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Firefox 52.0.1 just rolled out. And they decided not to fix

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Firefox 52.0.1 just rolled out. And they decided not to fix the Linux+ALSA bug they injected last week:

Clearly someone is sucking Lennart's cock. Meanwhile, I'm still using 51.0.1 and blocking updates, but in a month or two my addons will start to break.

Please recommend me a good replacement, /g/. If it can run firefox addons, that'd be better. But I'd be fine as long as it supports something similar to:
- Classic Theme Restorer (GTK2 theme support, squared tabs)
- cliget (get a wget command with headers and stuff instead of downloading from the browser, to be able to throttle speed and stuff)
- Flash Video Downloader (auto-detect flash video links to DDL them)
- Greasemonkey (userscripts)
- uMatrix (being able to turn on and off cookies, css, images, plugins, javascript, ajax requests, frames and media on the fly, per site, per source domain)
- Kitsune (japanese IME)
- Rikaichan (japanese to english dictionary)

Can I get something similar in, say, Vivaldi or Chromium? Pic related. Insert bloat joke here.
>do my research for me /g/
fuck off
No you most likely can't find replacements for all addons that you listed -- that's exactly why Mozilla's gimping of Firefox is such a tragedy.

You probably find something like cliget anf uMatrix for WebKit based browsers.

You could also just start using PulseAudio instead,
*can't find
Well, I mean, I did try Palemoon if it counts.

Addons detect it as Firefox 27 though, so, yeah.

>You could also just start using PulseAudio instead,
Not an option. Puppy user.

>You probably [can't] find something like cliget [and] uMatrix for WebKit based browsers.


Again, addons detect it as Firefox 27, so I'm better off using my 51.0.1 for now.
Waterfox maybe?
use waterfox you baka
Why is it impossible as a Puppy user? And if your distro doesn't ship with such recent and basically universal software, maybe a different one would serve your interests better?
The Firefox devs always come across as incredibly arrogant. There's no discussion to be had on any decision they make, because they discussed it within their own little circlejerk and decided that it was for the best, so deal with it.
Downloading it out right now. Thanks.

>Why is it impossible as a Puppy user?
Because it's a light livecd that runs from RAM.

Pulse hogs RAM like there's no tomorrow. Not to mention instability and PRISM-related issues.
i believe you can also use your firefox config for waterfox but i have never tried, do it yourself
Sounds cool.

It's downloading slowly though (at about 70k/s) so I'll test it out in about 10 minutes, when it's done.

From the description on the site, it looks fantastic
>Waterfox focuses on giving users choice while also helping make the world a better place. Watefox is partners with Ecosia, a search engine that plants trees with its generated revenues. The browser itself is focused on power users, which lets you make the important decisions. There is no plugin whitelist, you can run whichever extensions you like and absolutely no data or telemetry is sent back to Mozilla or the Waterfox project.
Don't give a shit about the search engine thing (I'll still use startpage), but other than that, it sounds fantastic. Hopefully it will be.
> PRISM-related issues
What do you mean by this? Is this another way of saying botnet?

Not google botnet like Chrome. NSA botnet as revealed by Snowden.
And PulseAudio was mentioned in some way? I didn't know that, do you have any sources on that maybe?
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It's old as fuck news, so I can't give you any sources without googling for a while. But yeah, it was mentioned. RedHat is very much involved, and Lennart is helming.

But long story short, pulse has a backdoor that lets them turn on your microphone without you noticing.
Ah huh, I guess I'll read up on that, not that I ever lead interesting conversations with myself (my microphone also has as physical mute button). Thanks!
Dammit. Looks like Waterfox is a no go either.

I downloaded waterfox-52.0.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2, and assumed the "x86" referred to i386/i686. Looks like it only supports 64 bits though, and Puppy is a 32 bit system. I'm getting the good old
>bash: ./waterfox: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

Fuck my life.
Seamonkey builds should be 32-bits by default
Has anyone got troubles with firefox 52 and no sound, despite running Ubuntu, which has pulseaudio installed by default?
Trying it out then. Thanks.

Low expectations though, because Debian Women bent the knee to Lennart when the whole systemd thing happened. But still, checking it out. Thanks.

I'm also downloading Vivaldi just to check it out.

The ubuntu forums were full of that a couple of days ago.
Wait. No. Sorry.

