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subhuman miners

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Can you mining twats stop fucking driving up the price of GPUs and waste your money on some other worthless investment? Or at least buy old GPUs that nobody wants?
lmao cucked
>stop buying gpus I need it for MUH GAMES!
/v/ gets btfo once again
They already bought all the old GPUs
It's not even profitable to set up a new rig from scratch at this point. Unless ETH moons you will never get ROI, but at that point you are better off just buying ETH.

Looks like they really fell for AMD's 70-100 MH/s rumor lol.
Why the fuck do these basement dwelling minerfags still insist on dumping money in a worthless investment then? It would literally be fucking easier for them to buy a couple blue chip stocks and make 100000x more money than from mining.
The Chinese mining farms outstrip anyone's capabilities most likely. They have thousands of GPU working 24/7 churning out coins like candy.

Average joe can't compete. Same with stocks where you can't compete with computerized trades.
Because, worst case scenario they believe they can just sell off their GPUs at like 80-90% of what they bought them for. Or mine another coin.
>Buy graphics card at msrp
>Mine hundreds of dollars of coins, just barely breaking even on cost of card
>Sell used card for 160% of what I paid for on eBay.

Are you mad you missed out on free money?
>higher demand for GPUs forces companies to innovate
>this is a bad thing
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go to >/v/ faggot, who cares that shit.

It is even a more useful use of a gpu than playing shit.
>sell used card for 160%

Highly unlikely. The average person needs 1 GPU, miners buy as many as they possibly can. When the sell off begins, the GPU market will crash and they would be lucky to get MSRP. Not to mention it's common knowledge that most used RX 580s, 1070s, etc, are going to be from mining and people won't want to buy them.
More like
>higher demand for GPUs allows companies to charge more money
>companies have no motivation to improve their product
>the people who get screwed are the ones doing actual work with GPUs
holy shit you are fucking stupid
You either go lower end (1050ti) or high end (1080/1080ti) as cards of these types are not popular for mining
>fucking up gpu prices even more then they where already for years to come
>for an unstable virtual currency
>a good thing
At least GPUs have a higher purpose than >MUH GAMES!
>electricity bill is 300% of what the card costed

You don't have to fucking compete with them, you can still make money on your end.
>Imaginary money
That's debatable. Video games are fun and bring enjoyment to many people. Not to video games are what drive GPU development.

I'd also like to add that although I don't know for sure, I don't think ETH was intended to be mined by rigs with dozens of GPUs. I think it was supposed to be using spare processing power when people weren't gaming/using their computer.
>loose money buying GPU
>electricity bill costed 500% of GPU
>bitcoins total 100% of GPU
>cards are sold at 90% of GPU's cost

net loss
Good thing America is getting data caps so the craze should lower a little here.
I calcumalated that by running my 1070 I can earn 130$ a month
>electric bill for that is $180 a month

No it's part of the rent
Free market baby, people can buy shit for whatever they feel like


I appreciate miners for making gaymers suffer. Gaymers are the cancer of /g/. I've tired of scrolling through the copious amounts of the garbage consumerist threads they're creating here.
Sorry this was with my r9 390 and 1070 combined and I think it was 150$
Free speech baby, I can laugh at basement dwelling neckbeard miners who drive up the prices of GPUs and end up not making any money
Why can't they just increase production of the current cards? Serious question.
Hey miners notice how ya'lls moms bought you less tendies since you started mining? That's cus ya'lls electricity bills spiked due to mining some worthless 0s and 1s.
>rent increases

Holy fuck how retarded are you miners?
t. is clueless about the gpu market right now

It takes seconds to go to eBay and click on "sold listings only" to see how wrong you are
You're the one complaining about GPU prices dude
Well factories take a long time to build so you'd spend your time retooling your factories for your new cards.
No it's fixed and I haven't bothered mining, I just buy coins. My friend has a 12 GPU setuo though and he doesn't pay extra for electricity
>higher demand for GPUs forces companies to innovate
I don't think you understand how supply and demand works.
I thought GPU mining was long dead.
>GPUs are only used for gaming

