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$100 a woman came out with the new layout for YouTube. Only a

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$100 a woman came out with the new layout for YouTube. Only a woman could think this looks good.
all me :^)
It's fucking retarded. This is the work of "UX Designers" who just graduated college and got the job because they're a trans-disabled black man-woman with AIDS
What's wrong with it ? My only beef is that it loads slow.
Most designers are 30 year old white dudes. In fact Google's programmers are mostly white and asian guys. Stop being such a virgin.
The information is vague and with what little it does show you, the page still loads like shit.
It looks clean and polished. I wonder if were you expecting some shitty metallic theme with pixelated shadows that rapes my eyes relentlessly. Although I must say that I haven't used YouTube for a while, I probably won't either.

Why is every fucking interface being made these days a carbon copy of what you'd find on an iphone?
just werks
I'm gay
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women look good and smell nice
it's only natural to find designs made by women pleasing
This. Honestly the whole "MRA/misogynerd" thing seems like a bunch of gay shit to me. What's wrong with more women in the workplace? Only virgins actually enjoy sausagefests.
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I gave them a feedback that I couldnt search my history, is that fixed
Nah, what good does the 30 year old white dude designers if their preferred design was hated or twisted by the higher ups (might be a woman or whoever knows what)..
They only follow what their boss who pays them what to do anyways, because money matters more..
you can set it back to the normal one
I hate the left align comments with a huge empty white space on the right.

nigger how
And after all these years, they've done nothing to improve the search function or add advanced features even though they're a search company.
You still get some of the worst shit when you search. You can't even search within a date range. Literally the capability it was at when this shit first debut.
click on your avatar and theres the option
there is no huge white space on the right
mpv + youtube-dl doesn't have this problem
They don't care about searches anymore. You are the product anon.
On the face of it, there's nothing wrong with more women in the workplace.

But you don't consider all the small issues:
Women cost more, they're less productive - more sick days, more gossiping, they get pregnant, they go on their periods, they start drama constantly, and you can never fire them; the quality of work isn't the same as it is with men. Nor is the work ethic.

When you think of women as "men with tits and a vagina" it seems like a great idea. When you finally realize women are women and not men with tits and vaginas, and they not only think differently but behave differently, and not in a way at all conducive with actual work, then you begin to understand why someone would discriminate against women.

That's really the crux of it.
can you prove that statement?
good thing I'm there for the videos, not the UI
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What is the point of pic related? That extra space is being used for fuckall
Good Lord is this what "tech nerds" talk about these days? Fucking layouts. /g/ is shit. The party is over. Everyone go home.
Who cares?
>watching yotube on the site
I agree with this.

Google search is also awful. I usually add 'reddit' onto the end of my search because anything else just gets total fucking garbage top-10 lists.

For instance, I want to know if carrots are healthy, I don't google "are carrots healthy?", I google "are carrots healthy reddit". 9/10 times adding reddit on the end brings me to a discussion with multiple viewpoints and opinions I can weigh. Whereas the typical google results are just... garbage. Unmitigated fucking garbage trash that is more advertising than anything else.

The only thing keeping google alive right now is the fact that every other search engine is slower and/or returns just as much garbage.
>there's nothing wrong with wimen
>spends rest of post on a misogynistic rant

wew lad. how's the miserable life going for you?
Man I wish /g/ would actually talk about UI in context of technology, instead it's shit like >>62207915, circling something they don't like and going "ew".
>that barely visible gray rectangle behind "subscribed"
What was the point? Just make everything white like you started.
It doesn't look that bad desu.
Anyone else immediately went back to the old ui?
Scroll all the way down on the comments and the recommended videos stop loading. Looks like shit
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>YT+ doesnt work with the new cancer layout

>open google
>how to switch to old YT layout
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10 minutes in krita
shitty javascript frameworks is trendy now
iirc james damore pointed out in his memo something along the lines of "men pay more attention to detail and women pay more attention to aesthetics" (too lazy to check exactly what he said)
that might explain why the redesign looks like that
Clearly they need to hire more women then because it is not aesthetic at all.
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we must make it more busier
I bet on this being designed by some spoiled rich kid that used his daddy and probably some social justice cult crap as a leverage to push his shit.
its shitty design if a static page starts the fan in my laptop. everything was done much better over 10 years ago with much less wasted resources.
It still looks like shit
UX and UI are both extremely important for software - just as much as the underlying program itself.

