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Its been 7 years and I still want one. What's some

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Its been 7 years and I still want one.

What's some old tech you want /g/?
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A minidisc player. I have a low-end one I bought back in the day. Bu the time I could afford nicer stuff, minidiscs were already obsolete, and the nicer hardware was actually more expensive than it was when it was relevant.
Why don't you get a modern GPD? http://www.gpd.hk/
square monitors
Revox B250.
Pic related, with a flexible screen and some hardware buttons.
They're making a new version you know. It's supposed to start production Real Soon Now(tm)
Ah man I’ve got one of these laying around.
A Leica M3
For a 6yo technology though they are expensive as fuck.
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meant picture related
but being a fag I forgot the picture
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gp2x wiz
Uglier and lack of Linux support
I miss using my StarTAC.
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Just bought pic related, currently turning it into a nostalgiacomfy xp machine that can play hd videos/music and basic browsing/shitposting
I heard eepcs are nice once you upgrade the ram and over clock a bit.
Eeepcs are nice, but I bought one of these acer zg5's back in 2008, and it was an amazing little thing.

>better times, before tablets and smart phones took over.
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I want it. I want it so bad.
w700ds, and a trinitron from an atc tower.
One Hi-MD disc is $50, jesus fuck.
I'm going to make my own with the EOMA68.
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Back in 2002-2006 or so I had what was either a portable cd player that had 3 minute or 300 second anti skip protection and could also play burnt mp3s. For a short time before ipods took off I was making all the other kids jelly with my jog proof setup. Or jealous enough that it was eventually stolen. Because of that I am not sure what brand it was but I've been looking for anything similar on ebay but it seems like every cd player maxes out at 60 seconds. I didn't know how good I had it until I didn't.
You can format plain Minidiscs with the same file system and use them in place of the high capacity ones. The high capacity discs died off pretty fast.
I sure want an overpriced piece of shit umpc that has game controls marketed towards "real non-gamer linux users like me" versus a $80 android with a folding bluetooth keyboard and week long battery
Why can't chinks just copy that thing?
>the time before the time when I just gave up so we should all be neo luddites as I pretend to be a 70 year old 20 year old
I still dream of making my own PlayStation games and sharing them with my friends.
>300 dollars
>shit specs

Still want one tho
Literally anything old that does its job well is so comforting to my autism, idk why but it just feels amazing using these devices that feel like they had effort put into every inch of their design and they were made so well they still work.
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One of these.

I don't even need a flash cart. GBA games are so comfy.
I need this more than I need air
i wonder what happened to the series of handhelds by Game Park or the Dingoos
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Just because how it looks.
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Just picked up a Vita. OLED version for 75 bucks, and a 64GB card for 20 bucks (Don't know why that guy on ebay was selling them for so cheap, but there you go). Pretty fucking happy with it. Looking forward to playing games in bed and at work.
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why don't they make stuff like the toshiba libretto today

hell it's probably even easier to do these days than ever
Sony always made laptops that I thought looked good. That said, the internals never justified the price they asked.
The can keep the exterior and pull a similar machine today way more powerful but... Sony.
Well, Sony sold their PC division a few years back. Vaio is still around, but it isn't Sony-owned anymore.

That said, I will say that if you're just looking for a modular budget laptop, old Vaios aren't that bad. I picked up one for 80 bucks, replaced the sound board for 30, the motherboard for 30, the battery for 20, doubled the RAM to 8GB for 30, and upgraded the i3 to an i5 for 40. Pretty fucking good, all things considered, especially when an Elitebook wound up costing closer to 500.

That said, the Elitebook, while not as sylish, has superior build quality.
True. But, to the best of my knowledge, you still need a Hi-MD recorder/player for that, and those are rarer and pretty expensive. Plus, the re-formatted discs will then no longer work in older players, either.
Also, a GBA with a ags-101 screen in it
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I had one and it broke in my backpack in 2011 and I still regret that. Of course I have like 5 other things that can play GBA games.