I confused seamonkey with icecat. The Debian reference makes no sense.

ALSA is a buggy piece of crap
52.0.1 comes with a security-bugfix.
do you consider sound on leenox to be as important as a security-bug?
>> Regrettably, I have almost a dozen machines all with ALSA-only audio
>> backends and all of them with Telemetry turned off.

>Telemetry informs our decisions. Turning it off is not without disadvantage.

Leenox-tinfoilhat-fags btfo
i mean security bug fixes wont let me hear my moaning lolis would it
Neither Seamonkey nor Icecat is related to Debian, you are confusing them with Iceweasel. Iceweael is dead btw, Debian switched back to using vanilla Firefox branding.
>do you consider sound on leenox to be as important as a security-bug?
I don't.

That's why I'm looking for an alternative. I don't want to keep on using 51.0.1, mainly because my addons will break eventually, but of course, also due to security bugs.
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>no umatrix on webkit
>run a black GTK2 theme
>and a 4chan theme I modified myself from Tomorrow to make even darker
>with the lights off
>test out Vivaldi while Seamonkey downloads
>Sucking Poettering's cock
You mean, nobody is fixing the alsa backend? While pulse just /werks/? Want to volunteer faggot?
>Classic Theme Restorer
Chromium doesn't need this because it already looks good
>cliget (get a wget command with headers and stuff)
This is built into the chromium dev tools
>Flash Video Downloader
Flash is dead. Use youtube-dl if you really need it.
Chromium natively supports userscripts.
Available (and originally developed) for chromium
>Kitsune (japanese IME)
Your OS should handle this
>Rikaichan (japanese to english dictionary)
You should not be trying to merge this functionality into your web browser. It has nothing to do with web browsing.
They even left in the ALSA support they just left it behind a build option. If a distro needs it they can built firefox with it but it may not work because no one wants to work on it
Just use ESR 45 till june you plebeian.
I can't trust chromium after the blackbox incident.
>Chromium doesn't need this because it already looks good
As long as it takes my GTK2 theme, and hopefully has square tabs, I don't care.

>Flash is dead. Use youtube-dl if you really need it.
Sometimes, you just want to watch Counting Cars. No simpler way than shitty streaming sites like *watchseries.*, detect the video source, and parse it to mpv.

>Your OS should handle this
Kitsune is comfier than anthy.

>You should not be trying to merge this functionality into your web browser. It has nothing to do with web browsing.
Actually, I know this was ported to chromium as Rikaikun.

I can just use 50.0.1 'til june. More up-to-date addons supported.

But I'd rather just migrate 'til/if they fix that shit.

>As long as it takes my GTK2 theme
It won't
>and hopefully has square tabs
The angles are sharp, but the taps are trapezoidal, not square.

>Sometimes, you just want to watch Counting Cars
You can do that
>No simpler way than shitty streaming sites like *watchseries.*, detect the video source, and parse it to mpv.
Or you could just do "mpv <url>" because mpv has youtube-dl integration and can extract video from any website youtube-dl supports.

>Actually, I know this was ported to chromium as Rikaikun.
That doesn't change the fact that it's outside the scope of a browser, and you should find a dedicated tool for it to save you from problems
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Just tried greasemonkey.

Same problem as Palemoon.
Basically debian discovered a binary blob in chromium being secretly downloaded that can listen to voice. It's been removed, but the trust is broken for me.

>Or you could just do "mpv <url>" because mpv has youtube-dl integration and can extract video from any website youtube-dl supports.
And shitty streaming sites like *watchseries.* are not supported by youtube-dl.

I do use it a lot though. For stuff like playlists whenever I want to output audio to my mono amp and blast it, because you can downmix to mono on the fly with mpv.
how did you miss the _64?
x64 is an extension of x86 hence the name x86_64.
>that can listen to voice
You people are retarded. It wasn't an executable doing unknown things on your system or listening to you. It was a binary collection of non-executable voice data that was parsed by the open source speech recognition engine to improve accuracy.

binary != executable
i didn't ask why it's called that
Good old PRISM.

You should read Assange's When Google Met Wikileaks. And then remember Schmidt is a big-time democrat donor.

I thought x86_64 meant it supported both *86 and 64. I thought that's why it weighed almost 100MB while Firefox/chromium/vivaldi/palemoon/greasemonkey are under 50.

