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Does /g/ actually like this or is this just a stupid reddit show?

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Does /g/ actually like this or is this just a stupid reddit show?
Of course not. It's either ironically or reddit newfwiendposting.
It's boring as fuck. Couldn't get past the first few episodes. The only thing I remember is that the bad guy pays a bum to use as a punching bag, and the protagonist does a drug.
Lost me at "I know it's supposed to be better".
I see you're using guhnome.
i actually watched this shit and found season 1 to be pretty ok but season 2 was quite boring for me
I hated it, so much memes.
>im le hackerman running gnome, I'm a drug abuser, oh no! I don't have any drugs I'm going to cry
>I'm the justice xdddd
>lol I'm going to search for fsociety on 4chin xd
>gay sexx
I can't stand it, but I met a lot of people who love it, and were enthusiasts about trying Linux (Kali Linux specifically) after watching the show.
All I see is people praising it for accuracy but I saw plenty of tech and sec mistakes in the first episode. Enough to get yelled at by my wife for letting me autism dribble onto the floor, anyway. Haven't watched part there.
>Enough to get yelled at by my wife for letting me autism dribble onto the floor
I know that feel, I can keep it in either.
Season 1 is alright, but it does seem like the main character is what non-computer savey people think of "hackers".
It's just a Facebook tier show, Reddit is way better than this
>gay sex
Worst part about this show is all the normie being like
>XDXD anon can u hack like he does? 's ssuper realistic rite?
>Can u really get me a Facebook password in 0.12 seconds? XD
Not 4chan, """the boards”””.
They even went as far as adding a fake furry board on the 4chan clone that he browses, so I'd guess the tech consultant or slave behind the show has crawled out of this shithole
S1 wasn't bad overall but finale ruined everything.
Stupid gimmick.
One of the business guys, Tyrell, is shown gay-sexing a man. That man's name is Anwar.
It's NEET garbagehead inspiration. The main character is a le edgy hackorz opiate addict. Basically "capitalism sucks and having a real job sucks so I'm gonna be a dark Knight IT guy and do heroin."
Show is basically big bang theory but made by zack snyder, down to the shitty colours. Never made it past the first couple eps
>imblyign there's anything wrong with interracial gaysexing and gaymarrying
He asked where? I gave him the information he needs to discover it for himself. Learn to read, tranny.
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>i-i'm not sexist i promise
>uses tranny as an insult

I actually think season 3 will be good.

Season 2 could have been much better if it wasn't for the muh mental illness second personality bullshit
I agree

Its too much like fight club, feel like I've watched it before
It's good shit, but the end of season 2 has gone down some freaky fight club fake out rabbit hole.

Mostly I enjoy the IT stuff from its basis in reality (yes I know they stretch the truth a bit).
Old habits die hard unfortunately.
At first I liked it, Then I rewatched it and realized how stupid it was:

Season 1:
>le depressed hackr sees psychiatrist, hacks everyone he meets, and does drugs to feel less ronery
>Has no idea what his family looks like until they tell him
>Hurr I use linux and gnome!
>I need to fight capitalism
>I hax the worrld
>My daddy issues makes me elite haxxxor
>Corporate people keep memeing me.
>Blue mountain state chick dies
>Hurr my feels
>I need to hax Bank of America
>Can use guy-fox mask so Ill use this other shit reference
>Hurr we took down a big bank
>Most powerful hackrs, fsociety

Season 2:
>hurr im in jail for shit
>Lemme immagine hacking tor sites from jail
>I play chess with Seth Rogan's black friend
>I took down a big corporate bank
>Child hood friend works for big corporate bank, they killed muh senpai.
>Most powerful executives
>Hurr me and kde exec were in it together all along
>I gotta hack democracy

Season 3:
>Hurr I'm a haxxor
>Gotta take down more corporations
>Gotta take more drugs and be depressed
>Childhood friend is in bed with enemy
>We gonn hack the governments
>Trippy music

