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>not staying hydrated while building god's temple enjoy

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>not staying hydrated while building god's temple
enjoy your fall from grace
Water is for nigger cattle
his parents both drink it as well, so it is more likely to be 3-4L per day which is reasonable
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He must have diabetes
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>more likely to be 3-4L per day which is reasonable

3-4L of soda is not "reasonable"
Yea if you're a diabetic brainlet
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>Chugging on synthetic cancerogene shit like a good goyim
Who's a nigger now?!

You mean carcinogen, you fucknugget?
t. summer
It's ok it's diet.
That's a two liter bottle, no?
10L of fluids a day is excessive.
This. He's going to need dialysis soon if he doesn't stop.
Diet soda doesnt have sugar in it
T. Guy who drank 3-4 cans a day for over 15 years
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I like going for a drive with Uncle Terry.
Because artifical sweeteners are so much healthier
I'd rather have diabetes desu
Does autism cause soda consumption, or visa versa?
RIP senpai.

"Conclusion/Findings: Excessive aspartame ingestion might cause certain mental disorders, as well as compromised learning and emotional functioning"
Conclusions/findings: You fell for a meme

Aspartame is one of the most tested sweetners of all time
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I wish ESL would fuck right off.
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>3-4L per day
ameridiets everyone
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>so it is more likely to be 3-4L per day which is reasonable
fucking fatasses
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>3-4L per day which is reasonable
It's only carbonated water, artificial flavors, carcinogenic sweetener, and food color.

kys samefag.
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>likely to be 3-4L per day which is reasonable

americans truly believe this
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>3-4L per day which is reasonable
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>3-4L per day which is reasonable
I used to drink 3L of coke because it would make me feel less depressed and calmer, it was my drug, the withdrawals were terrible.
i know someone who drank an average of 4l of mt dew a day. he now has fake teeth all around
most artificial sweeteners don't have any established correlations with any health conditions. The only downside is that they may cause mild sugar cravings a few hours after consumption. In a healthy diet, they're probably best restricted, but they're a far better choice than refined sugars for frequent consumption.

Sugar causes addiction via neurological phenomena very similar to those exploited by drugs such as cocaine. It also causes moderate euphoria, and high blood sugar levels can make people lethargic similarly to chemical depressants. Beyond that, longterm consumption of refined sugar fucks your liver.

So yeah, sugar is literally a drug, and is dangerously unhealthy both mentally and physically when consumed frequently in large volumes, as it is in many Western diets.
When I lived with my senpai we bought two 1,5 liter bottles for the whole month and that's considered a lot where I live.
Even had a girl when I was 16, the first time had had dinner with her family they asked what would I like for a drink, told them to gimme some bepsi and they politely told me that I am dumb fuck for drinking soda because
>sugar and shit
And they told me that neither of the family members drunk more than a glass of soda ever.
he bought it on sale dum dums
u buy in le bulk when its on sale
u don't buy when u run out
don't be reactionary-- think ahead my friendos

also probably is 2 liter botlels not 2.5 why think it is 2.5 oh we kno why
Lol reasonable that's like 3 pounds of sugar. I can't stand drinking more than 12 oz of soda in like a week. It's too fucking sweet. If you don't think so you're either a child or a ham planet.
Wtf I just now realized youtube closed his channel...
>drink discounted, value light cola
>write a fucking compiler

>drink real coke, drink water, drink healthy stuff
>shitpost on /g/ without accomplishing anything

terry: 1
/g/ nigger cattle: 0
>drinking the liquid jew
CIA: 1
terry: 0
Holy shit...why

He literally hasn't posted anything for weeks
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Honey in my coffee is tastier and healthier and cheaper than the horse shit Terry drinks
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Shit, the FBI niggers shut down his channel.

He did on his homepage and some Anon mirrored the videos under "Terry Davis Archive" on YouTube
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So? Terry himself didn't post anything. Why only now did they close his channel?
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They probably closed it just because he said nigger a couple of times so they got offended. I can't see any other reason why.
Terry was banned from posting videos because they found some stuff offensive. He was still active as he liked all the mirrored videos. The account deletion was done by himself.
>sugar is literally a drug
no it's a plant dude
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>sugar is a plant
>pizza is vegetable
are we now witnessing the generation of cucks raised by single moms who refused their children enjoying a nice, cold cola on a hot summer day? cucks who grew up with happy meals with milk and apple slices?

