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/csg/ - Chink Shit General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 51

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100% Best Genuine Certified Freedom Edition

In /csg/ we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel
#/csg/ on irc.rizon.net

>Discord link

>Telegram group

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki:

>Check Price History

>Chink Shit Infographic v1.4

• Anon posts pic of all his chink headphones >>58328843, says Hybrid Pros are the best >>58328972
• Anon shows off his silk poster and charcoal toothbrush >>58329335
• Anon has a bad experience >>58329789, >>58329941
• Anon modifies his Hybrid Pros >>58330141, >>58330639
• Anon tries out Remax 610D headphones, "overall, pretty impressive IEM" >>58331586
• Anon links to some gameboy stuff >>58332480
• ** Infographic anon posts a preview of the next infographic >>58332552
• Anon recommends some chink gadgets >>58332830
• Anon thinks his rock zircons are about to fail >>58333065
• Anon recommends some slutty chink clothing >>58333228
• Anon receives his somake usb sound card >>58335433, >>58335447
• Anon receives a physical bitcoin >>58335808
• Another anon receives a somake usb sound card, it's shit >>58335837, >>58335850
• KZ LP3 headphones are back to $8 >>58336485
• Anon receives his Xiaomi HD Pros >>58336688

Previous thread: >>58327389
Quick- whats the newest meme items I should buy?
chink head phone vs actial audio system

my fohenz soundbar is cheap as shit.
i want improve sound
Got a beard trimmer from GB, will post review once i get home
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Please no more Eiaosi X6 fighting

please just accept it as good for $2.50 and a solid choice for an under $5 option

buy it if you want the best you can get for the least money (ie dirt cheap). its good for travel or a disposable pair

please dont recommend it to people looking for excellent audio quality and are willing to spend more money
Except they've already been debunked by several anons who know their shit and own almost every IEM out there.
Oh yeah bois

I finally made an aliexpress order
I ordered a CMOS battery for Thinkpad T30 (got it for 10€) and ac adapter as well and floppy disk drive for my Toshiba T3100 project 8€

all in all it costed 23€
Vivo XE-800s
ISK HD-9999

See: >>58333228
OP here. Mods please delete this thread because for some reason I can't...
Why? We already have an active /csg/ thread, just let this one die
this one has more content
I want to buy a FPGA for electronic prototyping. Can you recommend me some?
You mean one liar who keeps spamming /csg/ with his disapproval for buying a faulty pair instead of disputing it?

t. Happy Eiaosi x6 owner
What chink mp3/flac/ogg/opus player can I get with a long battery life, large amounts of storage, and physical buttons in a non-retarded layout?

At the moment I have a sony something; while the battery life is great (especially compared to the sansa clip), the library gets very choppy/laggy when displaying kanji. And while displaying album art is a bonus, I don't really care.
Wouldn't that be the ruizu x2 with a 128GB micro SD(shark)?
Any thinkpad related stuff?
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For the Anon that recommended me to Banggood thanks, Gearbest really does suck at having >$50 in stock. Will review when i receive the keyboard.
A seller on Ali promised me a $5 discount, how am i supposed to get it? They just said: "you need to add them in your cart,purchase them in your cart,just stop at the last step of paying."
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In a dorm sharing WiFi with a few friends and as you can expect it's pretty shit.
I've attached a power line to that modem/router and my speeds have increased ten fold, but if i want to switch between my desktop and PlayStation I have to unplug the damn thing each time.
I'm thinking of copping a youth router and attaching that to the power line then having both devices connected to that as well as having my own WiFi hotpot from it, is this viable?
Just buy it and don't pay for it. Once you do that, message the seller and tell them to change the price for you
Why not just split the Ethernet into 2?


Much cheaper.
get an ethernet switch and not what >>58342310 put

you would only be able to use one thing at a time
I'd like to have wireless as well though
OK, then get that
How expensive is it? You can get a TP-Link router for £15 and a TP-Link switch for about £5 on Amazon UK

It's about $25 for the router and $7 for the switch on the US amazon site
Just curious, why not the splitter I linked?

