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Literally WTF
usa ded at last. good
Gentoo gets so comfy
A man was just hospitalized for trying to install Gentoo XD
Turns out he was just curling in the squat rack.
Maybe the Jews are doing this because of all the shit about Seth Rich.
>people thought it was over
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The ride will never ends
It's even worse than not over. Supposedly the Shadow Brokers want to make a "wine club" for the rest of the tools where people can subscribe to get access to the rest of the stolen NSA malware.
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Is this how the West will fall?
Of course not.
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I thought the virus had slowed down significantly, is this not the case? Is this a new revision?
I read an article and they still have no idea how its initially getting in.
The virus was remade into a 2.0 with no killswitch.
Ya but it seems like its spreading faster.
Another variant that was part of EternalBlue that silently mines cryptocurrency called Adylkuzz was released, maybe it's detecting that as well.
Who cares about Ryzen, this has nothing to do with that...
This has been inevitable since the snowden disclosures happened. The security systems protecting the general public has to become robust and equalize with all of the advancements that were made in secret over the last decade or so.

The chain of retaliation will bind this world together.
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I have spectrum internet, fuck me. If it does down I'm going to riot
Which is exactly what you're supposed to think.
Look at who comes out of this smelling of roses and you'll have a better idea of who is behind it.
Just use a router
This just shows PC's that where/are being infected and communicating with the trap server.
Fuck off with your conspiratorial bullshit. Russians have a very extensive network of underground forums and they are know to be well organized in cybercrime.
they got attacked the hardest by it, next time maybe do your research?
Are you stupid, buddy? It's a RANSOMWARE made by CRIMINALS. Since when robbers stopped robbing other people just because they share a nationality?
>lets invade entire countries because 12 of their goat herders took some flight lessons in florida and flew a plane into our building

this is the same exact logic.
Lol what's with the namecalling, did I trigger you shill?
>invade entire countries
Except it's a malware, it does not "invade countries", it invades random machines.

That's irrelevant, your post still does not make sense.
Acting like you know who the fuck did it makes no sense!
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how does one get it? shady porn sites?
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I thought it stopped spreading for a while,or at least slowed down.
>stop being conspiratorial
>It was the russians I know for a fact!!!

If a router port gets infected and your computer is not on March 2017 Windows Update then it can occur spontaneously with NO USER INTERVENTION.
>Acting like you know who the fuck did it makes no sense!
Wow that really proves that the Russians did it! Nice buzzword shill.
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>your computer is not on March 2017 Windows Update then it can occur spontaneously with NO USER INTERVENTION

i haven't updated since the whole windows 10 pop up
You're blaming russia as as whole for the actions of people who by your reckoning are just criminals targeting everyone without consideration for nationality, because those criminals are russian.

That's the same as occupying afghanistan for 20 years because 25 graduate students from saudi arabia set up a project mayhem in their country.
I'm not blaming Russia. I'm blaming Russian hackers. I should have clarified it in the first post but it's pretty clear from the further discussion that I don't blame Russia itself (though I can accuse them of allowing criminals to work with no issue).
It'll be alright no one is switching to the OS of autists or the OS of faggots.

I dont know anyone who has been affected by this, not even the non-tech people.
You're blaming them but here I am still waiting for your solid evidence...
disable SMB through services, that is what WannaCry exploits.
Sure, read Russian hacking forums.
Start here: https://forum.exploit.in/index.php?showtopic=121718
They aren't talking about making it you dweeb, they are discussing how to stay safe from it as well.
No shit they aren't talking about MAKING it on a fucking public forum, you idiot. Is the only way for you to make an observation is to be spoonfed?
spectrum has been shit every other day for the past year and it's actually okay today
Then how the fuck does that serve as proof? I'm not gonna respond to you anymore cause you are just another shill
>Then how the fuck does that serve as proof?
Why the fuck are you trying to present a post from some randy with no posts or reputation as some kind of proof? Moreover, what kind of proof do you need? Some screenshot that was verified by a lawyer where some Russian says "I did it!"?

