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>mfw char is just int in disguys

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>mfw char is just int in disguys
but that's wrong.
No he isn't. I'm ashamed to share a species with people like you.
>char is 1 byte
>int is 4 bytes
std:: cout << sizeof(int) << " " << sizeof(char) << std::endl;

4 4

What are you smoking nigger
What arch?
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researcher man.jpg
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>mfw String is just [Int] in disguys
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std:: cout << sizeof(int) << " " << sizeof(char) << std::endl;

4 1
instructions unclear, dick stuck in compiler.
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mfw computers are just beep boops in disguise

You need to be 18 or older to post on this site
chars literally are just integers in C though. what do you think they are?
so numbers under 256 aren't integers?
>I don't need math to be a CS major!
2^8 is 256
There are 8 bits in a byte, for a total of 2^8 combinations

chars are "literally" just integers in the sense they are numbers, but they are NOT the data type integer.
>>I don't need math to be a CS major!
>2^8 is 256
>There are 8 bits in a byte, for a total of 2^8 combinations
.. that's.. what i was saying..?
No, you're confusing the mathematical term "integer" for the computational science term "integer"
they are wholly distinct.
"integer" in C is the name of a data type.
and in case you don't get it, chars are literally just numbers. the character "a" is 97, and the null character is 0.

#include <stdio.h>
void main(){
printf("%c\n", 97);

the reason this outputs "a" isn't because of some kooky easter egg. chars are ints

raw values != ints
>computational science term "integer"
you mean C term, which is still wrong because it's called "int" not "integer"
mfw OP says some stupid shit that's just wrong
So many CS1 kids tripping up because OP said int instead of integer.
>muh datatype
I hope this becomes the next /g/ meme.
>mfw OP is a faggot in disguise
>mfw CPUs are just transistors in disguise
you have to go back
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>mfw ints are just electrons in disguise
Suppose for whatever reason you wanted to minimize your memory footprint, and have your integers use only one byte. What do you do? You declare them as chars. Seriously. Or unsigned chars if you don't want signing
>everything is just bool in disguise
size depends on your architecture
>not using stdint
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>mfw cpus are just rocks we taught to do math
You stupid sepplestards don't even know about integer promotion, do you?
int is just multiple chars tho
chars should only be used for storing characters.
signed char / unsigned char are used for numbers
>This is true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My life has been changed.
>CPUs use logic gates
>logic gates
They use transistors, scrub.
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How Can Keyboards Be Real If Our Hands Aren't Real
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delet this
thought char was quattro not int
mfw currency is just doubles in disguys
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y'all ever thought that programming languages are just yep/nah in disguise
What if your computer goes past a long long?
depends on the language.
gates to hell open
throws exceptions until all RAM is used
carries on as if nothing happened
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dog benis.jpg
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>mfw saw OP and thought I was on /tg/
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Why do you fukin losers type out
"std :: " multiple times instead of just declaring
"using namespase std;" once?
Ur a fuckin rerarded edglord beta orbiter obsessed with my ex and her fucking insane fantasy world
Threads reported. CPS informed. Cops are s arching for you and your crew. Hard. And one approaches me or tried to run game on me again and we gonna have real problems. Ur a fucking delusional stalker who knows nothing about other than what psycho ex girlfriends and roumour Mills from I'm 20 years ago. I'm not a fucking pedo. Never have been. Do us all a favor and fucking aanhero
>integer overflow results in a segfault
sound comfy
char is *defined* as having sizeof equal to 1, dumbass.
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YFW copute is binary in da skys
By that shitty logic, every data type is an int because lol everything is just 0s and 1s in the end for the computer.
Thread posts: 57
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