucked with me, it didn't quite ruin "orcs raping elves/human women" for me but it did lower the enjoyment a shitload. Just the unrelenting perspective of the man being at the forefront, and having him around and fucking everything up even after he lost was just really enraging.
I remember that.

I didn't find anything arousing about it, but I did think that it could be a really, really good drama film or something in the right hands. Like the kind of shit that either wins oscars or gets people arrested.

It's outright beautiful. If I'd have Saya, I'd say fuck humanity too.
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hmm, whats this, Hmmm 'click'OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD

i think this cat describes my reaction perfectly
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The ads fit with it too
They later went back and made a third episode as a sort of "what if he destroyed a different girl" scenario.
There were a lot
Basically what i susually did was just ignoring whatever too fuck up shit the hentai featured. Just like that did I with Loli Agony Heaven, however looking back it is some seriously fucked up shit. Like lolis getting screwed by something twice their volume, having their urethra penetrated, shit like that.
This. Someone posted a cap on /a/ and I thought it was going to just be some feelsy shit, instead I got a deep mental scar.
That's not funny anon
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Ah Euphoria, that's one of my favorites!

I reccently watched Eroge! h mo game mo kaihatsu zanmai, which is from the same company (at least as far as I know) where the plot is that they are currently the developing the Euphoria VN, with quite some funny reference.

But when I saw THIS, I lost my shit. I couldn't stop laughing and totally forgot to fap.
Also Ep4 was in production the last time I checked, not sure if already out.

And if I recall correctly the VN was getting a english translation. (Also not sure on the status)
Just checked. Ep4 is out and shit. What a waste of time!
Probably Tojou no Danran. I can't fucking stand this sort of shit, it turns my stomach upside down.
Metal Bat.. Damn i cant imagine if it happens to me
motion sickness is my fetish
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If you know about Kuroinu Kedakaki youll understand why
>vanilla doujins with slutty dark elves never
the 200 day war or something doujin of Oreimo
I felt incredibly fucked up and it nags me whenever I beat it to 3DPD
Me too. Her getting her eyes fucked and stuck doing sex games and still loving her bro depressed the shit out of me. What a complete 180 on the tone.
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Mai-chan's Daily Life?

Literally the first thing I saw on /b/ in 2006.

It's been a wild ride.

picrelated: another goodie

I'd post some mai-chan, but that's /d/ / /b/ stuff
How did this end I never got further than the first original 4 chapters.
Can you post a link to this
This artstyle gives me a titanium boner
that's 10/10
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I can't believe nobody mentioned Mahou Shoujo Ai

this shit wrecked me

Speak for yourself, but that shit was awesome!

I still stand by the notion that the first series of Shoujo Ai has some of the best tentacle animation around. Hardly anything else comes close.
i am.
also fuck you not everyone like the same shit
I agree with both. Nothing else comes close so in that sense I am ruined.
babyfuck! babyfuck! its awwwwwwwwwwwwwright!
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I was 13 - 14? This shit changed me yo. I went from watching Sailor Moon and feeling funny in my pants when they transformed, to this within the course of a few years at a very young age.
Night shift nurses

Got it on DVD back when I still used their paper catalogue. Later I got the second disk which wasn't censored and had all the glorious scat and everything else. Certainly a lot of the stuff in there desensitized me.
before this it was legend of the overfiend. watched it in german. used to watch a german channel just on the chance that they showed anime. had some hentai sometimes too like Kite
>tfw can't join the army and become a yakuza ass-slave.

At least the marines make you an ass slave anyways.
Anyone got source on black shell?
Pickd the fuck up.
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is that hugh laurie?

>Gieger Counter
Does it have another name? Don't see it on sadpanda

It's gEIger counter.
Honestly it was back around 2004 with bibleblack, I was 9 and got way too curious after watching Triple X with vin diesel, so I decided to yahoo search those letters, and after a cascade of websites I ended up on some fucking xxxanime website and watched my first hentai.

It doesn't help I was on dial up, 52 kbp/s connection. I was playing toontown around this time as well, so things were fucking strange when consulting with other preteens about this.

Things were really weird after that, and only have I recently delved back into the world of hentai, like 2012 kind of recently.
It would have been awesome if you could actually see anything. Fucking constant motion blur and shaky cam. Witch is really sad, cause the animation quality if fucking amazing
I have to say it was my first hentai. It was pretty vanilla, but it got me into hentai. I can't remember the name of it, but one of the scens has a girl about to kill herself and the MC tells her she should sleep with him since she's gonna die anyway. It looked like a 90's anime.

The other was Immoral Sisters. Oh man, we he put his finger up her ass while she was on the phone with her husband. That might be the cause of my NTR porn fetish.
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