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So, You got a Room, a Camera, and Your Enemies Loved one

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 54

File: SheOnlyCame4Tutoring.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x480px
Gifs, webms, stories or all of the above.
Try to keep it authentic.
File: Rehersal.webm (837KB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
837KB, 480x480px
File: RightAfterTheBLM-Protest.webm (568KB, 360x640px) Image search: [Google]
568KB, 360x640px
File: MyBossesWifes.webm (1MB, 358x640px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 358x640px
File: she ate us.webm (1MB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
she ate us.webm
1MB, 720x1280px
File: SauceThisThough.webm (834KB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
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File: NowWatchMeWork!.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
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File: WatchMeWork.webm (3MB, 630x330px) Image search: [Google]
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File: Somebody Get Your Wife.webm (4MB, 864x480px) Image search: [Google]
Somebody Get Your Wife.webm
4MB, 864x480px
is that 2 chainz
this thread is gr8
So what, is this a cuck thread? I'm confused as to what this even is.
still has his sunglasses on
wtf i love blacks now
just looks like black dudes stuntin on white women
File: DestroyingBoss'Wife.webm (3MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 320x240px
It could be a Wife, It could be a daughter, It could be a sister, It could be a Mother
....but if you had one night with someone related to that one person whom you can't stand!!!
...I just don't have a lot of relevant W/W webms, working on it though
File: MeAndMyLilBroViolated.webm (3MB, 428x240px) Image search: [Google]
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File: WhenShe'sMadAtHerBF.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
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File: Part2.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x480px
So why isn't it a rape thread?
File: TeachingYourGFHowToBeObedient.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
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File: ScandalDeletedScenes.webm (4MB, 428x240px) Image search: [Google]
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Haven't you ever, fucked someone bitch that wanted it?
It super fucking satisfying, I've never rape anyone B4 so I can't relate.
...but if you have anything Homemade then go for it.
File: FuckedThisSkankInTheBathroom.webm (3MB, 568x320px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 568x320px
File: Gotcha!SayCheese!.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
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File: Straight OwnedThisBitch.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
Straight OwnedThisBitch.webm
3MB, 640x480px
Source on this amazing WebMD?
dude showing off
So it's an interracial thread posing under a false title.

Why not just ask for interracial?
File: ICameToTermsWithAnAgreement.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x480px
>Letter to Steven
>Hey Bro.
>I Understand that you had to fight for your cause
>...seriously, no harm's done.
>I did lose my Job, my Woman and damaged my reputation because of you.
>But I've come to terms with my... wait, no, ...Your Decisions.
>Sticking your head in business that had fuck all to do with you.
>Playing false witness to my so called sexual Harassment
>...Lying to my fiance...well Ex-Fiance now...
>...about me cheating.
>I really wanted to fuck you up at first, but something came up.
>While I was plotting on when and where I would confront you
>A nice lady came up to me with a pamphlet.. "stay positive" it said.
>A campaign to bring Awareness to breast cancer by spreading optimism.
>Mariah, was her name.
>She was concerned, so I told her Everything, and what I was planning.
>She invited me to her house to help me "release my Aggravation"
>It was almost successful, like really! she bought you some time.
>but I can't stop feeling like you might've known her somehow
>She was really concerned for not only me, but you too.
>Funny, I remembered you spoke about your mother being a cancer survivor
>...Named Mariah and all.
>But what are the odds bro, am I right?
>Hah, well I recorded a bit of the convo for good measure.
>She wasn't to happy about Idea of sharing it.
>but fuck her
>See you soon Bro!

> -1 Media Attachment-
File: SheHadNoChoiceButToTakeIt.webm (3MB, 720x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 720x480px
Maybe cuz, It isn't an interracial thread?
File: BigSisGettingSmasedPt2.webm (2MB, 544x408px) Image search: [Google]
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File: WaitForIt.webm (2MB, 428x240px) Image search: [Google]
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the file names in this thread are ridiculous
Source ?
File: 116030.webm (2MB, 240x240px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 240x240px
This thread is fucking amazing

This anon knows. Imagine some cunt fucking hates you and you get to fuck his girl or his sister. Imagine how satisfying that must be
Why are white people on here so incredibly thin skinned, 1 BBC or two and they go bananas ...it's incredibly disappointing.

