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ordering parts tonight /g/ does this pass inspection? my absolute

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ordering parts tonight /g/

does this pass inspection? my absolute limit is $2500, but this is more of a price i'm aiming for
It's very unlikely that you need that much, go with 16.

>850W PSU
You're paying too much, get a 650W.

Buys i7 when ryzen is out
You just went full /v/.

Never go full /v/.
What this guy said and use the money saved to buy a 1TB MX300 SSD instead.
Go for the cheapest ryzen 8 core
Or you will bite yourself in the ass in 2 years
>MSI board
>32 gb ram @2133 MHZ
get a 16gb kit that runs at 3000mhz +
>850w psu
complete overkill
>seagate harddrive
just get a western digital black if you are gonna get a 3tb drive.
Add another 1080 and run SLI, you'll be able to stream 4k resolution on your monitors
SLI is a fucking meme, if he wants 4k gameplay hes better off going with a 1080ti, much more reliable than SLI 1080s
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get a cheap aio
drop to 16gb ram
get 250 960 evo
get a ti

>$46 bluray player
fuck off

ditch the wireless and buy homeplugs
If you want to protect your investment, buy another ssd drive and use RAID for drive mirroring so you back up your data and don't lose any speed.

If you even need a mass storage solution for an hdd you're better off buying a hard disk tray, 5 1TB HDD's in a box that uses a USB or External SATA swtich port.

You've never run SLI or Crossfire in you're life. None of us could ever afford it so we don't know how it performs. Most benchmarks say you get at least a 50% increase in performance.
the fuck anon
I say keep the ram and use your computer as a server platform.

You've got the money, use it.
1000 Watts runs the risk of fire/ overloading your house circuit. 850 is sound.
I run SLI. It sucks. Don't do it.
most games, especially recently, don't even bother utilizing SLI. Nvidia is slowly dropping SLI by limiting it to two cards and only putting it on high end cards.
not to mention microstuttering.
It's a dying technology.
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"server platform"

No, just no anon.

If you want a server running 24/7 get something a lot smaller than this, ie like a hp gen 8
why waste money on it tho, he doesn't even need 600w
The only thing you might want to cut back on is the 8GB 1080 and buy a 4GB 1080. Mind what brand, some of the driver disks you receive with the board have (mostly harmless) malware/spyware and have heat sinks that are too large to be practical with an SLI setup.
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>4GB 1080
He will if he buys another 1080
How is his build not already a server platform? It does everything a server does.

You should consider installing server OS software. Windows server has OEM install disks and registration keys so you don't have to hassle with Linux nonsense.
TWO 4GB 1080's
with 32 GB of OC DDR4 RAM
If it sucks then why do it?
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think about it for a second
You should also replace the case with an open frame mounting. You will get more better cooling if you leave the motherboard and its video cards exposed or in a ferraday cage.
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it's a 4 core, non ecc, power hungry gaymin pc anon, cmon.
I guess, but the GPU is the chokepoint. Two 8GB 1080s would work just as well. Or do they not make 4GB 1080's?

I just assumed they were comparable to AMD's RX480 series
Its a server platform capable of rendering 4k. You can use it as a tax write off if you say you are using it for work.
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they don't make 4gb 1080s, you fucking moron.
the 1070 comes with 8gb
the 1060 comes with either 6 or 3.
and the 1050ti comes with 2 or 4.
Did you know gaming PC's use more powerful processors than most server platforms?

Server platforms usually use dual or quad xeon CPU's, which are garbage compared to even AMD's FM2 Trinity chips They use xeons because they use serverblades which don't have enough vertical space to install small heat sinks and air cooling.

Older servers use racks that stack verically instead of horizontally like HP server blades.

HP servers are expensive as fuck, they look all shiny but they are really overpriced.
He's not going to be editing 4k video, wrong cpu for that.

Let's be real here, he's going to be gaymin and browsing 4chin. that's it. Be reasonable anon.
I'm not a huge intel fan. You could probably save about 500 dollars minimum if you used an AMD build instead of an Intel one.
edits made


i need more than 16 GB so i am getting 32, not changing my mind
Then buy a cheaper PC.
Personally, I like it when my PC goes VROOM VROOM!
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What the fuck are you on about? Server platforms, ie twin socket mobos, Xeons, quad channel dimms have way more processing power than a fucking 7700k...

wait..fuck, you're either weapons-grade retarded or your comment is bait, either way i'm out
CPU is not that important, honestly.