This is what programmers and engineers don't understand and autistically refuse to try and understand. Aesthetics are important. True works of engineering are an art piece in themselves.

Look at any statue carved by michelangelo - that isn't just technical skill but also aesthetic ability and understanding.
Wonderful news! I like it, that means I save $40k on surgery.
What does the surgery have to do with it?
so maybe have the women say what it should look like and men with programming skills do the code?
Shut the fuck up nigger
hes making a tranny joke
he likes it therefore he is a woman now and doesn't need to get his dick cut off to be one
Could be a guy like on the picture.
Snappy and static webpages > "pretty" webpages with tons of js bloat
He's right though. Why should you care how allegedly "inefficient" women are? You aren't paying them. Stop being such a virgin.
>cost more
If you're referring to maternity leave, there's a movement to have men get maternity leave you should be concerned about, too.
>less productive
Debatable. Men and women slack off, but women tend to talk more and so their lower productivity is more noticeable.
If you have an HR dept, that shit should be shut down quick.
Not like they can control it, tho...
>can't fire them
If you have a legitimate reason you can
>quality of work/work ethic
If you're hiring shit workers, you get shit results. Again, men can slack off just as well as women can.
Ohhh now I get it. Thanks mate!
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>load youtube video
>everything blends in because the buttons are light grey on a white background
dunno which muslim transexual ebola carrier they hired thought that was a wise design decision
what do the js parts even do on a page that just has text visible? it should work fine without js but for some reason it will just show a blank page if js is not enabled.
Yeah but it looks like shit though
maybe the next redesign makes the video box white too.
>it is not aesthetic at all
well to the people who came up with this design it is.
if those devs happen to be women it just goes to show how little women care for functionality
they just want things to look pretty
>shit that MIGHT get changed eventually maybe
>implying hr is omnipresent
>implying the fact they can't control it makes it any better or cheaper
>implying the feminist propaganda machine cares
>implying you aren't a cunt
>being so much of misogynistic fuck that you actually become a giant corporate dicksucker concerned about "how much money they spend on workers"

ayy what's it feel like being a total fucking tool?
Pretty sure it's because of faggots like this >>62174408
yeah because that marxist bullshit really worked out for cuba, north korea and venezuela
It's thanks to faggy bloggers abusing seo. I get this when looking up tech related questions. Really pisses me off.
Yep, in time the new wave will replace them.
The normal tech cycle.. Innovative at the start, grow big, become fat and lazy and forget how to innovate -> die
Said every myopic company right before a new entrant disrupts them into history...
> mfw business men take over an innovative technology company
I became lazey too *cri cri* :C
>women are inferior to men because PERIODS!!!!!!! DAT COSTS COMPANIES MONEY
>dude you're a fucking tool for giving a shit

You're a petulant child that's parroting whatever you read on /pol/ and /r/the_donald. I highly doubt you've worked in the tech field with women, because surprise; they just want to get paid like everyone else.
they're not improving search because:
1) they already have a monopoly on it and no one is able to compete atm
2) they realize the ads model is busted and they need to work on things they can actually sell
3) search doesn't sell by itself (related to 2, i suppose)

if there's going to be a big search turnaround, i wouldn't expect it from them. maybe duckduckgo, but also unlikely imo. at best, they'll be trying to catch up like microsoft after they missed the web wave
Perfect description of Microshit
sure, keep defending that marxist bs. i like how you went from any attempt at discussion to just downright having a diarrhea. amazing points you have there, my commie friend
> REEEEE why doesnt my youtube have a block text UI with everything in text, why doesnt youtube appeal to my autistic standards, where im only capable of understanding something if its written, icons just make no sense

Are you guys retarded? The design is nearly perfect, rhe only issue is the ranjeet programmer who managed to make a simple design super bloat intensive

If you want a text based visual diagram, and a command promp to type in sudo commands yo fucking click links, then make your own opwn source video platform thats specifically made for autistic retards like you
Three lines with a + is fucking retarded. The only icons that are intuitive are the thumbs up and down.
is claiming everything marxist the new hot /pol/ meme?
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>everything i don't like is marxism and also women are stupid

>claims i'm having a diarrhea but can only respond with a meme

good going polack.
yeah because defending equality of outcome and hiring of incompetent people is definitely not marxist. screaming "pol" and "my soggy knees" here won't get you anywhere, unlike in your shitty safespaces. i like how they sugarcoated communism to the point where people don't even realize they're defending it
that wasn't even me. go back to tumblr, reddit or whatever other shithole you came from. clearly, you're triggered by the different opinions here.
>everyone I don't like is leddit
I seriously don't understand your point. You're arguing that women are incompetent because they have periods? Is that how cuttthroat you want your work environment to be? That god forbid you (may) have a shitty day once a month, you're not worthy of working?