Why not one of these little things then?

it's the way ethernet works
Fair enough.
fuck it, i'll buy that Tp-link router and if it doesnt function how i want it to i'll just return it.
oh ok, thanks
Just exit at the payment page. That's how I got my 2c cable
News from the other thread

• Anon talks about repair kits >>58338731
• Anon joins the Xiaomi fan club >>58339518
• Gearbest points are about to expire >>58339792
• Anon receives a baseball cap, but it comes with mold on the rim >>58339767
• Anon receives a Finnish kuksa mug, satisfied with it >>58339927, >>58340245
• Anon receives a Curren 8106 watch >>58340226
• Anon receives a magnetic phone charger adapter >>58340940

Previous thread: >>58337007
Xiaomi is shit
some chink shit i brought that I haven't seen here before

Stainless-steel nail clipper
At £0.84 I'd highly recommend. High-street costs far more and you get the exact same product.

Ultra cheapo F-91W
I got chinked out of £1.50 here. Piece of shit lost 5 minutes at the end of each day. The stopwatch was too slow (used it in an exam next to other casio watch). Don't play yourself on ultracheap
Got my Monks today, I didn't think they'd live up to the meme, but man, these are some good shits. I've been wearing in-ears for so long though that my ears don't want to accept them. I'll just have to jam them in, bend my ears to my will.
Got my Eiaosi X6.
They sound so much better than my Monks and are much more comfortable in my ears with memory foam eartips.

Thanks /csg/, really loving these!
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>Sounds better than monks
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>haven't seen here before
You must be new here then, a lot of anons have bought chink casios and they've been invariably shit. Could have saved yourself the £1.50 if you asked here before buying one.
this was 7months ago
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What are /csg/ approved chinkphones that have Cyanogenmod compatibility? Preferably have USB Type-C.
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Alright, Comfy here, thanks for all the support for my new review, really appreciate it! To anybody who missed it it's a review of Dzat DF-10, chink IEMs made out of wood:

I'm deciding what to review next so I thought I'd pose it to /csg/ in a poll, I'll work on the top result immediately tomorrow morning

Cheers m8s, hope the postie comes knocking
Hi Comfy! How is life? Also please be my friend ;_;
Xiaomi Mi5 has both
You should get better lighting
Anyone have a link for the custom print silk poster?

And what is the purpose of the psychical bitcoin, or is it just a souveneir
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Already did, coming next review.
>And what is the purpose of the psychical bitcoin
try paying with it somewhere, maybe they'll accept it.
Any dirt cheap amp for mic?
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It's a souvenir, there's Brexit ones, Trump victory ones, Navy Seals, lots of designs.
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Ni hao lads. What are some good earphones with solid bass? Looking at QKZ DM7 right now but frankly I'm dubious
rock zircons
I looked but it sounds like they fall apart inside of three months. I know this is /csg/ but I'd still expect better
then buy two zircons
this is why China are ripping us off in trade
2 hours till my buyer protection expires,good not received what is my play here /csg/?
You should have messaged them about 5 days before and asked them to either sort it out outside of a dispute or extend buyer protection.

Now, I think your only course of action is to open a dispute.

Maybe you can still extend buyer protection?
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do you know that Those Time?