>tfw there will never ever be tier posting of fast food and soda anymore without millennial cucks shitposting
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Sugar as we use it comes from the sugar cane (see pic) which is definitely a plant!
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So? The material used in rubber comes from the rubber tree. Is rubber a planet? Are the tires on you car plants?
>Is rubber a planet?
>Are the tires on your car plants?
Plant products, sure.

so is refined sugar
The difference is sugar, in the form of sucrose, consists of glucose and fructose, which are quite literally energy to the body. The glucose derived from, say, the starches from whole grain carbs is chemically identical to the glucose from pure sugar - your body cannot tell the difference. As for the fiber meme - well, it's easy to eat some fiber with your sugar.
Plant derived is not plant. Retard.
>sucrose, consists of glucose and fructose
how is he not becoming a lard ass drinking it that much?
divine fucking intellect
kek i drink 2.25L daily and now im a failure even at this.
>2.5L soda bottles

holy shit america get your shit together
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>3-4L per day which is reasonable
Shit I don't even drink that in a week
diet cola
damn streaming got me lazy should have been saving copies of vidz. yt mirror iz alwayz slowpoke. anyone have copies of may31 to jun 2 vids?
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This post is so American I felt the need to make this spicy meme, hope you like it anon.
>that drive thru ATM

At this point I can see Burger's opening a store that lets you drive the car inside around the aisles so you never have to get out.
>35 years old
Terry is 47. Nice try though
Include me in the screen cap
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As an amerilard who is often embarrassed by his countrymen, this amuses me greatly. Nice work.
I don't understand why Davis-senpai deleted his channel. His videos were still generating a lot of views, regardless if he could upload. He literally had thousands upon thousands of hours of juicy Temple OS content
Literally a glucose and a fructose stuck together
get me in the screenshot
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you read too far to figure it out
Terry archive
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Artificial sweeteners still cause you body to produce insulin. An overabundance on insulin will cause you to become resistant to it = type 2 beetus.

Artificial sweeteners are only good for people who are type 1 because they can't produce insulin.
>3-4L per day which is reaso-
Just put me in the fucking sceencap
Please don't be an American
Please fucking tell me how you get Captcha v1. I'm so tired of this v2 garbage.
>citation desperately needed
>Artificial sweeteners still cause you body to produce insulin
>so it is more likely to be 3-4L per day which is reasonable
as an american, not even I can figure out what the fuck is wrong with you.
What country do you post from?
is this what u like to argue about, /g/ ? ok
holy fug do u even kno a liter size? even skinnyfigs can drink a liter in a day
i'm going to make billions stealing your idea
start making Terry generals
Enable legacy captcha by clicking settings at the top-right of the page. It's in the Quotes & Replying section.
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apparently I need to reply to this post
nice blog
That's diet Shasta you idiots
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tfw terry will never teach you to channel divine fucking intelect
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put my new rig in the screencap :DDD
I've heard that your brain still picks up on the sweetness and assumes it's getting hit with a lot of carbohydrates and so acts accordingly.

thanks, follow me on social media too
That would kill you if it was as serious as it initially sounds. The one thing it doesn't do is cause an insulin response
Nah it was in all the papers recently; enjoy your dementia and muscle spasms

Terry obviously can't tell the difference
There is literally not a single study which _prove_ that aspartame is bad for health.
If you found one, then link it to me bruh
literally right above you; lay off the chemical bubbly
just read it yourself and fuck you, dumb nigger.
>Because our study was observational, we are unable to
determine whether artificially sweetened soft drink intake
increased the risk of incident dementia through diabetes mellitus
or whether people with diabetes mellitus were simply
more likely to consume diet beverages.
also this:
5 future research is needed to replicate our findings
and to investigate the mechanisms underlying the reported

means: they have basically found nothing significant
Read the study, it's weak as fuck. It's an associative thing, IE; people who are more likely to drink aspartame are less likely to care about their health.
Are you fucking blind?
That's clearly a fucking p, not an o, you blind piece of shit nigger.
nigger sons would have worked, too.

captcha: nigger hotel
>unprompted violent racist outbursts
never too late to go clean, Terry
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I drank a shit ton of diet soda for years and also have type 1 diabeetus.

How long do I have to live?
I've drank maybe 3-4L of soda in the past 4 years. And I have an unhealthy diet.
no more than a few minutes I'm afraid
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In my final moments let it be known

that I funposted as hard as I could.
They shutdown his website.
He is redoing his website and simplifying it because he said it had too many files, etc. Download the few videos greeting you once you enter his website to understand. In other words, all is good!
If there's a long, complicated word and a shirt, easy one, you only need to get the shirt one right
fuck you anon
>as an American this amuses me greatly
Get your dangling participles together
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you should le kill yourself redditfag
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five shastas a day keep the normies away :-)
I am not surprised at all
as I said already In many of terry's threads, he acts like a type II diabetic
that soda is fucking up his brain, while he packs zero muscle
put me in the screencap
>soft drinks
2 ways to make a 3-4L soda intake bearable for your health:

1 HIIT that day
2 not eating at all

judging by Terry's amazing muscle mass, and his programming marathons, he is pulling a 2
Maybe shasta is why his head got fucked up and now he can't even get a boner.
That's why you shart your pants amerilards, also all that caffeine will make you more paranoid.
thats diet shasta hes fine
He was getting complaints probably, on many vids and he decided rather than delete each one he would delete it all.
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You sharts will mostly drink corn fructose not sucrose, even in the regular products you sharts will use fructose even if in Europe or Japan the same product has sucrose, that's why you get lardy and your liver gets fucked.
nice verses bro
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>As an amerilard who is often embarrassed by his countrymen, I am greatly amused by this. Nice work.

Forgive me. Is this better? (pic sorta related)
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