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/g/ iceberg

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Thread replies: 95
Thread images: 19

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How deep down the rabbit hole will you go?
Lets do this /g/
im disappointed in you /g/
I know dat feel...
>asking /g/ to work
Not going to happen.
wut kinds of things do you want in the image my man?

vague thread desu
/g/ style iceberg
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>inb4 /v/
i wanna know what the 2nd to last is desu
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I actually don't know the real term, but it's when people discover hidden messages like in art, for example in music and use that to find another hint etc etc

NIN had one game like this.
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Rate my plan on learning C and Python, the in-depth way. Also, is Python worth devoting so much of time to learn thoroughly?
>Also, is Python worth devoting so much of time to learn thoroughly?
No, it's just another 90s dynamic scripting language that might be fading in a decade or two.
Those come dime a dozen.
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Someone make one for Linux distros
No PNG edition?
I think Python is going to become too huge to be ditched. It's the most popular scripting language at the time, and has been so for a while. I don't know any other general-purpose scripting language as prominent as this one. Every day there are thousands of lines of code written in Python, and there are quite a few projects over 100000 lines of code (and we're talking about a scripting language without static typing here).

I want it to be my sidekick when writing 3D games, C for internals, and Python for quick scripts. I can use C from Python and vice versa.
Do someone have the one with O notation?
>I think Python is going to become too huge to be ditched. It's the most popular scripting language at the time, and has been so for a while. I don't know any other general-purpose scripting language as prominent as this one. Every day there are thousands of lines of code written in Python, and there are quite a few projects over 100000 lines of code (and we're talking about a scripting language without static typing here).
Most of those are throw away scripts, though. In particular admin scripts, web scripts and anything science related.
>I want it to be my sidekick when writing 3D games, C for internals, and Python for quick scripts. I can use C from Python and vice versa.
Python is probably the worst choice for game scripting.
>Python is probably the worst choice for game scripting.
Why? I wrote a simple level generator translates an image to a level file, it was short (350) and sweet.

LISPs and SCHEMEs are dead and unportable, AFAIK Ruby is for almost exclusively for web and dying.
Oh, and I also don't see much effort in supporting Python from third parties, which should be equally discouraging.
PyPy is getting by a couple of donations if they are lucky at a time. Jython and IronPython are in eternal 2.x maintenance mode, aka dead.
And the "geniuses" behind the "technical masterpiece" CPython can't figure out what to do next.
> Pypy
> IronPython
> CPython
> Jython
I'm talking about Python 3 only, the one that comes with IDLE.
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For Linux:

- Ubuntu
- Mint
- Fedora
- Debian
- Arch
- Gentoo
- Slackware

Don't people just use lua for games though?
>Why? I wrote a simple level generator translates an image to a level file, it was short (350) and sweet.
Stuff to support development is likely the most trivial scenario. Game scripting actually means is controlling game events.
CPython is too slow to do heavy lifting (the C#/JVM "scripting" scenario, as bad as the idea is) but its APIs are to shitty for multiple interpreters and sandboxing, so it's rules out for high level game play scripting, e.g. in mods. There are dozens of languages that are a better fit for scenario #2.
>LISPs and SCHEMEs are dead and unportable,
>Ruby is for almost exclusively for web and dying.
no and Python doesn't have something like mruby

so CPython, as in written in C, or as in crap if you will
python is also huge with security folks

it's not going away any time soon
yes and sometimes even better suited stuff
so is perl and ruby but security folks are a meme, so it matters not
I will consider Lua.
>Most of those are throw away scripts, though. In particular admin scripts, web scripts and anything science related.

For example, take youtubedl, one of the few noteworthy scripts.
If it wasn't maintained all the time it would be worthless after ~ 5 years. Even now, I wouldn't bet my life on the maintenance of other targets than Youtube.
Other scripts might face similar problems or not, but you should not forget that Python in general depends too much on foreign language libraries that might or might not exist with their APIs in 5 years.
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Just fine, but change places of Slackware and Gentoo
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Shit took me like 30 minutes to complete. How accurate am I?
>temple OS
OH GOD I completely forgot about that OS

some nice trolling in here
How so? :^)
>Ubuntu Satanic Edition
>Hannah Montana Linux
I see someone read the article! Add Apartheid Linux and you're all done.
>using tor to buy drugs
higher up than
I in fact did read that article, although I've heard about them before that.
There is a lot of normies now on the deep web because of all the YouTube attention it has received.
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I like how DAW and EMU's are in the same cat. I use both so ahh yay?
but did you create them?
This is about programming them, not using.
>O(n!) is the worst
>not O(n^n) or O(n^n^n)
AH ok I didn't know that. No, that would be interesting tho
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I know what I'm going to be doing this weekend.
Sucking lots of cocks?
How do you get the install media for OS/2?
hey now anon, that's EVERY day.
Sounds similar to geocaching
Anybody knows what happened to the Satanic Edition?
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>currently at BSD
You haven't truly ascended until you ran Multics natively on modern hardware
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>Made a Dark/Deep net/web thread several weeks ago.
>Few posts/replies and followed by mostly auto-saged which happened even before the few posts/replies.