I want another one of these even though it always sucked as an actual media player, the design is just so good.
enso that shit
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I got this baby brand new for 70 bucks. It's a 12 y.o. phone and I bought it solely to remember my good old high school days. I can't believe the seller had a bunch of these.
That's expensive for a phone released in 2005.
why it's so popular here? seems pretty unpractical to use
yo ca get md stereo decks for like $60 now.
dreamcast still has a homebrew community.
sony erricsson phones were the peak of mobile phones.
I don't see why modern feature phones are not anywhere as good.
It is like every phone developer forgot how to make phones around 2007
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What did it have that, say the Casio Rock didn't?
I know, but I didn't care much. I had the money to buy it.
Tell me about it, I got sick of my Galaxy Note II and I use the SE one to play kickass games like I used to, I even made myself a theme.
God I want to go back.
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God I loved this phone.
I had a friend who had one. It broke on him like once every 3 months.
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I got both a Pandora and a GB Micro with an M3 perfect
That's certainly something
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They did though.
Ya fuck.
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this thing maybe?
Bought one of these. Was cool for a couple months before the screen started getting black blobs on it, which grew over time until the screen stopped working at all.
can we get chinks to produce a royalty free mini bluray(or similar) optical disk
i just want 8GiB to start out with till tech advances and you have dual layers for 16GiB

I need zfs snap shots and portable flacs...

we need alternative storage aside from flash because magnetic tape and spindles arent capable anymore
Do you actually play the jap green?
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had one of these fall into my hands at way too young an age. She held up so beautifully though for year and years and years. The beautiful T40
tfw had an opportunity to pick one up for $60 but pussied out
cute small tech
How's vita community nowadays? there's a decent N64 emulator which can play OOT or still nothing?
I've wanted to buy one since those MicroSD adapters got released, but i want to make sure it wont end up in my drawer like my gold ol' PSP.
>like my gold ol' PSP.
Chargers keep shitting themselves. Its fucking annoying to be buying a new one every two months.
Sure. In fact I already finished it. But not on Gameboy.
Vita isn't bad so long as you stay on 3.60. Shit like the micro SD card converter is available for cheap on ebay, too.

It's still an indie game machine when not hacked. Undertale is dropping on it tomorrow, with other shit like that coming out regularly.

I love the shit out of my OLED one.

Pick up these on amazon and you should be set:


I still have my mid range hi-MD player around. I actually use it here and there. It sounds way the fuck better than any iPod or other player I used after that... Flash memory killed a God.
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Sell the vita card for more and then hack vita and use the microsd card adapter
I have a 11" model that came later, was planning to slap lubuntu on it. How much of a pain would it be? Has anyone tried?
>Chargers keep shitting themselves. Its fucking annoying to be buying a new one every two months.
Is it original? mine has been literally working fine by 10 years now.
Nah. I'm happy with the card I have.
I had one too holy shit. But I thought it was great
that doesnt sound like fun with all the moon runes
fuck no, cheap shit china ones
all in one computer made by intel to compete with the iMac. Wanted one so bad...
Still do.
Never understood that stuff. It was pretty much a, "Hey! Would you like to have a computer with the access of a laptop, but none of the portability of one?" "Boy, would I!"
I wish they made this with a proper keyboard and track-point style buttons.
Huh? Where?
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I'm sure this is kind of lame but...
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was that a portable dvd player?

that drink also sounds fucking lethal
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I worked at Best Buy when they tried to sell these and similar. Massive fail.
this >>61896366 but they fucked up the trackpoint location

