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/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 36

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Previously: >>57988521

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man <insert command here>
$ info <insert command here>
$ help <insert command here>

Your friendly neighborhood search engine:
Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Check the Wikis (Most troubleshoots work for all distros.)

What distro should you choose?

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/fglt/'s copypasta collection:

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:

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/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part III: >>>/wg/6785580
Part II: https://archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: https://archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/
I want to switch to Linux. These Distros are what I'm rooting for?
Which one should I install?
openSUSE seems to be pretty user friendly, since it has one of the best (graphic) package managers
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Was also considering it. Are the "outdated" packages really that much of a problem?
use testing or sid
You can choose how fresh you want your packages, only "stable" has older packages. Check out: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianUnstable
Yes if you're using the stable version but you can always just install some software from source should you need a newer version although I personally don't like Debian as a desktop distro, been rocking it for solid 9 years on servers though and I cannot complain other than every major release the distro will brick itself during the upgrade.
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you shouldn't make threads so fast.
mods might clean out 60 posts again.
Who is this semen demen?
all of thats bloatware shit garbage except debian , fedora, and sabyon

fedora = systemd sellout shit noobs
debian = alright
sabyon = gentoo for babies

you decide
i want to hug him :3
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>sabyon = gentoo for babies
That's Calculate linux...
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>neo /g/ GETs
Out of those Fedora or Manjaro are the best for beginners, followed by debian and opensuse
>still butthurt that loonix is getting standardized
I'm planning on installing a second distro to my laptop for the sake of trying it out in the most realistic settings possible. The laptop already has two OS's on it, W7 and another Linux distro. Is there going to be any sort of grub fuckery I'll need to deal with if there's three OS's for it to handle?

(It's openSUSE, in case that makes any difference.)
ur shit will get fucked up i bet
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Can I dualboot Gentoo with Gentoo?
Think about it for a while
don't. duel boot it.
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Anyone got the link to the (You) counter userscript?
you don't want it
Can we start posting Linus instead of RMS? Fuck that guy is disgusting and useless
Linus is boring.
Do you have the (You) userscript? You look like someone who has it. Please share!
you don't want it
I'd basically just surf the web, watch JewTube videos and use LibreOffice.
Where are configs for ricing and stuff in archy kde?
I'm using Arch, just letting you guys know.
FYI, so am i
>not using blackarch
you call yourself a hacker kiddo?
Is Antergos any good?
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>red logo
No. It's for noobs that can't maintain their own system.
for starters corrupted binary logs, system hangs forever on reboot.
It's just the metadata that can be corrupted, it still has all the information a you would expect from a text log file.

It only hangs with you.
Source on what? It's just a fucking file with embedded text. Do you even know what a fucking binary file is?

Do "strings logfile | less" you shitlord.
What is the best free as in freedom gnu/linux distro? Trisquel?
Source on it not happening to somebody else and source on it being just the metadata.
>hangs con reboot
I had that problem forma a while but with the latest update it seems to hace been fixed

>just the metadata
not to me, when it happens it fucks everything
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Fedora and Debian may also be considered free as in freedom. Just don't use the proprietary repos.
Parabola is a free arch spin off.

Trisquel is good but doesn't have a very big or active community.
outdated and security issues
>and source on it being just the metadata
Do you know what a binary file is?

>Source on it not happening to somebody else
You claimed it hangs on boot. So you provide the fucking evidence, you fucking deepshit. If you male a claim and don't provide evidence there is no reason to believe it you retarded memester.
>not to me, when it happens it fucks everything
It is. The text is still there. Use "strings file.log >> log.txt" or something like that.
security issues where
Actually, it's not.
They introduced a security issue in OpenSSH.
Ok. What happens when you run the command?
you used plural on issues
>You claimed it hangs on boot
No, I claimed it hangs when rebooting, it doesn't shut off

Are you really tryng to help or you're frustrated with something in your life so you came here to fight somebody over something you don't even know about?
If they introduced a security issue in OpenSSH what have they done to other software which are less critical?