This show is fucking stupid.
you've seen season 3? damn.....
>It's a super tech accurate show and really in depth with its focus on hacking and hacking culture, following the life of an antisocial introvert that finds it difficult to fit in with society
It's a show about relationship troubles and there's a guy who does drugs and is totally antisocial except that he's not. The tech stuff is mediocre. This is a show for women that totally hate le capitalism and society dude.
i cried when the girl died
she was so sweet albeit a whore
it can be cringy at times but I watch it because of the feelings it evokes, the loneliness which is probably why a lot of people watch it too.
>le cringe
>A guy with a bunch of friends and a gf and relationships and a job is just so lonely like omg ;((
Fucking normalfags
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>minimizes usage of hollywood-tier hacking

>replaces hollywood-tier hacking with hollywood-tier psychosis and an "occupy wallstreet" wetdream

I guess they wanted to minimize sensationalism in one aspect so that they could sensationalize everything else.

Because of this, I liked season 1 and found season 2 slightly annoying.
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so I see your running gnome
>no anime
>no traps
We truly ruin every facet of society.
I tried to watch it, watched 1.5 episodes, but it's just too cringey.
Seriously. Not even from a technical perspective or anything.
>le anonomoose hackerz with masks
>allah ackbar ethical hacking for Palestine
>drugs; am I cool and edgy now?
>continues to have sex in the first episode, has likable coworkers, and friends
Sorry mister, is MATE.
Me neither, she just zones out now when I go off on my spergy raging monologue(s).
Nigger, I am running XMonad; Are you blind?
lol this actually does sounds surprisingly accurate
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here we go
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>look this is tor
>you can use it for shotaporn
>AHA, i have busted you by hacking into the accessnode

Who the fuck are they trying to cater too ?
Most advanced users know too much about this to believe the fantasy and plebs are overwhelmed and get bored easily. There is only so much edgy whores and heroine you can show on-screen until the mainstream moves on.
Can you give some tech and security faults the show makes? If theres too many just a couple of the blaringly obvious ones.
*logs off and switches to unity*
sorry, you we're saying ?
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Its kind of cringy and marxist sometimes but I sort of like it.
It is true that Tor exit nodes bleed plaintext if its an unencrypted connection and connecting to a compromised Tor exit node can fuck you over. It was sort of grounded in reality.
>I'd guess the tech consultant or slave behind the show has crawled out of this shithole
yeah it's not like 4chan hasn't been featured in the news or popular media ever
This place is pretty underground.
Dropped right after this shitty edgy scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNfzbPAD8FE
Couldn't watch more than the first few episodes.

This is so fucking boring. I can't get invested in the characters, and it's not like the world or plot had anything interesting whatsoever.
Kek, of course not
>my super cool secret club xD
Sorry to break it up to you but this shit it's getting more and more Facebook users everyday
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why the fuck is Mel Gibson included in that scene
le reddit fb and reddit are the same tier
This almost deserves to be a meme.
To be honest, I like it.
Nobody says it was bad at first, stop being a faggot.
Oh, I get it!
So it is:
>Platitudes the TV show.
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Nothing he said there was wrong.
yes, also
>hurrr I'm such a bad guy I pay a homeless guy so I can beat the shit out of them, that means I'm a really bad guy you see
>it's E-corp but we call it evil corp because they're bad
spoon-feeding, the TV show
I want to like it but there's too much memes and marxist bullshit for me to full enjoy it. Most people watch it for the marxism and character drama, but I wish they doubled down on the tech side to appease autists like me instead of normalfags.
I was considering giving the show another chance (Dropped it halfway through the first episode too). But this scene turned me off.

Does the show feature any more edgy shit?
yup, see
It's good if you watch it ironically even though the second season felt like about three quarters filler.

There are way more redditesque shows out there
its barely even about computers anymore
>its barely even about computers anymore
much like /g/
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Started off pretty good, nice premise, big budget relatively good acting.

then the story started to thin out, couple of nice scenes and story plots came out, the s2 was half shit - like that. whole. fucking. episode. that made it look they were on a 90's tv show.

also, the whole effect where there were multiple plot twists starts to grow thin by the end of s1, kinda overdone desu, like a rollercoaster ride every fucking ep.

