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public humiliation thread

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two guys behind the camera set this up to humiliate the boy, maybe this could have been arranged by one of the girls but idk
very good explanation 10/10
Bump for interest
Much more interesting will be to know the story behind this
Punching your friends in the back of the head isn't nice
Looks looks extremely mean, she fucking better have done something horrific -- she's crying yet they still kick her, doesn't fight back, still kick her, crying so hard that mouth is open, still kick her.

I want to hug her and comfort the fuck out of her, maybe give her some money, and maybe give her my jacket, maybe later I burn one of their houses down or at least shave their heads with professional restraining equipment.
average day in the workplace for women when no men are around
Here's the thing, if you saw her down and they were talking away, she weeping a bit, you really would naturally want to run over and pick her up, hug her, pet her head--It's weirdf that you still need to ask to touch people after a massive beating.

I'm a standard maleand if I got me ass beat and say... a tranny, a fat dude, a old woman with no teeth--i know I woulnd't care and would just take anything I got.

The only thing that would make me go ew no are things like crimes, stuff you cantt be sure with appearance, like pedo or something.
underage b&
wish that was me
yes boner
slavic subhuman monkeys don't care
wait hol up

the one getting beat on is wearing a choke-chain leash, you can just see the other girl holding the chain

this actually seems kind of dark tbqh
kek wtf is happening
cyka blyat

I agree with you. She looks terrified and confused when they come at her. She better have tortured on of their dogs, because those people are fucking cowards if they just wanted to gang up on her.
I'd like to think the Deep State cloned the whoriest THOTs of all time and they film them as they try to coerce boys to fuck them all as training exercises in thottery to show other budding THOTs owo
Holy shit this made me even harder
Hey man, I know he was the bully in A Christmas Story but those girls should chill the fuck out.
Go to bed Paco Elijah
Lol instant karma.
just put 2 apes in place of them and you instantly have a NatGeo documentary
ITT I excepted forced undressing not fighting.
bruh same
I found it: https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8ad_1416519317&comments=1

At least there was some justice, poor girl -- Germans were fucking mad, police had to tell people not to be vigilantes. Good. She knows she's loved.

A quick search later
Top Reddit comment:
>This happened in Tübingen, Germany in 2014. The girls were aged between 13 and 14 years. It made the news over here because of the brutality of the attack, the callousness of filming the whole thing and putting it on Facebook by kids that young.

>The attackers were easily identified and sentenced to 6 months of youth custody on probation, 1 week of arrest and 80 hours of community service. The girl who filmed also got 80 hours of community service. Other girls got community service for "aiding and abetting". Their cellphones were seized.

>Edit: Allegedly, there was no apology. One girl involved as a bystander posted on Facebook that they got community service and "should be left alone now" because "that's it".

>The sources differ on that, though.

Wow so she is. Weird
HOly shit wtf, and it looks like adult recording the shits too
why do you automatically assume she must have done something horrific this is bullying. when women get together and they all have a mutual hatred for another girl they become the meanest cunts in the world.
>dark tbqh
GOD I loved that, PLEASE SOURCE!!!

this shit made the news
Dont forget to feed her all the eggs as well my man
Its that a chain? LOL
People would pay good money for this
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that fucking horrid
poor kid :'(
Is there a longer version of this?
What a loser
What's going on here?
I was hoping to get some unexpected nudity or wardrobe malfunction stuff in here, rather than bullying.
Let's hope they all get necked

Watching this made me so angry, if I was a male relative of that girl I'd probably be in prison for putting those girls in a coma.
Seems like he's trying to get an upskirt creepshot and failing terribly
I want 2 rape all those fucking piece of shit girls

what makes me mad is that he could easily take them all out.
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Women in MIlitary.webm
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how is that karma?
You could atleast see 1 much older guy. If he would have hit one girl, he would have been beaten by that older guy for sure.
Who even enjoys these type of Webms? Seriously, that's fucked up. You are most likely also the kind who wouldn't do shit and grab your mobile to film. Fuck you.
This. It would also be a social suicide to beat girls at that age. He'd be a guaranteed outcast until moving to a completely new place.

This is the kind of shit that makes kids grow up to become adults who skin girls alive.

I'm not sure I'd exactly sit in judgement of this kid if he laid fiery waste to these people.
What do you think he's doing now?
Oh boy, those were the days.
Thankfully it's behind us.
What are she saying?
I think it's russian
it's ukrainian
Fucking gypsys
omg the blondie longhair whit blue shorts!!
Creep bread OP.

