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Show me some beautiful code.

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 175
Thread images: 33

Show me some beautiful code.
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sleep sort.png
65KB, 1177x520px
So basically you take every parameter X, call f(x), which sleeps for X seconds and then echo X? That's really impressive idea

Truly a work of art
truth = ["OP == fag", "No.", "/thread", ">implying OP isn't a feg", "you first, feggit"]
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Be kind and kill yourself.
cd code
cd ..
cd code
cd ..
I-I actually kind of like that
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float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed

return y;
here's an ajax request i wrote to get tracking data from a csv file

function loadTrackingData(replacement_num, num)
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200)
var data = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
if (data[0])
document.getElementById("item_tracking_num" + num).innerHTML = data[0];
document.getElementById("item_shipment_charge" + num).innerHTML = data[1];
xmlhttp.open("GET", "loadTrackingData.php?replacement_num=" + replacement_num, true);
Should have used jquery for that, noob.
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dog doing javascript.jpg
55KB, 512x501px
>using jquery
Kode with karly
yeah, einstein
No sher shitlock
Who has that short example of some very clever macOS/iOS whatever code from Apple? It was posted not too long ago but I can't seem to find the image.
  U0 DemoHolyC()
"fuck cia niggers\n";
Date& date()
static Date date;
return date;
i stole it from isocpp tho
>not checking if fast_sort(array) == array in is_sorted
print "burn all the niggers" 
never seen a prettier language than god's HolyC
Don't run this, it is evil code to steal you photos.
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106KB, 720x1280px
sudo shutdown -h now
find / -exec rm -rf {} +
The thread specified "beautiful code", regardless of it's alignment. Therein, beautiful yet evil code shall be permitted.
Fast sort doesn't return a list
It's basically just using whatever sorting algorithm your thread scheduler is using.

def cal(num):
return ((num+1)/(1+8*8))*255

for row in matrux:
for num in row:

If you want to see the most beautiful code.
Not using jquery besides as a student when doing ajax + dom operations seems retarded to me.
Especially the ajax part. A single $get(foo.php) vs 30 lines of boilerplate.

ES6 has $.ajax like objects i think anyway.
>; }
-- Load/save plain PPMs without error checking; img[img.w][img.h].r=img.maxVal
-- sets the red channel of pixel at the top-right corner to the reddest value

local p3 = {}

function p3.load(path)
local file = io.open(path)
local data = file:read('a')
data = data:gsub('#[^\n]*', ' ') -- remove comments
local w, h, maxVal = data:match('P3%s*(%d+)%s*(%d+)%s*(%d+)')
w, h, maxVal = tonumber(w), tonumber(h), tonumber(maxVal)
data = data:sub(#data:match('P3%s*%d+%s*%d+%s*%d+') + 1) -- remove header
local img = { w = w, h = h, maxVal = maxVal }
for x = 1, w do
img[x] = {}
for y = 1, h do
img[x][y] = {}
local channels = { 'r', 'g', 'b' }
local startIndex, endIndex = 1, 1
for y = h, 1, -1 do
for x = 1, w do
for _, ch in ipairs(channels) do
startIndex, endIndex = data:find('%d+', startIndex)
img[x][y][ch] = tonumber(data:sub(startIndex, endIndex))
startIndex = endIndex + 1
return img

function p3.save(img, path)
local file = io.open(path, 'w')
file:write('P3\n', img.w, ' ', img.h, '\n', img.maxVal, '\n')
for y = img.h, 1, -1 do
for x = 1, img.w do
file:write(img[x][y].r, ' ', img[x][y].g, ' ', img[x][y].b, '\n')

return p3
def parsePPM(ppmStr):
"""Return width, height, RGB tuple array[x][y] starting at bottom left."""
ppmStr = sub('#[^\n]', ' ', ppmStr) # remove comments
words = ppmStr.split() # [0]=magicNumber [1]=width [2]=height [3]=maxVal
width, height = int(words[1]), int(words[2])
pixels = [[[] for y in range(height)] for x in range(width)]
for y in reversed(range(height)): # PPM starts at top left
for x in range(width):
for ch in range(3):
wordIndex = 4 + (x + (height - y - 1) * width) * 3 + ch
pixels[x][y] = tuple(pixels[x][y])
return width, height, pixels
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289KB, 1024x768px
That's not code
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what's an example of output with even number?