How retarded are miners?
>Using 150 watts 24/7 for a month costs hundreds of dollars

Truly epic math you got going on
I agree but at the same time I think smartphones threads are somehow worse.
>It is even a more useful use of a gpu than playing shit.
>Computing a hash of a random number over and over is useful work.
Cryptocurrencies are literally based on useless computation and wasting energy.
Look at your fucking bill, you could make more money buying an apple stock than mining
if you're not fucking inbred, you can actually calculate how much power you'll draw, which would be less than $180 for a 1070
Those are people who are buying for the purpose of mining. And who didn't do any research. You can buy a 8gb 580 on newegg for $300 in a ryzen bundle.

Regardless, the real sell off didn't even begin. These are just the guys getting out before the difficulty really ramps up in the coming months.
ETH can't be ASIC mined
Fuck you for wasting my time none of those bundles are near $300 let alone even in stock
A non dividend stock... u wot?
Where's this candyland where electricy is free?
Why not?
Spending $10 on electricity makes me $50, possibly more if the coin appreciates

Spending $10 on stock and waiting 8 years for it for hopefully quadruple and then pay capital gains tax

Very comparable thanks for the input
>muh gaems
miners are providing a valuable service, unlike you fags
lmao nocoiners on suicide watch
maybe if you spent more time researching tech like bitcoin you wouldn't be in this mess
gaming is for children
The proof of work algorithm makes it difficult to design an ASIC for mining
The GPUs that are used for compute and rendering are too expensive for miners you tard.
if mining was that fucking profitable, millions of investors would rush to do it.
Nocoiners are literally this stupid.
lots of apartment complexes are like that, they bundle all the utilities into a fixed price in the rent.

in practice, i'd give it a couple months of mining before the management company starts complaining or reports you for probably running a grow op
They are rushing in to it. The entire crypto market has been in a ridiculous boom since early June. There are still plenty of altcoins being developed that will be profitable to be mined. When one becomes unprofitable, the hype train will move to another one with a similar algorithm. This isn't going to end if/when ETH mining becomes unprofitable.
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>sold out in 1 minute
Don't kid yourself, mining is extremely wasteful.

Stop pretending like you are providing a service when in reality all you did was read a guide on setting up a rig so you could tag along on a get rich quick scheme.
>finally have the money to buy an awesome rig
>No GPUs available there isn't even one 1080ti available in my country

fuck me man
Interesting, thanks.
Next driver update will make fans stop working if they detect mining software.
>drivers that spy on you
fuck no
Why do you think mega-mining complexes exist?
Try looking at local ads for a bargain on a decent gpu until prices fall, something like a 700 or 900 series gtx, maybe some older amd gpu.
>>miners are providing a valuable service, unlike you fags
The basis of mining is built on the backs of projects meant for social good. Projects intended to better understand genetics and pick apart and analyze diseases. Projects to search the stars for life. Projects to allow for people to join together to unlock greater potential and understanding.

These never got that popular. Bit mining for money sure did. You failed the last test. You all die in 7 days.
I wouldn't have a problem with this if they at least gave us the option to preorder it.
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>Drivers don't spy on you

Rolf...they optimize for what work load they detect. Also nvidia drivers make the card non-functional if they detect it is being used for pass-through to a virtual machine (since they want you to buy a Quadro card for that)
Thanks, although I feel like they will never fall. This latest BTC jump has everyone losing their minds.
>want to upgrade my gpu
>check Amazon
>out of stock
>check Newegg
>out of stock
>check eBay
>$800 please
Miners should be shot.
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there are rx 580's in huelandia.
But where they were usually (at 'normal' prices) 4x the price compared to the NA market, they're 8x-10x now.

And at this ROI it really doesn't make economic sense to invest in mining rigs down here, the profitability margins are already spreading thin for NA/yuro gpu pricing and they undoubtedly lose any semblance of profitabilty here... and yet, since our retarded retailers won't let a good crisis go to waste, we hues end up getting flogged even harder.