fucking rice niggers
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I realize they're fucking stupid but I really would love to play around with one
stop shilling this trash meme
theres something really appealing of a pocket x86 device
>tfw cant justify the price because performance might be shit
>Im too autistic to even read what you replied too
can you be a huge fag somewhere else?
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Nokia N900
I want librebooted thinkpad so goddamn much
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quality HiFi equipment from the 80's
You guys are fucking idiots if you think that abomination of a keyboard could compare.
One of those fully loaded Laserdisc players
no, it's a children's toy that works as a wifi-connected multi-IM messenger
basically like a physical version of gaim/pidgin
they don't ship with openwrt, of course
good bloody work putting it on there
i had one of these. it broke in that the shoulder buttons simply stopped working. I thought maybe dirt got into them so I opened them and cleaned the buttons. It still didnt work. I tried over riding the buttons and it still didn't work. The problem was within an Integrated Chip and not the buttons. This happened within a year so I was able to replace it under manufacturers warranty. Got a new one, about a year later the exact same thing happened. By then they where no longer being produced or sold anymore. I just gave up on it. Worthless piece of trash for a nintendo product.
Sony Video Compo and a wire recorder
yea, they have a 320x240 screen, a 300MHz xscale cpu, and 32M ram, so pretty similar to an early 2000's smartphone/pda
I have that exact player. Bought it years ago, still have the box and everything. Must be worth a bit by now.
Still got one of these but my psp is much better.
They never made more than a few developer units, right? Loved my N900. Sucks that the Pyra is the closest thing to it.
>that screen under the body
How can you fuck that up
why does it flip
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>HD videos
>on a piece of shit intel atom
Good luck with that
This. I have a fucking Pentium D 3Ghz laying around and it suffers when I try to watch anything over 720p or with a decent bitrate, and it is like 5x more powerful than an old Atom. These shits are the equivalent of a mobile Pentium III/Sempron
he asked if the chinks fucking copied the thing
how is this not a copy of >>61894095 this or at least a copy of the concept
jeez youre fucking dense as shit
learn to read
theres a good reason why people love the vaio p series more even after all these years
why wouldn't it
It's not the same.
Is that a fukken trackpoint
sony minidisc players are the most aesthetic technology. all sony stuff in the 90's was that isn't silver.

I kind of want to get one from the Eee series as well. They're really cheap here, around 20-30 euros.
iphone 6s
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i love the wacky little VFD numeric tubes from before the industry settled on seven-segment displays as the standard
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...sexy af...
looking for one of those without any busted-off keycaps is like trying to find a dang unicorn
>Casino royale was 11 years ago
They weren't marketed to people who would be interested in opening it up.
That can be fixed with a $10 mPCIe card.
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>i'll never own a curta
I have one, they are horrible
windows phone is shit
I have Pandora #641.

I waited 3 years for it to come to me.

Then I used it maybe 2hrs. There's like 60mb RAM free and the OS runs like shit.

The hinge was purposely made shitty due to Nintendo patents so the locked open state isn't suitable for games, and it's either full open or full close.

Then my LCD cable failed like all the others from the first batch. Never bothered sending it in and getting the repair so it sits in a drawer as a relic of broken dreams.

I wish I sold mine on eBay for $1000 when I had the chance.
Open Pandora?

Seems more like a hobbyist pursuit than anything reliable or marketable.
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It's a breath of fresh air when so many phones are just giant screens with frames.

The big 1:1 screen makes web browsing more comfortable. Having a physical keyboard is great and it feels great in your hands too. It makes me really sad that there won't be an updated version of it. The Key One is just not the same.
Mine broke, I'm probably just going to buy another. I'm back to using my Q10 for now.
I live in an electronic producing area in China, you can literally have anything you want made custom is the parts are around and you have more than $35
a blu-ray drive, but I just don't want to pay the price $ony wants for it. Fuck these yellow Jews
My dad has one of these.
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>he's too lazy to learn japanese
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you're shit
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one of the xperia plays. I could probably get one for nothing at this point, but getting apps for the thing and having to use outdated emulators makes it seem pointless when my PSP is better at most of it.

the fact that minecraft is on this and its now a completely unusable piece of tech really makes me feel old
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my friend just bought a windows phone used actually. he didn't consult me on this purchase obviously, and we later found out that facebook messenger doesn't work with it anymore, which makes it useless to him.
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>this is nostalgic to gen z
good fuck im getting old
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Best GBA gaming device


Using my Q10 for the summer. Got a Passport SE but it's too big to fit in anything but a jacket :(
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Kohjinsha DZ.
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Openmoko Neo Freerunner
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I wish I had another one.
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I still miss my first mp3 player. It could hold an entire album or two. So simple, so clean.
know some lady from work that has one but wont fucking sell it to me.
i've been eyeballing one of these for a while now just to throw some slim linux distro on it and use it for shitposting away from home.