You think they're attacking him for being a white male?
Kid shoulda started throwing haymakers.
Pretty sure had he done that they would've thrown him on the ground and destroyed his testicles. And if not the chicks, surely the fuckhead dudes behind the cameras would have.
>stop pulling or ill rip it out

>you dumb cunt let it go

im assuming the girl was bullying her by holding her tie and she got tired of it but had bad footing so she fell
This mad me lel, am i a sexist?
>slave has had enough of roleplay
>decides to disobey owner
>owner literally yanks chain and brings doggie down
>doggie is good slave
That's a child sir.
when you cheeki in her breeki
creepshotters in a nutshell
I want to fuck her voice
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Nobody seems humiliated, but I'm not complaining.
Is it weird that I was jacking off to that?
This is why I haven't let myself buy a gun. I'd be serving numerous lifetime sentences by now for killing demons.
I KNOW, she sounds so hot
Me too.

You know she is hot, young and blond.
Holy shit, just realized.
you're a fucking retard. I'm sure you'll love getting kicked by the two guys there.
See this is why guns should be banned. Seven bullets and this poor innocent woman got flashbacks from 'nam. No one should have to go through that.
lol those lil hits on her back hahahah

women are so weak

if she tried to beat me up it would tickle
Well? anyone find his video or pics? I wanna see this broad now.
yes you are such big strong man congrats
why the fuck didnt she do anything! why do people do this! oh my god why the fuck did somone film this, there was a guy there at the end holy fuck, there needs to be a law that makes them accomplices
do the rest of the world a favor and turn your brain off forever
it looks to me like he was just late coming to break them up.
What's with the smoke? Was that nerve gas?
her voice is so calm!
How school shooters are made
I believe in something so wholeheartedly I cover my face to express myself.
And Australian
They speak Ukrainian or Russian.
Can someone tell me what they are saying?
>mask from eyes wide shut

would bang
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guys has the classic downie face

there's clearly something wrong with him genetically
NICE :P pretty girls
What think femanons about this thread?

It was subhuman welfare leeches.
Nice ass
russia. that's all you need to know.
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hes just asian
Any story?
always the same story with these bitches
Well that was a fucking great answer, it totally fulfilled his curiosity you fucking autistic chihuahua.
>Bunch of male voices can be heard in the background
>None of the gooks do anything about it
Chinks were a mistake.
sauce pls
>oh my god
This shit is crazy. Women fight like wolves, they just gang up on a weak one and go at it. Not even a quick knock out like how dudes fight, they pick away at em. Imagine this shit happening week after week. Entirely different world being an outcast as a girl, it looks even worse in my opinion, at least dudes fight like gorillas, one on one, theres some honor at least.
>implying that this wasn't another /b/ fag
they're hyenas, few know this
They all got sentenced with ~80 hours social services and 1 week arrest.. two even got 6 months on probation which is considered highest penalty for such a case
These female dumbass follow the herd mentality. No wonder the twats praise the collectivism

If that were me, I would be absolute fucking diamonds.
The sheer hatred you would need toward a person to act like this man. Maybe I'm a fag but... damn dude are women even people?
For all we know, hearing the sound of that rifle firing may have brought back some bad memories, either from childhood or an earlier operational deployment.

Or she might just be an idiot.
This is 4chan, don't think that you are a special snowflake.
I was just thinking this. Women are like niggers aren't they?
>there needs to be a law that makes them accomplices
Pretty sure there is in every white country and most others, dear boy.

Also people are inherently bad. Most figure that out by age 13.
agreed desu.
>cute girls will never beat me up and utterly humiliate me
why even live?
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Normies looking to fap just fap and Btfo. Youre ruining my /gif/ fap time faggots. I don't need another youporn
Probably was a b fag and is still a loser
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One of our b/rod

I'm proud
the mask isn't for her

it's to protect the ones she loves
>not a loser
pick one
stole her rice cooker.
Stickman VS antifa
What rally?
Right bitch, telling her that he has wife and kid.
I remember when i was 12, older and bigger girls used to pull my hair and punch me, pretty hot desu
youre so autistic you have so little intuition you dont know how people work
The one in the wheelchair is so incredibly tardy that it took about 5 loops before I realized the other one is also retarded.
Because you are retarded too

good point
Well this should cheer you up.

Schizophrenia is a helluva drug.
I lost
Looks like the girl on the left is wearing a collar of some kind.

Possibly they have a Domme/sub dynamic. Sub got uppity and needed to be put in her place.
if it was a boy you wouldn't say nothing
Masks are why we were the only effective force against the CoS. Anonymity is a powerful tool, and more often than not people who call the people that use it cowards are themselves just frustrated that they can't do anything against it.
The birth of a serial killer.
that was epic, makes me feel a little better about this whole thread
hahaha long live the PKK.
Leave Dewey Alone

Jesus, please tell me this was a reporter or something. That's just embarrassing.

