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>Hi, my phone just died. can I please borrow your phone to

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>Hi, my phone just died. can I please borrow your phone to quickly call someone

Would you let a qt stranger use your phone?
To allow her to call Chad, to pick her up
>No thanks
>for security reasons, I may not
>qt stranger
Is she 2D?
>sure here you go
>runs away
Only if she says pretty please in a cute loli voice
order your drugs elsewhere you coke skank
Sure, just a second!
>Add guest
Here you go!
no because i have gay furry porn as my wallpaper
and giving something expensive to a stranger isn't a good idea
>woman asks to borrow your phone
>she runs away with it
>if you try and stop her she screams for help as if you're trying to assault her
>you get sent to jail for trying to get your phone back

Pic unrelated?
Sorry but I don't own a cell phone you see cells don't respect your digital freedom do to their built propietary firmware. Plus the fact big brother and your cell phone company is a huge violation of privacy its like stalins dream. If you want to be free I suggest you buy one of the freedom respecting devices approved by the FSF from minifree and load them with a 100% free distro of gnu/linux, Which most people incorrectly call linux. One more thing don't get confused freesoftware =/= opensource thats a smear free software made up by the media. Hava a good day.
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Sure, what's their number?
>Turns on speaker phone
>Holds phone at arm's distance

I've done this on three occasions.
The conversations between people are hilarious.
No, because she is ugly and black
Depends. Assuming I won't be mugged or scammed thorough a paid call, I don't care.
It actually IS illegal to reclaim your property from a thief. You can call the police and keep track of where they're going, though, and hope the police gets your item back before it's sold.
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Sure thing. Just dial the number.
I'm running low on battery at the moment actually. Maybe there's someone else who can help you out?

wow that was so hard.
Depends on the appearance of who is asking.
Why is this allowed?
>it spergs
Any decent person will understand you want to type the number yourself to make sure it's nothing fishy, so just ask for it. Then once it's ringing how would anyone run away with your phone of they're sitting?
Wouldn't want you to hurt or even kill the thief. That would be a terrible loss for society. :^)
I dont care. No shame in my game. The worst she'll find is a couple 4chan tabs open. Everyone who knows me well already knows that I am a vetetan troll/shitposter
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yeah sure here's my phone
Sure let's just go into this alleyway to get a better signal
Tear of cloths and rape
I'm sure you'll get accepted to hogwarts soon enough lad
Happened two years ago
We ended up drinking coffee (she bought it for both of us) and chitchatting, went ok
>That arch logo in the status bar
Kek I never noticed that before.
No, I don't want to get raped.

>o-onegai senpai!
literally me, sometimes I hand it to them but I always get super nervous and keep close to them and as soon as they hang up i reach out for the phone.

>someone wants to see a picture
>mfw sweating bullets hoping they don't look at any other pictures in my phone

I actually learned the hard way, because I initially just trusted people. Friend asked to use my phone and the next thing I know, they're all laughing at me and going through all my shit.

More recently I accidentally left a phone in my friends car, he had it for about a week before I got it back.
>realizing I had my passcode disabled and forgot to re-enable it
>realizing there were literally hundreds of things in that phone I wouldnt want ANYONE seeing
>I will never know if he went through it or not, and if he did, to what extent and how much he saw
>considered deleting all contact with him and any mutual friends we had
I still can't tell.
Apart from the dangers in attacking a probably armed person it's also protection of innocent strangers.

Loophole user scenario:
>Want to harm someone
>hand him an item
>fight with him over it
>harm him or worse
>hilarity ensues
>get away with it because you just wanted to get your stolen shit back

Accidental scenario:
>you see guy with your phone
>better be quick before he leaves
>you beat him
>you take the phone
>WWE smackdown
>your phone was actually in your pocket all along

Also one crime lacking evidence is already enough for the police to manage, don't have to make 2 or 3 out of it - of which one has no eveidence on the suspect, because you removed it.
The world is full of idiots. Them being allowed to solve crimes or settling arguments is the last thing you want.

Should have used an iPhone. Everyone uses Touch id because its hassle free and you dont even notice it
Was going to reply to this but am sitting in the parking lot on my first day of a new job and just shat my pants (unrelated to post, trying to push fraidey farts out) and I have no idea what to do I don't know this area very well and I am supposed to be going in in 10 minutes. Hail mary somebody has the answer

Oh, but I let multiple strangers use my phone. My physique doesn't really attract opportunist thiefs.
Was an iphone, I never use touch ID fuck that. Also it was an old iphone 4, i don't think those had touch ID, yet.
If he's a friend he wouldn't go through your shit.
What kind of stuff?
I would only think less of you if it were illegal, scat, or furry. But I wouldn't stop being friends other than if it was actual cp.
This. I sure as hell wouldn't.
It was just an old phone that I had when I was going through my edgy teenage phase, tons of cringey notes and shit if he bothered checking those out, hundreds of personal pictures that I just wouldn't really want anyone seeing, music recordings (which I'm sort of proud of but also wouldn't really want anyone else to hear), and also a long history of 4chan. All my thoughts, deepest fears and beliefs, pretty much anything could be found somewhere on that phone.
oh also a bunch of saved greentext stories and posts about my awful social anxiety, something i've never talked about with anyone IRL. makes me sick just thinking of him reading that.
That's your anxiety speaking, not actual problems. If he's your friend, he already knows about it anyway.
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I used to but the phones I used where cheap budget phones that were like $100. But now I have a S7 Edge, I'm pretty paranoid about it.


