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Ass thread/booty thread/riding thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 243
Thread images: 58

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Best ass and riding

how does he do it

how does he not cum!?
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I want to see this thread strive
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These are god-tier,
Sauce for the love of pussy
sauce my man
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Wish I had.webm
2MB, 704x1280px
Name of girl?
please sauce
look up amia miley boat
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sauce on both
source? couldn't find it searching evilangel interracial
As someone who has worekd in the porn industry, i can tell you that no porn actors are slightly atracted to each other during takes.

holy shit, sauce on dat, she looks like this one russian lady i wanted to fuck so bad.
Valentina Nappi, she's hot, but she's a total whore, so there is lots of content out there for you to fap to.
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foot prop.webm
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What do you think of this ass, guys?
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cowgirl (106).webm
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Her name is Nadia Ali
Sauce, I like how she rides the dick.

Implying they're gay or?
Most of them are yeah.
Here's a hint.
Most of the white and latino male porn stars are average and below but they cock pump got surgeryed and are fist fulls of steroids and viagra/cialis and fluctuate between full on faggot to bi enough to let a dude suck their dick and do bareback gay 4 pay.

Good chunk of the women are pansexual with more then a few being outright lez.

When you realize women who talk about cock size and other stuff in porno are actually doing that you sort of see them as nothing but a collection of holes and lose anything resembling interest in them as people.

Interesting part?
Get a full on obvious dyke "straight" female pornstar in a scene with one of the actually straight big pipe slingers in the industries and watch fireworks happen. It's quite remarkable.
What is that?
Fucks anything with a pulse.
"bi" means two
"pan" means anything and everything, considering trans people (and a whole lot of others) don't fit into the two categories you think of when you hear "bi"
Ever heard of Captain Jack Harkness?
So, it's something invented then?
A massive homosexual who uses the "pansexual" label to get away with fucking dudes and not be called gay?
Are you suggesting most bi women are willing to fuck Buck Angel or Sarina Valentina?
>fucking dudes and not be called gay
No, it's so you know they fuck people a lot more people than just dudes or women. Like intersex people.
Most individuals tend to avoid mentally disabled people, but yeah, there are many who are into that.
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sitting on this perfect bbc.webm
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>implying people who think there are only 2 genders arent the ones who are retarded
>most of the white and Latino porn stars are average and below

das rite...muh BBC
How? There have always been only two genders.
No, a pansexual will fuck anything human and has a pulse regardless of their sex.

Harkness mostly just fucked dudes. The sexual adventurer pansexual label was to handwaive his obvious homosex.

Look, fucking any and all people regardless of their sex and not having a preferred sex to sleep with outside of a certain personality or whatever? Pan. That just means choiceless heedless slut.

Fucks basically all people of the same sex but occasionally fucks the opposite sex or a transexual? Gay who's situationally bi.

Being otherwise straight but dicking a sexually frustrated and lonely reverse trap friend who still looked feminine and had no surgeries?
Straight with incidental bi tendencies.
It became necessary when the gender binary went away. It hasn't caught on with most social circles yet, since most people are still can't quite figure out how gender and sex aren't the same thing. Basically gender is the way you behave and view yourself and are viewed as a sorta loose connection to your sex, which you were born with. Some people finally realized that all of the gender norms were basically just mob rule and people telling other people how to live their lives, so they decided that having a penis didn't naturally mean having short hair and doing manual labor and wearing polo shirts. Wearing "women's" clothing, for instance, isn't the result of having a penis or a y chromosome but rather being told that because you have a y chromosome you have to wear jeans instead. So we've started to be able to deal with people living as the "other" gender role but that immediately flung open the door to the question of "why just the two?" Since male and female no longer impose "man" or "woman" on a person, why not choose something else? So we needed a "pan" sexual orientation to accomodate all of the other category. Yes, it opens the door to a lot of silliness and self-delusion but the alternative is just blindly following the binary because it's what we've been doing. I'm personally hoping that common sense and decency win out over authoritarian tradition myself. So there you have it. Pansexual.
How can we make a choice? Take away the clothes and you can see there are only two genders.

