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guts bread

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Thread replies: 115
Thread images: 36

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post the guts of your bread. i'll start. ryzen bread. now with more coars.
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What kind of CPU fans are those?
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I'll take a good picture tomorrow if the weathers nice.
How noisy is that?
Silent at idle. Under load I only hear the GPU fans. The 180mm intake fans move enough air that I just keep them at low. The 120mm exhaust fan is a very quiet Noiseblocker eLoop that I run at ~800rpm.
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anybody kno why my pc wont show up when connected to my monitor? (new to building)
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Did you check to make sure it was connected?
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Waiting on Vega
YUp everything seems to be running.
tried connecting the HDMI into my MOBO aswell and still nothing.
Is your monitor plugged in?
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What case OP?
Seriously man move that gpu rad to the front and turn the cpu cooler the right way. You're killing your air flow for no reason for muh aesthetics
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Ryzen mobo will be here tomorrow so i can rebuild!
Pretty much everywhere I read said to put the Fury X rad above the card or it isn't effective. Those speccy temps also aren't super accurate, I'm getting 30-40 on idle and 65 under synthetic load so temps aren't a problem. You're right though, I fucked up and didn't realize I couldn't keep my CPU cooler horizontal when I built it. I'm not trying to be aesthetic.
Thats a lot of fans in there man... Lets see the power supply side, also move your rad fans so they pull through the rad and not push into the rad. It saves dust build up on the rad extremely and from what I can see, you get a ton of dust build up in there.
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*Also, this is part of the reason I'm waiting on Vega. In addition to pump noise, the Fury X is keeping me from using two fans on my CPU cooler and the orientation is retarded. I'm going sell my card if Vega can really deliver 1080 performance for cheaper so I can fix it.
Still that same crooked cpu cooler, when are you going to get a level?
Not at home or i would take underside pics the fans cant be swaped any other way because their is a pump and res on the front trust me i tried dust is just because all the fans hah
Also its front exaust and top exhaust hince the blower gpu
>small mobo
>big case
what is this meme?
When i feel like taking a new picture i also added back the gpu brace too.
Can you put the rad at the top them and have the fans drawing air out of the case? Watching videos on how dusty rads get from fan direction and seeing your case dust is prime example. It'd save clean up time and probably help cool better since you wont have cpu temp air blowing straight into the case.
Its an matx case with a matx mobo. Case is a Coolermaster MasterCase Pro 3.
Hey I remember you guys, you're the ones who can't tell case sizes, how have you been? You still salty my ITX performs better than your shit ATX?
nice and clean anon
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>Y-You're just salty
>M-My PC is better than yours
>Stop making fun of my tiny motherboard you're sounding just like mommy
Grow a pair faggot
>itx performs better than atx
what did he mean by this?
Oh man looks like a hit a sore spot on you. What else you going to cry about now? Please kind sir, I want to see more of your autism.
He probably mean't this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTazUoHUM8o
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looks nice, what case?
uhhh ok, think something broke in your head there kiddo
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delid this pls
>he payed a price premium for an unnecessary formfactor
atx/matx boards aimed toward overclocking do the same thing at a cheaper price
timestamp or gtfo

this is too nice to be a /g/ user
You do know the ATX version of this 2270e costs more and performs worse right?

>moving from one topic to another because you're wrong
oh (you), classic ;)
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>Alright so ch-ch-check this shit out alright so I'm g-g-gonna buy a tiny motherboard alright alright alright and I'm g-g-g-gonna put it in a big case and not use 70% of the space. T-T-T-Then I'm gonna put a fuggin 5 pound graphics card on it, and it anyone makes fun of me they are the ones who are out of touch
how did you expect everyone to react to such a stupid fucking setup? Yes, surprising that people judge your incredibly retarded build in a guts thread.
>>moving from one topic to another because you're wrong
what are you talking about
holy cow this autism at its max. That forced stutter, how do you think anyone is going to take you seriously if you sound like a retard?

