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Heart Melt Thread

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Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 61

File: I Wish You Love.webm (4MB, 160x120px) Image search: [Google]
I Wish You Love.webm
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Can we start a heart melt thread? we need some love up in this board!
I actually fucking feel deep emotions for this girl every time I hear this fuck me this shit fucks me up God damn
What is her name?
Name, OP
More girls singing fuck it's not even my fetish it just makes me feel loved I guess fuckin what a pussy thing to say I guess but idk how to describe it.
anon calm down
Her name is Rachael Yamagata
Or not nvm
Her name is Emma lee or so it says on her YouTube page.
Same bro, it really sooths my heart...
They don't even look alike
One of the things that makes this hit me so hard is, if you pay close attention to her face as she sings, it looks like she's about to cry at certain parts. Especially at the end when the song is over.. The smile just fades from her face.
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Song sauce is Your Type by Carly Rae Jepsen. Would highly recommend the album it is from - E•MO•TION. Good shit, high quality synthpop, much better musically than Call me maybe.

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Second one
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who is this angel??
fucking 160x120 motherfucker can't even adjust the audio
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Kanna Hashimoto.webm
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This girl is in GDP. no??
now the one where she gets pounded
It's actually not OP's fault. The original video is just as bad


not feeling anything, shes not even a good singer in my opinion
>it's not the one the porn inbetween
To be fair, that girl looks like.. 15 or 16, at the oldest. With a voice like hers at that age, I'm sure she'll grow up to be a fantastic singer. Assuming she continues to sing, that is.
Hellovenus Nara
Full video is on youtube for anyone that wants. Just search for "gogo dance pitbull".
Pedro gtfo!
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Me too anon, me too.
info behind this?
She's high on morphine obviously, what more do you want to know?
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im guessing its after a surgery.
When you wake up you really say weird things.
When i woke up after my first surgery, my mother told me that i was constantly repeating: I don't want the clowns to come. Please. Tell them i don't want them in my room.
I have no memory of me saying that

It was on Reddit a couple of weeks ago. Her mother was filming after she came out of anesthesia and found out far more about her daughter than she thought.
this one gets me every time
Probably wisdom teeth surgery or some other light surgery where they drug you up heaps.
When I saw this the first time it was a gif without sound. I think I'll stick with that because this god awful song really ruins it for me.
File: Closest thing to happines.webm (2MB, 1000x562px) Image search: [Google]
Closest thing to happines.webm
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Gown for wisdom tooth surgery?
I had laparoscopic surgery last september and I apparently was awake in the operating room before they wheeled me out, though I only remember waking up where they wheeled me out to, and apparently I said some weird shit. Can't remember anything. Sadly forgotten what they told me I said too.
Apparently I bitchslapped my mother when I had woken up from anesthesia

Bitch loves balls.

I would sell my soul just to nut on the face of a girl this pretty just once.
i don't get it, she stopped uploading videos 4 years ago. why? who is she? does she fb?
Why does this video remind me so much of 6th grade
Someone be a hero and post the video of Eliza dancing to Come on Eileen?
she found out people from here were stalking her and stopped posting on public social media.
can't blame her for that. 4chan is full of fucking weirdos who lack social skills of any kind
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It looks like she said cookies. so now I am imagining her voice being the same as cookie monster :/
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"I'd do anything for a cookie"
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If anyone has more Kanna, it'd be greatly appreciated.
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You're dead inside dude
You say she stopped, not that she deleted everything. Is her YT channel still on? We need sauce, anon.

Ok, I really need sauce on this.

Help D:

>Rinagardiumu reviosaru!!
Ai Shinozaki - Ai no Mama ni (LPBR1001)

Speak for yourself, I'd only rape maybe a couple of these bitches at best.
already fell in love with her last thread..
File: Dr Dick.webm (4MB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
Dr Dick.webm
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god damn this gets me every time
would appreciate a source on this
nevermind I scrolled past it
ignore me
oh goodness, she is lovely
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This thread killed my boner
now im just sad an alone
ty very much anon!
the channel's link? please?
Different anon but I posted the video that OP's webm is from.
The video itself is unlisted so it's her channel.
There aren't any videos on that channel, not even older than 4 years as he said..
I assumed he wasn't talking about this channel.

see >>9111059
At least you are in flavortown.

