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>2017 >not using Debian as your primary OS what's

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>not using Debian as your primary OS

what's your excuse pleb?
I do you fucking nigger now leave me alone
Because fedora is better for me in every way.

Still I don't have any distribution installed currently. I just don't have the time anymore. I can't google for hours until I fix a problem if one occurs and it lacks my entertainment life. I used to have time several years ago and it's fun to mess with. I ran multiple game servers on a vps. But now I finished my school and I have a job that takes 10 hours of my day with two hours minimum for traveling. I'm in a serious relationship and I'm having a baby next month on the 4th. I just don't have time anymore and when I do have time I'd rather play games with my friends without compatibility issues nor worse frames in the games I do play.

Sorry but unitonically I grew up so I don't have time anymore.
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>Because fedora is better for me in every way.

>Still I don't have any distribution installed currently. I just don't have the time anymore. I can't google for hours until I fix a problem if one occurs and it lacks my entertainment life. I used to have time several years ago and it's fun to mess with. I ran multiple game servers on a vps. But now I finished my school and I have a job that takes 10 hours of my day with two hours minimum for traveling. I'm in a serious relationship and I'm having a baby next month on the 4th. I just don't have time anymore and when I do have time I'd rather play games with my friends without compatibility issues nor worse frames in the games I do play.

>Sorry but unitonically I grew up so I don't have time anymore.
Community is cancer
Spaghetti package dependecy hell
Overrun by SJWs
i do tho. getting some ram and an ssd soon. gonna be comfy af.
This. Everything but the 'systemd is bad' meme
>community is cancer

I prefer OS X and OpenBSD
Debian is best

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>not using Debian as your primary OS

Do you think I am dumb? Of course I'm using Debian as my primary OS.
What gnu/linux options are there that don't use systemd?
I'm a debian guy but drink /g/'s flavoraid and now I hate systemd
There's that Devuan distro (fork of Debian without systemd). Some other choices would Gentoo or Void linux. I believe Manjaro supports OpenRC.
>not systemd
>binary logs
>brainlet thinks binary logging isn't useful
This is very shocking. :^)
>binary logs should be the default
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>The most efficient option shouldn't be a default option.
>Literally use sid as my main os
It's not bad
>forcing users to use your own crappy tool to read logs by default
Lmao, that was uncalled for, nobody is FORCING you to install anything.
>still using Virign Beta Version code
Get a load of this pleb
is your country white ?
are you as white as an Argentine ?
jesus christ get a blog
Jesus Christ get a gf
That's rape m8
Because it fucking sucks dick for desktop use and it makes all my videos look like shit. You faggots meme that Arch sucks and breaks constantly but I don't see why you would use anything else for your personal system, it does what I want it to better than the stable distros like Debian. No screen tearing, no stuttering, it's as good as Windows video playback.
I use it for server, but I can't imagine using it as desktop over openSUSE.
>tfw I can't get GNOME to work

I'm bored with MATE, and Cinnamon is buggy.
Argentine is white, it literally translates as "White country for white people. No niggers allowed and will be shot on sight.".
Fedora exists.
Have you tried using sid or stretch? It's a rolling release
Using Arch
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That's what I was using, and it still just didn't play nice with my hardware.
fedora is better
>using the smiley with the carat nose
t. Der Chicanen
you know shit about programming
go back to ubuntu 1.6.7
linux mint 18.1 64-bit cinnamon flavor is mine
I have a AMD Radeon graphics card which may be not supported by Ubuntu 16.04.
What should I do? Will upgrading to Ubuntu 16.10 or downgrading to 14.04 solve the issue? If yes, will it work as good as the graphics card works on Windows? Also will have to configure my computer or will the system work perfectly after upgrading or downgrading?