>..Makes interracial all the more satisfying to watch though!!! Kek!
File: JynErsoSuccumbsToTheDarkSide.webm (3MB, 328x240px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 328x240px
The woman in the webm is married apparently, and not to the man banging her out.

>"...I choose to rebel"
I thought this was going to be more blindfold/bondage/rape stuff. This is just a cuck thread rehash.
Hazel Painal

From Powershotz I believe

Been floating around tube sites since forever
I would make Bill suck my cock from underneath the desk. right in the oval office.

fucking disgusting.
>Rednecks Detected
What's the matter? Does a particular colour make you feel uncomfortable?

Perhaps a quickie with some livestock or close relatives will take your mind off it.

I wonder what'd happen if someone put a Hue cycle on one of these videos. Would you spontaneously combust?
no, its this guy i went to school wit
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Black dick obsession in this thread?
Niggas lower half is white. No wonder he's a cuck.
hazel from powershotz

scene is try before you buy, if i recall

tons of other stuff from her too
File: milf cum happy.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
milf cum happy.webm
4MB, 960x540px
imagine the mother of the cunt you hate getting glazed and amazed by your cum like this
Source please
sauce/full vid
You proud to be a cuck?
Your enemies loved one.

Which one did my enemies love?
you try to insult someone having a quickies with a livestock yet thats what your getting off to.
>Saw the thumbnail
>Clicked on it anyway
>"I just threw up in my mouth. Fucking niggers"

You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?
Damn, source on girl?
What's this weapons-grade autism? If you have an "enemy" you're either 12 or retarded.

Also how can any of these be authentic when none of the guys have a huge gut and a micropenis?
you should all be thrown in jail
why the fuck are there so many nigs in this thread?

Actually why is this entire board a fucking cuck board?
>ITT: Niggers pretend to socialize with white people or have jobs.
You do realize you are role playing, welcome to becoming a nerdy cucks with your rp sessions. Get your dice mother fucker, next step is DnD.
File: WhiteToiletTears.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
>Literally 2 cuck posts
>Both involve a WM
>"cuck thread waaah!"
lmao IDK if I should feel sorry, laugh or to fap harder.
Insecure whitebois..hold this L
File: Watch This Bitch Grovel.webm (3MB, 136x240px) Image search: [Google]
Watch This Bitch Grovel.webm
3MB, 136x240px
This thread just continues to reinforce the idea that white women are whores.
I would punch her to death
File: GuysHerPussyExploded.webm (3MB, 432x240px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 432x240px
What makes this amazing is that all this complaining plays into the narrative of the thread. So much salt, its almost like a man reacting to watching his wife, mother or sister getting decimated on cam kek. This is so fucking good,
Great thread anons!
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would love to have my friend's mom's ass like this.
my god i love hazel, wish there were more awesome scenes like this of her
nah its just played out. Girls night out is over.
"teen acelovin"
who is this?
Any more!?
dad would've been proud for sure
Turned off by niggers = thin skin
Whatever you say cuck.
>admits to being turned on by white men.
Go back to pol
Get back to tumblr
i fucked my friends bitch ones, but he treats her like shit so she was easy lol, came in her throat. story?
OMG source pls !!!!
File: TheFinalFrontier.gif (2MB, 615x413px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 615x413px
10/10 you made me kek a lot more than i expected
source pls
sauce or full vid?
File: I'llMakeYouWantItMoreThanIDo.webm (4MB, 554x416px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 554x416px

it adds to the immersion, guys like this >>10105298 feel like the're getting cucked even though they have nothing to do with these woman, and the best part is that they can't help it, they feel like it's there duty to come in her and shriek in protest and no matter what you say to them they will always feel like it's some kind of attack on them somehow, feels good man
*THEIR duty to come in HERE*
damn dat jiggle, got more?
File: be.webm (4MB, 480x320px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x320px
This. Also, sauce? I've been looking for a while.
thread would be much better without the black people
The planet would be much better without the black people.
white people are ugly
Are you an actual cuckold?
That would be a yes. Stupid fucking cuck.
Damn what a whore.
This whore is crazed.
File: hold this L.gif (2MB, 332x332px) Image search: [Google]
hold this L.gif
2MB, 332x332px
nice calves lol
File: AnothrOne.webm (2MB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
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File: HowToTreatAnAssholesDaughter.webm (896KB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
896KB, 480x480px
>white people are ugly
>Coming from a literal monkey.
kinda has a pencil dick
this faggot keeps breaking the 4th wall.
Sauce pleeease
>Straight - curly Hair
>Body fully covered in hair
>Low levels of integument pigment
>Short/gimpy lower limbs
>Non-Human Admixture
>Bathed in own shit for 90% of recorded civilized human history
>seems about right.
more like
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4MB, 500x410px
>>Non-Human Admixture
imply neanderthals aren't just as human as crom
looks like she suckin on poop
I'm not black if that's what you're implying, I could never date a white girl
Guess u needl dick asian then ;^)
Her straight fucking back though. You can use her as a protractor by adjusting her legs
ITT: High school general
File: cc1.gif (3MB, 253x324px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 253x324px
You mean enemy's loved one (as in loved one belonging to your enemy) not enemies (the plural of enemy) you illiterate retard.
have fun