>10 seconds later
"Fuck, my keys were in there."

That's not the US where the cops sit around as Antifa and the Alt-Right beat eachother with sticks, saying "Play nice, you kids."

If I'm seeing the hats right, it's Venezuela where they've opened fire on protesters and gone after their families too.
I really want to see the footie he got. It looks like she is wearing a skirt.
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pls no bully.webm
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no source sorry
this means they like him right?
What was it about? What's that place?
those fucking slaps lmao
Come on, Eileen!
>dat filename
I'm from /k/, she is a reporter.
Newfags don't know to feed ladies eggs
What did she whisper into his ear?
it is gypsies beating kurd retard. both races never liked each other.
you're right, but nevertheless
she definitelly looks like she's had no training at all.
lost hard
No it means women like power and tend to abuse it just like men do

We need help from Ukranian bros. Perhaps we can find someone on /int/ to help us know what they're saying and maybe get sauce.
>it's free real estate
>We need help from Ukranian bros. Perhaps we can find someone on /int/ to help us know what they're saying and maybe get sauce.

Yes, we need help.
I think they are Mistress and slave.
Wow, that guy was totally humiliated
coming soon in theaters!
I know porn when i see it
You act like this is a gore thread for fucks sake

wait 'til you see my dick.

Turks and arabs do that ganging up shit in general. Women do it more. Many women in general have a hivemind mentality.

Ever seen a guy argue with a guy and his friends butt in and stand behind him and nodding to whatever he says? No? Me neither. Women do it plenty of times though and only few are quality enough to not to. This is also why SJWs and Feminists are such giant circlejerkers and why sons of single mothers are complete wusses.
Story please

Why are those roaches attacking that aryan princess?
>guys fight one on one
In what reality do you live? People have always been fucking cowards, males and females
while simultaneously being somewhat killed ikr?!

am i going to hell?
caught cheating apparently
niggers tho
they shouldnt slap so hard someone might get hurt
If liberals ever tried to rebel

The bro killing himself laughing in the foreground always gets me.
European or East Asian men you mean.

Muslim men have no problems with ganging up on a woman.
But it's not :^)
Venezuelan Protest Against Dictator
shut up youre the same faggot that gets buttblasted every time a man stands up for a woman
Civil protest in Venezuela, woman is telling military they have no balls and need to "wear the pants" and help the people so she gave them her pants or some shit...nice ass

What do you MEAN no sauce necessary... the sauce is NECESSARY MOTHAFUCKA

All autism aside yes I want the sauce

Girls don't shoot up schools, they just cut themselves and drink bleach.
You beat me to it anon.
hello white knight reddit faggot
fucking pussies
foolish mortal! girls pants are not designed with real pockets!
hahahah this must hurt all of your little weiner baby egos so much, 10/10, good for those girls
dat 80s movie sfx
>why yes i do whiteknight fair maidens on the internet m'fellow redditor xD
What the fuck are you talking about?
Reminds me of Homer saying "DON'T YOU HATE PANTS?"
you sound like an insufferable nigger
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>bad footing
I assume it was more the thing around her neck that the other girl pulled down desu
collectively they can be bitches
TOP KEK, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I actually want this to happen to me.
i am rock hard now
Shit like this makes me want to do an Elliott Rodger
I don't get this? How does taking your pants off prove anything?
thats hot
the ultimate gentleman.
it is your destiny anon
>how school shooters are made

Not really. Ever notice how school shooters are all male? Girls can be bullied and they still won't plan mass murder.
why would we ever need to rebel
we make up the majority
we're doing just fine
What I can guess is, either her parents have money of she's alpha as fuck alright. I mean, she's probably forced to wear that dog collar so that she can dominate her.

Ukraine/Russian people will literally see you as human trash if they have money or a little more than the regular human status.
Aspergers must be rough this time of year
keep telling yourself that
when i was in highschool there was this girl that used to bully me and punch me ect. Sometimes I would provoke her by calling her a slut ect and she would chase me and if she caught me twist my arm and punch me in the balls until i apologized. Diamonds, still masturbate to it till this day.
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Bad roommate.webm
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I'd rape them on the spot.
Bottom kek
>bitch bitching another bitch
i'm cool with that
had a kid like this in my high school french class who would pull "funny" pranks and hit you and other really obnoxious and annoying shit like that. When word got around he wasn't taking french next year everyone in the class was fucking ecstatic.
These people are so cancerous to hang around. People only tolerate them out of politeness.
And people wonder why the Kurds think Turks are scumbags
GAR 311
Google it and you should find a link instantly
columbians arent humans tho, they are more like monkeys
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the airhorn shit is funny but that other shit would garner a punch in the face. this is either staged or that girl doesn't know how to ditch a bitch
On the video just before this one you can see "kurdish girl beating turkish girl" you dumbass cocksucker but your brain doent think "and people wonder why the turks think think kurds are scumbags"
JFK assassin pro.
mah nigguh
This is how serial killers are born.
fuckin kek that's a classic
its fake they're playing that stupid fucking phone game
What the fuck is that aspect ratio.
Here we see an average OP of /b/ Creep Thread
damn summer alredy
Poor girl.
i think she needed ear protection.

