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Holy shit how cucked can you be? I was going to try and live

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Thread replies: 125
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Holy shit how cucked can you be? I was going to try and live with it but Mozilla is beyond help at this point.
English should be a universal language which everyone is forced to learn. This would help that problem
>wishing ESL on people
At least pick Esperanto as the world language. It may be eurocentric, but it's a better candidate than English.
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Unpoz your home page by emptying browser.aboutHomeSnippets.updateUrl
You'rewriting this on english and you probably aren't from english speakung country.
Everyone should be shamed for not knowing english.
Niggers from my class can't english and I'm 18.
Not because they are stupid, it's because they're lazy niggers.
Nah, sticking your head in the sand doesnt make the problem go away. I've been putting it off for a long time but I think I will actually go into browser threads with an open mind rather than just shitposting from now on.
Well, there aren't any good options for Firefox. Chromium etc are just as pozzed and the obscure ones suck ass technically
Gave up on Firefox in 07 one update and it was never the same.
Crashes and crashes
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If people don't speak English, make a website in their native language and let them visit that one. It might get fewer visitors, but websites got fewer visitors ten years ago and everything was fine then. The only reason to cuck yourself into making an English website when you're not a native English-speaker is to reap that sweet advertising revenue from English-speakers.

Therefore, the real enemy here is the fact that people see the Internet as something that can be profited from. It's the corporatisation of the Internet that is the enemy here.
lol you said niggers twice
Yup. Also how about the fact that English speakers created the internet and that English is the Lingua Franca?

Maybe not the most spoken but the most spoken language geographically speaking.
25 percent of the world already speak English, how many speak Esperanto?
>52% of all websites are in English
>25% understands English
Clearly the solution is for the other 27% to learn English
Why don't people just learn English? It's not that hard.
user_pref("browser.aboutHomeSnippets.updateUrl", "");

De nada, amigo.
Firefox being slow garbage doesn't help either.

Jesus fucking christ, fresh install and it's slow as molasses.
Whereas palemoon is fast and spritely. But no addons

Fuck mozilla, jesus christ
As an ESL plebeyian I see nothing wrong with this. Think of the lowest, trashier content you've seen on the internet, almost sure it was made by someone who can barely speak his own language. That language-educational barrier is what makes english content generally be of higher quality and in turns produces more english content, filtering out non english native retards that is most of the world while keeping the highly educated ones.
>popular is good
When it's about a world language it is pretty good if people actually speak it
In this case yes
25% is not the world. It's not even close. Since it's not even close, popularity doesn't factor into it.
In fact, since it's NOT anyone's native tongue, Esperanto would make a better choice. Everyone would have to learn it as a second language, whereas with English, there are a huge amount of people who speak it as a first language. English as the world language gives an unfair advantage to those people, and while Esperanto does favour Indo-European speakers more than others, that is less of an advantage and given to more people (i.e. more than just English natives)
>It's not even close
It's a fourth, of the world that's pretty much. I'm pretty sure that number is growing more and more too.
>people already know English and that isn't fair
That is a good thing, more people knowing a language means more people to educate others in it. Why the hell should it be fair?
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>Why the hell should it be fair?
Let's say that it doesn't need to be fair, because >75% of the world aren't as important as the <25% of the world that are native English speakers, which just happens to include us.
Language is a huge part of a culture. A nation's culture is heavily influenced by its language, and vice versa.
If English were to be the world language, that's a part of our culture being taken and spread to the rest of the world. When everyone has it, it's a part of everyone's culture. Every culture will be impacted by English. When it's a part of everyone's culture, it's on the same level as life, sexuality, pain and pleasure. Every culture deals with these things, but they're not a part of any one culture. In effect, if English is a part of everyone's culture, it's not a part of culture anymore.
On the other hand, we have Esperanto as a candidate. It has no nation, no identity, and no culture. Were it to be adopted as the international language, no culture will lose its language, and it will be treated across the board as a tool for international communication, and culture will be left intact.
If you're in favour of multiculturalism and globalization, then English is the better choice. If you value your culture and national identity and believe everyone is entitled to theirs, then Esperanto is the clear winner.
Why pick a meme language? They stopped hosting international Esperanto meetups once they realised that they couldnt use it to communicate
>meme language
If it were a meme language, people would be able to communicate in it easier.
saw this and was posting to post the same thing. at this point i'm going to switch to a unfucked chromium build.
Where is that? I have new tab set to blank page.
I'm not especially in favor of multiculturalism and such, but who say that we should trade our own languages for English? We can easily use both, as I do now, our native language for speaking with your countrymen and English for international things.
I've been on an international Latin meetup and I've been able to communicate. And it's even deader than Esperanto.

