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/unbox/ General

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Thread replies: 129
Thread images: 28

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What ever could this be?
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Benchmade 940 on point
Dat knife

what camera?
Dragon Dildo
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some meme laptop
ipad or chromebook
Opening boxes with quality knives like that is kinda stupid. It will go dull cutting the paper/cardboard real fast and be useless in other tasks. Use a razor blade in the future
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>implying it's a meme laptop
>implying it's not
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>dat space gray finish
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dat touch ID

>laptops with fingerprint readers

welcome to 1997 faggot
>implying any of them have been integrated well

Fuck off.
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Hey OP !

How does it feel to throw away cash for shit product ?

don't forget to buy your adapter
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>$1800 for a useless piece of shit with 5 hour battery life
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>>$1800 for a useless piece of shit with 5 hour battery life
Only thing I like about the new Mac Book is the huge touch pad.
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>don't forget to buy your adapter
Don't worry, I got plenty.
nice benchmade
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>mfw people actually spend their money on a shitty donglebook pro
Does the screen not get brighter?
No MBP ever accepted a CF card natively so that dongle has always been required.
And for anyone curious on the specs.
what the fuck? did you get an led strip under the box for your unboxing? this shit stinks of shilling. I wanna see a god damn invoice OP
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>CF card
Time to upgrade your camera to something made in this century grandpa.

I don't give a shit that it's a Macbook, what fucking camera do you use? Holy shit that DoF...
Nah, I just happened to have a light strip sitting not the surface so I figured might as well us this.

>implying I'm not paid by apple to shill on various forums to curtail the disaster of the release of the new MacBook Pro

You should totally buy one! Everything everyone has been saying about it is completely wrong!

>implying most professional cameras aren't rocking CF/CFast
invoice or gtfo



What exactly would an invoice prove?
The last camera to not have an SD slot was introduced over 5 years ago. And most cameras had already switched to SD much earlier than that.

That you bought it along with all those dongles and at least proves your shilling is a freebie instead of paid advertising
>The last camera to not have an SD slot was introduced over 5 years ago. And most cameras had already switched to SD much earlier than that.
>he doesn't realize professional cameras run dual slot

Look up the 5D MKIV and the 1D X MK II Faggot.
What kind of faggot spends $9 on apple branded adapters when a usb-c to usb-a cable is $1.50 on ebay?
>ordering shit from the chinese

I prefer my cables to be made in America by Apple.
So how long did you have to suck Tim cooks cock to get all that shit?

God damn. I like my MBA 11, but fuck this is too far. Holy dongles batman.
I love absolutely everything about this topic. Tip top kek, OP
>So how long did you have to suck Tim cooks cock to get all that shit?
Alright, you guys got me.
you shill motherfucker. so what do you have to do to get such a discount?
would you seriously pay that kind of money for that laptop even if you had it to waste.
My uncle works for Apple, every year he gets me a top of the line MacBook Pro for Christmas, and runs it through the affiliate program. All I have to do is show it to all my friends and followers so they'll buy the products.

I also get all the new iPhones as they come out, same deal with those.
What is he a board director? They don't just give shit away like that to employees and their families. Come up with a better story OP.
>What is he a board director?
High level Engineer that's been with them going on 20 years now. Like I said before, he doesn't just grab one for free, he runs everything through the Affiliate Program(same shit that they do for Youtubers and big social media influencers.
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why don't you re-sell it for 100% profit
You really are a faggot. I can't believe I read through this shit.
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Tell your uncle that one of the low level firmware guys wishes him a happy holidays. I work on the SecureROMs of iOS devices. Please be sure to send him this cozy Pepe.

Also can confirm that OP is getting free shit. I get it too, even though I don't need it.
And here people were saying Apple doesn't do viral marketing
Currently using the 5DMKIV with a 24-70 F/2.8 L II

Pictures could have been better but I'm lazy and almost all of my speedlite batteries are dead.
you're full of shit OP
Someone do a screencap of this entire thread as proof of Apple marketing on this board.
I just will never get it. I've just bought a top end xps13 that has better specs and I still have £1000+ to spend on other stuff than I would have with a mac...
The top of the line XPS13 doesn't even have a dedicated GPU. GTFO.
I'm not OP and I'm not lying. Ask me anything about iOS or iOS devices. My technical knowledge should be more than enough to prove my identity.
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And yet the xps 13 still performs better.

>doesn't even have a dedicated GPU
which youd need for what??
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i need it for my games u dumb cunt
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then get a fucking desktop to play your games.

and piece of shit on this pic outperforms your $4000 paper weight
>a (you)
at least have the decency to mspaint it out
That doesn't look like a comparison with an XPS13...

