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>her browser isnt using electron why not? its the future

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Thread replies: 78
Thread images: 9

>her browser isnt using electron
why not? its the future of desktop apps
Ok, I'll stay in the past then.
>pedopgile desktop
>homosex os
Wew. Fuck off.
anime website
OP are you the one who likes slice of life anime and Spice and Wolf?
>slice of life anime
>Spice and Wolf
never seen it seems boring
>not using firefox
>using more battery
Doesn't change the fact that you're a faggot.
bullies >>>/out/
Technology website
technology board on an anime website
Does it have userscript and custom css support?
>custom css
it literally is css
no userscripts
is this going to be a botnet?
Kys OP
ur a smart one arent u
>no userscripts
It looks like an interesting project but i need userscripts and custom weeb css for all my shit. RIP
one out of two isnt bad i guess
post programming socks or gtfo
post wallpaper
File: illya 11.png (2MB, 3840x2160px) Image search: [Google]
illya 11.png
2MB, 3840x2160px
why are you such a slut?
delet this
nice feet thx
delete my jizz off your flat loli chest
Jesus christ, why won't you die already.
no bullying aloud in my thread
will u marry me plz im very rich
Fuck you pedo faggot, I bully whoever I want, whenever I want.
if only you were able to do it too..
I am.
whatever keeps your ego from falling apart i suppose
Get AIDS and die a slow death, sodomite.
at least it won't be suicide from self hate like in your case
i love u
Keep projecting, homo.
i love your delectable loli chest
I wish I could project my self-esteem on you, just to see you feel less need to bully random people.
omg why is everyone pretending to be me (。>﹏<。)
You are a well known pedo shitposter in these parts, nothing random with you. Also, you're the one posting shitty screencaps, talk about pathetic and miserable.
thats not me u baka omg why are bullies so dumb
If everything you say is true and you still feel the need to bully such kind of a person (as you said) that makes you someone at the bottom of the barrel and the scum of earth basically, talk about shooting yourself in the foot. thanks for making this easy for me
Nah, that's not how it works, faggot. But at least you tried.
Bad damage control, but don't lose hope. I'm sure you'll do better next time :)
>Makes crappy fallacy comeback
>"Hurr roasted u dat damage contrul :))))))"
Damn, you are truly pathetic.
>resorting to calling names
damn, looks like my work is done here ;)
uhh if u nerds are going to keep arguing can u do it in another thread
*throws bag of attention*
ignoring you is like taking a fish out of water it seems xd
>hurr muh ad hominem
It's not like I haven't called you pathetic and miserable early in the thread or anything.
the least you could've done is reply to a post that actually contains some form of name-calling, bait-kun.
the difference is that you sounded calm and in control earlier. guess you realized how you look now. feel better soon :*
i want to show you my qt os x desktop but i'm nervous about posting it in the thread
do u have discord or skype or smth
post it owo
b-but if i get b-b-bullied
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143KB, 833x696px
anon p-pls 川´・ω・`川
Oi tranny, how does it compare to chrome?
If its just as fast while being lighter on resources then its a serious option despite the electron cancer.
idk i dont use chrome (ew)
Then how does it compare to firefox?
idk i only used it long enough to take that screenshot
Technology board
General discussion website that has several anime boards
This is /g/ not [g/a]
when will you stop pretending you are lesbian and acknowledge you lust for cocks?
anime website
You probably use discord
what does that have to do with anything
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161KB, 960x960px
Cmon man you can shill better than that.
he's the one constantly spouting random shit / acting pissed just so people will notice him
could be neat eventually but it doesn't support scripts rn so its kind of useless

Technology board on anime website.
There is reddit if anime rustles your jimmies that bad.
so ur really not gonna post it?
>zoom in and out with trackpad
>goes crazy

nah lemme remove this shit real quick
Regular browsers are already slow enough; why would you make one slower with Electron?
>homosex OS
>not using microsoft edgy
Thread posts: 78
Thread images: 9

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