Pic related: me and the bois posing for Facebook to get hunnies
Does your devices support 5GHz network?
Which IEM tips are better: the spinfit or the comply ones? The spinfit's have a joint in them so that they can rotate, right?
I don't understand the point of marketing headphones with a picture of friends laughing and joking when half of the point of headphones is that it stops you from having to interact with anyone.
It's the Eiaosi fantasy that you save so much money buying garbage $3 IEMs that you can afford to go do something fun with other people.
This wasn't the funny the first 500 times you posted it you shitposting autist. https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/image/Q-PRnE5vSH9TgJ3-y12mCw
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Chink wallet came in today
Functional is the best word I can describe it
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as long as it triggered u m8, it's fun
What are some good bluetooth earphones? Have Panasonic RP-HJE125E-K which have great sound stage for the price but hate untangling the wires if I take it out of my pocket. Any suggestions peeps?
Is anyone here ordering the UMi Z? It looks like an amazing deal to me, but I have some concerns... How is this Pure Android ROM? Is it actual stock android or does it have chinese bloat and malware? And how is the Umi company in general? Are their phones good quality (for a chinkphone ofc)? Are they doing any shady shit? How long do they continue to support their phones with updates?
>but hate untangling the wires if I take it out of my pocket.
Are you seriously asking to buy wireless earbuds? If so, enjoy losing one every time you think about it.
what do you mean by losing one? woudn't mind having them connected with wires. I dont usually lose stuff.
KZ HDSE, should be around $11 at gearbest
If you're going to have earphones connected by wire, then the wires are going to tangle every time you take it out of your pocket. The only way to avoid this entirely is to have wireless ear buds.
Link it nigger

The pockets are kinda small. I wouldn't recommend it unless you are looking for cheap stuff
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Bad luck anon back after filing 10 disputes in the last couple days. I've gotten 5 chinks clogging up my inbox (pic related) begging me to cancel my disputes.

Not gonna cancel a thing or reply lol
There's a difference between having 20cm and 150cm of wire though
Keep on going Comf, look forward to the next one
Show me some under 1$ stuff on ali
Hey, any good alternatives to the K10000? The Telstra mobile bands it works off recently got shut down.

I love the battery size in it, any comparable ones?
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why don't you let them show you
I didn't realize that it was common for Bluetooth earphones to have 150 cm cables.
Im lazy to look through thousands of stuff, im sure people know some good shit for cheap itt
Retarded faggot
Not your personal shopping assistant you entitled fag.
the ability to put your phone in your pocket?
Have you considered fucking off and also learning english?
Fight me irl fgts :^}
He meamt that bluetooth headphoned only have a short cable between the pieces you fucking retarded fags
Nah ur my personal bitch

So the ONLY reason you are constantly reposting shitty earphones is like they said >>58337621 >>58337755 >>58337569 and quite frankly that's just sad and pathetic.
No, we do it for the (you)s. And you just gave him another one.
what do you think "yous" are if not some form of validation and attention

but i guess i just fell for it and gave you one
Oh wow how amazing, what you just said, but on this Japanese board, what's in the threads?
No, you misunderstand. There's a literal competition among the /csg/ Discord regulars for the most (you)s gained from shilling the Eiaosi X6.
Talk me out of this bros
To Canada?

I got a package in Europe after 50 days, when usually they take 2-3 weeks. Some packages are taking longer because of Christmas and New Years.

If you don't respond, how will you sort the dispute or get the money back? I don't understand what your end game is? Does it make you feel like you have some sort of power?

>Now I just hope it ACTUALLY shows up and I get to keep it for free.
Why not just steal stuff from local stores? Too scared to do it in person?
i dont even know what those things are? they say vaginal, oral and anal, but they all look the same. do you shove them up your ass?

a few threads ago an anon got some weird rash on his dick from using a chink fleshlight or something.
That's sad. It's a genuinely good product that doesn't deserve this negative attention.
gotta hand it to the chinks, they're damned good at logistics.
If I dont respond It escalates to Aliexpress staff. Since all their tracking numbers are fucked and they probably never even sent anything, I will be refunded when it is escalated. Burden of proof is on them.

If Aliexpress decides to fuck me over I'll just chargeback the transaction, as per reason code 30.
this has to be the most horrifying product anyone is actually trying to sell
you put your dick on it until you cum
Why don't you post the link too you fucking faggot
christian you are a faggot
welp, this faggot(me) put it in a discord chat and forgot where it was. then thought "ill put it in csg"
>cool boyfriend gifts

"babe, I want you to wear this next time I fuck you"


>this faggot(me) put it in a discord chat and forgot where it was. then thought "ill put it in csg"
stay there
Here's another, slightly different one. Just put some of the words from the product name into aliexpress search. It's not hard.