dam i came
usually isnt it either gang related, or them ganging up on some child rapist
Those snowflakes don't even own guns, lol liberal pussies.
Grow up.
Was this a Hillary rally/campaign wtf
Wtf drug is she on
These are obviously actors...
Man, if any of these broads tried any of this shit with my chick they would have gotten mangled. I'm married to a Hawaiian girl who isn't afraid of anything...and grew up beating up guys that messed with her or her sister. The family loves to tell me the stories. lol
i'd tell you to go kill yourself, but you would fuck that up too.
not entirely sure but it involves marriage and a child. Maybe she had a child before getting married? Or she has cheated on someone before getting married or something. The auntie was explaining someshit like, "B-b-b-b-b-b-efore the marriage we didn't discuss it but now bla bla bla family/kid do you get it?".
journalist without earpro
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Good point Lloyd !
you need to go back
for the watch

and they say niggers are savages

dude, you sounds gay right now, seriously
>Girls can be bullied and they still won't plan mass murder
Wasn't there a girl that was turned in by her father that was planning a school shooting? Might have been late last year or early this year, I think it was a pretty big deal on the news for like a day or two.
I figure it is just a matter of time before there is an actual female shooter, and when it happens it's going to be one hell of a ride.
shes holding a choke collar on her how is that karma
bubba was my best good friend
You can clearly see that the attackers are not native Germans. They have darker skin and a different face physionomy. These animals were educated like that by their muslim parents.

"B-b-b-but migrants and refugees are good people, they are hard-working and they want to adapt"

Shut the fuck up. There are dozens of videos of immigrants or immigrant children attacking inncocent people. They have no respect for the country that invited them. These animals just want to steal, rape, beat and kill others. They only care about islam and don't give a single fuck about Germany and its culture/history.

I hope you guys get more of this shit happening, so you finally understand a thing or two about these refugees. I hope your children get beaten by these muslim kids like in this video... mayne you'll open your eyes then.
I fucking love how the ignorant think they've got some secret knowledge the rest of the world doesn't know about...
That bitch woulda done good if she didn't fall on her face haha I wanna see a rematch
Why did you jump to the conclusion they were muslim?
you dumb asses realize that they are each doing it to each other right? its not one person doing it all to one other person.
they all have busted up faces, dont know what you idiots are talking about.
>countless piles of video evidence
>"secret knowledge"
This makes my heart hurt
Top kek!
It's a gay kid in Russia.
Russians aren't big on the gays.
There are a few videos.
What is wrong with Australia?
They should've just fucked the gay out of him
cough cough antifa cough
truly underrated
She was pretty hot. Here is the story with pics of her.

"You're welcome"

- your grandparents' generation
idil diye kürt mü olur amına godumun kürdü...
Shits fucked up.
she got beaten for sleeping with a married man that had a kid
oohh you .. you could clearly see on his face that he's an absolute beta phag
What do you expect?
Anyone who has to resort to creeping on women, is a sure sign
what the fuck is wrong with you?
post some pics of your fat wife m8
just like niggers
not anymore
Jesus Christ perverts It's a goddamn tie.

What the fuck kind of people assume a couple of 14 year olds are running around putting each other in dog collars in public?

Seriously get out more
>what're you dewing with yer phewn?
>"creep thread, whore"
It looks like there's a metal silver glint is on it, that's why.
Also if it was just a tie, I doubt that girl would be having that much trouble getting it off.
Because they were
>not that much trouble getting it off
please explain how you would remove a tie when both ends are being held taut by another person
Tear/rip it off.
I'm not a weakling, but I guess it might be different for a beta or a girl.
who was in the wrong?
i'm a beta and i'd love her to walk me around on a leash.
that's brazillian fucktard
and u sound like the average 4chan fag.
Bet he won't do whatever he did again!
its the Sydney morning herald fucking world filters s m h .com.au
Lol you know the rules lady tits or gtfo.
>pointing out the obvious
man you're something special
You know the girl who kicked off America's school shooting fashion was a girl, right?
That's one half-assed boot at :16.
that was in a brazillian prison, the guy was a rapist
I find it weird how serial murdering criminals, have a moral compass when it comes to sex crimes.
Is taking someones life any better...?
Does this bitch ever change panties?
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