>mfw try to invite a girl for a coffee but latin doesn't have a word for coffee so I had to make up my own term
>luckily she figured out what I meant by "potia arabica"
You're not trading your language, English speaking cultures are losing an aspect of theirs. That's harmful to us, and I don't know where you're from, but it's almost certainly been impacted by English, subtly or not.
I'm from Sweden, and yes we have been hugely impacted from English speaking countries, especially USA. Countries that have some sort of connection will always have impact on each others though and that you can't stop with Esperanto either.
Some impact is okay, and even should be encouraged. Living in complete isolation does no good for anyone.
That being said, should a culturally neutral language be used (perhaps not Esperanto if there were a more neutral one such as Ithkuil) then no culture is being appropriated via the use of its language as a universal one.
that happens already, you idiot
common sense is enough for me to navigate japanese websites and gayems

I enjoy knowing this upsets you.

>Facts trigger me

What's wrong with you? What they said is a fact, how is it that some facts can't be discussed? Aren't you the SJW for censoring them and spouting buzzwords? You should think before you post, retard.
There's a special place in hell for Japanese web devs. I thought corporate websites were bad.
When did I censor them?

The retards are people like you that use words they don't understand.
Today I realized they removed support for gstreamer, I'm fucking done with SJWzilla and that cuckold browser.
I bet >90% of people who use the internet know english anyways
>Mozilla is beyond help at this point.
That's right.
>culture appropriation
come on now
>furry shit
>English, there are a huge amount of people who speak it as a first language
That's literally what makes it the best option.
Yeah, don't keep reading or anything.
I did. I read the whole chain. You have no real argument.
"not and argument" is not an argument
Your arguments were
>english speakers would have an advantage
>culture appropriation
Neither of these actually matter. A global language should be whatever is most widespread.
I'll stop using firefox after ESR 52. Anything else is either shittier or botnet.
What does that word that you made up mean exactly?

You are trying to shame people with opinions you don't like by calling them names in hopes of making them stop, that's how. If you weren't a faggot you'd be a woman.
Mozilla is actually not SJW, if that is what you are implying.

Their mission is (and always has been) to make the web healthy, open, and accessible to all. Whether you like it or not, that includes niggers, spics, and the other subhuman ape/monkeys.

If you can't live with that, than go download Vivaldo and then kill yourself.
>I don't agree that those points you make are important
is not the same as
>you don't make any points
Have up on Firefox. Not even because of the SJW shit, but because they literally make a browser that's shittier than edge.
They are SJW, just not in OPs example. Remember that exdev who complained about how toxic Mozilla's workplace is?

Stay dead lelnin your ideas failed.
The most interesting content in the net is by and large in english.
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What? I swear /g/ is clinically retarded
Does anything *not* butthurt you, /g/?

Are you actually serious?
Do you even think people would use your shitty language just because its imposed onto them?
Get real, no one buys your SJW crap of culture appropriation anymore, not even the normies.

This is coming from a mixed race latino that knows español, english and 日本語 and is english a blessing nigga.
It's not /g/ but /pol/eddit spill.
not even a native english speaker but i agree everyone should just learn it.
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have no fear my friends, Brave is about to release its final version maybe this week.

the era of Furryfox co-opted by libtards is over. Google's jewsense tracker 2.0 alphabet net is also being put on notice.
Esperanto? That shit died in the 70s friend, try to keep up. Even Russia and China accept English as a technical lingua Franca. If two other super powers do, then what's the rest of the world's excuse? It's the most widely spoke language in tech and business by far.

t. Native Cantonese speaker, grow the fuck up if you think the world should speak snowflake because muh imperialism. We use what's in place because we want to make things happen not bow to social justice hysterics.

Get a grip.
Check your privileges you English scum.
Even palememe is faster and more stable than SJWFox these days. FUCKINGLOL

Can't wait for them to bottom out and die.
Esperanto will NEVER be an international language. It just won't. It has never had a chance. It doesn't even make any sense. All of the western world already speaks English, yet to get the other 75% you propose a constructed romance language as if that's some kind of neutral ground? Do you think the Chinese agree with that? The Indians? Are you also fucking retarded? Give up this ridiculous pipe dream already.

The URLs are always in english.

Anglo'd again
>translate everything on the internet into 100 different mud people languages


>Mud people all learn the most important language on earth


Not all that surprising that simple trivia facts trigger the same people who love fake news.
Those points aren't relevant.
>against globalisation
I wish it was an actually beautiful language like Latin or Attic Greek.
>culture appropriation
>not SJW

English works and its what we use, keep your culture but internet is monoculture.
>if you're against globalisation that means you believe cultural appropriation exists and is bad, therefor you're an SJW
>if you think cultural appropriation only exists in propaganda or not an issue that means you don't think globalisation is a problem, therefor you're an SJW
Perhaps we could simplify this:
>you're an SJW
Who's going to pay for it, you?

Protip: Most American high school grads can't English either.

Popularity does still play a role. That 75% maybe can't speak English, but likely have at least some idea of what it is, maybe they happen to know a few specific words of it.

Not them, but it basically translates to "arabian drink".

Uh, criticizing or insulting people isn't censorship. And if it was, then this
>If you weren't a faggot you'd be a woman.
would make you guilty of censorship.