Any Quad Core Hex Core Or Octo Core that runs at 3.0GH or more will do.
I don't really know why people look at anything other than the clockspeed. It doesn't seem to make a lick of difference.
Don't take advise from /g/ (yes I'm creating a paradox). Your first list was fine, stick to it.
not sure why you want a ryzen, if your just gayming, stick with the 7700k.

however, if you want to for ryzen. get a 1700, they o'c similar to the other, more expensive, variants, use any money saved on buying a non-ref 1080ti, the founders edition is garbage.

also ryzen really benefits from high speed RAM, you should research on what boards currently have the best BIOSes for Ram speeds, as speeds were slow as launch. try to aim for 3000mhz +.
Don't buy this garbage AiO

get 16gb but faster ram, swap the seagate for western digital, swap the power supply for corsair PS 650 max, get a ducky/leopold/filco keyboard, razer is terrible.
There is no reason to spend that much money on a comp if your not going to upgrade it to a server platform.

If all you want is a gaymin' PC you should be spending 800 dollars max.
Nonsense, if you have the money to spend, then why not spend it.
Who the hell spends $2500 or even close on a computer.

Even if you're gaming, I'm able to max out GTA V on a $800 build.
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>wireless network card

why the fuck people do this? when they can get pic related for 5 bucks or so.
It depends what you call max out. If you mean shit tier 1080p 60fps you might as well go and use a console
Those are a bit slow and I actually have had problems with getting them to work on multiple distros.
>and I actually have had problems with getting them to work on multiple distros.

Of course it won't work because nothing works in linux.
Kek. Right. Have fun with your shitty range and overheating issues.
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Here's a basic bitch computer in canadian dollarryoos

Still don't even know if I can reach 3600mhz on any of the current am4 boards. Also gonna wait for vega and R5 to save a couple hundred.

Wouldn't mind getting a different CPU cooler but all the 'good and cheap' ones, like FUMA, apparently don't exist in canada whatsoever. It's retarded.
OP are you still here?
Wireless Attenuation

A 3 prong attenae will travel all the way across a 3 bedroom apartment with concrete walls. That thing will be lucky if it can connect to the router from across the room.
Works on my machine ;^)
>spending more money for worse gaming performance

If you're gonna be an AMDrone, at least get the 1700. There's literally no point in buying any other ryzen 8 core unless you want to give AMD extra money.
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For gaming this is all you'll need. Don't waste money.
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2133 ram in 2017
If you're going to play games, which I believe you are, stay away from wireless and use ethernet cables.
>If you're gonna be an AMDrone, at least get the 1700. There's literally no point in buying any other ryzen 8 core unless you want to give AMD extra money.
Or just wait two weeks and get the 1600X which clocks high and has 6 cores. It's cheaper and might even be faster than the 1700 most of the time.
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Red pill me on 2133 ram memester.
looks fine, but just get a 1700 and 3200mhz RAM (get cl14 validated for ryzen cpus)

on higher resolutions ryzen performs very similar to 7700k with better minimum frames
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Why are the x370 motherboards so retarded expensive in canada?

If you just straight converted the USD price they should be topping out at like $230, instead they're fucking $350 to almost $400. What the fuck.
i would get ryzen my man
>32 GB of stupidly slow ram
>D14 instead of D15
>3 TB Seagate hdd
>Razer keyboard

You can do much better, especially with your budget.
>he literally just made that up

The Xeon's i've seen in servers were usually 8 cores, because while servers don't need the throughput of a gaming rig they need to be able to do a lot of things fast and all at once. I see a lot of AMD in servers because it's more cores for the buck, and most of the xeons I've seen were in enterprise workstations.


he's retarded anon, he thinks because Xeons have a lower GHz than most i7's they are weaker.
drop the meme RAM, keyboard and mouse and get a faster hdd
>paying extra for """improved""" power efficiency to save 72 cents yearly on your electric bill
Yes, I am. I had to run out and get alcohol before the liquor store closes, but I am monitoring the thread.
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building a computer, what do you think?
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Getting kind of tired so I will probably be ordering this or something very similar soon