stuff of nightmares
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the discord was a mistake

wow, that's very depressing

and you're telling me these people manage tog get out of bed in the morning and move around like real human beans?
you gave him another (you)


But even if he wins, we both know he loses
>he doesn't agree with me so his pair must be faulty
kys stupid shill
i just ordered an anycast, how much of a retard am I?
What are my options for covering my Monks? The standard issue meshy stuff hurts my precious sensitive ears.
what is it and do you have a link?
Silicons? I dunno since foam hurts you.
How good are eiaosis? I need something to listen to music streamed off of my Zsun Wifi card reader while chatting with my BM800
Pretty good
just kys pussy
who gets hurt from sponge
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Get your Mitu calendar!
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I love your birb sooo much
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Killing this gook rn
https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/6-12-29.37056/ Android 7 EU ROM is out!
Does Xposed work with 7 yet?

If not i don't care.
My UMi phone seems to have some problem with charging the battery, it now charges very slowly. It was a good phone but has shit software support and lies from the company. Never again.

What's a good $120 Chinkphone that I can temporarily use while waiting for Android O? 5.5 1080p
I'm ok with 2Gb since that's my current phone and I'm ok with it.
More than 50k Antutu since I use Miracast + PSP Emulator.
Also good battery
redmi note 3 pro 2gb ram version

i'd spend a couple of bucks more for the 3gb one though
heres the link

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has anyone bought this yet?
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I got something similar about 30 days after I bought and paid for the item
If I get the 3GB one, will it have upgrades up to Android O? Will it still be a good buy even after all other new phones under $150 get better specs like SD654?

One of my gripes about my UMi phone is that one of their sell points was Android L 5.1 will be delivered after a few months. But all they did after a few months was take down all advertisements pertaining to their promise of an update and continue on as if they never said anything. Some of the apps that I wanted to use needed Android 5.1 and I was not able to use it. Also they promised time and again to fix the camera but they did not do anything after they released their next phone in line (which was about 2 months after).
>If I get the 3GB one, will it have upgrades up to Android O?
Who knows? however it's Xiaomi so it probably will.
>Will it still be a good buy even after all other new phones under $150 get better specs like SD654?
I don't see why not, the SD 652 is a marginal improvement at best compared to the 650.

It's not like you need top of the line hardware in a fucking phone anyway but if you insist save even more for a zuk z2 with SD 820, it has no microsd slot though if that's a concern for you.
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Wrong general bud.
Don't get it unless you have asian sized dick.
I have an HD201
xiaomi still havent released n
A lot of their devices are still on L, like the redmi 2 and redmi note 2.
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>>my UMI phone

Just get the UMI Plus E, my nigger ;^)
Do I fall for the Bmeme-800 and get all the shit associated with it or just get a Blue Snowball?

If both options are going to end up the similar price (i assume $40-50 with phantom power + whatever), why should I risk the bm-800 and make it more difficult for myself?
BM is a poopy meme. Disregard it
If you are into Diy, go for the BM-800.
If you want a Decent/better mic, go for the ones made by ISK/Takstar
I literally can't figure out how to make a decent makefile. Half of the articles I found were way too simple and the rest were way too complicated and I wasn't sure what was happening.
I just want to be able to compile a simple project and input my include folder and libs as a variable
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Looks like you need some xiaomemes.
Just bought some xiaomeme pros:


20.89 USD with code LHPRO.
fug, i need the cash. i will wait for a deal. i don;t want to mess with phantompower and extra shit because space is an issue.
Any suggestions for cheap pocket-carry knives? I prefer to buy from Gearbest
The cheapest option.
Then use the knife to kill yourself when it comes in.
Has anyone tried ordering guitar pickups from Ali (or a whole guitar)? 81/85 kit with pots/jack/battery terminal is $90 AUD, which is about half the price of buying from a brick and mortar store here
is chink making DAC?
Here you go anon, I did the impossible for you and searched for it. Against all the odds I finally found some results!
>add to a cart
The chinese don't limit thecustomer to only one cart to make happy customer
Where can I buy genuine xiaomi piston 3 earphones? Everything on eBay looks fake and exactly like more expensive Ali and gearbest links..
Have you considered that maybe the Eiaosi X6 is the better choice for you?