I'm very certain that when vega finally gets here they'll come at mining adjusted prices; not our usual retailer greed+taxes+exchange rates.Not to mention that we almost never get launch day availability, so we'll not only pay qudruple prices, we'll also have to wait until late september at the very least...
>mining is a better use of electricity than gaming

Video games provide enjoyment to many people. It's no different than any other hobby. Fun is not a human want, it's a need.

I don't dislike miners. I think cryptocurrencies are really interesting and I do own some BTC. I don't really care if I have to spend $50-100 more on a GPU, it is what it is. But don't pretend like you are more entitled to GPUs than gamers are.

What about 3D artists? I'd argue they provide a better service than you currently do. ETH has no current world use, just ICOs and "muh roadmaps".
It's risky, in order to ramp up production you need new factories, if the demand falls companies are left with an oversupply and wasted resources
Jokes on you amd is actively working with claymore, the leading miner software developer to fix mining bugs and glitches.
AMD would have never sold these cards without mining

thanks cryptocurrency, otherwise AMD would be bankrupt
Wealth brings more enjoyment than video games. 3D artists do work out of necessity so they might as well become miners.
So I guess cryptomining is going to join skin gambling and crates as one of the things legitimately killing gaming.

It's not about the simple fun anymore, because being a greedy cunt and catering to greedy cunts just makes so much more money.

Now I want to code a killer AI.
can't a nerd bake a ~2k ETH asic that outperforms gpus for 20x already?
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> just want to get a 1060 because my 770 died
> 400bucks
> 1070 is 490bucks
> 1080 is 580bucks

i don't know what to do
Not for etherium. Since it requires huge amount of fast memory, asic should be basically compute part of gpu.
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Cry into a pillow while you add the 1050 ti to your Newegg cart.
must wait
desu gaming is killing gaming, we really need another video game crash.
Wealth just gives you the time and ability to enjoy hobbies, such as video games.

I also want to add, by the time ETH actually has a real world use, it will be PoS, which will kill mining. I guarantee none of you with rx 580 rigs will be stakeholders, so there goes your valuable service you are providing.

Just stop pretending you aren't tagging along on a get rich quick scheme, that's all.
Only hope is local market like Craigslist where people are selling graphics cards and they don't know there is a bubble
I don't get people saying that it's a bad proposition for either AMD or Nvidia to invest in specific mining cards, coupled with exclusive/dedicated drivers. This would cater to a market that is willing to pay twice or more over the MSRP for each gpu, and has effectively drained the availabilty practically worldwide. If this doesn't look enticing for a manufacturer's perspective I don't know what else on earth could get them going.
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So we'll have to wait until ETH reaches 20k usd on a diffilculty comparable to breaking the toughest encryptions that demand quantum cpus for those guys to finally leave the end consumer gpu market? (when they'll actually invest in custom dyi gpus comparable to nvidia and amd, patents be damned)
ETH's mining days are limited and no other coin has the potential that ETH has. It's a huge risk.
Nice eth shill. Eth is shit and the dapps people make end up being hot beds for hackers to steal people's eth.

What other coin has people losing eth in major hacks every week?
to invest in new fabs? definentely, not worth it for the short duration/bubble like circumstances.
but coming to the market with mining edition cards? Even if on a completly gimmicky marketing level, all they have to do is to time it well. And take the fight to a driver competition rather than a hardware one, between the 2 rivaling gpu vendors. Or at least have the hardware better tuned for perf/watts to a point where the end consumer start to appear silly for miners.

We really need to separate those markets, it's the second mining related market breaking event we have and it'll probably not be the last one.
or wait until it makes sense for them to after quadros and firepros.

But this would only get the big guys out. There would still be the micro/mid miners that won't ever be able to afford that kind of investment and would continue gorge themselves on the bottom feeding with consumer grade graphics.