> I'm not gonna respond to you anymore cause you are just another shill
Good, because you're too dense for me anyway.
Will someone help me rationalize something about this whole scenario? I've stumbled upon various things related to The Shadow Brokers leak that simply do not add up or are very suspicious.
1.) The leak containing EternalBlue and DoublePulsar happened in April.
2.) Windows had a patch for the exploit in March for all it's supported versions.
3.) The CVE report for these gives no attribution to whoever found it. This is not the standard practice.
4.) The patch that was released to XP users was written a full month before the patch for the other Windows versions.
Does this strike anyone else as particularly odd? Is there a logical explanation here?
The exploit exists since XP and the government has had its own patches written and prepared to deploy for a while. They give microsoft the go-ahead to release the ready to apply patch and have to play catch up on the more recent versions.

How's that sound?
Since when does government do software though? Why wasn't the XP patch released with the others, instead of letting their asses hang in the breeze for two months?
Since forever! Have you seen the Vault 7 leaks for instance? It is no secret that the government is making exploits for consumer software man.
Yeah, I wasn't thinking in those terms. I was hung up on the concept of them writing patches for a clusterfuck like Windows. I guess it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume there's some former Microsoft programmers at the NSA. Still, the delay on the XP patch seems retarded if it was written first.
Fuck trump for making this malware
Clearly Africa has the most advanced security protocols.
Right up there with australia.
>unironically being serious about something no one but /pol/tards is giving a shit about
Adylkuzz is much better than WannaCry. It's silent and gets you more profit than WannaCry. I don't even know why a hacker would use WannaCry over Adylkuzz...
>it was Russia
>no it wasn't

It was the lazarus group from Korea. Read the news sometime !

Don't forget the soundtrack, comfy brother

give link
>That flimsy evidence, though.
Protip: Sell your shares in CrowdStrike, they were lying the whole time.
This is very usual in threat intelligence and it's almost never wrong unless the source code gets leaked.

There is no known leak from lazarus' malware stash and that chunk of code is present in very early versions of wannacry.

Seems legit as fuck.
There were similar claims made about supposed Russian Hackers, too. Guess what? The evidence consisted of some code that you can download and use right now. A large percentage of "security experts" are charlatans, liars, and snake oil salesman.
is CTR getting ready for the next election already?
Great background, great taste
Theory? Why Microsoft patching SMB vulnerabilities in secret? Microsoft is being embarrassed because theequationgroup is lying to Microsoft. TheEquationGroup is not telling Microsoft about SMB vulnerabilities, so Microsoft not preparing with quick fix patch. More important theequationgroup not paying Microsoft for holding vulnerability. Microsoft is thinking it knowing all the vulnerabilities TtheEquationGroup is using and paying for holding patch. Douche bag, dumbass, libtard, rich prick Head Microsoft Lawyer is running his cock holster because he is having ruff weekend doing real work. Head Microsoft Lawyer being angry because he is missing leisurely weekend playing the skin flute behind the country club. Real work is not being for executives. Real work is being for dirty foreign H1B workforce, happily working for less than stupid lazy American workers.
Australia doesn't need advanced security protocols with all the wildlife in there and wannacry probably isn't backwards compatible.
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the early xp patch is the weirdest fact
Why no credit to whoever "found" the vulnerability, too?
>4.) The patch that was released to XP users was written a full month before the patch for the other Windows versions.

There's a lot of critical services still running Windows XP, government, health, law courts, defence.
The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
And it should have been released ahead of the drama, don't you think?
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i dont give no fucks burger eater the glorious land of idaho remains safe
The NSA has access to the Windows source code and their shitskins are far more adept than Windows' shitskins.
It would be an admission of guilt, somehow. They are certainly witholding something here. They instead chose to play it off like, "Oh no! WannaCry is targeting our loyal XP users, we better act fast!". Meanwhile,thousands of machines were infected needlessly.
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Thanks senpai.

Any updates? looks like about 10k more people have been infected in the last couple hours. I just beefed up the firewall in my mikrotik. Does anybody have that site that checks if ports are open?
Disable ICMP echo response.
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I may not understand this fully, but would that not break my web interface when I want to log in from the outside world? Also I work for one of the largest WISP's in the U.S.A. so sometimes I like to be able to reach my desktop from my work computer when I'm in the field. I only have Linux computers running in the household. Some phones and a couple chromecasts, so i feel relatively safe. I'm also planning on some wireless cameras in the near future for some basic security but also hoping to get some severe weather time lapses. Thanks for the advice senpai.
I don't see why it would. Try it, it takes two seconds to revert to default.It's not as though pings are connecting you to your network. I use ssh all of the time and it works fine.
So I changed ICMP echo reply to drop and it started messing up my wife streaming the Disney channel from her phone to the chromecasts. I could see from the rate graphs that when the problem occurred data was being dropped. Did I fuck something up? When I accepted echo reply everything stopped fucking up.
Google it.You might have done something wrong.
the NSA found the vulnerability
If I don't have powershell 2.0, I can still disable SMB1/2 with regedit.exe, right?
>If a router port gets infected
What the shit are you talking about?
Router ports don't get infected. Your router cannot get infected (unless it is running Windows) and your router will block all connections from the Internet on port 445 unless you have set up a port forward on that port or put your computer in a DMZ.