Great, cheap, no fakes on the market.
UMi is shit, never buying one ever again.
Not anymore since they were discontinued many months ago.

You'll find either fakes or very overpriced genuine ones.
Hey guys!
Just bought a Silver colored Redmi Note 3 Pro from Geekbuying! The guy I talked to said that they will ship it within 2 weeks, and told me that the Chinese New Year hoax where you lose your package during Chinese New Year is not true. And he said I will definitely get it before February 7.

Did I do good?

Should have gotten a zuk z2 instead.
Only if it's the sd 650 3gb ram version, also this >>58351136 would've been a better choice but only if you don't care about a microsd slot.
The Doogee F7 is only $120 and is better than the RN3P 2GB.
what the flying fuck is a doogee
If your care about battery life you should have gotten an Oukitel instead.
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Swim schools aren't really related to smartphones...

But maybe you're thinking of the analyticscore.apk included in all xiaomi phones?
eeven new ones are stuck on m like the mi max
Pretty sure I meant lenovos superfish you shill. I am also well aware of xiaomis anal tics. I don't use xiaomis if that's what you're also trying to imply.
Try ibuygou. They won't price match. I tried to tell them. They won't budge.
The best phone you never had. Dual rear camera, 3Gb, 32GB, 1080p, 5.5", CNC housing.

Blows any competition out of the water in the $120 zone.
Pretty sure I don't care because if my phone manufacturer doesn't fuck me over, my telco and government will.

It's 2017, there's no escaping the botnet. The sooner you make peace with that fact, the happier you'll be.
UMi Z or Xiaomi Mi5?
This, I'm using the k10000 atm and the performance is shit but i can use this shit for days
Quite the sad defeatist ain't ya? Ah well. Keep on shilling your shit product like everyone else does.
Zuk z2, obviously.
Guys should I get KZ ATEs or ATRs?
Also how do these compare to the rock zircons in general?
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post yfw you wake up and track your chinkshit and it hasn't moved since being dispatched X days ago
There's also the ATES which are like 2 bucks more than the ATEs
Get the ED9 for $5
Sorry for the spoonfeed, but where are they for $5?
Get the Eiaosi x6 for $3
>Eiaosi x6

are these good?
For $3, yeah.

Pretty sure they get beaten by $10 alternatives, but you can't really beat the Eiaosi in value.
At $3 you won't be disappointed.
How much are they paying you?

guys pls
Sorry it was ED2
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Oh that's completely different then
Nigga you had me scouring ali for like 10 mins
Well it's been two weeks and the back of my zuk z2 is a little scratched. Whatever glass they use must be weak as shit; I only have wooden tables. Not going to use a case; it doesn't change how it feels, so it's not worth the bulk to have a nice looking back. I would use some kind of textured-but-very-thin case if one existed.

The display is also fairly dark with CM13. It wasn't so dark with the default chinese rom. I put it on full brightness 90% of the time, which makes it fine except for looking at photographs outside in sunlight.

Still super fucking fast though, 100% worth it.
anyone here using the redmi 4 prime? Do you have a screen protector or is it okay to not use it with one? I heard that it doesn't have gorilla glas.
Is that a ref link?
no xiaomi phones have ever been made eith gorilla glass. only tempered glass
should I?

Yes and this
>casual T-shirt
Usually a case protects it from scratches and drops.
I would give it a try

Just bought a OP3T from chinese vendor. It has chinese ROM, they said I am able to flash the original oneplus rom on. Am I fucked?
Nice watch. How much was it?
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Took my y-start jin02 apart, applied ball bearing grease and put it back together, in the picture we see the effects of stinky chinky's efforts to assemble the knife in the factory.
We need another meme phone for $120 and below, the RN3P just doesn't cut it.