nice thanks mate, she really looks a bit like the russian lady i wanted to fuck, too bad she was married and didnt want to.
that it's not riding?
No you see there are (mostly) two sexes. Gender is what clothes you put on those bodies and how you treat them. Telling one person to cook the food and one person to go to work based on their chromosomes is gender. There's nothing inherent in one or the other that should mandate behavior or esteem from others beyond the fact that people just say so. There's nothing inherently aberrant in a person with a vagina being a tomboy except that we say it's not ladylike or what have you. Gender isn't the same as sex and most people are so indoctrinated in it from birth that we assume that it's either this or that. Gender isn't the physical aspect of sex but rather a role imposed on a person based on social attitudes about that sex. I don't want to sound like I wholly support some of the nonsense around this issue either, but I'm certainly more in favor of somebody who has sex that is strange to me than I would support a person who says we should burn those people because they aren't acting like they're supposed to. Is it really that much an inconvenience to make bathrooms where people don't have to piss and shit next to each other?
Gender as a concept was proven to be a big fucking fraud decades ago.
It's litterally only pushed by queer academics and media types.

There is only two sexes and gender = sex.
Masculine women are still women and feminine men are still men.

That has not and will not change ever and hasn't changed for tens of thousands of years of recorded history both real and false.
No, it's a known known that the vast majority are pretty damned gay and more then a little average in the cock department.

There are so many white and latin men in the west that they can and do pick specific guys usually gay as fuck to play the "big dicked stud" this isn't even up for debate dude.

The black guys? They mostly pick only a handful of real big dick "studs" and of those guys only a few are gay/bi.

They want them pounding out chicks by the dozen and they want them to stay clean when not fucking on camera.
I'm sorry if I'm coming off as a gender feminist because honestly I think they're one of the most destructive hate groups around right now. But gender as a concept isn't even conceivably a fraud. That's like, not even possible because they are by the very definition of the words they are two separate things. That's like saying mirrors and reflections are the same thing. Unless you can come up with a reason to shun and mistreat people just on the grounds that they behave in a way that doesn't fit the strict rules that you are in favor of. You don't really get to say "there are only two genders" while simultaneously silencing and attacking all of the readily available examples of people who don't fit into those two roles. I'm sorry that you haven't caught up yet but gender roles are social mores like any other and have no real place being forced in a just society. Luckily our society is progressing beyond Fiddler on the Roof style collectivist tradition and becoming more likely to burn the old oppressors than just the people who are different.
Or to take it back to a more simple level, the sex-gender distinction boils down to an is-ought problem. People see an "is" and our most basic impulses are to construct an "ought" out of it. But just because a person "is" a certain way doesn't mean that people "ought" to behave a certain way. With the exception of harming others and all that.
The entire idea behind gender is total bullshit that exists as a concept only in queer theory and pushed in media.

There are only two sexes.
Gender = sex.
Trying to equate femininity and masculinity with some gender that overrides their actual sex is ridiculous fantastical nonsense and leads to people who become deeply trouble and utterly dissatisfied with themselves.

Men and women are two distinct sexes period.
They can be masculine or feminine and have traits of both.
This how it's been for longer then humanity has been able to conceptualize words.

Sure a lot of modern enivronmental damage, drugs, and convenient social conditioning which push this are changing it a bit, but that does not change the basics of what is there.
You're really going out of your way to define other people's identities for then.
At the moment biology dictates, those who live today suffer the same way people lacking the technology to live a more comfortable lives suffer. When genetic modification shall become a thing, only then can the people be born and feel the same way their sex is.

Back to you: you're really going out of your way to dictate something beyond your control then.
I'm not defining anything.
I'm telling you what society at large and the queer community sees.

People lying to themselves about who they are is something that the gays are supposed to hate right?