It's a real shame, because it looks like it's the best option ITT, except it doesn't run on i386/i686.
Oh yes goy, it wasn't an executable, no reason to be suspicious.
one of the main selling points of waterfox is that it's 64bit, they were making 64bit windows builds before mozilla started to
>A proprietary blob being downloaded without your permission that responded to voice wasn't spying on you and it was merely just to improve accuracy and not collect data
Sure thing, officer.

>The issue first came to light in late May when a bug was filed in the Debian bug tracker. Chromium version 43 was seen downloading a binary extension from Google, and there was neither any ability to prevent this download, nor any source code available for the extension. The extension, called "Chrome Hotword," was found to be responsible for providing the browser's "OK, Google" functionality. Although off by default, both Chrome and Chromium, when set to use Google as their default search engine, can permanently listen to the microphone and respond instantly to voice queries, with "OK Google" used as the trigger keyword.

>Concern about the nature and purpose of the extension was compounded by the way the browser did and didn't disclose the extension's existence. The list of extensions visible at chrome://extensions/ doesn't include Hotword. Conversely, Hotword's own status page, chrome://voicesearch/ said that by default the extension was enabled and had access to the microphone.

>This looked like an egregious privacy violation; Google silently installing software that listens in to the microphone (and potentially reports back everything it hears to the mothership), and doing so not only in its partially closed source Chrome browser, but the free and open Chromium browser. The extension is supposed to detect the "OK Google" phrase locally, sending only search phrases to Google, but as no source code is available, there's no easy way to determine this. Other trigger phrases could be included that start transmission, and nobody outside Google would be any the wiser.
Right. But if their thing is, quoting >>59461577,
>giving users choice
an i686 build would get them closer to that goal.
is greasemonkey your only problem with palemoon? cehck ccd0's 4chanx github and go read some
>is greasemonkey your only problem with palemoon?

The addons recognize palemoon as FF27, so I can't install anything newer than a couple of years ago.

>no cliget
>no Flash Video Downloader
>no uMatrix
>no Kitsune
>no Rikaichan
Thanks, but... nope.
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i am talking about this one you baka poophead
I misquoted. See >>59462491
...They don't list them as incompatible either, so you won't know without trying ...
I guess you're right.
> The addons recognize palemoon as FF27, so I can't install anything newer than a couple of years ago.
You know that you can define version range in xpi itself, right? And, most times, it will just work oob, without editing anything else.
I've had firefox addons work on seamonkey without problems despite it saying it's not compatible.
How can anyone be THIS autistic?

why not run Flux, you can par your monitors blue light levels down and shit anon.

No need to turn your eyeballs into boiling balls of flash-detonated plasma.
Palemoon is probably your best hope OP.
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>update waterfox
>now non highlited tabs have this shitty white glow

Just why? Fuck off literally can't read this shit.
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Actually, it was.

I copied the contents of my ~/.mozilla/firefox/random.folder/ to ~/.moonchild productions/pale moon/random.folder

Everything appears to be working on palemoon. The about:addons page throws an "[Addon] is incompatible with Palemoon 27.1.2" warning on top of every addon, but they're working nonetheless. Greasemonkey is running fine. Rikaichan is running fine. Kitsune too. And uMatrix.

Haven't tested cliget and Flash Video Downloader, but everything points out to them working. Worst case scenario, I can roll back to the versions that worked on FF27.

The only one that didn't work was Classic Theme Restorer, but that's a given because Palemoon isn't running Australis, and thus it's running my GTK2 theme without the need for it.

Thanks for the help, /g/. If anyone else asks (and I bet many will in the following weeks), point them to this post.
This is what you get for using your bleeding-edge rolling-release stuff instead of just sitting back on ESR and not worrying about it.
theres also an alternative addon list thing in the palemoon website so use that as you will
Rikaichan not only doesn't work with e10s but it's going to unusable all together now? Great.
I mean, it will work. You just won't have any audio unless you bend the knee to pulse.
Works fine here and I'm on 52 on arch with an alsa only system. Just realised I'm using 54 bit FF though, which probablly explains why it's so generally fucking shit anyway.
I want to suck their puffy nipples
>let me see if someone has also noticed this and found a solution after I've googled around and found nothing
>not part of a /g/entooman's research
Please go sodomize yourself

captcha: please find some signs in these 9000 pictures of signs
>whats a browser that fulfills all of my criteria /g/
>pls spoonfeed
None of the critical issues patched since 51 are bad enough to warrant an update that breaks sound.
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I really hope qutebrower will support uMatrix soon
Arch, Fedora and Slackware compiled their own 52.0s.