Debian is a plague.
What are some cool software from the AUR? All I ever use are fonts. Why does everybody love the AUR so much? The official repos have plenty.
it outputs

strings: 'file.log': No such a file
>No, I claimed it hangs when rebooting, it doesn't shut off
You understood you fucking deep shit.

>Are you really tryng to help or you're frustrated with something in your life so you came here to fight somebody over something you don't even know about?
Still waiting for evidence to support your claim.

You have no idea of what you are talking about. You just repeat memes. You are everything that is wrong with any online community.
And you think others don't make errors?
I have been memed.
>Why does everybody love the AUR so much?
I don't know either
Other don't fiddle with OpenSSH. They can make errors, but they don't touch the critical software. Debian are filthy pigs which have learned nothing from that CRITICAL error.
Still no evidence? okay, you're here to be an epic troll, good to know.
I don't have provide any fucking evidence you dumb memester. BECAUSE I DIDN'T FUCKING CLAIM ANYTHING. YOU FUCKING DID.
can you help me or are you here to meme?
yes, you did, see >>58001190

Do you know what a claim is?
file.log should be replaced by the path of your systemd log file.

If you didn't know that, better yet, if you couldn't come up with it yourself, you don't need to read logs.
but I have a symlink to it, I thought it would work.
You are not very intelligent are you?

The claim about metadata is evident if you know what a binary is.

The claim that it only happens to you, is the only thing that can be logically assumed if you don't provide evidence that it happens to other people.

I'm even being a nice person and not assuming you are lying.
What do you mean? "strings /path/to/symlink" ? I think it should work.
>I'm even being a nice person
where? what do you want? a video of me rebooting the computer?
But it doesn't.
No. Because I'm being a nice person and believing you. I want evidence that it actually happens to OTHER people.

Note that you said "it hangs on reboot", meaning it's a frequent issue. You didn't say "it hangs on reboot for me."
A recent bug report on the systemd master branch, and not a super edgy case, would be fine.
*stable branch
works on my machineâ„¢
Ok, how should I fill it? "My system hangs when I try to reboot, I can't access the log file so I can't paste it here"?
Ok. Then read the strings man page to see if it has a problem with symlinks or use the direct path.

What error does it give?
>systemd develping team in a nutshell
You can. Just extract the ascii characters from the log file. If it is really corrupted.
gnome is a fucking buggy piece of shit and I won't let you convince me otherwise after using it for 6 months
Pretty sure he's trolling, no one can be that retarded
I got double triples plz respund
That's the thing, I can't.
>answering tp yourself

Don't do that, that's sad.
Why not? How are you doing it? What error does it give?
>>>58001692 (You)

(S)he is not me.
Found this idea interesting so I made one myself.

// ==UserScript==
// @name 4Chan (You) Counter
// @include http://boards.4chan.org/g/*
// @include https://boards.4chan.org/g/*
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

$("body").append ('<div id="youCounter"></div>');

checkWordCount ();

var wordChkTimer = setInterval (checkWordCount, 5000);

function checkWordCount () {
var matchRez = $(document.body).text ().match (/>>\d+\s\(You\)/gi);
var wordCount = matchRez ? matchRez.length : 0;

var countReport = '';
switch (wordCount) {
case 0:
countReport = 'No (You) found!'
case 1:
countReport = 'You got one (You).'
countReport = 'You got ' + wordCount + ' (You)s.'

$("#youCounter").text (countReport);

GM_addStyle ( " \
#youCounter { \
background: #111 !important; \
border: 1px solid #000 !important; \
box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #050505 !important; \
color: #ddd !important; \
position: fixed !important; \
bottom: 10px !important; \
padding: 5px !important; \
right: 10px !important; \
width: 150px !important; \
text-align: center !important; \
text-shadow: 0px 2px 3px #555 !important; \
z-index: 1 !important; \
} \
" );

You forgot to license it under GPL.