Any last thoughts before I make the leap?

get a AC wifi card, or just use ethernet
You don't need 32GB of RAM.
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>buying a 5400 rpm hdd in the ''''''''current year''''''
Get a WD Blue. Also 5400RPM is shitty.
Don't get the 1080Ti, get a 1080. The only 1080Tis out there are founders edition.
You very likely don't need a DVD writer.
A 7700K is overkill for gaming. Are you doing video editing, photo editing?
You're only going to need 16GB of RAM.
Get an AC WiFi adapter, or as the other anon said, use ethernet if possible because it's much better.
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>Razer Blackwidow Ultimate 2013 Wired Gaming Keyboard

>550 for a 1080
>92 for 3tb
>quadcore in 2017
I am assuming you have a 144hz monitor,

If thats the case, get faster ram, at least 3200

I have only chrome open right now, and I could not run a game that demands more then 4gb without massive stuttering or just crashing due to not enough ram.

16gb is not enough, but you could probably mix a 16 and 8gb kit and have enough, its an avenue for you to get faster cheaper ram and still have the benefits of more ram.
>absolute max $2500
anything over $1300 in the current year is fully retarded
because for a time there was no single gpu that could sustain 60fps at decent resolutions, multiple small gpus were overall better when they worked right, or multiple powerful ones for a stupid setup.

Then the 900 series came and there was no real reason for sli anymore as a 980 or 980ti could do most things at 144hz, or 1440p, and a single 1080 can drive most games to around 60fps 4k if you are willing to reduce details from ultra 'the engine is breaking' down to very high 'pretty much no difference but far more performance'

Both seem to be going for mcm as a final solution as monolithic gpus are a problem, but at that point firmware should be able to make them run at near 100% scaling and no issues as its all treated as one gpu apposed to multiple.
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>large ssd
EZRX > (((black)))
get out
The only issue I have honestly is do you have a particular reason for wanting a razer keyboard? The Corsair ones have dedicated media keys and use MX switches.
get a motherboard with onboard wifi if you need it..
Here is an amd build

alternate storage


not going to bother with alt storage.
Taichi has built in wifi

Also, the 1080 is overkill in most cases, so stepped it down to a 1070, that will last till at least navi/volta or the gen after and that's where you want to splurge on a top end if you really want/need one as they will probably handle 4k at well over 60fps, maybe not 144 but well over 60 at least.
you actually get worse cooling open cases then proper closed cooling.
>Asus mobo


This is a far more robust system for you, OP —

Get the evo ssd as the pro offers like 4% better speed for double the price.
x370 is expensive because there is so few of them, there isn't enough to go around. No idea why people are buying them when they offer nothing unless you are doing SLI.
you didnt buy goyzen so your not completely retarded
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reference, get a 1080 Ti
7700k with 7600
16gig with 8gig
1080 with 1070 (or even 1060 6gb)
meme watts with a normal 400w

and save 800 dollars right there for minimal loss in performance
Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)01:00:12 No.59632351â–¶
>>59627415 (OP) # (OP) #
>>59632135 (You) # (You) #

Here you go, OP. Not only is this a far, far more robust and less of a meme system than your configuration, but it also includes one of the best gaming monitors on the market. And the total is a mere $80 more than your config which did not include a monitor.


This motherboard comes with wifi. Do you have a specific need for an optical drive? Most people have no need of an optical drive in present day earth.

Terrible, uninformed advice. Depart /g/.
Yes, I do. I have 16GB in my current machine. I hit the cap and need more. Simple as that.