I nominate the Doogee F7, Mediatek X20 for only $120.
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i nominate you for the hunger games
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There are new pistons on discount on gearbest now

Xiaomi piston Fresh Edition ($5.59) on gearbest
Code 633MKFAZB91BL79542
How much is the k10000 now?

sorry forgot link
>Hunger Games

>Not Battle Royale
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>Got another watch
info on the others ?
>not shipped in 2 days

Processing time is 5 days. They don't always ship instantly.

Did they process/ship the item? Maybe it was an automated message.

I sometimes get messages reminding me to leave feedback on orders on which I had already left feedback. At the end of one it said "if you have already done this, please ignore this message".
A seller did not ship my order on ali so he sent me refund on paypal and on ali too so i got 20 back from my 10$ purchase, nice
Fucking official Nougat for mi4c!
I have a Redmi 4 Prime I ordered when it just came out so I didn't get it bundled with a case.

I actually dropped it twice while it was in my hand and nothing happened. I also scratched the glass with some metal but it didn't leave a mark. So the phone is not as fragile as they say.

I'm still going to get a silicone case + tempered glass protector for it.

Anyone know if the Nillkin cases are any good?


And the Mofi tempered glass for the screen, I like how it covers the whole front rather than just a part of it.

Also known as M in America.
Good electric toothbrush?
I use mine with a TPU softcase and a tempered glass screen protector because both were included by the seller "for free" and I might just as well use them.
Damn thats a cool looking screen protector
A dick works nice
Stop shitposting.
whats your source
Your mom. hahahahahaha
comply tips ordered on the 25th made it to my mailbox yesterday.

hoping my earphones ordered the same day come soon.
The rule for an electric toothbrush is to buy the heads first, then get a compatible model of electric toothbrush.
Why? So you get a model with cheap heads.

The differences between brands and models is really insignificant, I mean it's fucking vibrating bristles no matter what gimmick they use.
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Got a fidget cube from Gearbest today. It's horrible. Almost every button is grainy when pressed and not satisfying at all, it's like pressing buttons on an old crusty game controller. The only one I can tolerate is the joystick. Also all the buttons are really loud, I doubt it's supposed to be that way right? No one would use this in an office or learning environment, too loud.

There's nicks and scuffs all over it like it was dropped and it all feels loose like it wasn't put together well or rushed out.

2/10 for the joystick, nothing else feels right.
I thought the mi5 uses gorilla glass?

So the build quality is good then? I can live with some shitty plastic screen protector that simply keeps the screen from getting some horrible scratches if its that bad.

Where did you buy yours? Any tips for European sellers? I have my eye on honor buy.

Did you guys root your phone and unlock the bootloader to use xiaomi.eu?
>So the build quality is good then?
Yes, I'm happy with it.
>buying a fidget cube

you know they're a joke, right? like a fingerbox or that box/light that turns itself off. it literally does nothing. can't believe so many people are falling for it lol
I think people know that, they just buy it for a little bit of fun and novelty, what do you think they are buying it for?
I play with marbles in my fingers sometimes as I'm working and it does help me focus and stop fidgeting. Done it for years. I bought this to see if there's anything to it but this is bad. Everything should feel satisfying and relaxing to use, most of these buttons just piss me off or they're so loud I'd never use them in public. I can't comment on the kickstarter version, I can see how all of these buttons could made to be "satisfying" but this is completely wrong.
Did you root it for more privacy and control?
Some people have a nervous tic, and prefer to have something to play with that perhaps doesn't bother their environment as much as tapping their fingers on a desk or clicking a pen. Heck, autistic people probably get calmed down from having something to do.
the coupon makes it cost more. what in the fuck?
No. Because all I do on my phone is call/text, listen to music, browse the web, clover, talk to people via whatsapp/signal and check the times for public transportation.

I don't do anything sensitive like log into my online banking or do online shopping where I have to type in my credit card number. I don't even check my email on my phone because it annoys me. I don't do anything which requires my response immediately, everything can wait until I'm home at my computer.