Licensed under GPLv3 or later!
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Oh shit, you're right, It was me all allong
damnit anon stop forcing freedom on us
anyone know about VxWorks ? i connected to my ftp in a local adress and it says
230 User logged in.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.
150 Binary data connection for directory list (3232235785,50787).
550 No such file or location.
226 Program flash successfully
KDE is for shitters.
I wish I could filter posters by IP.
what happened?
mods got mad because of cutted of waifu
Looking for software that can pull a list of new podcasts into it then I can stream or download it (through the software) depending on what I want - on fedora
you mean an rss reader? like newsbeuter or liferea?
but what if I want to stream it I mean I could make something that lists all the latest podcast from several RSS feeds then I can pick which it wgets but most of the time I'd want to stream them
kinda but just for podcasts with the ability to stream the podcast within the software
>kinda but just for podcasts with the ability to stream the podcast within the software
i have mpv set to be the default action for my rss reader. werks well. i use that for youtube subscriptions actually.
During initrmfs it produces below error.At no point during generation does it say what causes this error.Where do i start?
WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.
Hidden in the newsbeuter package is "podbeuter", try it.
we need more information than this anon. what are you trying to do, what distro and what did you do before it etc
I am generating an initramfs image.
I am compiling a custom kernel
I used makenconfig to edit kernel parameters
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What cloud service would stallman use?
The kind that comes out of his ass
the FSFs servers probably.
>old outdated packages
what does this actually mean please? in noob terms
It's stupid people parrotting other stupid people. Debian has three branches; stable, testing and unstable, where unstable is a rolling release (like Arch).
debian does many many checking til a program comes into "stable", this takes a while, so when you use debian stable, you have a rock hard stable system, but older packages, which is pretty good for servers, but for desktop use, unstable is better
thank you
what are the main advantages of having a rolling release, what actual difference would it make to me?
by default, debian gives its users the 'stable' branch, which its packages tend to be older, but guarenteed to be secure & never break. you also have the option of using testing, which provides more up-to-date but lesser audited programs, and 'unstable' or 'sid', which is similar to a rolling-release style system such as gentoo or arch. rolling release is better for having new software, all the time, constantly new features & things, but stable is better for a never-breaking system.
Newer programs. With older packages, you may miss the newest feature of a program.
how linux compatible would you think this is? (willing to use arch(antergos) or fedora)
Any distro where this shit won't happen? Normally I'd install Arch but I don't have time right now. If possible not fedora because it spergs out with my GPU.
>Normally I'd install Arch
no comprende you fucking beaner
Arch takes like 30 minutes to install. Lazy shitter.
My internet is shit, it's just 30MBPS but I never get the full 30 with Arch's mirrors.

Fucking Ubuntu wants to reinstall absolutely everything when I update to 16.10.
>Fucking Ubuntu wants to reinstall absolutely everything when I update to 16.10.
What on earth did you expect?
I expected it to just reinstall what's changed. Does literally everything ever change between one version of Ubuntu and another?
What would be the point of releases you dumbass?
If it bothers you so much just go rolling release
> 30
i've instaled it under an hour with 20 but real 10mbs
Guys, what do you use to disable the touchpad\tapping when typing on your laptop?

I know 'syndaemon' does the job, but i'm not sure i want it to autostart.
ask yourself ,"will i be running */*/linux in 4 years?"
if yes, time to invest in a rolling release.
if no, consider Ubutu LTS
I install learn-to-not-touch-the-pad-moron
Hopped from Linux Mint to Sabayon KDE yesterday.
Everything werks except g'mic plugin for gimp2.9
There's some rule you create in your xorg config for it. You'll have to look it up though.
You shouldn't have to download or install anything for it.
Or wait, did you mean to disable it only while typing and then re-enable it when you stop typing?
If so then disregard my post >>58003713
I don't know about that.
Took the time to google.
Needed an older libpng version.
Fixed now.
>My internet is shit
that's why you reuse your package cache

what good is a cache if you never reuse it?
Having issues with ,probably, sddm or Xorg patch.
Sddm runs properly the first time it is started. Sddm is slow to start, though. If sddm is restarted or logout/restart/shutdown is issued the system will go to black screen and hang up.
Sddm is in video group
Nvidia-drivers-375.20-r1::bobwya and related patched Xorg-server-1.19-r1
The nvidia-361 driver and xorg-1.18.4 causes instant black screen and hang up

