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How does one stop shitposting and actually learn to start programming?

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How does one stop shitposting and actually learn to start programming?
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Why would you want to stop shitposting?

Because it may be less instantly satisfying but to have the knowledge to do something useful would be nice.
By doing it
>close 4chan
>find a comprehensive tutorial on python
>follow it
>find programming challenges/tasks
>complete them without explicit handholding tutorials/guides, referencing stuff and googling is fine

At some point, you find that you can generally write programs to do what you want.
Obviously you're not going to be writing 3D engines or anything, but you will be able to say you know how to program.

Alternatively, if you're addicted to shitposting:
>Get an old computer
>Set it up to write python
>Get beginner books on python and documentation
>Get some challenges
>Shut off your computer and disconnect the internet for 30 days
>Learn out of your material your previously saved

You'll either not be distracted by the internet, and learn, or you'll get distracted by something else and possibly develop a life.
Download a distro that has quality mailing lists you can read everyday, and make emacs your windows manager: http://www.howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/new-window-manager.html

I went with OpenBSD but you can also try Exherbo or Gentoo, something you can contrib to that isn't overly complex (being a say, Fedora dev with policykit and all that shit is complex).

Now learn how to do emacs for everything, this means reading docs. http://tuhdo.github.io/emacs-tutor.html

Now get SICP in textinfo format, so you can learn programming http://melpa.org/#/sicp

Also go on libgen.io and get The Unix Programming Environment (teaches Grep/Awk/Sed regex). You will know what to do from there (audit university courses posted online, read a C or Golang book, read the Art of Computer Programming, learn React.js whatever).
Forgot to mention the bonus of this method is that with Emacs as your wm you're forced to learn how to shitpost here and easy distractions like adobeflash porntube sites or gaymin is not going to happen.
Programming is the easy part, coming up with a useful app that you actually want to invest time in is the true challenge
For starting FOB
>learn about your system and compilers/interpreters and machine code
>choose any OOP language
>understand the concepts of for and while loops and solve complex problems involving them
>learn string manipulation

Congrats now you are well seasoned, dive deeper by
>understanding the concepts of OOP and its associated jargon i.e. abstraction, encapsulation, etc.
>know what difference between references and fixed operational data
>become familiar with memory alloc
>study recursion, Div&Conq, Dynamic Prog
>learn more about APIs, esp. REST APIs

The idea is to be a competent programmer. I hate working with programmers who know a lot of different frameworks and tech they utilize but perform rudimentary mistakes. Trust me you'll set yourself apart from the rest.
Pretty interesting

no one answered op's question and it is relevent to my internets

how do I stop shitposting and learn to actually want to go do look more like my name is start

captcha: aeeee llammo
Why not do both?
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