I don't get what you're trying to argue. You're just spouting hatred towards women and somehow think that's OK
What a shit show. I'm curious what website does /g/ consider to be an example of good design?
By that point, you're supposed to have had that moment of clarity that strikes and reminds you how pointless it always is to read YT comments, followed immediately by guilt and the overwhelming suspicion that you are in fact a pleb.
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/pol/ is reddit though.
Google is a monopoly.

It needs to be killed and cut apart.
>Capitalism is good until it offends me then the government needs to step in to stop people from triggering me
So that's why YouTube UI looks like a piece of shit now. The one who designs the UI is woman. Suddenly it makes a sense somehow.
All you fucking neets are retarded. Google knows so much about its users that every change made is backed up by usage statistics. All you retards will be used to it within a month anyway.
>Capitalism is good but it can’t discriminate against race or gender

Goons in 2017.
All of their servers can be dismantled by force if the populace is angry enough.
Capitalism is good until it starts to buy the government to turn itself into an empire.
What a cool and nice flat metro redux look
>Capitalism is good but it needs to not offend white 14 year old male virgins

/pol/ in 2017
>dismantled by force
If you think you the look of a website can convince people to fucking revolt against a multi billion dollar company you are retarded as well.
>if the populace is angry enough.
Not going to happen realistically speaking
Too many people (including myself) are reliant on things like Android, Youtube, Search, Gmail, Calendar, etc.
>muh capitalism
But you can’t choose not to serve x, y, z.

You people are braindead.
i like the night theme
The most realistic scenario is probably someone exploiting a intel ME bug.
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You know what I miss? Fucking knowing what the fucking buttons do without hovering over them and hoping the fucking HTML guy put a title tag on it.
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Just write your own stylesheet then. You must be a woman too because men don't bitch, they fix.
t. Organic code farmer
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mah nigga
I like the new layout, it looks clean. The dark theme is great.
Just like emojis it's another symptom of the dumbing down of society
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Sent them feedback. Click on your avatar, select restore old YT and tell them why it sucks.
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Almost all of it is completely intuitive which is why there's usually no reason to give more details. A concept that seems to elude people who build modern interfaces for some reason.
how did you get that glow effect
did it and I made sure to include the complaint about the shitty js bloat in my feedback
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Whats wrong? Its great! We all use tablets and need too much space!
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Muh Immersion.webm
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What browser do you use?
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>he uses youtube
>not running the "new" ui for over a year just so that you can have dark mode
Why is no one talking about how much better dark mode is?
>Why is no one talking about how much better dark mode is?
Nigga I love dark mode.
>this is what /g/ thinks good design should look like
Solid bait tabs.
> Search doesn't pay
Friendly reminder that Google is a advertising company
>talking about a color change
everyone ITT is bitching about the cancer made-in-M$-powerpoint layout
Just embrace it.
This is the result of (((diversity))) hiring practices

google will self-destruct by hiring shitskins and womyn
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Uh sorry sweetie but Google's technical workers are still mostly male and white/asian. It's not like guys haven't done shitty things in tech before. Remember microsoft bob? Yeah thought not.
Protip: when an SJW says "diversity" they mean "me and my friends".
And as they're mostly white and male, the end result is this one.
This and they being unskilled as fuck because they get everything handled to em on a silver plate by the several butlers of their dads and moms.
Daily reminder that if Google has to be destroyed by force it will happen.
>/g/'s idea of good design is to put as much information and options on the screen, make the colors match the darkness of it's soul, and then content-aware scale everything to remove "wasted space"
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It's literally impossible to destroy the cloud. Life is not a movie.
mpsyt + mpv + youtube-dl doesn't have this problem either
The CEO of Youtube is a woman.
All the engineers and developers under her have no choice but to listen to her.
>MUHSOJIH KNEE!11!1!11!!1!11!
>provides no arguments
No one is using sources. Get out more anon. You are still young. Experience what women are actually like and stop listening to losers who are just after your clicks.
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I had to double-check I wasn't browsing a m.___ url. Feels like a UI designed for fucking ipads
ironically i think mobile version is a BETTER layout
>Impossible to destroy the cloud