>im using gentoo btw
I'm on Arch, if you care.
/g/ents, I'm getting a new HDD tomorrow to install Arch on it. Should I encrypt my primary partition?

also, is there a guide on how to install Nvidia drivers PROPERLY on Arch? I don't wanna fuck it up.

How are you launching it?
xdm init script
>posts lolicon
sudo pacman -S nvidia
modprobe nvidia
Chinese people are not normal.
Pls delete this.
>lolita complex
you only have to say 'loli' ,famine
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Could you expand on this anon, how do I properly encrypt my disk? Do you know of a good guide?
Use the arch wiki,even if you arent using arch.
you want dmcrypt+luks, full disk encryption

Wiki it
>you want dmcrypt+luks, full disk encryption
it's hard to search for something when you don't know what it's called. thanks for these programs!
you can google "linux encryption" and be sent to the arch wiki
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>I came in this building
Would you like to see a fork of VirtualBox that uses QEMU?
I prefer the UI of VirtualBox but QEMU/KVM is the better virtualizer.
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So I typically use spotify for my music streaming and was wondering if there was a good visualizer able to be run in terminal which would be compatible. Any suggestions?
Is there a way to throttle a programs disk I/O?
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Hey guys I'm a complete beginner to linux. I'm using Fedora 24 kde and it won't connect to the internet through ethernet cable. It won't show up in the connection editor when the cable is plugged in. Wifi works normal but it's really shit and takes me a whole week to download 1 anime. What do I do? Thanks for the help thx!
Are you using free or proprietary drivers?
If you're using the iwlwifi module, try the 11n_disable switch.
Why is everyone using spotify? I never used it and I don't understand why people don't want to have their own music, preferable in FLAC, on their own machine. Am I missing something
what dns should I choose for my resolve.conf?
does changing it even matter for privacy?
1.Finding new music passively
2.Smaller foot print.Why have 500gb of music that you may only listen to 10% of any given month.
3.Portability,one service,many devices.

I dont use any streaming service, but there is appeal to them.
what speeds do you guys get downloading packages for ubuntu? I'm topping out at about 20kb/s here and it's really pissing me off.

btw I'm not using arch if that matters
1. Discovering new music is nice. Been using lastfm for a while, does spotify work simliar?
2. Depends, I don't think that spotify has all the obscure shit I'm listening to and what if spotify dies? No music! :^)
3. Granted.

Choose a faster mirror. US is mostly faster than %random_country%. There is also apt-fast (if I remember correctly, searx it), which updates shit parallel.
I haven't installed any drivers. If I was using any drives they'd be the ones installed when I installed fedora in the first place, I think.
The labtop I'm using is a Toshiba satellite
I don't even know what that is.
lspci -v
to find out what drivers and modules your devices are using.
I'm pretty sure fedora uses open source for everything by default, try getting the proprietary drivers instead

depending on the music you like it can be awesome. A lot of the music I like isn't on spotify but other streaming services have it, like soundcloud.

I'm like you though, I don't like change. I much prefer to download and store all my music in good quality. Not flac because I'm not autistic but 320kbps is fine.
What's your favorite login shell?
anyway to make script.py on any usb plugged into a raspberry pi running raspbian (debian based) execute automatically?
ubuntu and all of its variants feel like a bloated mess? i'm only a couple months into linux, but I want to change.

what is a bare-bones, but not too difficult distro I should consider moving to? also planning on picking up Awesome since basically every stacking wm is bad.

i'm considering debain since ubuntu is based on it, but is it such a bad idea to dive into Arch? my only issue is with its hyper-edgy logo...
Arch isn't hard to install or use. Just follow the guide.
So I did what this anon said and found out that I had iwlwifi like this anon >>58006917 said and then looked up how to do the 11n_disable switch
I disabled it I think but I don't exactly know what I even did but the ethernet connection works now so thanks guys.
I'm not quite ready to commit to a Ubuntu installation wholly right now.