Basically, if your computer is behind a router and you're not a god damn idiot you can't get infected from the SMB vulnerability assuming no one else inside your network gets it.
>read the news
>no reliable news sites posted
>flimsy evidence that even the sites admit isnt enough
>However, this finding is not yet sufficient to link the Lazarus Group to WannaCry, because it is possible that WannaCry authors may have purposely copied code from Lazarus' backdoor program in an attempt to mislead researchers and law enforcement as they investigate.
It doesn't help that they're comparing fucking ASM and that code could be three identical lines in fucking C++ or something, or just copypaste some code from a working payload into your payload to save time.
Win 7 here,wondering about same thing. Didnt work for me tho
You talk so much about programming, but you can't talk about hacking because you can't actually do anything. I run a hacked network of computers that I programmed to click on google ads in my secret website. I even write my own viruses to make people get hacked into my network. I work at home and have a bunch of screens showing me what people on my network are doing on their screens. I can even set it so that i can see the code of their computers. Can you guys do any of that? I don't think so. I bet you don't know where all the websites real hackers hang out are either? If you name them, I just might tell them that marshviperX sent you.
I used powershell 1.0 and it worked. I double checked it with the registry.
I'm >>60460130
Using win 7 too. Did you made sure to run powershell as admin? If it still doesn't work just do the registry edit. Make sure you disable smb on the client too not just the server, google windows disable smb1 for the instructions.
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mfw when a /fit/poster gets lost and no one on /g/ gets this reference
>They aren't talking about making it
And that makes them more guilty then us because we don't speak Russian?
yeap,run it as admin,didnt work. i guess i'll have to do to with regedit. after all.Also,how do i disable it on client?
I'm unregistered Win 7. No problems thus far. Pretty sure my router wouldn't allow this type of attack.
In fact I think there's regulations here about selling slutty routers. Hence why the only infects here seem to be servers.
I'm not fussed about protecting my system. If I die, it's all the more reason to switch to arch/gentoo.

That intel map run like shit, or is it just me?
Read the post and google it, the instructions are all there.
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Ummm. I don't remember activating this.
Don't worry senpai, just encrypting your filesystem for you.
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Y-you're going to give me the key, right?
Hello sir, have you heard of our lord and saviour External HDD Backups?
my Ubuntu Linux Personal Computer does not have this problem
it werks on mah machine
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but the exploit is almost completely patched anywhere that matters?
most nories I've talked to didn't even know there was a patch
hell, they even believe this is a directed attack against big corporations, not something that could hit them, or that not executing shady apps is enough
What is the number for the KB patch file for W7 X64 sp1 to fix the SMB exploit?
I tried updating my windows for a couple of days, but the damn update systems is broken to hell and back. I'm on my xubuntu now and mildly scared even if that security site says that all my ports are hidden.
Why fix it? 'S cool.
More importantly do those patches come with telemetry?
I'm aware of his grace. But have not found the will to open my case to even add the first HDD.. Still abusing my 500gb raid 0 SSD's...
Just google SMB patch, first result is the security bulletin and there should be the number of the KB patch for your OS.
Worked now,huh. Did it with powershell
>inb4 botnet updates are mixed with the patches
>Tfw blocked all ports that the botnet uses
Wish i could switch for linux but i can't boot any of livecds
A couple of threads back someone posted these
As the telemetry ones. Sadly, They fall into the category of those updates that windows was magically able to install on my PC, while the rest fail without any good reason. Fuck them.
well i mean no one's stopping them making the proper security patches and botnet into 1 single update
thinking it was possible to win against them in the first place was the biggest mistake
>updates that windows was magically able to install on my PC, while the rest fail without any good reason.
Does wangblows send out what version you have? The ones that fail might be non botnet meant for """business""".
It's all about the update installer. When I tried to install a single 77KB patch it failed, followed by half an hour of reverting changes it applied in a minute or so. Then for some reason I tried out searching for the file on the net, downloading and installing it manually and it was good.