By the time we have genetic modification, there will be no more homosexuals or transexuals born because the flaws inherent in human dna that would cause this would be eliminated.
And of the ones who slip through the cracks, they'll be able to take a pill to fix it.
Mira will never fuck you Byron.
They have sex with pans?
The only reason to think it is true is that you say it is and you won't hear it any other way. Those two words do not mean the same thing and you're using Humpty-Dumptyism to redifine them to fit what you think they should mean based on how you think people should behave. Gender and sex are two separate words with two distinct meanings and saying it ain't so don't make it not so. Sex is chromosomes, gender is what people decide to do about them. And you calling bullshit doesn't mean that the living, breathing exceptions to the rules aren't wandering around our society right this second. Nobody's saying that transwomen are "actually" women with two x chromosomes.
damn i know its valentia nappi but what is that sauce on this scene?
>>9302167 Its anikka albright or however you spell her name
File: pawg aj.webm (4MB, 858x510px) Image search: [Google]
pawg aj.webm
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>>9304506 Its nadia ali spizoo.com
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I thought this was also a thread for ass not just ass riding.
nice attempt to normalize mental illness

Mira ? the russian lady i know, her name starts with E and she's over 35 years old :^) , still damn good looking one god dayum.

Wow, I finally found the one guy who say the grey blob episode of Fairly Odd Parents and thought "I want to live there".

Damn, man, be more boring.

i literally googled valentia nappi football and found it

cmon guys
when youre trying to relax but you dont want her to break your dick
Name of this girl?
what's with all the beastiality in this thread

why do you faggots love niggers so much?
Nobody's lying about who they are, though, except of course people who are living in gender roles that don't really suit them in order to fit in better. This is literally the same argument that has been used to stifle civil rights since as long as we've kept record of such things. Gays couldn't fuck who they wanted because that's not what the intended purpose of our genitals are. Intended by whom? By nobody other than the majority of the people who feel safer being able to bully others. People like you. Trans people aren't lying about who they are because each individual person has the right to determine who they are. People like you are the ones with the problem, because you've just decided that it's up to you to tell other people what it means to have be YX or XX and let's pretend there are no other combinations while we're at it. Better shove those XXX or X0 and all the others into column A or column B. After all there are only a few of them so they don't really matter right? Genetic modification is unnecessary because gender isn't a genetic construct. Again, you're thinking of sex. Gender is a social construct. Dunno how many different ways it has to be explained but you're simply using the word incorrectly.
Nice attempt to classify harmless lifestyle differences as mental illness because they don't conform to your traditionalist view of how real people behave
Sex and gender are the same

Gender as you describe it is some ridiculous fantasy notion that has no basis in any form of reality you can name. It's a big goddamend game of pretend where people manipulate sick and often simply vulnerable people into playing by their rules for power money and sex.

You and the people you think you're talking for aren't some new entities that simply popped into existence since the entirely flawed concept of gender was created by that retarded scumbag in the 70's. His fucked up experiment outright fucking failed and he was sent to prison for it if I'm remembering correctly.

That's not special. That's not being unique.
That's not them being some unique entity that exists beyond all human reason and has never ever existed.
It's just stupid labels for the same goddamned shit that's always existed.
That people say this kind of thing, that they need this kind of stuff to feel normal or accepted...that's the fuck up.

Yeah, they are. Homosexuals and transexuals who are under no pressure by anyone to fit in lie of their own volition all of the time.

You can have all of the gay sex you want and dress how you want and pretend to be whatever sex you want and get married.

No one is forcing you. You'll just have to deal with the same kind of assholes everyone else deals with on a day to day basis.