Am I damaging my computer by not using a OS supporting the graphics card?
Also my laptop takes like ~50 seconds to boot? Is that because of the incompatible graphics card?
Sorry autismo, I have a real job, I'm proud of not being a programmer. I just use my computer a lot, and Debian doesn't work the way I want it to. So I use Arch.
Plebian : the post
I like Windows 10 and Fedora better.
being a NEET doesn´t count as a real job,
You ain't fooling no one , Ahmed


No thanks!
I use Debian with an AMD Radeon 6800. No prob. Tried Ubuntu 16.04 but that shit wouldn't work with my graphic card.
whatever helps you to sleep better , Jose
you have to go back
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I thought that Ubuntu had the widest support out of all Linux distributions because of sheer popularity of it.

Because I use Windows.
Pacman > anything else.
apt is fucking retarded
>not using aptitude
not an argument
I use arch for the AUR, makes it super easy to install my shit.
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pacman and the AUR, sorry and also fuck off with your SJW devs
laptop screen was dim. no brightness controls anywhere.
I use bug free & patched Debian.
I like some updated software once in a while.
because debain is slow as fuck and barely works. i'd rather be an archfag.
It also makes it super easy to break your shit, ya fuckin doofus.
>Still not using pure µkernel multiserver architecture.
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linux 3.10 you might better off be using bug free and patched picrelated.
Not a lesbian. Sorry.
Which desktop environment is best?
i use ubuntu because some tasks I'd rather do with a GUI.


KDE sounds nice. Too bad I can't find it for Mint 18.1.
because I use a laptop
The way debian ensures stability makes sense for servers, but not for desktops, so desktop users tend to perceive it as just outdated, and no more stable than arch.

Debian decides a program is stable when it goes a long period of time without severe bugs. For this to be an accurate indicator of stability, a program has to be used by a lot of people for a long time.

Server users generally all use and rely on the same set of programs. Apache, nginx, sftp, ssh, the base system etc, and when something does break they're inclined to file a bug report ASAP because they either have no other options, or would have to do some serious migration to use another option, and they are very, VERY cooperative with bug reports on average. Because of this, server software on debian is well tested, well maintained, and generall reliable.

However, desktop users are not like that. They use a wider selection of software and genuinely need very little of it. When a desktop user runs into a problem they're more apt to just install an alternative program and hope that one works, and if that doesn't work, go up or down a few versions (and then say "sid/testing is stable!") or switch distros because /home was on its own partition. And why would they feel bad about not reporting a bug that can be solved by using a different program, or a different dsitro? "Debian is just shit, anyone who uses it deserves what they get!". So, desktop software often passes through debian's system basically untested and just as buggy as it used to be.
Because I use gentoo.
Debian Sid as my primary OS with unattended-upgrades every 6 hours.
>what's your excuse pleb?
fake news
Because they fuck with all of the packages for no god damn reason other than they're full of themselves. They disabled the ability to use extensions in chromium for fucks sake.
autistic package maintainer fucking around with upstream just for the hell of it
bspwm because autism
Because I'm on Arch. Sometimes I wake up late at night and cry because I miss apt-get.
I found Arch :3

It's not easy to install it. And why aren't there flavor dvd images like xubuntu, kubuntu?
use /usr/bin/apt
Never thought I'd say this, but I switched from Linux to Windows Enterprise and I couldn't be more satisfied. I really wished I got rid of Linux a long time ago. Windows and macOS are the only systems of worth. Linux is just a programmer's tool and for servers. This is what it has become.
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>not using windows xp as your primary OS

what's your excuse pleb?
I use Ubuntu Gnome
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ubuntu gnome is the patrician choice
>using windows XP
oh shit what are you doing?
>Using arch
>not being able to fix your shit
>not easy to install it
>step by step installation wizard that my grandma can follow
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>using a server OS for a home desktop
I'm using FreeBSD as my primary OS
how the fuck does your 4chan look like that?
install gentoo
none, i use debian! le(s)bian to be precisely (lxde + debian)
>Packages: 2502
what the fuck are you doing
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>uses plebian
>calls us pleb
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I use Arch Linux
>mfw running pacman -Syu
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>not using Debian as your primary OS

But I am, though.
alias update='sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade'