Are you ok?
nigga just tell me how you get the glow effect
>click restore old youtube
>it changes the layout back but the colors are still bright as fuck

fucking hell
Well fuck me, that simple separator actually made the whole lay out a lot more pleasant to look at for me
ui belongs in >>>/gd/
You could probably do this with some css editing and greasemonkey or something idk I don't do website html much

I only added it because it divides the vote portion from the interactive social media crap so you don't get confused what button is doing what
Yeah, fuck you.
do it with your vagina you pussy
Pedo belongs in >>>/jail/
This why wageslaves can never be considered sentient beings. At best they're extensions of other people, like a limb that needs to be stretched (paid) every so often before it continues operation for the host.
Faggots belong in >>>/hm/
How do we make it stop? please we must make it stop before it's too late.
Will see you there >>>/hell/
>Let's remove all the visual layout indicators so it's impossible to tell which elements belong together and buttons are indistinguishable from text
>Wow, it's so clean and modern now
youtube is pozzed anyway
Holy shit link please
You know you can still change the layout to the old one right?
>implying the option to switch to the old UI isn't going to disappear a few months from now
>not using youtube-dl
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You must not be using night mode with the jewtube logo: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/32756-jewtube
Holy shiiiiiit this is exactly what I've started doing. Either reddit or any other kind of forum or large site. Vanilla search results for everyday stuff like you described are indeed trash.
>right click
>block videos from this channel
feels good to not be a dipshit
4 year olds click and watch, then pour coke on phones and think it's normal when weirdos talk about giving them butt injections.

youtube is a pedo grooming operation
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What's wrong with it?
Whats wrong is you're a faggot who thinks this clusterfuck is acceptable. Total unorganized shitshow
You have to go back. Fuck off.

Wonder how long this will last.....
everything just floats on a white background with no boarders it's definitely made by a liberal woman
clean af
> muh misogyny
How's the white knighting going? Have you got some pussy yet for saving a damsel in distress by defending her pride on the internet?
I doubt you have worked with women in tech.
They constantly want others to do their work and always try to reap as much attention as possible for being the "nerd girl".
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>restore the old layout
>the fucking colours are replaced with the new eye-burning ones
>no dark theme on the old layout
I said shut the fuck up nigger
44 a racist, what? do you know? were you imparted a blessing?

this fucking website lol
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>100 a woman came out with the new layout for YouTube

barely fucking works too, have to refresh after every video, almost every time every link on the page stop working.

Garbage meme tech and meme design over actual function
Found the techtranny, how are the hormones going? Has your twitter follower count gone up after coming out?
The worst thing for me is that there aren't buttons or are small ones even with shitload of free space. I bet this redesign has happened because some vapid cunt somewhere in YT felt useless and wanted to make user experience as miserable as she is ("look, I fixed a thing that was already working! 10 politcorrect points for me!").
It's just a smokescreen to make people forget google has gone full censorship mode. Complaints about policing is drown in more complaints about how the new design is shit.
*smacks lips*
*steals cubicle neighbors code*
*steals other employees lunch in the break room*
>implying US isn't crony capitalism
>just gone done reading /g/ thread bitching about glossy UI
>see this update right after

Fuck dudes, you assholes jinxed something.
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That add-on doesn't work for me anymore
I am so mad
That was a dumb post, just randomly attacking women as a whole based on your stupid assumptions.
Ofc you do plebbit
Microsoft Bob was literally done by a woman.
that requires a botnet account tho
europeans are so fucking repugnant
That design is literally an eyesore. Glad there was option to roll back this update.
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>If you have an HR dept, that shit should be shut down quick.

