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>>8383660 >implying she wasn't already a slut before

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>implying she wasn't already a slut before going into porn
Plz no bully
sad shit right here
You managed to make a creampie sad. Thanks a lot.
fucking hell
Please bump
Mad World - Gary Jules
thank you

these would be decent with audio
so, you never saw Donnie Darko? you must.
Mad World by Tears For Fears, but this emo version is by Gary Jules
even if theses 2 are not the same chick, great webm bro, I appreciate the work put in. saved
agreed, jake gylenhal (???) top 3 movies along with Jarhead and End of Watch (also a must)
Who is she?
Bud, it should be an acoustic cover.
Reminds me of that black mirror episode where the dude falls in love with a girl that sings great and she ends up being a porn star at the end
They are, she even posted on reddit about it.
I like the concept of this thread
>not the one where he tries to chase Paul Dano's paedo character
It amazes me how intellectual /gif/ is compared to everything else on 4chan, even /lit/
whatd she say in the thread?
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dat filename kek
This. Prisoners is a fucking god-tier movie Jake Gyllenhaal or otherwise.
nice product placement you sick fuck
-> sources??
Someone please post BABUSHKA, already.
that was cute to cute
I'm in love

>cute to slut transformation thread
>expecting bimbofication
>find this shit

I have the saddest boner right now
its not the same slut and this thread has been done b4
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GDP E319

come on sauce plause
15 Million Merits
Why make a GIF with Mayli and not include her throat skills?

dude come on pls
so many virgins in this otherwise awesome thread.

cute girls ARE sluts, you niggers have just been missing out on the most natural high a man can get: fucking hot bitches. Every one of your ancestors right back to one celled nigger organisms have gotten laid... and here you are not.

God damn, why didn't she just went to vanilla porn why did she go for this messed up, degrading shit?

I bet that couch has more germs on it than a biological warfare laboratory.
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>I'm on this board, just like all of you
>But i'm better than all of you, is what I think !

Ok no problem
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it's pretty easy to make those.
I mean I don't like his attitude be the whole undertone of a serious need to denigrate women does get a little tired. Like the "hey here's a porn star doing something normal and then getting brutally fucked", it feels like a knowing attempt to dehumanize women. It feels like there is a lot of dehumanizing sexual content out there already without trying to turn every single thing into a degradation thing.

I mean in the end it's just a semantical issue since obviously there are many cute sluts out there, so no transformation really takes place. Unless you mean like a girl starting doing drugs and becoming all skanky and specifically not cute.
what was her youtube again?
Winner winner chicken dinner
>there are many cute sluts out there, so no transformation really takes place
People just like the idea of a girl being very cute, innocent, and 'pure' and seeing that all get perverted. It's a very common fantasy and theme for men and women.
This is so funny in an obscure way, I dont know why I'm laughing
pays more I guess
i feel you.

(also weird how much porn is about people being tricked or blackmailed... like, can't people just want to fuck?)
Someone should make a Smiley Virus before and after gif.
Rich supressed girl looking for her wild escape.

I hear it's common. She was from a loaded family and was at a top university. Look her up.
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I'm fucking dying
Yeah I get it, even thought that asshole was engaging in low level finger waving its something I noticed in a lot of thread, the need to have candid photographs next to the girl being fucked. Just figured I'd give my two cents on it.

I actually like some of the blackmail shit, but a lot of it just feels like normal porn with a little intro sequence. Probably Faye Reagan's one scene in Jack's POV is the ultimate blackmail to me. She's super begrudging and it's really hot.
someone source for the love of god
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What if I told you that I've found casual sex to be (for me) mostly about validation, and that I don't particularly enjoy sex that lacks an emotional dimension
This girl's father is the vice president of a fortune 100 company. look it up, with or w/o that she still marriage material.
jesus christ, dude :D
This girl's father is the vice president of a fortune 100 company. look it up, with or w/o that she still marriage material.

Dude's clearly talented but THIS SHIT IS PIERCING MY EARDRUMS
I dunno man...
> I see your point and if we met in public would probably whole-heartedly agree with you
>But do you think this here thread, is the place for criticizing the point of said thread ?
how is that slutty? just vanilla sex
They don't even have the same hair!
She has done two.
my nigga
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You are not alone, anon
you come for the facial, but you'll stay for the abuse
What is the story with this?
her real name is Samantha Coggin.
>GDP E319
Test firing of the NSM (naval strike missile)

This pretty, middle class girl decided to do some porn for a quick $3k or whatever.