You persuaded me anon, I'll right away switch over to an atx and lower my memory clock.
Its an exausf on the front and no the rez and pump are atached to the front of the cooler i literaly cant move the fans without issues
no, i'd rather buy a cheaper msi or asrock board that will still get me to ~5ghz. Asus is known for their abysmal support if you need to RMA something.
>msi has better support than asus in this lifetime
what did anon mean by this?
the fuck are you talking about
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>msi better than anyone
Send in a 780 under warranty and recieved a 980 a few weeks later because my model was discontinued. Friend sent in his asus 290 and it took them a good 5 months or so to get him a replacement.
ek vardars 1850's.
cooler master haf xb evo
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she's getting to ara-ara age, but dual hdds and an msata are great

I've been greatly asspained trying to find anything newer that isn't memethin/non replaceable battery

I guess kiddies don't like being able to clean their fucking heatsinks
>It performs better
>Look at these firestrike scores
>look at these .5 FPS difference
You fucking retard oh my god holy shit
oh shit I haven't gotten this good of a laugh in a while
My micro atx does better in cooling with the same parts then any larger case ive had them in by 5 to 8c depending on fan setup
>the fuck are you talking about

>>It performs better
>I'm wrong so I'm going to act like this is hilarious and say im laughing because im autistic and i don't like to be proven wrong
Alright anon, you do you.
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>t. grade A chucklehead trying to convince himself that his quadcore(in 2017) itx build in a mid tower was justified
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>Comparing motherboard by 10 and half point differences in application where points are judged by the hundreds and the thousands
>Instead of comparing motherboards by their featureset, longevity, and overall multipurpose use scenarios
>I'm right you're wrong
No you're a moron and I'm having a good time
Jesus christ dude are you 16?
just go dude :^)
this place clearly isn't for you
>shit posters coming to guts and getting proved wrong so they cry about it continuously to make themselves feel better
You guys do you, you're giving us quality here, you enjoy your msi btw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V48KJEP1-sE
No man this is a guts thread and you're getting pretty defensive of your little pecker