Only problem is i can't find any working ones in decent condition, everything is either parts/repair only or beat to shit and back and probably needs some repairs.
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this kinda fits in, cuz it's got an older chipset

it hasn't been out for long, and I'm still not sure if i want it.
I'm impressed at how classy it looks
I think your mouse has cancer, anon
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I'd love to build a modern PC in one of these.

I've been looking at getting one of these small notebooks and putting linux on it. Would be nice for simple browsing and shit. So small.
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I still want this
what a kawaii waste of money
>What's some old tech you want /g/?
anon PLEASE do not ruin an important part of computing history, specifically graphical computing history. Plus they're extremely expensive.
Oh wow, I definitely recognize those headphones that came with it, but the player itself is different. I always thought it was an RCA. I'm positive it was 3+ minutes since I remembered it would read ahead then stop spinning for 2 minutes at a time to save power with regular CDs, not just mp3s. According to https://www.amazon.com/RCA-RP2480-Portable-MP3-Player/dp/B000093UQE it would be 45 seconds max. Thank you kindly for replying.
If i could find a cheap, completely fucked on the inside, broken one i would. I aint ruining a working one for ebin watercooled "sleeper" gaming pc.
can we let this meme die
iPhone 4S
Blackberry Curve
slim PS2
this thing >>61889369
this thing >>61894634

>tfw I can afford all of this crap now but I know I wouldn't appreciate any of it now as much as I would if I got them when I was younger
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I love those too, best tiny phones

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I can get my hands on a good example of almost every SysV box but the only one worth a shit for desktop use

Or an Alpha, but Tru64 is shit and doesn't count.
I have one of these and I still prefer my macs desu

GEM looks like ass in high res mode and having no hard drive is shit
Nigger what kind of fucking stupid keyboard layout is that
I fucking love it
This looks awful
i have no idea what i am looking at here
This shit made me get an Xperia Arc since it was all they had. That thing fucking sucked. I wish I knew about the PSP Go instead.

my niggas

I've been thinking about getting a Nokia n900 since people are running GNU/Linux on it with Plasma Mobile now. Should I? They're like $100
It uses BlackBerry's OS but can run Android apps, right? How well does it work? I am considering getting one of them.
I bet it runs like shit, desu.
UMPCs were smart phones ahead of their time.
I have one of those and it is so dated it is not even worth it. The controller is really cramped, the buttons are very awkward to use. The trackpad-analog-things are kinda trash. It can emulate up to PS1 great, and N64 emulation is tolerable, but considering the plethora of other devices you can emulate on, it is hard to recommend today. It has a single core processor at a time where that was just barely cutting it, and about 400MB of usable RAM, so anything above Gingerbread is a no-go unless you like shit crashing all the time. It's neat to whip out and have people go like "Oh yeah I saw that thing once!" and to remind them of the N-Gage.

But hey, the R800x models are $40 on eBay so if you wanna drop a pittance to tinker with a neat product of the time, go ahead. I unfortunately got the ATT one, so I cannot unlock the bootloader, but I was able to install CWM and flash a custom ROM just fine. I say Gin2KitKat is a good ROM to flash, it is gingerbread but has all the aesthetics of KitKat. Is easy on the RAM and very stable. PSXperia is used to convert PS1 ISOs from the Crash Bandicoot app it ships with, but I can't get it to work. Other Android PS1 emulators work very well though.
An old school 1000 psp would do the job a lot better

Yes, it works pretty well, but Android apps only get half the cores and the runtime version is Android 4.3. I've yet to have any issues.

Bought one of these because they were half the price of a PSP Go, it was a terrible decision. I mean I'm happy I have one and would have eventually bought one anyway but if it's one or the other, the PSPs win hands down.