There's no way out guise.
Actually... it's NOT the miners who are to blame here. It's the international bankers and hedge-funds and a few retail investors who are to blame for this craze. Remember that the Bilderberg Group through Routers, which they own, have admitted that yes they really are international bankers, they do run the central banks and they view you as the property of a global super-state.

If miners looked at new GPUs and went "I'll never get a return on this investment and pay more in power than I get for the coins I mine with these ETH and ZEC market prices" then there would be no GPU shortage.

It's the market that decides if miners will buy GPUs or not. Don't blame miners, if those who are making a profit didn't do it then someone else would.

>really fell for AMD's 70-100 MH/s rumor
Who knows how many MH/s some of them are getting. Keep in mind that there's a lot of different mining software If you just search for "mining etherium" and download something that pop's up then you'll probably get half or less of what those with proprietary custom software get.
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Will the madness stop once ethereum switches to proof of stake?
t. mad gaymer nocoiner
>spending energy to pull fake money out of thin air is useful

>muh bilderberg
stopped reading there
>Don't blame miners, if those who are making a profit didn't do it then someone else would.
Wut? What defines someone as a miner is someone who computes for cryptocurrency.

If someone else was a miner, then they'd be the miner buying up the GPUs and I'd blame miners.

"Don't blame murderers, since if they didn't murder then it'd be someone else doing the homocide"

nocoiners, truly the gift that keeps on giving
Who knows. That could be a year from now and lot's of things can happen during that time.

The only thing I can say is that mining, currently, is not worth it unless you have a rig already built and made or are close to making your ROI. Soon, everybody except those with cheap electricity will be operating at a loss.

The way AMD timed this release is really interesting. I think they released it this way is because of the fact that a month from now, mining on current hardware will not be profitable for most people, so they are playing on miners' emotions by alluding to the fact that Vega will have amazing hashrates. Once they realize Vega 64 is a dead end, miners will buy up the shitty reference 56 in hopes that the lower TDP will net them more profit.

AMD could've had these cards out way earlier. They just looked at the difficulty rise and made the best business decision.
Cryptokikes will be among the first to adorn the streetlamps on the day of the rope.
you're underestimating the possibility of the coin price going up keeping the growing investment cost manegeably profitable for a long time, pareto shenanigans, preferential attachment and all of that.
>Pull 10,000 watts
>Get sodomized by the DEA
>Same with stocks where you can't compete with computerized trades.

Is stock market like the Steam market where bots get all the good stuff at the lowest prices?
>I need it for my virtual counterfeit money more
yeah, it's completely dominated by machines
>bitcoin is not worth anythin-
>get 8GB RX480 for $200 last year
>install Linux
>no games
>never used the GPU
>crypto craze comes
>sell GPU for $700

I'm not complaining.
a thing has value only if someone wiling to buy it
the moment government has a hand in it price will drop to 9th hell
and there is probably a lot of movement under the rug
If you're placing bets on ETH mooning you're better off selling your rig and buying it.

And miss the opportunity to mine other new coins
let me tell you as russian why they did it:
to steal money on building this farm
nothing good comes from russian gov involvement anywhere, if anything it's a sign of a coming crash
All of which will skyrocket in difficulty and may or may not be profitable.

ETH at least has some potential and interest from big money.
I want a crash so I can buy back in
New coins are always more profitable than eth. I mined a new coin last month and I made 1.5 btc off it in 4 days.
Mining is the only reason to buy AMD.
No fuck that, I want the price to keep going up. It's best for everyone if the price stays high and gets higher. 10,000k per bitcoin would be awesome, and I think it will get there.

