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I'm want to ask a serious question here. I'm genuinely

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I'm want to ask a serious question here. I'm genuinely curious, I'm not here to shit-talk Apple, I just think that there's something that I'm missing possibly. Maybe you can help me understand.

I can't understand why people buy macs. I really can't.

Is it because it's an Apple product? Is it because of how it looks? Is it because of the specs? Is it because it has Mac OS?

If it's a matter of specs, you can buy a PC with the same specs or better for less than the cost of an air-book.

If it was a matter of wanting to use the Mac OS, why not just partition and use the Mac OS off your PC? Hell, you can partition and have Windows, Mac OS, multiple Linux distros.
Looks is probably a big part of it, and overall that it's a fashionable brand that people want to be associated with.
The OS is probably a reason for many, one guy I know of said he "couldn't" use anything else after getting used to it.
This. It's fashionable hardware.
Because there aren't Windows (worst OS ever no matter the version) and they're easy enough to use so they don't have to deal with linux. It works mostly well, the OS looks good, the computers look good, and most importantly is not windows. What's so hard about it?

If anything the question is why people use windows other than "muh games"
Nice hardware, OSX, their job gave them one.
What does that mean?
>Is it because it has Mac OS?
ding ding ding
>why not just partition and use the Mac OS off your PC?
because I don't want to deal with a shitty broken hackintosh experience that breaks every update and is going to become null once they release their APFS filing system in 10.13
Because they're trendy, have really nice screens and are so simple to use that an ape could use them.
That, and clueless buyers think that if something is thin and expensive it's the "best"
This word does not refer to a non-Apple computer, because every computer Apple has ever made is a PC. Cut this "Mac vs PC" crap out. Just because Apple uses it in a fucking commercial doesn't mean it's grammatically correct, because what you're asking is "PC made by Apple vs PC."

As for why people buy Macs at all, the answer is ease of use, plain and simple.
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I own a Mac


1. I'm a Neuroengineer and all my fellow scientists/engineers use Mac's
1.1 The above means all sorts of things are built for Mac's.

2. The battery life is great

3. Built in terminal

4. Unix based OS

5. "Just works"

Glad I could help
>you will never go inna mountains
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Why even live :^)

On topic though. I used to really hate macs when I was an edge 18-22 year old. Then I started serious research and got my first mac, fell in love almost immediately. It was a flawless experience where I wasted 0 time setting up nonsense no driver stuff. I could homebrew any of the neuroscience//mathematical stuff I needed, the toolchain was very easy to control, etc, etc. Just a wonderful OS.

The trackpad is one of a kind and wonderful as well.
>7 years ago
>Snow Leopard
>good trackpad
>backlit keyboard

Bought a Macbook Pro and it was one of the best computers I've owned. It spent equal time in osx and Linux. solid machine.

I used the Unix features and osx wasn't totally locked down. It was a shining beacon in a land of dogshit laptops.

>Apple pushed computer companies to up their laptop game
>Apple now shit
>Its pretty and simple for people who don't want to learn Linux but understand computers enough to know windows is shit
>or their friends bought one and ** conspicuous consumption **
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A new mac is like a weeks salary for me now. I don't mind paying a very minor premium for a flawless experience. Though I'm very reluctant to upgrade by MBP given that silly new function touch-pad. I use my FN keys a lot with CLion and would be annoyed if they didnt work properly anymore.

Apple is still good. Competitors are just now actually competing instead of released 15 fanned LED lights all over the god damn place monstrosity laptops.

It's a good thing. Not willing to change OS's my self but I'm glad theres competition to force Apple to push limits.

I really want a 32Gb MBP. Having to off-load rather trivial simulation to my clusters is annoying at times
1. Fashionable. Lots "hip", college-going, creative artists, young people use Macs. People buy Apple to be a part of one of these subcultures. People also buy it to look like they have good taste in quality and aesthetics.

2. Good, reliable build quality. Better than plastic-y consumer-tier laptops that fall apart in 2 years. Only business-class laptops like Thinkpad used to have similar build quality and reliability. This is no longer the case. Flagship laptops from almost all companies today have great build quality.