I'll still watch s3.
Oh, how contrarian of you, I bet you loved the tawdry bullshit or Mr. Slave.
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/g/ likes the first season. The rest is shit.
an executive running linux?

seriously what is this show
he's only running l1nuX bc he a ex H4cKzor turned shill but secretly bad guy
its pretty obvious hes the bad guy and all ive seen is the "so i see you're using gnome" scene. its like they tried to be realistic hackers but are still crime show tier
He is a pretty bad person but he is friends with protagonist.
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first season was good, what's so bad about the second season?
what does he do?
Murder some other guys wife. helps hackerman commit his terrorist attacks and destroy the global economy.
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old habits die hard ;)
This thread is full of faggots.

Best show on TV
thats even worse than what was actually published
> marxist
Cultural I hope?
laughed at the memes
good until after steel mt.
shit afterwards with strange plot twist and absence of memes.
>using tranny as an insult is sexist
>those with gender dysphoria magically have their sex changed on the spot
>an operation can change genes
>a trans man is a biological male

im not even the dude youre talking to, but what do you mean?
First season was ok, season 2 was shit.
Holy fuck.
No show is going to have remotely realistic hacking because it would be boring as fuck. For a TV show it's not that bad and quite a few of the exploits on the show have been directly taken from metasploit. The Ruby code he was typing up in one of the season 2 episodes is directly taken from the metasploit source code (although he fucks up the formatting horribly).
Wait, what?
>capitalism sucks and having a real job sucks

He's not wrong.
>implying there is something to ruin
meme tier right there
>I'm such a bad guy I pay a homeless guy so I can beat the shit out of them

They took this from reality. A bunch of wall street traders got caught doing this a few years ago.
I don't remember seeing 4chan. what episode was this?
First Episode was 10/10, Reminded me of Deus EX HR but the hacking was actually sensical.

Then it sort of falls off into crazy land.

Then S2 went all AnCom bullshit.

I'm excited enough for S3 though.
White knight faggot.
>has friends
>has sex
>has drugs
>still depicted as """antisocial misanthrope"""
completely unrealistic
This is what happens when mainstream entertainment seeks to capture an audience of generic normalfags that think they're unique and important.

You can't actually make a genuinely odd character otherwise the audience can't relate and audiences have no respect for odd characters anymore. He has to have friends but he doesn't feel like he really connects (just like everyone). Drama has to stem from relationship troubles like the young viewers may have had. His political beliefs must be alternative but not offensive or genuinely antisocial.
I've never seen it but my normie friends tell me I'm like him, or at least say "oh you must have seen this show because you're so and so". Also Silicon Valley, again, a show I don't watch.
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Tons of people in the tech industry do drugs. Usually weed and psychotropic drugs. I had a pretty nasty fentanyl habit myself.

The sex part is completely unrealistic, you're right.
I liked the first few episodes and it had potential but the story disappointed me and i don't really care for Christian Slater's "acting" either
My therapist said I was like Elliot from Mr Robot. That's what made me watch it.

Then I stopped going to her because she's a retard
First or 2nd episode. He looks for fsociety on his online hacker communities and u can see 4chan on his screen for like 2 secs.
Being that you're on /g/, I would expect you to know that Google filters your search results based on your interests and what it knows about you to provide more relevant results. For example, Google "weather" or "temperature" and wonder if everyone is a 4chan user that lives in the same place as you, or if you're just dumb.
Except there is.
>I had a pretty nasty fentanyl habit myself

Trying it one time doesn't count, junior
4 years, including oxycodone and heroin, ama.
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these counterfeits were my favorite
It is a realistic (with literary freedom) portrayal of hacking, much more-so than any other shows.

Beyond that, the story is not great. The psychological shit is a huge crutch to keep you guessing. I mean it's okay once or twice but christ, that can't be the main premise of the show.

With that in mind I love the show. Maybe I'm a faggot retard normie. Whatever.
how did you get off heroin?
were you ever addicted?
is it like in the movies?
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>how did you get off heroin?
I tried quitting, a bunch, I failed 2-3 "serious efforts" to cold turkey. It really got to a point where the downward spiral was apparent enough and it was not fun at all do do opiates anymore. I woke up one day, called in sick to work and tried again on a whim. I had some clonidine and valium prescribed from a doctor from a previous attempt. Clonidine takes the edge off, that's about it.