It's not basement dwellers buying them up. It's bots that the chink miners use that buy up any 480/580/1070 the second it comes available at any store. They send them to China where they bribe utility workers to install a direct free connection to the coal plant in a hastily put together hangar paying no rent nearby and they run their farms at almost zero cost aside from the initial capital and the small bribe
Hey huebro time to go Paraguay to purchase some cards. 1080tis for 2400 brl
The bitcoin bubble is like the dot com bubble of the old days. When it bursts many will lose and very few will continue reign supreme.
Can you grasp how much did you contradict yourself?
Can you grasp the English language, or are you one of those subhuman gooks who are ruining the market for everyone?
So what are the chances that the cards used for mining still having warranty will break soon after resell and you can scoop up a few of them to get store credit for whatever part you want?
no folders are providing a valuable service. miners are just chasing a misguided dream of earning more then they're wasting monthly for doing nothing.
well someone has to kill all those people why aren't you doing your part?
not if you have solar.
Nah, that will only go so far. There is no reason anyone would exchange BTC or ETH for a rando altcoin still in its super-easy mining phase unless they were scammed. There are good technical reasons why altcoins have arisen. I don't see any good technical reasons why additional altcoins have a niche in the market.
There are guys living in tunnels that get free electricity straight out of some cables. Couldn't they set up some bitching mining rigs?

So I buy either something that doesn't meet my needs or something that I can't afford. Good advice.
illegal netsphere pirates squatting in city infrastructure shall be purged forthwith
>higher demand for GPUs forces companies to innovate
That's pretty much the OPPOSITE of how capitalism works.
Bitcoin is a threat to the USD and the people who would traditionally do something about it are too old and ignorant to even begin to recognize what Bitcoin is.

A bunch of billionaires are going to find themselves wiped the fuck out. Either Bitcoin will crash or the entire US economic system will crash, but one has to go.

>can't afford

Then save up for it you stupid faggot. Most people save up for shit they want and are willing to wait for their purchase instead of acting like entitled little fuckbards that want instant gratification.
Not sure what's worst, the miners bubble, the sick fuck that want your fresh urine in exchange or those sold by some random jamal that only deliver hand to hand at 3 am
I'll take bitcoin then.

>$35,000-60,000 for panels
>panels lose 1-3% efficiency every year
>still have to pay for power anyway

that's another net loss.
bitcoin has no backing it is a piss poor system, when it fails everyone will just be fucked.
they don't innovate to match demand they over produce or raise prices. they take the money they would have spent on innovation and use it to produce.

and you get more of the same thing.
Mining should be made illegal, it's literally wasting energy.
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I just done a poo on my 1080ti, it felt good.
Reckon im stupid 'cus of my 'ticular vernacular? Or 'cus I don't see the logic in tryin' ta mine fer pyrite iron on the computer?
>All preordered in 1 minute
same result
I am buying a PS4 Pro.

PC gaming masterrace is history.
All my neighbors subsidize my electric use
Somebody who gets it
buttcoins are valuated by the stock market we'll see how far that gets
>I've tired of scrolling through the copious amounts of the garbage consumerist threads they're creating here.
That is mostly the work of shills
stop it, you're hurting my feelings. miners are people too.
there is a tweak in QEMU to enable hyperV.
Better to avoid the problem all together and get AMD but they have no direct competitor to the 1080Ti yet.
Sadly this. Console hardware is sold at marginal profits, you literally get more than you pay for. Sony and Microsoft make up losses in game sales.

Modded console = $$$
exactly what I did
I just thought this was funny

800 a pop, in bulk. gosh.
I got a PNY GTX 780 3GB sitting around, how's $200 USD plus shipping sound, depending on your location? I'm in Burgerland.
they buy and sell within fractions of a second.
but anon this seems pretty standard
14LPP has been out for over a year now. Who's to say current yields is unable to meet supply demands?
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>worthless investment
Sure, kid. Because Fidelity Investments, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, etc. want a worthless investment out of Ether and Bitcoin. I've actually developed protocols for both and have seen my shares appreciate exponentially. Cryptocurrency is a gold in an actual free market, unlike tangible precious metals which are controlled. Don't believe me, just do your due diligence before sounding silly to those of us not just speaking opinion.
I agree. Spread (difference between buy/sell) in criptocurrencies is terrible.
It's the best to invest to some reliable stocks and have multi protect stock certificates.
You have minimal risk with relatively good gains.
t. mad goldrush coiner with no more real money.
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