At this point you'd be better off taking a close up picture of just your motherboard and put a speccy in the corner cause you're never going to live this shit down
>pretty defensive
>my atx board is far bigger than yours, just because I don't get the same memory clock or oc scores and I have a lot of empty realestate I still get all the ladies
Alright jamal
>I'm not defensive
>Has supplied two youtube links and multiple
>when we are judging his guts
>>I'm not defensive
>why isn't your dick as big as mine, everyone needs a big dick or you won't get all the ladies man
Alright jamal, you've changed me. I'm taking penis pills and going to enlarge my ITX to an ATX, forget what tinytomlogan has to say, its all about the SIZE man.
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>claims others to be brand loyalists
>tries to divert attention away from the fact that he built a solely gaymin machine built exclusively with asusâ„¢ and corsairâ„¢ components
>well yer just black
im a beaner dude
>never once said anything about brand loyalist at all
>only laughed at anyone choosing msi ever when msi is known to be the worst and only cucks buys their products
Alright jamal, enjoyed being cucked by msi, asrock is good though. That was the only defending part in that post.>>61533312
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>never once said anything about brand loyalist at all
>enjoyed being cucked by msi
this is pointless, you can respond but i'm not going to read what you post. Enjoy your gaming.
>if you talk shit about the worst company out there for computer products, you're just a brand loyalist!
>don't talk bad about my msi!
Are you her? You're pretty hot.
What is she? Planning an MXM upgrade at any point?
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7700k at 4.7ghz 73C max
Slightly overclocked Strix 1070 60C max
Fans run dead silent 1000rpm on chassis fans and 1400rpm on the dark rock 3.
No hdd, only ssd. So no noise there. Psu is also silent, and case has sound deadening. No fans on top, but the moduvent cover is off for heat to vent
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My guts, looking for rates. Ordered the stuff to sleve cables last night, gonna be fun
Ft02, close family of ft-05 Bro!
How you like it? Almost went with a Ft02, decided on ft05 for smaller size and I don't really need to the hdd or optical drive space, plus it was a lot cheaper when I got it
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>tfw 15K drives roar to life
feels good
4 cores is all you need you dumb fucking nigger.
He needs that ryzen threadripper for all the streaming he does because hes pro gaymer and makes money off twitch.
>no one needs more than 2 cores goy
>'640K of memory ought to be enough for anybody
Rate time:
Nice case, almost went with that when I first built. How are Temps? Nice and clean too
Nice and clean, like the case as mentioned before, how are Temps/noise with those reference cards? My 980ti perform great as is, always wondered how reference design would do, especially with noise
Blacker than Wesley snipes man damn. Looks good though, but why that tiny mobo and massive gpu?
Kawaii, really clean for the size. How's the 6870 fair these days, my old 7870 doesn't do too bad in the other build.
Case? Looks clean for the size. Is that a HTPC? Why the optical drive?
Wait faster or move that rad. Temps on gpu are suffering I promise. Used to have a fury x and a r1 set up reverse of this, rad in top r1 out the back, moving the rad lowered Temps close to 8c. Maybe put it as an intake?
Nice and clean, but god do I hate that red in the case
Damn man, gotta get some positive pressure dust is bad, enjoy the upgrade, my r5 is way nicer than the old 8350 I had. Cables are kinda cluttered, might want to tidy with rebuild
>matx in atx case
>1000w psu with 6 pin gpu
Shit anon what are you doing, it's clean but hell
Nice job on the hard tubing, it bothers me the GPU cables aren't both vertical, could do with some combs, mobo cable is kinda awkward. Looks really good though I like the color scheme
You tried
>no hdd
Jealous. Working towards that. I like the color it adds too, also a fan of patriot for some good value. Delid that cpu anon, you can get that golden 5, it's easy just costs enough for a razor. Nice and clean otherwise good use of the smaller space too, check and see if you need that vent off, in my old r5 it didn't matter hutcit might in the nano
Specs my man, what you using that beast for looks good
>games run better with high core clock speed
>y-y-you just need to throw more cores at it guise, trust me, d-d-devs will start to utilize them
Haven't people been saying this for 10 years now? 6-8 core cpus have been out for years and still games run better on 4 cores.
>Temps on gpu are suffering I promise
Running Furmark for a few hours the highest my card will reach is 68. I was worried about temps too, but the watercooling actually seems pretty baller despite the shitty orientation.
>games run better with higher clock speed
Games run higher with better IPC
Ryzen has that. Hence the smoother gaming experience
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I cant help the dust the enviroment its in is just naturaly dusty the way ive got it set up is the only way i can be arranged and i thought my cables where decent 3770k to r5 1600x swap
You do know 7700k is preferred for 144fps gaming right? Clearly if someone is going to go all out with their build for high fps the current choice for that is the 7700k. Even PCB will tell you that. Go ryzen if youre a pro gaymer stream cuck, go 7700k if you want best fps performance. End of story.
>best FPS performance
You know Ryzen has better performance right?
Higher minimums, better frametimes, higher IPC. Ryzen can easily hit 144hz and it drops less

Go with stutterlake house fire edition if you plan to game at 720p
Don't overclocked goy
alright man, go argue with >>61526997 if you want to be a fucking idiot. Have fun trying to always be right.
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>You're just a fucking idiot reeeee
typical corelets
>intel cucks getting this buttblasted
calm down Brian
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>Nice case, almost went with that when I first built. How are Temps? Nice and clean too
temps are bretty guuud. i replaced the fans since i built it with noctua redux fans. two noctua redux 140mm 1500 pwm in the front and one noctua redux 120mm 1200rpm pwm in the rear for exhaust.