I currently own a x250 and am wondering what software is required to be able to select which drive to boot off of as I plan to install Windows and Ubuntu on separate drives.

How to choose which drive to boot off of on startup?
On my computer it is F12 at boot up. Basically go into the bios and choose which to boot.
Is this just to change the default boot drive?

I was wondering if there was a way to like select the drive upon startup with some software.
>I'm available tonight
What did he mean by this?
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does anyone recognize this audio player?
nvm looks good
thank you, anon.
Are Mageia and PCLinuxOS good for beginners? They look like they're very easy to use.
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It's been a while last time I used Arch, I've been testing GNOME wayland and It's really stable this time. Even my wireless keyboard's touchpad works ootb unlike any other distro.

I hate that GNOME shell 3.22 broke mailnag indicator plugin. Luckily enough the daemon does its job. Getting things GNOME (GTG) is broken as well. I hate how GNOME devs hate productivity.

Otherwise wayland + mailnag + GNOME calendar + GTG + Evolution would be a very nice productivity solution.
Manjaro or Antegros for someone who wants to try something like Arch, but is not quite ready for Arch proper.
All of my experience is from Ubuntu MATE so I'm not all that experienced.
Both are the same
This was a thing that happened?
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There is practically no difference between debian and ubuntu. Ubuntu is just a usable version of debian.


>does changing it even matter for privacy?

If you do anything that's cpu intensive, linux-ck wil shine like no other. I commonly compiled software when using Arch (personal projects) and if you want your machine to be responsive at all under a make -j9, you'll want to use the -ck patchset.
If you do anything that puts an average load of 1 or more on your cpu, even, you'll notice a difference. Linux-ck, combined with graysky's modprobed-db, and you can make a 5mb kernel that boots in under 10 seconds and screams all day.

VirtualBox uses some parts of the QEMU project.

>TP Link Wireless Adapter
Get one that uses intel/atheros chips

Get an ubuntu derivative, or korora or Arch/Manjaro
Definitely avoid half assed wannabe freetard distros like debian or fedora
>Ubuntu is just a usable version of Debian
Debian is a wannabe freetard distro. Instant trash
>Wannabe freetard distro
>both are free
Ubuntoddler pls
Ubuntu even ships with non free drivers. Unlike debshit's """((((de-blobbed))))""" unusable garbage freetard kernel
Ubuntu also has ubuntu-restricted-extras which has ttfs, non-free codecs and ms-fonts: great for WINE stuff
sjwbian is trash, is there literally any reason to use it over ubuntu?
Is it easy enough to patch or I should just get the one from the aur? It should be fine for any distro, right?
Why would a package installer tell me I don't have packages that I definitely fucking have?
Follow your distro's wiki
I personally love Manjaro because it's the easiest Arch derivative to use. I haven't had any problems with it so far.
There is no up to date ebuild in the main tree so I think I'll just get one from the overlays or patch it myself.
I hit Fn+F9.
My experience with Antegros was much better than Manjaro. I had Manjaro break on 2 occastions. Antegros served me well in the past.
I'd rather use PCLinuxOS than Ubuntu imo.
There's an option for installing proprietaty drivers in the GUI installation though.
How is AMD GPU support in Linux these days?

I ask because AMD stopped supporting my integrated GPU, and I can't use any of their latest drivers for my dedicated GPU because there's no way to disable iGPU on mobile APUs. Would I be able to utilize GCN drivers on Linux via an open source driver?