Then, when it quickly gets shared online and gets around where she lives she panics and claims she was tricked and files DMCA takedowns on any sites that host it and is trying to erase it from the web (lol)

So now she, or at least did, plays her guitar and music but it gets spliced with her porn.

It's a shame, she didn't need to porn and has essentially ruined her life as a single google search of her name will show the video.

Regardless... sluts, as always, are a beautiful thing and I spilled a bit of batter over her video knowing that it's literally killing her inside

The military will sometimes take old ships and practice their skills by just blowing them up. Also good for testing new weapons in real situations.

After WW2 a lot of ships were blown up by nukes because we built so many and didn't know what nukes would do to them.
>I'll call them virgins to make myself feel better about being a virgin

>It's a shame, she didn't need to porn and has essentially ruined her life as a single google search of her name will show the video.

Didn't for me.
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That was pretty good
the line "worn-out places" was placed perfectly
You sound like a total homo.
one-celled organisms reproduce asexually you fucking retard
>it feels like a knowing attempt to dehumanize women
what if it's an attempt to humanize pornography?
My gay friend said that there isn't the theme of subjugation that is common to so much straight porn (which he also watched).
But I'm not going to start watching gay porn, cos much as I might have relaxed enough as I've aged to be open to the idea of having sex with a man, I'm not really into seeing a whole bunch of dicks.
Underrated comment.


It added a different dimension to it. It's created the perfect shame wank. It's not the girls being shamed at the end of the day, it's us.
Can you elaborate a bit?
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I couldn't do it. She looks like Chris Tucker.
I came so fucking hard, tried to fap to OPs but this...brilliant.
Chris Tucker? You must think many dissimilar people look alike then

I assume for the same reason Waka Flocka isn't using one of his many degrees, bad rap makes more money.
Somebody synch this with the Kimmy Schmidt theme song plz
Agree one-night are cool for ego and another check for the bucket list if you will, but it's just not the same
song sauce?
videos please
Vietnam flashbacks!

sauce officially needed
didn't she kill herself lool
for every female on earth, there's a man who resembles her. i really don't get this meme.
i thought it was cause she fucked up in her sorority and this is punishment
So bump for more slutifications.
She's enjoying it way too much for it to be a punishment.
the life lesson is to never give such a big hand out because what you think may happen with it may not be what actually happens,
Not him but I feel similarly. So far as casual sex goes, I don't actually enjoy the act that much but more the chase, and managing to get a girl to want to fuck me. It's a fun back and forth and I love the power dynamic of it too, especially getting some uppity type to do what I say. So far as it actually feels it's pretty shit, better than a fleshlight sure because of the power dynamics stuff but not massively so.

Sex with someone I'm attracted to on an emotional level is a whole different thing entirely. Can't explain it but you get a connection through that act you really can't get anywhere else. You're so in the moment and nothing else matters, sort of like taking a drug of some kind.
In that episode the girl becomes a porn star and looks miserable during her scene. Then the guy abandons his dreams and it shows him selling out, living in luxury, and being miserable also.

They go from living like slaves with a dream to soulless aristocrats.

The real life lesson is that selling your soul for luxury isn't always worth it.
But still less than the welfare office
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>The modern corporate world ruins something yet again
> (also weird how much porn is about people being tricked or blackmailed... like, can't people just want to fuck?)

The majority of porn caters to a particular kind of guy. The kind of guy with such an inflated sense of self-importance that he sees women's refusal to fuck them as a cosmic injustice that must be punished. They want to see women in pain and humiliated for the crime of not being attracted to them.

That attitude is becoming more and more common as men forget what it means to be a man. They think it just means being brutal, dominating through force. They don't understand how to be confident without being cocky. How to lead without intimidation. How to convince women their seed is worthy without deception and cruelty.

And a bunch of these losers are profiting from pushing their twisted parody of masculinity. Selling guides to picking up women with ridiculous tips like peacocking or tricking her into getting too drunk to voice her rejection. They're not man enough to get women without being cunts.0

This is also why choking has become so mainstream. Porn from ten years ago, you'd only find that shit in the kink section. Now, almost every mainstream fuck vid has a dude leaning on a woman's throat with his whole body weight.

tl,dr: Modern men are fuckwits who see manhood through a perpetually adolescent lens, and porn reflects their faggotry.
you fucking serious?
it sounds just like this bruno mars song
>Now, almost every mainstream fuck vid has a dude leaning on a woman's throat with his whole body weight.


for the love of everything SAUCE PLEASEEEE

Some sweet child o mine cover

You're retarded. And the worst part is you think you're better than everyone else - the fucking pinnacle of what a "modern man" should be.