I've got one that works fine except for the fact that Intel never ported their closed Gpu driver to later versions of Linux, so only works with old 2010 vintage Linux.
hipster cam
Just buy psp or Vita tv
Can I make phone calls from them?????
i need a 6 pole 2 throw rotary or slide switch. Can you have that made for me?


I used to use my Vita for texting
is that a fukken squakpad or whatever from cyberchase
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thats great
I've had mine of these Acer Spire Ones since 2008.

And forget about HD video on these things.
Even browsing the internet is horrible, since everything has become so bloated in the last 9 years. (And yes I run add and script-blocking stuff)
its not so bad if you use services like ytdl to stream shit with mpv. you can close your browser for that which is the only way you are watching anything 720p on a minipc. but it works like a fucking charm, also put linux on that sucker
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>not enough keys for cyrillic
it's trash
does that look like it says blyatberry you russian fuck
>he wants garbage in his home
Are you homeless or what
not even russian but I have russian friends
it also lacks keys for french and usually it's ok on a tactile keyboard but you can't hold anddrag on a physical one
I can't believe I used to want this as a kid
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>does that look like it says blyatberry you russian fuck
How can he put garbage in his home if he is homeless?
I wish pyra shills would stop shilling their overpriced piece of shit on this board.
Can I install GNU+Linux on this
>64GB card for 20 bucks
I would have bought one tomorrow if the cheapest card I could find wasn't 60$.
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There isn't a microSD to Vita adapter you bongos. At least not yet. The closest is a PoC video released two months ago.
>he haven't hacked his vita to use a sd2vita with a microsd card
suck to be you
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It's not really a problem to buy it except I don't have a tv.
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Maybe with an ssd.
i'm still looking for a cheap one
I got the iPod Video 5.5G. That's regarded as the best one right?
Bought it with a broken drive at the flea market last week. CF adapter atm.
with the right adaptors you can connect it to a regular pc screen. VGA is easiest to achieve
I've been thinking about getting an m3 for my micro, does it support GB/GBC games as well?
mine's still going strong, although the battery's crapping out
Are you the xbox dev kit murderer you sick fuck?
can I make osrs bots with this?
Please anon tell me about pic related it looks so cool!!!
don't try ebay, try goodwill and craigslist or garage sales. A good price is 60$ maximum. No need to upgrade the hdd rho unless you have 250gb of musics
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I already have a Latitude D620 for that purpose.
Here's the desktop.
The closest you could get to an SSD with this is a CF card in an adapter (since CF cards use the IDE interface and, ever since 2010, has TRIM built into the firmware).
you can buy adaptors to use mSATA SSDs in ipods for like ten bucks
what's the problem?

half of this shit could be bought online for a hundred bucks
why are people posting them like it's unacquirable, if you'd really want those things, you would have them
they aren't some 80's computers that cost 800 bucks and rarely pop up somewhere
CF adapters cost around the same if not a little bit more.
I never knew about it at the time it was out there, but the Net Yaroze sounds amazing to own.

I'm watching one on eBay, but it's already up to £150
Was literally about to post the same thing.
Why not a 1200?
>dat theme
is this one of the royal themes? I liked the one with the blue taskbar more
Yeah, it's the Royale Noir theme that was leaked back in 2006. Also, is the blue one you're thinking about Embedded or Royale?
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Yep. This is it. All the computers at my school had this installed back in the day and I fucking loved it.