I'll get crucified for saying this, but even if I did type in my credit card info I wouldn't care because my bank will side with me 100% of the time, and not with a scammer. They will notify me if there are transactions from China or Russia, or any other country in which I'm not, and will automatically lock the card as a precaution until they talk to me on the phone. My other bank has 2-FA so every time I want to buy something online I have to use that physical passcode thingy and enter a code that gets generated every 30 seconds.

If someone truly cared about privacy they wouldn't use a phone or computer at all.

Regarding control, I have not yet encountered something for which I need root access. Besides, if I root my phone I lose the ability to locate it if I lose it and that's a feature I really need.
Hey guys check out FastCardTech, they've got the cheapest Mi4C.
Ok really, ATES, ATE, or ATR?
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>if I root my phone I lose the ability to locate it
You wrote such a long post just to justify the fact that you're too stupid too take ownership of your own phone and configure it to serve you better.
The fidget cubes that were made for the Kickstarter were rejected as being too low of quality, the disagreements between the Kickstarters and chink manufacturers of who will foot the bill for all the lower quality cubes being useless are likely why these knockoffs flooded the market
Let's get to the bottom of this
What do the chinks actually make their watch straps out of?
What type of strap?
There's the nylon ones, the resin ones, and the fake leather ones.

Notice that 'real leather' isn't a category.
Fair enough. I'm always a bit worried about privacy when using non cm roms. I never do online banking with my smartphone. Thats restricted to my PC.
for you its only apple earpods you bowie fag
The ones that require a hydraulic press to bend a little. It's like vulcanized steel.
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Say something bad about Bowie bitch nigga
Go ahead
And while you're at it spoonfeed me what chink earphones to buy
I'm going to need some kind of visual guide or reference here
don't say i'm fucked
>expected a smooth ball
>takes different amounts of pressure to move from one side to another
>wont click
2/10, wont use
Someone really should do a chink fidget cube comparison. There's just so much variance in quality between the sellers, that I'm pretty sure it's several different factories making the fakes.
The people at Head-Fi really seem to prefer the ATR over the ATE. It's cheaper too ($5 at gearbest)
its like a fingerbox
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GPD are are making a new product
whats a finger box
At 7000 mAh, what kind of battery time could be expected? Aren't IPSes power-hungry?
doggee is notorious for shit phones that brake in a week. Just get a 2g redmi.
Bought some hybrid pros last night, I'll post a comparison with the old hybrids when I get them.

Bought them at banggood btw, they are cheaper than gaybeast and ali. Same situation when I bought the first hybrids. They seem pretty good for getting xiaomemes.
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enjoy the joystick while it lasts, maybe a day or two, depending on materials

picture from an ebay cube (it has rubberized pushbuttons which are nice)

should we start a page on the installgentoo wiki?
Anon fucked up, the coupon is for DD4
How much you paid? Could have got them from gearbest for $20
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro latest MIUI release. Installed ~ 2 Gb of apps. This is showing. What the fuck it's taking so much space ? On Android you used to tap over "Apps" and it would tell you which files where using all the disk space. Scared of using third apps from the store.
You can't even enter a code there?
Original Xiaomi Wool Touch Gloves - FEMALE STYLE
coupon GLOXRR price 8.99
Ah okay that's cheaper. I paid €25 I think, while it was like €27-28 at other sites.

I don't feel too bad about not ordering at gaybeast tho, they're pretty slow in my experience.
There's a box to check that says "I have a coupon code". You need to make an account and enter your address to get to the point where you can enter the coupon. I tested the coupon and it still works
clean it up with a dremel if it bothers you, autismo.
Which one?



Does the OLED screen makes a difference?
pls respond
im about to buy one
>no global rom
Both shit. get the RN3P unless you want muh camera in that case avoid Xiaomi alltogether.
Neither the Xiaomi phones with MTK get little to no Rom support
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Got the Curren, a DW replica, and a cheapo MiGeer (which itself is a ripoff of the cheapo Megir brand).