Works just fine.
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I use Ubuntu GNOME. I used to use Debian as my main OS, but it just requires too much configuration with home folder encryption and fonts.
Because Ubuntu offers everything Debian does and more.
I'd kill myself too if I had to use a Distro with ancient packages.
If it is critical for you to have the bleeding edge, then Arch (or Debian unstable) might really be better.
But I am using debian and now that 9.0 is just around the corner theres literally no excuse
Upgraded to stretch last week, everything went better than expected and had 0 problems so far, even plasma 5 works gr8
I already am running arch
I mostly like it for the better package selection and the wiki
Because it offers nothing that makes it worth using over Ubuntu
SysVinit is supported for the next 3 years senpai

>Community is cancer

>Spaghetti package dependecy hell
Okay this happens rarely

>Overrun by SJWs

True but only matters if you're a dev


Exherbo > Gentoo/Funtoo > Debian/Ubuntu Minimal/Void > Arch > Fedora
>what is debian stretch
btw, it way more stable than any *buntu and/or arch
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If Debian is so great explain this bullshit, I dare you.
The guy who made this killed himself. It's cursed.
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>actually fucking true
holy shit
It's for a completely different reason
but I do
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>primary os
Absolutely disgusting
Dude lmao backports or compiling shit yourself if you want to use software less than like 18 fucking months old
I really don't get this meme that Arch is somehow broken or difficult to use. Being handicapped must be tough :(
You can't really say that without knowing the screen's size
Because dumb memesters can't imagine anything that is not on either extreme: SJW Heaven or pol/arch forums.
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I can host my home OS in a VM and use a laptop for shitposting.
GPU passthrough for home station/vidya.

CentOS is a mad solid base for actual work & everything else when you leverage it properly.
I hate to break it to you but I think you've already passed your prime in life. You should consider a painless method of ending your life now.
>Community is cancer
That's common in every single distro.
Because I use Ubuntu ;)
Debian is more cancer than most.
I swear every other day I run into bugs that has been reported 13+ years ago and still not fixed.
Because there are minimalists for whom it's a simple life and there are minimalists for whom it's a masochistic fetish. Making Debian work for the average user is strongly for the latter type. That's just not me.
why would i use something with a pms logo
You misspelled "arch".
Because arch is better

check em
Got a yoga 2 13, can't get the WiFi working. Only reason I'm on Ubuntu and not Debian.
don'y get me wrong its a good solid and stable os, but...

1. endorsed by sjw, muh white programmer privilege

2. package management is bad.

example: when installing hyperv-daemons package the hyper-v daemons wont work, because you have to write your own scritps which get input from the daemon and outputs dhcp and dns conf. pretty simple but why didn't packagers include those 2 simple scripts? according to documentation its the job of packager to include these scripts

..some parts of to OS seem too sloppy for me

i use debian at work as its the "standard there"

previos workplace had RHEL shit, and it was way better

i even replaced my home printserver and nfs with rhel and all my vm's run on rhel now

i'ts just way more solid for me at least
Isn't arch better ?
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guess debian isnt so stable
fucked up cdrecord pkging for all relevant software and distros for YEARS
Is debian good for shitty computers? I gotta a old one, I'm using win 10 and this shit is very slow...
Because I'm using Manjaro.
What you faggs think about Xubuntu XFCE?
It's a little gay.
It's great for watching your gay porn
Because it's based on the Linux kernel which is utter crap.

>downloading arbitrary code over http and running it
> systemd
> biggest community
> most packages
> so easy to use even SJWs are using it
> won't use because ego
> she's having an orgasm

arch haters btfo
including me
kek, well done
gonna file a search complaint and how offensive and debianphobic google is
>New millennium
>Not writing your own software in basic
>Using pc with more than 64kb of memory

Get good kid
I use Debian as my Windows 10 VM desktop host.

I wouldn't kill myself but would hate myself for having to fix something I use every day after an unstable update.

Can someone elaborate how SJWs have (supposedly) gotten their hands on Debian?
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>ring 3
Is this a question?
>outdated packages
>inane packaging despite better knowledge of the actual softwares devs
>logo is a warped brush of an unfree software
>bistro name is debian despite the fact that the name should be "" by now
Gotta play wow cos i fukin gay
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did you really just call fucking DEBIAN bloatware?
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