I still want a pc with this form factor. 90% of my work is in terminal with ssh and or text editors. Why are they all so shit. Also I still like the idea of a secure as fuck thing like this as a phone with some bluetooth connection to the actual handset part. That way I can have a normal phone again. Its shit talking on a flat smart phone.
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It's a good feel when you played thousands of hours on one. Bought mine new at the time and didn't even realize it. The box did say "better brighter screen" or something along those lines.
Saw a friend's ags-001 and realized how shitty it would have been if I had gotten stuck with that dim screen
Had an SP with the good screen mainly because my dad was awesome and actually cared for video games so he knew what he was buying.
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haha, there's a local listing for one here

They think it's worth ~700USD, how cute.
I've seen these go for 200 or even cheaper
hory fuck, Japan still trying

on a side NOTE I really want a Lets Note
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>dat chrome trim
disgusting, wtf is that keyboard
>blue clit
>That's regarded as the best one right?
Yes. Good alternative firmware support and the last gen to use Wolfson internals iirc
that's pretty nice
am I remembering correctly that the ags-101 came much later in the lifecycle of the GBA SP?
why do devices with small screens always try so hard to minimize vertical space? I get that they have to fit in your pocket but come on this is just ridiculous. You're gonna scroll more than anything else
I think it did. I got my SP around 2003 or 2004 I believe. I don't remember it that well because it wasn't a christmas or birthday gift. I just came home from a one week stay at my uncle's and got it for whatever reason. My first game was Rayman 3. Man, I still play this in an emulator from time to time. The GBA should still be at my parent's home. When I got a PSP I gave it to my sister.
OK looked it up. It must have been mid 2005 from what I've seen. I really thought it was at least a year earlier
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I would love myself a nice PVM but they're rare and expensive and their dims/weight makes shipping expensive
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yeah, that does suck a bit

the tradeoff with aspect ratios is that you end up with something less portable when you add vertical space
yes there is, check /csg/
how can you not kill yourself with that keyboard
It does suck. I mean, give me a 10" 3000x2000 subnotebook with x86 CPU and decent build quality. I don't even need a touchscreen, I'd rather have a real keyboard that's not a stupid type cover.
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it's shameful, the current state of the mobile market.
Moto Z keyboard mod is the closest to an updated one of these and its pretty gud
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the good ol ps3

I got one and two Xtremes, one with the MP3 Player attachment. It's rare af now
TFW when I'll never have a libretto with current day hardware
I have the same laptop somewhere
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looks comfy and A E S T H E T I C
OG ps3 best ps3

none of that slim ps3 bull
ah interesting
I remember buying mine, still have the box and the original unit. I am beyond impressed with how the hardware has held up. It's almost unbelievable how it's still on the same battery and only L/R buttons have started failing after all these years and hours. Battle Network 6 was my first game
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remember the good ol BSD render prepatch days?
>none of that slim ps3 bull

Like surviving more than 4 years or not costing $600?
where do I buy this?
what's it called?
Are you me?
My T40 fell off a shelft earlier this year, still works but the hinge broke off. Wasn't sure if I should just glue it back on or not.
don't use glue. It could get inside and jam the hinge. If you can find one, buy a new hinge
Ever since I got a job I don't get excited for tech and gadgets anymore, like I used to when I was younger and cash was much tighter. I think simply being able to afford them if I really wanted to takes some of the glamour off and working for my own money makes me ask "will I really use this?" much more often.

I actually can't think of something I really want that I haven't already bought in one shape or another.
Full backwards compatibility is nice. I'd love to retire my PS2 and that crappy PS3 Ultra-slim with a big old gorgeous OG PS3
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I share the same sentiment for newer technology. I'm not a big fan of the over marketed gimmicks that flood modern markets.

However, I still like rare older technology that is hard to get. I don't pride myself on being a collector because I have a hard time owning anything I am not using so that stops me from buying a lot of things.

Space and time become the main concerns after money stops being one.
I fell for this meme, it is so uncomfortable to hold. It was cheap at least
>tfw only one flying original in the world
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see >>61919336

arguably the best form factor and button quality of the gba line combined with a good backlit screen

imo even the sp is uncomfortable to play on, especially if it's a demanding platformer like MM Zero
I'm eyeballing a ps vita since Sony said they gave up on it and prices are plummeting, especially the used market.