The MiGeer ($3) is a bit shit, the metal is scratched up and the fake dials are unconvincing.

The DW ($4) is what you'd expect (although the dial on mine is weirdly tilted).

The Curren ($10) is my favorite, no complaints so far and the date function is nice.
The note 3 pro is pretty much the same price and only has 32 GB

How is it better?
CM13/14 and other roms available.
Chinks copying other chinks lol

>dial is tilted
Pretty much every chink DW posted here has had that problem
The Redmi Pro is obviously better.
better camera.
better display.
USB type C.
Epic memezzzzz xd
Tilted as in rotated or is it not parallel to the glass?

Any of you have a recommendation for a watch strap seller? Plain leather or nato.
>not parallel to the glass?
Mine had that
what to clean ? the screws ? one has to be a complete tool to fuck up something and then to sell it.
It already broke after 3 hours of use. I can't push it in anymore and it's permanently off to the left side. Now it's worthless, I don't want to use it at all.
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yupe, i have my eye on that curren too, also pic related.
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broken port.jpg
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Just fixed a pair of xiaomi piston 3s which had a broken 3.5mm jack.
Blue - L
copper - Mic
Red - R
copper/red spiral - ground

didn't fix it to a 4pole replacement, since I was too lazy to get some, and I never used the mic (or controls) anyway.
Tight ass broke nigga here,
Do you always buy in bulk (add to cart, I mean) or do you always buy them every month/week just so you could space out the amount of budget you have.

Do you patiently wait for another/better deal to come out?
Just curious to peoples online shopping habits
Who wants some Chinese Lucky Bags? Its contents are a mystery (for the most part.)



Three random shirts in a size of your choice

This one contains random jewelry

1 random wig for you degenerates out there

Random art supplies
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Pic related, it's stuck here and won't push in properly.
Is it worth getting a new battery for my compaq 6710b if the current one only lasts 40 minutes?

They are around 18 to 30 dollars it seems.
any electronics or such?
Shit takes so long to arrive I just buy it as soon as I decided that I want it and can afford it.
No point stacking them together, since there's no benefit at all. You don't save any money on shipping, even if there is shipping since it'll all be from different stores.
Those are all wigs
Tried, but couldn't find any.
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I just ordered this. I could not resist the price for a snapdragon 820. How badly did I fuck up?
Check again, they're all different links.
should of gt a xiaomi, buyers remorse already kicking in?
Ah, the lenovo KUK
What can you do with a phone?
The only issues i see with it are the lack of MircoSD and that it has 5.2" not 5.5" screen.

Otherwise great phone and i'll prolly end up buying the pro with 6gb + 128 GB ROM
And lack of ROM support once Lenovo is bored of it.
I prefer smaller phones.
Use clover, mostly.
Eiaosi a shit

Why do you shitpost this every thread?
Don't forget to post a review when you get it.
I dont really expect Lenovo to contribute a whole lot in the first place when it comes to ROM's
What's everyone waiting for?

WiFi stick
Lens for my phone camera
New thread here
>Shit takes so long to arrive
The wait is the kill sadly, but at least we're kinda getting a good deal from what we'd get/not available in our respective countries

>I just buy it as soon as I decided that I want it and can afford it.
Ah I see, most of the time I'd contemplate if I should buy even though it's relatively cheap and know I want it as soon as I see it

>No point stacking them together, since there's no benefit at all. You don't save any money on shipping, even if there is shipping since it'll all be from different stores.

Yeah I agree with you on this one, I thought there'd be any benefit to stacking em all (be included in one huge box) but like what you've said, some of the items maybe from different stores and may come in separate boxes
Well I said 'decided that I want it' rather than just 'when I want it'.
yea baggnod had it for 170$
Ah I see you're right, my comprehensions autistic
But in my experience, I'd contemplate or procrastinate for days is what I meant

See you in the next thread!
I bet it is
It's RegularOP trying to make the thread reach bump limit faster. Notice how that post always comes about 5 posts before he links to the new thread.
>buying a literal botnet
yea the white version that no one ever buys
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