Please leave this thread and do not return until you have developed a sense of self-awareness.
You are.
>Getting triggered by a web browser
Well, looks like the right has come full circle and become as whiny and insensitive as the left.
Install Palemoon
Have you ever been out of America?
very cucked.
mozilla also defaults the search engine to yahoo, a company that put a woman in charge just because of her gender and muh feminism, and then allowed her to go on a rampage and illegally fire men just because they were males.
Fuck mozilla AND fuck yahoo. (fuck yahoo twice as much)

No fuck them, they can make their own websites. IF they all know english, the outsourcing will become an even bigger problem.
Its already a pain in the ass dealing tech support as is
>inb4 hurr why u need support
try activating your own modem faggots, youre not authorized.

fuck off kike.
>can't in to modems
>blames tech (pajeet) support
It has to be allowed on their end you fucking gook.

You cant authorize your own modem to be allowed on their network, they have to do it.
>lifelong Firefox user
>hate what Mozilla and Firefox have become
>there' no better alternative
Fuck. I can only hope people do great things with the Opera source code leak.
>what is palemoon
>inb4 memes
They won't. Nothing will ever get better with browsers. They all have become shit and it's just a matter of choosing which ever is the least shit from now on.
Do you really give a fuck? I don't give a shit if the developers of Firefox are sjw's, i just want a secure and fast browser. You people are a bunch of children.
>muh shitskins

>muh chinks
If this is who's running Firefox as of late...
Good thing I use the best browser of all, Chromium.
Because changing the page that shows on startup is so hard.
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Dropped for what though?
underrated post
why don't you use waterfox? It isn't old as fuck like palememe, it's based on latest firefox and i personally feel it's faster
What exactly has Firefox become?
>still can't in to modems
>sperges out
>Who's going to pay for it, you?
For what?
Learning English costs nothing. Nada, nil.
Libraries, movies, books, songs, websites, EVERYTHING is available for FREE. The learning material is virtually endless and costs nothing.
PM is outdated and still uses the gecko engine.
>At least pick Esperanto as the world language
No; fuck you, you fucking faggot. English has become the world language because people from non english speaking countries felt the need to communicate better with english speakers. Nobody feels the need to communicate with Esperanto speakers better, thus nobody will learn your shitty gimped language. Everyone didn't start learning english because they felt the need to have a world language, but because they needed to speak to english speakers.
You guys are talking like there will be a choice in any of this

Nobody is going to get together and "decide" English is the language of the world, it's just going to be the case more and more as time goes on and globalization continues
>he fell for the 'old' meme
>recommending a literal copy-pasted, unchanged firecuck instead
PM is even more up-to-date than firefox, fixing CVEs months before firefox even acknowledges them, and supporting the HTML5 and CSS3 standards significantly better.
Firefox also still uses gecko.
Only retards think it's a good idea to drop the firefox plugin ecosystem for the crippled garbage that is chrome's.
If one doesn't want chrome/ium and its derivatives and mozilla's now gone to shit what options are there?
I kinda disagree with you. When English becomes a part of someone else's culture it takes on a life of it's own. It gets stretched and mangled until it becomes something new. Look at Hawaiian Pidgin English, Jamaican Patois, and to a lesser extent Filipino English. Even something like cockney slang would fly right over the head of your average American. But somehow despite all these bizarre mutations that might make it difficult to understand each other when speaking there's a good possibility we could decipher such things when they are written, maybe with a bit of googling to give context.
There is nothing else desu.
Even Edge is a derivative.
Safari, Vivaldi, Opera and all the rest, they are all built on Blink/Webkit.
>unfair advantage :(((((
kill yourself

t. non-native speaker
I am all for Esperanto, but there is zero material for it. No movies, no series, no websites, no books, no nothing.

English has ALL this free for all.
And it's easy to learn.

So even though I would support Esperanto, I can't endorse it. It's practically dead.
>supporting esperangay instead of lojban

But seriously I would love to see an engineered language become the new de-facto language. The best real-world languages are german, japanese, and ironically, hindi. Everything else is extremely lackluster. Even these languages are extremely lackluster though. Thus, an engineered language would be a significant boon to the entire world.
.u'i ko catra ko
really made me think...
>But seriously I would love to see an engineered language become the new de-facto language.
I somewhat disagree. Natural languages have essentially been refined over thousands of years by trial and error by the people using them every day. They fit like a well-worn glove and on the whole anything that feels clunky has mostly been worked out of them over time already.
Making every website support every available language is a waste of man hours.

The clear and most effective solution is to make everyone learn English by force.
This is actually a pretty good point.
Esperanto is a shitty language. It's also far from universal, it's quite unfriendly to non-Europeans.

English is my second language, mind you - but at least it's usable for humans.
>i cant program or use my brain, wat do?
>yay i know! i'll call em racist for not having translations and i'll translate into my own shitty language for pay!
ideally 100% of internet should be in english. or Latin. At least something consistent
Language is the best way to separate the untouchables though.
>or Latin
Hic homo scit.

English is sorta decent

The orthography however is absolutely sordid, and anyone who halts the improvement of it must be summarily executed
Why not Lojban then? It's way better than Esperanto anyway.
>at least
>not ithkuil or aUI
so uneffective. also aUI uses the character space more efficiently.
The internet was invented in England, the rest of the world can get fucked
>there are people who unironically believe this
It was invented in france with the minitel.
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