Post your geek bench scores.
implying it does
How to unlock an iCloud locked iPhone
If my knife can't cut some paper or card without going fuck dull then it's going in the bin
>Someone do a screencap of this entire thread as proof of Apple marketing on this board.
I'm pretty sure OP is joking. He is literally using the "My uncle works for nintendo" meme.
And went through the trouble of using a very expensive camera have very good lighting conditions have a properly placed props and have an invoice that happens to have a very accurate pricing on there.
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>implying he'll even be able to tell how much battery life he has after apple removed the output

mysterious stuff
>No one else thinks spending thousands on technology is a big deal

Yeah they do even if they can afford it. It's consumerism at its very worse. You can buy a fully functioning good for a 100000 miles car for the price of that laptop.
>very expensive camera
Maybe he is just a photographer? Would explain why he bought a memebook.

>very good lighting conditions
Lightning sucks for the most part. Extremely uneven cast suggests he was just using a speed lite or similar pointed at the ceiling.

>properly placed props
Such as?

>an invoice that happens to have a very accurate pricing on there.
Anyone could photoshop that up in a couple of minutes.

Why the hell would apple send a fucker a free laptop who can't even afford a desk and is using a goddamn cardboard box?
You dont know anything about knives
>getting this cucked
is your lastname Trudeau by chance?
i'm calling troll rn
if not, jfc man, just ebay some of this shit at just under retail price and you're making bank
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lol my HP from 2010 had a fingerprint reader faggot
You jelly?
That is a great deal of justifications. The shorter answer which makes more sense, is that this is an ad.
Not really I have a Macbook though not as new as yours

Just pointing out that it's not a new feature by any means
who the hell would apple sell to on 4chan? Anyone who posts on /g/ either hates Apple laptops, or already has one.
Follow the second response.

None have been integrated well.
You can't be serious nigger.
Oh, do you see it differently?
Those are some beautiful pictures, OP.
You must not know how to sharpen one if you're afraid to use it as the utility tool that a fucking knife is.
should've gotten the silver finish, the space grey chips like a cheap chink laptop
> Anonymous 12/23/16(Fri)00:41:47 No.58131959
You're welcome.
Yup you got no idea what your talking about. No point in aruging really, can already tell your ignorant as hell.
li-ion battery propelled dragon dildo launcher
What makes more sense.... that OP is trying to troll users on /g/ with his new laptop, or that Apple is trying to viral market on 4chan?
That is THE meme laptop
>the space grey chips like a cheap chink laptop
My iPhone 5s Space Grey

>DDR3 in 2016
>16GB non-upgradable RAM
>Non-upgradable storage too
>$3500 computer
Is there a worse deal in tech right now?
Yeah, unlike OP, actually paying for it.
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>mfw this is how richfags shitpost
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I bet OP sucked had to suck off a Apple Employee in the store for that MacBook and then tells himself he's not a faggot. Are you Swedish too OP?

Because USB-C has strict specifications and random china cables can fuck your shit up.

You're going to blunt your knife.

Why do you think they have box cutters with replaceable razors?
Oh no, how dare I actually use the knife!

I actually have a custom scalpel made from tool steel that was made for opening boxes and letters, but it's personalized and didn't want to show it on here.
deal with it
>Why do you think they have box cutters with replaceable razors?
Because people are too stupid to sharpen/hone knives
Install gentoo.
Made in China by an Apple subcontractor
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I knew just from the box that you are some disgusting apple faggot
t. UPSer
>implying it's not made in Cupertino
>the 5D MKIV and the 1D X MK II
>Implying those don't have SD slots as well
>implying Canon is relevant
OP is even more a faggot for using a Canon DSLR btw
I said dual slots faggots. lrn2read

Even nikons use dual slots.
It's not, it's made by Foxcon in China.
But we were talking about CF cards
ayyyy this fucking goy
With all this shitposting I really wanna know: do you not have enough money to buy a desk?
Paper and cardboard blunts it far more than regular use. Look it up if you don't believe me. Paper is death for a knife.

>t. someone who doesn't know shit about knives
>Paper and cardboard blunts it far more than regular use. Look it up if you don't believe me. Paper is death for a knife.
Considering I've been using this knife for 6 years, and have probably done 4 or 5 Mac unboxing on /g/ with it, I'd say it is faring just fine.
Why can't he just sharpen it?
Because cutting tape rearranges the molecular structure of the metal.
Which 3rd party apps could use that fingerprint reader?
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They're both dumb faggots.

How deep.
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Somehow even gayer than the hoped for dragon dildo
Thread posts: 129
Thread images: 28

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