(L)Ubuntu has an accepted, high importance bug report asking the same. Still unassigned though.
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>ctr autist
Waterfox is pretty nice. It's basically Firefox x64 with unsigned extensions, any plugin, and no telemetry crap.
Dev wants to keep XUL support too so it will be better than Firefox past 57.

Isn't that why there are so many forks though?

Mozilla: "We concluded that this is better."
User Base A: "Well that's fucking stupid, why would you force that on us, here is the fork that lets us keep doing that thing"
There was discussion, they even looked at the telemetry data from linux before deciding on this. The telemetry data showed that like ~4% of the people on linux use ALSA directly. It was low enough that the devs believed it was an unneeded burden on themselves. The option to use ALSA is still available but you have to compile firefox from source. They're deliberately leaving the option in rather than completely removing it because they want someone to take it over. Mozilla is sick of having to fix it themselves which they see as redundant because PA already works
why would addons start to break if you don´t update?
i don´t know of any that would require a new firefox version to work especially seeing how firefox is going to throw them out anyways
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>PA already works
This sounds pretty made up and I couldn't find anything about it
>implying any user who refuses to use Pulse would leave telemetry on
Officer pls.
Who the fuck is still using 32bit? Update man!
Chromium looks like a hot mess of shit. Can't customize it either. Fuck off shrill material is retarded
The paranoid fags screwed themselves then because that's how they determine whether something is worth maintaining.
>post-Snowden world
>"paranoid fags"
Am I being detained?
in case you do run into problems with greasemonkey then here's a fork with PM (and seamonkey) support
The NSA think they can fuck me, but I'm going to fuck them up hard. Just you wait, I'm going to win.
No CIA nigger, its not paranoia if they are really after you.
Thanks. I was getting some strange issues after copying the contents of the firefox profile to the palemoon profile (ie preferences not opening), so I'm installing them by hand right now. I'll use that greasemonkey.
I'm still on FF 49. Why should I update?
What fucking reason is there to update?
>my current browser is full of security holes. Why should I update?
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>he downloads viruses willy nilly and blames it on the browser.
How normie are you?
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A quick browse and came up with nothing to really give a shit about.
A quick browse would've landed you here:

Just 50 has a bunch of important ones:
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Oh, missed the SVG code execution.
But for the most part it's mainly 'bug' fixes preventing shitty developers.
Is there a version of this pic without the clothes?
i cant believe im so much faggotry in one post

>weeb shit
>themeing literally anything
>using flash

just neck yourself now before you die of a perforated colon in some alleys somewhere
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I don't think so. This is the original:

By the way, I've been using Palemoon for a few hours, and it's running great. Much lighter than Firefox, actually. All of my greasemonkey

Flash Video Downloader and cliget didn't work. Though it looks like a cliget fix for palemoon is being worked on. However, Flashgot is doing everything Flash Video Downloader and cliget did. Except flags and shit, but hey.

I also discovered Advanced Night Mode, which is simply amazing. I had custom dark themes for google, youtube, wikipedia and 4chan, but now I only kept the 4chan one, because I made it and I'm fond of it.

Maybe it was for the best that Firefox did this shit. The migration was painful, but it looks like going Palemoon was for the best.
>All of my greasemonkey
*All of my greasemonkey scripts are running great.
Choose the one you need, roll with it
>You could also just start using PulseAudio instead

See >>59470188
no u
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>Firefox 52 is an ESR version
>no sound
>there is something wrong with 32-bit platforms
It's a feature
Wait, Rikiachan is fucked now? Waterfox crashed for me and then forced an update to 52.0.1. I was hoping to install it soon.

I wonder if Firefox will even allow add-ons 5 years from now.
>Firefox 52.0.1 just rolled out. And they decided not to fix the Linux+ALSA bug they injected last week:
They fixed it by using pulseaudio and leaving the autism era behind
Firefox will be dead in less then 5 years from now. Only forks will linger.
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