The problem comes when a vast majority of the need to be accepted is pushed as lionization and a desperate need to push the idea that heterosexuality and 'heteronormativity" is somehow evil and wrong.
That is what people have a problem with and it's something that's pushed a lot nowadays.
>sex and gender are the same
No, they are not. If they were we'd probably have gone down to just one word or the other. If you're going to pretend to be using English, then use the real meanings of the words instead of redefining them as the same thing because you feel that supports your argument. Sex=gender is verifiably false. It's not even a legal, sociological, or political issue. It's a semantic issue. The two words have different meanings so please stop pretending like they don't. You're just changing the definition of gender to match sex in order to serve your argument but that only makes it self-referential. I could say any two different concepts are the same thing and I'd be right if you used my personal definitions but I"d still be wrong.

And heteronormativity might not be evil. The majority of people are going to be heterosexual and cisgendered most likely. But even if it isn't "evil" it should be recognized as present so that people know that they aren't required to bend to it, and so that people like you don't feel like you actually have authority to enforce it. Heteronormativity as perceived peer pressure is likely just a fact of life. Heteronormativity as coercion by a majority is obviously wrong just like any other form of collective bullying.
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Thick asses are made for BBC.webm
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I don't know but search Annika Albright EvilAngel Interracial and you should find it.
>allie james
Ireland pls go
kya tropic
>Interesting part?
>Get a full on obvious dyke "straight" female pornstar in a scene with one of the actually straight big pipe slingers in the industries and watch fireworks happen. It's quite remarkable.

Have any examples?
that looks intense. Any Sauce?
File: kj.webm (2MB, 730x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 730x720px
need sauce
Two things
Sex and gender are the same and the study that says that this is not the case was proven to be evil quackery.
It is also only pushed by queer theorists gays and stupid easily manipulated people, mostly women. That's it.

Secondly, "heteronrmativity" doesn't have to be identified. We all know what it is.
What you are in fact talking about is fucking DEMONIZING it in an effort to build some people up and fatten your ranks up with people who are easily swayed or are looking for a place to belong.

That's it.
It's wrong as fuck and before long people are going to start getting very fucking upset and angry at this entire line of thinking.

Damn straight Anon.

Oh, and you don't have to wait, people are already very fucking upset at that bullshit line of pseudo-thinking. Goddamn fucking "special snowflakes" that need 50 different "genders" so they don't feel like the fucked up losers they actually are.

Look, say you're a dude that likes dick and pussy and maybe your dog or chicken sometimes? Fine. Whatever. Live and let live, man. Just don't do the following:

1. Hurt anybody with your sexual predilections. That especially includes kids. Just DON'T. FUCKING. DO. IT. Or you can expect the rather nasty results society has in store for you.

2. Crow about it in public or otherwise think that anybody at all gives two shits about your perversions.

3. Expect anyone else to think it's "normal" and/or give you validation on it. You find a group of like minded pervs to hang with, great. Just don't expect me and mine to call what you are doing with that chicken anything other than "sick".

4. DO NOT EVER expect people to kowtow to your special snowflake delusion and use the power of the state and some fucked up asshole judges to force me and mine to serve you or cater your pseudo wedding. You wanna marry the chicken, fine. But I'm not baking you a fucking cake.
Yes, because astronomically higher suicide rates and general unhappiness is harmless.
>implying you care about suicide rates
that tends to be true of any group that is oppressed
>before long people are going to start getting very fucking upset and angry at this entire line of thinking.
>before long
There's a silent majority in the Western world that hates this line of thinking, anon. It's only a matter of time before all the normies in this majority get a clue and get off their asses to do something about it.
lol so many niggers in this thread in such denial
Got sauce?
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Underrated posts
She's fantastic. MOAR PLZ
Lmao no it's because physically and mentally they are unstable and they have severe chemical imbalances that cause them to be prone to depression and in alot of cases suicide.
I tried but can't find the video anywhere can someone help?
>Sex and gender are the same
[citation still non-existent]
You're not making sense. You don't need a study to prove that two words with different meanings are different. There's no study involved here. This has been explained several ways in this very thread. You might think that gender is 100% correlated with sex, but the two terms are referring to different things. And yeah, people are getting fed up with conservatives and traditionalists telling them how to live with no basis beyond "we say so." You all have been living with your boots on peoples' necks long enough and it'll be nice to see you on the other side soon. Funny to see you all going on like you're still in charge.