3. Apple store. You can walk into a store for support, also you can try before you buy.

4. Some people think Mac OS is better. Having used Mac OS, Windows and Ubuntu for many years each, I would place Mac OS last but some people like it so that's why they buy it.
>3. Apple store. You can walk into a store for support
My understanding is that you usually have to pay. Being forced to go to an Apple store for service is a negative if you don't live near one.

In any case, I would under no circumstances buy the latest MBP. I use USB and HDMI daily and the lack of ports ruins it for me. Also Fn keys are essential for efficient programming inside an IDE and I prefer physical ones. Not to mention the chode of a Trackpad that they've put in.
Why did they got rid of HDMI ports?
>implying mac os is ANY good when compared to free, unrestricted systems
>implying "build quality" matters in a piece of hardware that's usually sitting on a desk or inside a comfy bag
>implying it "works" (it does but the way apple wants it to work, not you)
>implying it being "fashionable" is in any way good or worthy of praise
>implying brainwashed retail workers at apple stores are in any way worthy of being praised

Can't believe /g/ is falling for all these pathetic marketing tricks. I thought higher of you people.
Praise is usually based around fashion, to be fair. We're basically talking about memes at this point.

I'm still not seeing any legitimate arguments for the hardware. Only real support for the OS.
Because there are none. They're literally taking off the shelf components and selling them at 150-200% the normal price. You just can't defend that.
on Desktops/Server/Top-set boxes, Mac Hardware is objectively inferior to PC.

Macbook are the only worthwhile MAC product. You don't see anybody here retarded enough to shill IMacs or Mac Pro.
you seem to have a problem with understanding courage
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>Is it because it's an Apple product?
Literally the only reason.
there were Apple fans before Linux ever became a viable option. Macintosh OS was always better than Windows. Sure, the hardware isn't as strong but an Apple computer running MacOS would outperform an IBM clone of equal specs running Windows. That being said, most computer users will never come close to pushing the limits of their computers

the downside was always software library/gaymes
>t. mactoddler
logically, you're absolutely correct in that it doesn't make much sense.
The hardware is overpriced, but some people prefer to develop on macos since it is a unix like environment.

That's a very small part of the market though. The majority of the sales come from regular consumers that don't know anything about technology. They just decide to go with apple because it looks flashy and the os is easy to use.
Literally because they're sheep.

MacOS is pretty much the only reason, it shits on Windows for anything that isn't gaymen and you can just dual boot Windows on a Mac if you're that much of a manchild
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>Macintosh OS was always better than Windows
sure, that's why only 3.7% use 10.11 and 5.4% use the other versions
but hey, who am i to argue that less than 10% actually know which os is best os
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>t. mactoddler manchild
>Why do people buy expensive cars when they can build their own for a fraction of the price, get better performance and as many seats as they need?

Because most consumers don't give a shit, they want to just buy a nice thing that looks good, works well, and use it for whatever they use it for.
>most consumers don't give a shit, they want to just buy a nice thing that looks good, works well

And that's why only 3% of them end up buying macshit.
I'm not an expert or anything but if I share the thoughts of mac choosers around me:

>Less viruses, feels more secure than windows

>It's pricey, so people who don't understand about technology think that it's more advanced

>Some disciplines have specific programs which only works in Mac (i.e: Finalcut for video editing)

>Feels more simple and all in one in package, you just buy a mac and it's over, unlike windows (professional version, home edition version, office 360)
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>you just buy a mac and it's ove
Different people, different reasons.

Some reasons are a bit silly/superficial, others are legit.
Wanting to use macOS is a legit reason, for example.
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>wanting to suck dicks is a legit reason
You might not like macOS and that's fine.
But macOS doesn't really have a "cheaper alternative". You can say that for Mac hardware to a great extent, but not for the OS.
Every OS is unique and has unique pros and cons.
I've actually used hackintosh dual booting with Windows for a year and a half before buying a Mac. I wanted the high DPI screen and the portability, but most of all the OS. It's far from perfect, but it certainly is better than Windows. Used to be a mac hater too.
>t. mactoddler
because Apple Computers is dedicated to protecting my privacy, putting out quality computers, and being an ethical manufacturer.
Micro$oft is an anticompetetive monopoly which snuffs out any competition and puts out shit programmed by h1b visa holders getting paid 30k a year
there has not been a single day in the past year (that is 2016, not the few 2017 days we had) in which there wasn't some problem with the mac I had to use at work (2015 mac mini). From multiple problems in the login screen, crashes, bugs to general design problems, inconsistencies or resetted system settings, every single day was riddled with problems. It's not a well functioning or well programmed OS at all. I'm not the only one with problems either, and because of my expertise I am sure most problems are a result of insufferably shitty code. The windows 7 machines at work just do that - work. The mac slows me down and is frustrating to deal with. Even linux wouldn't need this much pampering and tinkering.
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I was a mac hater for a long time.
Now I'm buying pic related (but the mid 2010 version with 8 GB of RAM) and I'm not gonna look back.