Sample input:

Sample output:
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *

is it something like this?
took like a minute
void xprint(int n) {
char *buf = malloc(n + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
buf[i] = ' ';
buf[n] = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
buf[i] = '*';
buf[n-i-1] = '*';
printf("%s\n", buf);
buf[n-i-1] = ' ';
buf[i] = ' ';

Coded by one guy, pretty beautiful to me
>buf[n] = 0;
buf[n] = '\0';
that's wrong
I would advice using putchar.
printf("%d", sizeof('\0'));

you'd be right in C++, but in C '\0' and the integer 0 are equivalent
what's wrong
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114KB, 500x561px
Well yeah but it's still not code
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this might be the best code of all time:

float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed

return y;

Here, did it in fucking PowerShell:
$size = 9

$buffer = ''
$spaces = $size

for ($i = 1; $i -le $size; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j -le $size; $j++) {
if ($j -eq $i -or $j -eq $spaces) {
$buffer += '*'
} else {
$buffer += ' '

$spaces -= 1
$buffer += "`n"

Write-Host $buffer
No it isn't.
You all are like little babies
function Twist is
S : String := "What a twist";
for I in 0 .. S'Last-1 loop
Put_Line (S(I+1.. S'Last));
Put_Line (S(1 .. I));
end loop;
end Twist;
int random()
return 6;
it's called babbies, babby
You missed
// certified my competent dice roller John,
guaranteed to be random
I don't believe in giving credit to the original authors.
It was coded only in pure x86 assembly

I want reddit to leave with their shitty jokes please.
pls tell me i didn't fuck up
        static char[,] MakeBoard (int lineLength)
char[,] board = new char[lineLength, lineLength];
for (int i = 0; i < lineLength; i++)
board[i, i] = '*';
board[i, lineLength - 1 - i] = '*';
return board;
function Twist is
S : String := "What a twist";
for I in S'range loop
Put_Line (S (1..I-1) & S (I..S'last));
end loop;
end Twist;
>Reddit spacing
I see you
holy fuck i'm dying
(let ((let '`(let ((let ',let))
`(let ((let ',let)) ,let))
Whats the name of this problem?
void otp(char *p, char *key){
for(; *p; key++, p++)
*p = (*p= ((*p-' '?*p-'A':26)+(*key-' '?*key-'A':26)+27)%27) != 26? *p + 'A':' ';
<p>beautiful code</p>
markup language != programming language
What is this, senpai?
https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/70696/golf-a-string-twister in Ada
Looks like Ada
All wrong.

Ada is a case-insensitive language, feel free to ditch its braindead default naming style for something more pleasing to look at.

Also, both of these versions give slightly weird results (the second one doesn't work) are not capable of dealing with s'first being a value other than 1.

Here's the ultimate solution (and it even compiles):

with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io;
procedure twist is
s : string := "What a twist";
for i in s'range loop
put_line(s(s'first .. i - 1));
put_line(s(i .. s'last));
end loop;
end twist;
>All lower case is better than title case
Absolutely haram
I wrote the second one and I meant should have flipped the two arguments (I wrote it on my phone)
class FizzBuzzCommandlet extends Commandlet;

event int Main(string Parms)
local int i;
local string S;

while(i++ < 100)
S = "";
if(i % 3 == 0)
S $= "Fizz";
if(i % 5 == 0)
S $= "Buzz";
return 0;

fuggg :}}}}}}}}
why the fuck do you put semicolons and braces in that way?
This looks retarded as fuck.
 sudo chmod -R 777 /
Because it looks like
> muh pythin
There was that joke about how semicolons and curly braces worked in Python too, you just had to add a # before each one.
fcking jews here
0voa                            ~/?=0:\
voa oooo'Buzz'~< /
^oa n:~~/
whats de difference?
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25KB, 402x402px
Lots of differences, think of markup as like a framework, while programming languages as the whole substance.

>mfw I probably didnt explain it right
Post output.
>not using %zu
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not spam reeeeee.png
135KB, 791x915px
Sell me Ada in two or three paragraphs.
How about roughly 3 sentences. Very powerful systems language with extremely strong typing and emphasizing correctness. It doesn't gel with some peoples style due to the strong typing and non-curly syntax, but once you get acclimatized you realize they allow you easily design maintainable software.
>systems language
So it's not an emacs type of language?
You mean like a lisp? No
At first I didn't notice the brackets and thought it was like C only with Python's tabs. I kind of liked the idea for the moment I thought it existed.
What game is that.
> jQuery
> 2017
Is this the power of HolyC?