You don't have to think it's normal, you just don't get to bully people and discriminate against them because they differ from you. You know, it's been the same the whole way with you guys. Women, gays, niggers, now trans people. Must be awful having your absolute control over people slipping away in the face of self-determination.
lol yeah spit on people and ostracize them their entire lives and then hold up higher rates of depression as an example of their fault. You people are fucking scumbags.
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Burden of proof is on the person claiming they are not the same. Gender meant sex until it was co-opted by people with mental disorders. Sexual identity and sexual preference are what you really mean when you say "gender". Just because you misuse the word, doesn't make it right.

I'm sure you also say irregardless....
>she actually made a new video
Gender was appropriated by a psychiatrist author who earned millions and millions off it in the 70's, but it didn't become widely used until the 90s.
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Brandon - pussynatrix or something like that
I always laugh are retards like you. youre social debating on a porn thread you fuckin asspie. Get a life loser.
Glenn King's Maneaters #02 with Anikka Albrite,Rob Piper
You gonna need more foil for your hat buddy
shut the fuck up you gaylord
Holy shit file name
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angell summers.webm
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2 minutes googling what I told you and picking the first google result:
those are some weird balls

Source? I tried reverse and title but cannot find shit.
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steph kegels.webm
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steph kegels_2.webm
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do you have the webm of her spanking herself in the white bra and black panties?

Straight up talking out his ass.
>steph kegels
Where can I find the full video?

Just ran a search, I fuckin' got you anon. Enjoy the fap.

http spankbang dot com ryii video pawg+celia

Obviously, the colon and 2 slashes go afterwards, replace the dot with a period, and every other space is a slash

>Finally a new video

Fuck yes, I was afraid she was just gonna have one video, I got bored of it already
Name plz!
Jerking on 4chan does not count as working in teh industry,
Imagine doing 2-3 weeks of no fap and busting a nut inside of this girl raw. You would probably climax so hard you'd blackout and catch a glimpse of Valhalla
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alexis texas.webm
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Gender was almost entirely a grammatical term until fairly recently. Word meanings evolve with our understanding of things. Now that we understand little things like liberty and self-determination we're not as bound by Bronze Age ideology about the collective forcing everybody to be the same. And worst of all, nobody is even harmed by trans people. Nobody is actually harmed by people being different, only by people trying to force them to be otherwise.

>Gender as you describe it is some ridiculous fantasy notion that has no basis in any form of reality you can name

No fucking shit, Sherlock. Gender isn't intrinsically or even objectively tied to any physical property. It has no basis in reality beyond what people ascribe to it. Which is why trying to tell people they are one or the other is nothing but authoritarianism. You aren't speaking with the voice of reality any more than you are speaking with the voice of God. You're just an asshole advocating treating other people as less than human because they don't do what you tell them to. Gender is not sex. Using an outmoded definition of gender does not make it equate to sex. Gender is made up by people and the two main genders are just the ones that the most people agree on. They're not any more natural than any other options.
Yeah, there is a vast, silent majority of people who think that they can kill others for not falling in line. Maybe in Pleasantville or Mayberry or whatever time capsule you simps are from, but in the real world the great majority of people don't have any desire to kill just to feel the power of control over others.
>the great majority of people don't have any desire to kill just to feel the power of control over others.
Oh my sweet summer child. Wait till November proves you wrong.
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alexis texas 2.webm
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Sauce please?
I'm about to blow your fucking mind. That's Alexis Texas, you're welcome. You want me to find it for you? Hit play? Jerk you off too? Delete it off your mom's web history?
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alison tyler.webm
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you do realize that gender refers to a grammar construct, right

mylust dot com

>expecting any different on 4chan

this is why I try to not actually read anything posted on this site except maybe /v/ unless I'm looking to shitpost
>jerking off to porn

