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What is some technology to help me forget how shit my fucking

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What is some technology to help me forget how shit my fucking life is.

>Everybody else is getting married

>I've never kissed a woman
>Never master a spoken or programmatic language

>Everybody else is getting married

You should pity them and rejoice that you're not throwing your life and money away.
unironically drugs .

but please don't do them
I was a kissless hand holdless Virgin two years ago until I moved to Thailand for 9 months. I got a ton of tiny qt Asian hooker pussy. I caught the clap my first time having sex though.
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Daily reminder that shame in being a virgin is pushed by the (((((mainstream))))to degenerate societies into becoming sex addict filthy reek of subhumans.
You should take pride in being a clean and hopefully mentally and financially stable individual.
It's just a matter of time that you start "affording" a submissive female, but for now you have no time to waste.

When it comes to programming I too aren't a master at it, but I sure as hell built principles of practicing every day on HTML and Python , 2 hours of practice and programming exercises on workdays and 4-8 hours on weekends.

All in all you should put it in your DNA that whenever you start something, go through with all the way to the top and try your best at it without quitting whatsoever, again building personal principles.
>handholdless virgin
you sure they weren't traps?

don't do that.

get a job and watch fox news like a normal individual.
Yeah I'm sure they weren't, in Thailand ladyboys are generally in their own bars and even if they aren't you can just ask(never even had to) and they will tell you honestly. If you don't want to fuck a ladyboys there is 800 guys in that immediate area who will, so they don't need to lie.
Get the fuck out of the house and don't stare at your phone while outside. Higher res and fps than any (((traditional))) technology could produce.

Unless you're a fat, ugly, not funny bastard, in which case gg
Drink a beer and snort some ketamine. You'll forget why you cared in the first place.
Buy a sweet car and lovingly maintain it.

Automobile ownership provides many of the joys of computer ownership, plus you get to enjoy the outdoors. Drive into the mountains and enjoy the scenery as you carve turns, Go to a track day and propel yourself faster than an office chair could ever go.

in before "but i don't have a license"
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Basically be more like Tyrell and less like the close in faggot on the left.
Drugs and prostitutes are a much better investment than some fag car. Doing Oxys, Adderall or mushrooms and getting your dick sucked by a Asian qt is much more fun than "woo that was a good drive I went real fast dat time"
Most car guys are dumbfucks who fell for the wife and kids meme and now need any excuse to get away from them for awhile.
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This, driving simulators doesn't do it justice
Just live the way you want and don't look to others.

Visit a psychologist
You mean fuck dudes?

"consuming is more fun than producing"

says the nigger kid that never did anything
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>The most delusional thing I've read
Heresy posting should conclude a death sentence.

Rope, it's a fantastic piece of tech.
I've traveled a lot and done quite a few drugs. Consuming will always be better than producing, deal with it nerd.
you sound like a woman and failure
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So alpha he fucks dudes to assert his dominance
Literally vydia
Just play WoW or any waifu-simulator korean MMO.

(really don't)

It made me realize that if you think that life is shit, it's shit. Or if you think it's good, then it's good.

What is the smallest possible thing you can do to make yourself feel better right now? Do it.
Next time you feel sadness/negativity, don't let it take control. Fight back and try to do something that makes you feel better.

If you let the negative shit take over you, it controls you and your every action; try to stay positive no matter how hard it is.

Small things are big things.

Just my thoughts.
If you're a male virgin at the age of 25 then you're absolutely pathetic and a failure.
I was kissless until I was 27 or so. The person whom I lost my virginity to at 27 was someone who cheated on me and a couple of other men. It was awful. At 25 I was broke, kissless and never held a girl's hand, never had a car, trying my best to get a CS degree at a school no one knows the name of. Many girls rejected me for my manlet height and awful looks.

Now at 29 I'm finishing my PhD degree in a stem related area in a big school (I'm visiting fucking /g/ anyway), probably gonna get a 6 figure job somewhere very soon, go to the gym everyday, and have a caring at girlfriend.

Life will change anon. I wish you the best. Never give up hope.
spoted one of (((((them)))))
How can you judge his social/financial success just by him being a virgin?
By your logic not having sex is a failure then? In that case, whores are the most successful people, and yet...
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