"As men forget what it means to be a man"
"Convince women their seed is worthy"
"Perpetually adolescent lens"

You're looking at the same pornography as the rest of us on fucking 4chan. Get over yourself.
please put this into a kit kat commercial
this. based comment anon. also, why would anyone want to watch pro porn anyway? amateur porn between two people who are dating or whatever is always much sexier and hotter.

I'm not the anon that posted that, but y u even mad? You're taking it too personal. He has very good points. It doesn't even matter if he's watching the same shit you dunce.
i wouldn't normally ask but I tried my best and I couldn't find it
>ITT male feminist done wrong
When a girl is easy enough to sleep with you in a one night stand, she does wanna be slapped around and treated like a fuck hole. She wants to be dominated.
Just get a cock cage already and become a sissy already.
what kind of person likes this shit? the same kind of people who write those porn comments like "mmm take it slut" I imagine.

That's why you should never tape yourself doing something like that.
> file name: Goldie Baby
> site name watermarked on video: woodmancastingx.com
> couldnt find
work of art
you try to find it; come back and call me a retard again if you actually find it
http://yourporn.sexy/video/woodman/woodmancastingx-goldie-baby-goldie-baby-15-06-2015-woodmancastingx-com-720p/woodmancastingx-goldie-baby-goldie-baby-15-06-2015-woodmancastingx-com-720p.html your fucking trash at google
type into google goldie baby woodman casting 1st link for youporn of this video fucktard
you are fucking retarded...
well mission accomplished you stupid fucking troll
>implying i didn't search for myself and then call him a retard as a bonus
I understand that feel
oh fuck
that was the best wank of my life
thank you, you fucking legend.
why are so many people obsessed with noodle niggers nowadays?
pls....i want to believe
lol i bet you don't even masturbate to blood or guro
Why is he leaving his trash at google?
... bur porn isn't real anon. It's fantasy. The very fact that you're suggesting that porn = reality is disturbing, and should be of far more concern than the content of bad pro porn.
I made this for the thread, too long to compress under 4MB though


These all look like videos you'd show these girls' fathers. They all end with "If you can stand to see your daughter alive again..." add ransom.
Thanks for the instant boner killer. I needed this
i think its more about seeing women in a submissive and helpless state than the cosmic injustice thing
By that you mean "better"
Who dat!?
full source? cant find it streaming
oh shit, I lost it at your comment

>mmm take it slut


are you a girl?
why isn't movie view working? does anyone else have this problem? do you need an app?
>it's just smells
nowadays? you're funny.

still one up on not reproducing at all
or she just wants a quick fuck?

most people are fucking retarded and think its real though, so end up thinking their gf is frigid if she doesnt go AtM or their bf is inadequacy because he cant go for an hour straight
I prefer ranged
a vice president. not THE vice president.
Thanks for ruining the episode asshole
>"noodle niggers"
you're a real piece of shit, man.
that was actually done really well
Me reí.
Please dont be samefaggin
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>noodle niggers

I love you

Sorry im late
>One of the most famous brit show
>5 years ago
>it's only smellz*
I just hear dying children.
I love that fucking ad.
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4chan is disgusting and those who view the material , there are pedophiles and children that are on these sites. There is no security to keep those off the site that should not be there. This site and all porn sites that do not require a credit card to secure that those who are on this site are of age.
4chan is disgusting and those who view the material , there are pedophiles and children that are on these sites. There is no security to keep those off the site that should not be there. This site and all porn sites that do not require a credit card to secure that those who are on this site are of age.
That was so fucked up. Man, what a great episode though, really wanted to know more about the world of that episode.
I just came to this, how about that?
Man, that episode hit the fucking feels hardcore!
Every episode in that serie actually

Samantha Cocking?
this chick looks like the baby Glen and Maggie would have from The Walking Dead
My fathers the vice president of a fortune 100 company too. Trust me, it's not as glam as it sounds. Most fortune 100 companies have hundreds of VPs.
Where is YOUR contribution you tube-fed-fat-fuck-mouth-breather ?
More pics of her:
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>tfw would rather sit in those chairs and chill or read a book than fuck her
I bet it was that kind of perfectly mildly warm weather with just the right amount of wind to keep you cooled. And the sounds of the leaves and bushes and trees moving. Damn.
sauce please!
fucking shit i didnt notice that haha
I can't believe how hard I am right now
My father is also the vide president of a fortune 100 company.

These guys dont know wtf they are talking about.
what about nightcrawler
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