Guess who runs the HR departments?
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>Retard has to ask google if carrots are healthy
No, only a woman could implement a UI that slow.
Thanks a bunch mate,it was slow as hell.
>Desce a Letra
>Glad there was option to roll back this update
...for now.
Graphic design is not technology
technically it is
I'm guessing the reason he posted it here is to get a /g/ perspective
It's so much better now.
>pointing out obvious differences between men and women
>Thats hatred!

You're delusional
How much do you weigh?
these are the issues that matter, anon
>Prove every assertion according to my liking or it's false
>Liberals not realising it's 2017
thanks anon
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>switch back to old layout
>now 'disable autoplay' is completely broken
Bookmarklet to restore the old layout:
>ux are developers

Are you retarded? They're all graphic design monkeys, aka women
Brutalism is the new meme

Expect tons of companies to follow suit and make all interfaces flat sans serif and white
Your problem is actually that you think that all questions ought to be answered in a 30 second, digestible fashion.
>on desktop
When will they realize it looks like shit?
Normalfags don't give a shit, why would they?
I think it's really annoying how virgins manifest their butthurt in different ways on different boards. No matter what board I go to, there are autistic virgin NEETs crying about something
You're fucking retarded if you think he was "only pointing of differences". You're right, that's not hatred. But in the context of of the earlier posts, it IS hatred. Because it's being argued that women are INFERIOR to men BECAUSE of these differences in the work field.

I literally work with a team of 30 people, 13 of which are women. I have only had a single person ask me to do their task for the week, and that was a guy.
yeah because valid criticism is wrong. you have to praise everything even if it's objetively shit.
that only increase the number of false sexual harassment accusations and the number of lawsuits against companies. also women are a burden financially because they get pregnant and you have to pay them maternity leave.

God fuck, pick a side. Do you hate the jews or not? Why would you actively lobby against people getting paid?

>no logical argument and resorts to shaming

how do I know that you are a female?
Yeah but I can still be sexist without having to deal with your fucking triggering?


You could also fuck off maybe.

why should people pay you just for shitting out a kid or having your period?

They eat whatever the shit you put on their mouth, why even change
t. Street Shitter
What the fuck does maternity leave have anything to do with periods? Have you even met a "wo-man" before?

And because:
1) it's the right thing to do -- she literally just had a kid, who is supposed to take care of it?
2) maternity leave increasingly means paternity leave as well. I get 3 months off to take care of my child after my wife gives birth
3) it's part of my contract and compensation.

By that same logic, why should people pay you for holidays? Why should you get paid vacation at all? I accept a lower overall salary for the other benefits it brings: a fucking fantastic health care plan, a pension, investment options, and unlimited paid vacation.

How could you be arguing that workers need LESS compensation? How has that even crossed your mind? Have you actually held a job before?
are you one those womyn? is that why you keep defending them?
if so, get the fuck off my board
>reee get out of my safe space reeee
Looks decent in dark theme. Then again I'm not a faggot who gives a shit what YouTube looks like
>admits to going to reddit
>admits to exclusively reading search results from reddit

answer the question
are you one of those womyn?
> it's the right thing to do

Honestly who cares? Nobody has to pay for someone else's decision. Go find yourself a company that does that if you're so fucking inclined. No one should be forced to deal with that shit.

> maternity leave increasingly means paternity leave as well

Again, who cares? I'm sure company who want to give paternity leave will be able to attract the best talent or something. Let the superior companies that are generous with their benefit reap all the best talents out there.

>By that same logic, why should people pay you for holidays? Why should you get paid vacation at all?

They shouldn't.

>How could you be arguing that workers need LESS compensation?

We're not.

Dude womyn can't leave men alone. It's in their nature.

Do women have fun? Do they create their own space and are these spaces about anything other then how to fuck some men shit up?

"Omg have you seen this group of men over there? They're saying mean thing about women I want to be included in their group they're such a bunch of assholes."

Christ we should remake every pop culture movie with only female lead in them like we did Ghostbuster and then trap them into female only screening for eternity.
>Nobody has to pay for someone else's decision.
>>How could you be arguing that workers need LESS compensation?
>We're not.


And never once did I say maternity leave needs to be mandatory, not sure where you're getting your argument from. The whole argument was the basis of maternity leave alone. And that women are:
>a burden financially because they get pregnant and you have to pay them maternity leave.
>What the fuck does maternity leave have anything to do with periods?

did you not see the link I posted? women are expecting companies to pay for menstrual leave and politicians are going to listen to women because they are the majority of voters. if you understand economics you can come to the conclusion that women are liability and not an asset to companies.

