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/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 142
Thread images: 63

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CloverOS GNU/Linux - We need your rice edition

Post dotfiles for inclusion in CloverOS. Any window manager is fine.

Official homepage: https://cloveros.ga
Current LiveCD: https://github.com/chiru-no/cloveros/releases/download/20170620/CloverOS-x86_64-20170620.iso
Github: https://github.com/chiru-no/cloveros
Package count: 2200 https://cloveros.ga/s/packages.html
Official IRC channel: #cloveros on Rizon
License: WTFPL
Mirrors: https://uswest.cloveros.ga https://fr.cloveros.ga
Current CFLAGS:
CFLAGS="-Ofast -pipe -flto=8 -funroll-loops -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"

Previous threads:
someone make a video to see how fast this thing really is pls
How does this differ from lo/g/os?
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              /óù,áò\                root@computer
/ó#######ò\ OS: cloveros
/ó###########ò\ Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.9.16-gentoo
\V###########V/ Uptime: 5d 7h 3m
/i\ `\V#######V/´ /i\ Packages: Unknown
/ó###ò\ `\V###V/´ /ó###ò\ Shell: zsh 5.2
/ó#######ò\ `\V/´ /ó#######ò\ CPU: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core @ 8x 4.5GHz [38.0°C]
/ó###########ò\ ,X, /ó###########ò\ RAM: 13844MiB / 15949MiB
\ó###########V/ `X´ \V###########ò/
`\V#######V/´ /i\ `\V#######V/´
`\V###V/´ /ó###ò\ `\V###V/´
`\p/´ /ó#######ò\ `\p/´
`´ `´
got a question for the buildflags on this
why is there no hardening options in the flags like the stack protector? or am i missing something?
It has a performance hit. I could compromise by building things like openssh with it.
you da man
is there really that much of a performance hit? would it be possible to give the user an option to pick from a hardened "profile" when installing to add compiler hardening flags to make it an optional thing rather than nothing at all? i dont think it's a good idea to ignore all hardning options from the compilers
According to this, it's default anyway. https://www.gentoo.org/support/news-items/2014-06-15-gcc48_ssp.html
Confirmed when emerging vlc:
26718 pts/5    RN+    0:00 /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/5.4.0/cc1 -quiet -I . -I .. -I ../include -I ../include -D HAVE_CONFIG_H -D MODULE_STRING="core" -D LOCALEDIR="/usr/share/locale" -D PKGDATADIR="/usr/share/vlc" -D PKGLIBDIR="/usr/lib64/vlc" -D HAVE_DYNAMIC_PLUGINS -D PIC modules/bank.c -quiet -dumpbase bank.c -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -auxbase-strip modules/.libs/bank.o -Ofast -Wall -Wextra -Wsign-compare -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-prototypes -Wvolatile-register-var -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -funroll-loops -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution -fvisibility=hidden -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -o -

I won't disable it
>no -march=native
This distro's desktop environment sucks mexican penises.

It is my understanding that lo/g/os is no longer supported
what package manager does it use, and how many packages are available? first person to answer get a prize

>first person to answer get a prize
oh boy i hope it has a dick
Might as well just use Gentoo.

No treat for you.
Gentoo wouldn't give you all this super rice by default.
nice logo.
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CloverOS is Gentoo taken to the fucking limit.
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could I get a basic gestalt?
Gentoo taken to the limit.

Pre-riced installer and packages.
What's the default WM and DE?
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DE: hit m for mate k for kde etc. to autoinstall and start those
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The wallpaper looks really cool with default KDE theme
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Have 1 (one) free bump from me
a quick question, what is the point of this OS? just for fun? just to browse 4chan?
someone explain it's purpose to me
it's meant to be the perfect distro for /g/, highly customizable, minimalist, built on gentoo.
General purpose
its not a unique OS, its just another distro

basically distros for the most part are just linux with different levels of bloat and different preinstalled software, for example something like kali linux is known for security/pen testing because it comes with a lot of tools for that. any linux user could get those tools but kali comes with them, which makes it a unique distro. it looks like clover will just be more suited for /g/ style ricing right out of the box
So plastered with anime wallpapers and no GUI
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>bar at bottom and top
that's lame.
Yea except there's no anime wallpapers and it comes with a GUI
Dumb Windows user here, how do I install this on my separate Debian HDD.
Find partition to put it on, boot cloveros, hit m, tell it the partition.
Use F12 to select that drive to boot with.
So is this a standalone system or do i need to already have gentoo installed to use it?
Standalone. Boot and run or install.
>not using helvetica
Is there a torrent for the liveCD?
CloverOS is rebranded Gentoo, and lo/g/os was rebranded Arch.

And lo/g/os had a better logo
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Holy shit that looks like a good idea. Fuck me why don't we have that today??

One wheel for side to side OR 2x/3x scroll speeds.
Support for Dzen2 please?

Want to run hlwm and post some dotfiles once I rice it the fuck out. Too dumb to start from scratch with lemonbar and already know dzen a little
thanks for the anime tiddy papes
sonic the hedgehog would never concede that something is faster than him
The download link redirects to nothing.
So how long until the Babby's First Linux page gets updated with this?
Works for me. The magnet doesn't work bc no seeders, but the download button takes you to the GitHub releases
nice dudes

james franco?
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cloveros sites.png
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Inkscape is in repo now
New LiveCD
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Hey does anyone have or tried out that new clover android app upgrade some anon made about a week ago so you can see the new flags on /pol/?
it's only less than 1.5 gigabytes
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linux will get so big distro sites will ask if you want to download a LiveBD, but you have 10gbit so http is still fine
Does it have a graphical installer?

I'll install it if it has one, otherwise, no thanks.
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Gparted is graphical. Also there's only 2 options and it installs in under a minute.
So there isn't a graphical installer for the OS, then?
>livecd link is broken

wow, this really is the /g/ OS, huh?
See >>61024650
It's not the true GNU/Linux™ experience without mercilessly hunting for the files required.
Does it boot on EFI? Efivars ok and shit?
Add docky plank or something similar?
Okay, this thing just crashed. What the fuck?
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Reposting wallpapers
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>no graphical installer
>made by /g/

and you expect me to install this shit? kek.
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what's the deal with all those fat cartoon girls?
id like some clover os, hold the cartoons
can't have a good desktop with out animu tiddy grils
Plain backgrounds also provided
im more of a jpg artifacted lamborghini and 3d girls serving beer kind of guy
No it doesn't. Fuck off now, please.
Gparted is a graphical installer.
>all those tittymonsters

But I want a slim sleek streamlined OS.
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Go hit up /wg/, they might have those there
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the scale should start at 7,40 senpai
Works for me
I love the logo!
You should add screenfetch and i3-gaps to the repo
sudo emerge screenfetch neofetch
is it the one with cloveros?
The CloverOS one is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chiru-no/cloveros/master/home/user/screenfetch-dev

It's not perfect yet (no detection) and it won't be in the repo because it's 1:1 with Gentoo for reproducibility.
does cloveros have ed by default? if it doesn't it's trash
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CNN: see the operating system the white nationalist alt-right have been using to avoid government monitoring
Thread posts: 142
Thread images: 63

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