"Seven? Seven cm?"
"Aww uhh"
"I need more, sorry"
thx anon, I loled
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Well so is the world, everyone needs to harden up and understand weirdos will always exist
oh, I feel stupid now
dont speak european, someone please translate
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File: stillinlovewithyou.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
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holy sauce
Girl ask to take a picture of her and another one says that she is filming.
-cmone, take a picture!
-Im filming!
And they talking in a terrible ukrainian russian that is fully ruins it for me

Literally no ass
sauce on song?
damn she has moves
thanks anon
you all will lose
tfw you will never have a russian qt with the voice of an angel
File: SlavAngel.webm (4MB, 270x480px) Image search: [Google]
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>Not having the webm saved.
Ishiggy Diggy.

couldnt find anything better than that m8
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In love
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Fell in love from the song choice.
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Not a single one in the whole thread
Sauce to her actual channel
nobody fucking asked your opinion, you lonely fuck

either post something better or shut the fuck up
Eh, she just another pretty face trying to get attention singing in front of a camera like most 'talented' unheard of people that end up being famous and that's what she seems to be striving for
the girl posing is convinced the camera is taking a pic of her, and complains when it's not
nigger detected.
10/10 melted. Too bad she's like 15.
She reminds of this cute eastern European girl I know
18 i believe
>tfw she got a tattoo
she was so perfect
Only came to this thread looking for this, thanks.

Can someone post the webm of the Russian qt3.14 soldier singing?
Nevermind, I'm blind
nigga, i thought elves were a myth. but here i am seeing one
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fun fact. The song she is singing is about men going off to war and their wives cheating on them. the men knew it but had to focus on the war.
There was a webm of this with a perfect loop, anyone has it?
The amazing part is that you think that's the original, even a re-upload, and not just some autistic anon posting the webm on youtube.
bs. pics or it didnt happen
The real question is how did you get this if it's not fake or this just some super young looking pornstar
You know, seems like CP is a lot more prevalent recently on /gif/. Is all of this from just you, or a group of people?
im really high and this ruined my life
Now I just want to kill myself.
Try not to cry

>tfw half her videos have been taken down
That album was shit.

Not a soldier
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who is this/ what is it from?
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Her teeth are yellow. I mean whatever, but I guess I dont know what I expected.
That video was taken in some poor ass south american country, in a fucking monastary school at that. give her some slack you fucking autist.
I dont wanna.
boys,we are in business
That accent makes my dick hard

Her teeth aren't yellow at all. Fucking amerifats and their love of synthetic looking cosmetic appearances.


What the fuck are you talking about. She's an actress, they are in a backstage stairwell and she's dressed in costume for a play.
Everyone with a job contributes to the GDP, fucking welfare leech.
You do realize that tooth enamel is actually tinted yellow right? That sparkly white smile shit we have going on is not how teeth look naturally.
girl in my university halls looked almost exactly like her and sounded very similar and she was around 18-19
This girl seems like she'd be fun to hang out with.
thank you for this
Those legs
This makes me really sad mang, just to know no one is safe from falling into a shithole
>An asian qt who doesnt sound like shit
Is this heaven
saccharine crap, fucking numales
... not posting the GDP version
child legs?? the fuck is wrong with you
too bad she has the AIDS
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no, put your pants back on anon
need a name NOW
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2MB, 226x200px

Fekk.. she look like justin bieber...
more of her
how has nobody complimented your trips yet; good job friend
This bitch is still only singing. Can't play shit. No wonder she ended up in porn.
holly something or other
The song is bad that artist is bad we only like it fir the girl dancing cutely
>no women EVER who dies her hair blonde will also dye her eyebrows to.match
Why does she have a breathing tube?
Can barely sing either
In a ylyl thread i would have lost so hard haha 10/10
Eva Markvoort?
Now i'm sad :(
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>MFW realising that I'll never find someone like her
she looks like the cam whore, lovely little
holly earl
I suddenly really really really really like the russian language
she sing so bad she gave cancer to herself
u like whores?
hhahah i remember this one hahahah
Why do you fucks even post these, makes me want to kill myself Q_Q
Suicide is not an option

Everything about this is awesome
This webm is so comfy. It makes me feel like one of the happy memories from eternal sunshine. When I die, if I have a flashback of all the good times with the woman I love I'm going to slip this one in there too.
some porn mogul should make a series with porn chicks getting railed then give 'em a guitar and have them sing a sad song. Diamonds
you knew her
you went to her school
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5X6F1URAzs thats the girl of the OP
that album is underrated as fuck tbqh
Seriously. People being genuine is people being best. I love how, although her first reaction to the smell is repulsion, when she realizes she can impose it upon Ty, her demeanor switches to devious resolve.
>snow niggers
Killyourself. But dont forget to record that.
holly shit anon, I love this girl to death. I had a girlfriend that looks just like her and acts a little like her as well, still miss her :(
all the 2/10 in this thread is this a ylyl thread?
My penis knows what it likes
top meme
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i don't know what i'm feeling but my stomach made turnovers and i like it
speaking of cute japanese girls,

there's this lady on some strange japanese Capcom internet live show. I don't understand what they're saying but one of the hosts makes my heart melt.