>it's the right thing to do -- she literally just had a kid, who is supposed to take care of it?

you have that responsibility not companies

>maternity leave increasingly means paternity leave as well. I get 3 months off to take care of my child after my wife gives birth

women still get first priority on that so I don't want paternity leave. I rather be less of a liability to companies.

also your last arguments sound very entitle and lack responsibility. I still think you are a female pretending to be a male.
So what's your point here, what's the end goal? That women are not allowed to work, or? Because you seem to be arguing based off hatred of women but I don't really get your goal.
The old jewgle & jewtube search functionality was too effective. They don't want you to find what you're searching for; they want to shape what you see.
I'm not arguing that workers NEED less. Workers will always want more and why wouldn't they? I'm arguing that maternity leaves shouldn't be mandatory.

Your argument seem to be that they need to happen anyway. Fair enough. Why not? If a company feels so inclined, no one will stop them.

But then you can't go around claiming that women will be as productive as men given the fact of maternity, paid leaves or not. If there's paid leaves, then you have to pay the woman while she's not doing any work. If you don't have maternity leaves, then you expose yourself to the cost of having someone drop from your workforce and having to find a replacement. In some cases, this will be a small cost if, say, the father decides to leave his job temporarily instead of the mother, or it can be "maximal" if she decides to leave and never come back, or leave for such a length of time that she needs to be trained again when she does come back.

Is this guaranteed to happen? No. She could be childless forever. But the risk of associated cost is simply higher.

None of this is mysterious. Assuming corporations are profit maximizing entity, it will follow that, given a choice between a man and a woman of equal competence, they'll be less inclined to hire the woman due to the higher risk of lost productivity. That's usually why the people who argue for maternity / paternity leaves want them to be mandatory in order to "level the playing field" because of some "muh".
Just take 40 minutes out of your day to click "load more" until all of your history is on one page then save the page.
>I rather be less of a liability to companies.
This absolute wagecuck mentality, holy shit
Thanks for writing something serious and not >>62217491.

Two points:
>But then you can't go around claiming that women will be as productive as men given the fact of maternity, paid leaves or not
Men are also increasingly taking time off to take care of the child. So this isn't a woman-only problem. In many cases, it's overall cheaper to simply pay the missing worker for the X amount of time they're gone then having to go on a employee hunt. This is especially true with talented workers.

>Is this guaranteed to happen? No. She could be childless forever. But the risk of associated cost is simply higher

Correct, but you shouldn't have to corner a person into deciding to have a family, or choose their career. And by reducing everything to numbers and risk, you are supporting what is essentially prejudice against women.
>That women are not allowed to work

yes because the work place is turning in to a shit show now that women work. women only want free shit from companies, lawsuit left and right from women, less productive then men, a shortage of works because women leave their careers to be stay at home mothers. men would be happy to be in their spot and they won't leave to be mothers.
it does look like shit
>Men are also increasingly taking time off to take care of the child. So this isn't a woman-only problem. In many cases, it's overall cheaper to simply pay the missing worker for the X amount of time they're gone then having to go on a employee hunt. This is especially true with talented workers.
"Increasingly" just means a negligible portion of the civilized world, and hell it may even be rolled back. There have been more than a few companies that had good intentions only to regret and roll it back later, and likewise for governments. Promising paternity leave is a carrot on a stick.
They can do whatever the fuck they want and everyone will still cling to it, it's a fucking monopoly.
>I eat three carrot cakes a day but I keep getting fatter. Help me google, is carrots even healthy?!?
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phd - breastfed.png
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Biology and temperamental differences tell me that women will always be more incline to spend time with their child. One of the best hint I can think of to justify this is the fact that a baby is much better off being breastfed than he is being fed some alternative artificial formula. A mother's milk is actually optimal for a baby's development. (See pic for details.)

To be sure, if men were to somehow start to get paternity leaves as much as women, you'd get a relative equalization of risks, but even then you wouldn't get parity. Why? First, because it's the woman that's actually gonna give birth and carry the baby. This means that the risks of complication either during pregnancy or close to delivery are gonna accrue to her, and so will the loss of productivity associated with it. If a company is in a critical period in which they need their top employee to work 60-80 hours a week to finish a project with tight deadlines, there's risks there for pregnant women.