>Get a WD Blue. Also 5400RPM is shitty.
I already have 10 TB of space, but I am getting another all the same. It doesn't really have to be a 7200RPM one. Not too concerned about speed, but I will still consider getting it.
>Don't get the 1080Ti, get a 1080. The only 1080Tis out there are founders edition.
Hmm yeah that's what I was thinking, are the founder's edition cards that much worse? The Ti is probably much more than I need anyway.
>You very likely don't need a DVD writer.
I use it enough, as rarely as that may be, that I do warrant still having one.
>A 7700K is overkill for gaming. Are you doing video editing, photo editing?
I have a job editing porn for cam girls, so yes, video editing definitely.
>You're only going to need 16GB of RAM.
This is what everyone says, but even if it's just for the rendering, I want more than 16 GB. 32 is just the next logical choice
>Get an AC WiFi adapter, or as the other anon said, use ethernet if possible because it's much better.
I'm currently using ethernet, but not conveniently... my modem is on the ass other side of my house. I have my ethernet running through the floor into my basement and then up into my room to be plugged into my computer. I've seen this particular adapter work extremely well, so that is why I want to get it.
Seriously though, if you have a job editing videos get the 8 core CPU

get a bloody intel wifi adapter. TP-Link, even on the high end, is garbage for throughput. The $60 TP wifi cards I made the mistake of buying cap out at around 31MB/s while my shit $18 intel card pulls 300+ without blinking (which is its rating)

I run a repair shop, I see nothing but trouble from TP link equipment (aside from their routers, which have always been rock solid in my experience). But even their wired cards are shit, with 50% of them being DOA
>green drive
don't do it, son!
Fuck off this is an Intel board
Looks pretty good. I built this kind of computer for my brother except i went with rx480 8gb but that doesn't really matter. 212 isn't neccessary since the stock gets things done just fine but if you want couple of degrees less, go for it. Also for HDD you could check out WD black series, i dont really know anything about Seagate, but i've heard only good things about WD
Get a Ryzen 1700 for video editing
Cheap and much better than the 7700k
Comparable to the 1000$ 6900k
How did I do?
It's my first build
>aweful motherboard
>aweful drive
>maximum ddr4 ram mhz your CPU can do without overclocking is 2400
>way to much ram

Take a g700 mouse and a Roccat MK Pro and upgrade your Motherboard its really vital to your system.
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Why you niggas cheaping out on ram, get 3200 nigas.
greens don't have 5400RPM, they have adaptive RPM, which can go higher than 7200 under load. it's false advertising, but the performance is the same, wear and tear is better, and the noise is minimal
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It's more of a free-lancing thing than a traditional job, but it's there nonetheless. My main intentions are gaymin with this rig anyway, but I do still use it for editing shit.

The intel wifi adapter bit interests me though, can you link one you're talking about? I've had good experience with the TP-Link, but I don't mind to try something else. I will still have the option to be wired regardless, so it's not that big of a deal to me (I'm not removing my 50+ ft of ethernet cable from how it is setup)

I give in /g/ I'm switching to Black drives.

This board is so back and forth on the two cpus. It's probably one of the reasons why I have waited so long to purchase. My current pc is having problems though so I can't wait.

I'm going to switch things around but I don't really know about the mouse. My hands are a bit small and I've been using the G500 for a few years... it's just perfect for me. I could get another one and be content but I would prefer something new.

How's it look now? This better?
if you are video editing get the ryzen, holy fuck anon.

you can render AND play a game at the same time
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This board isn't back and forth at all you dense fuck, the 7700K is ONLY for pure gaming machines.

Anything that's going to do actual work at all, you go ryzen.
Literally "/v/ the build"
Kys nigger
>almost $50 for a fucking optical drive
>blowing >$300 on storage
>that overkill PSU
>32gb 2133hz RAM

3/10 made me reply
Get an r7 1700 instead.
what do you need it for, you little autistic shit?
Laptop would be enough. You know it.
That mobo doesn't have external bclk, thus 3200 is the max mem speed it can do. Swap either the mobo or the rams
>only a quad-core
>only 1 GPU
>no RGB strips
>no liquid cooling

Why even bother?
get two rx480s and run them in crossfire instead of the gtx 1080. get an aio liquid cooler like the h100i or something./ other than that looks like you're set
So is 750w considered overkill now? What is good for 1700 + 480?
It has always been overkill, so much that even LinusDickTips has a video telling people to not buy unnecessarily beefy power supplies.

Just use an online wattage calculator.
dont get a razer keyboard they dont even have real switches
if u want gaymur keyboard get corsair at least
that ram is pretty expensive
seagate has a bit higher failure rate better get wstern digital
pirate windows saves 100$
>muh switches

there is literally nothing wrong with domes
>Paying out the ass for a shitty rubber dome keyboard.
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