It really has been awhile since I've used Linux on anything and back when I did use Linux I only briefly had it on an AMD system.
Just do a minimal install of Ubuntu.
use i3 instead, awesome is shite
I have been using it as a desktop os for a few months because Ubuntu kept giving me Kernel Panics. I think it was hardware related though. When I get my new laptop I am going back to Ubuntu. Honestly Debian is made for servers. It is alright as a desktop OS. I would recommend Debian testing/unstable over Arch or Fedora for desktop use.
Should I use the BFQ scheduler with linux-ck?
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How come there isn't system backup option for many distros like Mac and windows have?
if you had spent more than 3 seconds looking you wouldn't need to ask this question.
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dd/rsync are file backup.
And clonezilla are cloning software.
I'm talking about system restore option similar to system image/backup that windows provide.
Also one that support DVDs, The closest That I could think of was tarball with size limit.

I use the X11 libinput driver. It supports that natively, without having to run syndaemon.
post anime or gtfo
Why is it called "SJWbian" recently?
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i don't think it's that recent but the reason should be fairly obvious
Who is this semon demon?
Google tells me selena gomez, not falling for that.
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>people still not knowing the difference between GTK and GNOME
>complaining about GNOME's HIGs
>start calling GTK shit
Are people pro free software against getting a CS degree and working for a company like Google or FB? Because that's where the money is at I hear.
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xfce or KDE? On Manjaro if it matters.
Xfce looks a lot nicer than KDE in Manjaro, imo
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isis did nothing wrong.png
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only nukes can stop this shit
>replace human with hu or huperson
Is there a way to restore Lubuntu to resemble a 'fresh install' like you can with windows? (Remove all files and packages that dont come with the OS) I cant use a live USB to reinstall the system.
I have a external hard drive with my old /home folders on from every time I've jumped to a new distro, with a lot of repeating data.
What tool should I look into to cook it down? or am I out of luck, and should probably just do it by hand?

>what dns should I choose for my resolve.conf?

Your ISP's server, probably.

>does changing it even matter for privacy?

Depends what you're trying to hide, who you're trying to hide from, and how hard they're looking.

DNS requests aren't encrypted, so anyone with a tap in the line between you and the DNS server can see what you're requesting - if they're looking for it.

If you're worried about businesses collecting data on you, then use DNS servers you trust. They probably aren't reading your packets.

If you're worried about governments or law enforcement, then look into VPN solutions or maybe TOR.

I use ksh on BSD or Solaris, bash on Linux.

Some people like zsh, but I can't be bothered to learn a new shell. Same thing with tcsh.
>Also one that support DVDs, The closest That I could think of was tarball with size limit.
here's something i came up with for someone with a similar situation

Dunno about Manjaro, but on all the distros I've used XFCE usually uses GTK-based apps from the GNOME project.

KDE has its own apps for a lot of things, all based on QT.

Both can run either set of apps, and there usually isn't a problem mixing and matching.

So decide based on if you like the QT apps or the GTK apps better. If you're not familiar with either, then it doesn't really matter.

FWIW, I use KDE; I put XFCE on low-end machines for non-technical end users. My dream desktop is basically KDE apps under FVWM, but polkit always fucks with me when I try it.

Depends who you're talking about.

The FSF and their hardcore advocates aren't too fond of companies like Facebook and Google, but they're a vocal minority in the open source world. Most open source people are more pragmatic, and Google actually does a lot for open source.

It's mostly privacy advocates who hate Google and Facebook, and they come from all over the free<->proprietary spectrum.
For a VM, should I use a lightweight DE or just get a WM?
So lads:

I have a ubuntu server with 4x4tb and 3x3tb hard drives. The 4x4tb drives are in a mdadm raid10 array and the 3x3tb drives are spanned using LVM. The 4x4tb volume is backed onto the 3x3tb LVM volume.

I'm slowly starting to run out of space so I was thinking of converting the raid10 array into a raid5 or even just spanned. However I will miss the extra IO raid10 gave me so spanning seems a waste of potential IO and RAID0 across four 4tb drives just screams disaster.

What do? I guess I want this non-existent magical solution that lets me use more space AND extra IO but I might have overlooked something.