Another factor that militates against an equalization of rates of paternity and maternity leaves is the fact that women want their men to earn more than they, on average. This means that paternity leaves rate equalization would correspond, on average, to a higher level of income foregone for the couple.

So even with paternity leaves into the equation you get some "natural" factor that push against an equalization of the risks.

>you shouldn't have to corner a person into deciding to have a family, or choose their career

That's really not clear to me. We all make tragic choices that imply sacrificing some other alternative that's also attractive. I was "forced" to either be a great piano player or shitpost on 4chan. I made terrible life decisions. That's the nature of choice.

Why it is that other should be forced to pay for someone else's ability to "have it all", I don't know.

>you are supporting what is essentially prejudice against women.

I didn't PRE-judge. I judged.
t. roastie meatflaps
>40 minutes
try two days

>are carrots healthy reddit?
You guys should really kill yourselves. This is the stupidest shit I've ever sen. How is this better?

PROTIP: The size of the SUBSCRIBED button doesn't stay the same across different languages.

PROTIP: The Share and "Add to Playlist" button tap targets are now way too fucking small. You niggers don't know the first thing about design.
>And by reducing everything to numbers and risk, you are supporting what is essentially prejudice against women.
Are you arguing that by any objective standard, there is reason to discriminate against women in the workplace?
Because the men have to pick up the slack. Especially when someone goes on maternity leave.
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>not using hooktube
>autistic virgin NEET cries about autistic virgin NEETs
>not using youtube-dl
Literally nigger-tier.
>Correct, but you shouldn't have to corner a person into deciding to have a family, or choose their career. And by reducing everything to numbers and risk, you are supporting what is essentially prejudice against women.

Companies should be prejudiced against women. The probability of them being a liability is much higher than with men. Prejudice is a good thing and if women want to correct it they should stop going into the workforce just to have babies. Especially in an age where birth control and abortion are affordable and mostly accepted, not that you need to even tell anyone.
Great decision, Google!
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24KB, 500x316px

It's not literally impossible. Servers are still physical objects that can be destroyed. Is it probable? No. It is literally possible though.
>giving google your data
i usually don't download the videos, i am okay with just streaming, but youtube-dl is a interesting program, never heard of it before
All of the elements just float with no real boundaries separating things. Clean doesn't always mean good.
How do you get the glow?
>giving some random niggers all your data because you're too illiterate to use youtube-dl and don't know what proxies are.
Whoa, whoa, easy there. There is no reason to get butthurt. Using the program is just a matter of reading the fucking documentation; you look like a fucking arch-nigger that chooses a program just because it has cli. I skimmed over it and it doesn't appeal to me, looks interesting tho. With hooktube i can just change the first letters of a link and watch it, no ads, no need to visit youtube or interact with google partners, no javascript shit (if i want so). It's everything i need and it looks nice.
>Liberals denying bad assertions is a blank check for me not to validate mine
i dunno looks fine to me. consistent on all platforms/screen sizes, i can guess what all the buttons do
Hope you stretched before that reach my dude
Sites like hooktube or videodownloader3000onlineultimate.com are basically malware tier.
Better solution, don't have kids.

Majority of the world's problems solved.
how so? looks safe for me. it's verified too
Given the decentralised nature of the Internet I'd say it is literally impossible to destroy "the cloud". The only we to destroy it would be to destroy the earth, and, well, ugh, good luck with that.
Hi, I'm the owner of HT. Where is the malware? It's got bootstrap (standardized interface styling), popper (modals), fontawesome (icons), jquery (if you don't know what that is I don't care about your opinion on anything internet related), and the custom hooktube.js placing hooktube.com/api JSON data into divs.
>opinion about icons
>objetively shit
okay lad
it was a fat black lady sjw
google about it in some article i dont feel like doing it
Routing your traffic through some unknown 3rd party like (even if some anon on /g/ claims to be that 3rd party) that is malware-tier.

How do you know that third party isn't selling your data to advertisers? It's nothing but a false sense of privacy.
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Screenshot (171).png
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what do i do from here,boss?
Where the fuck do you think you are, you dumb cunt?
What unknown third party?