Those are pretty hot, thanks!
What makes me uncomfortable is that inferior muddy stock feels they have earned superior clean pussy.
one of the best clips in the internet! i love her!
Destruction of daisy

Had to google that to understand the reference (sounds pretty sick from the description I found) but I'm still unclear on what you meant.

Was it an edgy/random reply or do you mean to say you would do the same things that were done in that video you mentioned?

As someone who does not believe a white newborn baby and a black newborn baby differ in any capacity but the shade of their skin, I have trouble watching porn with black dicks because I have trouble inserting myself into the situation. My dick doesn't look like that. When the majority of sections of the webms in the thread are with black guys, it's a little odd and annoying for me to have to trawl through things I don't like to get to things I do like.

I was already in this thread to browse the content, because I liked the setup OP proposed. I didn't come in here to shriek, just to say calmly that much of the content here is not to my taste and expressing mild disappointment for that fact.
Respectable, too bad people don't realize everyone isn't white and might have the same mentality you do in respects to their own physical attributes...
...also, why not contribute to add diversity. The thread is not a black cock thread.
>so why not add diversity
'Diversity' does not mean shitposting your turd-skins in every thread. Keep that shit in one place.
>Implying roleplaying with your partner about a fantasy that gets you both off isn't hot as fuck.
Go have your vanilla missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, I'll stick to having an actual sex life.
>Degeneracy rationalized.

Fucking keep it then
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2MB, 164x275px
Name please

Ive been looking for this girl for so long
>b-but i poop on the street from there
ليس الآن لم تفعل
a black person with a small dick in porn wtf
>turd-skins meme
i dont no if i should laugh at or feel sorry for people like you
got the whole video however, I don't remember the source. I might create a webm w/ more
I don't think that's porn, Just a regular bitch eating cock
vola real quick?
Myke C Town?
uhhh more specific please?
>Gifs, webms, stories or all of the above.
I have one
>had gf
>gf cheated on me with someone I know
>I dump then gf
>2 years later I meet other guy's sister
>date and fuck her
>tell her to tell him I said hi
>he sends me shitty facebook messages telling me its out of order to fuck someone's sister for a few months
what the fuck I think I know that chick.
I need the fucking sauce ASAP

the very first one, that OP posted
>>10095101 (OP)

source needed mate
I like how you omitted the word
from your reply.

If you like the thread, but don't think the ratio of content you like to content you don't like is right, feel free to you know, contribute. Or did you just come in to complain that people weren't catering to your free-loading ass?
Naughty Alysha
fucking kill yourself newfag
an actual sex life isn't what you deem it to be. it's whatever a person wants it to be. that being said, you're still a fucking degenerate and you have the sex life of one.
callin bs on what you just said here, she appeared to be fine with it at first in the beginning in the first video, then when he took his dick out of her mouth she attempted a lick
I would chop off their hands and feet. Cut out the skin on their face and gauge out the eyes to finally behead them with a dull knife and throw their body onto a highway. What can I say? I'm Mexican.

So manly!
Same slut. Anyone knows who is she?
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link now working
sheishotiamnot << google it
my ancestors are smiling at me imperials can you say the same
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2MB, 136x240px
Another one.
No one knows who is she?
Jerry won't like that, Elaine
no, I'm not a rebel, you can't do this!
more stories.
my new fetish
fuck, lol
Sauce? Girl is cute.
Thread posts: 184
Thread images: 54

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