i have a good pwm curve set in the bios and everything runs quiet and cool. i really love the case. easy to work with, makes a clean build, and easy to move around. i tried other cases before in the past but i always go back to this case.
Yeah. I never said hey won't be good I just said they'll suffer. You're still gonna be fine the fury x has incredible cooling but still
I understand, when I'm at school it's like that for me. You could see about putting some furnace filter inbetween I guess if you care. Cables aren't bad but bundling hem or similar would help
You probably won't notice a difference day to day or in game but for things like renders and for me with virtual machine work it's a God send
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For the Nano S, the top cover being off shaves 10C off the cpu. Been thinking about delidding, I'd use the tool people sell because I can't afford a new cpu ATM if I do it wrong. I'd prefer to get temps lower then worry about getting 5ghz. 4.7ghz is fine, I play everything I own on ultra in 1080p.
Recently switched from the corsair sw fans to the magnetic levetation ones they have
Dead fucking silent even on max RPM, expensive though
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Solid. Might pick one up for the third pc I'm building right now, seems nice for grab and go and ease of building all that
I get that. Razor isnt that hard though, and you can always use a vice and hammer too. Had no idea the difference was that big in the nano God damn
Have not tried or heard those, might have to check them out. Don't really need fans in my case but the secondary builds could do with better fans
>You're just a fucking idiot reeeee
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>Chenbro SR107 tower server chassis
>Supermicro X10DAX motherboard
>Supermicro 1200W PSU (platnum rated, way overrated for this build)
>Dual Intel Xeon E5-2620V4 8-core processors
>Kingston 32gb ECC 2133 DDR4 memory
>Quadro K420 2GB (will eventually get replaced)
>Intel X710-DA2 10GbE SFP+ adapter (kinda regret getting, but it was $100 off)
>LSI 9207-8i/4i Serial Attached SCSI controllers
>Serial port expansion card + gigabit ethernet card
>5x 15,000 RPM SAS 146GB drives
>1x 10,000 RPM 900GB SAS drive
>1TB WD and 2TB Hitachi SATA drives.

Built this machine for the sake of fucking around with, I have a whole bunch of random ideas but as of now little time.
a lot of newer benchs since ryzens launch with more mature bioses and the newer ram updates have really increased ryzens performance. same with the newer games being tested.

and one thing a lot of people ignore is how high they have those 7700ks clocks. 5ghz when only 40% can even hit 5ghz... kinda ridiclous to go around parading like thats normal. when most people who owns 7700ks don't even overclock them. and those who do stick to around 4.7-4.8ghz. go take a look at www.overclock.net intel's 7700k overclocking club to see that yourself.
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Ive got a small compressor and dust asmuch out as i can weekly (yes i have an inline water filter) its all very thin dust the rad has prety thick fins and lots of it passes through my temps are very consistent.. When i swap my ladys getting my 3770 and basicaly everything in my other pics and ial give her my old gtx 980 hydro
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It's legitimately terrible and unstable at high clockspeeds
Jonsbo VR1

>Kawaii, really clean for the size. How's the 6870 fair these days, my old 7870 doesn't do too bad in the other build.
It's good enough for Rocket League.
Well you've got a lot of good stuff in there, what's the beef with the x710?
As long as it dies what you need then it's fine. That 7870 of mine if a great for csgo and Netflix, so it does what it needs to
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Why do all you fuckers have good lighting
Trick is don't use flash
Get natural lighting instead

t. Actual photographer who browses guts threads because I like how computers look
>what's the beef with the x710?
Wished I had gotten an X540-T2 instead, SFP+ transceivers and optics aren't exactly cheap.
But I already got two free X520-DA1's from work so it'd be dumb to return it now.
That's fair. The 540 is nice
What I need is fucking Vega, less shitty fans, and braided PSU cables.
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Anything else i should fix?
I love the case. Everything runs cool and quiet. My next build, however, I'm probably going to go to the FT05. The FT02 is fucking big and heavy. With my build, it weighs almost 50lbs.
>how are Temps/noise with those reference cards?
Pretty good. The blower designs really excel in this case so the cards are never really running too hot. The card on the right tops out at about 77 under full load.
I csn vouch for the ft05. Lighter than my r5, a bit smaller, way nicer quality. A tiiiiny bit louder but temperatures are around 10c better on cpu, 12c on gpu. Incredible difference. Could tweak fans but already plenty quiet
Thread posts: 115
Thread images: 36

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