I'm surprised Canonical doesn't have something like this. They might, for all I know - have you checked?

Either way, once btrfs is stable and in widespread use, you'll likely see this as an option. It has snapshot support built into the filesystem, similar to what ZFS does on Solaris and FreeBSD. That'll give you transparent filesystem-level restore points that are easily managed.

I don't know what the state of btrfs is (I know the BSDNow guys make fun of it, but they're biased), but it should hit the mainstream at some point.
What microsoft """""loves""""" about linux ?

I have read an article about that some months ago, what happened ?
btrfs is pretty solid now besides its raid5/6 support

You say it's a server. What is it serving?

If it's a fileserver, go ahead with the RAID-5. Your disk access is probably not your bottleneck - the network connection is.

If it's a server that uses a lot of the disk locally (say, a database server or a build machine), then the only way to be sure is to test it. Still, unless you're reaching your limit speed-wise you'd probably be fine going to RAID-5.

Sounds like clickbait to me.


The BSDNow guys were talking recently about data corruption issues. Like I said, they're biased, but that could set it back a bit if true.
>The BSDNow guys were talking recently about data corruption issues. Like I said, they're biased, but that could set it back a bit if true.
raid5/6 support has corruption issues, but the rest is fine
I would have gone with raid5 right away if it werent for the shitty write speeds. Theyre meme WD reds so they aren't even 7200rpm drives, thus probably limiting me to ~100mb/s write speed which is a bit shitty.

It's mostly a file server, media server for multiple people and a couple of VMs.

I'm almost convinces to just fucking stripe them and see how it goes since I have a backup of everything anyway.

Hrm, I haven't run a Linux fileserver in ages so I don't know what to tell you. If you were using ZFS I'd say get an SSD for your ZIL.

The media and fileserver parts won't be affected too much by slow writes, unless you're uploading a shitload of multigigabyte files regularly. What do the VMs do? Do they need the write speed?

A stripe will fail eventually. It's up to you to decide if you want to deal with the failure or the slowness.
How the FUCK do I play rogue? There's no man page there's no --help option, rogueforge is down and googling anything related to rogue gives me nothing but wow shit.
Do I have to reinstall external modules like nvidia and vbox after kernel recompilation even if it's literally the same version from the exact same source?
I set up ubuntu 14.04 for my mom 2 years ago and it's been running great since.

The only problem is that I have to manually run apt-get update/upgrade/autoremove every couple of months.

What is the best way to automate those three commands?
It actually depends on your work type
Any site/program that let me translate common phrases between languages (english/italian/spanish/portuguese/french)? Don't want to use google translate.
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Babylon Translation
please learn what "botnet" means
stop namefagging, spreading bullshit and shitting up this thread faggot
I do it just to trigger your little autism
triggered sjwbian user? lmao
keep doing what you're doing
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alright cunts, i've had enough of your shitposting

which distro is non-cucked and non-sjw, i will install it
Fedora or Arch


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>a distro that doesn't give a fuck about its users (even the devs said so)
bit cucked to be honest
hey cunt reply to my post with a non-sjw distro you fuck
I found a script online that automatically downloads from rented seedbox to raspberrypi at my house. However it used ftp, and I much prefer secure connection.
How can I check if this indeed uses sftp, other than having it written inside the script?


trap "rm -f /tmp/sync.lock" SIGINT SIGTERM

if [ -e /tmp/sync.lock ]
echo "Sync is running already."
exit 1

touch /tmp/sync.lock

lftp -u $login,$pass $host << EOF
set ftp:ssl-allow yes
set mirror:use-pget-n 1
mirror -c -P1 --log=sync.log $remote_dir $local_dir

rm -f /tmp/sync.lock
exit 0

>a distro that doesn't give a fuck about its users
>implying a distro shouldn't just fuck off and let you do with it whatever you please
anything but this is the definition of cucked.
>hey cunt reply to my post with a non-sjw distro you fuck
Gentoo Linux.
>Gentoo Linux
any other options?
If you want to get rid of SJW, get rid of Linux in general.
slackware is pretty good too, or just make your own "distro" with LFS.
I prefer Gentoo out of these three.
I just want them to have as little influence over me as possible, I don't care if they contribute to the kernel
How stable is Windows-gaming in Wine? Obviously it's relevant to the game and your hardware, but I'm talking in general - what are the limitations of Wine compared to a Windows-install?
create a script with that does those commands
put it into a cron job
Join GNU and follow RMS. Feminists hate him.