also nice trips
Is this the power of Lisp?
I mean, is it specialized or general?
General in the same way C and Sepples is, but it supplies a lot of lower level stuff as well, since it's history comes from embedded systems.
This is the codebase I get to work on. :) <3 #dreamjob #pajeetswillneverknowthisfeel
Tell me about its libraries.
Does it have many gui bindings?
correctness by strong typing?
like haskell?
The compiler developers actively support a gtk binding (they need it for their ide they wrote in Ada) and you can peruse the standard here for the libraries it includes http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/12rm/html/RM-0-4.html.
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35KB, 1031x639px
Just googed around.
It says ncurses supports Ada.
What does that mean.
Can you write a sample ncurses program in Ada and post here?
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angry mini mexican.jpg
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>that image
No me https://github.com/thindil/steamsky
what language allows you to natively sample an array?
>it is alignment
Bonus points if you can figure out which interpreted scripting language this is.
I wrote it about 14 years ago. I could rewrite it to loop through the string without actually cutting off the first letter each time and it would be more efficient, but I'm lazy and it's plenty efficient for how often it is used.

int HexStringToInt(string sHex)
sHex = GetStringLowerCase(sHex);

if(GetStringLeft(sHex, 2) == "0x")
sHex = GetStringRight(sHex, GetStringLength(sHex) - 2);

int nLoop = GetStringLength(sHex) - 1;
string sConv = "0123456789abcdef";
int nReturn;

int nVal;

while(sHex != "")
nVal = FindSubString(sConv, GetStringLeft(sHex, 1));
nVal = nVal * FloatToInt(pow(16.0, IntToFloat(nLoop)));
nReturn += nVal;
sHex = GetStringRight(sHex, nLoop);

return nReturn;
still not code
what the hell is reddit spacing
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156KB, 667x870px
x = cycles needed to start new thread f() * array size
f() = sleep $1 cycles + x, put $1

super fast sleep sort
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418KB, 525x611px
this should be a federal crime
Punishable by death.
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166KB, 787x438px
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40KB, 709x738px
Its evil code that produces mustard gas
this is unspeakable
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234KB, 696x720px
Semicolons work in Python.
print("this works for example");

Semicolons are there so you can write oneliners in Python

what the fuck
File: gyubzyq87xmx[1].png (149KB, 828x801px) Image search: [Google]
149KB, 828x801px
Its sexy C
>Guys, let's just delay the whole login process by 15 seconds so I can show some cool status texts
#define cyka
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22KB, 250x274px
I wrote an autistic version:

def autistic_xprint(length)
center = length - 2
sides = 0

while not center < 0:
print(" "*sides, "*", " "*center, "*", " "*sides)
center -= 2
sides += 1

print(" "*(sides + 1), "*")

while not center > length:
print(" "*sides, "*", " "*center, "*", " "*sides)
center += 2
sides -= 1

sample output:
Length: 5
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
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14KB, 524x172px
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543KB, 2196x1534px
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81KB, 2000x229px
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34KB, 591x531px
easy lel
hashOut.data = hashes + SSL_MD5_DIGEST_LEN;
hashOut.length = SSL_SHA1_DIGEST_LEN;
if ((err = SSLFreeBuffer(&hashCtx)) != 0)
goto fail;
if ((err = ReadyHash(&SSLHashSHA1, &hashCtx)) != 0)
goto fail;
if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &clientRandom)) != 0)
goto fail;
if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &serverRandom)) != 0)
goto fail;
if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &signedParams)) != 0)
goto fail;
goto fail;
if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.final(&hashCtx, &hashOut)) != 0)
goto fail;

err = sslRawVerify(...);

Hah, the joke is that this happens and people thinks its really doing what it says.
python has more meat than anyone else
Can anyone translate this?
After trying rich formatting for my source files, I can't go back.
Prints out

Then returns a random number

> trivial scraping using a python library that is a worse implementation of what Javascript was designed to do
what did he mean by this?
#include <stdio.h>

int main (main)
printf("Install Gentoo\n");
I write all my C++ in Word.
PascalCase on its own is fine, but mixed case combined with underscores NEVER looks good.
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48KB, 694x453px
Camel case without the underscore is simply unreadable. To each their own on whether you like title case or all under case, though.
What language is this? It sure looks like an elaborate user-defined dialect of C (kind of like WindowsC), but you say it's an interpreted scripting language...? I'm sure you could make Java look like that, but it's not an interpreted language in the conventional sense, and certainly not a "scripting language".
It's when you post in a style like this:

>be American

>get shot

Has to do with reddit's idiotic handling of newline characters, basically newline characters at the end of a line are ignored, you have to put a wholly blank line in between if you want to make a line break. So if you type

>be American
>get shot

On Reddit like you do on 4chan, it will show up as

>be American get shot

(btw the reason the second meme arrow is ignored is because Reddit recognizes it as formatting directive, and since the first one already shifted that line into quote mode the second is quietly ignored).
So what does the semicolon actually do in that code?