>were you ever addicted?
every day, if you stop for ~18 hours you start getting dopesick

>is it like in the movies?
I dunno, depends on the movie I guess. If you're talking about withdrawing, yeah, it's really fucking bad, it's basically the worst out of any drug. Benzo or alcohol detox can kill you cold turkey, opiates are just extremely painful.

Didn't sleep for 4 days, couldn't eat solids for 3, your guts go to liquid unless you take loperamide (which is a non-brain barrier crossing opiate you can get for diarrhea). Apparently I was microsleeping after not sleeping for so long (nonresponsive while standing, mid-talking). Not sleeping is seriously the worst.
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The severity of Restless Leg Syndrome was the specific thing that prevents you from sleeping, it's very severe.
I unironically enjoy this show
>the hacking is unrealistic
It's a TV show, not a documentary. Relatively speaking it's accurate
>it's a fight club rip off
It's a tribute, not a "rip off". The whole show is a nod to the movie, the creator has acknowledged this
>It's edgy anti capitalist propaganda
Wrong again, only the protagonist thinks he's doing a good thing. The show has already shown the negative repercussions of his
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>It's edgy anti capitalist propaganda
Implying that's a bad thing?
I like it. I'm look at it like it's just a show where a bunch of train wrecks of people doing a train wreck of a plan as everyone's life fucks up during it.

Its depiction of hacking is a step in the right direction, but it does have stupid shit that even I as a tech pleb know is stupid (Teaching someone to type in terminal commands? Just fucking give them a script.)
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wow look at all the edgy contrarians circlejerking about their wrong opinions ITT
funny that people only talk shit about tv shows in the off-season
mr roboto is kino
>dat cinematography
>dat atmosphere
>dem antisocial feels
>dose plot twists
>dat social commentary tho
domo arigato
>way better
both are horseshit. what did he mean?
Redit is a less retardeds version of Facebook though.

Just because both appear retardeds to you from you high seat of elite 4chinnery it doesn't make them the same.
Just like for people like me all you normies look the same because we're in the 0.07% of the creme of the crop most brilliant minds alive.

Try to learn a modicum of humility maybe?
This series is pretty cool
I like Elliots schizophrenia, but the overall "HURR EVUL CORP DURR HACK FBI WE ARE LEGUN" story is shit.
wow, you must be fucking retarded to be so easily impressed.
Not the guy, but /v/ is on 5th spot searching via ixquick.
Checkmate, atheist.

Check jewtube for 4chin videos.
This site is pretty popular.
>watching tv shows

>does lines of cocaine with friends
>has hot female best friend
>takes molly and fucks girls
>talks to therapist weekly
>hangs out with cool hacker friends
>has 9 - 5 job

stop watching Mr.Normie
i like it. of course its going to have some dumb shit its a tv show on multiple seasons now. but its the only show that even does that theme. i dont wanna watch gay of thrones or house of cards whatever
>I like Elliots schizophrenia, but the overall "HURR EVUL CORP DURR HACK FBI WE ARE LEGUN" story is shit.
What's wrong with it? They actually make things in many orders of magnitude worse for the world where the bad guys have to double down to pick up the pieces.

>All I see is people praising it for accuracy
It would be super boring otherwise; off the top of my head I enjoyed the Steel Mountain infiltration, sure there's a fat chance of finding an AC panel with an unsecured ethernet connection (lol AC secured) but connecting a battery powered RPi to connect and phone home to the crew is cool.

Dropping malware loaded USB sticks outside a police station for some gumshoe to pick up and use is neat (and obvious, this literally works), plus the mixtape/CD handouts.

Hacking the police Wifi was really fucking farfetched but interesting, especially bluetooth diving the cop car computer

Dumping a femtocell and connecting a client using a directed antenna was cool
Domo arigatou mr roboto

Their only good song.
>/g/ actually like this
Sam Esmail loves Assange so much he made a tribute tv series but changed the name to eliot
/g/entoofags like to feel superior towards everything, so they will even mock this pretty nice show, just so they will feel a tiny bit of superiority in their worthless lives.
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