Get Trisquel!
Ok i want to get into c++, what distro should i install.

I'm seriously a brand newfag at linux
especially KuckDE

The distro doesn't matter. If new, get Ubuntu.
Dx9+ Games won't probably work. For gaming I would have a dedicated hardware. A dual mobo desktop
sjw pls leave
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Are you still mad that your SJW distro has reached a meme status all thanks to me?
Should you be fighting against manspreading somewhere with your KDE girlfriends?
What about dual-booting? Also, if I go with Wine, should I expect complications with playing online?

If you want to do GUI development in C++ (probably not right away), get something that defaults to KDE.

KDE Neon, perhaps. It's Ubuntu with KDE as default.
hmm, is BSD cuck and sjw free?
fucking hell
>especially KuckDE

it looks like almost every GNU+Linux project is plagued with muh womyn muh trans*lgbtwtfbbq outreach "we need more gender pronouns than software code" shit

Dual booting is an absolute pain in the ass. I was going to refer you wired RDP over ethernet. It'd be kinda fancy to show off to /g/ babbies as well. With that you get dedicated windows machine and Linux goodness
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>In 1993, he asked for birth announcements to be banned from emacs mailing list, unless they are announcements for seahorses, because then it would be the male that gives birth and therefore interesting.
I fucking love this man.
>Dual booting is an absolute pain in the ass.
Why not be able to play games in a workplace and stay on your primary OS? Why would you want to reboot the machine just for the games? It's 2017
I think setting up gpu passthrough would be much more time consuming than just booting into windows on an ssd.
Thank you guys
But I am not telling him to passthrough GPU.

I'm telling him to set up RDP: It's failsafe, flexible with literally any hardware and it has completely dedicated physical hardware - from the CPU to the GPU.

>RDP bottleneck
Use wires - ethernet cable
let's recap
>Mac OS makes you a homosexual
>Windows makes you a Pajeet cuck
>Linux and BSD are both infested with SJW
>everything else is unusable in the modern world
computing is done
if everything is fucked and cucked, make your own OS
that's what i'm doing
You can't escape them fully but you can minimize their influence on you by using LFS. Also I don't think FreeBSD has them in their management so it's still relatively untouched
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Feminists crippling facts like usual.
Read the full gem!
LFS or are you actually making a new operating system from scratch?
what about other BSDs?
he's pretty much right
from scratch
multiboot compliant though because writing a elf-loading bootloader is a pain in the dick
I've used only FreeBSD and haven't looked into other ones yet.
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stallman is a treasure trove of unpopular truths
that is really cool, how long have you been developing it?
only a few days now, all i really have is printing text on the screen. i'm working on context switching and keyboard interrupts right now
I got most of the information from here: http://wiki.osdev.org/Main_Page
if you want to check it out
rms responded to the libreboot thing https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot/2016-09/msg00052.html
but tranny says he lied
welp, pure horror
thanks for the link mate, i've been getting into some of this recently too, been learning C and assembly. nowhere near writing an os though.
i'm too stupid to make an operating system

good luck with your OS anon, you should make a thread when you get more things working!
yeah i definitely will.
i don't have much to show at the moment but once i get something like keyboard input or commands working, i'll make a thread and post a few pics
i will be looking forward to it
whenever I try to use an applications 'open file' feature it opens just a blank screen. what am i missing?
i'm on i3 if that helps
Do you have any more resources like that?
Are you on Arch?
no, he's on i3, please try to keep up
will freebsd run my games?
yes, i am on arch
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