If you mean cloudflare CDN, that's optional and intended to cut down load times. Just block it and it reverts to local copies of the scripts.
Nevermind, I see what you mean. I'm the third party.

Yeah using youtube is better than risking some /g/ dude with a $7 sharedhosting account extracts his access logs and sells them to the illuminati for a hamburger.
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>honestly thinking this design looks better on a browser than the old layout
A-are you gonna do that?
>captcha: culture cash
Could you not then write a script for this?
Does the hamburger come with mustard and cheese?
The old layout was objectively ugly.
This one isn't much better, but it attempts to be cohesive.
The real problem is, that material design is garbage.
pls don't. i don't want the illuminati knowing my chinese cartoons preferences
>not realizing its to down play the importance of rating systems and public opinion

Youtube would just get rid of ratings all together if it weren't for the backlash they would receive. Too much wrongthink these days.
It took my a few days to realize i needed to flush my cache because i was loaded cached resources that actually made it look worse. I don't care if the change the css though, really doesn't matter, nothing got moved around
1. The creators shouldn't have sold it.
2. Everyone who continued using it after the sale got exactly what they deserved.
Anyone know how to make this glow effect?
Not him, but literally "youtube-dl [link]" into CMD after you add youtube-dl to path and you're done. (Better yet you can just copy/paste the link into a video player.)
Someone here lost to a thai sjw fag for a ux position who only had a shitty project and a capstone in his portfolio and because his dad went to the same frat as the head of operations at google HQ

cronyism gets you places
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3/4 of the screen space is wasted with everything to the left.
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It's made to look like the mobile version. This is happening to all the big sites. More people use the mobile version now so it is the "main" version of the site. The desktop version is now just a legacy supported product and will be derivative of the mobile site from here on out.
google is full of sjw niggers

stay far, far away
Salty bitch the racist is right, go fuck chad and make babies. you design shit websites.
>Capitalism is good
it's called race realism
Use Stylish and install a dark theme.
You shouldn't have to do something like that. Every major website should have a dark theme option built in.
I'm just now trying to get into web dev, so this may be wrong and I would like it if a web dev spoonfed me the right way to handle it, but I would imagine that using JS to load parts of the page means you don't have to download the entire page every time you click a video, and google's servers don't have to reconstruct the page every time you click on a video.

Instead, you click -> a request for video x is sent to google -> information for video x is fetched from their database (or some cache) -> that information is sent back -> client-side JS reconstructs only the relevant parts of the page with that information.

Without JS you would click -> a request for page x is sent to google -> google's servers fetch the information from a database and construct page x (or fetch it from cache) -> the entirety of page x is sent back, including headers, footers, navigation bars, etc. This would, of course, apply to any page with content that is fetched from a database.
you mean >>>/h/ell
You can go back to the old layout
Why not just use an extension/add-on that inverts the pages of all websites (including those without a native dark theme)?
This way you wouldn't have to worry about looking for a dark mode toggle for every website you go to.
>mobile version
How? It only gives me a super lightweight version when I change the UA

still waiting on that fucking sauce faggot
Thanks man
>hurr arsechually you are not as englightened~~~ as I, m'lady

if it can't be answered in a sentence it's a dumb question shitstain
you're an idiot. if something just werks people will use it regardless of how shiny it is
I think it looks nice but then again I suck dicks for fun so...
dude its called a dipstick
the thing you pull out to check oil level and color
there's no such thing as a dipshit lol
where did this meme even start
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lol calm down dipstick lol
Instead of appending just "reddit" to the end, I usually put "site:reddit.com" at the end(or where ever) and that will list only search results from reddit.com
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3MB, 904x732px
It's called Turn Off The Lights, a browser extension.
See this post for the page where the settings are found. >>62219593
Turn on atmosphere lighting and "Vivid atmosphere effects", extract colors from video, 60 FPS.
YMMV for performance on Firefox based browsers though...

By the way if you like this lighting effect as much as I do you can actually get it for your monitor/TVs too, called aura lighting kits etc, multiple brands.
You're welcome!
The fuck? I was expecting to read a youtube thread and people are discussing this? Breastfeeding? Really?
holy shit, thanks anon
where is LibreTubo, anon?
kek that youtube logo
Search jewtube on Greasyfork website to grab the userscript yourself if you want it too.
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