That's true too. Makes me feel bad.
I get this reference for I am a /fit/ /f/ /a/ /g/.
>windows updater has been searching for updates for 2 hours now

RIP Guys

My windows 7 update installed the KB4012215 update instead, is that okay?
Yes, the March rollup contains the same hotfix for the SMB vulnerability (MS17-010) that KB4012212 does.
Sorry I'm stupid but what's the difference between both? I mean what's the point of releasing 2 different patches close to each other instead of just consolidating both of them together?
I installed only KB4012212, tried to install KB4012215 but it didn't work. Is that okay?
Has anyone complaining about Windows Update not working actually paid for their copy of Windows?
Either in the cost of the machine they are running or separately.

Just askin'.
The rollup update is a compilation of several smaller updates.
It seems like they do that monthly, so you can install fewer but larger updates, rather than lots of smaller ones.

So i just need to DL the one file for my version of OS?
Honest Q, how would my unpatched Windows 7 and Windows XP VM's get infected?
Oh yes.
To patch the vulnerability against this particular exploit, yes.
Although since you're running Win7, I'd highly recommend always installing SECURITY updates as soon as they become available through Windows Update. It's not like Win10 where you have no control over what """updates""" are installed, on 7 you can pick and choose what you want.

I stoped automatic updates when they tried to push Windows 8 on people, how long does it take to install this Security update? It says its searching my PC for updates
Fucking winbabbies that don't know how to manually select and install the updates they need.

You are the fucking cancer of this board, and you need to fuck off back to /v/
Did you miss all lintards who asked if their distro is affected?
If you guys think wannacry is bad just wait until they hit us with this.

wew ladiƱo
Both w***ows and looncux and their users are utter trash.
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This isn't a problem on my 1984 Osbourne Executive with external display.
>this whole fucking post

If hypothetically one hasn't updated his windows since february 2016, how long would it take to find and install all the newest updates?
Depends on the specs of your mashine and the speed of your internet connection, but since WUSA is a piece of shit, you'll probably need to download and install a handful of updates manually first:
marshviperX you're edgy as fuck dude
>you'll probably need to download and install a handful of updates manually first
I've tried, but it simply restarts after saying that it couldn't apply the updates. What might be the reason for this?
I haven't seen that pasta in a while.
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I'm on Windows 7 and I haven't updated for literally a fucking year.
I'm guessing I.. should?
I bet you think Russia killed that dnc guy. When will this russian meme die
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Fuck me
>he does not know about Russian carders
Try this before installing the standalone updates in the previous link
IT birb
You lead the way.
How does one get infected by this this virus?
Do I need to download something or what?
Wow, Jews just lost imaginary money that they will get back once this blows over.
Using Linux. Wonder if I'll get hit.
How long until an encrypter is gonna get released? Surely basement dwelling neet hackers can't write an encryption programm that top of the line scientists from nasa/nasa/fbi can't crack right?
Hello shadow broker
It's a local network thing. If an infected computer gets onto a local network it spreads unchecked.

Can't wait until my normie friends complain about getting it from one of the lan partys they run

>going to a lan party with people who have toolbars and malware on the pc

I guess they deserve it
> in ur torrentz
> stealin ur seedz
>surely NASA can crack RSA
dumb fuck
Is this an exhaustive list of crap updates?
KB971033-- Description of the update for Windows Activation Technologies
KB2952664 -- Compatibility update for keeping Windows up-to-date in Windows 7
KB2976978 -- Compatibility update for keeping Windows up-to-date in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8
KB2990214 -- Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 7 to a later version of Windows
KB3021917 -- Update to Windows 7 SP1 for performance improvements
KB3022345 -- Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry
KB3035583 -- Update installs Get Windows 10 app in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1
KB3044374 -- Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10
KB3068708 -- Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry
KB3075249 -- Update that adds telemetry points to consent.exe in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7
KB3080149 -- Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry
KB3123862 -- Updated capabilities to upgrade Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

Or are there more?
the dead bird taped to the screen is a nice detail
This year will be the Linux Desktop year.
I think my SSD might be failing.
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