Probably will do what this anon suggested. The only people I'd probably trust with my phone are my close friends.
I let a stranger use my phone earlier today. But she was a 70+ year old lady.
Did you get lucky with her?
>this guy
tell me about the jews or something. Drop some knowledge on me
No, I sent her to her friend's house cause she was lost.
Ok, this might get me banned, but the truth needs to be told: Many Jews have been known to follow the religion of Judaism.
>tfw a stranger thinks it's a phone, but it's actually your Power Ranger Morpher.
alright alright, what else? Give me some more cool knowledge homie
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>they had to put a sticky note to cover nsfw content
Fucking ugly monster fuck please kill your whole fucking family you pice of shit

She wouldn't talk to you anyway as you're an obvious poo in loo.
>Would you let a qt stranger use your phone?

I'm not a thirsty Joe, so no.
Fuck no.
Nope. Had a chick ask me that a few months ago where I go and get my cigarettes. (Mixed bag of Alcoholics, crack-heads, and angry old scratch-off women)

>Hey!! Do you have a Cellphone!
>Can I use it to call someone??!!!
>Than.. Wait what?
>hahaha Hell No I don't know who you are or who you're calling.

Back in highschool I had someone ask to use my phone and the next thing I know I've got someone's parents blowin my phone threating to call the Police on me if I didn't tell them where the person was.

Plus I don't want to have to chase some bitch down and beat the fuck outta of them for tryin to steal my phone.
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>walking my dog around the city
>some homeless looking dude asks to use my phone
>know I cant afford to lose my phone right now
>look away and walk a bit faster
>hear him say "Thanks" as i walk away
Did i do the right thing?
He's a person too you know

Actually no, you wouldn't know, dumb autist.
If he needed a phone he could go inside a store.
I was on a train and let a drunk native dude use my phone.

Figured there's no way he could steal it so whatever.
My exact thoughts, there were plenty of stores and restaurants nearby so i was wondering why he would ask a complete stranger instead
Hey man I've worked at homeless shelters before, I know they're people too and they're going through a lot but from experience shit can go south really fucking quick. Whether its drugs or just built up stress sometimes they're not very nice or trustworthy.
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Sure, knock yourself out

>owning a spyphone
>paying more than £20 for a phone
>not using pre-paid
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Would be funny, but that's probably Motorola Assist icon.

Sure would. I’ve actually done so on many occasions. Alternatively/additionally, I tend to carry a USB battery on me most of the time, which they can use to charge their phone. I consider it a nice thing to do, like having a roadside assistance kit in the trunk of your car.


Lmao, you salty virgin faggot. Maybe this is why you’ve never been laid.


Just the fact that you think you have to want to fuck her as a prerequisite to wanting to help her speaks volumes about your character. You may not be “thirsty”, but you’re a whole raft of other shitty things.


>”No, I don’t know where he is, I just let him make a call with my phone. Call the cops, I don’t give a fuck.” *block number*

Wow, that was so hard.
I have a microusb , usb-c and an iphone charger in my bag.
Lending them that is way more helpful, forces them to spend a bit of time with me while they wait and ensures they don't run away with my phone if I let them make a call.
It never happened though, I haven't talked to a woman I wasn't related with in a decade.
Wtf why isn't your meme arrow green?
>Hand my android phone
>EWWWWW, no thanks
Would you get arrested for that image?
Not in texas
>is naked anime illegal
You sure came to the wrong website.
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I disabled it
Is a naked young cartoon girl illegal?
Anime isn't real you autist.
She better suck some dick if she want to use my phone.
yes but she couldnt even get into the apps so i would need to open the phone app and she can dial from there
>if phone out
Sorry I'm out of minutes

>if phone in pocket
Don't have one sorry.

since when is it 2004 again?
your greentexts? post a few anon. this is a good thread. worth keeping up.
>threatening to call the police
that's blackmail and they deserve to be brutally murevered for that. I hope you made me proud anon.
>want to kill someone
>hey, catch
>throw unloaded gun
>/g/ isn't manly enough to say no
hologoax too but it's real in (((their))) mind
Battery dead sorry sweetie
there is nothing creepier than a grown ass man calling a young girl sweetie
what sort of nanny state do you live in?
My phone is more than just a phone.
It's my car key, my house key, my password manager and my fucking wallet.
Would you let a stranger hold your wallet or your car keys?


Get fucked, thirsty ass nigger
No, she can steal it from me.
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sure, here u go
Fuck no.
I don't have all those things connected to my phone but my I do use it for 2FA. No way I'd let some complete stranger near it, I'd rather get my wallet stolen, since it's mostly cards I can report stolen and $30 max for cash.
>That would be a terrible loss for society. :^)
Shoot them on sight. The second they run, the second you draw. Now THAT is a terrible loss for society
post wallpaper
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not that one

this one maybe
>iphone has animu background
>keyone does not
>girl wouldnt want to use keyone

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only if it was a girl, I can trust that she won't jack it
Where? In eurocuck land?
"I don't have a phone."

You get some really weird looks here in 2017 when you tell people you don't own a mobile phone.
Sorry I am in a hurry, I must go.
>Sorry I'm out of minutes
tfw living in a 2nd world country (poland) and they banned prepaids because of (((terrorism)))
What the fuck do you guys have on your phone that is so embarrassing?

Everything sensitive I have is stored in private folders that require a file manager and passwords to access.

Granted, I wouldn't let just any strange use my cell phone but it depends on where I'm at:
>At work (hospital), probably
>At college campus, probably
>At a nice restaurant, probably
>At a nice bar, probably
>Anywhere else, nope

It also depends on what the person looks like, their age, and their attitude.
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