Fuck JaniMods sometimes. Fucking assholes.
It usually ends with CP so they nip it in the bud, go to 8/tech/ or lainchan or something if you don't want that to happen as often
Does anything below level 5 deep web exist? I've seen up to 4 and everything it says. Not that I'm proud of myself but I've always wondered if anything beyond that is possible or at one time was.
Same here anon. I skipped rolling release autism and went from Debian to FreeBSD for my server. I actually think it's pretty great, real UNIXâ„¢ and whatever. Software support is actually not that bad and the ports tree is pretty decent along with the package manager.

I'm hoping you know that chart is fake
>>remove slackware, move LFS up, and have the
final level be "TempleOS"
I like comodo on my win7 boot, because it is incompatible with everything
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Matrix multiplication
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Alright, here we go.
why the fuck would someone waste their time writing something entirely in assembly
The title of the image answers your question anon.
Remove slackware and put Ubuntu at the bottom because when you are that deep you realize Linux is Linux.
Have fun with your layers of interpretation and softwares with ludicrous minimal requirements

Plan 9 is weirder than anything else on that list
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well dunno.jpg
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Agree with Hannah Montana Linux
>he doesn't know about internet
Its ARG. Commonly found on /x/, but most of them are shit.
I regularly supply my degenerate behaviors on darknet markets, but hardly ever go on IRC
This is missing GNU/Herd
This chart is fake as fuck and is only good for a really cerebral cyberpunk story.
I read online that up to 4 is real. Which I know for a fact is too. I've splored the deep web like a lot of /g/oers but never did anything. Just wanted to see if it's real.

I've seen most of that shit.

I WAS TOLD that the mewnez(?) tape where the dude in Germany looked for a dude in the paper, killed him and ate him a bit IS suppose to be online. I saw it a long time ago until I realized what it was and my friend deleted it.

Honestly, I'm surprised that there isn't a Lost media wiki on /g/ or /trash/
something is fucky with google. someone please confirm.

search is just not loading anything.
>I think Python is going to become too huge to be ditched. It's the most popular scripting language at the time, and has been so for a while.
The 2 -> 3 fiasco has already put the nail in the coffin
You were trolled by some faggot with a fake tape. All these faggots are trolling you with these meme posts. No such thing as CP or snuff let alone "tesla experiments" and a closed shell network unless you're GOV and have permission to their database.
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>no such thing as cp or snuff
are you retarded? CP most certainly is real and there's at least 4 different ways to get it
1. the deep web has it but a lot of their sites have been seized and or moved to
2. Freenet. They have it. A LOT of it. Freenet is suppose to be like 10xs more secure
3. i2P, I don't know how it works at all
4. normal webz has it, you just have to know how to look. It's not complicated desu

>The tape is fake
The tape is out there. It's just REALLY well hidden and for the most part the gov is trying to hide anything like that when in reality that should logically be public domain
If Freenet is so secure, why don't people start selling drugs on there? Riddle me THAT
i dont use it or keep up with it, so I couldn't tell you.
why are you so defensive on this?
Because you claim that it's "10xs more secure". Just curious about YOUR claim.
this is when I was on it, that would be about 3 years ago. Checking it out. you're still very defensive about something that has no initial point
Maybe you shouldn't make such a shitty statement if you're speaking out of your ass and can't back your words like a little bitch.
Wow, you're really triggered anon. Can you show me how 2 adults can talk or is that too complicated for you and it seems like you need to go back to elementary school and be taught manners again?
>first day on the internet
>browsing baphomet on 8ch
You'd better remov this. Baphomet is an all observing God.
Freenet is designed as a censorship resistant way to publish files. You can't sell drugs there as you can't run a server on freenet you can only upload files. You couldn't build a site to sell drugs on but you can easily upload cp or other content.
This should be the new template for iceberg memes
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>Currently using FreeBSD
I kek'd
is that honeypot still a thing?
Thread posts: 95
Thread images: 19

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