They finally have good emulator support too. I owned a psgo before but it was such a failed design and uncomfortable
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>Sony said they gave up on it and prices are plummeting,
hory shit, I wasn't even paying attention.
Hopefully the community grows for the Vita. Guess now would be the best time to buy an OLED one before it becomes a specialty item that fetches a high price.
Did they EOL the updates already?
I think this is the US version with the model number in pic. Good luck finding one
>tfw have one that still works fine but haven't really used it in years
Hey that's at the EPFL crypto lab.
I had it back in the high school, good times.
>tfw Vita with 64GB microSD full of PSP games
Pretty comfy
lmao not in ebay or amazon
im fucked
For me nowadays it's really all about being useful, or rather being used even if the benefit it would bring me is small. I don't like the idea of buying something and sitting it on a shelf after 1 week of tinkering, or setting it up somewhere where it sits unused.
Shekel out for a Pyra when it comes out and run Debian or something
reeeee too comfy for me to handle
The oled ones are still cheaper than slim on eBay. I'd rather have the slim with lcd screen since the battery life is improved so much.

Make sure you get a vita with firmware version 3.60 or less. The newest updates blocked a lot of Homebrew functionality and no one is working on cracking them. Think, it took 4+ years to get this exploit, a new one won't just come out of thin air.
I see a few similar models on eBay for near $300. So it's out there, not a unicorn at least.
>Implying the psp ever had games
I guess released ps1 and ps2 games
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>I don't like the idea of buying something and sitting it on a shelf after 1 week of tinkering, or setting it up somewhere where it sits unused.
yeah, pretty much the same. electronics are also a pain to collect because they need special attention and conditions.

The fun part is getting rare hardware for cheap, playing around with it till you're tired, and then reselling
>'d rather have the slim with lcd screen since the battery life is improved so much.
interesting, I though OLED would be better with battery. I guess they made some chipset changes

hopefully they stop updates so the community can focus dev on one firmware version
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do you know of any true unicorns?
Even hw I consider rare surfaces on shitbay every once in a while
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I was about to post this thing
That firmware is 3.60, which I think is what comes in the box of the ps vita slim. Like I said, no one is working on anything beyond that version since those patches just block homebrew stuff
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>Make #1 Sexy Chat!
man I miss those days when I made #1 Sexy Chat every day...
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awww yis.jpg
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I'd put on matching clothes and go to a LAN and refuse to play anything other than NFS Underground.
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Lemote Yeeloong
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there's actually a ton of ancient greyscale LCD games/devices I'd like to have just to collect
I wish there were good new UMPCs. inb4 the overpriced chinkshit.

I'm amazed that within such short time they went to from PoC to production. I'm ordering a Vita alongside one of those right now.
>backwards compatibility
Get a non-ancient computer, hop it to your TV and use godly PCSX2.
I want this thing too, that's my dream. Where I can buy it on Internet? (I'm from Russia)
It has numerous JRPGs if you like those games. Of course the vast majority probably want it for the library of PS1/PS2 remakes/ports.
PCSX2 isn't perfect though. At least the last time I tried it, I was getting graphical glitches in Persona 3/4.
you need a 3.60 firmware to use a SD card .
I wonder if you could jimmy rig a modern ITX system into that case.
Not wrong. I tried P3/4 and had issues as well. Then again, is even PS3's PS2 emulation perfect?

why does your lid say "jew u"?
just make it a coffee heater, and put a ATX system in the CRT.
I still do.
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It had the best FFIV port, for one.
What are the best new-old (2005+) UMPCs? I got to play with >>61919957 at one point and it was pure disappointment.
It' was kind of ballsy of IBM to go with a design like that.
I'm pretty sure it had a flex-ATX mobo, so an ITX board would fit. You'd need a tiny PSU and a low-profile cooler but it could be done.
It's ps1 emulation was bad. I tried Medal of Honor through my gen1 PS3 and it glitched out so hard it was unplayable. As in an entire levels textures didn't load.
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You only want one because you saw it in anime around the time they were popular, admit it!
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When I was a teen the Virtual Boy came out and I saved for one, before it was known it was garbage, but then I had to use the money.
I still want one, though. Not even I know for sure why.
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