I like how you not only use malloc for a small, fixed-size local buffer, but you don't even call free on it when you're done.

Pretty sure that board is dead.

I find camelCase far more readable WITHOUT the underscores. I can already tell where one word starts and the next begins, the underscores just make it ugly.
I think camel case is only readable to people that actively use it, since nothing else uses such a weird system.
You are given an integer in the range (99, 100000000) and another integer X between 1 and N-1, where N is the number of digits in the first integer.

The output of this program is the sum of the biggest X digits in the number given.

Example input:
1736 2
10000 1
98227 3

Example output:

Good luck.

import sys

print sum(sorted([int(i) for i in list(sys.argv[1])], reverse=True)[:int(sys.argv[2])])
#include <stdio.h>
#define IN 1 /* inside a word */
#define OUT 0 /* outside a word */
/* count lines, words, and characters in input */
int c, nl, nw, nc, state;
state = OUT;
nl = nw = nc = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
if (c == '\n')
if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c = '\t')
state = OUT;
else if (state == OUT) {
state = IN;
++nw; }
printf("%d %d %d\n", nl, nw, nc);

Are there any languages with syntax similar to COBOL? I really liked my COBOL class in uni
Here's some stuff I had to do for AI in university. Part 1:

import random
import os

def is_valid_expression(expression, function_symbols, terminal_symbols):
"""Takes an expression and determines if it is a valid S-expression"""
expr_type = type(expression)
if (expr_type == int):
return True
elif (expr_type == str):
return expression in terminal_symbols
elif (expr_type == list and len(expression) == 3):
return (expression[0] in function_symbols) and all([is_valid_expression(item, function_symbols, terminal_symbols) for item in expression[1:]])
return False

def evaluate(expression, bindings):
"""Evaluates a python lisp-like expression and returns
a single integer"""
expr_type = type(expression)
if (expr_type == int):
return expression
elif (expr_type == str):
return bindings[expression]
elif (expr_type == list):
return bindings[expression[0]](*[evaluate(item, bindings) for item in expression[1:]])

def depth(expression, curr_depth=None):
"""Returns the depth of the provided expression's parse tree"""
if (curr_depth == None):
return depth(expression, 0)
expr_type = type(expression)
if (expr_type in [int, str]):
return curr_depth
elif (expr_type == list):
return max([depth(item, curr_depth + 1) for item in expression[1:]]) if (len(expression[1:]) > 0) else curr_depth

def make_random_expression(function_symbols, terminals, max_depth):
"""Generates a random python S-expression tree"""
depth = random.randint(0, max_depth)
if (depth == 0):
return random.choice(terminals)
func = random.choice(function_symbols)
return [func, make_random_expression(function_symbols, terminals, depth - 1), make_random_expression(function_symbols, terminals, depth - 1)]
Part 2:

def mutation_points(expression, depth_limit, recur=False):
"""Steps through an expression and determines how deep a
subtree can be for each node"""
if not recur:
return [item for item in enumerate(mutation_points(expression, depth_limit, recur=True))]
expr_type = type(expression)
if (expr_type in [str, int]):
return [depth_limit]
elif (expr_type == list):
# Function symbol (expression[0]) depth
return [depth_limit] + mutation_points(expression[1], depth_limit - 1, recur) + mutation_points(expression[2], depth_limit - 1, recur)

def depths(expression, step=False):
if not step:
return [i for i in enumerate(depths(expression, True))]
return [depth(expression)] if type(expression) in [str, int] else [depth(expression)] + depths(expression[1], step) + depths(expression[2], step)

def valid_crossover_points(parent1, parent2, depth_limit, recur=False):
"""Steps through two python s-expressions and returns a
list of tuples representing subtrees that can be swapped, where
(x, y) = subtree x in parent1 can be swapped by subtree y in parent2"""
if not recur:
return valid_crossover_points(mutation_points(parent1, depth_limit), parent2, depth_limit, True)
matches = list(map(lambda p1: list(filter(lambda p2: p1[1] >= p2[1], depths(parent2))), parent1))
transformed = list(map(lambda sublist, i: list(map(lambda item: (i, item[0]), sublist)), matches, list(range(len(parent1)))))
return [item for sublist in transformed for item in sublist]
Part 3: (I never managed to get the crossover function to work)
def crossover(parent1, parent2, point1, point2, recur=False):
"""Takes two python S-expressions and two points, and creates a new S-expression from
copying a subtree from point2 in parent2 onto point1 in parent1"""
raise NotImplementedError