Windows 10 gave me 2 BSODs with error codes that turned up fuck all in google, also having the taskbar at the top and making it automatically disappear to have all the screen space is somehow devil's venom to Windows 10, because it gave me either a white or black screen when opening a fucking web browser. 6 times, and every time it resetted the position of the tasbar. Also, Edge's sandboxing is a RAM-eater: with ~16 tabs, even if the websites are relatively light, consuming up 2.5 GB of my 8 GB of RAM, it's absolutely bloated. Same with Firefox though.

Windows 10s flat tile Windows 7+8 mish-mash design is unbearably atrocious.
>2 settings menus
>Shitty M$ "apps" (seriously, it's an exe file)
>RAM management on par with political stability in the middle east
>using obsolete NT Kernel
>error detection on Windows is still existing-tier

I'm done with it and furious about what Ballmer and Pajeet have done to Microsoft.

Both Apple and Microsoft are cult classic computing pioneers, but Apple has a fancy corporate slime and M$ a greedy, smelly pajeet.

About what I like about macOS that convinced me to change:

>Decent to God-tier first party software included
>spotlight search, nuff said
>finder has tabbing system (but just piling your files up in there is not clever, I must admit)
>deleting apps (they're really apps, not renamed exe files) is practically just closing the instance and pulling the icon into the trash
>looks: Mac OS X/OS X/macOS has always been prettier than Windows (XP was an abomination design wise) and it has just optimised itself with the time. Some design changes were taken, but they were necessary
>free updates to a genuinely better version (not "goy, let me install that for you. You want to be on the bleeding edge of software, right? Good goy!")
>much less OS (no UEFI)

Had to kek for a second there, I meant OS sabotage
>looks good
>deeply integrated ecosystem (streaming from one device to another, seamless browser hand-off, built-in easy file transfer where you never have to set up an FTP server)
>easy to use
>hardware that actually takes whether the user will enjoy using it physically into account instead of being a spec-based circlejerk
etc. I don't use Apple products aside from my iPhone, but that's the impression I've gotten from people who are in that ecosystem.
>Is it because it has Mac OS?
ding ding ding we have a winner
although it's not purely just for the OS itself, it's for the software/hardware combo that actually works.

and no, nobody is ever buying a mac for the price to performance. Get that out of your head poorfag.
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>>looks: Mac OS X/OS X/macOS has always been prettier than Windows
you've obviously never seen older versions of mac os
I like the build quality and find the OS more enjoyable for use on a laptop than Windows. Apple also focused on things like display quality and battery life, which forced other manufacturers to adapt. When I replace my current Mac I'll definitely look at another Windows laptop despite W10 being shit.
i believe the word you're looking for is ergonomics.
pinstripe macOS is the prettiest Mac OS though
>be noobtard
>hear aplel is big company making quality hip product
>checkout computer at applestore
>nod at store dud spewing marketing buzzwords you don't understand
>woa these are expensive they must be way better than these windows 10 pcs
> ez ui
>buy mcbook, congratulations all around
> tell people about build quality when they ask about your computer
And that's how tech illiterate people buy shit products
The PC versus Mac debate shows the ignorance of Mac users that their computer is somehow more than a normal computer.
>Think different
I think of the word sheep
Specs are only secondary for professional users and have to be "good enough". Most couldn't give any less fucks about dumb shit like performance per dollar and the likes. The overall experience counts, not couple hundred bucks more or less. The time it takes to find the parts for your build and piece it all together could be used to make enough money to buy a second Mac.

If you talk laptops, there isn't even a competition.

macOS is a huge reason too.

>why not just partition and use the Mac OS off your PC?
That's not viable in professional environment and takes too much effort AND still has the chance to have bugs.
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