File: fuck that's cute.gif (909KB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
fuck that's cute.gif
909KB, 500x280px
what breed is that dog? dogs make my heart melt when they act like that. not a homo.
she is fugly
who is she? she must have sucked sooooo much dick to move up this high.
Fall in love with this bitch every time
It hurts so much
Natalia Poklonskaya
File: emma.gif (119KB, 954x660px)
119KB, 954x660px

unfortunately, the reason it's so downscaled is because I wanted to post it on /wsg/ and was unable to do so with the original resolution

I have the original quality collection of her channel and many others
definitely interested in more emma

had an ex who sang a lot of jazz tunes

damn I miss her, that sex was the best
Can't find this specific song/video on her Youtube.
see >>9123754
it's emma rohan/lee

the video got beleted
Urghhh, is the video anywhere else online, I need more of this voice in my life!
(I suppose I've lost this thread in other words)
her channel:
https://www. youtube. com/user/fancysinger


thank me later
that's quite literally the same webm just reposted on youtube
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I'll probably never post the collection online
wow a marginally better resolution and same length of song.... big whoop
oh boy, just listen

saved, thanks
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I have them all, m9

even the rare ones in a separate folder
pls share them with us
r8 this fresh new webm
File: reed girl.webm (4MB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
reed girl.webm
4MB, 720x1280px

with sound; a thousand imaginary cookies for you!!
She reminded me of Wallace, from Wallace and Gromet towards the end.
File: unlucky.webm (4MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x480px
another emma webm
dill weed
im pretty sure thats a "shiba ibu" commonly called japanese dog or the doge
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3MB, 640x480px
Please dump.
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4MB, 1067x600px
Please dump.

Like seriously she just makes me feel good.

dat lazy eye

Yes it is?

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Maybe average, but not ugly. You haven't seen ugly girls yet if you think so.
its a hitt ot miss kind of face
blonde hair brown eyebrows is literally my fetish
>that whispery half-singing generic le indie voice

b o r i n g
File: Pendulum.webm (4MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
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Prepare for feels
god, same. i fucking love it
better that way
god koreans are such dirty plastic heartless sluts. I imagine a country full of backstabbing blowup dolls that all look the same.
tears streaming down my face
She doesn't know how to sing, way too many errors, how can you people be so deaf :s
I don't know how to sing neither, I just have the hear for this, musicians in the family 'n shit.
Beautiful...tears, thanks.
dubquads confirms
kid legs win
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i know exactly how you feel anon
Eternal Sunshine wrecked me so hard. Reminded me a lot of a failed relationship I've yet to let go of
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Ukrainian Russian is cute af, you are a looser.
i thought the girl sitting down at first was a midget
What's wrong with 15?
AWW FUCK I miss my dog now ;__;
If you have the will power you could probably scout her VK profile from all the links in the video. If you go for it, good luck and happy investigation to you
join the club
You guys are some dumb fucking twats is this makes your heart melt.
what's the song?
sounds like Muse
Its not.
I got a match up for you, This Angel singing with the little Beauty that started the thread.....Oh yeah that would be a duet straight from heaven.
Kwon Na Ra - Group kpop: Hello Venus
File: out2.webm (4MB, 1440x1080px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1440x1080px
Exogenesis Part 3. And yes, it's Muse
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Absolutely beautiful. I have large difficulties expressing emotion due to a very troubled past, but this made me cry like a little boy. What really got me weeping was when he got angry at the cruel, cold pendulum that cared for none, and took what he cherished the most away, and how she soothed him.
If there is one piece of art that must be sent to outer space for future civilizations to see, it must be this one. It perfectly illustrates how unforgiving our world is and how tender those who care about us can be. I never experienced any sort of love, but I'm still happy I got to see this. Thank you for posting it.
lol faggot
Get a load of this sissy.
2nd time u got me fucked up
File: Czterej Pancerni.webm (3MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
Czterej Pancerni.webm
3MB, 480x360px

song is when we were at war

and I would bone 80% of em
Who is she?

Why do so many basic bitches love breezeblocks?

Maybe just cause my ex used the 'shut up' line every time I gushed about her. She also blushed really easy,
that guy is so cringe. the girl is too actually.
sauce on song?
I'm retarded.
What's this from? I dig the backround music.
That's my fetish now
She looks like one of those duggers. Isn't tho
Sauce please or anything
Keyboard warrior
I think she is Matsui Rena
This thread did me a sad feel.
lel no she can't sing. Period. She can try but she won't land a record deal
>my opinion matters
OK simon cowell
Thread posts: 318
Thread images: 61

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