you fucking degenerate, these are collectibles
Are you literally retarded?
i have a feeling it's a meme now, this happens in literally every thread now and it certainly wasn't like that even a few months ago
File: Randalin01.webm (2MB, 604x1080px) Image search: [Google]
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That position looks better than it feels. The angle is far too sharp.
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You're a lad amongst lads!
Replace every instance of "gender" with "orientation" and you might be on to something. No matter how much a man wants to be a woman or vice versa, you will still at your essence have the genetic information of one or the other (naturally occurring hermaphrodites notwithstanding). This is regardless of how you torture your body with hormones and mutilation.
Thats fucking disgusting whats wrong with you
Got any with better quality?
I would live in those magnificent thighs
She has 3 videos, one with a gangbang of white guys, one with a threesome with 2 black guys, and one with her and a white guy.
http://spankb ang(.)com/ho 5c/vi deo /celia+g angb ang
Love it if someone could provide source for her new video, thought she would only make 3
can u post dl link i dont want to pay but no torrents i can find
Amy weinouse did porn?

Ah, thought there was initially two, I only said one for me because I dislike IR, but I hope she keeps appearing more
nvm found it
I jerk off to cum
The LGBT won't allow it. Same way they won't allow any sort of free thinking outside of their own warped values. Prepare to be shamed into silence or compliance by being repeated called a hateful, <fill in the blank> ophobe, if you disagree.

That's the 'love and tolerance' crowd for you. Bunch of hypocritical low life, degenerate losers.
This thread is wonderful
Source please
Papa bless
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This kills the man
Sauce pls
had a giggle
>be virgin
>try to post like you know what you're talking about
>fail miserably
>cry self to sleep without fapping because hand is to dry
Thank you, anon!
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need sauce to this one
there are more than 2 sexes.

youre thinking only XX, XY exists
there also exists XXY, XXX, etc. mutations
lots of extremely tall slender women have XXX for example
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Chromosome anomalies don't make them a new gender you retard.
Thanks Anon!!!
Anybody have a lead on this one?
Look up Allison Tyler-No Words Necessary
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i think he just wants it to be riding
is this position comfortable?
For you
Someone has to have sauce, this is S~Tier
she was actually on TV? kek
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t. david shekelstein
If any god exists, he should reward you, you are a good human being
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as someone who has a working set of genitals
i can tell you i tried to bang a fatty once, couldn't keep it up.

>big tits
>nice ass
>face is usually nice
>not attracted
nigga you just might be gay, or a woman
bi sexuals who believe in the 10k genders of tumblr and will fuck them all

so a bi sexual with even less self respect
Many guys (me included) have/had a bad habit of getting used to cumming with a deathgrip which makes cumming during sex take a long time. I just don't masturbate and still take 20-30 minutes but most pornstars don't have the incentive to cum earlier so they just jack off at the end of scenes to finish it.
Why the fuck do ignorant whores think that doing a little roundabout with their hips is supposed to just be mindblowing for the guy?
If it does something for her, fine, but chicks who do this are almost universally shitty at sex and think this is some next-level secret move.
Maybe in a lap dance, for the extra stimulation. Once Tab A is in Slot B, wiggling in circles ain't the key to much.
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Does this fit?
More of this fat ass?
Sauce my dude
Kill yourself
i've waited so long for her to start shooting again
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My man
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some god tier shit. I need that sauce
search Roxy pawg on motherless

Thats not alexis texas you fucking moron
Name? Title?
fucking tell me about it

Angela Divine and Erika Kane
what a weird thing to be pissed about. autism
What I'd give to fuck Steph. I'd love to cum so hard I could see into eternity.
>What I'd give
Would you give your anal virginity to Mandingo on film?
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2MB, 1280x720px
seconding this
Never too late to start!
That would be nothing compared to blowing my load inside of that woman.
(he doesn't have any)
His got stamine

It says the sauce right in the screen you dipshits

no, no, no
I think we just saw a rape happen. D:
Thread posts: 243
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