def generate_rest(initial_sequence, expression, length, acc=None):
"""Generates more values from a sequence specified by given parameters"""
if (acc == None):
return generate_rest(initial_sequence, expression, length, acc=[])
bindings = {'+': lambda x, y: x + y, '-': lambda x, y: x - y, '*': lambda x, y: x * y,
'y': initial_sequence[-1], 'x': initial_sequence[-2], 'i': len(initial_sequence)}
if (length == 0):
return acc
result = evaluate(expression, bindings)
return generate_rest(initial_sequence + [result], expression, length - 1, acc + [result])

def pretty_print(expr, recur=False):
"""Prints expr in lisp expression"""
if not recur:
return pretty_print(expr, True)
node_depth = depth(expr)
if (node_depth == 0):
return str(expr)
return "({} {} {})".format(expr[0], pretty_print(expr[1], recur), pretty_print(expr[2], recur))

def predict_rest(sequence):
"""Predicts the following 5 numbers in the sequence"""
seq_len = len(sequence)
terminals = [i for i in range(-2, 3)] + ['x','y','i']
function_syms = ['+', '-', '*']
depth_limit = 10
attempts = 0
seed_value = hash(os.urandom(1024))

while True:
seq_n = 2
expr = make_random_expression(function_syms, terminals, depth_limit)
result = sequence[:seq_n] + generate_rest(sequence[:seq_n], expr, seq_len - seq_n)
attempts += 1
if (result == sequence):
print("attempts: {} seed: {} expression: {}".format(attempts, seed_value, pretty_print(expr)))
return generate_rest(sequence, expr, 5)
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort;

procedure Number_Thing is

procedure Sort_String is new Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort (Positive, Character, String, ">");

Input_String : String := Ada.Command_Line.Argument(1);
Number : Positive := Positive'Value(Ada.Command_Line.Argument(2));
Sum : Natural := 0;



for I of Input_String(1 .. Number) loop
Sum := Sum + Character'Pos(I) - Character'Pos('0') ;
end loop;


end Number_Thing;
Welp, looks like I killed another thread with my Python.
You can do it using only a for
Nice try
>imports not sorted alphabetically
>docstrings don't follow pep guidelines
>unnecessary parens
>elif/else after a return

You tried.
>>elif/else after a return
This isn't a bad thing. It's a quick way to exit from a function when you don't need to be in it anymore.

>>unnecessary parens
This is a good thing. I wrote it to be functional lisp-like python. Hence the recursion.

>>docstrings don't follow pep guidelines
Show me where

>>imports not sorted alphabetically
Meh, not important.
Some gorgeous lisp code I'm writing for a job
(define-typed-syntax let-values
[(_ ([(x:id y:id) rhs] ...) e) ≫
#:with here this-syntax
[⊢ rhs ≫ rhs- (⇒ : (~× τ1 τ2)) (⇒ % A)] ...
#:with (Lx ...) (map make-linear-var
(syntax-e #'(x ...))
(syntax-e #'(τ1 ...)))
#:with (Ly ...) (map make-linear-var
(syntax-e #'(y ...))
(syntax-e #'(τ2 ...)))
[([x ≫ x- : τ1 % Lx] ...)
([y ≫ y- : τ2 % Ly] ...)
⊢ e ≫ e- (⇒ : τ_out) (⇒ % B)]

#:with (tmp ...) (generate-temporaries #'(rhs ...))
[⊢ (let- ([tmp rhs-] ...)
(let- ([x- (#%app- car- tmp)] ...
[y- (#%app- cadr- tmp)] ...)
(⇒ : τ_out)
(⇒ % (LSeq A ... (LIntro #:src here
Lx ...
Ly ... B)))]])
>functional lisp-like python
Why the fuck would you do this. Python is distinctly anti-functional, if you want to write in a functional style why don't you use a good functional language that is actually condusive to programming functionally?
Racket has a fuckload of features and is very functional, while still being dynamically typed if that's what you're into (coming from Python).
cd code
cd code
cd code...
cd code
cd code
You want to bet?
This is the designated not autistic programming thread
introducing the european language
#define /^my (.*?) thing:$/class \1:/
my Greeter thing:
public function __construct(€name)
(unless €name !=== null);
€this->name = €name;
Delete €name;

public function say(€thing isProbablyA String)
echo €thing, « », €this->name, BS::EOL;
Delete €thing;
So I don't really know if this belong here, but I really ned some help on a pryect I was tasked to do.
It's a game in an engine called PHASER.
It's suposed to be really simple, but I have a lot of trouble understanding everything, I know that I'd provably have to learn JS to be fooling arround with it, but I would really like some tutorial on how to make a top-down, zelda style game. pls help
This problem makes no sense.
No clear specification of what to do.
>indie game, not finished
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